Childhood Demons

Lanny looked up, eyes shining like fire. "I don't recall calling for you..." He said, maniacal grin spreading across his face as he stepped out of the treeline.

Tacey moved for the door only to hear a voice from behind her. "Tacey, stay." Almira said as she continued to furiously flip through pages in her book. She knew it had to be in this stupid thing somewhere. She just hoped she could find it before the killed each other outside.
"No weapons. Me and you. Or are you scared." Zane growls and pushes Lanny "Hmm?" he pushes Lanmy again. Incredibly angry at this point. "By coming here you endagered sky and Tacey. And yourself."
Lanny's grin grew as his eyes glowed brighter. "Do I look like I need weapons..?" He inquired. He honestly couldn't help but to laugh. "Why would I endanger Tacey..? All I've ever wanted to do was protect her..."

Inside, Almira smiled. "Found it!" She exclaimed happily, her eyes quickly scanning the page. She'd been right. This was another possible side effect of becoming a child and now she knew how to fix it! Snapping her fingers, the book disappeared from in front of her as she quickly strode out the door. "Don't you even think about following me." She called over her shoulder to the, now pouting, Tacey. She cautiously approached the two boys. If she could just get close enough to touch Lanny she could end this.
Zane pulls back and hits Lanny, hard. "Well." he hits him again. "Maybe. If. You. Stayed. Away. She. Would. Be. safe!" after every word he would hit Lanny "Just leave her be!" he stands and pulls Lanny to his feet
"What are you talking about?! She's safe with me..!" He roared as his body began to take on a slight orange glow. "All I've ever done was keep her safe! Her entire life, who do you think has looked after her?! Certainly not you!"

Almira chose this moment to dart forward. "Excuse me. Just gonna cut in here for a moment." She said in a rushed manner.

Lanny looked at her like she'd grown a second head. "...and just what do you think you're doing..? You gonna try to keep me away from Tacey too..?" He sneered, the glow becoming brighter.

"This is gonna burn like hell..." Almira mumbled before she took a step closer, gently laying her hands on Lanny's shoulders. A scream tore itself from his throat as Almira let out a low hiss. Suddenly, all the fire was gone. The glow around Lanny, the fiery halo, the forest fire. All of it. Lanny collapsed to the ground as Almira cradled her burnt hands. "Freaking fire... Why did his power have to be fire..?"
Zane stands and realizes how badly burned he was he looks at Almira and shakes his head. Zane walks bak inside and with out saying a word walks into Sky's room and takes off his burnt shirt and falls into her bef
Almira followed after him, a stern look on her face. "And just where do you think you're going..?" She called, crossing her arms over her chest as she came to a halt at the end of the bed. "Come back over here so I can fix you."
Zane was tired he just wanted to sleep "I'm fine." he wraps the blankets, that smelled fondly like sky. Around himself and winces as the fabric toches his bruised and burned skin "Chill out."
"Oh bull." Almira said, moving closer to the bed. "Now hold still.." She told him firmly as she gently rested her hands on him. A pale white light poured from her hands, healing her as well as him.

Outside, Lanny slowly got to his feet. His eyes were a pale blue color. He looked around carefully, trying to figure out where he was. Well, until he spotted Tacey in the doorway of a nearby house. "Maddie..?" He called, stepping closer. It was almost as if he didn't remember anything since he'd become a child.
Zane slowly yawns before he falls asleep he said "Tell sky I said sorry about takin her bed." he lies down and falls into andeep sleep. He hugs her pillow against his chest and snores softly
Almira sighed. "Will do..." She shook her head, wandering back out into the other room. "He apologizes for taking your bed." Sky simply shrugged. Almira looked around. "Where's Tacey..?" She said before she spotted her outside with Lanny.

"I'm so sorry, Maddie...." He said quietly. He was on the ground in front of Tacey. "I-I can't believe that I would...." He trailed off, looking down at his hands. He was in shock. Tacey had informed him of everything that had happened.
Zane wakes up. He couldn't sleep for some reason. He gets up and walks out into the hall. He sees Sky and smiles "Hey." he hugs her tightly "What's happening?"
Sky smiled in return as she hugged him back. "Well, the white haired woman disappeared mumbling something about having a life outside of looking after your sorry behinds... and the small red eyed girl is outside with the lunatic." She summed it up quickly.
"And your stuck inside with me." he chuckles and leans against the doorway. He watches Lanny and Tacey for a while. Waiting to see what they do. He leans on Sky's shoulder and smiles
"I'm perfectly fine with that." Sky said, looking over at him with a small smile.

Outside, Lanny had gotten off the ground. "C-can... you forgive me..?" Lanny asked, looking at Tacey with sad, blue eyes. He had no idea why he had done what he did. He felt absolutely horrible.

Tacey looked up at the blonde with a smile. "I can't stay mad at you, Lanny.. No matter how big of an idiot you are." A happy grin spread across Lanny's face at her words as he picked her up and spun her around causing her to squeak in surprise. "Lanny..!" She wailed, swatting him lightly on the shoulder as she giggled. "Put me down..!"
Zane tenses slightly as he sees Lanny pick Tacey up. But relaxes when he sees Tacey is happy. He turns to sky and leand his back against the wall "So. What do you wan to do." he smiles at her and winks playfully. "We can do what ever." he sits down and sighs looking up at her
Sky plops herself down in front of him, a smile on her face. "Well, I'm up for whatever you want to do." She said. At the moment she was just happy to have her friend back.


Lanny finally set Tacey back down on the ground, laughing as she wobbled about and tried to regain her footing. "Not funny, Lanny..." She grumbled as she very nearly ran into him, making him laugh harder.
Zane smiles slyly "Oh I have some ideas." he chuckles and grabd her, pulling her onto the ground. He smirks and looks down at her "Haha. I win." he smirks and looks down into her eues
"We'll see about that." She said stubbornly, grabbing him and pulling him down with her. "Now who wins..?" She laughed.

Back outside, Tacey and Lanny were in a mini argument over whether or not laughing at someone else's misfortune was fair or not. ""I say it's perfectly fair." Lanny said, looking down at Tacey.

Tacey simply raised her eyebrow in response. "Oh really..? Now tell me you wouldn't have felt bad if I would have run into a tree..?"

Lanny sighed in defeat. "Good point.."
Zane laughs and lies next to her. He yawns and looks at her then down the hall towards her bed room. He gets up and yells out the door "Tacey!" he rubs his eyes as he yawns again.
"Yes..?" She called, turning around to look at him with a happy smile on her face. Leaving Lanny over by the tree line, she wandered over to Zane. "You called..?"
"I'm going to take a nap. I'll get you when I wake up. Stay out of trouble and make sure Lanmy behaves." he looks at her and nods before looking at Sky and smiling "May I use your bed Skylar, or should I sleep on the couch?" he yawns
Tacey nodded. "Alright." She said softly, leaning up and pecking him on the cheek before darting back over to where Lanny was not so patiently waiting for her.

"You can have the bed, I suppose.." Sky said in a kind of quiet voice as she looked at Zane.
Zane closes the door behind him and hugs Sky. He kisses her cheek softly "I missed you." he walks in her room and lies on the bed. He sighs and rolls around sightly. He huges her pillow tightly
Sky lightly pressed her hand to her cheek, watching as he wandered into her room. "I missed you to..." She said quietly.

"What took you so long, Maddie..?" Lanny said playfully as he leaned up against one of the charred trees. Tacey simply shook her head and chose to ignore his question. "Wanna go for a walk..?" He asked, looking at her with a smile.

"I can't go very far..." She said softly.

Lanny sighed. "Oh. Right..." She had explained the whole mark thing to him. To say he was displeased was an understatement.

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