Childhood Demons

Night sighed softly shaking his head. "I am a child. I'm only thirteen, I'm not a complete little kid but I am at the same time. And before my time was up? When was I suppose to die? And what changed it so I did die early?" Night scanned the camp and made a 'bleh' face. "Do we have to stay in a spot like this? Can't we find an unburned part of the forest and stay there? I would enjoy that so much more then a house..." Night sat down on the ground looking up at him. "Certain abilities? How do we find out what they are and how do we even use them?"
"I know.. I'm only 14, but no matter how old you are children is the name we were given. It's kind of like a species if you think about it." Tacey said with a small giggle. "I don't know when your time would have been. Hell, I don't know when my time would have been either or what made it different, but that's what allowed Almira to bring us back. We weren't supposd to die yet." Tacey paused, thinking for a moment. "I suppose if you really wanted to stay in the forest, you could.. On the condition that you occasionally checked in with me. I can't have you wandering off and getting hurt. Bad things happen in these woods. As for your abilities, you'll know. I don't know how, but you will.. It's difficult to explain." She finished, a smile on her face as she looked between the two of them.

Rosalie was barely paying attention anymore, she was to focused on the idea of an ability. How would she know? There wasn't anything special about her other than her eyes. She looked down at her hands as if expecting them do to something amazing. Nothing happened. How surprinsing.
Zane walks outside still shirtless, he had shorts on. He leans against the door and rubs his head. He yawns then walks outside. He was still tired but he thought he should check up on tacey. He walks next to Tacey and puts an arm around her shoulder "Hey, you okay?" he rubs his head and yawns.
Tacey looked at Zane with a smile on her face. "I'm fine. Just explaining things to the new children since apparently Almira left without doing so." She said before turning her attention back to the two of them. "Well.. I guess that's all I can really say. If you need me I'm either over there.." She pointed out her room. Even if she didn't really stay in it often, her clothes and such were all still in there. ".. but more often I'm in Zane's room." She then pointed it out.

Lanny just watched through narrowed eyes. He didn't really know why, but the sight of Zane with his arm around Tacey just made his blood boil. He could feel his hands heating up. He supposed that was normal for someone that could manipulate fire. He wasn't sure.
Zane yawns and leans down. He pecks her cheek and yawns again, rubbing gis eyes "Are you coming inside any time soon, babe." he looks at Lanny. He added 'Babe' just to make Lanmy mad. He did not like Lanny. Maybe it was all the times Laanny did something stupid when he "Wasn't himself." Zane smiles at Lanmy
Night looked around the huts and simply shrugged. "I feel like I should stay in a hut. But I don't like being in houses and things of that sort. I'd rather be in a forest just like I was before. I dont' remember this place being burned or even if this is where I stayed at nearby. It just confuses me and I wish to learn more of myself. But I'll stay in a hut for now until I can figure out whats going on in my head."
Tacey's smile grew as a pale blush dusted her cheeks. "Actually, I think I'm pretty much done here.." She said softly. "I've explained all I can, so I suppose I can come inside now." She glanced over at him again to see him smiling. She then caught a bright light out of the corner of her eye. It was only a moment and then it was gone. Passing it off as nothing, she looked back at them. "Alright then. Like I said before, that one over ther is yours." She said with a smile.

Lanny glared. The next thing he knew his hands had lit up in flames. He looked at them in disbelief before they quickly went out again. So he really could use fire. He couldn't help it as a couple violent thoughts went through his head.

Rosalie watched with wide eyes as the blonde boys hands burst into flame. She was intrigued. Maybe she could do something like that. She'd just have to practice. She took the girl's words as a dismissal and wandered off to the hut that would be hers. Poking her head inside, she decided that this place would need much more decoration. It had the basics, but that was about it. With a sigh, she wandered back into camp. She was going to go see if she could find any flowers that hadn't been burnt to a crisp.
Sasha gasped, she furrowed her eyebrows, opening her eyes to be found underneath the darkness of a forest. She traveled her eyes around the forest surrounding her. She was confused, "But..I was dead?" She thought aloud, her tone echoing through the forest. She cringed, her hands slowly found their way to resting comfortably in her sweatshirt pockets. She began to roam around the area where she was "spawned". Her feet made crunches on the crumbled leafs and twigs laying around the ground, making her cringe. She didn't know where she was, what creatures where out there and what had happened to her. She rested against the base of a tree, her eyebrows furrowing before her emerald eyes closed, she dug up her last memory, pain. Sharp pain digging into her chest, then the cruel eyes of her father, she gripped the tree behind her and opened her eyes, her pupils dilated for the split seconds of fear before they sulked back to normal. She kept her gaze alert, continuing to roam and venture around her new surroundings.
Jett calmly walked down a worn path in the forest. He couldn't believe that a few mere hours ago this place had been beautiful and teeming with life. Now it was nothing more than a burnt wasteland. "Curse Lanny.." He grumbled. That hot headed blonde had trashed his only reprieve from the camp. Moving some of the charred branches, he spotted a place by the lake where he enjoyd to sit. Shaking his head, he walked away. It wasn't the same. It wouldn't be the same. Not anymore. He sighed, settling himself down under a blackened tree. He held out his hand and began working, a small butterfly of ice taking shape in his palm. Suddenly he heard the crack of a breaking twing. "Who's there..?" He called. Surely no one from the camp would have followed him out here?


As she wandered through camp, she decided that with everything that happened today she would rather not be alone. Even if alone was what she usually prefered. She had to trust someone. With a small sigh, sh wandered over to the boy that had arrived with her. "Would you like to go explore the forest with me..?" She asked quietly. "I'm hoping to find some living flowers to decorate my room..." She let the question hang, not wanting to seem as if she needed anyone to go with her. Sure she was only 11, but she had been in these woods alone before today. She hpoed that her one bad experience wasn't going to ruin it for her.
Sasha took an odd approach to the males voice. Her eyes narrowed and she carefully weaved through trees to attempt to find the male who had called out to her. She caught the figure of a human and carefully stepped out of the burnt trees, she would have been in awe of the different markings burnt in the tree, but she was too cautious trying to figure this male out. She spoke in a calm tone, still remaining in the forests shadows. "Sasha.." She peered at him through the trees, taking in each detail. (What does Jett look like?)
Night walked about the camp heading towards the hut he was pointed to. His mind trailed off as he thought about the power they spoke of. He had no clue what it was or how to even access it. He just knew he wanted to learn it and be able to access it. Night had began getting lost in his thoughts as he heard a voice only to snap out of it quickly double taking looking to the girl speaking to him. With a gentle smile, Night nodded to her. "Yea, sure that sounds like fun." He seemed a bit dazed still trying to focus his thoughts. 'As long as Midnight doesn't show up any time soon... If he's still there even, I'll be good. '
"You must be another new child. No normal person would be wadering the woods this soon after the fire..." He said as he glanced up at her out of the corner of his eye. His main focus was still on the slowly forming butterfly. "Come." He said, using his free hand to motion a spot next to him. "Sit. I don't bite." He said in a joking manner. That was rare. He didn't joke often. In his palm the small butterly flutterd it's wings as if it were trying to take flight. He still wished he could grant it's wish. "I'm Jett, by the way."

((Jett has raven black hair and bright blue eyes. He tends to dress in black clothes.. I actually just fixed his picture on the sign up thread if you want to go look =3 ))


Rosalie smiled, she was glad. Now she wouldn't have to be alone. She stood on her tip toes as if trying to peer over the trees. It was going to be difficult to find a portion of the forest that was still alive. "I think we should try.. that way." She finally decided, pointing towards a side of camp that lead farther into the woods. She didn't know exactly where in the forest that the camp was, but she knew that her waterfall should be in that general direction. She hoped. She didn't know about the lake near camp or that her waterfall fed the stream that supplied the lake. All she knew was that there had been the most beautiful flowers near there and she hoped that they were still alive. "Let's go." She said softly as she set off into the forest, peering over her shoulder to make sure he was following.
Sasha glared at him, keeping her distance. She walked hesitantly over to him, "New child?" She asked in a bland tone. Sighing irritably at the butterfly. She sat next to him, her gaze moving elsewhere. "Where am I?" She muttered, rubbing her chest, as if searching for blood. All of her bruises and cuts were gone and it amazed her, "Am I dead..?" She blinked for a moment, she couldn't help but be curious. Her gaze traveled around the forest and she stood, walking over to the opposite from Jett. She picked at the tree with her nail, slowly sculpting the ashen wood into some sort of design.
Night nodded and began following her. He enjoyed walks and enjoyed living around the area and in the forest. It was....Home to him, and he wouldn't ask for anything more then to be surrounded by trees and flowers and anything nature really. "I wish I had the power to control the earth. That would be nice, I could repair part of the forest. It would kill me to do so I'm guessing but I'm sure I could do it."
Jett sighed. He hated explaining things. "You're in the forest outside of the village. You died.. well. Actually you were probably killed and you wer brought back as a thing called a child. So, technically, you're not dead anymore." He said, focusing his attention back on his fluttering butterfly. Suddenly, the small ice sculplture cracked up the center. His eyes widened as he watched it melt and disappear. It had never done that before. He frowned. He didn't like this new development. Shrugging it off, he decided to start again.


Rosalie nodded her head. "That would be amazing if you could do that.." She said softly as she looked around at the desolate forest. She couldn't believe that this was the same forest that she had spent almost every day in. It just wasn't right for it to be like this. She hoped her waterfall was alright. Well, if she could evr find it again that is. She sighed. What if she couldn't find it again? That would be horrible!
Sasha nodded, she seemed to be following what Jett said well. She eyed him for a moment before standing, "Well, then. Lets go find the village." And with that she started off the same pathway of forest remains that Jett had traveled through. She ran her fingers along the burnt trees, rubbing the grains of ash in-between her fore finger and thumb. She hummed to herself before she approached the village, staring at it in awe before noticing the other 'children'. She clenched her jaw, sighing.
Jett sighed again, climbing to his feet and following after her. He glanced about the forest as they went. He didn't think he'd ever see this place the same way again.With another sigh, he noticed the camp coming into view. Well, this ought to be a treat. Glancing around he immediately spotted Lanny. Oh no, he wasn't dealing with that prat again. Not gonna happen. "I'm sorry, Sasha, but this is as far in as I can take you at the moment. You can either come back out into the forest with me, or hope one of the others pick you up." He said as his eyes narrowed at the blonde hot head. He instantly noticed that Tacey was a bit occupied with Zane, so she would be of absolutely no assistance either.
Night nodded smiling as he looked towards the sun seeing the light rush through the burnt trees. "I want the power where I can fix the earth. Fix everything back to where it was. That would make it so much better if I could only find out what the power I have is. Or even how to access and use it." Night looked down sighing softly as he stared at his hands. It still held his mind wondering how he would use the powers he didn't even know anything about.
"I know..." Rosalie said quietly. "I wish there was some way that we could just.. I don't know." She shook her head. She didn't really know how to put her thoughts into words. She sighed again before looking around at the forest. "I think I might have gotten us lost.." She said sheepishly. This was part of the forest that she was unfamiliar with. She thought about the waterfall again, wishing just some way the could be there. A gasp escaped her lips as a small, black hole appeared floating in front of them. Almost out of thin air. "Please tell me that you know what that is..."
Sasha eyed him strangely before huffing and crossing her arms, a irritated look coming over her face. "Hey! Children or whatever!" She called out to the group, snorting faintly and brushing her hair out of her face. She eventually sighed and sat down on the path, gazing at Jett "Why can't I just walk in? And why can't you go in?" She pulled her knees to her chest, fiddling with the smoother skin of a scar running along her arm.
Jett sighed again. "Look, there's someone out and about at the moment that I won't go anywhere near. I'm sorry, but he's a jerk and he's the one that burnt this forest to a crisp." He said, blue eyes still focused intently in a glare at the back of Lanny's head. "If you want to just walk in, be my guest. Good luck finding your room." He told her as he leaned up against a nearby tree. Him going in there just wasn't going to happen.
Night smiled and shrugged. "Being lost is fun. You have no idea where you are and you can always find new things out." He then stared at the hole his eyes narrowing softly as he looked into the void hole. "I'm not sure.... It looks interesting tho, I wonder what it is, and why it suddenly appeared?" Night simply shrugged once more and pushed his hand through it unknowing of what would happen or what it'd even feel like.
She glared at him with an irritable look before he mentioned the one that burned down the forest, her entire gaze lightened; she loved fire. "Whats his name?" She asked, grinning from ear to ear. She stood and brushed off her jeans, the light layer of ash that was collecting brushing to the ground. She watched Jett intently before looking out and attempting to follow his gaze and find the one that has the gift of fire.
Rosalie's eyes widened. "Don't do that..!" She said, taking a step towards the hole with the intent of pulling his hand back only to trip. A squeak of alarm left her lips as she fell into the hole and disappeared. A moment later she opened her eyes to find she was on the ground near the waterfall. She looked up and seen a black hole matching the one in the woods hovering in front of her. Only instead of seeing the boy, she only seen his hand. She slowly climbed back to her feet and wandered closer before lightly grabbing onto his hand and pulling him through.


Jett rolled his eyes. Oh this was going to be a treat. "His name is Lanny and he's a hot headed jerk who is completely enamored with our leader. In fact, judging from his current stance, he's trying not to set the camp on fire or punch Zane in the face." He said with a shrug. Personally, he wasn't going to deal with the jerk. If she wanted to give it a shot, he'd let her learn about his stupidity th hard way. Besides, he doubted anything could pry him away from Tacey at the moment. He was far to jealous to leave her alone with Zane.
Night jumped slightly as he reached for her only to miss and see her fall into the hole. He only stood there in slight shock for a moment before feeling a tug on his arm and letting out a slight yelp as he was pulled through to the other side. After moving through the portal Night fell to the ground and quickly sat up scanning the area looking around in a slight fear. "Ok where are we and what just happened I'm still confused."

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