Childhood Demons

Zane was mid swing so instead of stopping he hits Lanny once more. He stops and turns to Tacey "Heyyyy taceyyy." He runs his head guiltily and looks down at his burned body. His pants were missing chunks and his shirt was still on the floor on fire.
Rosalie nodded at his words. "I know how you feel.. I was'Rosalie the Demoness' because of my eyes." She said, gingerly raising one of her hands to brush her cheek just under her right eye. For some reason they were still giving off an eery glow. "You're right, it isn't a part of us anymore..." .. because now we actually are demons. The voice in her head piped up again. Her head turned, pink eyes focusing on the bushes just as a boy with brownish colored hair carefully emerged. It couldn't be. "Johnny..." She mumbled.


Tacey stood in the doorway, her arms crossed and a somewhat angry look on her face. "Seriously..?" She said, storming ovr to the two of them. "I take a nap, trusting you two alone, and this is what happens..?!" She exclaimed. Shaking her head, she turned on her heel and headed out into the charred remains of the woods. She needed some air.

"Well... that could have been worse.." Lanny said sheepishly as he watched Tacey go. He was half tempted to go after her, but he knew it would only serve to anger her more. He'd learned that when they were children.
Night stared at the boy who had emerged from the bushes. shifted his figure slightly he narrowed his eyes only to study the boy for a minute trying to think if he would be harmful or not. After a minute he smiled and shrugged. "Hello there boy I'm Night who are you?"
Zane sighs. He doesn't follow her he just slowly soothes away some but not all of her anger. He looks a Lanny and shakes his head then turns and walks back to his room. He sighs and looks at all his burns "Ouch."
The boy slowly inched closer, looking as if he had seen a ghost. "I-I'm Johnny..." He said quietly, looking between the two of them with wide eyes. He was at white as a sheet. "H-How...?" He said. "I-I stabbed you myself!" He exclaimed, taking another step forward. He had been in the bushes watching. It wasn't until he heard her say her name that he knew it was her. Rosalie focused her attention back on the water. She refused to even acknowledge his presence.


Lanny looked over at Zane with a small grin on his face. "You know they phrase. You play with fire, you get burned." He said with a shrug, watching as he walked away. His eyes settled on the forest. You know what? Screw it. He was going after her.


Tacey stormed down the burnt path in the woods, hissing undr her breath. What she didn't realize was that she was putting her powers into her noises and she was actually frightening a ton of nearby animals quite badly.
Zane growls. Out of spite he starts to walk in the opposite direcrion of Tacey. Then he realised that would hurt her. He turns and runs in the directio she went "Tace?" he looks around a keeps walking through the scorched woods. He sees a bird and smiles. He washes the birds fear of him and something else away and walks over. The bird hops onto his shoulder and chorps
Tacey had come to a halt under a rather large tree. She was currently biting her lip as she had realized her mutterings were frightening the animals. Her head slowly turned as she heard Zane's voice. She was mildly shocked. She hadn't expected anyone to follow her.
Night stared at the boy shaking his head before looking to Rosalie. "If he was the one that stabbed you why would he even be here? Not to mention talk to you." After saying this Night slowly stood up and stepped away from the boy and looked to Rosalie once more not saying anything this time.
Zane looks and sees Tacey. He walks towards her and smiles "Geez. Why'd you tun off like that." he frowns and hugs her then backs away. He knew she might be mad. He hugs her tighlty again and smiles at her
The boy continued to stare with wide eyes. He was having a hard time believing what he was seeing. Rosalie simply shrugged. "I only showed this spot to one other person." She said quietly, pointing at Johnny. "As for why he's here, I have no clue." She had her attention firmly focused on the water. There were so many questions buzzing around her head, yet she refused to ask any of them.


A small sigh escaped Tacey as her arms slid around him. "You're impossible to stay mad at, you know that?" She huffed. "As for why I ran off, I needed a minute to think.."
Zane hugs her and kisses her cheek. "I know." he smirks and hugs her closer "I hope I didn't make you too mad at me." with a sigh he adds "Or lanny. He means well. I jus had to blow off some steam." Zane sits down against the tree
Tacey settled herself down next to him. "It's just.." She sighed. "I thought now that he was himself again, the two of you might be able to get along." She said softly.
Zane sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Fine fine. I'll try to get along with him for you okay." he runs a hand through his hair and sighs "I will talk to him soon and we'll see what I can do." he looks around the. At the bird still sittig and chirppin on his shoulder
A smile lit up her face at his words. "Thank you.." She said softly, leaning in and giving him a quick peck on the lips. "This really means a lot to me." She told him. It was then that she noticed the bird. "Why hello there.." She said, the smile on her face growing.
"Mhm." he looks up at the bird and wistles. The bird chirps back and jumps to Tacey's head. Zane laughs "Come on. We should ge back to camp before Lanny gets too mad." he stands up and offers his hand to her
She giggles at the bird as she gratefully accepted his hand, climbing to her feet. "I suppose you're right." She said softly. If she knew Lanny, he was probably throwing a fit right about now wondering where she was and if she was alright.
Zane slowly pulls her back to the camp. He looks aroundfor lanny "Lan ny?!" he sighs and squeezes her hand lightly. "I think he'a around here somewhere. I saw him head off after you." he looks around for any signs of Lanny. Everyting was already scorched before the fight though
A moment later, the blonde darted out of the woods and up to the two of them. He scooped Tacey into his arms. "There you are, Maddie!" He exclaimed. He had been worried when he had failed to find her.

"Yes, yes. Here I am." She said quietly, the faint traces of a smile on her fac. "Could you put me down now..?"
Night moved back quietly from the boy scaning the area quickly as if looking for a way to escape if needed. "So then why are you here?" He asked looking to the boy only moments after he finished scanning his mind running as it began to collect thoughts and such about the scenery and how he would get around the boy if he tried anything funny. He killed someone and what if he wished to do it again?
Zane looks at Lanny and grimaces. He did not like him. "Helllo." Zane looks at the cut down Lanmy's arm

And smiles triumphiantly. Then he looks down at his burned torso and legs and sighs
Johnny opened his mouth as if to say something before closing it again. To be honest, he didn't really know. He had gone for a walk to get away from the celebrating villagers and ended up here. "I-I have to go.." He said quickly, taking a step backwards. He had to tell the other's what he had seen. He couldn't believe it. His friend really was a demon. She had to be in order to be alive.


"Hey." Lanny said, looking at Zane. "How about no?" He chuckled, looking at Tacey. She was pouting at him and squirming about.

"I mean it, Lanny! Put me down." She mumbled, twisting and turning in an attempt to make him drop her. This just caused him to laugh harder.
Night watched the boy run off then looked to Rosalie. "Um....Can you explain that to me? Who is he and what exactly is going on. He looked like he was about to die himself with the looks he gave you." Night then slowly moved back over towards the water sitting down thinking about it while he waited for an answer.
Zane grabs lanny's wrist "Drop her." he looks at Lanny and frowns. Then at Tacye. "Tace i have some burns we need to treat." he looks at lanmy and out of spite adds "And i think I may have to take my oants off to have you get a good look at one." he pulls Tacey away from Lanny and holda her hand
Rosalie sighed softly. "That was Johnny." She began quietly. "He was my only friend. The only one who didn't look at me differently because of my eyes. We met here at this waterfall every day after my tutoring. When the villagers were chasing me, this was where I ran for saftey. He met me here. I thought he would help me. I was wrong. I trusted him and he buried a dagger in my back, leaving me here to die." She then allowed a small smile to grace her lips. "As for why he looked that way.. Tell me. If you killed someone with your own two hands and then seen them sitting around like nothing happened, wouldn't you be a bit spooked?"


With a few choice words, Lanny released his hold on Tacey. She frowned slightly as she noticed the burns for the first time. Had their fight gotten that bad? With a shake of her head, she followed after Zane.

"Hey, Maddie. When you're done tending to his burns, will you meet me in my room..? I need your help with something." He called as innocently as he could muster.
He nodded listening to her then looked up to the sky. "Questions were....Why would someone who you trust for so long betray you in an instant? Had he fooled you for so long? Or what was the reason. Why was he even the one to do it? Best friends shouldn't do that. And yea I get what your saying. It's simillar to what happened to me. I was always bullied by people around me. And when the time came for it to stop them. My other side came out and just made everything better. But that day....I wasn't even sure what happened. I was just walking towards a forest and get attacked by a group of kids. They kept striking me and hitting me then one of them pulled a knife....After they pulled the knife everything turned black and I woke up here. I don't even remember being stabbed."

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