Childhood Demons

Sasha snorted at him before grinning, her chest rising with excitement. "So, there's a little love triangle going on?" She smirked and gazed out at the camp, "Oh, this is going to be fun." She winked at Jett before walking out of the forest, calmly making her way up to the camp.
Rosalie shrugged slightly in response. "I don't really know... All I know is that this was the waterfall I was trying to find my way to." She told him, watching as the black hole suddenly popped out of existance. Glancing around, she was pleased to see that this section of the forest remained untouched by the fire. The trees were living and the small pond was surrounded by lush grass and flowers. How she loved this place. 
Jett sighed again. "Do as you please. I'm going back out into th woods." He told her, turning on his heel and wandering back into the forest. He wasn't going to deal with this. He just had this feeling in his gut that this wasn't going to end well for anyone. Just their luck the forest would be set ablaze again.
Sasha cleared her throat, calling out in a scared tone, that she managed to pull off incredibly well "Hello?" She called out, casting her gaze anxiously around before crossing her arms over her chest, in a way hugging herself "Where am I?" Her scars were visible, only adding to her weak appearance.
Lanny, feel free to come inside if you want." zane walks into his room and falls on the bed. He snuggles into his blankets and wraps them around himself. He yawns and immdeiatly fell back into sleep. He squeezes Tacey's pillow and snores softly. His hair stuck up in random places messily
Tacey followed after Zane. With the look that Lanny had on his face, she would much rather not be alone with him at the moment. Wandering into his room, she curled up next to him on the bed. Truth be told, she was actually kind of tired after their little escapade earlier.


Lanny turned on his heel, marching the opposite direction from wher they went. He really was trying to resist the urge to throw punches. For Tacey's sake. He glanced up at the sound of a voice. "Who're you..?" He asked as he tried to coax his hands out of their fisted position. "I don't think I've seen you around here before..." He was half tempted to turn around and go get Tacey. She'd know what to do.
Sasha rose her head, sighing and snapping out of her innocent attitude, it was no fun. "I'm Sasha a new 'child' or whatever." She said, her tone rather bored. She rubbed her neck before sighing, it was obvious that she'd been in the forest, her clothes and face had ash in certain places, she rose her eyebrow at Lanny, waiting for him to say something.
Night looked at the portal slowly disappear then to the untouched area of the forest. "This is much better, I believe I've been here before....I don't know when but it feels as if I have. I want to say it was when I was living but I don't know....It's kind of hard to remember what happened then. Only thing I remember for sure is the group of kids attacking me. One pulled a knife on me and I said please save me. Midnight took over from there but he's been quiet since I came to this world once more."
Zane wakes up from a nightmare he sighs and stands up walking outside. He looks at Lanny and grins. He had so much pent up anger and frustratin at Lanny. He walks up behind te two and looks at the girl "I's stay away from Lany. He has a... Hot temper."
Lanny couldn't help it, his hands reclentched themselves into fists. "Maybe I do, but at least I'm not gonna be the one on the recieving end of it for not knowing how to keep ones trap shut." He growled, turning his attention away from Sasha to glare at Zane. Tacey wasn't here at the moment so he seen no reason why he had to control his temper right now. He could feel his hands beginning to heat up, but he didn't care this time. If the fire wanted to come, he was going to let it. Besides, he wasn't the one that was going to get burned.


Rosalie could relate. She really could. Ony for her in the end it was her close friend that had delivered the finishing blow. That made it all the worse. One thing about his story stuck out to her though. "Midnight..?" She asked as she looked over at him curiously. Before hand, most of her attention had been on the surrounding forest. Now, however, he had managed to pique her interest.
Night looked to her and nodded. "Midnight is what I called the 'other half ' of me. Generally when I was in trouble he would come out and save me. From what I remember of my death. I was being attacked by a group of kids. One pulled a knife and in that instant of me seeing that knife everything went blank. I thought he would save me. He normally does but....I don't know I'm here aren't I? So what even happened to me? It's a confusing memory and I don't know what even caused me to come here." Night sighed softly moving to the waterfall and sat down beside it closing his eyes a soft smile covering his lips as he listened to the sounds of the water. He loved the sound it put off. "I don't like Midnight coming out. He causes trouble and makes everything a living hell. But he does help me out when the bad things come."
"Oh." She said softly as she settled herself down next to him. Carefully, she removed tha black dress shoes that she had been wearing because of her parents request and lightly dipped her feet into the cool water. She'd have to remember to get some clothes soon. She could wander around in this lacy dress forever. "I think I understand why we died before our time. Well, the two of us anyways. I'm not sure about the others." She said, eyes focused on the beauty of the sun glinting off the water. "We weren't born right, I don't think..." She tried to explain. She was having a hard time trying to properly fit the words together. "You were born with Midnight and I was born a 'demoness'." She said the word with contempt clear in her tone. She hated what people had called her. "All because of my pink eyes. I think because of these something with how our lives were supposed to go changed."
Night shrugged softly laying back looking up at the sky. "Everyone is 'born' differently. It just depends on how severe the difference is rather then if it's noticed or not. But we have a second chance right? I mean why else would we be brought back. Before our time or not we should still be dead. I wonder if everyone who dies before they're suppose to is brought back here." He pondered on it only to roll on his side. "That sounds believable but I don't know..."
Helena, do you mind having something to do with my character? Lol, I feel kinda lost here.)
Zane hits Lanny and grins. He had been wanting to do that. He looks at Lanmy and steps back taking a fighting stance "Come on then." he pushes Lanny and Zane puts his knife in hos sleeve just incase things get too bad. He looked back at thecabin hoping Tacey didn't come out
"That's it...!" Lanny hissed, eyes glowing furiously as his hands immediately burst into flames. In the back of his mind he thought about the fact that he was proving Zane right to the new girl, but he really didn't give a crap at this point. Drawing back his right fist, he hit Zane as hard as he could. He was done dealing with this.


Rosalie shrugged. "I don't know either." She said softly, allowing her eyes to slide closed as she enjoyed the cool current on her bare feet. It had been a while since she was able to relax like this. "You're right, at least we have a second chanc at life. Here's to hoping that it turns out better this time." She said, a small giggle escaping her. She was at ease for the moment. All of her negative emotions were gone so long as she was here.
Night nodded with a gentle smile. "Thats good but I'm not sure if thats bad at the same time. What if we don't age? Or can't die again? Those are things that are not as good as they would sound." Night soon began to shift over to the water moving his hand through the water as he laid there. While shifting his hand in the water a small section of the water raised up spinning like a typhoon then dropped back down. It did it once more for a few moments before Night sighed softly and looked towards Rosalie. "So what are we going to do in this new world?"
Zane smiles and barely slips out of Lanny's reach. A stray flame left a burn across his face "Gonna fight dirty?" he pulls his knife from his sleeve "Let's go." he swings the knife at Lanny's arm. He didn't want to kill him. Only hurt him. Zane also reaches out with his leg to sweep Lanny's out from undr him
With a growl of anger, Lanny whipped his arm back only to fall to the ground. The flames surrounding his hands burned brighter as the halo of flames reappeared around his head. He quickly climbed back to his feet before aiming a hit at Zane's stomach. There was no way he was going to lose.


Back in Zane's room, Tacey rolled over. She heard some kind of commotion outside. With a small whimper, she let her red eyes flutter opened. She supposed she would have to go check out what it was.


"I'm not really sure... Something in me tells me that we can still die, but I don't think we'll age anymore." She responded, her eyes opening to stare once again at the waterfall. She had this feeling that she was going to be stuck as an eleven year old for the rest of her life. The thought didn't really appeal to her. "I suppose we should live it to the fullest. After all, we were given a second chance for a reason."
Night nodded to her and sat up looking at the waterfall, taking off his shoes and socks as well as pulling his pants up he put his feet into the water and smiled as the coldness of it covered his body sending shivers down his spine. "This water feels amazing. And the area around here looks amazing as well. It's almost breath taking."
Rosalie smiled. "I know, isn't it? I've always loved this place. It was always my escape." She said softly as she gently ran her hand through the lush grass. "I only ever told one person about this place." She pushed the thought from her head. She wasn't going to think about that traitor, it would only serve to upset her. She focused back on the waterfall. Well, until she heard the bushes rustling. She tensed. "What was that..?" She asked. She noticed an eery pink glow shining on the water where she sat as she felt this tightening feeling in her stomach. Was that glow her eyes..?
Zane's flinches as he is hit and his shirt catches on fire "You bastard!" he pulls his burning shirt off. It had burned his bac and stomach. He seings his knife up Lanny's arm and grows "You'd stop if you knew what was good for you. But it seems all you think is good for you is Tacey." he taunts Lanny and grins
Lanny glanced down at his bleeding arm, shrugging it off. "It's not that Maddie's good for me, I'm good for her!" He exclaimed, taking another swing at Zane. He froze midstrike though as the flames surrounding his hands disappeared. Only the halo remained. He had spotted the small shape standing in Zane's doorway with it's arms crossed. "Maddie.." He mumbled.
Night perked sitting up as he heard the rustle. "It's probably an animal or something. Not much forest left and they ran this way to hide and seek what they call a home." Night then shrugged softly and smiled as he looked to the small lake they had their feet in. At that moment Night didn't care he only shrugged and let himself fall over and into the water. Feeling his clothes get soaked, Night pushed his body through the water and across it only to pop his head up moments later. He loved the water, it was something that soothed him. Looking to Rosalie he smiled. "So what is your name? Mine is Night Misuki."
"Well, Night, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. " She said, the smile reforming on her face as she looked at him. "Even if it is under rather... questionable circumstances." She added as an afterthought. "My name is Rosalie Chimizu." She told him softly. Rosalie the Demoness. The thought drifted through her head before she had a chance to push it away. That part of her life was over now. It would do her no good to dwell on it. Just then she heard a slight gasp come from the bushes.
Night shrugged softly. "Rosalie. Nice name, like a red rose right?" He asked before climbing out of the water and sitting on the edge once more with his feet in the water. "You know....I was called a demonic freak a lot. My eyes are two different colours, and the kids thought that meant I was a demon. Or posessed. Night the possessed demon was another name that was stuck, but now that our 'lives ' are over. Why don't we just forget about that? I mean it's no longer a part of us is it?" He then looked to the bushes hearing the gasp and stared at it. "Would you please come out?"

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