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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm fine either way

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
After a few more minutes of wandering, Anthony finally found the common sense to summon a map of the school. Once he did, he knew exactly where to go. He whistled a short tune, passing by students and staff who recognized him on the spot. Anthony didn't intentionally try to attract attention to himself but that sort of thing happens when you summon money and throw it in everyone's faces. After taking a quick stop at the bathroom he appeared at the classroom door, taking a quick peek through the window before entering. "Not many people are here yet... Oh.. What's this? Are they going out or something? Wow. Not even past the first week and people are already going steady. I need to step up my game." He mumbled to himself before twisting the door knob and entering the classroom.

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"Well...I'm not really sure...sorry...." Chris said quietly to Annalise. The only thing that was on his mind was the fact that humans would be eliminated if they were found. He didn't know if she had heard the announcement, and didn't want to scare her. @Ayuna Kusado
She looked at him funny. "Ok then..."She stacked a few more of the books on top of each other then turned to him. "Want to see what makes me special?" She asked. @Ldybug123
Anthony's eyes widened when the girl waved and smiled at him. After all, he didn't even know her and he was pretty sure that wasn't normal unless, 'Wait. Is she hitting on me? AW YEAH BOY.' he thought to himself. He licked his index fingers, and slid them across his eyebrows. 'Guess girls can't get enough of... The A man.' he said internally. He tried his best to look cool before walking over with a somewhat creepy smile. "You know what's on the menu? Me-n-u." He leaned against the desk she was sitting on. "Yeah, I saw you looking my way. I was looking your way. so I walked on over. Hehe."

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Ldybug123 said:
"No thanks." Dante said to Jacob. (I meant Dante is a teacher.) @Astaroth Suzumiya
(oh ahaha okey xD

Jason is a teacher

Calixto is a P.O.D

and Cassiopea is Drama)

Jason Vi Sanchez

Jason laugh "alright alright looks like the fun is all mine" he said as he walk inside the school and walk to the comfort room a place were students take a potty "how nice" he said as he take the toilet papers and throw it out were students will never find them. he then laugh at the image that these students can tahe a potty or pee but unable to wipe their sacreds. he laugh and walk out as he start drawing funny things in the wall.

Calixto Vi Sanchez

Calixto look around he was getting bored from walking all around until he decided to walk into the first class of the students. if there was one thing he could do that is setting the school on fire now thats the true hell that the principal would love the most but then again it would have killed all the students so he sigh. hes brother must not be up to something if he was he sould join to.

Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu

Cassiopea look around and sence everyone today was getting a little bore and tires morning class was suppose to be her resiting time to sleep oh but no, she sigh and notice she has no class right now. a great she then endter the janitors small room and step upsidedown as she take a nap she hope to hear the next bell while sleeping or else she would get in trouble

Jason Vi Sanchez

Jason laugh and notice that Dante is still there "yo what sub teach r u?" he ask him as he look around and jump down to th garden. "u know if u got no time to teach for today there is always a reserve things to do in the school and ill even make an excuse to the P.O.D and the principal if u know what i mean" he said as he laugh.


Calixto Vi Sanchez

Calixto fell asleep in the music hall.

Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu

Was sleeping in the Janitors room.
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Annalise had an idea. The guy that was leaning on her desk didn't seem like the awkward type. So she wanted to test out a theory and see what would happen if she were to hug him. She was already laughing in her head as she was thinking about the possibilities of what might happen. She stood up and hugged him gently for a second, before pulling out and smiling at him. She had absolutely no idea what he would do. @TheAggresivePacifist

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