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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

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"I would like to proclaim proudly that it only took me three whole months to stop walking into the lecture building while trying to go to bed." He announced with far to much gusto to be serious. He glanced at his watch, "Oh man, we'd better hurry its almost class time." He moved off at a brisk pace moving towards the building, At very least he could direct her to the little floor map they had on the wall with all the standard fire routes and stuff. It wouldn't do to just leave her stranded in front of the building. "So what's your first class?"
Lena Finch

"Impressive" She grinned at him, then the grin turned into a groan when he mentioned class "I think I have math?" She followed him, running slightly to keep up "What do you have?" She continued to follow him, she wasn't sure how she felt about class. She wasn't the smartest person ever but she did like classes, but she wasn't sure how she felt about the classes here though. The classes here were different and the fact that they had a powers class scared here as how would she fake that? Oh sorry I cant shape shift on Mondays....oh sorry I only use my powers when I want too. What do I even say my power is?

((Will do Duke when the bells ring ~ Lena is with : @Rellwen ))
(( I will 100% make Miles go to class with all his stuff xD ))

Miles eyed Lena suspiciously, there it was again. That fear - real fear. "I have English." He replied, "At very least I'll probably see you in PE." He added, "That's sorta mandatory." They entered the building and were immediately pummeled with a blast of air conditioning, "Agh man I hate that! What room did you say that you were in?" He queried noting that, yes, this was very similar to his own dorm.

(( ah sorry its rushed >.<))
((Alot of progess has been made while I was out, so I'm kinda winging it from here but I did read a little bit of the posts made.))

Alexs stood near the gate as nobody saw him at first, but he quickly took the chance just to bypass everyone all together and go to his dorms. He wasn't in the talking mood, his emotionless face, nothing but seriousness as he walked on the concrete path inside the school, “What a drag..." some students were already leaving for either dorm or classes but he would just give himself an excuse for being late, he had no ties with anyone, just himself. And his imaginary friend, Jack. Though you could considered him a spirit as well but not even Alexs could see him so he just assumed he was just a trick of his mind. He walked down a few halls passing by students, eventually finding his dorm, he had hoped for that his roommate wasn't there by the time he found it.
Lena Finch

"PE...sounds great! Just great" Lena muttered, she didn't exactly hate it but she wasn't the fittest person ever. "Dorm four I think" She tried to hide a grin at his reaction to the air conditioning. She was a bit disappointed that PE was mandatory but at least they were some normal lessons, after all anything is better than powers. She had to admit it would be nice seeing him in PE, so she would at least have one person that she knew at this weird school. Looking around the dorms didn't look as bad as she expected. From the sound of things she expected a more sort of Hogwarts appearance or even a dungeon or two to lock up the humans and trouble makers. It actually looked normal, no chains no magic no weird stuff. Just a corridor with air conditioning that was turned up way too high.

Duke Mason

Duke rummaged around in his bag and took out his planner, "Advanced Math" Great...So I have Math , English , Science , Art , Lunch , PE , History, Powers. He was nervous about powers as he didn't really know how he would show his power, without going a tiny bit crazy. He grabbed his bag and got ready to leave for class. He wasn't exactly sure where he was meant to go but he could just follow the crowds to find where he was meant to go. He hoped that either Kat or Chris would be in his first class, although he didn't really have a problem with talking to people he didn't know. Usually they have a problem with me.

(( @Rellwen ))
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"Oookey." After a quick moment to get his bearings he set off in the appropriate direction. "Should be this way."

It wasn't a long walk but he kept his eyes peeled for signs and room numbers the whole way. How embarrassing would it be to offer directions for someone and then got lost? He supposed it would serve him right for trying to navigate and unfamiliar building. It was strange and familiar all at once. The decor and design were almost identical. There were certain differences though. There was a few dents in the walls in the other dorm no one ever bothered to fix. Or the pencils stuck in the ceiling. Or just general things like that.

They came up on the door he checked the number then looked to Lena, "This the one."

"It has came to my attention, that's right...I listen, that some students still have yet to report to their dorms..." The principal is heard letting out a loud sigh, "those students not in their final...resting...place, will be graded down even before any classes are taken by themselves." A slight growl is heard, "so...what are you standing about for??? Get to your droms!" There is a loud 'microphone being knocked over' sound then the tannoy cuts out.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/satan-3-by-jack-chick.gif.f7df90e71f6041cf7b148a68d3010e9b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/satan-3-by-jack-chick.gif.f7df90e71f6041cf7b148a68d3010e9b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lena Finch

"Thank you" Lena smiled gratefully at him, she rummaged round and pulled out the key, it took her a few attempts but she eventually managed to open the door. She gestured at Miles inviting him in. It didn't exactly look luxurious but it was okay, a bed , chest of drawers and a desk she didn't really need much else. Looking at both sides she realised her roommate hadn't moved in yet, she moved over towards the left side and claimed it. She threw one of her bags onto the bed, she didn't really need to unpack yet. She had all her school supplies in the bag. When the school announcement came on Lena stiffened slightly and listened, well he sounds like a bundle of fun doesn't he. Seriously he is in the perfect job, a sadistic unstable psychopath who decided to become a principal. "Miles do you want to head to your dorm?" She didn't want him to get into trouble, and at this school she felt like normal punishments wouldn't really be all that normal.

((Sorry for short post ~ @Rellwen ))

"Yes sir captain your majesty sir." Miles muttered rolling his eyes at the announcement, "Looks like your safe but, yeah, I gotta run." He offered a disgruntled little smile. "I'll see you later." He called jogging back the way they'd come. He quickly made his way to his own dorm pulling out his own paperwork to double check his destination, "number two...number two.." he repeated under his breath.

His breathing was a little short when he arrived slowing to a halt in front of the correct door. He paused for a moment to catch his breath before he pushed open the door. His room mate was, predictably, already settled in and ready to go. At first glance he seemed pretty average. Average was good. At very, least it meant Miles wouldn't have to worry about him being dangerous. But, as always, looks can be deceiving.

After offering a polite smile as a form of acknowledgement or greeting or what have you Miles dumped all of his things on the unoccupied bed. He did have a bag prepared with the bare essentials for class and he could just put his stuff away later. He wouldn't have enough time to do it now.
[QUOTE="XxBouncy BunnyxX]

Willow Arabella Maddox

Willow sighed, walking away from Chris. She didn't want to talk, she wasn't in the mood. She hurried to her dorm, swinging a black backpack that appeared to have blood stains on it on her right shoulder. She kicked the door open, realizing that her dormmate was already there, glaring at her, still standing. The moment was awkward.

@XxBouncy BunnyxX

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Duke Mason

Duke looked up when his roommate entered. "Hey" He tilted his head slightly as he tried to size them up, they seemed okay. Even if a bit on the shy side. They looked a bit out of breath so he assumed that he ran here after the principals announcement. He grabbed his backpack and started filling it with whatever he would need for school and a small pocket knife that his father gave him. Not for stabbing anyone, mainly for powers class. After all his power included blood. Duke didn't really expect them to do much about a knife though, considering this school acted like it was all for death and elimination. He was sort of human, although he had a power so he didn't expect Principal Psycho to be knocking on his door with a gun anytime soon. He flicked through his planner until he found his schedule; 1st - Advanced Math 2nd - English 3rd - Science 4th - Art 5th - Lunch 6th - PE 7th - History 8th - Powers.

(( Will do Lena when the bell goes or when her roommate arrives ))

@Rellwen ))

After a moment Miles gave up and plopped on his bed beside the baggage, "Hi." He responded tentatively, "So I take it you're Duke, then?" He asked examining the school assigned planner. He didn't really use it throughout the year but it was sometimes useful in the beginning. Speaking of which, Miles rummaged through his backpack for a pen. He hiked up his sleeve to his elbow and wrote his schedule on the inside of his forearm in small neat writing.

"Okay, mom. I love you to. Alright, bye." He shoved the small phone back into his pocket as he gazed at the new school. He wasn't at all interested in the school itself but he was interested in the announcements. 'If I turn in a human, I can get one thousand bucks? Ha! That means nothing to me because..' he said internally "I have stacks for days!" He yelled, reaching to his stomach. A dark pink color engulfed his fingertips, and then, his entire hand! His right hand was planted inside his stomach. This threw many students off as they shot him odd looks, some even covering their mouth as if they were about to barf. He didn't notice. He pulled out a multitude of one hundred dollar bills in a very quick succession easily going over one thousand.

"Oh my god!"


"How did he do that?!"

"Give me some of that!"

The barrage of yelling evolved into a violent mob as they began to push and attack each other in desperate attempts to pick up as many one hundred dollar bills as they could. Even while all this was happening, Anthony didn't stop pulling money from his stomach. He enjoyed causing all of this chaos, but after awhile longer he stopped. Anthony was bored and simply walked away as if none of that happened. "Well that was fun." he murmured to himself. 'Let's see, dorm number si-' His thoughts were interrupted by the announcements 'Six... What was that noise... A pig?' he hurried to his dorm, unlocked the door, and flopped on the bed. "If it's that easy to cause chaos then this could be more fun than I thought."​

Jason Vi Sanchez

Jason look around his dorm and sigh it was a new big day for him non the less there will be more fun since he was the ADVANCE HISTORY teacher all students would expect advance history lesson coming from old teacher would be boring but not him as he have the advance power and technology to give excitement to all student and he gonna do this for the LoLz so the students must be ready or Pancakes would be splattered in their faces.

He then wear his Suit he doesnt wear a uniform that why the Principal is always Scolding him like a kid but he doesn't care all is well that he is giving his student's better learning and they will learn it in a different way they are not just gonna sit around for he will teach them as they will perform. now if the student did something wrong they will have to be punished and by that they must dance ,sing etc they have 3 warning if they did everything wrong he will make them dance in the whole ceremony or since most of all showing their fears.

he then walk to the school and look around seeing some students as he Chuckle and laugh these student must be careful even thoe he's not the Discipline teacher he can Give them a good lesson if they ever did something Wrong on this school.

@CellistCat606 @TheAggresivePacifist @Rellwen

@Kimi @Jokesome @UdonIrvine47

@And the others who i forgot to mention... sorry...peace

Annalise walked to her dorm, but on her way ran into someone that was also heading for the dorms. She landed on the floor. @Anyone

Rin glided into the school, with his jacket swung over his shoulder. He winked at a few girls passing by, as he made his way to his dorm. He went inside and saw someone flopped on a bed. "Hey, I'm Rin." @TheAggresivePacifist
Jason look at the girl who ran into him while he was looking at the students who was walking to the dorms as he laugh "hey there" he said as he offer a hand

@Ayuna Kusado
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