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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

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Kat decided not to run because she knew if she chose to run when the announcement came on she would come off suspicious. Just as Kat thought that she looked at Chris walk away but she thought nothing of it. Kat continued to stand ready to go to her dorm room and waited for Duke to reply to her previous question about if the three of them were going to be friends.

(Sorry about it being short.)


Willow Arabella


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1454583580225.png.7e624059c1241bec1523101e8c8f744a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104079" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1454583580225.png.7e624059c1241bec1523101e8c8f744a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Willow stared at Chris, blinking a few times. She never thought that people would randomly approach others just to greet them...Weird...At first sight, people would usually predict her personality, given on how she looks emotionless.

"..Hello...." She greeted, with a blank expression, blinking. She could tell what he said, because she obviously knew lip-reading, although it isn't obvious that she's deaf. She was very mysterious, with a dark and mysterious personality, and a mysterious attire. Nobody knows what she looked like without a hood. Ever. And if they just asked, or either forced her to, she'd beat them. To death.

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@Ldybug123 @UdonIrvine47 @CellistCat606 @Kimi @Rellwen



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((AH! Alright I'm back, so much awesome activity~))

Miles nearly jumped out of his skin. He snapped to attention, looking at the newcomer. She seemed innocuous enough, he relaxed almost immediately. "Ha, sorry you startled me." He let out a nervous chuckle. He looked back down at the sketch in his lap. A small frown pulled at the corner of his mouth. He could name about six different ways he'd messed up in this particular drawing. There was so much he would need to fix before it was done. Nonetheless he didn't want to be rude, "Yeah, I guess I'm not bad. Thanks." He looked back up to meet the stranger's gaze, "So you're lost huh?"
(( Wow you have all been busy xD I was sleeping))

Duke Mason

"Yeah sure, that would be cool" He was confused about the announcement, so a few humans got put in the mix. He wasn't sure if it was good or bad, and now some of the teachers want to kill them? Okay so this school is going to be even weirder than I thought. Great...as if things weren't meant to be weird enough already. "I should probably head over to my dorm too, not that I have much to unpack" gesturing towards his bag. He tilted his head curiously at Chris. His expression almost looked scared, but he assumed he was just really shy.

Lena Finch

"Yeah...im pretty lost" Lena smiled sheepishly at him, she thought his drawing did look pretty good. "The map didn't exactly help me that much" She flinched slightly when the announcement came on, Humans? What so everyone here isn't human, Lena started to feel a bit nervous but tried to stay calm. "So yeah, where are the dorms?" She hoped that he would be able to tell her where they were.

((Sorry for the short post ~ @Rellwen ~ @CellistCat606 ))
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(( Short posts aren't all that bad when you're having a conversation ))

Miles noted her slight spike in fear at the announcement. He mentally shoved it away, not wanting to pry into her privacy. Honestly, they just met! He focused on the exact way the sun shone on her hair, he categorized shadows and highlights, the composition of colors, all in effort to distract himself from his other senses. It was a technique he found worked quite well in most situations. "Well I should be heading there anyway." He used the tree to help him stand up and then stretched. "I can," He paused suddenly unsure, "uh, I could show you. If you like. Do you know your number?"

Lena Finch

Lena looked down at her planner "Im dorm four, and yeah it would be nice if you could show me" She smiled gratefully at him trying not to seem like too much of an idiot. "Im Lena by the way, and you are?" She realised that she hadn't even asked his name so she decided to ask him quickly before she came across as rude. After all if someone does you a favour you should at least know their name. Even if that person could turn out to essentially murder you.

Duke Mason

Smiling at Kat, he winked at her before heading towards his dorms. As far as he was aware he was in dorm two, he hoped that he wouldn't end up with a bad dorm room. He didn't really have much to put into his dorm, he had a few clothes and just some spare maps and such he was hoping to sell to the first years. He was still thinking about the announcement Eliminate Humans? $1000 but the bit that confused him was how it happened and why the humans must be dealt with. They could just ask them to leave or not tell anyone, he couldn't help but be a bit curious about the reward. After all $1000 was a decent bit of money, and the humans could expose their secret? He didn't really know which side he stood on.

(( @Rellwen ~ @CellistCat606 ))​
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Kat then said "Okay thanks," with a smile. She then picked up her stuff and followed the route. Kat then thought okay
Am I in hallway 1-50 or 51-100? Oh yeah duh I'm in 1-50.

Kat then walked through the hallway but unluckily for her it was starting at 50 so she had to walk down the whole hallway. Kat finally had found her room, dorm #1. Kat knocked on the door then said "I'm coming in," and was relieved to see no one so she had first pick. Kat decided on the left side of the room.

Kat then unpacked her stuff which wasn't that much. When she finished she began to think
we'll this isn't so bad. Oh wait yes it is, because if they figure out I'm human well then it's be gone!! With me oh well I guess surviving one year wouldn't be so hard right?

Kat opened up her backpack then took out her agenda and looked for the schedule. When she found it she thought
It isn't wait oh boy yay Powers 8th period. Well this is going to be harder than I thought. Wait if everyone here has powers here I could even die from them!! W-well th-this just got scary. Kat then realized this wasn't going to be as easy as she planned or safe never less.



Willow Arabella Maddox

Willow sighed, walking away from Chris. She didn't want to talk, she wasn't in the mood. She hurried to her dorm, swinging a black backpack that appeared to have blood stains on it on her right shoulder. She kicked the door open, realizing that her dormmate was already there, glaring at her, still standing. The moment was awkward.



Kat calmed herself down then spoke to who she assumed was her roommate while looking at her schedule. "So your Willow right? and also I hope you don't mind but I chose the left side of the room." Kat then stood there and waited for a response from the girl.

@XxBouncy BunnyxX
(Can't help it I have to advertise something xD . Interested in being the mastermind behind this? Well the Principal role is Open!! If you become Principal you can use the school announcements!! Sorry for advertising I just needed this to be out there.)
Packing up his things quickly and slipping them back into his bag Miles offered an awkward little smile, "I'm Miles." He replied. "The dorms are this way its not too far." He gestured in the appropriate direction before heading off that way. As he walked he surreptitiously tried to size up the girl beside him. She didn't seem so bad but he could sense a slight change in her fear. It was nothing to overwhelming or anything, but proximity did make it much easier to pick up on the little things. Her fear had taken on a different edge, A harder tone almost, after the announcement. Was she scared of humans?

Miles shook his head and pushed that train of thought resolutely away before he started to pry. It was none of his business. He was mostly concerned about whether or not she was a threat to him directly. She seemed like a kind enough girl. And he'd always had a soft spot for people who liked his drawings. Not like he'd ever tell anyone that. Ever. Even so, He wasn't ready to trust her just yet. "So this your first year here?" He queried drifting a little farther away from her. Just enough to lessen buzz of her emotions.
"Hello Students and staff, this is the principal here I would like to announce that an error has happened. Somehow a few humans have gotten into our school. I would like to let all staff and students know that if you find a human and report him/her to us you will gain $1000 and we will just send them on their way.

Don't you mean eliminate?.

They are not supposed to know that! Anyway ignore what she just said we are NOT gonna eliminate you humans. Thank you for listening goodbye."

It was an ominous start to his new day at CherryHill High, it did puzzle him why it was called CheeryHill but the thought passed as soon as Ryuk hung his ugly mug (face) in front of Fylec.

"Hey, Fylec...what are you thinking right now?...I'm thinking...maybe I'd like an apple...maybe not...so?" The Shinigami wouldn't shut up until Fylec spoke to him; this was going to be a nuisance for his first day. Under his breath, Fylec responded to Ryuk. "Ryuk, you can have a cherry...this is the HOME of them, after all!" He lied to Ryuk, it was easy to lie to something that didn't really understand the way that humans worked. "Eh? Cherries?...What are cherries Fylec? Are they...baby apples?"

It hadn't worked; Fylec's plan to confuse Ryuk long enough to get through the day, had failed.
"Dorm #5...ah, this must be it...oh, there are two...beds..." The second he uttered those words, Ryuk flew through the wall and on to the bed on the right hand side of the dorm. "Hey...Fylec...this is great! Now no one will get in out way...huh?" The Shinigami had a way with words that made Fylec smile for one instance, until Fylec saw the name at the back of the bed Ryuk was on. "Another person is living with me in this dorm...okay..." It was going to be interesting for Fylec to talk to Ryuk without talking to him.
Lena Finch

Lena nodded slightly when he told her his name, Miles. Making a mental note of that, she continued to walk beside him "Yeah its my first year, what about you?" She glanced around as they walked to take in the school and its students, some students did look different at first she hadn't really thought about it but now it was kind of obvious that most people here weren't human. Seriously some of the students were floating, how did I not notice this before!?

Lena wasn't really sure what to do, she knew she couldn't just run off or leave the school as that would be far too suspicious and they could come after her. Her only option was to try and stick around and blend in, making friends is going to be hard if whoever I make friends with could kill me. Lena was surprised how desperate the teachers had seemed to be at keeping the secret, after all if they had statues of Wizards and werewolves around they must be pretty confident about keeping this all a secret if its all so open. So why would they let humans get in the mix? It didn't really make any sense to her, if this was all such a great secret then how did she even get here. She didn't even apply, just a letter through her door inviting her to attend. Which means they know my address...great! Just great.

Duke Mason

Duke waltzed into his dorm, he wasn't exactly impressed with them but at least he had plenty of room. His dads boat had started to feel a little cramped. He had chosen the right side of the dorm, both sides looked pretty bare. Unpacking his clothes into the drawers her dumped the rest of his stuff onto the bed. Duke shoved his collection of maps and just random junk onto a desk.

(( @CellistCat606 ~ @Rellwen ))
<School announcement>

"Aside from stroking my ego, you children are nothing more than..." His secretary points to his microphone being on, "I KNOW it's on woman, geez louise..."

"Aside from your everyday school life, students, you will also have to contend with my annoying voice in your heads...daily, hourly, whenever i feel like...deal with it."

"In other news, yes...that is the answer to every question that you measly, wimpy, baby, kiddy whiners, known as MY students, may ask."​
Miles smiled, "I've been here before." he didn't elaborate. The passing jabs of negative energy she gave off were starting to get grating. The thing he hates the absolute most about his ability is knowing people are bothered, upset or in pain. Knowing that and not necessarily being able to help. That's what he was attending this school for. He was studying with hopes of becoming a counselor or psychologist some day. He had the aptitude for it after all. He knew exactly what was hurting people the most, If he was so inclined. Unfortunately, most people didn't see it that way. "Hey," He began tentatively, "You alright, you seem... nervous."
Jokesome said:
<School announcement>

"Aside from stroking my ego, you children are nothing more than..." His secretary points to his microphone being on, "I KNOW it's on woman, geez louise..."

"Aside from your everyday school life, students, you will also have to contend with my annoying voice in your heads...daily, hourly, whenever i feel like...deal with it."

"In other news, yes...that is the answer to every question that you measly, wimpy, baby, kiddy whiners, known as MY students, may ask."​


As soon as the announcement started Kat couldn't stop laughing at it. Even when it finished she still was chuckling because she still had the thought of it in her head. When Kat finished chuckling she said "Well this seems like it's going to be a fun year right?"

@XxBouncy BunnyxX

Lena Finch

"What? Oh, its just first day nerves, I will probably be fine tomorrow" She smiled gratefully at him for asking. She did want to trust people but she didn't really have much of a choice, what was she meant to even say to someone. Im human and please don't kill me, because asking the person not to kill you always works in horror movies. She listened to the announcement and rolled her eyes, she couldn't help but think of how much of a jerk this principal seemed to be, they also sounded a bit crazy which was unnerving as crazy people tended to be the most dangerous.

Duke Mason

Duke had unpacked all of his stuff and was currently just lounging around in his room. He stiffened slightly when the announcement came on, the principal was kind of unstable which made him more nervous, the school was openly telling the students to help them kill humans. And now the principal just proved that they really don't care about anyone. How did someone like that end up running this school? Its meant to be a safe haven for us not some human slaughter house. He smiled to himself, well this looks like its going to be a fun year.

((Sorry for short post ~ @Rellwen

When are we doing classes?
@CellistCat606 ))

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"If you say so." Miles shrugged in indifference. As they drew nearer the dorms he had to take a good look around. He wasn't at all familiar with the girls dorms but he assumed they'd be set up roughly the same. Architects tended to like the symmetry of matching facilities. "So that's where we're headed right there." He pointed glancing over to check that she saw, "I don't think I've ever really been in there so I don't know how much help i'll be finding specific rooms." Back in first year he'd been a hopeless mess when it came to finding things on campus. He still got lost sometimes, never as bad as he used to though. "They try to make the room numbers idiot proof, so you should be ok. Apparently I'm just especially skilled at reading maps wrong or something because I still don't get it sometimes."
<School Announcement>

"It has came to my attention, that some teachers are disagreeing with my rules set...grow up! What did you think you were signing up for when i sent you those...messages. Is there not some kind of way that..." His secretary shows him the teachers contract, "fine! You teachers want to be a proper school, be my guests. You won't hear me complaining...yet."

Clunking around is heard over the tannoy, then a pig scream then the tannoy cuts off.


"Uhm...Ryuk...I'm scared for my life." Fylec hugged himself tightly after hearing the pig scream. "Hey...Fylec...this guy, this principle...he's not your average kinda of principle...try to keep quiet and your head low."
Jokesome said:
<School Announcement>

"It has came to my attention, that some teachers are disagreeing with my rules set...grow up! What did you think you were signing up for when i sent you those...messages. Is there not some kind of way that..." His secretary shows him the teachers contract, "fine! You teachers want to be a proper school, be my guests. You won't hear me complaining...yet."

Clunking around is heard over the tannoy, then a pig scream then the tannoy cuts off.


"Uhm...Ryuk...I'm scared for my life." Fylec hugged himself tightly after hearing the pig scream. "Hey...Fylec...this guy, this principle...he's not your average kinda of principle...try to keep quiet and your head low."


Kat listened to the announcements again but this time she was just a bit freaked out about what he was saying. It wasn't the Principal she knew (but what did

She have to judge she only knew him from one announcement). Kat continued to wait for a response from whom she thought was her roommate.

@XxBouncy BunnyxX
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Lena Finch

"They look nicer than I thought they would at least" She looked at where he had pointed to, she flinched at the second announcement. Yeah this principal is crazy. How did they even end up running a school?! She wondered what her dorm would be like she hoped that it wouldn't look too weird, after all this school wasn't for humans. Lena had to admit that the dorms did look nice, from where they were at least. "You cant be that dumb, I cant read the map at all. At least you know where the buildings are"

Duke Mason

Duke wondered about his dorm mate, he hoped they wouldn't end up fighting or anything like that. He didn't mind the actual fighting but he was always scared it would go too far or get out of hand. Duke wasn't sure what to expect class-wise he wasn't exactly smart but he wasn't dumb either, it was just a case of if he could be bothered or not. Duke usually had a what's in it for him motivation, if he didn't think it was worth his time then he usually wouldn't waste his time on it.

(( Sorry for short post @Rellwen also @CellistCat606 are we starting the classes tomorrow or today?))


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