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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • I'm fine either way

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Alexs turns to the girl next to him, as she questions the status of the over popular guy next to her, "That idiot...." He pauses and then continues, "... Don't know." Saying it with such non-nonchalant, his "always serious, emotionless face" disguises either he was saying it out of humor or purposely insulting him.

((@Ayuna Kusado)) ((@Ldybug123))


Kat laughed at his comment. "I'm still honestly wondering what those girls see in him." "So since he's busy what's your name?" She asked Alexs.

((@Ayuna Kusado))

((@Kimi The Advanced Math Teacher))​
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(( Why does everyone post when im asleep or at school xD ))

Jason Okami

He strolled into the classroom, he noticed that many of the students were engaged in conversation's and gestured for them to stop. "Good morning class, im Jason Okami your Maths teacher." He knew they probably knew that already but he had to get the introduction out of the way. He gestured towards a boy seated at the back of the class and pointed to a table covered in textbooks "Hand them out please" He clapped his hands to get the students attention and sat on top of his desk. "Okay here are some ground rules follow them and we will get along just fine; Do not talk when I am talking it is rude and I expect you to treat me with respect and if you do I will do the same for you; Please do not use your powers or abilities in class; You must at least attempt the work if you leave all of it out I will simply keep you back during your spare time; Finally treat the other students with respect." He nodded to himself, they sounded fair enough. To him at least. "Okay so can everyone please turn to page 5 of their textbooks and complete the questions. If you are stuck simply ask for help from me or someone sitting next to you."

(( @Ayuna Kusado ))

Duke Mason

Duke had put himself towards the back of the class so he could avoid attention, he smirked when a boy who he assumed was called Rin started flirting with Kat. He hadn't really done much apart from watch and listen to everyone's conversations. He raised his eyebrows when he watched the teacher enter, as long as they weren't super strict or boring he would probably get along fine with them. Rolling his eyes he got up and started to hand out the textbooks, giving one to each student.

Lena Finch

((Anyone in the normal Math class?))

Lena copied from the textbook she had been given, tensing up whenever the teacher looked at her. Although the students had been nice enough Lena got paranoid around the teachers, she felt as if they knew she was human. After all there would probably be some who could read minds. And then im busted.
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Kat raised her hand after receiving the textbook. "Could you by any chance take care of the paparazzi over there?" Kat pointed at the group of screaming girls hovering around Rin.

((@Ayuna Kusado, @UdonIrvine47, and @Kimi The other students in Advanced Math))
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"Nice to meet you Alexs I'm Kat," she said with a smile. Kat turned her book to page 5 and took out her notebook and started to take notes, but had trouble focusing with the screaming girls beside her.

((@Ayuna Kusado, @UdonIrvine47, and @Kimi The other students in Advanced Math))

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Jason Okami

He looked in the direction the student had pointed and groaned slightly, "Hey! Hey! Break up, lets break this up." He gestured for the girls to sit down, the girls circling him grumbled and groaned as they took their seats but at least they did what he said. Flashing daggers in the direction of Rin when he noticed he was still standing, "Okay Okay sit down Casanova" He rolled his eyes before sitting back down at his desk "Anyone else gets out of their chair without permission you loose your lunch" The rest of the class seemed to be getting on well enough.

Duke Mason

He sat back down at his chair, he seemed to be sat behind Kat. He listened carefully to the classes conversations, whilst answering some of the textbooks questions. They weren't very hard to he went through them in at a steady pace.
Kimi said:
Jason Okami

He strolled into the classroom, he noticed that many of the students were engaged in conversation's and gestured for them to stop. "Good morning class, im Jason Okami your Maths teacher." He knew they probably knew that already but he had to get the introduction out of the way. He gestured towards a boy seated at the back of the class and pointed to a table covered in textbooks "Hand them out please" He clapped his hands to get the students attention and sat on top of his desk. "Okay here are some ground rules follow them and we will get along just fine; Do not talk when I am talking it is rude and I expect you to treat me with respect and if you do I will do the same for you; Please do not use your powers or abilities in class; You must at least attempt the work if you leave all of it out I will simply keep you back during your spare time; Finally treat the other students with respect." He nodded to himself, they sounded fair enough. To him at least. "Okay so can everyone please turn to page 5 of their textbooks and complete the questions. If you are stuck simply ask for help from me or someone sitting next to you."
The Principal

Pushing the non-Advanced Maths students out of the room with one hand, The Principal stood at the doorway and scanned the students with his eyes. Shifting quickly between them, like a computer, The principal squinted at Kat then stroked his red, bony, chin, with his blood red, sharp clawed, left hand. "Mr..." Looking at Jason the principal then continued talking, "Okami. Remember the rule about this...school." Slapping his face with his hand, the principal then continued. "ANY human students, caught onsite, will be thrown out." Looking back at Kat, and then clenching his left fist, The principal then vanished with a poof of red smoke.



Kat watched the principal appear, the way he reacted frightened her a bit. Right before the principal disappeared it seemed as if he knew Kat didn't have powers, but Kat hadn't told anybody. Kat was a bit worried, but covered it by focusing on the task at hand.

((@Ayuna Kusado,
@UdonIrvine47, and @Kimi The other students in Advanced Math))

Rin sighed and looked a little relieved that the girls had left. He looked at Kat and showed his vampire fangs. That was just to show that he was not in fact human as most people assume. He rarely shows anyone his fangs. Which is why everyone thinks he's going to get thrown out. But most of the staff knows it, as he showed them his fangs when he enrolled. @CellistCat606
Jason Okami

He crossed his arms with an annoyed look when the Principal walked into his class. He muttered to himself "You didn't have to interrupt my lesson sir...you could have just emailed me" He watched with relief when the principal vanished. "Yes...anyone who knows someone who is human should report them to a member of staff. Remember there is a reward for valuable information. Also any humans found on the school..will be expelled." Jason hated saying expelled, after all they wouldn't be they would be killed. The only thing he could hope is that the humans would be too smart to get caught or that their death would be quick. He didn't hate humans but if it came to it he probably wouldn't help them either. "Anyway please continue with your work students"

Duke Mason

He noticed that the rest of the class quietened when the principal entered, so everyone is scared of principal psycho then. There it is again, humans , expulsion , reward. Duke still didn't really know where he stood, he was usually the type to do whatever was best for him but this time it wasn't as simple. Turning someone in to the teachers to be "expelled" was different to doing favours and stealing.​

(( @Ayuna Kusado @UdonIrvine47 ))
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Kat replied to Rin showing her his fangs with "nice fangs," she didn't know what else she was supposed to say because for all she knew everything she thought she knew on vampires could be entirely incorrect. Kat then continued to work on her math notes.

((@Ayuna Kusado,
@UdonIrvine47, and @Kimi The other students in Advanced Math))

Alexs half working on the notes while working on a piece of small sheet as he was writing in some kanji letters one in big font then under that, smaller writing.

((@Kimi)) ((@other students in adv. Math))


Kat wasn't sure why he was laughing but decided to shake it off. Kat then looked at the other page to see what everyone was focusing on so she decided to start working on it.

((@Ayuna Kusado,
@UdonIrvine47, and @Kimi The other students in Advanced Math))

Duke Mason

Duke stared up at the class and cursed quietly, this class had been going on for what seemed like forever to him. He continued to do the work, whilst doodling on his pencil case. He hated how quiet it seemed, after a few more minutes he had finished his work. "Sir? Im done.."

Lena Finch

She had finished her work, the teacher kept looking at her in a weird way. Making he feel paranoid, as if he knew everything. He didn't, she knew he didn't but it didn't stop her feeling like he did. She found the work quite easy and was starting to grow bored, she got out her notebook and started to draw.

Jason Okami

He looked up from his desk, "Okay, well just sit and wait for a bit until everyone finishes" He was still thinking about what the principal said,
so there may be a human in my class? Great. He didn't hate humans but he was wary of the principal and knew that if there was a human in his class and he let them get away. He would soon be sorry. Jason dug through the clutter on his desk to try and find some work for the students who finished to do.

(( @Ayuna Kusado ))


Kat noticed Duke say he was done. A few questions later she was also done. Kat raised her hand and said "I'm done too, what should I do now?"

((I'n waiting on the people who aren't in advanced math))

((@Ayuna Kusado,
@UdonIrvine47, and @Kimi The other students in Advanced Math))


Rachel (Angel Form)

Rachel flew up to CherryHill and sighed at the magnificence. Rachel was sad to get the email about eliminating humans, and thought if she found one she could save her/him by flying them back to a safe place. She then walked up to the office to check in.

(( Nothings really happening in the other classes I think ~ And wow xD I was going to be Jansen but I did a typo and it stuck))

Jason Okami

"Well I have no more work for you, so just talk quietly amongst yourselves" He was pleased with how the students had performed so he didn't mind if they had a few minutes before the end of the lesson to just talk. He tried to quietly sort out his desk as he couldn't stand how cluttered it was.

Duke Mason

"Hey again Kat" Duke was bored so decided to strike up a conversation, he didn't know anyone else here. The classes weren't as bad as he thought they would be, although the wallpaper was peeling in places and one of the windows seemed to be stuck half open half shut causing a slight draught he didn't really mind. It was much nicer than his last school, and unlike there he didn't have to hide himself here.

(( @Ayuna Kusado ))


Kat looked behind her to see Duke again. "Hi, high five for being the first two to complete the math work?" She then raised her hand up for a high five. Kat was proud to have been the top two she then thought
Would it be okay for me to tell Duke that I'm human or would he just rat me out? Well he seems nice but, then again I only just met him.

((@Ayuna Kusado, @UdonIrvine47, and @Kimi The other students in Advanced Math))

((I just need to give them a day at least.))
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Duke Mason

He grinned at Kat and returned the Hi-five. He frowned when she got that worried look across her face "Kat you okay?" Duke didn't really expect her to tell him but he had to ask. After all they were friends, and they look out for each other.

(( @CellistCat606 ))

Lena Finch

Lena started to get out a book she had been carrying around with her and read it. Although she couldn't really concentrate, she was thinking about the school and how they were going to eliminate humans. They want to kill me just to protect their precious secret. I wish I never came here. Lena partially blamed them as they let her come here.


"Oh don't worry it's just my thinking face everything's fine," Kat told Duke. Kat then turned her head to Rin "so guess I'm in the top 3 then huh? High
Five?" Kat then put her hand up for another high five."

((@Ayuna Kusado,
@UdonIrvine47, and @Kimi The other students in Advanced Math))


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