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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

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  • No

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  • I'm fine either way

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CellistCat606 said:

Rachel (Angel Form)

Rachel flew up to CherryHill and sighed at the magnificence. Rachel was sad to get the email about eliminating humans, and thought if she found one she could save her/him by flying them back to a safe place. She then walked up to the office to check in.

Appearing, suddenly, in front of Rachel, the principal growled subtly. "You...I had thought...wished, that you would of called in sick. Fat chance of that..." He spoke to her in a way that was not meant for anyone else. He was being mean to her on purpose, to see if she would react to him in an angry way.

"Mr Sachez has been causing me..." He was holding back his rage at Jason, the advanced history teacher, "utter...HE'S BEEN A ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE..." Coughing, subtly, he glared at Rachel. "Mr Okami, on the other hand...be more like him, and you won't get a visit from me..."

Rachel (Angel Form)

"If I can muster myself here then I will, because I don't trust those substitutes." She said with a smile. Rachel then listened to what the principal was saying about the other teachers "Let me guess Mr Sachez was being rude again? and today for me is not going to be graded, because I feel like the kids should get to meet each other before worrying about any grading right?"

((@Jokesome The Principal))
CellistCat606 said:

Rachel (Angel Form)

"If I can muster myself here then I will, because I don't trust those substitutes." She said with a smile. Rachel then listened to what the principal was saying about the other teachers "Let me guess Mr Sachez was being rude again? and today for me is not going to be graded, because I feel like the kids should get to meet each other before worrying about any grading right?"

((@Jokesome The Principal))
An evil, malevolent, smile, crossed the principal's face as he cracked his neck.

"He was eating human skin, outside. In plain site of everyone. And..." He chuckled, "if students were late to their dorms, they are graded down."

His left ear twitched as he heard Gem's dorm room door open and close. He snarled.

"I really must introduce my pets to this school...I'm sure, then, I'd have no problem with students..."

His eyes set alight as he continued to look at Rachel.

Alexs finishing up with his notes, seeing everyone else turn it in he does the same as well. He slinks back into his desk and continues his scribbling on the little piece of paper.

((@Ayuna Kusado)) ((@Ldybug123))((@Kimi)) ((@other student in adv. Math))

"Why do I have to stand in the corridor? That...kid, started it Miss."
Fylec had been in a fight during his English class, more verbal than physical as Fylec couldn't stand getting hit or hitting anyone.

"Hey, Mr Nodwu, good thing you did get kicked out of the class...i still have a Death Note, i could have quite easily have caused that kid...to die from some kind of accident."

Fylec smirked at Ryuk's thought, "Heh, i wouldn't have minded...but it would have seemed like that i had the power to kill..." He stood outside of the English class and rustled through his pockets for his schedule. "Hum...Maths next...alright, at least it won'ts be too bad..."

Ryuk spun around vertically, bored while waiting for Fylec.

<The Bell rings for 4 minutes left until you're late for 2nd period>


Kat looked in her agenda for a map and turned out it was on the front page. She then walked out of the class and headed to Advanced English. When Kat got there she sat in the middle of the classroom.

Rachel (Angel Form)

"Well it was nice talking to you Mr. Principal but I should probably be heading to my art class and get ready for 4th Period. Feel free to visit anytime Mr. Principal bye!" Rachel then left the Principal with a smile. She then began to walk to her art classroom.


((@Ayuna Kusado,
@UdonIrvine47, and @Kimi The other students in Advanced Math))



Duke Mason

Duke got out his planner and checked the schedule, English , Science , Art , Lunch , PE History Powers. He gathered his things and headed to second lesson. He took a seat towards the back of the class, and got out his things waiting for the lesson to arrive.

Jason Okami

Jason looked up as the bell wrung and waved his hand at the students "You may leave" He thought that lesson had went well enough, apart from the interruption's and mobs of girls. So far none of the students had seemed

Lena Finch

Sighing Lena gathered up her books and headed to advanced English. She nervously followed the crowds until she found the classroom. She took a seat behind a girl in what seemed to be the middle.
CellistCat606 said:

<The Bell rings for 4 minutes left until you're late for 2nd period>

Rachel (Angel Form)

"Well it was nice talking to you Mr. Principal but I should probably be heading to my art class and get ready for 4th Period. Feel free to visit anytime Mr. Principal bye!" Rachel then left the Principal with a smile. She then began

Snarling as Rachel left, the principal vanished in a poof of red smoke back to his office.

"Okay...that wasn't so bad. I hope that nonce doesn't have the same lessons as me, all day..." Ryuk followed Fylec back into the class room and then back out into the corridor.

Jason Vi Sanchez

Jason laugh "alright alright looks like the fun is all mine" he said as he walk inside the school and walk to the comfort room a place were students take a potty "how nice" he said as he take the toilet papers and throw it out were students will never find them. he then laugh at the image that these students can take a potty or pee but unable to wipe their sacred. he laugh and walk out as he start drawing funny things in the wall.

@All student , principal and techers

Calixto Vi Sanchez

Calixto look around he was getting bored from walking all around until he decided to walk into the first class of the students. if there was one thing he could do that is setting the school on fire now thats the true hell that the principal would love the most but then again it would have killed all the students so he sigh. hes brother must not be up to something if he was he should join to.


Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu

Cassiopea look around and sense everyone today was getting a little bore and tires morning class was suppose to be her resting time to sleep oh but no, she sigh and notice she has no class right now. a great she then enter the janitors small room and step upside down as she take a nap she hope to hear the next bell while sleeping or else she would get in trouble


[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]

Jason Vi Sanchez

Jason laugh "alright alright looks like the fun is all mine" he said as he walk inside the school and walk to the comfort room a place were students take a potty "how nice" he said as he take the toilet papers and throw it out were students will never find them. he then laugh at the image that these students can take a potty or pee but unable to wipe their sacred. he laugh and walk out as he start drawing funny things in the wall.

@All student , principal and techers


Jason Okami

He stared up at the sky, as he lit his cigarette. The kids hadn't been has bad as he expected, the principal however was a totally different matter. He didn't hate him but he admired him, although he seemed to be a bit unstable.

Lena Finch

Lena doodled on the desk, so far English had been pretty boring. Everyone seemed to be getting on with their work quietly. She had more time to think about everything during class. She didn't know what she was going to do here, on one hand she had what she thought would be a normal school. On the other she had a psychopath of a principal who wanted to kill her. She couldn't exactly run home and tell her parents; The school you sent me to is full of people who aren't human, I met a boy who can sense emotions and oh yeah! The principal wants to kill me. They would just think I am crazy, I wouldn't believe me.

Duke Mason

Duke stared out the window, so far nothing had really happened. Their teacher had given them some book to read, it seemed to be quite boring and cheesy.

(( @Anyone ))​

Jason Vi Sanchez

Jason look at the principal as he was chuckling trying not to laugh "oh yeah i do actually well its really a bore here for quite a while" he said still trying not to laugh at the mad image of the principal as he speed up and draw his face and ran away fastly as he can "PRINCIPAL U CANT SAY NO TO ME! DONT TELL MY TWIN!" he scream out as he laugh while running away.

Calixto Vi Sanchez

Calixto was walking around when he saw principal "oh..." he then look at the wall "danm" and back to the principal as he start to laugh real hard and fall into the ground "dang principal he got ya he got ya" he said as he laugh more harder.

Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu

Cassiopea was walking when he saw her cousin and the principal and walk closer "oh dear" she said as she look around chuckling "well i know two person who would do this" she said as she look at Calixto and the Principal with shocking look "oh dear what happen to u sir?" she said as she take out a napkin and start wiping his face smoothly "what happen?" she ask as she notice how close she was on the principal as she back away and blush a little.

@Jokesome (read it all mwahahahah)


<The bell rang which signals that if you're not in class you're late>


Kat looked up at the board to see
Dear students,

Since today is the first day of school I would like you guys to get to know each other. So your assignment is to write any form of literature about yourself. We will present them before class ends. Have fun!!

Kat decided to write a poem about her quote on quote powers. She then began to write.

((Students in Advanced English @XxBouncy BunnyxX, @Ayuna Kusado))

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Lena Mason

Lena sighed when she read the board, she honestly had no idea what to write. She got a piece of lined paper and started to write, she wasn't sure what to write about, she decided to write a short summary about herself. It was a strange mix of a monologue and a short story. She was worried about giving away her human side but she didn't really think a short story could give much away.

Duke Mason

Duke got out his sketchpad and started to draw his fathers boat, he was bored and whenever he was bored he got quite nostalgic. He was nervous about this school, Father had went here before him and he felt like he owed his father to come here. He continued to draw, the teacher had only left them a short amount of work and he had done it.
@Jokesome[/URL] (read it all mwahahahah)

Snarling as his arms shook, the principal closed his eyes and whispered a Latin phrase, "mihi cura mea."

Black smoke poured out of an air duct as the principal opened his eyes, he smiled as the smoke then resembled three smoke dogs with glowing red eyes.

"Inveniet fraudulentus" said the principal as he stepped to one side of the hallway. The 'dogs' seemed to sniff the air and then rush down the hallway towards Jason Sanchez.

He was late for class, Ryuk had distracted him by telling him about some kind of creature running through the hallway being chased by smoke.

"Smoke...chasing something? Are you sure that they weren't on fire or smouldering?" Fylec tilted his head at Ryuk, who then held his chin and thought.

"Well, it was definitely about 5 metres behind the creature...and closing." Ryuk said with Fylec standing outside his class. Fylec wasn't eager to learn, he was finding it boring.

Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu

Cassiopea look at the dogs and back to the principal "dont u think that's a little bit harsh?" she ask him worrying it might be its last she can see her cousin again.

Jason Vi Sanchez

"W.T.FREAK!!!" Calixto said as he ran fast and remember something "oh yeah almost forgot" he said as he levitate the dogs. he then wipe his sweat "oh that was close."

Calixto Vi Sanchez

"awwww freak" he said as he bang up floor and laugh "still worth it" he said as he stand up and cross his arms.

@Jokesome (read all the characters ahahah xD )

[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]

Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu

Cassiopea look at the dogs and back to the principal "dont u think that's a little bit harsh?" she ask him worrying it might be its last she can see her cousin again.

Jason Vi Sanchez

"W.T.FREAK!!!" Calixto said as he ran fast and remember something "oh yeah almost forgot" he said as he levitate the dogs. he then wipe his sweat "oh that was close."

Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu

Cassiopea look the the principal as she blush but yet the blush cannot be seen since she doesnt have a blood she then shook her head "oh... umm...alright" she said as she cross her arms and pouted it was weird h did that but cute as the same time she look away from the Principal not wanting him to found out what she was feeling right now

Jason Vi Sanchez

Jason look at the dogs "thanks fatty" he said as he ran away fastly. not wanting to get chase by those shadow dogs ever again as he look around "dang i miss my class" he said as he jump to his room were all the students are "hey everyone sorry im late" he said with a laugh

Calixto Vi Sanchez

Calixto stand up "well that was fun right P. oh by the way do u have any task for me?" he ask as he finish checking some of the students

@Jokesome (read all the characters ahahah xD )


Kat just finished her poem then heard the teacher tell everyone to stop writing and that it was time to present. Kat raised her hand to go first. She got called on so she walked up to the front of the classroom. "Hi my name is Kat and I hope you like my poem," she then began to read her poem.

"The powers I have are not for violence.

The powers I have are not for healing.

My powers will not affect the environment.

They have nothing to do with others.

The powers I have are for agility,

the powers I have are just for me. Thank you I hope you liked my poem." Kat then sat down at her desk. The teacher then said if you have not gone yet then raise your hand.

((Students in Advanced English @XxBouncy BunnyxX, @Ayuna Kusado))

Astaroth Suzumiya]Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu Cassiopea look the the principal as she blush but yet the blush cannot be seen since she doesnt have a blood she then shook her head "oh... umm...alright" she said as she cross her arms and pouted it was weird h did that but cute as the same time she look away from the Principal not wanting him to found out what she was feeling right now Jason Vi Sanchez Jason look at the dogs "thanks fatty" he said as he ran away fastly. not wanting to get chase by those shadow dogs ever again as he look around "dang i miss my class" he said as he jump to his room were all the students are "hey everyone sorry im late" he said with a laugh Calixto Vi Sanchez Calixto stand up "well that was fun right P. oh by the way do u have any task for me?" he ask as he finish checking some of the students [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11438-jokesome/ said:
@Jokesome[/URL] (read all the characters ahahah xD )
Looking at Cassiopea, then Calixto, the principal grinned. "I want you two...to go to the gym. I'm sure Monica will keep you busy until your lesson, Cassiopea.

As for you...Calixto..." Clicking his jaw by just opening it, the principal tried not to shout as he had no need too...Jason wasn't near. "You, Calixto, can go find me some fudge...from a another state, as you are not required in this school. I am the authority here, not yourself."
Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu

Cassiopea look at the principal and nodded fastly "alright ill be going there now" she said as she still have her feelings so she ran going to the gym faster to meet the teacher but the light was flashing making her blind.

Jason Vi Sanchez

Jason was laughing at his twin being un-liked by the principal

Calixto Vi Sanchez

"i am cuz i teach my student right and they are learning well U CANT FIRE ME!" he said as he got inside his office and lock the door

[I]@Jokesome[/I] (read all the characters ahahah xD )

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