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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

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[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]
Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu
Cassiopea look at the principal and nodded fastly "alright ill be going there now" she said as she still have her feelings so she ran going to the gym faster to meet the teacher but the light was flashing making her blind.

[I]@Jokesome[/I] (read all the characters ahahah xD )

Monica Red

Looking at Cassiopea as you entered the Gym, covering her face from the bright light, Monica, the PE teacher, smirked.

"So...hi. Welcome to PE...I'm Monica, and yourself?"

Duke Mason

He had finished his work and was bored, he got out his pocket knife and scratched his initial's into the table. Duke was bored, he never really liked English and so far this lesson felt like it was dragging on. He had science next which wouldn't be all that bad, then he had Art. The teacher wasn't really doing much, apart from occasionally yelling at students and filling in forms. He didn't understand why anyone would want to be a teacher, especially when this teacher seemed to hate students. A bit like Principal Psycho.

((@Anyone In English))

Lena Finch

She still hadn't really written anything, but she raised her hand nervously. The other girls poem made her feel nervous, are we all meant to talk about our powers all the time. I haven't even decided what im going to say I haven't even written a poem. Sighing tried to finish writing a poem, she knew she would have to go up eventually but she really didn't want to..

((Cant think of a poem xD ))

(( @Anyone in Advanced English))

Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu

Cassiopea was closing her eyes she dont know were to go from the light as she accidetaly hold her chest but she dint notice "oh im Cassiopea im a Drama teacher and umm hello" she said as she smile and her eyes is closed.

Jason Vi Sanchez

Jason sit down as he look around good thing that fatty is gone.

Calixto Vi Sanchez

Calixto laugh "cassioea never lie to me and my twin brother and why would cassiopea do that... thats is so not her HEY LISTEN TO ME!" he said as he dissapear thinking why cassiopea would lie to him

[I]@Jokesome[/I] (read all the characters ahahah xD )
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]
Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu
Calixto Vi Sanchez

Calixto laugh "cassioea never lie to me and my twin brother and why would cassiopea do that... thats is so not her HEY LISTEN TO ME!" he said as he dissapear thinking why cassiopea would lie to him

[I]@Jokesome[/I] (read all the characters ahahah xD )


<School Announcement>

"This is your principal speaking, good morning my lovely little brains...er, i mean pupils. Those students that interact with Calixto Sanchez, will be downgraded to basic schooling. So, if you love your advanced maths, science or english classes, you'll be downgraded to regular maths, science and english...hum. I realise, that this doesn't sound like much of a punishment...however, those students that actually want to get better than regular grades, should really ignore this 'student of discipline'. His position at this school is fake, there is no such position here held by anyone." An evil laugh is heard over the tannoy before it cuts out.




After particularly tying her violet locks in a rose-bushed hair tie, Latte had been skipping through coridoors rather merrily. It was isolated, as it was of course second period, and the young adult was enjoying the silence, ignoring the rumbles and murmuring from classes as she passed. It was beginning to grow bothersome that there wasn't much to do here. With a broad grin, the girl kicked her heels and began sprinting towards the nearest classroom, causing quite the bellowing racket.

Duke Mason

Duke rolled his eyes when he heard the principal`s voice over the speakers, he was happy that for once he wasn't complaining about Humans but it was still annoying. So if we talk to him we get moved down, what if your already in the lower class? Then what. The teacher came towards the back of the class and noticed dukes `artwork` on the desk. "Duke, vandalism will not be tolerated. Kindly give me your knife them come to me for a detention slip at the end of class" Reluctantly Duke handed over his pocket knife.

((Still coming up with Lena`s English thing xD ))

Jason Okami

Jason dropped his cigarette on the ground and used his foot to put it out. He headed towards the staff room, he poured himself a cup of coffee and took a seat on one of the couches. He didn't really have anything to do, the students didn't need any work marking and he had all his lessons planned out. He didn't have any classes next, it was quite a small school so he only had one to three classes a day.

((Im alive too! :D ))




With a collected sigh, the fairy simply pounced through to the Staff Room. Within the staff room, the gorged upon the coffee machine, using a slender finger to breezily switch it on, letting the contents fill the thin, plastic cup. Once it had finished, the gripped it and turned her attention towards Jason. Tapping her fingers together after placing the coffee to the side, she whispered, "Hello, I'm Latte, the new school nurse. Are you Jason Okami?"


Jason Okami

Jason looked up and smiled awkwardly at Latte "Yes, im Jason. Nice to meet you Latte" He sipped his coffee, he practically lived on coffee teaching teenagers made him tired so he relied on coffee to keep himself awake. "I teach advanced maths" The staff room was nicer than his last schools. His last schools staff room was more like a cupboard.

(( @Sakura Blossom ))




She hastily fumbled for the coffee on the side, taking a quick sip, "A-ha." She stuck out her tongue, "I was... uhm... Never a fan of algebra, and he sorts..." A little glowing orb appeared in her balled-up fist.

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Aurora had realized that she hasn't been in the school for the first class. She walked toward a bench near the entrance to the school and went through her back pack. She took out her agenda and checked her schedule. Ok...second period is...ugh English really? She swung her backpack over her shoulder and walked through the halls of the school looking for her English class. When she made it to her class she tried to sneak into a seat in the back row. She sat down and quietly set her backpack down next to her desk. She saw that a girl just finished reading a poem and sitting down. She let out a sigh of relief and rested her head on her hand. She looked around to see students scattered around the room.

.:Mentioned:. @XxBouncy BunnyxX @Ayuna Kusado


Lena Finch

Lena looked up when the door opened, she saw a girl enter and smiled warily at her. She still hadn't written anything down, how am I even in Advanced English.

Jason Okami

Jason grinned at her reply, "Not everyone likes maths, I obviously do but its fine if you don't." he took another quick sip of his coffee.

((Sorry for the short post ~ Cant think of anything to write))

((So yes sorry!))



"Hm, I suppose so." She smiled a little bit. "You may see me pop into your lessons sometimes. It's rather fun to do that." She fluttered her wings and winked.

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Aurora noticed a girl smiling at her. She looked at her gave a small and awkward wave and turned her attention to her notebook. What exactly are we doing in class anyway? She took out a pencil from her backpack and starting sketching random doddles. She sketched a picture of a girl with long hair flowing in the wind. She drew her hair blending in with the black and white background. She drew a bunch of scribbles in the background just to waste time. She only really drew when she was bored.

Calixto and Jason Sanchez

"Cassiopea!!!" Calixto shouted as he ran to the gym fast as Jason follow the principal... was the principal saying the truth he was the discipline he should not be in this shameful position why did the principal . he was over thinking it "Cassiopea the principal tole me u lied about my job is it true!" he said as he was mad and jason look at Cassiopea "Cousin the fat P really dig up my twin"

Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu

"hello? Gym teacher?" she ask as she was blinded. then she heard her cousins saying something to her "w-what i dont understand" she was hearing that the principal told it the her cousin "no thats not true ill never do that" she said as she thought about the principal using her name as a lie made her cry in blood.

@Jokesome (read it all)
Astaroth Suzumiya]Calixto and Jason Sanchez "[COLOR=#000000][SIZE=24px]Cassiopea!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]"[SIZE=14px] Calixto shouted as he ran to the gym fast as Jason follow the principal... was the principal saying the truth he was the [/SIZE]discipline he should not be in this shameful position why did the principal . he was over thinking it "Cassiopea the principal tole me u lied about my job is it true!" he said as he was mad and jason look at Cassiopea "Cousin the fat P really dig up my twin" Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu Cassiopea was closing her eyes she dont know were to go from the light as she accidetaly hold her chest but she dint notice "oh im Cassiopea im a Drama teacher and umm hello" she said as she smile and her eyes is closed. "hello? Gym teacher?" she ask as she was blinded. then she heard her cousins saying something to her "w-what i dont understand" she was hearing that the principal told it the her cousin "no thats not true ill never do that" she said as she thought about the principal using her name as a lie made her cry in blood. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11438-jokesome/ said:
@Jokesome[/URL] (read it all)

Monica Red

Noticing Cassiopea's disliking of the sunlight, Monica pondered for a moment then spoke. "So, you are closing your eyes...because?" When the twin brother's barged in, Monica suddenly drew out two big guns, from somewhere in her tight suit, and held them pointed towards Calixto and Jason. Hearing Calixto's sob story, Monica chuckled then put away her two guns.

"Are you really going to be that stupid, and believe everything that 'the principal' tells you? He plays games with people...thought this was kinda obvious by now..." She chuckled and held her lips together.

Cassiopea was sobbing "i just dont get why he would lie using my name" she said as she sit down the ground.

Jason and Calixto

"no that problem is the students believe him and believe me he suck it all up he shouldnt have done that" said Jason as Calixto calm himself "i hate that resident he made me useless to the student dang it!"

Astaroth Suzumiya]Cassiopea Cassiopea was sobbing "i just dont get why he would lie using my name" she said as she sit down the ground. Jason and Calixto "no that problem is the students believe him and believe me he suck it all up he shouldnt have done that" said Jason as Calixto calm himself "i hate that resident he made me useless to the student dang it!" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11438-jokesome/ said:
Monica Red

Monica smiled at Jason, "he's a student at heart, himself. No one will believe him, honestly. If they do believe him, i'm sure teachers will set the record straight. Most teachers, who have made a deal with the devil, will know the truth about the principal and that whatever he says is not true." She shook her head as she looked at Cassiopea crying,

"look, can i call you Cassy? Cassy, he's a mean little boy who would burn an orphanage just to make himself laugh. He doesn't care for hurting others. And, trust me, the 'emotions' that he shows, are not emotions at all. The only true way of seeing his actual 'way' is to look at it's face when it is talking, either to you or to someone else."

Stretching, Monica jumped backwards on to some monkey bars.

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