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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

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(Oh mr. perfect I see...Aurora might start something

xD )

Aurora got annoyed and a black spirit protruded from her back and went after the overly confident boy. The figure screamed and flew into her back and laughed. Aurora close her eyes and opened them again and her eyes were turning a darker red then usual (her eyes are originally red). She scribbled on her sketchbook in anger and broke the lead. She tried to listen to the science teacher but it was just too boring. That guy is really getting on my nerves. She stared at the boy angrily as her eyes turned a blood red.

@Ayuna Kusado

He just winked and bared his fangs. He was clearly a vampire when he showed his fangs. And obviously anyone knows that vampires can't die. So she could try and hurt him all she wanted, but it wouldn't kill him like it probably would if she did whatever she does to a human. It wasn't surprising that a lot of people threatened him. His flirting angered a lot of people and he looks human unless he bares his fangs.

Aurora's eyes went such a dark red that they were almost black. He hair was standing up and some desks were levitating around her. She took a desk and dropped it on his head. Her eyes went back to a bright red and the desks fell with a thud. Her hair fell down again and she tried to stop her demons from escaping. She looked at him not at all fazed from his fangs. Ooh I'm so scared that you're a vampire... she thought. This guy was starting to get on her nerves. "I feel sorry for any of the girls dumb enough to fall for you.." she said it loud enough for most people to not be able to hear her but loud enough for him to hear. What do girls see in him anyway. She rested her head on her hand.

@Ayuna Kusado
Aurora noticed another boy looking at her. She turned to him and her eyes flashed a dark red then back to their original color. She then looked away and drawing some science-like things in her notebook (I don't know). Heh.. she giggled at the thought of how the flirt would react to what she did. Did I really scare anyone? Eh, who cares. She levitated the pencil she was using and spun it around to entertain herself.

He set the desk back calmly as it didn't really hurt him at all. Then he calmly sat back in his seat like nothing had happened. If she'd thought she'd been the first person to try an outburst like that to force a reaction out of him for their own amusement she was sorely mistaken. Lots of others had done things that extreme before. And he didn't really care. It wasn't a big deal to him. They're just people that have anger issues and need anger management as they get angry over little things. His flirting with girls wouldn't harm anything in the long run. But outbursts like that could hurt someone eventually, and it could scar someone. He'd never say any of this out loud, but at least he was a target so people like that didn't try to hurt anyone besides him. Someone else could get seriously injured or mentally scarred from something like that.
Aurora tried relaxing herself. She dropped the pencil on the desk. She looked at the boy and back at her desk. One of her demons shot out of her back and patted her shoulder. She inhaled and exhaled. She started laughing hysterically at his lack of reaction. She saw some chalk in the front of the room and used her telekinesis to bring it to her desk. Aurora was a confusing person. One minute she's laughing the next thing you know she's attempting to kill you. She herself barely understood why she did most of the things she's done until now. She sighed.


<Bell Rang which signals that if you aren't in your 3rd Period Class you're late>


Kat stared in shock out of everything that was happening. Yeah the boy kind of deserved it, but still demonsand all that other stuff? Kat hid a bit trying not to be at all part of this fight. She looked over at the science teacher and he was just acting like nothing else was happening and continued teaching.

-=-=-((Students in Science Duke ((@Majarkhon)), Fylec ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki))=-=-

CellistCat606 said:

-=-=((Bell rang that signals you have 4 minutes to get to 3rd Period Classes))=-=-


Kat heard the bell ring for you to be heading to 3rd Period. Kat remembered that her 3rd period class is Science. Science was her least favorite out of all of them, well besides powers. Kat walked into the classroom with her head low and sat down in the back of the Science classroom.

-=-=-((Students in Science Duke ((@Majarkhon)), Fylec ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki))=-=-

Having not even entered his second class, due to Ryuk seeing the smoke dogs, Fylec lost track of time.

"Wait...damn...what time...holy!"

Rushing, with his bags in his hands, towards science class, Fylec saw numerous students enter.

"Hey...Fylec, where are the cherries in this place, then?"

Ryuk spoke up as they both waited to enter the room after a crowd of girls surrounded the door, Rins girls.

"Well, if I could just get in the lesson...EXCUSE ME!"

The girls stopped giggling at Rin and all turned to face Fylec.

"Move...please." They parted from the doorway and scowled at Fylec as he entered the room, Ryuk floated beside him as he found a seat at a desk next to a gas tap.

Duke Mason

Duke got in his seat just as the bell rang, he smiled at Kat as he walked in. He sat towards the back of the class, the science teacher seemed a little lame. He wasn't disbanding the Rin mob, some other boy had did that. Duke`s seat is in an awkward position so he is wedged against the wall. He starts to doodle on his desk, he waited for the teacher to tell them to do something.

Lena Mason

Lena headed towards Advanced History, she got out her pencil base and notebook. The teacher wasn't doing anything, she got out her history textbook and started to read. If he wasn't going to do anything she would still do something.

((Sorry for short post))
Alexs carelessly walking into third period as the bell rang by the time he got there. He placed his hand over his mouth yawning, again sitting near the window as he precariously looks outside with a tired face.
Fylec Nodwu

"Hey, that guy is drawing on his desk...Fylec!" Ryuk tried to nudge Fylec, but ended up with his hand through Nodwu's shoulder. "Ryuk...i really don't have time to get side tracked by..." Looking up and around to Duke, Fylec had a puzzled look upon his face.

"I'm pretty sure..." Trying to get Duke's attention, Fylec spoke towards his direction, "I said...I'm pretty sure that defacing school property, send you somewhere? Is that right...Teacher!"

Smiling towards Duke, after speaking very loud, Fylec wanted to get the teacher's attention as to what was going on.
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Rin rolled his eyes as he wasn't defacing anything, he was merely just sitting at his desk staring at the wall. Unless you count staring at the wall defacing it, Rin hadn't really done anything. The girl was the one that had thrown the desk. He had just put it back and sat back down. Some people were just impossible. Rin sighed.
[QUOTE="Ayuna Kusado]Rin rolled his eyes as he wasn't defacing anything, he was merely just sitting at his desk staring at the wall. Unless you count staring at the wall defacing it, Rin hadn't really done anything. The girl was the one that had thrown the desk. He had just put it back and sat back down. Some people were just impossible. Rin sighed.

((meant Duke, edited sorry -_- ))
Aurora realized that some students were starting to notice her inappropriate behavior. She thought nothing of it and continued doodling out of boredom. Wait, what if a girl confesses to him? She could just imagine the situation happening. "Rin, I love you." "I'm sorry I don't have feelings for you." Aurora had a disgusted look on her face. What am I thinking? A girl would never do that! Right? The teacher didn't seem to be reacting to anything that was going on. What a great teacher.. she thought sarcastically. A darkling came was poking out of the top of her head eyeing the boy. At this point she let it go on its own free will not caring anymore.

(( I was so confused ))

Duke Mason

Rolling his eyes he looked towards Fylec "Its just a table...I mean seriously the teacher doesn't care" Duke closed his eyes for a second and clenched his fists. "Look. Its just a table, if you want to go run to the teacher go ahead but it will only end up worse for you." He stopped for a second, "Sorry okay but im not exactly going to stop, and im not doing any harm so just leave it." Some people at this school seriously need to learn how to relax. He flashed Fylec an annoyed look before looking down at his desk and continuing to finish his doodle.

(( @Jokesome ))
Kimi said:
(( I was so confused ))

Duke Mason

Rolling his eyes he looked towards Fylec "Its just a table...I mean seriously the teacher doesn't care" Duke closed his eyes for a second and clenched his fists. "Look. Its just a table, if you want to go run to the teacher go ahead but it will only end up worse for you." He stopped for a second, "Sorry okay but im not exactly going to stop, and im not doing any harm so just leave it." Some people at this school seriously need to learn how to relax. He flashed Fylec an annoyed look before looking down at his desk and continuing to finish his doodle.

(( @Jokesome ))
Fylec Nodwu

Shaking his head and then facing the front of the class, Fylec put his hands over his eyes. "You're not going to cry, are you Fylec?" Ryuk questioned his little human.

Sighing loudly, Fylec shook his head in disagreeing towards Ryuk.
"I just...i don't get how some teachers can be like that bi-atch in Maths, hating me for just talking. And yet others, this teacher in particular, can be so..." Pointing slyly at the science teacher, Fylec sulks by resting his chin on his desk.

"This school is weird..." Ryuk chuckled at Fylec, making Fylec smirk. "Well, at least someone is having fun this year..." He spoke out loud, but meant to whipser it.

"And now i'm going to sound weird..." Ryuk laughed at Fylec, his human was making school fun.


Kat looked back up at the teacher to see he was now asleep in his chair
seriously what's the deal with the teachers here? Kay then heard someone say atleast someone is having fun she couldn't find who had said that so she decided to ignore it. Kat then tapped Chris' shoulder "Hey you okay?"

-=-=((Talking to Chris ((@Majarkhon)), Fylec ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki))=-=-

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It was the first day in school. The blue haired female was nervous as the day come by. Well of course she's late. The time was for third period. Even though she was late, she wasn't running to school, instead she was walking. Yuki had blue eyes and curly blue hair. She wore a short white dress underneath her huge green raincoat. Yuki had green rain boots and held her puppet, Yuuki, in her other hand. She walked to class and quietly walked in, choosing a seat closest to the windows where she wouldn't be noticed.

Duke Mason

Duke grinned when he noticed that the teacher was asleep, wow the teachers are seriously great here! They are either murderous psychopaths or sleeping beauties, im going to learn so much here. He got out his sketchpad and some charcoal and started drawing, "Flyec your precious teacher wont do anything, after all they are asleep" after a few seconds he started to draw the other students. First he focused on Kat he drew her hair first and then her face, then he started to draw Flyec.

Looking around he noticed that there was seriously nothing to do but talk or do your own thing. The science teacher was still asleep, Duke assumed he would wake up when the bell rang. He probably uses it as his own little alarm clock. He waited for the bell to go, what have I got next? He looked down

Lena Finch

Lena smiled softly to herself, she got out her phone and plugged in her earphones. The teacher wasn't exactly helping them or telling them what to do so she was just doing what she wanted, taking the occasional notes from the school textbook.​
Alexs wasn't to sure what to do. He was just looking around the classroom at this point when his eyes caught something on one of the students. She seemed to be a type of spiritual animal, yet a dark aura had manifest itself around her leaving a stench that only a darkling could smell. Alexs pondered what she could have done to attract such a mass so powerful as this. But he had no ties with her and merely scoffed it as a little problem for her to solve by herself.

Aurora watched as the students pretty much did their own thing. She was bored after finishing her drawing. She noticed another unfamiliar face studying her. At this point she felt uncomfortable and looked down thinking. What is with the teachers in this school? It sounds like a fun idea to be able to do what you wish but I have nothing to do. I don't have any friends, not that I could make any after what just happened, and I don't have much to occupy myself with. She sighed trying to keep her thoughts to herself.

Pollyanna walked into class late, as usual. She hadn't been here long, but still she hadn't made one friend, or even acquaintance. Pushing that aside, she strode over to her desk and took a seat.

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