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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

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Duke Mason

"So im basically getting a free Tattoo?" Duke`s smart aleck front faded slightly, you could tell the boy was nervous. Principal Pyschos weird and wonderful torture methods, welcome to Bedlam everyone. Uncertainly he held out his hand towards the principal, his hand was shaking slightly. Duke closed his eyes and clenched one of his fists, he shot Flyec a icy, look You happy now!? "So I get this AND detention or this instead of detention?" And I used to complain about being on litter duty, that seems like child's play compared to right now. "Just do it Principal Psycho instead of making me wait around, after all this is a class. Not a theatre" Duke gestured towards everyone sitting down, he hated how public this was, like the principals personal little show for the classes benefit. He is probably twisted enough to think this is all fun.

((Is that where there's that quill and whenever he writes its scratched into his arm?

Also how did he even end up as a head teacher
xD He is actually crazy))

{{ @Jokesome }}
Aurora looked back at the strange boy. "If you want to know then fine." she lifted him slightly from his seat and set him down again. Her demon came out again and growled at him again. "There. What do you want anyway." she asked curiously. What did this boy want from her? She didn't bother him personally did she?

Kimi said:

Duke Mason

"So im basically getting a free Tattoo?" Duke`s smart aleck front faded slightly, you could tell the boy was nervous. Principal Pyschos weird and wonderful torture methods, welcome to Bedlam everyone. Uncertainly he held out his hand towards the principal, his hand was shaking slightly. Duke closed his eyes and clenched one of his fists, he shot Flyec a icy, look You happy now!? "So I get this AND detention or this instead of detention?" And I used to complain about being on litter duty, that seems like child's play compared to right now. "Just do it Principal Psycho instead of making me wait around, after all this is a class. Not a theatre" Duke gestured towards everyone sitting down, he hated how public this was, like the principals personal little show for the classes benefit. He is probably twisted enough to think this is all fun.

((Is that where there's that quill and whenever he writes its scratched into his arm?

Also how did he even end up as a head teacher
xD He is actually crazy))

{{ @Jokesome }}
(( yeah, quill torture tattoo. He's the devil, he probably charmed the pants off someone ;P))

The principal

Twiddling the pen in his fingers, the principal suddenly drove it into Duke's arm at just one point. Leaving the pen attached to, but not in, Duke's arm, the ink that was soaked up seemed to ooze out of the pen, under Duke's skin.

Peering over to Fylec, the principal chuckled to himself. "The feelings you have for your boyfriend will pass, Mr Mason. You are but a student, after all."

Hearing that Duke thought he was a psycho, the principal moved his mouth close to Duke's ear.

"I'm the guy your mother hates on Sundays, and the one whose name your father calls out while being pleasured by ladies of the night. Pleased to meet you, pitiful fool." Whispering in his ear, the principal then grabbed the pen and scratched it down the length of Duke's arm. No mark was shown on the arm, but upon the desk a new scratch appeared.

"From now on, mark my property... And you'll pay!"
(( Is it bad that I burst out laughing at the "I'm the guy your mother hates on Sundays, and the one whose name your father calls out while being pleasured by ladies of the night. Pleased to meet you, pitiful fool."))

Duke Mason

Duke shot the Principal a terrified glance, he stiffened when the principal leaned forwards and whispered in his ear. He clenched his fists when the principal started his "Punishment" it hurt. He didn't expect it to hurt, Duke muttered an apology. He actually did look terrified. "It was just a table." Duke didn't even know what to do, he looked at the Principal warily. Duke looked at his wrist he couldn't help but be confused there wasn't even a mark on is arm he rolled back his sleeves and examined his arm. Duke stumbled slightly as he walked back towards his desk, he read the new mark on it. Noted. He didn't really understand why the Principal hated him for just drawing on a table. But he knew one thing, the Principal really was a psychopath. Duke just closed his eyes slightly and waited for the bell to ring, he was ready to just bolt out of the class.

((So does Duke still have detention too?))

{{ @Jokesome }}​
Kimi said:
(( Is it bad that I burst out laughing at the "I'm the guy your mother hates on Sundays, and the one whose name your father calls out while being pleasured by ladies of the night. Pleased to meet you, pitiful fool."))

Duke Mason

Duke shot the Principal a terrified glance, he stiffened when the principal leaned forwards and whispered in his ear. He clenched his fists when the principal started his "Punishment" it hurt. He didn't expect it to hurt, Duke muttered an apology. He actually did look terrified. "It was just a table." Duke didn't even know what to do, he looked at the Principal warily. Duke looked at his wrist he couldn't help but be confused there wasn't even a mark on is arm he rolled back his sleeves and examined his arm. Duke stumbled slightly as he walked back towards his desk, he read the new mark on it. Noted. He didn't really understand why the Principal hated him for just drawing on a table. But he knew one thing, the Principal really was a psychopath. Duke just closed his eyes slightly and waited for the bell to ring, he was ready to just bolt out of the class.

((So does Duke still have detention too?))

{{ @Jokesome }}​
The principal

Smiling menacingly at Duke, the principal was okay with what he had done.

"You are now, until you decide to...heh, bolt, bound to the school. Sure, you can leave...but this building now has you. Be sure to stop every. Other. Student from writing on their desks, by the way...or you, and only you, will receive this same pain. Not caused by me, no...heh, I wish...but by this school. Enjoy your time here mister Mason."

In a poof of red smoke, his flame filled eyes being the last to leave the science room, he left.

((I'm glad @Kimi XP))

Duke Mason

Duke let out a sigh of relief when he Principal left. He flashed everyone an annoyed look, he would have helped them so why couldn't anyone help him. It reminded Duke of when his mother left him, as soon as they got home from his dads funeral she got out her suitcase and started to pack, he begged her not to go but she just left. Duke never thought he would feel as alone as he did that night, trying to sleep in his dads boat. Alone. Jumping at every shadow and noise, clinging to his bed every time the boat moved. Now duke has the same abandont feeling, no one had tried to help him. No one. So im stuck doing the Principals dirty work and every else just gets to sit and watch, like that was all their private little show.

Kimi said:

Duke Mason

Duke let out a sigh of relief when he Principal left. He flashed everyone an annoyed look, he would have helped them so why couldn't anyone help him. It reminded Duke of when his mother left him, as soon as they got home from his dads funeral she got out her suitcase and started to pack, he begged her not to go but she just left. Duke never thought he would feel as alone as he did that night, trying to sleep in his dads boat. Alone. Jumping at every shadow and noise, clinging to his bed every time the boat moved. Now duke has the same abandont feeling, no one had tried to help him. No one. So im stuck doing the Principals dirty work and every else just gets to sit and watch, like that was all their private little show.

Fylec Nodwu

Ryuk was in shock; he hadn't realised that the literal devil had 'made it's nest' in the school.

Fylec got up from his desk and patted Duke on his shoulder, "head down. Work. Try to be a no one...until some tries to graffiti. Sorry."

He meant his apology as he sat back down and slumped his head on his desk.


Kat wanted to help Duke, but she couldn't for two reasons. She was a scaredy cat and she didn't want the principal to be more mad at her than it seemed he was. Kat assumed this is what would've happened if she stood up for Duke. Kat would say something to the principal then the principal would most likely ask her about her powers or something and then, boom Kat is figured out to be human and killed. Maybe if she actually had her powers she actually could've helped, but honestly she was just really gifted on Stealth, Agility, and climbing. Which made it seem like she had powers compared to everyone else at her old school. She missed the good old days when the principal didn't even know her name. Now she is Lieng for her life, yay...

-=-=((Why I wasn't able to help ((@Majarkhon)), Fylec ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki))=

Jokesome said:
Monika Red

Chuckling as she opened the blinds to the gym, Monika woke Cassiopea up. "Hey...Cassi. It's almost time for you Drama lesson. Do have fun."

Smiling with he tongue out of the left side of her mouth, Monkia chuckled more but held her left hand over her mouth. Opening a window in the gym, Monika aired out the gym.

(( xD @Astaroth Suzumiya ))

Cassiopea moan upon her breath as she sit down and rub her eyes "w-what happen?" she said as everythingg became clear to her and look at Monica "monica u stealer" she said as she stole her first kiss and all and it made her blush madly as she notice about her drama class is about to start so she start walking into the blindess of the sun.

Duke Mason

He smiled gratefully at Fylec "Yeah I will try at least. Thanks. Sorry about being a jerk earlier" Duke got out his notebook and started doing some actual work, his hands were shaking slightly but he didn't really notice. He smiled awkwardly at Kat, he couldn't help but be curious about what the look the principal gave him was about. As long as no one draws on a table then im good. Duke sighed and jotted stuff down in his notebook.

(( xD Its fine ~ @Majarkhon - @Ayuna Kusado - @Tokki ))
( @Jokesome Cassiopea only leave her a kiss mark but not a biting mark she will do that if and only if monica will die onto something)

Cassiopea walk to her room as she waited for her student to arrive she was a little bit exited she will have the chance to meet all of them atlast.

<Bell Rings to signal it's time to head to 4th Period and you have 4 minutes left>


Kat heard the bell rang and packed up her stuff. Kat ran as fast as she could because she didn't want to get stuck in a traffic. When Kat made it to art Class she found it pretty easy to tell what race the teacher was. Kat then sat down and took out her sketchbook which she assumed they would be using.


Rachel squealed with glee when she heard the bell ring. It meant that it was almost time for her time to shine! Rachel then layed out name tags by each table so the students would know where they are going to sit for the class. Rachel then stood wrote her Miss Rachel as big as she could on the board. She then stood by the board and waited

Table 1

Duke, Lena

Table 2

Chris, Anthony, Rin

Table 3

Aurora, Willow, Akiyama

-=-=((Students in art class Duke ((@XxBouncy BunnyxX)), Chris ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki)),Akiyama ((
@The Otaku Diaries))=-=-
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*Ding dong* Yuki heard the bell ring. It's time for fourth period! Art class is next, even though she has signed up for art, it doesn't mean she can draw well. A snake looks like a hat. A hat looks like a duck! Anyways, with a straightforward statement, Yuki can't draw. Yuki walked into art class with a sketchbook, predicting that it'll be needed and a pencil. Following down, she saw there were name tags on the tables so there's probably an assigned seat for her. She sat down in the corner and played with her fingers, still nervous from how it's the first time in school. @XxBouncy BunnyxX @Ayuna Kusado @Tokki
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For not talking in a day, Yuki felt uncomfortable. But should she talk on the first day of school? Yes to make friends, but Yuki isn't the type to start interesting conversations. So instead, she just started off with something everyone says— Hi.

".... H-hello...." Yuki said quietly, although hoping the male while he able to hear even if her head as down and nearly mumbling. @Ldybug123
Annalise walked into her next class and sat where she was supposed to. She smiled at everyone that entered and tried to be as friendly as possible. She even waved at a few of them that she'd seen around.
It was a suddenly noise, the bell, that actually woke Fylec up. He had dozed off at the end of science class and only just woke up as pretty much all of the students had left the room.

"Next, Fylec?" Ryuk had popped down from the ceiling, asking Fylec what lesson he had to attend next. "Oh...Photography. Nah, i'm going back to my dorm. I mean, after i've popped into the class and made some phony excuse like...Wanting to take pictures of the school. No photography teacher can resist a student who knows how to do their lesson..."

His plan was almost solid, that is until he saw that the photography class, was not a class at all. There were no other students, just the teacher.

"Sh*t! Now i have to do what they ask...AND i have to stay in class."

The teacher saw that Fylec had entered, then checked their rota. "No, Mister Nodwu, i will not be taking classes of photography this year. Please, find your way to your dorm until your next lesson. Enjoy!"

It was a god send to Fylec who then rushed over to his teacher and gave them a hug.

"Thank you teacher, sorry that there were no others students."

The teacher smiled as Fylec rushed out of the class and to his dorm, Ryuk followed then saw that the other bed had not been used for bags or other things.

"Hey, this student didn't turn up...Fylec, can i use it?" Jumping up and down on the bed, Ryuk was happy to.

"Yeah, by all means. Seems like..." Checking the other students scheduled lessons, Fylec saw that they would have had photography too. "Huh, yeah...this student would have had the same as me, this lesson. Oh well."

((@Majarkhon 's character didn't turn up. That okay?))

Duke Mason

Sighing as the bell rang Duke packed away his things and headed towards the art class, he listened when the teacher told them their seats and headed over to table one. "Hey Kat" he looked over at the girl he didn't know and smiled "Im duke, you are?" At least this teacher isn't asleep and is actually doing something. He looked around nervously, at least no one is drawing on a table. He was happy about being on a table with Kat because he had wanted to talk to her.

Lena Finch

"Hi im Lena" She smiled nervously at the other two, she assumed the other girl was called Kat. She wasn't sure what they were going to have to do, but these were the first people she had met. She remembered seeing them this morning when she was walking into school. She wasn't looking forward to last lesson, after all it was powers and she still hadn't decided on what would be hers. She didn't even know how she was going to fake a power.
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((I've neglected this rp for too long))

As usual, Pollyanna was late. It wasn't her fault though, sleep is important. She casually strolled into class and took a seat. She had nothing to do here, nobody really to talk to. Which frustrated her. She started to tap heel against the chair really loudly and obnoxiously, unaware of how annoying it could be to others.

<Bell rings to signal if you're not in your 4th Period class you're late.>


"Hi Duke and nice to meet you Lena." She said with a smile she then heard the bell ring and looked up to the teacher and see what she was going to do. She seemed different from her previous teachers, she wasn't sleeping, or late at all, she even had a smile on her face!

-=-=((Talking to Duke and Lena @XxBouncy BunnyxX)), Chris ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki)),Akiyama ((
@The Otaku Diaries))=-=-

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