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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

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  • No

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  • I'm fine either way

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After the handshake Rin went back to focusing on the teacher. However much a playboy he was, he still behaved in class. @Ldybug123
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"Thank you. Okay class so it's the first day and I know it's annoying to get homework on the first day. So for today we are gonna play a little game. Everyone take the paper that has your name on it, then flip it over. After you flipped it over write down 2 truths and 1 lie do not write on the paper which one are the truths or lie. When everyone is done with that I'll give you the next step." She then sat down at her mini teacher's desk and wrote down her own Truths and one lie.

-=-=((Students in art class Duke ((@XxBouncy BunnyxX)), Chris ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki)),Akiyama ((
@The Otaku Diaries))=-=-
Rin sighed. What a loathsome game. He wrote down the 3 sentences. They were.... I'm a vampire, I enjoy sports, and I'm partially color blind. He knew which was which, but he doubted if anyone else would guess it. No one really knew anything about Rin. And everyone that he didn't tell otherwise always thought he was a human. @CellistCat606
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Kat was about to write I'm human for one of them but it would seem to obvious right? So she decided to write I have a iPhone 2 on me right now, my favorite color is Purple, and my full name is Katelyn.

-=-=((Students in art class Duke ((@XxBouncy BunnyxX)), Chris ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki)),Akiyama ((
@The Otaku Diaries))=-=-
Aurora realized that she was late for Art class. Instead of running, she ended up walking to Art class. When she made it through the door and sat in her assigned seat. What exactly are we doing in class? She whispered to one of her classmates,"What are we doing?" she took out her sketchbook and drew random things.


Lena Finch

Lena didn't know what to put, she couldn't exactly just put im human down. Biting her lip she wrote down her lies and truths they were "I like sports , I have a cat called Maya and I have ate a snake before". She doodled in the corner of her worksheet, smiling at the other two she decided to attempt a conversation. Well they both seem nice considering they aren't human, at least they aren't pointing an axe at my head or are trying to kill me. She noticed that Duke had already started talking to Kat so she decided to keep her mouth shut for now.

Duke Mason

Duke wasn't exactly sure what to write, he sketched the two girls in the corner of his paper before turning it over to write the truths and lies. He wrote down three statements "I used to live on a boat. My eyes can turn silver. My skin can turn purple" He put in the two non-normal ones to try and throw people off. He wasn't thrilled by the exercise but it could be interesting he might learn something. "Hey, Kat you okay?" He smiled at her meaningfully to try and show what he was talking about. He lowered his voice slightly "Principal Psycho seriously keeps giving you some suspicious looks" He got out a small bottle of water and started sipping the water.​
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"U-uh.... Well, we're writing two truths and one lie on the sheet of paper that has your name on it.... And don't write which one is truth and which one is the lie." Yuki spoke quietly and nervously to the female that had asked what're we doing. In small handwriting, she wrote down: "I'm a spirit, my favorite color is red and I don't go outside often." She knew that those are pretty obvious truths and lies. But most people probably won't get it correct..... Probably. @Tokki @XxBouncy BunnyxX @Ayuna Kusado
"Ok thanks." Aurora whispered back. What should I write? Hmm... She wrote down on the paper 'I'm a spirit animal, My name is Tina, I'm short tempered.' She couldn't think of anything difficult to write so she just wrote down those three things. When she finished she drew random drawings in her sketch book again.

@The Otaku Diaries


Kat was very proud of what she written down so she waited for the teacher give them their next instructions. She then heard Duke starting to talk to her "I'm fine just not sure why the principal doesn't like me." Kat then started tapping her pencil on the table.

-=-=((Students in art class Duke ((@XxBouncy BunnyxX)), Chris ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki)),Akiyama ((

@The Otaku Diaries))=-=-

Duke Mason

"It seems like more than just him disliking you, I mean it looks like more than just dislike when he looks at you. He looks suspicious , angry even afraid." He looked suspiciously at Kat, is she lying to me? Duke finished his sketch of Kat and moved onto the one of Lena. Something didn't feel right though, he didn't know if he was just jumpy after his run in with the principal or whether there was way more to it.

Lena Finch

Lena pretended to ignore their conversation as she didn't want to pry. She smiled at duke and looked over at what he was drawing, it looked pretty good. Lena waited for their teacher to tell them what to do next, their teacher looked nice enough. She doesn't look like she is about to kill me either. Anyways is she an Angel or something? If she is an Angel she cant kill me right? Or is there some weird stuff regarding angels that I don't know about.


"Okay I hope everyone is done, because it's time for the fun part. So I'm going to call on you guys 1 by 1 and you will say your 2 truths and 1 lie. Do not say what the truths and the lie is because it's everyone else's job to figure out what your one lie is. So Duke can you tell us what you wrote down?"


Kat felt like she could trust Duke on the secret but figured if she told him he'll just rat her out, because she didn't help him. Kat was trying to figure out what to tell Duke as soon as the Teacher started talking.

-=-=((Students in art class Duke ((@XxBouncy BunnyxX)), Chris ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki)),Akiyama ((
@The Otaku Diaries))=-=-

Duke Mason

"Great im going first...." He raised his eyebrows at Lena and Kat. He walked up to the front, he cleared his throat then started reading from his paper "So... number one is I live on a boat / used to live number two is my eyes can turn silver and number three is that my skin can turn purple." He smiled awkwardly at the class "Have fun guessing."


"Everyone now may talk to each other about what they think the lie is. In the end we'll just go around and ask everyone what they think the lie is and we all don't have to have the same vote."


"I believe number two; his skin can turn purple is the lie anyone have any other ideas?"

-=-=((Sorry for short post))=-=-

-=-=((Students in art class Duke ((@XxBouncy BunnyxX)), Chris ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki)),Akiyama ((
@The Otaku Diaries))=-=-

Rin didn't discuss as he had virtually no interest in this game at all. Besides he was sitting next to a very shy guy and the other one hadnt shown up yet.

Lena Finch

"Maybe the first one because its the odd one out?" She nervously bit her lip and started fiddling with a pencil on her desk. She hated speaking like this as usually she was confident but here she was terrified attention would be draw towards her. And right now considering that the school could kill me at any time I don't want that to happen.

Duke Mason

He grinned at Kat and winked at her, he wasn't giving out any clues. He thought it was a pretty dumb game but he didn't really mind it that much. After all he could learn some important stuff about the people in his class. Which could always be useful.

((Sorry for the short post(s) <3 ))
Yuki listened to the male with his truths and lie. Well. There were two unusual statements, so one out of them is probably the lie. But again, there was the one that he lived on a boat. That didn't make sense either, so she just went with the one of how he lived on a boat. It probably wasn't true, since who can live on such a small area? Probably no one, but she still went with it. Yuki spoke quietly with her head down as usual. "Umm.... I-I think the one that said he lived on the boat is false...."

Duke Mason

Duke grinned at Yuki, "What? Do I not look like a pirate?" He was surprised to find himself enjoying the game although he hated standing in front of the class. "Em? Miss when do I say what's true and what's a lie?" He ran his hand through his hair nervously, tapping a pencil against the teachers desk. "Well I guess im going to say it, the purple skin is a lie. My eyes can turn silver and I did live on a boat"

Lena Finch

Lena looked up and smiled when Duke said what was the truths and lies. She continued to draw on her paper, she was surprised when he said his eyes could turn silver. But I suppose that is probably normal around here. Compared to some of the other things that happen around here.


Kat was happy that she guessed which one was the lie. Kat was also doing a little victory dance without getting out of her chair.


"Duke you're supposed to say it when everyone said their idea you skipped Rin and Chris, but otherwise good job. Rin can you say what you've written down but don't say which ones are the lie or the two truths."

-=-=((Talking to Rin @Ayuna Kusado))=-=-

-=-=((Students in art class Duke ((@XxBouncy BunnyxX)), Chris ((
@Ldybug123)), Anthony ((@TheAggresivePacifist)), Rin ((@Ayuna Kusado)), Aurora ((@Tokki)),Akiyama ((@The Otaku Diaries))=-=-

Rin sighed and got up. Then he read his three sentences. "I'm a vampire, I'm partially colorblind, and I enjoy sports." He said them all with a clear disinterest. Most of his fan girls started immediately saying that the vampire one was probably the lie.
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((Why would the vampire be a lie? They know you aren't human sooo...?))

Duke Mason

Duke grinned at Kat "You got it right" he chuckled slightly at her victory dance. "I say that the I like sports is a lie" Rin didn't really look like the type who spent their free time running around on a field. Duke smiled at Lena and tilted his head slightly, "So what do you two think?" he asked Kat and Lena curiously.

Lena Finch

"I think the colour-blind one is a lie. It seems a bit random?" She smiled at Kat and Duke. Looking around the class she was surprised by how normal everyone seemed, she rolled her eyes at the fan girls. They are seriously obsessed, I doubt he made them like that. She didn't really get what the fuss was about he looked normal enough compared to everyone.
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