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Chase Crosby


Poor Chase felt his little heart pounding at a million miles per hour in his chest as he fretted over the big ball. He wanted nothing more than to impress Grace and to make a good first impression on her parents. His face looked worried as his mind was racing, thinking of all the ways he could potentially mess up and embarrass himself.

What was he going to wear? Did he even HAVE a suit that fit him? If so, was it fancy enough or expensive enough to be considered acceptable at this ball? Maybe he’d do his hair different, he thought. Maybe he’d use gel and style it up a bit to look as handsome as he could be for her. He usually just left his hair naturally as is and it always looked good, but maybe he’d modify it. He didn’t know what he was going to do exactly but Chase knew one thing- he wanted to look his very best for her if he was in fact going to be attending.

As Grace let him finish and Chase finally stopped rambling on his worries, she spoke, reassuring him gently. It was good for him to get out all of his concerns though. He looked over at Grace anxiously as she attempted to soothe him and even build up his confidence a bit. An ego boost was surely needed. If it wasn’t Quidditch or broom flying, then Chase didn’t have much of a big ego. He looked at her unsurely as she attempted to comfort and calm him down.

What she said was sweet and Chase appreciated it. Still, he couldn’t help but feel nervous. He then saw Grace stop walking and he looked over at her and stopped in the hallway as well. He then opened his mouth slightly and raised his eyebrows a little bit as she went to her tip toes (so she could reach the taller boy) and cupped his face in her hands. Grace’s touch was soft and gentle against Chase’s smooth skin. He looked back into her eyes as she told him not to stress, her touch and gentle voice calming him.

Then, she kissed him. Chase widened his big brown eyes a bit as he felt his heart flutter. He instantly felt better now, the kiss seeming to do the trick. His face went bright red as he blushed profusely. He had to admit, he was a little surprised she’d show him affection so publicly like this when they usually tended to keep it to a minimum for various reasons. Still, he didn’t mind. He loved it, even though her kisses never failed to make the youngest Crosby boy blush like a tomato. Besides, there wasn’t really anyone in the hallways walking by that he could see (to his knowledge at least).

Chase’s face was red but his nerves slightly calmer now as his girlfriend’s little pep talk and encouraging words had built him up a bit. Of course, the kiss was the bow on top that wrapped it all up nicely. Chase instantly felt good inside, feeling all warm and loved by the Slytherin girl. After a moment of silence, processing everything that he had just heard and the little kiss from her, he looked back into her eyes and spoke softly. “Wow…” he whispered, always blown away in a good way by her kisses. “Th- thank you Grace…. I needed that…” he said quietly.

He kept his stunning dark brown eyes fixed to her.
“I’ll be there. I’ll do everything in my power to convince my parents to come and let me go. I want to come and be there for you. I- I think I’ve got this,” he affirmed with a little head of of determination. “And uhh, thanks for all those nice things you said about me…” he said softly, cracking a cute little sheepish smile. “And the kiss….” he added.
Grace Walsh
As Grace pulled back from the kiss, she blushed herself. Although hers was just a light dusting of pink, Chase's was practically bright red. She giggled a bit at the sight. Sure, she knew that her kisses and subtle flirting made the Crosby boy blush as red as a tomato, but she still enjoyed it. It relieved her to know that Chase might look all tough on the Quidditch pitch, but with her he could just be himself.

"Thanks for even considering the ball." Grace responded as she flattened her feet on the floor so she was standing at her normal height again. "And don't mention it. All those nice things about you are true after all. You're welcome for the kiss too." She said a bit shyly. "You'll do great, trust me."

Right then, a young Slytherin boy, around their age passes by in a rush. But seeing Grace, he stopped in his tracks. "Grace? Stop dwaddling around. We're gonna miss potions at this rate." After he said that, the boy took off running in the direction of the potions room. Grace completely lost track of time. "I am so sorry, but he's right I'm going to be late. We can't have that, can we?" She said hurriedly before kissing Chase on the cheek and following the boy's direction.

"See you at the ball, Crosby!" She yelled out while he was just in earshot of him and continued running down the hall.

Chase Crosby


Chase nodded, “Oh, uhh, of course!” he replied. He smiled softly, his heart fluttering as he looked at her lovingly as Grace reaffirmed that all the nice things she had said about him were completely true. He tried to resist audibly swooning over her as to not make a fool out of himself. He blushed ever so slightly at her words. Just then, a boy from the Slytherin house who looked to be a third year called over Grace, stating they’d be late for potions class if they waited any longer. Bloody hell! Chase had completely lost track of time!

His eyes widened as he blushed a deeper shade of red as Grace quickly gave him a little kiss on the cheeks before scurrying off with the Slytherin boy to get to her next class. After standing there for a few seconds in awe, Chase shook his head and closed his eyes, snapping out of his little lovestruck trance. Damn it, he couldn’t dwindle any longer… surely he was already late for his next class! Without any further hesitation, Chase kicked it into gear and scampered off to his next class. Unfortunately, he did end up being late in front of the whole class as he practically burst into the classroom upon arrival. The professor just turned around and disappointedly shook his head slowly and glaring at the out of breath and panting Chase. “Again, Mr. Crosby?….” the professor asked, pushing his glasses down his nose and looking at the Gryffindor boy. This certainly wasn’t the first time Chase had been late. The professor sighed, like this was a usual occurrence. “Five points from Gryffindor….” sighed the professor with a little eye roll before he went back to writing on the chalkboard and teaching the lesson. Chase’s eyes widened as his cheeks blushed bright red. The Gryffindors in that class turned around and all glared at Chase as he uncomfortably made his way to his usual seat.

-Time skip-

Eventually, the last week of classes before the winter break passed and it was time for all of the students to go back home. Chase and Grace ended up riding the train from Hogwarts to back home together, saying their goodbyes and rejoining their parents at the train station. Chase was the first of the Crosby boys to find his parents in the crowd of families on the platform. He smiled tiredly as he ran into his parents arms, giving them a big hug. His parents greeted him with open arms and big welcoming smiles. Soon they were begrudgingly joined by an ever so grumpy looking Thomas after he said goodbye to his posse of Slytherin friends. He simply nodded, addressing his parents as he looked at each of them. “Mother. Father.” he said, rather formally. Soon, the Crosby family gathered up their things and went home.

-About a week later….-

About a week later, one night, the Crosby’s were having one of their typical family dinners together in the dining room. The meal for tonight was filet mignon with a side of mashed potatoes and rice. The Crosby’s were treating themselves tonight with the big fancy juicy steak for everyone. Chase still hadn’t told his parents about Grace Walsh’s ball that he had been invited to. He figured he needed to tell them now before it was too late. The date of the ball was creeping up on him after all…. As they were about almost done with dinner, Chase decided now was the time to act. After swallowing a bit of food, the youngest boy cleared his throat in order to get everyone’s attention. Now all eyes of the Crosby family were on Chase…..

“Erm… mum? Dad? C- can I ask you a question? Well err- and tell you something?” Chase asked nervously, an uncomfortable look on his face. His mother and father nodded their heads. “Why of course honey, you can always tell us anything,” replied his mother Kelly sweetly with a warm smile. Chase nodded and gulped before going on. “Well uhh, while I was at school last year I umm….. well, I got a girlfriend…” he told them, blushing slightly. This caused Andrew and Kelly’s eyes to widen, surprised to hear that their little boy had a mystery girlfriend that had never heard about. Maybe that was who he was so excited to see when he went back to Hogwarts all the time…. Still, Chase went on, not giving too much time for his parents to respond to that. “And uhh, well… umm….” he stuttered, “Well, she invited me to this p- party…. Well… more like a ball…… A fancy ball….” Chase said softly, his shoulders tensing up a little bit as he looked uncomfortable, wincing a bit. He was nervous as to how his parents would react.

“A ball, son?” his father Andrew asked, “You? Invited to a ball?” he asked, trying to get the story straight, surprised Chase- his son- of all people was getting invited to this supposedly fancy ball! Chase gulped and nodded nervously. That was when Thomas widened his eyes and jolted his head to stare at Chase. He couldn’t believe his brother was getting invited to the ball, and he thought he knew just what ball was in question- the Walsh family ball. The very ball he himself was invited to due to his connections with his girlfriend Mia Mayfield. Thomas loudly put down his glass of water and stared at Chase with big eyes. Chase felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He nodded once more before trying to regain his composure and speaking once more, addressing his parents. He looked as if he were about to break into a nervous sweat.

“Y- yes dad…” replied Chase. He briefly glanced over at his brother, Thomas’ eyes still on him. He then looked back at his mother and father. “Well err, s- she’s really nice, and I thought it would be nice i- if you all met her and we went to this ball as a family…” suggested Chase, wincing in preparation for his family’s reaction. Surely his parents would say no to such an idea! Attending a traditional fancy ball? The Crosby’s didn’t do anything of those sorts! Andrew and Kelly both briefly looked at each other, a little confused and caught off guard by the new information and the request from their youngest son. After a little moment of awkward tension and silence, Andrew spoke. “Well son, uhh, a ball huh? You do know we’re not really uhh- that type of family… if you know what I mean…” said the father cryptically. “And to be fair Chase, the school wrote me and has told me you’ve been late to multiple classes on more than one occasion… that’s not really being responsible. I should hold you home just for that.” said his dad. Chase’s eyes widened at that. “Now now Andy, hold on, we’ll address that later. For now, let’s figure out this ball situation. Our little guy has himself a girlfriend hun, it would be wrong to deny him a chance to see her. And more so, a chance for us to meet her,” said Kelly. “Where is this invitation anyways?” his mother asked. “Hold on mum, I’ll get it,” said Chase, excusing himself from the table and going to scurry off and find the fancy invitation from Grace.

He soon came back down to the dinner table, presenting his parents with the invitation to the Walsh family ball. He gave it first to his mother, who gave it to the father to read before her. Chase wasn’t at all aware of any of the history between his parents and the Walsh’s in the past, and was totally unprepared for his parents’ reactions.
“Bloody hell, this is fancy…” muttered Andrew as he took the invitation. Chase worriedly watched his dad’s facial expression as he read the invitation. Andrew’s eyes soon widened immediately as he read the first few words. He then slammed the invitation down on the table and looked at his wife. “What?! The Walsh’s? The Walsh family ball?! Wh- why?! Why are we being invited to those posh assholes’ fancy schmancy event?!” Andrew asked quickly, furrowing his brow and scrunching his face up with disgust. Kelly looked a bit stunned, not expecting an invitation to the Crosby’s from the Walsh family of all people for them to attend a fancy ball- balls typically only well known and very rich pure blooded historically Slytherin families were allowed to. Only the elites attended these Walsh family balls, and the Crosby family wasn’t really considered “posh” and “elite” in the wizarding world. Famous because of Quidditch? Yes, but not among the top snobbish elite….

“My word….” said Kelly softly, putting a little hand over her mouth. She too was surprised to see their youngest son give them an invitation to an event hosted by the family that was their old rival back in Hogwarts. Andrew Crosby and Daniel Walsh never got along- bitter enemies and rivals in their time at school as kids. As a result, their partners and eventual spouses hated each other too. “The Walsh’s?…. Inviting US?” Kelly asked in shock. Chase gulped, looking more nervous now than ever. “Erm, yes…” he nodded, “Is- is there something wrong?…” asked Chase nervously. “Erm- well-“ stalled Kelly, thinking of a way to explain in a good way to their youngest son why they weren’t too particularly fond of the Walsh family. But she was interrupted by Thomas abruptly pulling out of his seat and excusing himself from the table. “Ahem, excuse me. I’ll be right back,” he said quickly as he hurried off somewhere. Chase couldn’t be bothered to care where though. He then looked back at his parents.

“No! Nuh uh! Abso-bloody-lutely NOT! No Walsh family ball for ANY of us, Mr. Crosby!” Andrew said, turning up nose up and shaking his head, adamantly refusing to go to this event. Chase’s eyes widened as his mouth opened. “B- but-! But dad!” Chase whined in protest. “Ah ah! Nope! No ‘buts’ except yours sitting in that chair over there and finishing the rest of your dinner… quietly!” commanded Andrew, almost seemingly offended that his son had the “audacity” to bring him an invitation from the Walsh family. Kelly furrowed her brow and glared at her husband, flaring her nostrils. “Andrew….” she muttered, “Enough. Let’s be mature about this and think it over,” she said, taking the more diplomatic approach. Soon, Thomas came down with the same exact fancy invitation to the Walsh family ball in his hand. He loudly and obnoxiously cleared his throat to interject himself into the conversation as he came into the dining room, pushing Chase to the side and presenting the invitation to his mother. “AHEM! Mother, father? I too have been invited to the Walsh family ball on account to my connections with my girlfriend, Mia Mayfield,” he told them. “What?! You too Thomas? Has this whole family gone bloody mad?!” Andrew asked in disbelief.

“Andrew!” Kelly scolded, “I said enough! Let’s seriously talk this over like grown adults, ok?” she said, raising a stern eyebrow at her husband who was acting rather immature in her opinion. Chase just looked up at Thomas and then back to his parents nervously. Thomas puffed out his chest arrogantly and closed his eyes, waiting for a suitable response from his parents. “Now Tom, you too have been invited to this event?” Kelly asked the oldest boy to clarify. To this, Thomas nodded his head. Kelly sighed and looked over at Andrew. “Well hun, both of our sons have been invited…. Thomas because of his girlfriend and Chase presumably too because of this mystery girl he said he had of his,” she said. “It’s pretty much a given that if they were to go, we’d have to be in attendance too,” she said, wanting to take the classy approach.

Andrew slammed a palm on the table in objection. “What?! Absolutely not! That’s untrue!” he protested. “We are NOT going to some pish posh Walsh family ball!” he adamantly declared. “Hun…” said Kelly softly with a frown. But she was cut off before she could even get another word out. “Nope! We are NOT going to the Walsh family ball, and that is FINAL!” Andrew claimed. “No Crosby will ever be seen at one of those functions, let alone one hosted by the Walsh’s of all people!” said Andrew stubbornly as he crossed his arms, looking as if he wouldn’t budge. Thomas opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow over at his dad, as if this reaction was unexpected to him and he couldn’t believe his father would deny him this. Chase’s mouth opened as his eyes widened. “Dad! Please! M- it’s my girlfriend! She invited me! Please! I- I- I really like her! And I think it would be great for you to finally meet her!” Chase said, hoping that it would entice his parents. He purposely left out the fact that his girlfriend was actually the Walsh’s daughter, as it seemed his father had some bad blood with the family…. That would be a bombshell of a surprise to be dropped for later, if they even were going to be in attendance of this ball that was…..

“Blasphemy!” spat Thomas, getting some of his own protests in. “I’ve OUGHT to be there! My girlfriend needs me! I MUST be in attendance!” he insisted. Andrew just glared at Thomas, furrowing his brow and shaking his head. Thomas just gritted his teeth and stomped his foot down, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes and turning away from his father, pouting. Kelly closed her eyes briefly and let out an exhale before calmly addressing her husband. “Now Andrew, come on, you know we can’t deny true love… especially considering we met and started dating when we were around their age back at Hogwarts…” she mentioned. “Think of how you would feel if your parents denied you a chance to see me over break? Remember how mad you would get when we first started dating and my father practically refused to let me see you?” Kelly mentioned, raising an eyebrow at Andrew and impatiently tapping her foot. Andrew’s eyes widened, “But-! But-!” he said. “Nuh uh. No ‘buts’ but OURS attending that Walsh family ball…” she said sternly. “Andrew, we’re all going. It’s settled,” she declared. “Plus, it will be nice, a thing we can all go to as a family. And we will get to meet this wonderful girlfriend of Chase’s,” she said with a smile. Andrew just sighed and groaned, pouting like a little kid. He knew better than to argue with his wife at the stage of their marriage. He was a veteran husband by now. Happy wife meant happy life.

“Yes! Really? So you’ll really take us? Yes! Thank you so much!” Chase celebrated happily, jumping up and down and pumping his fists up in the air in victory. The cutest and biggest excited smile could be seen on young Chase’s face as the boy rejoiced giddily. Thomas just turned back to his parents, his arms still crossed, sneering a bit as scoffed. “Hmph, that’s what I thought…” he muttered. “Well, this is a Walsh family ball now…. To my knowledge it is quite fancy…” said Kelly, “We’ve got to go shopping to get you boys something nice to wear,” she said. She then turned to Andrew and glared at him. “That means you too Andrew…” she said sternly. Andrew just groaned like a rebellious teenager and scoffed, crossing his eyes and rolling his eyes. In the days that came, the Crosby family went out shopping to prepare for attending the Walsh family ball.

-At the Walsh family ball-

And soon enough, the night of the Walsh family ball was upon them. All four members of the Crosby family arrived at the Walsh mansion, all fancily dressed up. Chase could feel his little heart pounding in his chest, all dressed up in his expensive tuxedo, looking as dapper as ever for his girlfriend.
Grace Walsh
~About a week before the ball~

The Walshs were sitting around the table for their regular family dinners. It was mostly silent, only the sounds of eating could be heard until Amelia spoke up. "So Grace, which family did you choose to invite as your first year of my assistant hostess?" This caught Daniel's attention as well, intrigued for almost the first time. He is never really part of the planning side of the balls, he was just funding all of it, but it seems he is interested to see who his daughter invited this year.

"Oh well, here's the thing. I invited my.. um.. boyfriend's family." She said shyly. She wasn't sure how they'd react to the news that she had a boyfriend. "Oh, a boyfriend? Which family?" Her father spoke up, he looked seemingly happy. Her parents always saw how excited she was to go to Hogwarts each year, so maybe this boyfriend was the cause of it, they thought. "It's Crosby. I invited the Crosby's." Grace said with a bit more confidence.

Hearing the news, Daniel's face of happiness fell into one of anger. "You invited the Crosby's? No, I won't allow it! That family has no sense of tradition!" He argued as he set down his glass of firewhiskey. "You already gave them the invitation?" It was Amelia's turn to speak up, but Grace just nodded. She knew when her father was mad, it was best not to say much. "Why are you even entertaining this idea, Ames?" Daniel then turned to Amelia.

Luckily, Grace's mother was always the calm one, that's where Grace got her caring side from. "She's happy, Danny. If she's happy with him, give the boy and their family another chance." She said gently while taking the firewhiskey away from him. "Please, father. Just watch him, you'll see how great he is, I promise." Grace placed while her mother had him calm. "Let's put aside our history, for now, be civil. Alright?" Daniel begrudgingly agreed, for his daughter.

~Before the ball~

Everything was set and ready for guests. The house looked exquisite, decorated to the nines for the guests. Daniel and Amelia were out by the entrance, greeting everyone. Saying hi to old friends, asking their house elves to take care of whatever the guests may ask for, and overall just being amazing hosts, just like every year. When the Crosbys came to the entrance, Daniel put on his best smile and shook Andrew's hand and kissed Kelly's hand, a standard greeting for high society. He left leaving Amelia to do most of the talking.

"It's been too long, Kelly. It's nice to see you all again after many years." Amelia greeted warmly as she air kissed Kelly on both of her cheeks, a normal greeting for high society women. "Oh, and you have two handsome young boys. I knew those Crosby genes had to be passed down somehow." She complimented Chase and Thomas after she saw them. "I know our history may be a bit rocky, but I hope you enjoy the ball nonetheless." With that a house elf guided the guests through the massive house into the ballroom where the rest of the guests were.

~Beginning of the ball~

Daniel Walsh stood in the front of the room and tapped his glass with his fork, gaining everyone's attention. "Welcome everybody to the annual Walsh ball! I know my lovely wife usually does the opening remarks but there is one young lady that helped immensely with the planning this year and in the years to come. So may I call my daughter, Grace Walsh to give the opening remarks for this evening."

That was Grace's queue to come down the staircase, in her amazing dress that hugged her in all the right places. Her hair was placed in a neat updo and the make-up she had on just made her look angelic as she walked. All the boys her age were practically in awe, everyone could see why Grace Walsh had the most marriage proposals out of all the high-society girls her age.

Finally, she was beside her father, ready to give her first-ever opening remarks. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad all of you could make it this evening. This date marks the first ever time the Walshs held a ball, and I'm very proud to be carrying on that tradition. With that being said, let the festivities begin!" She said elegantly and with so much class.

The music started playing and the middle of the ballroom cleared for people who wanted to dance. There were people on the sidelines chatting and talking to one another. But one this didn't change, everyone was trying to get the Walshs' attention.

Grace made her way through the crowd, talking to many different people, but soon, she spotted Chase with his family. She as quickly as she could go up to them, but the dress and heels were definitely not making that easy, but she got to them eventually. "You must be Chase's family, I'm so glad all of you could make it! How are you enjoying the night so far?" At that moment, Grace beckoned two house-elves to come by and offer the parents some drinks and Chase and Thomas some food. "You all must starving, I home the trip up to the estate wasn't too tiring."

Chase Crosby


Soon, the night of Walsh’s ball arrived. Before the Walsh’s answered the door and greeted them, Kelly licked her finger and rubbed Chase’s hair, putting down a stray cowlick as he grumbled. He wanted him looking his best at such a high society type event. “Chase stop grumbling! You had a cow lick!” Kelly whispered sternly. Andrew sighed, causing Kelly to glare at him. “And you Andrew! You’re going to put aside your differences tonight and behave! Be kind and polite to the Walsh’s! For our boys!” she reprimanded. Andrew quickly nodded obediently, “Yes, of course honey,” he said, forcing a pleasant smile on his face in preparation for greeting the host family.

Meanwhile, poor Chase’s little heart was going at a million miles per hour in his chest. He was so nervous about going to such a fancy event and making a good impression on Grace’s parents. He looked up at his older brother Thomas who looked nothing but calm, cool, collected, and suave. He wondered how his older brother could be so relaxed in this moment…. He looked like a professional, and Chase, like a scared little rookie. Thomas then glanced down, casting a side eye at his little brother.
“Just don’t embarrass yourself tonight, hmm?” he muttered before returning to looking at the door, waiting for an answer. Soon, the Walsh’s arrived at the door, courteously welcoming and greeting the Crosby’s

Andrew was surprised as Daniel put on a polite smile, as did he (by the orders of his wife) and even took his hand, firmly shaking it. It was an odd feeling for Andrew to shake the hand of his old Hogwarts rival. The same Slytherin boy who he was always fighting with back in school. The same boy he’d pulled countless pranks on and embarrassed and in return, Daniel would make fun of and embarrass Andrew in countless ways. All of that seemed behind them tonight…. Kelly just put on a pleasant smile and nodded as Daniel politely took her hand and kissed it, a sign of respect in the high society. Chase just stood by his parents’ and brother’s side nervous. Thomas looked composed as ever though.

Andrew felt tense for the few seconds Daniel was there greeting them. He was at least relieved when the man left his wife to do most of the talking as he went to attend to his other hosting duties. He felt awkward for his wife who was greeting the very girl she was at odds with back at Hogwarts thanks to her relationship to him. They never really got along well with Amelia’s boyfriend Daniel being Andrew, Kelly’s boyfriend’s, rival. Kelly though was pleasantly surprised with Amelia’s classy and respectful greeting. She smiled, raising her eyebrows a bit, pleasantly surprised as she was greeted the traditional way by Mrs. Walsh. She had to admit, she wasn’t used to all of these high society mannerisms.

“Oh Amelia! What a pleasure it is to see you once more!” Kelly said cheerfully with a bright grin as she greeted the hostess. She nodded politely and returned the traditional kissing greeting. She wasn’t used to the high society stuff, but could respectfully emulate the mannerisms she needed to in order to fit in. As Amelia complimented her children, Kelly giggled a bit and covered her mouth, flattered by the words she had for her sons. She looked down at them with a grin, hoping they’d remain pleasantly standing there and maybe nod with gratitude and acknowledgment of the compliment.

As Amelia complimented the two Crosby boys, Thomas just closed his eyes and gave a toothy grin, nodding and puffing his chest out a little bit. Chase just cracked an awkward but clearly uncomfortable smile as he shrugged. He felt very out of place. Soon, some house elves were there to guide the Crosby’s to the ballroom. As they walked, Thomas kept his arrogant demeanor. He then smirked and looked down at his clearly nervous younger brother. Chase was looking around slowly, all scared and anxious. Thomas then subtly stepped on Chase’s toes with his dress shoes, digging the heel into his little brother’s foot. Chase couldn’t help but yelp a little in pain,
“Ouch!” he cried, trying to subdue his exclamation of hurting. He then looked over and glared at Thomas, who just smirked down at Chase. “Quiet,” the older brother muttered. “Don’t embarrass yourself,” he whispered, holding back a cocky snicker.

As they entered the ballroom and were shown to their seats, Kelly smiled pleasantly and looked around.
“Wow, how nice and lavish,” she said softly, “It’s pretty, isn’t it?” she asked dreamily. Andrew just scoffed and rolled his eyes, smirking as he thought of a snide remark to respond with. “Ha! Yea! Pretty! Pretty bloody rubbish!” replied Andrew sarcastically. “Oof!” he grunted as he was slapped on the back of his head by his wife who scowled at him. “Oh grow up you! You’re not a school boy anymore! This isn’t Hogwarts!” Kelly scolded her husband. As Chase took his seat, his eyes nervously scanned the room for Grace. Where was she? Where was his girlfriend? He wanted to show her that he was here! That he had shown up and brought his family for her to meet! And he was even dressed up all nice! He looked as handsome as ever all dressed up in quite an expensive tuxedo. His hair was even done up, looking amazing as it was felled and slicked back. His brother’s was as well.

But Andrew and Kelly were still unaware of just who exactly Chase’s girlfriend was… they did not yet know that it was none other than the host and hostess’ daughter, Grace Walsh. Eventually, Mia Mayfield and her parents, Jack and Naomi, came over to greet the Crosby’s. The Mayfield’s and Crosby’s had already met since Thomas had been dating Mia for a few years now, so they were on courteous terms even though the Crosby’s were a mostly Gryffindor family. Their son Thomas was the shining example of a pure blooded Slytherin boy, and for that, he was held in high standards and regard to them and others. Andrew and Kelly greeted Jack and Naomi as Mia and Thomas linked up. Thomas charmingly took Mia’s hand and kissed it, smirking arrogantly and raising his eyebrows, wrapping her into a hug, causing her to giggle and blush slightly. It all just made Chase roll his eyes….. Eventually the Mayfield’s went elsewhere, taking Thomas with them. At least that got his older brother out of the picture, for now…..

-Beginning of the ball-

Eventually Thomas rejoined the Crosby’s as the ball officially was underway. Chase continued to nervously look around the ballroom for any sight of Grace. But she was nowhere to be seen! Where was she? Chase wondered if she had fallen ill or something worse and began to fret. Soon, Daniel Walsh stood in front of the room and tapped his glass loudly to get everyone’s attention. The chattering soon died down as the ballroom became quiet so Daniel could speak and welcome everyone to the ball. Chase couldn’t help but feel like a fraud in here, feeling like he didn’t belong in this high society classy event. But Chase’s ears perked up as he heard Daniel mention his daughter’s name. His eyes widened as he jolted his head and directed his attention to a girl entering in the most lavish and beautiful dress he had ever seen.

Chase’s jaw dropped practically to the floor as his eyes went as wide as two full moons. She was gorgeous, the most stunning she had ever seen her before! Was that really his girlfriend? Was that stunning beauty up there HIS Grace Walsh? He’d never seen her in this setting. She spoke with such elegance, such class. He was in complete awe. With Grace’s final words, she officially commenced the ball, and activity in the ballroom resumed. “Wow…” whispered Chase under his breath, stunned by Grace’s beauty. Chase gulped nervously and adjusted his tie as Grace stepped down. He had to wonder when she would come and find him and when he could introduce the girl to his family and finally reveal her as his girlfriend.

It wasn’t too long after her elegant introduction that Grace Walsh made her way through the crowd, eventually coming across the Crosby’s table and pleasantly greeting them, welcoming them to the event and fetching some house elves to get them some food. Wow, house elves serving food- that was something Chase didn’t have the luxury of back at his home. But his eyes widened a bit and his heart sped up as Grace approached, greeting and meeting his parents for the first time. Oh boy, this was it he thought. Chase stood up with the rest of his family and greeted Grace, Chase just glancing over at Grace and nodding, giving her and uncomfortable and forced toothy grin. It was clear he was nervous. Chase felt like he was about to sweat in his tight and stuffy tuxedo. He hated wearing fancy clothes like this. Hell, he could barely stand wearing the Hogwarts uniform with the button down shirt, tie, and robes! This was a whole other ball game!

Kelly looked pleasantly surprised with such a young girl having such excellent manners. She was a brilliant and stunning young red head.
“Oh how nice! Yes! I’m Kelly, Chase’s mother,” she introduced herself with a grin and a nod. She then pointed over to the man standing beside her. “This is my husband, Andrew. Chase’s father,” she introduced Andrew with a pleasant grin. Andrew just nodded and put on his best forced polite smile, as he had done with greeting Daniel. “Pleasure…” said Andrew softly. “And this is my eldest son, Thomas, Chase’s older brother,” said Kelly, pointing to Thomas. She was unaware the two had already met. Thomas just looked down slightly at Grace, nodding, almost glaring at her menacingly as he did so. “And uhh, you must be Grace Walsh! Amelia’s daughter, correct? How do you know Chase?” Kelly asked with a polite smile. It was now time for the reveal, thought Chase. Neither of his parents nor Thomas knew that Chase was officially dating the Walsh daughter…..

Chase then stepped in front of his parents and turned to face them, getting right up next to Grace. He then gently took Grace’s arms and interlocked it with his as he took a deep breath and put on a shy smile. This caused all three of Chase’s family members to raise an eyebrow, confused as to why their son was getting so touchy with the host’s daughter. And even more confused that she hadn’t slapped Chase’s hand away or spat at him.
“Mum? Dad?” asked Chase, looking at them, “Tom…” he quietly added in a mutter. “I’d like you all formally meet my girlfriend, Grace Walsh,” said Chase as he respectfully and rather traditionally introduced Grace to his family, trying his best to be classy about it. He stood there, smiling slightly uncomfortably as he had now revealed to his family that Grace Walsh was in fact his girlfriend.

“What?!” Andrew said, his eyes widening. All three of their jaws dropped to the floor as their eyes widened suddenly at the reveal of who Chase’s girlfriend really was. Their little boy, pulling Grace Walsh of all people? Thomas looked flabbergasted, “You-?” he asked, stopping himself, speechless and shocked. All three of the Crosby’s looked stunned into silence. The parents couldn’t BELIEVE their boy was dating the daughter of their childhood rivals. And Thomas couldn’t believe his “loser” of a brother had pulled the prettiest and most popular Slytherin girl. It made him admittedly a little jealous. Sure he had Mia Mayfield, but Chase had Grace bloody Walsh! How?!

Chase just shrugged and grinned and uncomfortable toothy grin, nodding to silently confirm that he wasn’t lying or pulling anyone’s leg here. Andrew and Chase continued to look utterly shocked. Kelly then cleared her throat and awkwardly chuckled, uncomfortably shifting her weight on her feet.
“Oh my!” Kelly finally said, breaking the tense and awkward silence. “H- how nice!” she said, forcing her smile to remain pleasant. “Such a pretty girl too! Such stunning red hair, just like her mother,” complimented Chase’s mother.

Chase felt his stomach growl as he quickly unlinked arms with Grace temporarily to (rather untraditionally) grab a handful of food, quickly shoving some in his mouth and chewing, then swallowing as he re-linked his arm with Grace. Kelly felt herself internally cringe at Chase’s rather unflattering way of eating at the ball. It was a classic Chase Crosby move. Andrew still looked stunned into silence and Thomas too, although he turned his nose up in disgust with his little brother forgetting how to act with class. It made him even more confused as to how the hell his brother managed to take Grace as his lover!
Grace Walsh
He finally did it! Chase told his family that she was her girlfriend! She was jumping for joy internally. Sure, the response was lackluster, but she was just happy that he found the confidence to do so. She knew the history between the two families. After her father's outburst, the parents decided to explain everything to her. They owed it to her after they found out that Chase was Grace's boyfriend. Surprisingly, they didn't forbid the relationship. He was pure-blood, they couldn't complain in the department.

"Thank you, Mrs. Crosby! I also like to think that my hair is a great feature of mine. Although, you'll always know which strand of hair is mine around the house." She joked with Chase's arm still interlocked with hers. Chase then took some food and shoved it in his mouth. Some might find it uncivilized, but Grace thought of it as his charm, a wild child to her daintiness. She stepped forward slightly and took a napkin from the table.

"Hold still a bit," Grace said as she held his chin in place lightly. Luckily with her heels, she didn't have trouble reaching his face. She wiped some sauce off of the corner of his mouth. "There, better right?" She joked as she folded the napkin and placed it back on the table. Grace then turned to Andrew and Kelly. "I know of the history between our families, and it isn't a good one. I apologize if this came as a shock to you all, it certainly came as a shock to my parents. But my father said-" She was cut off by the voice of her father coming from the center of the dance floor.

"Now young lads, the adults had their fun. It's time for you youngbloods to have your turn on the dance floor. Grace, come on out and start off the dance." He called over Grace to start off the children's time to dance. There is an entire routine for it, all high-society kids know it. But the opening dance was all freestyle, you could do whatever. She turned to Chase.

"I'm sure you don't know the dance routine. So, dance with me for the opening." She asked as she unlocked their arms and held his hand. "Hope you don't mind me stealing him for a bit." She said to his parents and older brother as she pulled him towards the direction of the middle of the dance floor. "Here, just follow my lead if you don't know how to dance." She said as she placed his hands in the right place for a classic waltz.

The music started to play and all eyes were on them. It's time they started to dance.

Chase Crosby


Well, that was the hard part of the night out of the way he thought, at least for now. He wasn’t aware of what else awaited him on this night but so far nothing terrible had happened. He still couldn’t really tell if his parents were happy about this. They looked more shocked than anything. As he in a rather uncivilized manner shoved some food into his mouth, he hadn’t noticed that he’d gotten some sauce around his mouth. He held still and winced a bit uncomfortably as she held his chin in place, wiping the sauce off the corner of his mouth. Chase simply blushed and nodded, smiling sheepishly as his girlfriend cleaned him up a bit.

Kelly would be lying if she said she didn’t find it all so adorable. It was cute seeing the young red headed girl wipe her mess son’s mouth off with the napkin. Finally, a proper lady to reel the often rowdy wild boy of Chase Crosby in. He certainly needed a woman to put him in his place Kelly thought. She just never expected it to be the Walsh’s daughter of all girls…. She smiled softly and nodded, briefly looking to Andrew who still seemed to be in a state of shock. She the looked back down at Grace, nodding as she went to open her mouth to respond. But she was cut off by Daniel’s voice inviting all of the children to waltz on the main ballroom floor.

A dance? Chase’s eyes widened as Daniel invited the children to the dance floor. He gulped nervously. Andrew and Kelly both looked at each other nervously, knowing their youngest son didn’t know what he was in for with this dance. This was a high society ball, all of the children here grew up raised traditionally and most certainly knew the dance number and routine. Chase Crosby however definitely did not. They didn’t say it there but their eyes silently exchanged their worries for their son. Surely the poor boy would be lost out there on the dance floor, looking clueless and maybe even possibly making a fool out of himself. Thomas just scoffed quietly and glared at Chase.

Chase raised his eyebrows as Grace unlocked their arms and held his hand. Kelly nodded and smiled softly,
“No, not at all,” she replied quietly as Grace went to take Chase to the dance floor. But she couldn’t help but be a bit nervous for her son. There were many judging eyes here at this event. Thomas, who had been standing there in mostly shock and disgust, smirked as he looked at his little brother before he was taken to the dance floor by his girlfriend. “Don’t mess up!” he said CLEARLY sarcastically. Chase just looked at Grace with nervous eyes and shook his head. “Bloody hell…” he whispered. He sure as heck didn’t know the dance routine. Surely he’d make a fool of himself now!

As Grace pulled him to the dance floor and towards the middle, his brown eyes met her eyes as he stared into them. He had a very worried and concerned look on his face and he felt his heart pounding once more.
“Grace! I don’t know what I’m doing! I’m going to look stupid!” he whispered to her, internally panicking. Chase felt himself sweat a bit as he felt as if all hundreds of sets of eyes were on him and Grace in the middle of the dance floor. Surely they were. The most esteemed family there was the Walsh’s. Of course everyone would direct their attention to Daniel and Amelia Walsh’s daughter Grace to see what boy she had chosen to dance with. But many were a bit stunned and confused when the boy she was waltzing with clearly wasn’t a boy from a well known pure blooded Slytherin family. No, it was as if she had picked an outsider. Who was this mystery brown hair brown eyed boy? Chase gulped as Grace gently placed his hands in the correct place for the waltz and the two started off the dance slowly, Grace leading for the beginning part. All eyes were on them.

Off to the side, Andrew and Kelly nervously looked at each other as they saw their son up there dancing with Grace, everyone in the ballroom looking at the couple. They knew Chase was clearly uncomfortable and nervous up there and they feared he’d look silly and quite possibly make a fool out of himself. The last thing he needed was to embarrass himself in front of everyone here. Thomas had gone off with Mia to the dance floor to waltz. Like the other couples surrounding Grace and Chase, they knew exactly what to do and the male was mostly leading. Thomas grinned and stared lovingly into Mia’s eyes as they waltzed slowly. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride knowing that he fit in and knew all the right movements. He looked perfect and traditional- everything all of the families here stood for. Tom occasionally glanced over at the focal point of the dance floor- the couple of Grace and Chase. He smirked to himself, knowing his brother looked uncomfortable up there. In Thomas’ mind he knew that Chase was going to make a fool of himself in front of everyone but more importantly, in front of Daniel and Amelia Walsh. Then surely they’d bar Grace from dating Chase. Thomas waltzed slowly, waiting for the imminent disaster to happen.

But disaster didn’t come. No, in fact it never came to Chase and Grace on the dance floor that night. Chase was about to not only surprise himself, but everyone on the dance floor watching the two, especially his parents. Chase kept his eyes locked with Grace’s, slowly waltzing with her, still looking quite nervous. But he managed to do quite well in the initial slow stage of the waltz, occasionally glancing at the other couples to see what the boys were doing and emulating them. Luckily, Grace led them well for the most part, but it was a bit embarrassing for Chase to be the only male who wasn’t leading the dance with their female partner. He was determined to change that. Chase was about to wow himself and the audience.

Soon, the pace of the dance began to pick up a bit. Chase felt the pit of his stomach sink a little as he looked around them at the boys picking up the pace a little bit, some of them gently spinning their female partners around. He couldn’t see it, but Thomas was smirking, waiting for the public embarrassment he believed was about to come. He personally knew where to take the dance from here, but to his knowledge, Chase didn’t. But Chase had a trick up his sleeve. Unbeknownst to everyone there, Chase had been doing a little research of his own, studying some traditional waltzes typically performed at these high society balls. He was ready to put his knowledge to the test, on full display to the crowd.

Suddenly, the nerves dissipated in Chase. He simply smiled and grinned in a suave almost macho-like manner as he gave little charming wink to Grace. He then took her hand and guided her, taking control of the dance. He quickened his pace a little bit, looking calm cool and collected. The crowd watched on with eager yet judging eyes as their attention was most certainly all fully focused on the couple in the middle of the dance floor- the Walsh girl and Crosby boy. Now it was Chase’s time to shine. Thomas was dancing along with Mia quite well, leading them in the waltz. He smirked as he gestured his head over towards his brother, knowing the pace was about to pick up and the moves were about to get a little more complicated in the routine.
“Watch this,” he whispered, telling Mia to watch his little brother. He believed that Chase wasn’t going to be able to keep up. “He’s going to make a fool out of himself,” whispered Thomas to Mia with a smirk. She just giggled quietly and looked over Tom’s shoulder as they danced.

Suddenly, Chase wowed the crowd as he spun Grace around, no doubt stunning the girl as he pulled the move off so flawlessly. Who was this mystery boy and why was he so good at dancing, the crowd surely wondered. Chase continued to dance the routine with the utmost skill and control, stunning everyone into an appreciative and awe-stricken silence. Chase just grinned confidently the whole time as he spun Grace around, lifting her off her feet, staring down at her lovingly into her eyes. The move warranted a slight applause from the crowd as now, not one pair of eyes wasn’t looking at the couple in the middle of the dance floor. The other dancers on the floor slowed their pace to look at Grace and Chase and admire the boy’s dancing. Thomas’ eyes widened as his jaw dropped. He looked stunned. He couldn’t believe it! He wouldn’t admit this to anyone, but bloody hell- Chase was a better dancer than he himself ever was!

In the crowd of adults, the most stunned among them was none other than Chase’s own parents. Andrew and Kelly couldn’t believe that this was THEIR son practically stealing the show and dancing so masterfully and effortlessly. He just made it look so easy. A natural Quidditch player? Sure, they knew that. A natural dancer? Yes, yes he was. And it was completely new to them. He was a better dancer than any of the other Crosby’s and surely many boys in the room who had grown up learning how to dance this traditional routine. Chase Crosby just seemed to have a natural knack for dancing. He sure hoped he was impressing Grace. Andrew looked stunned as he watched his son dance, his mouth gaping open in shock.

Kelly looked shocked initially but then her stunned silence seemed to turn into a sense of bitter jealousy. She furrowed her brow and glared at Andrew. Kelly then smacked Andrew in the back of the head, causing the man to flinch and rub the back of his head.
“Ow! What was that for?!” Andrew asked. Kelly kept her brow furrowed as she stared at Andrew, her eyes seemingly piercing into his soul, causing the man’s eyes to widen a bit. “Are you kidding me?” she hissed, “Why could you never dance for me like this when we were kids?!” Kelly asked in an angry whisper. Andrew raised his eyebrows, stunned as he blushed out of embarrassment, his own son showing him up. “I-! Well-! Ya know-! Erm-“ stuttered Andrew, but his tongue was tied. He had no answer. Kelly just groaned and grumbled, shaking her head disappointedly as Andrew frowned and shrugged.

Meanwhile, Mia Mayfield was stunned by Thomas’ little brother’s dancing. Her mouth hung slightly open as she couldn’t help but smile a little bit at the younger Crosby boy. Maybe she envisioned that it was Thomas being that good, as the two looked very much alike. “Wow,” whispered Mia, “Your brother is quite the dancer!” she said in admiration. Thomas looked dumbfounded and speechless. His jaw was dropped to the floor and his eyes as wide as pizza pies. Thomas blushed bright red with embarrassment, seeing as his younger brother was clearly a much better dancer than him. It was mortifying, and his girlfriend clearly was enjoying the show. “Thomas?…. Why haven’t you done anything like this with me…?” Mia asked, further driving the nail in the coffin. Thomas just stuttered, “Wh- what? W- well- I- umm….” But he had no answer. Chase was simply a brilliant dancer.
Grace Walsh
"You'll do fine, trust me." She whispered to him right before the music started and the young teenagers began to dance. Grace took the lead as she moved them in the middle of the dancefloor to the rhythm of the music. The dance was going well. With Grace's multiple years of dance practice under her belt, she was able to lead Chase through the first half of the dance quite smoothly with no mistakes. All the guys were probably quite intrigued now. The Walsh daughter's mysterious dance partner was decent at dancing. As Chase looked into Grace's eyes nervously, she flashed him a reassuring smile and nod as the pair kept dancing.

The beat picked up. This was the time that the lifts, spins, and all the cool tricks came out. She couples around Chase and Grace were executing these stunning moves that looked elegant and perfectly planned. Grace had her fair of that at previous balls, dancing with all different kinds of partners. But she wasn't expecting it tonight. It would look weird if the girl was the one to execute the tricks. All the dance lessons she had with her mother and father were all about going along with the tricks that the boys would do, not starting your own. Plus, there was no way Grace had the height nor the strength to even spin Chase around without him agreeing to it at first.

But something changed about Chase, she could see and feel it. His expression changed, he gave her a smirk and a wink. She had no idea what that meant...at all. But what he did explained the situation a little bit. He lead her through the dance. She thought he didn't know how to do this, this was supposed to be something he didn't know how to do, but clearly, that was not the case. His expression told her something else though. That wink, he was planning something but she couldn't put her finger on it. What could be possibly have planned?

A spin, that was what he had planned. She was stunned but she kept her cool. It looked like this was planned by the pair perfectly, like this was part of their routine. Her flowy dress just added more effect to the spin as Chase grabbed ahold of her waist and hoisted her up. When her feet were finally on the ground again, she looked amazed. They resumed a normal pace again, but this time Chase was leading the couple in the middle of the dancefloor. "I didn't know you could even do that. That was amazing, Chase." She whispered in his ear.

It was soon the last leg of the dance and all the couples ended perfectly but all eyes were on Chase and Grace as the music ended. "There is one thing about the kids' dance you should know." As she finished her sentence, Amelia's voice could be heard across the room. "Such a lovely opening dance, thank you all! Time for the first switch!" Grace then finally looked at Chase once more. "We switch partners at the end of each dance. You can leave if you'd like, but I need to stay. Daughter of the host duties and all." Grace said sheepishly as the pairs started switching up.

There was one other unexpected thing tonight. Looking at the rotation of partners... it seemed that the older Crosby brother would be her next dance partner. Meaning she'd be dancing with both brothers if Thomas didn't choose to leave the dance now and Chase would be dancing with Mia. She looked back at Chase to see what he'd do.

Chase Crosby


As he wrapped up the dance, Chase exuded a confidence in himself and control over their moves. Needless to say, he’d certainly stunned everyone, especially his own family. The entire time Chase pulled the fancy moves, all of the spinning, all eyes were on them as they were the center of attention in the middle of the dance floor. Chase grinned, pleased with himself as he successfully pulled off the spin. He just kept his composure and smiled from ear to ear, proud of himself as Grace whispered her amazement and praise for the sudden dancing machine brought out in him here. It looked as if he had rehearsed those moves a thousand times before despite this not being the case. Chase himself was admittedly stunned and didn’t even know he could pull off those fancy moves with such charm, elegance, and added suave.

Soon, the dance ended and Chase looked into Grace’s eyes lovingly as the music finally stopped. He smiled, heart beating with an intense passion for her. It was all over, he thought to himself. He had done it. All eyes were on them as mumbled whispers of shock and praise could be heard from the surrounding crowd and other dancers. Chase felt a sense of relief as they finished the child’s dance, impressing the crowd and in his mind proving himself to Grace’s family. But Chase raised his right eyebrow and tilted his head with confusion as Grace told him that there was one more thing about the dance he should know about….

His brows furrowed with confusion and eyes widened with shock as he heard Amelia’s voice echo through the ballroom. “Opening dance?” “First switch?” What was all this about? Chase wondered what in the world all this could mean. He looked around nervously as all around him, he could see the other kids shifting their positions and doing what looked to be like swapping their dance partners with other couples. Chase quickly looked back to Grace with wide eyes of panic as she soon confirmed just exactly what they were doing. Poor Chase was shocked.

“What?!” Chase asked in disbelief, but not too loudly as to not make a scene and still maintain most of his previous confident demeanor. He didn’t want to lose his cool now, he was on a roll. But he was totally blindsided by this new information. Chase wasn’t aware of that fact that dance was only the beginning, the first of multiple dances. There was more, and worse, more dancing with a partner other than Grace! “A- are you sure?” Chase asked nervously, his worried eyes looking around the room as the other children, like clockwork, swapped their dancing partners. “W- why do you have to switch? Why can’t you continue with me?” he asked, not a fan of the idea of another boy dancing with Grace. But he wasn’t going to leave the dance floor. No, not after his previous performance. He had to stay and continue to prove himself, he couldn’t chicken out. He needed to show he could be traditional and learn the customs of the high class society. It was for Grace, all for her, the love of his life.

This was certainly an unexpected twist to the night that totally threw Chase for a loop. But on the contrary, Chase’s older brother Thomas was expecting this change, aware of the customs of this traditional children’s dance. He knew his brother would have to fail this next dance miserably with a new partner- that was, if he didn’t chicken out. And just his luck (or misfortune), it seemed that Thomas would be swapping partners with his younger brother. That meant Thomas would be dancing with Grace Walsh for this next part of the dance. Thomas had high standard to perform up to now. Not only was this the host family’s daughter, but his little brother had just completely amazed the crowd and other dancers by putting on an excellent performance out of nowhere with her, all in the center of the ballroom floor. But surely he could do better than his puny little brother, right? Thomas knew he had to….

As Chase went to voice another concern and open his mouth up in protest, he stopped as he noticed his older brother and his girlfriend approaching. Chase’s widened his eyes as Thomas came over to him and Grace, glaring at Chase before puffing his chest out arrogantly and grinning boastfully. What was his brother doing? Chase looked up at Thomas, confused, raising an eyebrow. Mia stepped to the side and Thomas smirked, closing his eyes and gracefully holding out his hand to offer Grace to take it for a dance in a charming manner. Chase widened his eyes. Was his older brother Grace’s next dance partner? How terrible!

But that meant that Chase would be dancing with Thomas’ girlfriend, Mia Mayfield…. He gulped nervous, worried and not knowing what he was going to do or what was going on at all. Thomas just continued smirking as he held out his hand, waiting for Grace to take up his offer.
“Grace, if I may,” said Tom politely, “Allow me to show you how a real Crosby pure blood does it…” he said with a cocky and demeaning tone as he gave a quick sneer to Chase. Suddenly, Chase tensed up a bit and widened his eyes, turning to his side as he felt someone gently take his hands. It was Thomas’ girlfriend, Mia. Chase’s heart leapt. He hadn’t felt this awkward in a long time.

Mia just smiled softly looking into Chase’s brown eyes, the very same looking ones his own big brother had, her boyfriend.
“Oh don’t worry Chase,” said Mia calmly and quietly, “I’m sure you’ll wow the crowd with me just like you did with Grace Walsh. You’re an excellent dancer, right?” she said gently. Mia expected that Chase would be this little dancing machine like he was in the first dance and that he would blow his older brother out of the water and impress her with his moves. But Chase didn’t quite know if he could ever replicate that success again, ESPECIALLY when not dancing with the love of his life Grace. The boy just gulped nervously as Mia took his hand, giving one last terrified glance and frown to Grace as his older brother stood there with an arrogant smirk, waiting for the red haired girl to take him up on the offer and dance with him for the partner switch.
Grace Walsh
The switch was happening and it was happening fast. She could tell how nervous Chase was getting. She was sure that he wasn't thrilled about the idea of her dancing with anyone else, especially his older brother. But this was the reality, everyone got a chance with the host's daughter. Chase and Grace's relationship wasn't public yet or at least wasn't publicly announced to high society just yet. So that meant, every young pure-blood family with a son saw Grace as open for the taking. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that parents trained their sons for this moment every year. The one-on-one dance with the Grace Walsh herself. They thought if they made an impression, then marriage could be on the table.

Grace flashed Chase a sorry smile, he wasn't expecting this. She should've told him earlier but it completely slipped her mind until the time for the switch actually came. She's sure the thought settled into Chase right at this moment. Every teenage boy here would have a chance to dance with Grace. That's how it happened every year.

Thomas then turned up with Mia to switch partners for the next dance. Thomas held out his hand for Grace and she knew she couldn't refuse. For one part that she was the host's daughter but also for the part that she just really loved dancing. She saw Mia take Chase's hand and tried to take him to their positions. But before they were out of her reach, Grace grabbed Chase's arm and whispered in his ear. "You'll do great. Just relax." She reassured him before letting him go with Mia to their positions.

She accepted Thomas's offer as she took his hand and went into the normal waltz position. The music started and the new set of couples began to dance. This time she did expect Thomas to lead her. When she snuck glances at him and Mia, it did look like he was leading. Grace looked up at Thomas as their feet started to move in time with the beat. "You're a pretty good dancer. Sorry if the dress gets in the way." She complimented him as the dance went on but also apologises to him about the dress. It was flowy and floor length, there was a chance that it could be accidentally stepped on and it could put her off balance, especially in heels.

Chase Crosby


Poor Chase was very much caught off guard and thrown off by the sudden switch in partners for the dance. He was clearly worried, nervous, and hesitant regarding the shift. Hell, Chase didn’t even know that this was the first of multiple switches and that EVERY boy would get a chance dancing with the Walsh daughter, as they hoped to prove themselves worthy of being married into the family through their son and Grace. No one but Grace’s parents, Chase’s parents, and Thomas knew that Chase and Grace were officially in a relationship and had been dating. But Chase had to go along with it, as it was tradition. There was nothing much he could do about it without making a scene and a fool of himself. Every boy would get their chance at dancing with Grace Walsh in hopes of impressing the host family and a potential arrangement of marriage with the girl and them. Chase would have to sit through this all and suck it up. First up to Grace was Thomas, but if anything, he wasn’t in it to steal Grace’s love or anything. Tom was in it because he felt he had something to prove. He needed to show up his little brother and “out-dance” him if possible. It was going to be weird and awkward for Chase though….

Chase gave one last scared and pleading look at Grace with his big beautiful brown eyes as she flashed him a sorry smile. He closed his eyes and nodded, taking a deep breath as Grace quickly took his arm and whispered a reassurance in his ear before accepting Tom’s offer to dance with him. With that, everyone had their new dance partners- Thomas with Grace and Chase with Mia. Soon enough, the next waltz started. It began slowly and Chase gulped nervously, looking down at his feet as he stepped unsurely. Mia kept silent and gave Chase a gentle smile as they started, personally excepting to be wowed by the apparent master dancer. But it soon became clear that Chase wasn’t as confident in himself and his dancing skills as he had been with Grace now. He did his best to fake it to make it, but looked out of place compared to the other couples, stepping awkwardly and his moves sloppy, strained, and tense. Chase was leading, but it certainly wasn’t with as much mastery as he was with Grace. He didn’t feel the same heat of passion as he did when dancing with the love of his life.

Meanwhile with the older Crosby boy, Thomas smirked and nodded as Grace took his hand, accepting his dance offer as expected (and as was traditional). As they began, Thomas of course took the lead, as that was what was expected of the traditional boy, and Thomas knew the customs well. Certainly much better than his younger brother. They slowly moved their feet together with the beat, Thomas leading Grace in the careful but elegant waltz. He didn’t really seem to notice her occasional sneak little glances over at his brother who was dancing with Mia right now. Chase would sometimes do the same, his worried eyes and nervous movements telling Grace the full story without a word even being said between the two.

Thomas looked down at Grace, trying to remain professional as he planned to get back at his brother in his own petty way by dancing better than Chase in his mind. Thomas was much taller than Grace, as well as his younger brother Chase. Tom was a tall and handsome young 15 year old, about a head and half higher than his 13 year old younger brother. But Thomas certainly wasn’t the tallest nor oldest boy there that Grace had yet to dance with. As they moved in time with the beat together, Thomas just grinned, pleased with himself as he nodded his head once in acknowledgment of Grace’s compliment of his dancing. So far so good, he thought.
“Mhm, yea. Thank you,” replied Thomas simply, “And don’t worry about the dress, I’m not an amateur like Chase…. I’ll be able to handle it….” said Thomas, of course not wasting any time in making jabs at his younger brother, even when Chase wasn’t here to defend himself.

As the dance went on and picked up its pace, Thomas attempted to be showy in order to impress everyone and out do his younger brother. But it didn’t really amount to anything as he would try to do bold moves and ultimately either chicken out or not pull them off correctly. He still managed to dance well and not make any crucial mistakes that messed up the whole dance and embarrassed himself, but he hadn’t really managed to dazzle anyone. His performance was simply average- nothing special. This was admittedly a little embarrassing for Thomas, even though he hadn’t embarrassed himself in front of everyone. He had failed to live up to Chase’s performance and Thomas’ own high standards in his head, demoralizing him a bit. As for Chase, he managed to complete the dance after a long and awkward waltz. He only had to do it many more times after this….

As the second dance ended, Thomas kicked himself inside of his head for his average performance. But the older Crosby boy played it cool, respectfully nodding his head at Grace as the music stopped and moving onto the next partner. Of course, not before he glared over at his brother, seething in silent jealousy. Mia’s expression was neutral as Chase had certainly failed to impress her and live up to his previous performance. Chase then moved on to the next partner, proceeding to confuse each traditional girl he danced with, his awkward moves throwing them off quite a bit.
Grace Walsh
"Well for an amateur, Chase danced surprisingly well. I didn't even know he could dance like that." She defended Chase for him. As the dance went on, it went on smoothly, with no mistakes but nothing extraordinary either, for Grace it was just another dance at a ball. The night carried on with more switches and more ordinary dances. AlthoughGrace could tell everyone after Chase was trying to be better than him, whether that be through trying to pull off extravagant moves or making small talk with Grace as they danced. But nothing stood out like Chase's skills, to Grace and the audience alike. "Alright, I'll give the boy a chance," Daniel said to Amelia while the pair were standing on the sidelines watching the entire dance.

Soon the ball came to a close and the guests were leaving. But the Walsh family wanted to personally say goodbye to one family in particular. So once they found the Crosbys, Grace told them, "We'll show you all to the door, all our house elves are busy at the moment." With that, she took Chase's hand and lead them to the entrance of the house. Chase and Grace went a bit ahead, giving the parents some time to talk alone.

But the 2 sets of parents soon caught up to the kids as Grace was finishing up her goodbyes. "I had fun tonight! Sorry I couldn't spend more time with you." Grace said just as her and Chase's parents arrived. Amelia was the first to speak, "Your dancing was impeccable, Chase. It was a joy watching you dance tonight." She complimented the young boy. And for once Daniel spoke directly to Chase. "I have to agree with my wife. Seeing you dance and make my daughter smile was enough for me frankly."

Grace knew that her dad practically gave Chase a stamp of approval. She run over and hugged her dad, "Thanks!" She said softly while looking up at her dad before letting him go and standing at his side.

Chase Crosby


“I just didn’t know he could dance…” said Andrew quietly as he shook his head and stared blankly at the floor, seemingly re-evaluating his own life. He was shown up by his own son. Kelly just glared disappointedly at her husband, shaking her head slowly as she crossed her arms. Eventually, the dance finally ended and it was time for the ball to come to a close. Grace soon met back up with Chase. The young brown haired boy smiled and laughed as he met up with his girlfriend once again. He then let himself be pulled by Grace as she took his hand and led him to the exit. As this was happening, Grace’s parents were going to find and meet up with Chase’s parents.

Soon the two sets of parents caught up with the both of the kids as they said their goodbyes. Chase just smiled and shook his head, holding Grace’s hand up to his face and giving it a small and gentle kiss.
“I must say, I- I think I had some fun tonight too!” said the boy, “And don’t worry about it… I get it. Traditional duty calls, it’s your job as the hosts’ daughter,” he said with an understanding nod. Not only was he being truthful (as much as he hated the fact he wasn’t with her the whole time and that other boys were dancing with her), but he was also attempting to impress Grace’s parents who were now within earshot of the couple. Grace and Chase’s two parents each stood near them just before the exit. Thomas was off saying his goodbyes to Mia and her family before he would eventually join back up with the Crosby’s.

Chase then turned around to face Grace’s parents as they complimented him, expressing nothing but praise and good things for him. He raised his eyebrows a bit and smiled softly, nodding respectfully. He had to admit, he was a little surprised he had actually managed to impress such rigid and traditional parents such as the Walsh’s.
“Thank you, ma’am,” said Chase quietly and politely in acknowledgement of her compliment as he nodded his head. He then looked at Grace’s father who for the first time, finally looked at Chase and addressed him directly. That’s when Andrew finally spoke. He and his wife had been standing silently nearby, putting on a polite and pleasant smile, as much as Andrew was fabricated him and seemed to hate being here. It wasn’t any secret that he still held some ill-will feelings towards Daniel.

“I must admit, I didn’t even know our son could-“ said Andrew before he was cut off, wincing and trying his best to subdue a yelp of pain. Kelly had dug her high heel into Andrew’s foot in an attempt to get him to shut up, not wanting him to admit that even they didn’t know Chase could dance like that. They themselves wanted to look good in front of the Walsh’s as well as Chase. It was clear their daughter Grace made their son very happy, and Kelly wanted nothing but the best for young Chase. She knew how strong young love was and knew it needed to be able to blossom. After all, her own very marriage was a result of young love from when she was a kid at Hogwarts and fell in love with Andrew as a young teen. Kelly just stood there and played her actions off with a pleasant smile as she spoke, covering up her husband’s blunder.

“Yes, we’re very proud of our son,” said Kelly as Grace went over to hug her father. Chase just stood by and kept his back up as straight as it had ever been, smiling and nodding, trying to look his best in front of Grace’s parents. “He’s quite the dancer. We had no doubt he’d live up to expectations,” she said, causing Chase to raise an eyebrow but continue to grin a toothy smile and nod. He just went along with it all. “And your daughter is the very definition of a perfect lady! Such class! I don’t think I’ve ever seen Chase smile so hard or look at a girl with such passion in his eyes!" commented Kelly, causing Chase’s toothy grin to shift into an uncomfortable smile as he blushed, trying to maintain his composure. Chase just nodded politely and cleared his throat as he looked at Daniel, preparing to address the man.

“Of course, sir,” said Chase pleasantly and respectfully with a single head nod, “I want nothing more than to make your daughter smile,” he told her father. “She means the WORLD to me. I’d give her anything and do anything for her,” he said, blushing slightly at his own words. “Seeing your daughter happy sir? Well, that’s just the best feeling in the world for me! It makes my heart swell up with joy!” Chase said, a loving passionate gleam in his eyes for Grace as he went on, maybe getting a little carried away with professing his love for her. “I-…. Well I know I might not be the typical traditional young man such as the boys from these families at the ball tonight, but I’ll do my very best to satisfy your daughter, sir. She’s the queen of my world!” Chase told Daniel. “That’s very sweet, Chase,” said Kelly quietly smiling fondly down at her son. She'd never seen him so passionately and lovingly talk about someone in this manner, let alone a female of his age! Soon enough, Thomas was making his way back to his family, surprised to see the Walsh's conversing with his parents.
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Grace Walsh
Hear Kelly compliment Grace, she stepping slightly in front of her father and giving her a proper curtsy. "Thank you for such kind words, Mrs. Crosby!" She thanked her with a warm smile. She was glad to have her approval, at least. For Andrew and Thomas, she wasn't quite sure if she had their approval yet. Sure, Thomas tried to impress her, but that doesn't necessarily mean she has his stamp of approval. She still has to be on her best behavior.

But then Chase turned and spoke to her father, Daniel, directly. He professed his love for her, for Grace. He said the sweetest things. Anyone who saw and heard it could tell that this young boy was head over heels for Grace. He was trying so hard to get Daniel's stamp of approval. Grace couldn't help but blush when she witnessed this situation. No other boy was brave enough to speak to her father calmly, much less say these things about his daughter no doubt.

Hearing this Daniel did something unexpected. With a small grin on his face, she knelt down on one knee in front of Chase. He looked him in the eyes as he ruffled his hair slightly. "You've got it, kid. You do. You're more suave than your old man was back in our days." Daniel said to Chase sincerely. And the 'it' he was reffering to was exactly what Chase wanted, his stamp of approval.

As he stood up, he decided to walk over to Andrew. "Give my daughter a chance, Drew." He said, using the nickname he called Andrew back in their day. Everyone else called him Andy, but of course Walsh has to be different, Daniel called him Drew just to mess with him. "I raised her well, as well as I could. And we both know it's not proper for a girl to ask permission." He said as he looked back at Grace for a second, standing next to her mother. "Let's call a truce. Give this thing a chance." He said to him as he stuck his hand out for a handshake.

Grace really hope this would work. She knew about their history, her mother told her about it. And she knows how stubborn her father cand be. So for him to be doing this, it was a surprise. But she hoped that it would work, that this relationship with Chase could still stand a chance.

Chase Crosby

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Kelly smiled pleasantly and nodded her head looking over at Grace. She was such a well-mannered young lady, she thought. No doubt this was all due to the traditional and strict upbringing under her parents, but still, Kelly noticed Grace seemed to possess a certain maturity about her that was beyond her age of 13 years old. She was certainly surprised to hear her youngest son talk about the girl in such a passionate manner though, even having the courage to state it so directly to such a harsh and well-respected figure like Grace's father, Daniel Walsh. She was a bit nervous maybe Chase was getting a little too ahead of himself though, as the young boy often seemed to do. Chase usually let his heart guide him first, rather than his head in many instances. His older brother Thomas was more of a think first, then act kind of guy whereas Chase would do things in the heat of passion, driven by emotion over reason. But, it was part of why Kelly felt that Chase needed a strong and mature young woman such as Grace Walsh in his life to reel him in at times, as it seemed their opposing personalities meshed together quite well.

While there seemed to be no doubt that Kelly Crosby had given her full approval to the arrangement between her youngest son and the Walsh family's daughter, Andrew and Thomas did not appear to be as convinced and weren't as easy to read what they were feeling about Grace. Thomas had joined just recently and hadn't heard Chase's passion-filled rant to Daniel, professing his lover for his one and only daughter. But Tom didn't really have much of a say when it came to it at the end of the day as to whether or not Chase was allowed to date Grace Walsh. Thomas seemed more surprised and wary of the fact that his youngest brother of all people managed to pull and win over someone from as high a status background as Grace Walsh. She was a wealthy young girl who came from a powerful but proud pure-blooded Slytherin family. Grace was the very definition of class in high society. Chase CERTAINLY was not. Chase was just a rowdy and hot-headed Gryffindor boy- an unlikely partner to someone like Grace in any world, to Thomas. There was also a slight twinge of jealousy that his brother had caught the eye of a girl from such a wealthy and powerful family like the Walsh's.

Kelly's abounding approval and Thomas' stunned apprehensions aside, at the end of the day, the man whose opinion mattered the most when it came to the Crosby family's side and their say on the matter was none other than the patriarch of the Crosby's, Andrew. During the whole exchange between Chase and Daniel Walsh, he hid his undoubtable surprise at his son's sudden boldness and passion by standing there, appearing apprehensive and wary, relatively unimpressed looking. As immature as it was, Andrew no doubt still felt some disdain and suspicion of the Walsh's, particularly his old Hogwarts rival back in the day, Daniel. Their previous interactions with each other had been nothing but unpleasant acts. Back in magical schooling, the two were always at each other's throats. But it had been years since both Andrew and Kelly as well as Daniel and Amelia had graduated from Hogwarts. Was it finally time for Andrew Crosby to put aside his past differences and grievances with Daniel Walsh and agree to let Chase date his old arch-rival's daughter? Would he be able to do something like that? For his son, Chase?.... It was certainly a lot to think about.

As Andrew stood watching the interaction between his youngest son with a watchful and wary eye, Thomas stood by glaring with disdain and contempt at Chase as Kelly seemed to be the only Crosby that was sold on this potential romantic relationship between Chase and Grace being allowed to continue. It certainly did take guts for Chase to do what he did and talk so openly yet respectfully to Daniel Walsh. Daniel was not your average wizard- he was a Walsh for Merlin's sake- one of the most respected, revered, and powerful wizarding families there was! There was also the fact that Chase was not fully aware of a very large revelation that was the reason why this whole arrangement seemed to be such an issue for the Crosby's and the Walsh's, particularly Andrew Crosby as of right now. Neither Andrew nor Kelly had told their youngest son about the intense and hatred-filled rivalry between Andrew and Daniel Walsh when the two were younger and attending school at the Hogwarts magical academy. Chase did not know anything of the previously intense rivalry and strong feelings his father Andrew had felt against Daniel. Eventually, he would probably have to know. He didn't even know that Grace had been told by her parents about Daniel Walsh's rivalry and disdainful feelings towards Andrew Crosby. To Chase, at least as of right now, he just thought his parents, particularly his father, were being difficult because this was his first romantic relationship and furthermore, because it was with such a wealthy family's daughter- but nothing more. He was determined to prove to everyone here that he very much loved Grace Walsh and that this romance has been, will continue to, and can work. All it needed right now to officially flourish now and for the coming future was approval from both the Crosby and Walsh parents- four adults in all. The ladies of each couple, Kelly Crosby and Amelia Walsh, seemed less apprehensive than the fathers and were easier to be convinced. They both seemed more easily sold and approved of the relationship, probably partly because although they did not like each other either back in Hogwarts, the two girls never felt as strongly against each other as did Andrew and Daniel.

After his passion-filled tirade, Chase stood there, looking up with almost pleading eyes, his beautiful big dark chocolate brown eyes glistening with love for Grace and an intense desire to be with her forever and to be accepted by her family. His posture was particularly straight, making sure to be polite and respect Daniel Walsh at all times. He was trying to win over his vote of approval after all, the hardest one of them all. Chase didn't show it, but he was terrified and nervous as he anxiously yet calmly awaited a response from Daniel after his profession of love for Grace. He didn't even look back at his own family to see their reactions, which was probably a good thing, as only Kelly seemed to be open to Chase's romantic endeavors with Grace Walsh. Andrew and Thomas just stood there looking certainly not completely sold or won over yet- Andrew no doubt still held some disdain for Daniel due to their past. But then, Daniel shocked everyone by doing something uncharacteristic of the harsh and usually firm man. A small grin seemed to come across Daniel's face as he got down on one knee to kneel in order to face Chase more directly to be at his height. Obviously, since Chase was only 13 years old, he was much shorter than Daniel Walsh, who was a grown man of course. Daniel unexpectedly stunned everyone into silence by his next move towards Chase.

Chase's brown eyes slowly followed Daniel's eyes down as the man seemed to grin and was now leaning down to kneel and match Chase's height to address him more directly. He felt tonight's dinner meal bouncing around anxiously in his stomach. Chase's eyebrows slowly raised as his eyes widened slightly, now facing Daniel at his level. In the current moment, Chase didn't quite know what this meant and what was going to happen next. But then, Daniel reached over to slightly ruffle Chase's soft brown hair a bit- hair he had inherited from his father Andrew, who he looked very strikingly similar to, no doubt. Chase couldn't help but giggle slightly as Daniel ruffled his hair a bit, smiling a little. Chase's smile only began to grow and grow as he heard Daniel speak. Everyone was stunned at Daniel's words but it seemed official now- Daniel Walsh approved of Chase. Had he done it? Had he finally won over Daniel's favor and gained his stamp of approval? It seemed that Chase had done exactly that- what he aimed so desperately to do. Chase also couldn't help but blush ever so slightly, flashing an adorable beaming grin of joy as Daniel complimented him, even comparing him to and elevating above his father Andrew when he was his age (wasting no time in throwing a clever little jab over at his old past Gryffindor rival from Hogwarts).

As Daniel did and said all of this, Andrew's eyes widened as his jaw dropped. He was utterly shocked (and admittedly, slightly offended at the hinted jab at him from Dan). Kelly seemed surprised too, but in a good way, very happy for Chase and happy that Daniel was willing to put his differences with her husband for the good of their children. Kelly's respect for Daniel Walsh grew, and she only hoped Andrew would come around to it if someone like Dan was able to. But, she knew her husband- Andrew Crosby was a very stubborn individual- a classic Crosby trait. Meanwhile, Thomas seemed suspended in shock and disbelief too, but not nearly as stunned as his father. He just stood there, mouth closed but brown eyes as wide as ever as he resisted making some snide and snippy remark. Maybe he'd let his brother have this one, just this once.... "Thank you sir!" said Chase gratefully after his little giggle- a huge adorable grin on his little youthful face. Chase's eyes seemed to shimmer with joy as he looked at Daniel with respect and appreciation. Daniel Walsh didn't outright say it- but it seemed Chase Crosby had very much won his "stamp of approval."

Chase now looked to his father as Daniel got up and approached Andrew. It was really all up to him, as 3 out of the 4 adults seemed sold. He was the last to be convinced, and he had remained pretty silent this whole time up until this point. Chase could only hope that his father what cast aside his doubts and apprehensions (for whatever reason he had them, Chase didn't exactly know the truth yet) and approve of his romantic relationship with Grace Walsh. He hoped Andrew would find it in his heart to do it for him- for his youngest son, who was very clearly very much in love. Kelly also hoped too that Andrew would step up and be not only a man, but be the father to Chase that he deserved and needed- to be the strong husband to her that she knew he was. This would now test whether or not Andrew was willing to be mature enough to set aside his differences with Daniel for the good of their offspring. Andrew no doubt was shocked and had many thoughts racing in his mind. He was torn apart and didn't know what to do. It was all happening so fast..... Was he really supposed to put aside his past grievances and troubles with Daniel? But, it was for his son, Chase, who he loved very much. Andrew had a big decision to make. The question was whether or not Andrew Crosby was going to step up....

Andrew raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes as he watched Daniel get up and walk over to him, closing his mouth as Daniel approached. Andrew tried not to get too worked up about his dignity, which was threatened as Daniel said his own young son Chase was more suave than he ever was at that age (which every one of the four adults knew, whether they'd admit it or not, was completely true). Andrew was stunned as Daniel Walsh, his old arch-nemesis, walked up to him and told him to give his daughter a chance. He was even surprised that Daniel had seemed to accept and approve his own son, despite Chase being a Crosby and a Gryffindor (Grace and all of the Walsh's being Slytherins). But what also seemed to come as a slap in the face for Andrew was the fact that Daniel had called him "Drew," an old childhood nickname that everyone knew Andrew DESPISED. Andrew felt a slight twinge of rage as he heard himself be called "Drew" by Dan. Andrew HATED being called "Drew," even today as a grown adult man since Daniel had used it so mockingly for many years back when they were kids. "Drew" was an old nickname that Daniel Walsh used in their time at Hogwarts to mock and anger Andrew as a kid. Daniel knew it got to him when they were younger too, as most people called Andrew either his full first name of "Andrew," or "Andy," which was commonly used affectionately among Andrew's own friends and peers. But Andrew disliked being called "Drew," and Daniel of course had done it back then to mess with Andrew and be different from everyone else. Only his rival would call him "Drew" back then.

Andrew furrowed his brow slightly as he glared at Daniel, looking down and softening his glare and raising his eyebrows as he noticed the Walsh patriarch extend his hand out towards him. A handshake?! Andrew was utterly shocked! Andrew's eyes widened as he looked up and back into Daniel's eyes as the man awaited a response on his offer. The very man who he had hated and been at odd's end with back in Hogwarts as a child for many years was now coming in peace, proposing a truce, all for the sake of their children and letting young love flourish. It was all on Andrew now- the future of Chase and Grace's relationship could work, but it hung in the balance. Andrew's approval would make everything official and the conditions ideal. It needed to be mutual between both sides. And both he and his wife knew that it certainly was improper and unheard of for the girl to ask for approval from the boy's father, as this held true even when not in high class society with families like the Walsh's. It wasn't on or expected of Grace to step forward and ask Chase's father for permission as Chase had essentially done to Daniel. Everyone knew it- this was on Andrew now, completely.... Kelly was stunned but pleasantly surprised with Daniel's maturity, and watched on eagerly, hoping her husband would do the right thing and accept Daniel's handshake, approving of Chase and Grace's relationship formally.

Andrew seemed frozen. All eyes were on him now. Chase turned and looked over at his father, his big brown eyes big and pleading. It also helped the young boy's case that his big beaming smile was undeniably adorable and hard to say no to. Chase was adorable, part of his Crosby charm that he seemed to so effortlessly pull off and possess. After a brief moment of silent contemplation with no answer from Andrew yet, Chase spoke up from behind Daniel.
"C'mon dad.... please?.... For me?.... I really really love her!" Chase pleaded to his father. Andrew still looked stunned and unconvinced, troubled as he looked at his son. It was clear he was still stuck and internally debating with himself in his head. But to everyone else, the decision seemed obvious. The next course of action couldn't be more clear to them as to what Andrew should do. But Andrew uttered nothing yet. As Andrew still remained silent after Chase's cute little plea, Kelly chimed in too, gently speaking from behind her husband. "Andy..." she said softly, looking at Andrew directly. Andrew briefly looked back and exchanged a surprise glance with his wife. Kelly just looked directly into his brown eyes. Her expression and gaze told Andrew everything he needed to know about her feelings on the matter and what she thought he should do. Kelly's eyes seemed to convey nothing but the message of accepting the offer, growing up and stepping up as a man and doing it for the good of their youngest son.

As Andrew looked back to Daniel, who still awaited a handshake from Chase's father as he kept his arm extended towards the man, he still remained silent and indecisive. It was at this point where surprisingly, even Thomas had seen enough! Thomas just rolled his eyes and scoffed, sighing as he gave in too, giving his approval too it seemed (not that it mattered though).
"Ugh, come on father..." said Thomas as he crossed his arms and glared impatiently at his dad, "Just grow a pair and do it! We don't have all night...." said Thomas, shocking particularly Andrew and even more so, Chase. Chase widened his eyes, shocked but pleasantly surprised as he looked over at his brother, who in a rare change of heart seemed to advocate on his little brother's behalf too. Andrew looked shocked that even his own eldest son would say such a thing to him. Kelly just continued maintaining her stern and ever growing impatient expression as he looked over at her husband. Usually she and Andrew had no tolerance for their sons talking back to them disrespectfully, but she was willing to let it slide for now. Chase looked back at Thomas, his eyes wide as his mouth opened slightly, still maintaining his bright and happy grin. Thomas just briefly looked over at his adorably excited little brother and gave him a slight nod, but his face remained relatively neutral. Thomas' brief glance over at Chase silently told the younger boy not to expect this ever again, but that just this once, Thomas would be on his side and put aside his differences and disdain towards his little brother. Chase knew this wasn't going to happen often or change things between the two, but still, it was nice to see the rare change of heart in his older brother, acting more like an older sibling was supposed to. It was a short little moment Chase would keep in the back of his mind. And Thomas had to admit, who was he to say no to this? This was clearly true love. Plus, he'd never admit it, but his little brother's smile and excited nature was absolutely adorable and to die for. But even someone who acted so evil and immaturely towards Chase and a boy who was 15 years old like Thomas was able to put aside his feelings against it all and come to his senses and accept it. If his 15 year old son could step up like this, now Andrew SURELY had to.

Returning his gaze back to Daniel, Andrew Crosby took a deep breath and sighed, closing his eyes and looking back at Daniel.
"Hmph," he grunted, sighing once more as he straightened his back and raised up his right hand, "Your truce is accepted, Daniel...." he said softly as Andrew finally took Daniel's hand and gave it a firm and formal shake. He could hear Chase gasp and jump with joy. The young Gryffindor boy's smile was huge and seemed as if it could never be taken off of his adorable little face. He was bounding with joy! As Andrew shook Daniel's hand, he looked firmly into the man's eyes- the very man who was his arch-rival back in school when they were boys. The very person he used to hate and would always pull pranks on or attempt to embarrass and sabotage. "I'll give this all a chance," he said, "I can see clearly now that my son very much is in love with your daughter, and that your daughter is a very well-mannered and pleasant young woman," said Andrew. "I approve. I must admit- as unlikely as the pairing is, I do think they're perfect for each other," said the stubborn father of the Crosby boys. After officially agreeing to approve of the romantic relationship between his son Chase Crosby and Daniel's daughter Grace Walsh, Andrew and Daniel let go of each other's hands. Andrew continued to look at Daniel, having finally accepted his truth, agreeing to put aside his differences with the Walsh family, Dan in particular. "I'll give it a chance... I can see this can work out. And after all, who am I to deny young love a chance?" Andrew asked, looking over at Kelly, who grinned proudly and nodded her head along with his words, proud that her husband did the right thing in the end. He then looked back over at Daniel. "You and I both know young love cannot be stopped," he said with a small grin of his own. Both adult couples fully knew that their marriages were a result of young love blooming, both men having fallen in love with their now spouses as children back at Hogwarts in their youth. Daniel had fallen in love with Amelia as a child back in Hogwarts (although both of their families back then also pushed relations between the two due to high class family traditions and whatnot, so it worked out the two had very much loved each other back then), and Andrew had fallen in love with Kelly as a young boy.

It was now official, and Chase Crosby couldn't be happier. Both of their families and both of their parents officially and fully approved of their relationship! They could continue dating without fear! Chase looked eagerly over at Grace, the love of his life. His big brown eyes were full of joy and he was grinning from ear to ear. He didn't think he had ever smiled that hard in his whole life. Chase looked back at Grace, looking for her reaction at the great news. This was the best night ever it seemed!
Grace Walsh
It happened! Andrew Crosby said yes! He approved! Grace looked at her mother who wore a calm smile and patted Grace's back. Grace herself was ecstatic. A massive smile was plastered on her face. And you could just see the pure joy in her body language. It looked like she could jump with joy at any moment. She looked back at Chase with this exact same expression.

This relationship would have a chance to work. That was all Grace wanted. The pat on her back was also a sign—a sign to thank Andrew. Grace went over to her father and gave her thanks with a hug. Daniel picked her up and spun her around. "You're welcome, my little Walsh. You be happy now." He said while smiling before setting his daughter down on the ground, knowing what she'd do next.

Grace turned her attention to Andrew Crosby, the man who made this dream of hers a reality. She performed a deep curtsy towards him. As she rose, the smile was still plastered on her face. "I honestly can't thank you enough, good sir! Thank you so much!" She said with immense gratitude. "I'll do everything in my nature to make your son very happy!" She said with confidence before looking over at Chase.

He wore a massive smile on his face. It looked like he could never be happier at this moment. After she thanked Andrew one last time, she ran over to Chase. She could've tackled him to the floor as she gave him a tight hug. She didn't see how this night couldn't get any better!

Chase Crosby


Chase stood back and smiled as Grace’s father took her in his arms and spun her around after his daughter gave him an appreciative hug. Andrew Crosby too smiled softly, realizing he’d just made the right decision. Everyone seemed happy with the arrangement, yes, surprisingly even the Walsh’s. It seemed Daniel and Amelia were willing to put aside the fact that Chase was the very spawn of the man and women they hated back then in school. But Chase had never been so excited. He resisted the urge and went against every fiber of his being and didn’t leap into Grace and give her a huge bear hug as he didn’t think that would be seen as proper by the Walsh’s. He still had a reputation to maintain after all, he wasn’t completely out of the clear. But Daniel Walsh’s approval was a huge step in the right direction.

As Grace hug her father, Andrew grinned and glanced back at Kelly, who gave him a soft smile back and a small nod of approval. He had done the right thing and it was clear how happy it made the two 13 year olds. Thomas just stood off to the side of his parents, hands at his side and posture straight, head up high, respectfully waiting but presenting himself well in the presence of the Walsh’s. Although he didn’t have as much skin in the game as his younger brother, he was still inclined to maintain his good impression on the Walsh family, as they were very close with his girlfriend’s family, the Mayfield’s. Plus, being invited to a Walsh family hall was a high honor in the high class society world Thomas hoped to join when he got older and out of school and out of his parents’ house. Clearly, being on good terms with two powerful high class families would do him well, Tom rightly believed.

As Daniel set Grace down onto the ground, Chase eagerly watched on to see what she would do next. Andrew too looked back and noticed Grace politely approaching him. His eyebrows raised a little as she quite respectfully thanked him for his approval and promised to make his son a very happy boy. Andrew wasn’t really used to much of this formal and traditional stuff, so it was a bit interesting to see a young girl coming up and acting in that way to him. But, she was brought up in the wealthy high class society, so Andrew understood and smiled pleasantly at Grace’s appreciative gesture.
“Oh, of course, my pleasure young lady,” replied Mr. Crosby. No one could really hear it, but I’m the background, Thomas rolled his eyes and smirked to himself as he muttered, “Yea, and it only took you 8 bloody hours…”

“I have no doubt in the world you’ll make my boy very happy in life,” said Andrew with a big smile. “But you know what they say? Happy wife, happy life am I right?” he joked with a chuckle as he looked back at Kelly and winked, and looked back to Daniel raising his eyebrows hoping the guy would be lightened up enough in this moment to appreciate the joke. Kelly just smiled awkwardly, a bit uncomfortable as she knew the Walsh’s weren’t really ones for light jokes like that and preferred to keep it traditional an professional. Her husband was a laid back goofball. Andrew then looked down at Chase and grinned, wagging a finger at him. “It’s all on you to make Grace a very happy girl, Chase. Alright?” Andrew jokingly scolded with a chuckle.

Chase just smiled and nodded his head up and down very quickly,
“Oh of course da- father!” he said with a giggle, making sure to change his wording of “dad” (which he usually addressed Andrew by) to the more formal “father” in Daniel Walsh’s presence. Chase couldn’t make himself look like the simpleton that he was in reality. Somewhere from behind them, Thomas scoffed and rolled his eyes, smirking as he muttered, “Hmph, fat chance…” to himself quietly, which went unheard by everyone. Andrew just grinned and chuckled at his youngest son’s response.

“Well I for one think this is just great! Young love is so precious, it must have room to bloom,” said Kelly with a soft smile, giving her two cents on the matter. Chase once again continued to wear his massive smile as Grace finished thanking his father and looked back at him. She could clearly see he was overjoyed. After seeing Grace thank his father one more time, he noticed her suddenly running over towards him. His eyes widened as soon, the red haired girl practically tackled him to the floor and wrapped him in a tight and loving hug.

Chase’s eyes widened as he was almost tackled, grunting a bit as he was promptly squeezed tightly by his girlfriend.
“Oof!” he uttered as Grace jumped into him. But the young Gryffindor boy just chuckled and smiled as he closed his eyes, wrapping his own arms around her, squeezing her tightly. He laughed as he lifted the shorter girl up and off of the floor in his arms and spun her around, laughing as he eventually put her down and took an opportunity to stare back into her eyes lovingly with his own pretty big brown Crosby eyes. He was the happiest boy in the world it seemed.

“I love you so much, Grace Walsh,” he said to her quietly in a breathy whisper as he stared into her eyes longingly. Kelly tried to resist making a noise or saying something as she smiled wide, gushing over at how adorable her son and his new girlfriend were. She could see the two were clearly very much in love, and Kelly had to admit, she was a sucker for young love. Andrew too smiled, happy to see his son in such a great and elevated mood, clearly enamored with his red headed girlfriend. Thomas just shifted his position as he stood, still keeping his head up high as he crossed his arms. But even deep down in his hardened and cold heart that ran with a venomous hatred for his younger brother, he had to admit the soft moment was very cute. Thomas had to somewhat subdue a small smile from creeping onto his face as he saw how happy his baby brother was in that moment. He remembered how happy he was when he first started dating Mia- but of course Thomas subdued his emotions in order to remain “professional” unlike his brother who certainly didn’t hide his overwhelming joy. It was an adorable and tender moment.
Grace Walsh
When Chase hugged her back and spun her around, she laughed alongside him. "Sorry about almost tackling you." She chuckled a bit as he finally let her down. But she knew Chase wouldn't be tackled easily, especially by her. No way a Quidditch player could be tackled physically by a girl like Grace. So in the end, she could run full force to hug him any time.

Hearing his declaration of love, Grace's heart practically melted. This night was absolutely perfect. "I love you too, Chase Crosby." She responded in the same kind of breathy whisper. She kissed him on the cheek and hugged him one last time. She knew that his family had to leave eventually. As she pulled back from the hug, the smile she had was still on her face. "You're lucky to be the last family to leave. We don't want an angry mob of Slytherin suitors coming after you now, would we?" She joked as she fixed a part of his suit's collar that she moved out of place with her hug.

"Ms. Grace! There are some presents left for you in the hall." She heard Aria, her house elf remind her. Those presents were no doubt from the annual suitors that came to the ball every year. It would be rude not to go through them, she didn't have much choice in the matter. Since her relationship with Chase isn't public knowledge yet, all of high society saw Grace as eligible for marriage. It looks like she'd have to spend her night writing more thank-you letters.

"Thanks again for coming! Sorry, I must leave in a hurry." She thanked Chase and the rest of his family before reluctantly walking back inside the house. Daniel and Amelia also thanked them and said their goodbyes. Waiting for the Crosbys to get off the estate safely before heading back inside the house as well to oversee the cleaning up process.

Chase Crosby


Chase laughed as Grace apologized for almost tackling him. He was much taller and admittedly stronger than Grace being an athlete, so her tackling him over would be no easy task. But Grace was overcome with so much joy that she actually almost did knock the Quidditch seeker off of his feet, but he wasn’t going to admit that. Chase enjoyed seeing his girlfriend so happy though, and almost tackling him in a hug was welcomed by him any time. He smiled from ear to ear as he let the girl down and laughed a bit. The young boy then stared into his life’s eyes passionately with his big brown orbs as she too professed her love for him in a breathy whisper. It sent chills down his spine and made Chase blush slightly. He closed his eyes and smiled softly, blushing a bit more as she kissed him on the cheek. Sure it was in front of his parents but he didn’t care. It was official now and he loved whenever she showed him loving attention and affection like that.

Chase shrugged and chuckled a bit at Grace’s joking about the other Slytherin suitors that were no doubt still in pursuit of her, as their relationship certainly wasn’t made known to the general public. But dealing with Grace’s potential suitors would be an issue he would have to deal with later. He smiled softly and appreciatively as Grace went to adjust his collar, which had gotten a bit out of place in their loving embrace. Kelly thought it was adorable, and it even reminded her a bit of a younger version of herself and Andrew. Andrew was a lot like Chase, and although Kelly wasn’t really much like Grace, she sure was a lot more mature and was quite well-mannered as a girl. Like Grace to Chase, Kelly was there to keep the rowdy young Gryffindor, Andrew Crosby, in line. Chase very much needed someone like that so Kelly couldn’t be happier Grace was so good to Chase and was also a bit more mature to make up for Chase’s boyish attitude.

Chase peered over Grace’s shoulder as he heard a small meek voice telling her of present that were supposedly waiting for her. It seemed to be one of the Walsh’s house elves. The Crosby’s didn’t have house elves like the wealthier Walsh’s did. They could probably afford it if they REALLY wanted to, but the Crosby’s didn’t really believe in the high society life and using house elf labor to do everyday things. Kelly was happy to cook, garden, and clean the house as well as taking care of the children with Andrew. But, it seemed that it was now time for Chase and his family to go. The night had been a resounding success. Chase couldn’t be happier with how it went. Going to this Walsh family ball was a great decision and he sure was glad his parents eventually agreed to come. Now being Grace’s boyfriend, surely this would not be the last of her family’s balls he’d attend.

Chase smiled softly and nodded pleasantly as he looked at Grace and took her hand, politely kissing it gently as he said goodbye.
“Thank for having us, Grace. I’m honored you invited my family and I and it was my pleasure to come,” he told her softly and politely, making sure to work on being especially courteous when in front of Grace’s family and being at these fancy high society events. After saying their goodbyes, the Crosby family was the last one out, guided to the door by the Walsh’s. The adults said their amicable goodbyes as they took their two sons and left the Walsh’s mansion and exited their estate, poofing themselves home as they stepped off the property. Perhaps this was the beginning of a newfound truce or good-will between the Crosby’s and the Walsh’s. Maybe Andrew and Daniel were finally done feuding and would put aside their differences for the good of their children.

The youngest Crosby boy wore a smile as they all finally arrived home at the Crosby Manor. Kelly and Andrew looked a bit exhausted but it seemed they didn’t regret coming at all, and that they felt the ball had gone well too. Thomas looked more enough irritated, probably annoyed that his brother was the one receiving all of the attention and tired of Chase’s back and forth with Grace. Tom just wanted to be home, and he went straight to his room to get undressed out of his fancy clothes and relax as they came back. Andrew yawned as he kicked off his shoes and closed the door. He looked down at Chase and smiled tiredly, “Proud of you little buddy, you were great tonight sport,” he told his youngest son. Chase just nodded and smiled. “Don’t forget to wash up in the shower Tommy!” Kelly called up the stairs to Thomas as he seemed to rush up their immediately upon coming back home.

Chase was exhausted from tonight. He hadn’t worked so hard to keep up his appearances and to put on a polite and respectful demeanor like this before. Being all fancy and high class was tiring work for Chase, especially when he wasn’t used to anything like this. Plus, the dancing too took a lot out of him. Was he going to have to get used to this a lot more often now that he was Grace’s boyfriend. And even worse- if he grew up with Grace and eventually married her and became apart of her family, would HE have to host these balls? He gulped nervously at the thought of that, as he didn’t really think he could host such a lavish event like that. But he didn’t let the thought bother him too much as he yawned, beginning to feel tired.
“Go wash up after your brother is done my little ladies man,” chuckled Kelly tiredly as Chase nodded and giggled, going up the stairs and getting undressed out of his fancy suit, waiting for his brother to finish in the shower. This was the best night ever, Chase thought. He still had a little bit more of his winter break left before all the students were expected to come back to Hogwarts for classes starting up again once more.

Chase Crosby


Eventually, the winter break passed and it was time for all of the students to return back to Hogwarts for classes again. The remainder of both Chase and Grace’s third year at Hogwarts went by relatively fast. Of course with the passing time (and now both of their parents’ approval of their romantic relationship), the two became even closer- if that was even possible! Each could read the other like a book- there was no hiding anything from either one of them. Grace had picked up on all of Chase’s little quirks and in turn, Chase had picked up on Grace’s little quirks too. With the passing time though, it only became more clear that these two were MADE for each other. Despite their totally different personalities and vastly differing upbringing, the two meshed so incredibly well together. They both complimented each other very well and made up for where the other lacked. Chase was a little bit boyish and immature, often too laid back at times. But Grace was always there to keep him in line if it got to be too much and to keep him in check. But Grace could also be a little too uptight at times, so Chase would get her to loosen up a bit, which was much needed many times as Grace sometimes wore herself out stressing and taking everything so seriously. The two worked together well and were absolutely two little peas in a pod- they were inseparable.

Grace of course excelled in her classes but as for Chase, he did exceptional enough. Sure, his grades weren’t nearly as stellar as his girlfriend’s (or even his older brother’s) but he had managed to pass all of his classes, even doing considerably well in a select few of them. The two of course kept up their little tradition and agreement of their late night study sessions in the library where most of the time Grace would help Chase with studying and homework he’d struggle with. Chase had finished all of his classes and received average to slightly above average marks- which was certainly a welcomed sight for the Gryffindor boy. With the passing classes though, Chase of course had other obligations- those being his athletic obligations being on the highly competitive Gryffindor Quidditch team. Chase also had to keep up with his Quidditch endeavors, but this was an area that the boy excelled in above all others.

The rest of the Quidditch season for Gryffindor went quite smoothly. They were a solid bunch, even during their first year without their old captain, Mitchell Markstrom, a chaser who had graduated Hogwarts just last year. Certain players stepped up this season and Gryffindor made it through the games pretty well despite being the only team without a captain for that season. Next year though, Gryffindor was planning on officially appointing a new captain- someone who demonstrated leadership and inspired others out on the pitch. But that would come later. In terms of that season, Gryffindor had once again been dominant in the regular season and they even fared quite well in the playoffs. Unfortunately though, particularly for Chase Crosby, they would lose a series of games against Slytherin and be eventually eliminated from contention for the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup Championship that year. It was yet another year Chase and his Gryffindor team would sadly fall short of the ultimate goal. And of course, to add even more insult to injury, his older brother Thomas Crosby would guide Slytherin to yet another Cup title win- their third consecutive cup in the last three years. It was clear Thomas and his Slytherin team were dominant and above all others. No one could beat them it seemed, and the consecutive cups showed it. It was a little disheartening for young Chase though to see his older brother living his dream- living the life their father did when he was younger and winning all those cups as captain for Gryffindor’s Quidditch team. It made Chase feel inferior, like he’d never live up to his father’s nor now his older brother’s legacy. But still, no one could fault the effort of Chase and the entire Gryffindor team- they had a great season. They just got beat by the monster team that was Slytherin (and many would argue they were once again played dirty and cheated by the Slytherins, notorious for their questionable style of play).

So while Thomas, the older of the two Crosby brothers, was coming home with now a third consecutive cup (and a fourth all time in his career there at Hogwarts, as Tom had won it his first year there with Slytherin, before Chase was old enough), the younger boy Chase came home empty handed yet again. But Chase certainly didn’t let that fact get his spirits down. He couldn’t be happier because his relationship with Grace Walsh was flourishing. She was the love of his life and he valued every little second they spent together. It was like pure heaven to him- she was his everything. Chase did anything he could to make Grace happy and to impressed and appease her. Once their third year at Hogwarts ended and everyone went home for the summer, Chase and Grace would often write to each other via owl, back and forth to keep in touch. They now didn’t have to keep anything secret about their relationship from their families. Both families knew of it and very much approved of it, so Chase and Grace were permitted to write back and forth, sending owls to each other’s residences over the summer. It was through keeping touch that the two were able to tell each other all about their days and what they were doing over the summer. For Chase of course, it was mostly back to the Quidditch practice grind.

Soon enough, another summer passed and it was September once more- time to return back for another fresh year at Hogwarts. With the passing time, they grew a year older. Chase and Grace were now 14 years old coming into their fourth year of Hogwarts. Chase’s older brother Thomas was now 16 years old, going into his sixth year and second to last one at Hogwarts. With another year added onto him, Chase had once again experienced some physical growth and changes too that came with becoming a slightly older teenager. Now at 14 years of age, the young athletic boy had grown a few inches, becoming a more tall and well-defined handsome young man. He still wasn’t quite as tall as his brother or his father, but he still had certainly had his increase in height over the summer. Another year to Chase only made him even more attractive. His face became slightly more masculine and jawline a bit more defined. Of course, he still kept his lovable almost “baby-face” for the most part, but it was clear he was growing up a bit. Being physically active over the summer only made his athletic physique more defined, some noticeable muscles becoming present on his body. Grace would certainly be seeing a new, taller and older looking Chase when they reunited at the start of their fourth year at Hogwarts.

Next year, his fourth year, was going to be a big one, and Chase Crosby was very ready for it. He was ready to tackle his new classes, and ready to see where his relationship with Grace would go next. It could only go up from there. But most of all, Chase was ready to tackle a new season of Quidditch, and hopefully bring victory to the Gryffindor team. The big story of the team was that this coming year, a new captain was set to be appointed. The captaincy was a much highly honored and respected position, a role that had been tradition with in all four houses’ Quidditch teams. Only the best of the best leaders were selected to wear the “C” and captain their team. It wasn’t typical for younger students to be named captain, but it did happen. In the case of Thomas, he’d been named captain in just only his second year at Hogwarts as a 12 year old! It was thanks to Tom’s skill and leadership even at that young age that made him the next replacement for Slytherin’s captain. Although Chase couldn’t claim this feat, he wasn’t worried about that. His own father had been promoted to Gryffindor’s captain back in the day in only his third year. Typically fifth-seventh years were promoted to captain, but like with Thomas and Andrew Crosby (and others) there were exceptions. But Gryffindor’s captaincy position was unfulfilled and vacant, ripe for the taking. The new future leader of the team would earn and be appointed to their rightful place as Gryffindor team captain.

At long last, the fourth year of Chase and Grace’s magical track at Hogwarts had arrived. Chase and Grace had met up and reunited once more on the train at King’s Cross Station, giving each other cheerful greetings and hello kisses and hugs. Chase and Grace were overjoyed to see each other. After both admiring each other’s physical changes, particularly Chase’s increased height, the two newly 14 year olds went off and boarded the train together, sitting right next to each other the whole multiple hour long ride there, holding hands and occasionally kissing each other. Chase had even fell asleep and gently rested his head on Grace’s shoulder during the train ride. Eventually they had arrived at Hogwarts and the older students were taken to the Great Hall where they awaited the entrance of the new incoming first years. The first years were soon sorted into their new houses, a process Chase remembered very well, still even as a fourth year now. With the conclusion of another successful opening commencement speech, the Sorting Ceremony, and the new year feast, the new semester at Hogwarts had been officially kicked off. Chase, Grace, and their housemates all went to bed with full bellies for their first night back. The fourth year was set to be an eventful one, especially with both Grace and Chase’s classes getting progressively more difficult.

The first two weeks of school had went by pretty well. All of Chase’s professors wasted no time in getting started and everyone was already well into the swing of things and classes. Everyone was back into the Hogwarts routine. Now two weeks in, the Quidditch season finally began. As always, Chase was eager for the Quidditch season to start, but he was particularly excited for this year as during the first practice, the head of their house, Professor McGonogall, was set to make her decision and appointment of the new captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Chase, the team’s only seeker, excitedly hurried on down to the pitch, grabbing his new broom he had gotten as a 14th birthday present over the summer and quickly changing into his scarlet and gold Gryffindor Quidditch robes. Slowly but surely, the rest of the team began arriving, as well as the new second and third years who had tried out for and made the team this year. Waiting for them was Professor McGonogall. By now she was a very old witch, but still alive and kicking, loving her job as head of the Gryffindor house and head mistress of Hogwarts. She still was in charge of Gryffindor, even in her old age. But this afternoon, she had a very special announcement to make.

Chase could feel his nerves bubbling up inside of his stomach as he stood there with the rest of his team awaiting McGonogall’s announcement as she looked around and cleared her throat once it became clear that a large majority of not all of the Gryffindor team had arrived down at the pitch. With her, McGonogall held some sort of a scroll with some things written down on it in ink. Chase could only assume this was the roster for this year and that this paper held information regarding who was the Gryffindor team’s captain going forward. It was finally time. Head mistress McGonogall cleared her throat and addressed the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team.
“Ahem, good afternoon all of you,” began the old witch, eying the crowd of players standing there at the ready, all dressed in their Gryffindor Quidditch uniform robes and their brooms in hand.

“As you all know, today marks the start of Hogwarts’ Quidditch season, where each of the four houses will compete throughout this year for the coveted Hogwarts Quidditch Cup championship,” said McGonogall. “As head of the Gryffindor house, I would like to both welcome new members to the team, and welcome back returning members,” she said. “Now, as those of you from last year know, Gryffindor did not have a team captain, as the former captain, Mitchell Markstrom, had graduated and we had no one fit to fill his role,” she explained. “Yet despite all this, last year’s Gryffindor team played exceptionally well without a captain. You all proved in the face of adversity you could all band together and play a solid game and have a great season,” she said. “But, although we might not have won the cup last year, we have much to look forward to, as I can tell this team has a bright future,” she said with a soft smile. “As you know, for the past three years, Slytherin has bested all four houses and won the last three consecutive Hogwarts Quidditch Cup championship titles, but I have the utmost faith in this Gryffindor group that you all can challenge the reigning champs and give Slytherin a run for their money this season.”

“The Hogwarts Quidditch Cup championship is a long time honored tradition that has been held at this academy for many many years. We hear at Hogwarts pride ourself on our encouragement of magical athletic games and the competitive environment we create for our players and teams here. Quidditch has quite the storied history at this magical academy. Many great athletes have come and passed, playing on these very Quidditch pitches you see before you,” said McGonogall. Chase immediately thought of his father Andrew, one of Gryffindor’s historically best Quidditch seekers and captains ever. And of course Harry Potter, who was probably one of Gryffindor’s most well-known Quidditch seekers in his time in the 90’s here at Hogwarts. “And I am so incredibly proud to be the head of the house that has had one of the most historically dominant Quidditch teams in this school’s many years of history. This house has produced many excellent athletes, and in fact, it is Gryffindor that has the most cup wins here at this school throughout all of history,” she said with a small smile, reminding her Gryffindor team of the house’s great successes in the past. “But for now, we must focus on today. On looking forward to the future,” she went on. “Gryffindor is a house that has long been known for its courage, bravery, and leadership. But it is only one individual that can have the utmost honor and recognition of being the captain of the team. With the position of captaincy comes both pride and prestige. A great responsibility is entrusted to the one who holds the position of captain.” McGonogall explained.

“That being said, it is about time Gryffindor names a new captain. A new name to add to the history books, to succeed a long line of successful and great captains of this Gryffindor team.” McGonogall announced. “It is my pleasure to announce to you all the appointment of a new captain of the Gryffindor team here today.” she said. “If I may continue to have all of your attention please- on this brisk September day of 2005, please welcome your newest Gryffindor captain….” she said, seeming to pause for effect. Chase closed his eyes and took a deep breath, gulping as he felt a pit form at the bottom of his stomach. This was it- this would determine who the new Gryffindor captain would be. It would determine if Chase could follow in the footsteps of his father in the past and his older brother and captain a Quidditch team at Hogwarts…. All he could do now is wait and see what to do from there with the results….

“Mister Chase Andrew Crosby, congratulations on your promotion to Gryffindor’s Quidditch team captain!” McGonogall announced with a proud smile as she glanced towards Chase. Immediately upon hearing his name, Chase’s heart leapt and his eyes widened with shock as he couldn’t believe what he had just heard. He replayed McGonogall’s announcement of his name as team captain over again in his head as an applause broke out from the rest of the Gryffindor team in acknowledgment of their new captain. Soon, it all start to hit him, as a huge grin began to form, widening from ear to ear on Chase’s face. “Going forward, Mister Chase Crosby is officially your Gryffindor team captain and he will carry out the official duties and responsibilities of a team captain, including but not limited to mentorship of players, forming plays out on the pitch, the traditional pre-game handshake, and talking to Madame Hooch and negotiating different calls made during play,” the old Gryffindor witch explained. Chase was absolutely elated. His first thought was that he couldn’t wait to tell Grace. “I think all of you can agree that this selection of and appointment as Mr. Crosby as Gryffindor’s team captain is a very well-earned on,” McGonogall went on. “As our seeker for the past three years, Mr. Crosby has demonstrated excellent courage, outstanding athletic ability and play, speed, and even leadership, being a main driving force of this team as our seeker.” she said. “I have no doubt being a highly talented athlete and a perfect fit for being a captain runs through Mr. Crosby’s blood, as many of you may know that his own father, Mr. Andrew Crosby, was once the captain and seeker of a great Gryffindor team that would go on to win many consecutive championship titles,” she explained. “Mr. Crosby, congratulations. I know you won’t let us down,” said the old witch as she proudly grinned looking over at Chase. Chase nodded respectfully and stood up straight and obediently, honored to be selected as Gryffindor’s team captain. “From this point forward, you will officially be known as the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. If you would follow me into the locker room, you can find your new set of Quidditch robes with the captain’s C on the chest for you,” she said with a soft smile. Chase’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe he was being appointed as captain and he would get to wear the captain’s robe and the captain’s “C.”

Chase Crosby


It was now official. Chase Crosby was the next new captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He had finally done it, just like his dad Andrew. The young fourth year Gryffindor boy couldn’t be happier. But he had one special someone that he wanted to tell first, most of all. That being his beloved girlfriend, Grace Walsh. After slipping on his new captain’s robes, Chase led his first practice as captain, leading the first practice of the season for about an hour or so until it was time to end it. Taking his new role and job as captain very seriously, Chase was the last one off the pitch on the Gryffindor team, as he had seen former captain Mitchell Markstrom do countless times before. Chase made sure to stay until the end and help out any of his teammates who might need it or to provide any guidance to the younger and newer rookie members of the team. Once he was certain his team was all done and finished up on the pitch with their practice, Chase returned to the Gryffindor locker room. He wore a huge and excited grin on his face as he could barely contain himself. He could not WAIT to find and tell Grace that he had achieved his dream and been promoted to captain of the Gryffindor team.

The young fourth year Gryffindor boy debated getting changed out of his robes, and opted not to, figuring he’d wear them for Grace to see in all their glory. Chase put away his broom and threw off his goggles, grinning from ear to ear as he excitedly dashed back into the castle. He ran through the halls looking for Grace in their typical meeting spot just outside the Great Hall, where they’d meet before dinner. As Chase sprinted through the halls in his full Gryffindor Quidditch uniform robes, he got a few confused looks and eyebrow raises as the passing students saw a boy whiz by dressed in all scarlet and gold. It wasn’t typical that Quidditch players wore their Quidditch robes in the castle. And it was even more interesting to note that these robes had the captain’s C on it. It appeared as if after a year without one, Gryffindor had a new captain- the young highly talented and speedy seeker, Chase Crosby.

Eventually, Chase’s eyes widened as he spotted her. Grace Walsh was waiting just outside of the Great Hall for him. He grinned excitedly as he rushed towards Grace in a hurry.
“HI GRACE!” he shouted loudly and unexpectedly, seemingly out of completely no where as he jumped in front of Grace and surprised her with a big tight hug. Chase smiled widely as he picked Grace up off her feet quickly and hugged her tightly, setting her back down again and taking a step back, grinning a toothy grin. “Grace Grace Grace! Guess what?”’Chase asked her quickly, standing there eagerly and all giddy like a little bouncing golden retriever.
Grace Walsh
Summer was all over. But boy did Grace have such an amazing summer. First of all her relationship got approved by her father. It was such a relief that she didn't have to hide it anymore. Sure, she was used to hiding small things from her parents. Every kid is like that. But she wasn't sure how long she could go hiding Chase when she couldn't even talk to him over the summer. Luckily after the ball, things got so much better.

The pair openly sent over owls to each other. They would detail how their summers were going and contained sweet declarations of love between the two. Grace particularly would send him souvenirs from her travels. Her family was out in Ireland. It's an annual tradition to see her mother's side of the family every year out in Galway. Of course, staying there was nothing new, but she had a hunch that Chase had never even been to Ireland. She sent him things from all her favorite places that she liked to visit. She told him that she'd take him here one day to see all these places in person.

But summer was all over, September was here. She was finally in her fourth year and she was ready for it. Her grades last year were stellar so she's aiming for the same thing. The same classes she loved, mainly herbology, were coming back so she couldn't wait. Professor Sprout even said that Grace had a natural knack for the subject. That coupled with her excellent grades in Potions, she could practically make anything.

Things were starting to get into full swing. In no time it felt like she never left. Her routine was just the same as usual. But today was the day that the Gryffindor team would get the results of their new captain. She heard it from Chase, he wouldn't stop talking about it. She was in the Great Hall with her friends for a bit. But before long she left to wait outside the Great Hall. It was routine. She'd wait for Chase outside the Great Hall so they could spend some time together.

Before long she could hear Chase's voice from down the hall. Just as she was about to turn to the source of the loud booming voice, Chase practically just appeared in front of her. She was taken aback but didn't yell luckily. If she did, people would definitely turn their attention to the couple. In the next moment, Grace was in his arms as she lifted him up in a tight hug.

When she was finally set down, Chase wore a toothy grin on his face. And from his tone, he was incredibly happy and excited. "Well, I know you're happy. Get good news at the meeting?" She said calmly, but inside started to get excited for him as well.

Chase Crosby


As Chase let Grace down after the hug where he lifted her, he took a step back and wore a giddy grin, definitely excited to tell her something, that being the great news. Grace was understandably a little bit taken by surprise but maintained her composure. There was a stark contrast between the two- the girl calm and collected and the boy looking as if he were about to explode from excitement or jump out of his own skin.

Chase nodded, keeping his joyful toothy grin as Grace noticed his obvious happiness and excitement. One thing that was interesting to note was that Grace didn’t seem to notice that Chase was all dressed in his Gryffindor Quidditch robes, which typically he (and all of the other players from all of the houses) never wore around the school. The normal Hogwarts robes were all black on the inside with some variation on the inside (scarlet for Gryffindor, emerald green for Slytherin, etc.) but the Quidditch robes were more bright and colorful. The Gryffindor robes were a striking scarlet and bold gold color.

Chase only really wore his Quidditch robes during practices and games, so him rushing through the school with his uniform on having not changed after practice wasn’t common. He’d only really done that once, when he went to go visit Grace in the Hospital Wing when she was injured as a spectator to the Gryffindor vs Slytherin game. When the game was put on hold and later cancelled, Chase was the first to rush off the pitch without changing to go on and visit Grace and to check on her. But that was a couple of years ago.

“Good news?!” Chase asked with disbelief, laughing a little bit, “No Grace, bloody AMAZING news!” Chase clarified, practically jumping with joy. This was the most giddy the girl had seen him in a while for sure. He was a little surprised she didn’t seem to notice anything different about him- notably him being in his Gryffindor Quidditch robes. “Notice anything different about me?” Chase asked with an eager grin. He took a step back and present himself quickly, letting her see him in all of his glory. If she had a quick eye, she would’ve seen the somewhat noticeable letter “C” embroidered on the part of his robes near his chest where the Gryffindor crest was. But where Chase’s Quidditch robes differed from his teammates was that on the other side of the house crest near the chest area, Chase had the captain’s “C.”

Without giving her much time to process or answer, Chase clued her in and revealed why he was so excited and overjoyed.
“Grace! They promoted me to CAPTAIN of the Gryffindor Quidditch team! I’m the captain!” Chase told her loudly, jumping up with joy and grinning from ear to ear. He looked as if he would burst, not able to contain his happiness. He then proudly pointed to the captain’s “C” on the chest area of his uniform. “Just like my dad was!” he said proudly with a big smile. He couldn’t wait to tell his father- surely he’d be so proud his son was following in his footsteps and now captaining the very team he was the captain of for a while back when Andrew went to Hogwarts.
Grace Walsh
When Chase asked if anything was different, Grace looked him over once more. Sure he was still in his Quidditch robes, which was a bit odd. Although it isn't a sight she hasn't seen before. She remembered the first Quidditch game where Grace got injured. Chase was by her side, still in his red and gold Quidditch robes. He was stubborn and refused to go change so that was the first time she saw him in his robes.

But with a keen eye, she did notice something different about the uniform. A detail that might've been hard to spot in the short amount of time Grace was given. There was a capital "C" embroidered on his robes. She'd seen that before, on Thomas specifically. The "C" that can only be found in the captain's robes. That means Chase got the captain position during the meeting.

She was about to say something, but Chase didn't give her much of a chance. He blurted out the fact before anyone else could. He was so proud. You could see it from his giddy and bouncy body language. It was like he couldn't sit still for a moment. All the way to the massive smile on his face. No one could wipe it off if they tried.

Grace was for sure happy for him. She knew that this was his dream. He's wanted to be the captain since they were in the first year. "Bloody hell, Chase! Congratulations!" She said excitedly. A smile appeared on her face right before giving him a quick peck on the lips as a congratulations gift at the moment. "Looks like I ought to treat you to a nice dinner." She offered it as a gift to him. "I'm really happy for you, Chase. You deserve that position."

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