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Chase Crosby


“One of these days you’d better talk, Crosby. People might think you’re a mute!”
said Thomas with a grin. Chase could see the golden snitch about to be released out of the corner of his eyes as he raised his eyebrows in anticipation. But just as it was about to be released, Madame Hooch stopped, as did everyone on the Quidditch pitch, players and spectators included, stopped. Chase’s blood ran cold as his eyes widened, hearing a scream and a bit crash. The first thing he saw was his brother looking wide eyed with concern down at the Slytherin section of the spectator stands. “Bloody hell… that doesn’t look good…” Chase could hear his older brother say quietly as he put a hand over his mouth and watched down in shock. Now it was Chase’s turn to look, and he wished he didn’t.

To young Chase’s horror, he saw the scene down in the Slytherin section of the stands. A Gryffindor player clearly standing out in a sea of black and green was laying down, injured, having fell off his broom and into the Slytherin crowd. But Chase could just make out the unfortunate victim underneath the Gryffindor player. She was on the younger side and had a distinct head of red hair. Chase’s stomach sank- it was Grace Walsh. Immediately play suspended on the pitch as both some Gryffindor and Slytherin players flew down and attempted to aid both the injured player and spectator. Others stood around waiting nervously and shocked into a stunned silence, Chase one of them.

He then saw Thomas quickly fly down to a particularly horrified and even guilty looking Slytherin as he took him by the shoulder and whispered something to him. Presumably this was the Slytherin player who had just pulled the dirty move, and thanks to the boys’ actions, at least two people were hurt. There was only so much the players who were attempting to aid the Gryffindor player and the poor red headed Slytherin girl fan. Luckily, Madame Pomfrey was very quickly called to the scene. Chase couldn’t believe what he was saying. His first reaction was to immediately rush down and come to Grace’s aid, but he realized that’d certainly draw some suspicious attention. His thoughts then turned to anger- anger with himself for being somewhat the reason why she was there and able to be hurt in the first place, and anger with his brother for his aggressive captaining style which resulted in the ensuing dirty move that led to the injury of both his teammate and Grace.

Chase zoomed down to where his brother was presumably comforting the Slytherin player who had performed the dirty move and bumped the Gryffindor player off of his broom and into the Slytherin section of the crowd. He furrowed his brow as he flew over to his older brother and the Slytherin player as in the stands, Madame Pomfrey and a few others helped carry out Grace and the injured Gryffindor player who had been crashed off of his broom and into the stands and carried them out on stretchers as both sections, Gryffindor and Slytherin, watched on with concern. Many players had their hands over their mouth, shocked. A few Gryffindor players understandably shot some dirty glances at the Slytherin captain who was talking with the boy who was responsible for this. Of course, Thomas too was responsible for this to an extent thanks to his blatant disregard for the rules of the game here at Hogwarts and his strict instructions to be very aggressive especially when playing Gryffindor.

“Thomas! This is your fault!” yelled Chase, who looked like he was holding back some tears. Thomas just raised his eyebrows, clearly stunned and not expecting to be interrupted, and surely not by his little brother of all people. He then locked eyes with Chase and Chase could’ve sworn he saw a sly little smirk from his older brother. Thomas chuckled, “Welcome to Quidditch little brother, I knew you couldn’t handle it,” he sneered. “Th- that’s not right Thomas! Y- you’re a dirty player! I can’t believe they let you captain that team!” Chase barked back, his brow furrowed angrily, his voice visibly shaky. “Good thing you’re not that captain of YOUR team! Listen to yourself, you can’t even get a sentence out with out sounding, and looking, like a scared little puppy!” Thomas cackled. Thomas smirked, “Au revoir brother, I look forward to seeing you in the stands next game. You won’t last a day on that team, you’re pathetic. Let’s just hope you don’t end up like the poor saps who got injured,” laughed Tom, causing Chase’s blood to boil as his face got red and he furrowed his brow angrily, gritting his teeth. “C’mon now,” he heard Thomas say softly as he turned to address his teammate, “We’ve got to play damage control. Find some flowers and visit the injured. We’ll avoid a PR nightmare,” said Thomas as he rolled his eyes, guiding along his friend presumably to find some flowers before visiting the injured in the hospital wing for some sort of publicity stunt to pretend like they cared and were concerned. Chase found it all so sickening.

The announcers then got word and let the crowd and players know that the game had been cancelled. With the score 60-10 in favor of Slytherin, the game was declared a Slytherin victory. There were no cheers from Slytherin nor boos from Gryffindor as any win or loss of today’s game had been over shadowed by the fact that two people from both houses were injured. Chase clenched his fists with anger as he saw his brother smirking and nodding his head as he was walking away, presumably pleased with their victory as he heard it announced, patting the boy who injured the Gryffindor player and Slytherin spectator, Grace, on the back as if he were proud of the move. The Slytherin boy didn’t look so proud, more concerned and guilty…. Then, Chase felt a hand on his shoulder as he stared angrily at his brother getting off of the pitch. “Let him go…” said the soft voice of his sixth year captain, Mitchell Markstrom. “I saw you have words with him. They’re no use against Crysby- err, I mean Thomas, your brother,” he said. Thomas “Crysby” had been a not so loving nickname given to the Slytherin seeker ever since year one when he proved himself to be quite the dirty player, but also a bit of a whiner on the field, always putting on an act and constantly complaining to Hooch every time something didn’t go his way. Hence the nickname, “Cry-sby.” “Sorry your first game didn’t go so well, but ya did well champ. Looking forward to seeing you in action our next game. Apologies you had to see your brother’s dirty captain style early on and didn’t get too much action today. No worries, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff play a classy game. I know their captains personally,” said Mitch, giving their youngest player a little proud smile and soft pat on the back. Chase just nodded, looking worried. His concern began to grow for Grace. He quickly rushed to the locker rooms as both teams’ players were slowly making their way to the locker rooms to change and the stands were clearing out, everyone going back to the common rooms or the Great Hall to eat.

Chase rushed to the Gryffindor locker room. He didn’t even bother to change out of his Quidditch uniform robes, quickly putting away his Firebolt broom, shoving his flying goggles in the locker, and rushing down to the hospital wing. He burst through the doors, the first visitor of the day. He frantically looked around as there he saw it, Madame Pomfrey treating a young red-headed Slytherin girl in one of the hospital beds. In another bed was the injured Gryffindor player, still in his crimson and gold Quidditch robes, as was Chase right now. Chase without thinking quickly rushed to the hospital bed and to Grace’s side, his eyes widening as he frowned with concern and worry looking down at her.
“Mr. C- Crosby? In Gryffindor robes?” asked Madame Pomfrey, who had never seen the younger Crosby boy. She’d plenty of times seen his older brother for Quidditch injuries though. But upon further examination, she saw it clearly wasn’t Thomas. No, this boy was younger, shorter, and of course, wearing Gryffindor robes. She just shook her head and went to tend to the injured Gryffindor player, letting Chase visit the injured Grace. Chase paid Pomfrey no mind as he quickly but gently grabbed one of Grace’s hands and rubbed it comfortingly, gulping nervously.

“Oh Grace… I’m so sorry…” lamented Chase softly as he frowned. He looked at the poor unconscious red-haired Slytherin girl that he so loved. His heart hurt to see his crush in an injured state like this. Unbeknownst to him, his brother, Slytherin’s captain, and a few of his Slytherin teammate goons, would be on their way to show up to the hospital wing and visit. No, not out of the goodness of their heart, but as Thomas had put it, for a publicity stunt. Thomas was Slytherin’s beloved captain. He had to of course keep up that persona. Visiting the injured after the game was the “classy” thing to do, a PR win for the Slytherin team and more specifically their dirty captain. But in the eyes of the Slytherin house, their beloved captain Thomas Crosby could do no wrong. He’d prove it by showing up to the hospital wing for the publicity. He was a sly little dog…. The Gryffindor captain Mitchell and quite possibly a few Gryffindor players were most likely on their way to send condolences to the young injured Slytherin and check on their poor injured Gryffindor teammate. “Oh Grace….” moaned Chase with concern and worry, still frowning, gently rubbing the top of one of her hands with his thumb. “Please be ok….” he pleaded softly.
The poor boy winced as he finally saw the extent of her injuries. The poor Slytherin girl was bloodied. Her soft and fair skin had cuts all over and a few splinters yet to be removed from the wooden spectator stands. Chase couldn’t bear to see his crush like this…. She had a few bruises, presumably from the weight of an older and athletically built Gryffindor Quidditch player not crashing down on her. That boy laid unconscious a few beds over. Chase just wished this was a nightmare. He wanted it all to end- he wanted to poor Grace to be ok. He wanted Madame Pomfrey to heal her immediately. “It’s gonna be ok Grace….” he whispered, aware she probably couldn’t hear him. Maybe that was for the better, as his voice sounded genuinely concerned but also fearful, even loving…. “I’m right here for you….” he added in a whisper.
Grace Walsh
She was slowly gaining consciousness once more. All she could hear was some muffled words and someone holding her hand at her bed side. Her eyes fluttered open and when we vision started to clear, she saw Chase at her side worrying over her and still in his Quidditch robes. She hummed slightly to grab his attention since her voice wasn't quite back to her yet.

Seeing Chase like this, she felt kind of bad, she didn't know what happened to the game after the accident, but she knew that Gryffindor was on the losing side when she went down. He should be with his team, she heard from several of her friends that Quidditch teams were like second families here at Hogwarts, bonding together over wins and losses.

Her voice was slowly coming back and she said quietly, "Are you alright?" It sounded ironic given her current condition, but she didn't know how long time has passed, how long he'd been waiting by her side, waiting to see if would wake up.

Little did she know, she'd have more visitors soon than she thought would ever show up.

Chase Crosby


Chase’s face looked worried and concerned as he stood by Grace’s side, overwhelmed with care and compassion for his now injured friend. He couldn’t bear to see her in this state and hope she was going to be ok and was feeling alright. Luckily, the Hospital Wing, for now, was mostly empty of the sudden influx of visitors soon to come. Suddenly, Chase’s eyes widened as he watched Grace a hawk, finally seeing her eyes begin to open as she seemed to regain consciousness. His mouth opened and a big eager and relieved smile came to his face.

“Grace! You’re awake!” he quickly proclaimed with a big smile. But he furrowed his brow a bit and frowned with concern as he realized the first thing out of her mouth was if HE was alright, of all people. Highly ironic considering the current circumstances and her state in the hospital bed. His eyebrows raised as he paused and blinked at her, surprised for a brief moment. “Am I alright? I should be the one asking YOU that! Are you alright Grace?” said Chase. Chase of course stood by her side, all dressed in his Gryffindor Quidditch robes, as he hadn’t even stopped to change out of them in the locker room before coming to visit his Slytherin friend in the hospital wing.

Thomas Crosby


Meanwhile, the Slytherin captain and seeker, Thomas Crosby, made sure to be on his way to the hospital wing first. No, it wasn’t because of pure concern for the well being of one of his injured younger housemates or out of being classy and checking on an injured opponent. Thomas had only wanted to get there immediately so he had a head start on the other visitors such as the Gryffindor captain himself and other players on the Gryffindor team as well as ahead of any concerned Slytherin friends of the girl that might be visiting.

Of course, this was all a publicity stunt. It was meant to create the illusion of compassion and concern from the Slytherin captain. It was all an elaborate plot. Much like his little brother, who at this point he didn’t know was in the hospital wing visiting the injured young first year Slytherin girl, Thomas hadn’t wasted any time getting changed out of his emerald and silver Slytherin Quidditch robes as he made his way down to the hospital wing with two teammates, one being the very boy who had caused the injuries himself due to the dirty move.

It was all a publicity stunt and an act to show Slytherin and other houses alike that Thomas genuinely cared and was a classy captain despite secretly and technically being the reason for this even happening in the first place. His dirty playing style and captaining style was what led to the Slytherin player feeling more inclined to pull the dirty trick and crash the Gryffindor player off of his broom. By getting there before even Gryffindor’s captain, Thomas would surely look good in the eyes of his peers and even opponents. He knew exactly what he was doing. Dressed proudly in his emerald green Slytherin Quidditch robes as were the two teammate goons beside him, Thomas Crosby entered the hospital wing before any Gryffindor players, there to make his public appearance and convey the act of being concerned and caring for the injured students.

Thomas puffed his chest out arrogantly as he so often did and smirked as he strutted into the hospital wing to visit and make his public appearance. The simple act of him being there and his presence was enough. He just had to sit there and look pretty, smile and wave. Everyone would buy that and eat it right up. As he entered the room, smirking and strutting confidently, he was suddenly stopped in his tracks as he noticed a certain someone in the hospital wing. He paused and widened his eyes, looking utterly surprised.

Thomas was shocked. In the hospital wing already, and even more peculiarly, next to the bed of the injured first year Slytherin girl of all people, was his little brother, Chase Crosby, still all dressed in his scarlet and gold Gryffindor Quidditch robes. Curiously, Chase looked clearly and genuinely concerned for this young injured Slytherin girl. Odd… what was his little brother doing here before everyone and clearly so concerned with this Slytherin girl? Why was it any of Chase’s business to be here? Clearly he was here instantly, as if he was here before Thomas and his two teammates, it must’ve meant he was super quick, faster than Thomas and his goons who made sure to make haste to get to the hospital wing.


Thomas scoffed and raised an eyebrow, walking over to his brother at Grace’s hospital bed and smirking arrogantly. The Slytherin captain furrowed his brow with clear disdain for his little brother as he looked down at Chase.
“Chase? What the bloody hell are you doing here? And with a Slytherin girl no less…?” Thomas asked his brother, quite surprised at the sight. Chase turned around and instantly tensed up, the hairs standing up on the back of his neck as his eyes widened and his heart leap. The younger brother and Gryffindor seeker gulped nervously and looked up at his older brother, he too still in his Quidditch robes. Chase was also clearly surprised to see Thomas here. But he was also mortified his brother caught him worrying so passionately over the injured Slytherin girl.

“T- Thomas? W- what- what are you doing here?” Chase asked, completely caught off guard and nervous, his heart rate increasing as he stood on edge at the unexpected sight of his brother and two teammates seeing him in his Gryffindor Quidditch uniform near the side of the bed of the injured Slytherin student who had been in the stands rather than with his injured Gryffindor teammate a few beds over. Thomas just rolled his eyes and scoffed again. “Pfft, wouldn’t you like to know?” snapped back the Slytherin captain and older brother caustically. Chase stood embarrassed and slightly terrified in the presence of his older brother the Slytherin captain.

“I’m obviously here to visit my injured house mate and show my respect, send my condolences personally,” added Thomas, some pompous attitude clearly in his tone of voice. The Slytherin captain had his chest puffed out a bit arrogantly and his chin slightly raised up like he thought he was superior, like he owned the place. Maybe it was because Thomas truly thought he did…. “But the real question here is what a little loser like you is doing here by the bed of some injured Slytherin girl of all people…” Thomas added, causing Chase’s eyes to widened a bit more as he gulped nervously. “Don’t you belong near the bed of your Gryffindor teammate there that’s apart of that Quidditch team you can barely even call yourself apart of?” Thomas asked, his question spat out with venom.

“N- none of your business!” was all poor and clearly nervous Chase could spit out in response. This only caused Thomas to laugh and sneer down at his younger brother. “That’s rich…” muttered Thomas sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “Now then, step aside Gryffindor,” said Thomas as he grinned and straightened his shoulders a bit, his chest still puffed out a little as he moved Chase to the side with one arm, causing the younger brother to step back and frown, feeling humiliated and embarrassed by his older sibling. He watched as Thomas then smirked and leaned over towards Grace lying down on the hospital bed. He then grinned and closed his eyes, swishing his wand near her and smiling charmingly.

Out from Thomas’ wand came a small bundle of some flowers, which the Slytherin captain promptly pulled out from his wand and held out to Grace, offering for her to take. “For you, from ALL of us here at the Slytherin team,” he told her, his tone of voice almost like he was fabricating his condolences. “We’re terribly sorry for what happened to you,” said Thomas, apologizing on behalf of the Slytherin Quidditch team. “It’s a shame a Gryffindor can’t fly, eh?” asked Thomas as he muttered this joke, smirking and laughing a bit, causing his two Slytherin teammates with him to laugh softly too. Chase just furrowed his brow angrily at the awfully mean joke, gritting his teeth as his face became a bit red. “Please, take these flowers as a gift from us, on behalf of the captain of the team himself,” said Thomas, flashing Grace a toothy grin. To the outsider, Thomas looked charming and flattering, like he was truly a classy young man. Chase knew different and bet Grace would see right past it….
Grace Walsh
"Yes, I'm quite alright. I may not look it, but I'm alright. And the best part is that I'm not dead." She joked a bit in this seemingly grim situation and answered Chase's question. "Take a seat, Chase. If you refuse to leave me and change into our uniforms, at least take a seat." She asked as she noticed that the young boy was quite literally standing by her bedside. There were chairs around of course, so it won't be much of a hassle to grab a seat.

Unfortunately she couldn't enjoy any more time with Chase alone since the one and only Slytherin golden boy, followed by some of his teammates, walked through the door. Thomas Crosby and his group, still dressed in their quidditch robes as well, walked over to Grace's bedside first. Of course, she didn't even think they'd pay any mind to the injured Gryffindor player.

Soon, the brother's started bickering, or rather Thomas started picking on Chase as usual. Although she didn't like the noise and the fighting, she didn't have much strength to stop it. Unlike last time, Grace couldn't help Chase much, which pained her, because no siblings should treat each other like this in the first place. She just hoped someday the two brothers would get along.

What Thomas did next though was slightly unexpected. Grace expected him to say a few nice words and be on his way, but apparently, she didn't know how far he was willing to go to look like a golden boy. Taking out his wand, he produced Grace with a bouquet of flowers and an apology from the entire Slytherin team, him most especially.

Grace obviously knew what he was up to, he didn't care of her at all. All the flowers and the apology were just lies for the other students at Hogwarts. But she didn't want to seem rude, so she took the flowers, are was still cut up slightly but it was covered in bandages. "I wouldn't say a Gryffindor can't fly, I thought he flew pretty well. And thank you for the flowers, they're lovely. Although if you well, grant me a favor as an injured person, you should show good sportsmanship with Gryffindor. Why not pay a visit to the injured Gryffindor player?" She asked innocently, no way Thomas could refuse her in this state, it would look bad for publicity.

Chase Crosby


Chase seemed to refuse to sit down. He wanted nothing more than to be there for Grace, standing loyally by her side and caring for her. He was a her friend, her wasn’t going to relax when she was in such an injured state. But, for now at least, his older brother Thomas had shut him up after their bickering. He watched on, almost sickened by his brother’s acting and attempts to look like a golden boy for the publicity and even producing a pretty bouquet of flowers from his wand. He just wanted his brother to buzz off and leave him and especially Grace alone.

Thomas Crosby


Thomas proudly grinned a toothy grin for Grace as she took the flowers. He was certainly pleased with himself, that was for sure, anyone could see that. He ignored the first part of Grace’s words, internally disagreeing with her thinking the Gryffindor player had flown well in today’s game. But of course, Thomas was heavily blinded by his own bias. He simply just grinned and nodded as she thanked him for the flowers. This looked good, real good. The publicity stunt had seemed to work. Surely Grace would tell all of her Slytherin friends, thought Thomas.

But soon, the grin was wiped clean off of Thomas’ face as the injured Grace seemed to have a little surprising favor for him. As the smile was taken right from Thomas’ face, he tried not to seem too stunned or disgusted at the notion of showing a bit of class and sending some personal well wishes to the injured Gryffindor player. Thomas looked a bit surprised, like he wasn’t expecting that, but still tried to strain somewhat of a look of kindness on his face.
“Oh…” he said softly.

He couldn’t refuse that. How awful would he look not only to Grace, but just in front of everyone. If word got out that he specifically denied a kind-hearted request from the little injured Slytherin girl for Thomas to go and visit the injured Gryffindor and send him some condolences, how bad would that make the Slytherin captain look? Real bad, and both Thomas and his two cronies behind him knew it. After pausing for a bit in thought, Thomas spoke.
“Erm, right… of course…. We’ll certainly do that…” replied Thomas softly. “It would be our pleasure,” he said through clenched teeth as he glared as his two teammates behind him who looked pretty shocked in all honesty,

Thomas then turned back to face Grace and address her one last time before excusing himself and his teammates and going through with her favor and actually visiting the injured Gryffindor player. He supposed that it wasn’t too hard of a request, and plus, the publicity for looking classy was a bonus. Even if Thomas truly didn’t care about the state of the injured Gryffindor Quidditch player, it still looked pretty good for the captain and the player who caused the injury to be going over and saying sorry and wishing the boy the best in recovery.
“Well, err, get better…” said Thomas softly as he stood up straight and turned around.


“Oh and uhh, I don’t recommend hanging around a Gryffindor, let alone Chase Crosby….” spat Thomas as he briefly muttered over his shoulder. The Slytherin captain then turned around and made his way to the hospital bed of the injured Gryffindor to send their well-wishes. How genuine they would be was up for debate. Meanwhile Chase’s eyes were wide with surprise as Grace gave her innocent little request. He couldn’t help but enjoy seeing the look on his brother’s face as Thomas clearly didn’t want to legitimately be classy and be bothered with showing some respect to an opponent like that. It was a small victory for the younger brother who felt like he was nothing but shit on and shut down by his big brother.

Chase felt a bit hurt though by his brother’s last words before he went off. Chase just frowned as Thomas spat venomous words for him and went along and left them there. His older brother’s words seemed like a dagger in the heart. The thought of Grace not hanging out with him because he was a Gryffindor or a “loser” in her eyes and his brother’s eyes was a sad one. He didn’t think she would but also hope she never would take his brother’s advice to heart- ditch him for some asshole Slytherin friends. Why? Just because he was a Gryffindor? He sure hoped she would never turn on him and abandon him due to the pure fact he was just some Gryffindor boy. He sighed sadly and quietly as he frowned and looked at the ground, standing by the side of Grace Walsh’s hospital bed.
Grace Walsh
A sly smile appeared on Grace's face when she saw the look on Thomas's face, his smug smirk gone. She felt somewhat proud, she was learning to push his buttons just a little bit. Once he finally walked away, she just ignored his little whispered phrase. It was her life, she would hang out with who she wanted and Chase was a friend that she loved.

Glancing up to Chase, he looked sad and gloomy, maybe she could cheer her up. Using her strength in one of her arms, she pushed herself up to be sitting somewhat upright. A small grunt came out as she pushed herself up, but she was able to do it nonetheless. Finally sitting up, placed the flowers on her lap and took a close look at them.

"Chase, you alright? Grab a seat." She told him one more time, except this time she used her wand to make the chair move towards Chase so he wouldn't have to walk to grab it. "Wanna know the meaning and uses of all these flowers?" Grace asked him, this was her attempt at cheering him up.

As a child, her mother always loved flowers and flower arranging, so she knew the meaning of countless flowers and their uses in potions and such. Over time, her love for flowers grew as much as her mother's. Grace went one by one, explaining each of these beautiful flowers to Chase.

Chase Crosby


Chase just stood there, a bit stunned and certainly hurt by the words of his his older brother. He then tried to get out of his own head as he heard Grace ask if he was alright. The Gryffindor boy looked at her and saw her draw her wand, using it to bring a chair closer to Chase so he didn’t have to walk over and get it himself. Chase simply nodded in appreciation of the nice gesture from the Slytherin girl.

The boy just shrugged as he grabbed a seat. Was he alright? He didn’t know, but his ego was certainly bruised as it was when his brother said these mean and insulting things to him. Chase just simply scooted his chair over a little closer to Grace’s hospital bed. He raised an eyebrow curiously as Grace suggested she explain to him the meaning of all the different types of flowers his brother had given her.

“S- sure, I guess,” he replied quietly as he nodded. Chase noticed Grace’s little smile, a clear attempt to cheer him up. He felt a little crappy that she was trying to cheer him up because he was down due to his brother’s insults when really it was HIM that should be cheering HER up since Grace was laying injured in a hospital bed. Nonetheless, the sweet gesture from a friend was appreciated by the young Gryffindor boy.

He sat by her side as she went through explaining the meaning of each of the flowers, managing to turn a bad moment into a good one. As Grace went on, Chase had pretty much almost forgotten that these very pretty flowers were given to her by his own older brother in an attempt to look good for some sick publicity stunt. But even if the flowers weren’t genuine, Grace’s passion for explaining them sure was. Chase found himself no longer looking at the flowers, but practically swooning over Grace he as stared at her pretty face and admired her as she went on about the flowers explaining them. Chase felt like he could look at her and listen to her all day. She was the sweetest and prettiest girl he had ever laid his eyes on. He wasn’t really paying attention as he gave a quiet fond sigh, staring at and admiring Grace, essentially swooning over her.
Grace Walsh
Grace went on and on about the flowers. Although she knew Thomas didn't even pick out the flowers that came out of his wand, all of them had very interesting properties and uses. With how much she knows about flowers and plants at this age, most people said she had a chance to work with potions when she was older. A smile appeared on her face the longer that she talked about the flowers and tuned out anything out.

Finally she got through all the flowers soon enough and turned to face Chase. What she didn't expect to find was him staring at her in the most loving way possible. She came face to face with the Gryffindor boy and smiled. Laughing a little, she put the bouquet in between their faces, covering her face from him. "Seems like you like me more that the flowers, Crosby." She jokingly said before asking him to place the flowers on the bedside table.

"As much as you have been wonderful company, I think you should pay your teammate a visit. I'm not the only one injured you know. Plus I'm sure your team will be here anytime soon to pay a visit to him as well."
She said as she peered over to direction where the injured player was resting. "I'm still gonna be right here." She reassured him.

Chase Crosby


Chase hadn’t noticed that he’d gone silent to the point where he wasn’t even saying an “mhm” in acknowledgment or even nodding his head along with her. He was just staring at her and admiring her beauty in its entirety, captivated by her face which he found so pretty. It was why his eyebrows raised and his eyes widened, the youngest Crosby boy’s face blushing bright red as Grace lightly called him out on it. “Huh? Wh- what? Oh uhh…” he stuttered, caught a little off guard and snapping out of his little dreamy love struck trance.

Grace went on to suggest Chase visit his injured teammate now as Chase was just coming back to reality and grounding himself in the current moment. In all honesty, as much as Chase was a team player, he had only been on the team for a short time and hadn’t really yet developed any close friendships or even relationships with his teammates. He didn’t feel any real connection to them yet. This wasn’t his little league team back at home in his wizarding world town.

“Oh! Uhh, r- right… my teammate…” he said, somewhat forgetting that his injured Gryffindor teammates was lying a few beds down. He frowned slightly and briefly looked to the flowers his brother had given her that she had set aside for now, flowers Thomas no doubt didn’t actually carefully pick out and hand select. Chase then looked back at Grace and made an almost pouty face, his big beautiful and stunning chocolate brown eyes looking at her, seemingly pleading with her. “But- but- Grace… you- I- I wanna make sure you’re doing ok… you’re my friend…. Besides, I don’t even know that kid that well,” he said with a shrug at the end.

He frowned,
“But I guess I should probably go over- pay some respects…” he muttered, deflated. Chase certainly didn’t want to leave Grace’s side at all. He almost felt a duty to be by her side there, to “protect her.” Chase gave her one last attempt at convincing her to let him stay by using the classic sad “puppy dog” pleading look, his big brown eyes begging her, hard to deny. It honestly looked adorable seeing the young Gryffindor use his charming looks, especially his big pretty chocolate brown eyes, to beg with her. The same look that had gotten Chase out of trouble as a kid back home countless times.
Grace Walsh
Those eyes, how was anyone supposed to resist those puppy dog eyes that Chase had? But Grace was headstrong, but she had to admit, that face was very hard to say no to. "C'mon Chase, don't give me that face!" She exclaim upon seeing it. Grace could just imagine all the time he must've gotten out of so much trouble, but she knew that the young boy couldn't be by her side forever until she got better. It was probably a matter of time before someone came dragging him out or Madame Pomfrey came to kick him out herself.

With a deep breath, Grace finally said, "Go on and visit, it'll be good team bonding. I'm sure your team will be here pretty soon to visit him too. I'd visit him if I could as well, so you can send my regards." She also noticed Madame Pomfrey had been mixing up some potion, most likely for her and the injured player, so she also wanted to make sure that the poor woman could do her job and not have to worry about another child worrying over his friend.

Chase Crosby


As Chase was begging and pleading with her with those big beautiful puppy dog brown eyes of his, his little frown turned into a small smirk as he laughed at her reaction. Even Grace couldn’t deny the classic Crosby begging face. But, she didn’t have a soft spot for Chase quite like his own mother had for her child so Grace probably wouldn’t cave in. Chase knew it wouldn’t work with her- maybe something he’d have to keep in mind for later.

The boy frowned and sighed.
“Okay… fine…” he groaned softly. “I will,” he told her. “Just promise me you’ll be ok, yea?” he said, giving her a small smile and looking at her before he went off to go give his teammate a little visit as well as to extend Grace’s well wishes to him.
Grace Walsh
"And have a great holiday, we hope to see you all back here very soon!" Professor Mcgonagall closed out her speech to the children who listened with excitement. Another year at Hogwarts was finished and all the young witches and wizards couldn't wait to go back home. It was a nostalgic experience for the 7th years since this would be their last year even stepping foot in this magical school. Meanwhile it was a new experience to all the 1st years as they were just beginning their journey in this whole new world.

This past year had been filled with fun memories all around. Her grades were perfect as always, she made fun new friends in her house, she witnessed her first ever Quidditch game, although it came with some tragedy. But most importantly she had met this charming young Gryffindor boy who she had developed a crush on no doubt. The thought of having to wait months till she could see or talk to Chase Crosby saddened her but she knew that without a doubt she'd be seeing him again.

Her parents were excited for her to return home as they've repeatedly said throughout all the letters they've sent during her time here. But she knew how they'd feel about Chase, so she was going to hesitant to mention him at all when she got home. But she couldn't hide it forever, if she ever wanted a future with him, she knew her parents had to approve of him first.

After that speech, the students were allowed to leave and roam around saying they're goodbyes before they would all get on the train back to Station 9 3/4. Goodbyes were exchanged between Grace and her friends and soon Grace was off to find Chase for one final goodbye before they both leave.

It took a while to get through the crowd, but soon she spotted him. "Hey Chase! I just wanted to say goodbye before we both have to leave."

Chase Crosby


The first year of Hogwarts. Ah, and what a first year it had been. Chase remembered his parents always told him something about “being destined for great things” once he went to Hogwarts, but Chase didn’t see much of that personally his first years. His performance in classes was average to say the least and his grades were, well, ok. He was often scolded at by professors for seemingly caring more about his Quidditch endeavors than about homeworks he’d miss or assignments he’d not do too well on. Luckily, Chase managed to come out with pretty solid grades and he hadn’t failed any of his classes. But it was clear Quidditch was the boy’s main focus here at school, for better of for worse.

Meanwhile, speaking of Quidditch, Chase and his Gryffindor team had managed to recover from the first game being ended early and the injury that ensued from it. Gryffindor Team was strong this year, especially with speedy new young seeker in the youngest Crosby boy. The regular season was great for them but come playoffs time, Hufflepuff had a rare upset win and knocked Gryffindor out of contention for the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup in a crushing defeat. The winner of it all though? Why that was Slytherin. Of course, Chase thought, yet another trophy for Thomas to bring home and parade and another way Chase would feel more crappy about him. No doubt, Thomas would try to rub the Slytherin cup win in his face every chance he got, especially knowing the deflating fashion in which Gryffindor lost their chance to compete for it.

But with the first year done with and over, it was now time for all of the students to get on the train at the station and head back to their homes for the summer break. Chase wasn’t really looking that forward to getting home like he had thought. Sure he hated classes and actually doing school work and learning magic to an extent but in general, he liked it here and had some fun at Hogwarts. Quidditch was a blast and the newfound recognition for being Gryffindor’s star new seeker was a neat little bonus too. But he knew when he got home, his dad would make him practice a whole lot of Quidditch as he did with him and his brother. He also knew he would see his brother a whole lot more around home and that Thomas would be a huge jerk to him every chance he got. This he was not looking forward to.

But maybe most of all what Chase was sad to leave behind was his new friend, a girl he had no doubt developed a huge crush on this year- Grace Walsh the young Slytherin girl of his age. The students were now all on the platform at the Hogwarts station just before boarding the train. Everyone was saying their goodbyes. But Chase had one person, and only one person in mind who he really wanted to say goodbye to before the summer. Grace Walsh. On the other end of the platform, Thomas was saying goodbye to what seemed like an endless amount of Slytherins who seemed to love and adore him (especially considering he helped them win the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup, which they even let Thomas take the trophy home for as their captain). Chase meanwhile was looking through the crowd for that special someone, that special girl who he had lots of questions about how to win over. Questions he’d ask his father, who was a lot like Chase himself.

Suddenly though, Chase heard a familiar voice. A voice he felt was heavenly. It was Grace, coming to say her last goodbyes to him before they both went off to the train to go back to their families for summer break. Unfortunately both Chase and Grace’s parents would never approve of a relationship between the two, so when Chase was asking questions about girls to his parents, he’d certainly omit that she was a Slytherin girl from his Gryffindor parents. Chase turned around and in an instant, a big cute and excited Crosby smile formed on his lips as he caught sight of the red-head.
“Grace!” said Chase happily, glad she came to say goodbye.

Without thinking, the boy dropped his luggage and ran over to the girl, practically tackling Grace, as he was a little rougher than the dainty Walsh girl being an athlete and all. Chase ran over to Grace and quickly wrapped her in a big bear hug, closing his eyes shut and holding her close to him, squeezing her tightly.
“Oh man….” he said, “I’m gonna miss you so much, Grace,” he told her. Now, it was beginning to set in that he wouldn’t see her until September next year and that the whole summer he’d probably not see her and have no way of contacting her. “I hope you have the best summer ever and I really can’t wait to see you next year,” he told her.
Grace Walsh
Once Chase enveloped her in that hug, she immediately hugged him back. One things for certain, Grace is for sure gonna miss his warm hugs. Wrapping her hands around his neck, she hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go just yet. But after a few more moments passed, she had to let him go.

She was standing straight again, she replied to Chase. "I'm going to miss you even more, Crosby. And it's unfortunate we have to wait a year to see each other again, but you have a great summer too. Take pictures, we can show them next time we see each other." She proposed. Her family always took tons of pictures whenever they would do anything fun for the summer, so Grace would too many pictures to show.

The tooting sound of the horn made a warning for the remaining students to get on the train before it left. Once hearing it, she looked back at Chase and decided something in her head. Quickly, she planted a kiss on his cheek before grabbing her luggage and waving him goodbye one last time before getting on the train. "See you next year, Chase Crosby!"

Chase Crosby


Chase kept her there in the warm hug for a few moments before they had to break free. Chase frowned, realizing how much he was going to miss Grace Walsh. He nodded as she suggested they take pictures over the summer and show them to each other next year. Most of Chase’s pictures would probably be boring images of him practicing for Quidditch, but still, he’d show her if she went through the trouble of taking pictures of herself too.

The Gryffindor boy would’ve went on if not interrupted by the loud horn of the train. He jumped a little bit, startled by the noise, and frowned. Chase sighed sadly as he nodded at Grace’s goodbye. “G- goodbye Grace! I- I’m going to miss you!” he called after her. “I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures over the summer!” he added. “See you next year!” he shouted with a wave and a small smile. With that, the two friends parted ways. Chase frowned as his shoulder sunk a little bit, dragging his luggage along and onto the train.

Chase made his way into one of the train cars to find himself a seat- a nice empty compartment. The boy sighed as he put his luggage down and slumped into his seat, frowning as he took the seat closest to the window, resting his head gently against the glass. He looked out ok the platform, seeing many friends say their last goodbyes before the summer. As for his brother Thomas, he was probably off surrounded by a swarm of adoring Slytherin friends and fans. Soon enough, the train started and made its way out of the station, going back to Platform 9 and 3/4 at King’s Cross station where all of the parents of the Hogwarts students were waiting to pick them up and take them home. Chase knew he had a lot about girls to ask his parents, more specifically his father.
Grace Walsh
As the train pulled into the station, all the parents on the platform were finally excited to see their children once more. All the students disembarked the train and ran straight to where their parents were. Hugs and kisses were shared all throughout the station. But unfortunately, the Walsh parents weren't there, but Grace came to expect that. Seeing as both parents were usually very busy, they didn't have any time to pick their daughter up from the station. Instead, they sent a houseelf in their steed.

"Aria! Oh how I've missed you!" Grace said excitedly as she hurried towards her house elf with her luggage in hand. "Nice to see you again, Ms. Walsh." She greeted sweetly as she shared a quick embrace with Grace before taking her luggage. They exchanged a few more words before Aria took Grace's hand and apperated away to the Walsh estate.

Aria went ahead and started to place Grace's belongings in her room while Grace took the time to walk around the estate. She made a beeline to the gardens, when she wasn't at Hogwarts she always loved walking around and looking at all the things her mother grew. After walking around, she retreated to the library, another one of her favorite places in the house. It was massive, and Grace liked it that way, it felt like you could see books for miles. She picked her favorites and just sat and read, for a pretty long time.

Soon, Aria came into the room and informed Grace that dinner was finally ready and that her parents have arrived. She came right away into the dining room, excited to finally see her parents. When Daniel Walsh saw his little girl after so many months, he couldn't help but pick her up to hug her once Grace ran into his open arms. "Ah, my little girl is back home. Me and your mother missed you." And with that, Grace felt her mother kiss her forehead just before Daniel placed Grace down.

"And I've missed you too! You look nice." She said as they all sat down to eat. Both Daniel and Amelia were dressed up in fancy clothing, later Grace learned that the pair had just come home from a gala.

As the family ate and drank, they shared stories about Hogwarts and Grace was able to slip in Chase, but not his last name or his house. "So, a young man has won over my daughter, I'll have to meet him sooner or later." Daniel said. Grace just hoped it was later than sooner.

Chase Crosby


After a journey spanning multiple hours, the train to King’s Cross Station in London had arrived. Waiting for their children on Platform 9 and 3/4 were their eager parents, excited to see their young boys and girls again and ready to ask them how this year of Hogwarts was. Chase dragged his luggage out of the compartment and off of the train. Now, following the large mass of students exiting the train and looking for their parents, young Chase looked around for his parents, wondering where they were. He was sure he’d see both his father (Andrew) and mother (Kelly) looking for him too.

Sure enough, after a little while of searching, Chase’s head perked up. There they were- his parents. His eyes widened as a huge excited grin began to form on his face. Suddenly, he began to bolt towards his parents who seemed to be looking around the platform for him. That’s when his mother Kelly saw a familiar looking little brown haired boy of theirs running towards them. Her smile grew as well as she bent down and opened her arms in anticipation for a big hug from their youngest son.

“Mum!” Chase exclaimed happily as he suddenly ran into his mother’s arms, practically tackling her causing her to grunt a little. “Oof! Hello little buddy!” Kelly said with a big smile as she wrapped her arms lovingly around her youngest son. “Hiya sport! How’s my little champ?” Andrew his father chimed in, standing beside his wife and smiling down at their youngest son who was hugging her lovingly. Chase smiled, feeling loved and happy again to be reunited with his parents. “Heh, hi dad,” said Chase with a soft smile. Chase held his mom in a tight embrace for a little while longer before they broke it.

Now it was the dad’s turn to say hello to their son, their newest little Hogwarts student.
“There’s my little Gryffindor!” Andrew said with a proud smile as he lovingly ruffled his son’s brown hair, the same brown hair he had. When Andrew looked down at both Thomas and Chase, the similarities with how he looked at that age were uncanny. Soon enough, their eldest son would be joining them. After saying goodbye to a large group of Slytherin buddies, Thomas sighed and joined his family. Unlike Chase, he looked less than thrilled- like this was a business meeting, not a reunification with his family after a year. “Hi Tommy!” Kelly said with a warm smile as she greeted their eldest son.

“Mum…” said Thomas softly as he simply nodded in acknowledgement of her presence. “Oh come on Tom, you’ve got to give me better than that! What, are you ‘too cool’ for you ol’ mummy?” joked Kelly with a light chuckle and a simple smile. “Mmm…”’grumbled Thomas quietly, looking slightly irritated. “Well,” said Kelly, turning to both of her boys who were near splitting images of each other. “Your dad and I are very happy to have you back for the summer,” she told her two sons with a pleasant smile. “I’m super happy to see you guys again, mum!” Chase said happily with a cute little smile that made his mother grin. “Oh you’re just too adorable Chasey,” she cooed, “I bet you’re a little ladies man just like your brother and father, eh?” she asked with a little grin and a wink. This just caused Chase’s eyes to widen and his face to blush bright red.

This earned a scoff out of Thomas.
“Pfft. Who are you kidding mum? Your youngest son couldn’t even get a dog to follow him around,” he spat. This comment was received well by the mother as Kelly furrowed her brow and wagged her finger, speaking firmly to Tom. “Thomas Jacob Crosby! Enough out of you!” Thomas just sighed, exhaling, “Yes mum…” he groaned softly. “Well, let’s not dilly dally any longer, eh?! Come along Tom. Let’s go little champ!” Andrew said, proudly smiling down at his youngest son and ruffling his hair again, causing Chase to giggle a bit. “Mum and I just can’t wait to hear all about your first year!” he said. Chase did indeed have a lot to tell about, but also quite a lot to ask his father.

Chase Crosby

Crosby Manor

Eventually, the Crosby family arrived back at their home. Young Chase was quite happy to be back with his parents who loved him and his brother very much. Thomas seemed a little disgruntled. It was clear he enjoyed the fame and friends he had at Hogwarts more and missed that. Plus, he had a girlfriend he wouldn’t see until next September. Tom would only have letters to write to her in order to communicate with his girlfriend Mia.

“Welcome back, boys!” Andrew said with a warm grin as he welcomed Thomas and Chase back to Crosby Manor. They lived in quite a big house. They weren’t filthy rich but certainly upper class and well off. They were no where near the wealth levels of the elite pure blood Slytherin families such as the Walsh family. Plus, the Crosby’s just don’t believe in that posh lifestyle anyways. As Chase entered the home he’d grown up in, he smiled and looked around, sighing fondly. Oh how he’d missed this place. This time, he wasn’t staying here while Thomas went off to Hogwarts. Chase himself was now a Hogwarts student too.

“Come, come! Come in the kitchen, you boys must be starving! Let’s have dinner!” Kelly suggested with a smile. Chase nodded and smiled, rubbing his belly. “Oh boy! Yes mum I am quite hungry!” he said, eagerly anticipating some food as his empty stomach growled. “Excellent! I’ll make us some dinner, come sit and keep me company while I do so. We missed you a whole lot Chase. You too, Tommy,” she said with a smile. With that, Chase grinned and nodded, sitting down at the table while their mother made dinner. Thomas begrudgingly joined his little brother but remained silent. Chase was honestly looking forward to having some home cooking. It wasn’t that the food made by the house elves at Hogwarts was bad at all, in fact quite the opposite- it was delicious! But nothing beat his mother’s home cooking.

Chase looked around, looking around the house he’d grown up in from age 0-11. He frowned slightly as he briefly glanced at his older brother, who was looking elsewhere, his head resting on his arm. Chase sighed a bit, missing the time when in this very house, he and his older brother used to get along. They’d play together as little boys, and Thomas was actually a good older brother figure for him. That all changed when Thomas went to Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin. He became a cold and ruthless bully…. As much as Chase had grown to despise his asshole older brother, he couldn’t help but miss the old days when they used to get along together and play together. When Thomas would protect his baby bro. When they’d go out and play in the woods in the back of the manor. When Thomas would lead the way, making sure his baby brother was close behind and unhurt. Those days were long over….

Soon enough, the delicious aroma of dinner filled the air. Chase felt his stomach growl with hunger. It seemed that Kelly had finished dinner. That was confirmed when a chipper
“Dinner’s ready!” could be heard from the woman. Chase briefly looked to Thomas, who also looked hungry, like he was practically about to start drooling. That seemed to be the one thing that united them now- they both felt hunger and both loved their mother’s home cooking. But that seemed to be just about the only thing Chase could find that he had in common with his older brother now…. Nonetheless, Kelly came in and set dinner down on the table, Andrew entering the dining room soon after.

“A nice big juicy steak for my little Gryffindor man,” said Kelly sweetly with a loving grin as she gently ruffled Chase’s hair, causing him to giggle. Sure he was a “big strong athlete” at Hogwarts, but he had to admit he had a soft spot for his family and he loved his mummy. “Thanks mummy!” Chase said happily, licking his lips voraciously in anticipation. The steak looked delectable, cooked to perfection. Kelly then went over to Thomas who sat off to the side of Chase. “And a big juicy steak fit for the captain of the winner of the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup!” she said with a little wink and a grin. “Thanks mum…” said Thomas softly with a slight nod in acknowledgement.

“How about that, eh? My son! Champion!” Andrew laughed with a proud grin as he sat down and reached across the table to give Thomas a hearty pat on the back. Chase tried not to show any jealousy although he was bitter about losing out on the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup. And insult was certainly added to injury by his brother winning it. “From a former champion to a now current- congratulations son! I wanted to say it in person! We’re all very proud of you, Tom,” said Andrew with a big grin. Thomas simply just nodded and began picking at his steak. “Thanks dad…” said Thomas simply and quietly in response.

Andrew then looked over to his youngest son.
“And how about Chasey, eh? I’m proud of you sport! Just like dad! Becoming Gryffindor seeker! We knew you had it in you!” Andrew told him proudly. Chase blushed slightly and mustered a cute and small smile as he nodded. “Thank you dad. I’m glad I made it. I wanted to be just like you.” Chase told him. This just caused Andrew to chuckle and smile, “Aww that’s sweet champ, but always remember- your mother and I will love you both no matter what you do. You don’t need to go around being just like me. Lord knows that’d get ya in trouble,” chuckled the father as he looked at his youngest son.

This piece of advice was interesting to Chase. Chase had gone through his whole first year trying to be just like his dad and hell, even his older brother to an extent. He wanted to be just like Andrew was back in the day- popular and a champion athlete. He very much looked up to his father. Andrew’s comment though earned a chuckle and a playful eye roll from his wife.
“Lord knows that’ll get ya in trouble is right,” she said, “You know, your father was a rubbish student,” she laughed. “He was always so busy practicing and worrying about Quidditch! It took a real woman to reel him in a bit and get him back on track,” she said with a grin and a wink at Andrew.

Andrew just chuckled,
“Oh sure…” he said sarcastically with a little playful eye roll and smile of his own. “I did just fine for myself, thank you very much,” he insisted. “But yea sport- don’t be like me in that sense,” he said, looking at his youngest son. “I was a bit of a rubbish student. I focused too much on the game. I want you to get good grades champ, don’t fall too behind in school because of Quidditch. You’ve got to learn a lot of important magic there son,” advised Andrew. Chase just simply nodded, “I won’t dad. I promise,” he said. “Good,” said Andrew with a single nod and a smile.

The Crosby family then ate in silence for a little bit until Andrew decided to strike up a conversation with the eldest boy.
“So Tommy? How’s the girlfriend? Good?” Andrew asked with a smile. Thomas chewed and swallowed what was in his mouth, taking a drink to wash it all down before speaking again. “Mia’s fine, dad. Thanks…” he replied softly. Andrew nodded and smiled, “Good, good,” he replied. “And speaking of girls…” said Andrew with a playful smirk as he turned to Chase, “How’s my little champ doing with the females, eh? Are they swooning over you like they did for your father back in the day? I bet they are you little handsome devil!” Andrew joked. This just caused Chase to shrug and blush. Was he going to ask his father the question? About girls? About Grace?

“Oh Andrew! Knock it off! Chase’s much too young! Don’t push it!” Kelly scolded. “Sweetie, don’t worry about girls yet if you don’t want to,” said the mother to her youngest son softly with a sweet and loving smile. Chase just gulped and nodded, clearing his throat. His face was a little red from blushing. “Err, well… about that… girls….” began Chase as he slowly looked up at his dad nervously, who looked curious now. “I- I h- had a question… about girls, dad…” Chase revealed, blushing. Suddenly, the room went silent, all the light clattering of utensils against the glass plates stopping. Andrew, Kelly, and Thomas’ eyes were wide as they froze, stunned, their jaws dropped.

There was a period of silence between the family of four before Andrew spoke to break it. Chase felt red hot embarrassment in his cheeks. Maybe he shouldn’t have brought it up…. Kelly and Andrew looked stunned and Thomas looked like he’d been swept off his feet. His eyes were wide and his jaw opened probably the widest out of the whole Crosby family there in that moment. Andrew cleared his throat to break the silence, “Well… what is it, sport?”

Chase Crosby


The silence in the Crosby Manor dining room was defeating. Surprisingly enough, it seemed that Thomas was too stunned into silence to even begin making fun of his little brother. After a little while of awkward silence, Chase spoke up, clearing his throat. “Well, erm, dad specifically…” he said, looking at his father, “I had a question for you…. H- how did you win over and ask out mum?” Chase asked. Again, stunned silence from the Crosby family. They couldn’t believe their little boy was asking questions like this and seemingly taking interest in girls already at his age. When Chase realized once again the members of his family were too shocked to speak, he went on, revealing more. “Th- there’s kinda this girl I umm- well… like….” he admitted with a blush, looking down.

Thomas’ jaw might as well have been 50 feet under ground he was so shocked and his mouth was opened so wide. Andrew and Kelly looked shocked as well, but seemingly not like they’d witnessed the most surprising even of their lives like their eldest son. Finally, Mr. Crosby was the first to speak.
“Well son,” began the father, clearing his throat. “It’s a bit of a long story, but I had the help of an old buddy of mine….”

Flashback: Many years ago to the days of a younger Andrew Crosby attending Hogwarts. We find ourselves in the popular young and talented seeker for Gryffindor’s Quidditch Team, Andrew Crosby’s, third year. Andrew is 13 years old.

Andrew Crosby


It was early in Andrew Crosby’s third year of Hogwarts. The boy was 13 years old and seemingly in his prime. Shocking all of Hogwarts and being the very first first year (11 year old) to make one of the four houses’ Quidditch teams as a seeker, Andrew had quite a bit of success as Gryffindor’s star seeker. He was popular and beloved by pretty much all of his housemates and hell, even those of other houses and some opposing team members. Needless to say, Andrew was well respected by anyone who wasn’t a Slytherin.

Andrew hailed from a proud and historically all Gryffindor family, the Crosby family- an upper class pure blooded wizarding clan. Before Andrew was a long line of Gryffindors, his father Walter Crosby included. Andrew was the pride and joy and only child of Walter and Jessica Crosby. It was no secret their little boy made them very proud carrying on the Crosby legacy in Gryffindor and even making a bit of a famous name for himself in the house through sports. Their boy had talent and they knew it and so it was nurtured back at home.

But despite having seemingly everything- a nice big house, loving family, tons of friends, popularity, good looks, and extreme athletic talent- there was one thing he pursued but, unsuccessfully. A girlfriend. It’s no secret that Andrew Crosby was a bit of a school heart throb and that many had a crush on him, but Andrew wasn’t interested in any of them. There was however one particular girl Andrew had taken a liking to, developing a crush on. Her name was Kelly Rose, one of the prettiest girls in Gryffindor there was.

Unbeknownst to Andrew, Kelly Rose had a bit of her own crush on the handsome and talented Gryffindor seeker. Whenever Andrew would talk to Kelly, he’d get butterflies in his stomach. To him, she was the prettiest girl in the world. He had it all, the looks and the charms, but for some reason he just couldn’t muster the courage to do one thing- ask her out. Luckily, his slick talking “side kick,” if you will,” a fellow Gryffindor third year boy named Jacob Holloway, would aid in helping his best buddy Andrew. Jacob was Andrew’s closest friend and a teammate of his as of this year- a chaser.

One day, the two were strutting through the halls, Jacob with a particularly cocky grin as he puffed out his chest proudly. It was clear young Jacob was super happy to be apart of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and able to play with his good buddy Andrew. But clearly, there was something on young Andrew’s mind. As they walked through the hall, they passed the girl of Andrew’s dream, Kelly Rose, talking and giggling with some of her girl Gryffindor friends. Andrew’s eyes went wide as his heart leapt, laying his gaze upon the pretty girl.

To his utter surprise, Kelly had caught a glimpse of Andrew and stopped talking to her friends to give him a little wink, cute smile, and a small wave as she quickly covered her mouth behind her hand and giggled, blushing and running off with her friends. Andrew stood there, stunned, his eyes wide as his face began to blush bright red like a tomato- a Crosby family curse. Crosby’s were notoriously easy to make blush profusely. And oh boy when they blushed, THEY BLUSHED. You could see that red tint in the face from miles away!

Noticing his friend frozen with that same blushy look on his face he got when around that Kelly Rose girl, Jacob Holloway smirked and stopped, leaning towards his best friend in the halls.
“What’s with you Andy? Cat’s got your tongue? Or is it Princess Kelly Rose again!” Jacob taunted lightly as he snickered to himself. Andrew snapped out of his little trance and glared angrily at his friend Jacob, furrowing his brow at the Gryffindor chaser. “What?! Huh? No! Nonsense!” Andrew hissed, “Cut it out, will ya? It’s nothing! Promise!” Andrew said, red in the face. Jacob wasn’t satisfied with that, as he kept smirking, knowing the truth.

“Judging by the fact that your face is as red as my mum’s tomatoes in her garden, I’d say you’re lying! Full of rubbish!” said Jacob with a grin. Andrew furrowed his brow and grumbled. “Ugh! Knock it off, Holloway!” he whined. In truth though, he envied the fact that he couldn’t seem to reel her in, to make Kelly his. Just then, passing by with his new girlfriend was Andrew’s “non-Quidditch” and “school rival” in Slytherin, Daniel Walsh and his new girlfriend Amelia. Ugh, how he hated Daniel. He was a pompous jerk and an asshole who thought he was all fancy and the best kid in the school just because he was a pure blooded Slytherin from the wealthy Walsh family. But there was one thing he envied of Dan’s- the fact that the Slytherin boy had a girlfriend. Something he didn’t have.

Daniel Walsh and Andrew Crosby had developed a bit of a rivalry in school being in the same classes, often at each other’s throats and trying to out play each other and one up one another. But Daniel had fallen in love with and started dating Amelia, another rich pure blooded Slytherin girl, late last year in their second year at Hogwarts. Andrew and Daniel exchanged angry and hateful glares as they walked by one another in the hallways. Jacob raised his eyebrows at the sight of the silent exchange between the two and shrugged it off.

“I know….” said Jacob with a hint of knowing suspicion in his voice. “You have a huge crush on Kelly Rose- that’s no secret. And it’s been eating you that you haven’t worked up the courage to ask her out,” he said, “AND seeing your ol’ rival- or whatever you two are- Danny Walsh, with his new girlfriend, it makes you jealous,” said Jacob with a casual shrug and innocent grin. Andrew’s eyes widened as he quickly looked at his friend. Bloody hell… he’d hit the nail on the head! “B- bloody hell you… yea yea fine, I’ll admit it- that’s all true…” admitted Andrew. “A HA! GOTCHYA!” Jacob said, laughing with a playful grin.

Andrew just sighed and rolled his eyes, shaking his head and frowning.
“Yea yea, haha, so funny…” said Andrew sarcastically, not impressed with how amused his friend seemed to be with the whole situation. “Aww, not to worry buddy, I’m here to help!” Jacob said with a friendly grin. Andrew raised his eyebrow and looked at Jacob, confused. “You? Help me? HA! With all due respect Jacob, you’re a hopeless romantic. You flirt with so many girls but it’s always left at that. No WAY that YOU can help me get a date and keep her!” Andrew said. Jacob just rolled his eyes. “That may be true, but trust me- I know about girls a whole lot more than you do. I hang out around a ton, I know exactly what you gotta do to win Rose over,” said Jacob.

Andrew exhaled and rolled his eyes, begrudgingly accepting his best friend’s help. “Fine… I’ll let you help me. But I swear to God I’ll bloody gut you if this fails.” he said. “Now, what do I do Jacob?” Andrew asked with a frown, desperately seeking his buddy’s help. Jacob just smirked, winking. “Oh Andy! I thought you’d never ask!” he laughed. “Anyways, see that long hair? Lose it. Cut some of it and slick it back. Chicks dig slicked back hair.” Jacob told him. To this, Andrew raised an eyebrow, looking confused. “M- my hair? There’s a problem with my hair? Well, o- ok. If you say so…” said Andrew with a hesitant nod.

“Good. Now next, grow a pair. Of balls, that is,” said Jacob with a smirk. This just caused Andrew’s eyes to widen as his face flushed bright red again. “You’re so macho man and confident with everyone else but once Kelly Rose comes around, you look like a scared little boy. Use that same confidence and ask her out!” Jacob told him. “Listen, I know it’s scary, but just go for it! What’s the worst that can happen? She says no? Sure, if she says no, who cares?! There’s plenty of other pretty Gryffindor girls! But that’s not the point- this is happening. Just have some courage and bloody freaking hell man- ask her out dude!” Jacob advised. To this, Andrew slowly nodded, taking it all in.

“First thing’s first- the hair. Hey Andy, stay still, lemme do something,” he said, drawing his wand and squinting his eyebrows, sticking his tongue out as he focused and pointed it at Andrew. Andrew’s eyes widened, but before he could protest, a sudden burst came from Jacob’s wand as the stream of magic split into two, grazing both of Andrew’s ears. As he looked down, he saw two piles of his soft brown hair fall to the ground. “Jacob! Bloody hell! What have you done?!” Andrew shouted. Jacob just shrugged and grinned nonchalantly. “Made you a handsome devil mate, that’s what I’ve done,” he said. “Here mate, take a look,” said Jacob as he suddenly created a small mirror with his wand.

Andrew slowly approached the mirror and widened his eyes, his mouth opening in shock as he saw his reflection looking back at him. Jacob just kept his eyes closed, grinning as he looked like he wasn’t looking for Andrew’s reaction, but kept one eye open to see it. Andrew slowly brought a hand to gently touch where his messy long hair used to be by his ears. He looked good, real good. And somehow, Jacob’s spell had even slicked back his hair, making him look quite dapper admittedly. “Woah…” whispered Andrew in awe, slowly smiling as he nodded and admired himself in the mirror. Damn, he looked good! Much better now!

“There you go, looking dapper Andy. That’ll be 10 pounds there mate,” said Jacob with a grin, causing Andrew to raise his eyebrows with surprise. “But I don’t have-“ Andrew went to say before his was cut off by his friend. “Nah, I’m just taking the piss out of ya mate! It’s free of charge!” Jacob told Andrew with a smile. “Now, let’s get a move on, tomorrow, you ask her out. For real!” Jacob said with a grin, wrapping a buddy-buddy arm around Andrew and dragging him along. Andrew gulped nervously, nodding and tightening his scarlet and gold striped Gryffindor tie and brushing off his Gryffindor robes a little bit. “Alright Jake. I trust you.” he said.
Still in flashback:

Andrew Crosby


Finally, the next day had arrived. It was time. Looking new and improved with his shorter and slicked back hair, Andrew was ready to do it- finally ready with his friend Jacob’s help to ask out the girl of his dreams: Kelly Rose. The plan was to ask Kelly out during lunch in the Great Hall. No doubt she’d be sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table with her friends. Andrew intended to strut over there and pop the question. Soon, it was lunch time. Andrew walked out of DADA class with his buddy Jacob, feeling butterflies floating around in his stomach. He was admittedly nervous to finally ask his crush out….

“Today’s the day buddy! You’re really gonna do it Andy! You’re gonna ask out Kelly Rose!” Jacob said happily, lightly punching his friend on the shoulder. Andrew just shrugged, looking not as thrilled as Jacob and quite frankly, a bit uncomfortable, hesitant, and nervous. Noticing this, Jacob’s smile faded and formed into a frown. “Hey, Andrew… hey… everything alright?” Jacob asked gently and quietly, his tone of voice compassionate and understanding.

Andrew sighed and frowned, looking dejected despite not even having asked her out yet.
“I don’t know man…” he sighed. “I- I guess I’m just having second thoughts about all of this… what if she says no?” Andrew worried aloud. Jacob put a hand on Andrew’s shoulder and pat it. “Hey. Hey. Remember what I said- just go for it. You’ll do fine, ok Andrew?” Jacob said with a smile. Andrew just sighed and nodded once. “Yea, yea I remember. Fine, I’ll do it. I just have that weird bubbling nervous feeling in my belly…” he said, putting a hand over his stomach. “That’s natural. But don’t eat yet since I don’t want your lunch to make a second appearance if you hurl up a full stomach,” laughed Jacob. With that, Andrew nodded and entered the Great Hall with Jacob.

As they walked to the Gryffindor table, Andrew’s eyes widened as his heart leapt. There she was, sitting in her usual spot, looking as pretty as ever- Kelly Rose. Andrew gulped nervously as he approached. Before he did anything, Jacob took him aside and leaned over, smiling.
“Alright. Here we go. Now’s your chance. Go up to her and ask her out, okay? Use that ol’ Crosby charm of yours, alright? Plus, she has a HUGE crush on you.” Jacob said, “Now go get her champ!” Jacob said, giving Andrew a hard clap on the back as he went off, looking back and giving Andrew a wink. Jacob didn’t want to interfere with anything so he’d sit back and watch from a distance.

Andrew took a deep breath and gulped nervously. It was time…. “Use your Crosby charm,” Jacob had said. What an interesting term… did he really have his own charm? It was time to find out. Andrew made his way over to where Kelly was sitting and tried to put on an air of confidence about him, that confidence he was known for. As Andrew approached Kelly, he tapped her on the shoulder from behind. This caused to girl to turn around and face him. As she did this, Andrew felt his stomach do a back flip. God, she was gorgeous.

Andrew cleared his throat and noticed that Kelly was stunned by his appearance.
“Crosby? You look different! Erm, what’s up Crosby?” Kelly asked, adjusting a lock of her brown hair, similar in color to Andrew’s own hair. “Erm, Kelly Rose? Well, I- I think you’re really pretty, a- and I was wondering if you’d umm, like to go out with me?” Andrew asked, wincing a bit as he finally spit it out. There was a brief moment of silence between the two as Kelly digested what she was hearing and seeing. Her friends looked stunned that the most popular Gryffindor boy in school had just asked her out.

“Oh my Crosby, I must say, you’re really charming,” replied Kelly with a grin. “And you look super cute with that new hair cut,” she giggled. “Andrew Crosby, yes! Yes yes yes! 100% yes I’ll go out with you!” she said happily with a huge smile, getting up and wrapping Andrew into a big hug, causing his eyes to widen and for him to blush. In the background, he saw his best friend Jacob giving him a proud and toothy grin, waving two thumbs up at Andrew. He’d finally done it- he’d gotten a girlfriend, and it was the girl of his dreams, Kelly Rose. Andrew Crosby and Kelly Rose we’re officially a thing!

Over the years of dating, Andrew and Kelly would grow close, becoming one of the “power couples” of the school, maintaining a loving relationship throughout their five more years of Hogwarts. Even beyond Hogwarts and after graduating, they had maintained their romantic relationship. Once they were adults, the two got married, Kelly taking Andrew’s last name, and the two had two beautiful children- two healthy baby boys, one in 1989, and another in 1991.

Flashback end. Present day.

Chase Crosby


Wow, what a story. It seemed with the help of a wingman, an old childhood friend named Jacob, and his “Crosby charm” as he had so often been told he had, his father was able to win over his mother in their third year. So the moral of the story was have confidence. Was that it? Was all Chase needed to do was “grow a pair” and work up the courage to just go for it and ask her out? It seemed easier said than done…. What if he completely embarrassed himself in front of Grace and her friends. What if Grace said no? He’d never live it down and be super depressed!

“Well son, sorry for droning on and on about that, but I hope it helps. You’re a good looking kid with a big kind heart. Just go for it little dude- ask her out. Have confidence. And I bet that little girl will be the luckiest girl in Gryffindor to have been asked out by you,” said Andrew. Chase’s eyes widened slightly at his father automatically assuming that this girl he had a crush on and wanted to ask out was a Gryffindor. No way in hell he was about to admit to his dad now that she was a Slytherin girl, let alone a Walsh! Surely his father would disown him!

“Thanks dad, I appreciate it. Maybe next year, I’ll work up the courage and do it- I’ll ask her out,” said Chase with a nod. “Oooo!” cooed his mother, gushing over the adorableness of their youngest son. “So cute! My little baby boy asking out a girl! She’ll be very lucky to have you as a boyfriend,” said Kelly with a smile. “You’re just too cute sometimes for your own good, Chasey,” she said with a loving smile. This just cause Chase’s eyes to widen as he blushed a bit. He’d done enough revealing about his crush and embarrassing himself in front of his family for today.

Thomas finally spoke, scoffing and rolling his eyes.
“Pfft. As IF!” he spat sarcastically. “If you wanna know what I think, I think he’d be out of his bloody mind to even think about asking a girl out!” Thomas said. “Nobody in their right MIND would wanna be seen with this pipsqueak talentless loser! I mean have you seen what your son has become? He’s a loser! Everything you guys are against! He’s got no friends and can’t even fly right!” Thomas said. Chase just frowned at his older brother’s harsh words.

Suddenly, Andrew and Kelly both glared angrily at their eldest.
“Thomas! Enough!” Kelly scolded. “Your brother is an excellent broom flyer! I’ve seen it myself! And might I remind you he’s Gryffindor seeker in only his first year? They must’ve seen something in our boy.” Andrew said, defending his youngest son, shooting a proud grin over at Chase. “Thanks dad,” said Chase softly. “Now Tom, up to your room. You’ve had enough to eat,” said Andrew. Thomas’ eyes widened as he protested. “But! But!” he stuttered. “Ah! No ‘but’s’ except yours up in your room. Go.”
Andrew commanded.

With that, Thomas threw his fork down and sighed, grumbling to himself as he stormed up to his room.
“Hey champ,” said Andrew with a soft smile to his youngest son. “Don’t listen to your brother when he talks like that, ok? He’s just grumpy right now, guess he misses his friends and girl. He loves you very much,” said Andrew. Chase just nodded, “Okay dad,” he replied. He certainly didn’t see that his brother loved him like his father said, but he just decided to drop this whole subject. “We’re proud of you, son,” said Kelly with a loving smile.

Chase just nodded. Soon, the Crosby family finished their dinner. Now, the summer was kicked off. It would consist of Chase really honing in on and practicing, perfecting his flying skills. His summer would be filled with hours of practicing for Quidditch, guided by his dad. Practicing to become the best Quidditch seeker he could be. This summer was going to be busy, filled with hours of practicing. But Chase was ready. He wanted to come back and win that Quidditch Cup championship for Gryffindor, just like his father had done countless times back in his Hogwarts days.
Last edited:
Grace Walsh
Summer was finally coming to an end. As the weeks flew by, Grace Walsh had a nice small stack of pictures to document the fun moments she had this summer. One was from her family's famous balls. In the picture, you could see Grace all dolled up in a nice dress, hair all pinned up, and twirling around. Next was her beside her mother sharing a nice moment gardening. And lastly was one with her father, where you could see the pair practicing all different kinds of spells.

With the stack in hand, she was excited to show them off to Chase. Sure, her summer seemed kind of dull, she didn't travel anywhere, but she was happy with it and that's all that mattered. Soon, Grace was packing up her luggage in preparation for her 2nd year at Hogwarts. She neatly put away the stack of pictures to make sure that they wouldn't fold or bend and closed up the trunk.

With her luggage, she made her way downstairs to say goodbye to her parents once more before apperating to Kings Cross Station. Both Daniel and Amelia were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. But something struck Grace as odd, her parents were wearing their coats and scarves, where were they going this time of day?

"Where are you two off to?" Grace asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs and Aria handed her the Slytherin scarf. "We're bringing you to King's Cross, darling." Her mother said gently as her father grabbed her luggage out of her hands. "Wouldn't miss sending you off again." Her father said as he took her hand to lead her outside the house to apperate.

Learning that her parents were going to send her off to her 2nd year of Hogwarts, Grace couldn't help but have a smile on her face. She knew how busy her parents were so them taking some time off made her very happy. The family apperated away together and appeared at the station and made their way to Platform 9 3/4. Students and families were already making their goodbyes and getting onto the train.

"Thank you!" Grace hugged both her parents tightly before saying goodbye to them both and getting on the train. She wondered what her 2nd year would have in store for her, her and Chase.

Chase Crosby


Summer was over before Chase knew it. It had been filled with- well… Quidditch. And pretty much only that. While other families maybe went on holiday to places abroad, the Crosby family stayed put in the UK in their magical part of the wizarding world. Chase had spent a majority of his summer practicing Quidditch. He’d even been enrolled in a local Quidditch league that took place over the summer and played seeker on one of the team there. In this league, Chase would play with other kids around his age who were home from whatever magical academy they attended for the summer, many of them Hogwarts students.

In fact, Chase would even recognize a few of his older Gryffindor teammates on some of the other teams and he even had a Slytherin player or two on his own team! But there was one thing Chase didn’t forget to do- take pictures of himself over the summer. Of course, he hasn’t forgot about his crush Grace Walsh. They both promised each other that they’d take pictures of their summer activities and show them to each other. So, that’s what Chase did. Most of his pictures were “boring” Quidditch pictures but his last picture he was particularly proud of. It was a picture of his team posing with the trophy earned from winning and taking home the summer league’s championship. It wasn’t anything special and it was a league of 11-15 year olds playing over the summer before they went back, but still, it was nice to win.

Chase felt a whole lot confident in his seeking abilities. He was ready to take on the much more competitive Hogwarts Quidditch scene once again. Chase Crosby was now 12 years old. Not much had changed tho he had seemed to grow an inch or two. His older counter part, his brother Thomas, was now 14, and had grown a little bit too. One thing that didn’t grow was his maturity or attitude to his little brother. He was still a big jerk. But luckily over the summer, Thomas mostly ignored and avoided talking to or even looking at Chase. The most he’d ever talked to or about Chase was the first day he came back when Thomas had some not so nice things to say about his baby brother.

Soon enough, it was finally September again. It was time to return to Hogwarts. For Chase, that meant a new year of Gryffindor Quidditch to prove himself. It also meant he got to saw Grace. Maybe he’d get some guts and ask her out….
“Chase! Come on! We’ve got to get moving! Taxi’s here to take us to the station!” his father yelled up to Chase who was in his room. Chase was busy doing some admittedly procrastinated last minute packing, rushing to jam a few things in his suitcase. He eyed the pile of underwear in his suitcase, assuming that’d be enough to last him. He then quickly grabbed the pile of photos on his nightstand he had taken to show Grace and put them in his suitcase. “Coming dad!” Chase called down as he grabbed his luggage and rushed down stairs.

Upon meeting up with his family, who were all ready to go, Thomas scoffed and rolled his eyes, looking annoyed.
“Bloody hell, finally,” muttered Tom. With that, the Crosby family was on their way back to King’s Cross Station- Chase’s second time as a Hogwarts student. Long gone were the days of Chase holding his mother’s hand through the train station as a little boy as they sent off Thomas to Hogwarts. Now he was a “big boy.” They soon arrived at the station and entered Platform 9 and 3/4. Chase wasn’t as nervous to go to Hogwarts now as he was his first year. In fact, he even actually looked a bit excited, an anticipatory grin on his face. But the smile was a result of a Grace Walsh being on his mind. He couldn’t wait to see her again and even show her his pictures. He could only hope she would like them….

Eventually, soon enough, the steam engine train to Hogwarts had arrived, hissing to a slow stop in the station. “Well, there it is sweeties,” commented the boys’ mother as she saw the train pull into the station. Kelly looked down at her two boys lovingly, choking back proud tears. You’d think she’d learn to deal with this by now, Chase thought! “I love you two babies so much. Best of luck back at Hogwarts my little sweethearts,” she told them both lovingly. Chase blushed and Thomas just looked annoyed at the gushing over her two boys, rolling his eyes out of view of his mother. “Go get ‘em boys,” said Andrew proudly with a little wink. He then looked down at Chase. “You’ll do great again, sport, I just know it,” he whispered with a grin, to which Chase just simply nodded.

“Oh and Tom! Don’t forget to tell your girl your mother and I said hi!” Andrew called out to their eldest son with a smile. But by then Thomas was getting his luggage and getting ready to go, barely paying attention to his parents’ goodbye. “Yea, whatever…” muttered Thomas quietly so that only really Chase who was near him could hear it. Suddenly, Chase felt a big hug. His eyes widened as he blushed. Of course, it was his mother. “Goodbye my little baby boy,” said Kelly to Chase softly as she lovingly squeezed him tight in a hug. “My little Gryffindor lion,” she said as she began rapidly kissing the top of his head, causing Chase to blush and grumble, groaning in complaint. “Ugh, ok! Love you too mom… bye…” said an embarrassed Chase. With the gushy goodbye with his parents out of the way, courtesy of their mother, Chase and Thomas were off to the train to Hogwarts.

Chase particularly though was off to find a particular someone, his main priority- Grace Walsh. Surely she’d be easy to spot, right? With that undeniably stunning and pretty head of bright red hair and those Slytherin robes Chase thought she looked so good in. Only Grace, to him, could make the robes of such a house look good, he thought. Dragging along his luggage, walking farther away from his parents waving goodbye, Chase’s head swiveled as his eyes darted around the station, hoping he’d catch sight of and spot Grace Walsh. His brother Thomas was already off, joining his gang of Slytherin friends, who in all honestly were mostly just like a big posse of goons for Tom. Chase didn’t even care about getting on the train right now as he pushed, weaved, and squeezed through crowds of people, many witches and wizard reuniting with each other and saying goodbye to parents. But where was Grace Walsh? Chase had to find her….
Grace Walsh
Grace had gotten on the train a bit earlier, so she found a compartment that was empty. Entering, she placed her luggage down and looked out the window. Through the students getting on the train and families that scattered the platform, she noticed one young boy seemingly trying to find something amidst the crowds, but made no attempt to get on the train just yet.

In his Gryffindor robes and full head of brunette hair, she found it was Chase Crosby. Her attention peaked as her eyes followed him for quite a few moments. She knew the train would leave in a bit, why wasn't he getting on the train? It wasn't like he missed the entrances to the train. Grace started to worry slightly as more time passed and Chase still hadn't gotten on the train.

A few more moments passed before Grace decided to do something. Standing up, she ran outside of her compartment and towards the entrance of the train nearest to where she last saw Chase. She held onto a rail as she spotted Chase still weaving through the crowd. She yelled out to him, "Chase c'mon! You could miss the train you know!" She hoped that was enough to grab his attention as she stuck her hand out to grab and for her to pull him in the train with.

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