Character Assistance

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  • Mental Hospital; "Janus" has convinced all the patients they can use magic and are in SMITED.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Big Brother; reality TV where they have to live with each other.

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • Cursed; They are all cursed and turned human.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Padavona, Laura

Alias: Matchitehew
Physical Age: 25
True Age: 25
Race: Human/Wendigo
Gender: female
Physical Characteristics

Height: 6"1

Weight: 150 lbs

Figure/Build: Laura is of a very lanky build, with slender limbs and no body fat whatsoever. She has a rather malnourished appearance with visible hip bones and ribs whenever she stretches.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark brown

Skin Tone: pale

Distinguishing Features: Sunken features, somewhat gaunt appearance and an almost icy, absent shimmer in her eyes

Laura tries her hardest to be friends with everyone and fit in despite her current predicament carrying a particularly bad stigma. She's open about her thoughts and always speaks her mind, trying to add as much as possible to a conversation. Yet despite being extremely extroverted about her thoughts, the matter of her feelings isn't exactly a topic she's fond of.
Cracking jokes to lighten the mood, always having some form of cynical remark on the tip of her tongue, Laura tends to mix profession with every-day life.

When wrestling with the Wendigo, Laura can become rather distant and phase out during inopportune times. She'd seek isolation above everything else and starts being really irritable.

Laura always valued the truth, no matter how harsh and bitter it may be. She'll always stay true to her words and does not spin the truth, even if it would be to her benefit or even when a lie would soothe someone's suffering.

Following orders and knowing what her limits are, Laura knows to always be on her guard and fulfill the task she's been given. Be it finishing the mission with every objective or being there for her friends and associates if they're in need of her.

Laura's mind usually rests on one thing, and one thing alone, making her obsess over whatever currently takes up most of her mental capacity. It being a defense mechanism to shut out the unpleasant whispers in the back of her head.

She is unfamiliar with field-work and has yet to come face to face with all the different breeds of supernatural creatures.

Suffers from Mood swings
Being the host to a vile spirit, Laura's state of mind can switch in almost the blink of an eye, making her somewhat unpredictable when wrestling with the wendigo.


Main: Wendigo
Laura is the host of the parasitic influence of the Wendigo. An ancient native-american spirit that possesses those who commit the ultimate taboo of cannibalism. The entity shares one mind with her and manifests as a voice in the back of her head, whispering to her and bringing up memories of the past in order to gain control over her and finally meld into one.
This possession comes with a certain set of powers that aid her in her duties as a SMITE Agent.

-Wendigo's call
Due to the creature being of the paranormal variety it allows her to reach out and track others of its supernatural ilk. Being able to sense the presence of other Wendigo spirits.

-Increased stamina, strength, senses and healing
The creature does not intend for its host to die, instead providing her with power beyond the human body that makes Laura a tough foe to fight.

-Wendigo Metamorphosis
In extreme distress situations the Wendigo and Laura will control her body as equals, causing a transformation to occur that further boosts her mental and physical prowess but forces her to shift into the creature's natural form.
A bony muzzle protruding from the lower parts of her face, elongated limbs, forming of claws and a set of twisted antlers coming to adorn her head. This change is caused by the Spirit who forcibly changes Laura's body and thus is accompanied by numbing pain once the transformation starts happening.

Sub: Expert Markswoman
Laura is used to working with hunting rifles and is capable of utilizing them in ranged combat


The Wendigo's influence is ever-present and never allows her room to breathe. It's an ongoing battle that might result in the creature gaining full control over her before melding their spirits to become one. It causes her to hunger for mortal flesh when the Wendigo takes control, yet the craving does subside once she snaps out of the spirit-induced metamorphosis.

Fire is the creature's weakness and Laura fears it just as much as the creature does. Extreme heat can cause her to faint rather easily.

The Wendigo's transformation causes her eyesight to worsen as a thin ice-like layer forms around her eyes, balanced out by a stronger sense of smell and better hearing.​

Laura grew up in a sleepy rural town, with not much happening in her childhood that would prepare her for the trauma that would befall her on her 21st birthday.
An accident that would flip her life upside down as a few of her friends would go on a skiing trip that resulted in them being caught off guard by an avalanche. Getting locked up in a ravine that used to be an ancient Native american cemetery, Laura was the only survivor after her best friend died from hypothermia.
Burying her friends she would hope to be rescued...
Only for hours to turn into days...
Starving and on the verge of ending her own life before she'd desecrate her friend's icy graves, Laura would try surviving at all cost. Leading her to start cannibalizing the flesh of her friends and opening her up for the influence of the spirits that haunted the graveyard.

Unknowing to her, after she was rescued, traumatized and miraculously not having frozen to death, she would take something with her from the cursed mountain.
The spirit starting to haunt her once she got back to civilization.

Growing distant to her friends and family, Laura would come to wrestle for control over her own mind, the creature's influence only weakening whenever she fed on the flesh of her kin. Forcing her to dig up graves and desecrate cemeteries in order to hang on to her sanity.

The reveal of supernatural creatures and the organisation SMITED finally offering her a way to seek professional help for her condition and maybe help others with the newfound powers over the creature that lurked inside her.
After becoming a SMITED agent and being provided with the flesh needed to contain the spirit's influence, Laura would strive to help those suffering from the many malevolent entities in the world. Her relationship with the spirit mirroring that of humanity and the supernaturals as an uneasy truce between two worlds.
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StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 DergTheDergon DergTheDergon Zaltusinel Zaltusinel Kloudy Kloudy Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo WolfSol WolfSol Gilzar Gilzar PanOtterPus PanOtterPus Tarmagon Tarmagon r e i r e i Nephalem Nephalem

Part of training is getting used to the system. So. HPS cannot use the dice feature sadly. That being said, HERE IS THE DICE THREAD! You should roll BEFORE writing your post and CHECK THE ROLLS OF OTHERS as well.

If a PC has posted before you and linked their roll, your roll will be a reaction to theirs, anything low is a failure, higher is a success. You may ONLY ROLL ONCE. Please LINK your rolls if you can in your post and state WHAT YOU ARE ROLLING FOR when you roll. Use a d100, not a d10.

Example; Mara rolls defense and gets 80% chance to evade. The next person to post, should they engage against her, will have to roll to see if they fail or succeed. Anything lower fails, anything higher succeeds, even if just by 1%. Rosalia rolls a 60% and thus will miss her attack.

SMITED: Rolls.
r e i r e i

You should add your PC's reaction to the latest developments, the game is on, or is she going to not get involved?
r e i r e i

You should add your PC's reaction to the latest developments, the game is one, or is she going to not get involved?

totally was working on the post and didn't get the tag for the new posts. I'll just add Calliea's disgust and her roll.

Fable Fable should I use the roll I tested out with or can I roll again?
totally was working on the post and didn't get the tag for the new posts. I'll just add Calliea's disgust and her roll.

Fable Fable should I use the roll I tested out with or can I roll again?
Use the roll you test with, i thought it was actually for that when I got the notif X3
How do I roll?
Near "Post Reply" there is a roll dice option. Click that, click the + symbol next to the d100, then click roll and post. You don't get the outcome till you post. :3
so if I'm understanding the system correctly, does Mara's roll count for all water pistol shots at her? or does it need to be that each shot at her is a new evade roll?
"Well, I didn't know this was game grown-ups did. I've only seen children play it."

Calliea was just smart-alecked there.

Oh and i'll change her photo when you get her badge up. During this time, i will look at badge QR codes.
so if I'm understanding the system correctly, does Mara's roll count for all water pistol shots at her? or does it need to be that each shot at her is a new evade roll?
It counts until she is hit, just to sort of save a players sanity in this case. The reason for this is because when a long battle occurs, no one wants to have to roll for each and every thing. Sorta the whole "defense wins" thing a bit, it wins... until it doesn't. Though there are special exemptions, such as 100% success, the chances of getting a natural "crit" from an opposing action would be slim, so in that case, a new roll may be required after so many actions against it.
It counts until she is hit, just to sort of save a players sanity in this case. The reason for this is because when a long battle occurs, no one wants to have to roll for each and every thing. Sorta the whole "defense wins" thing a bit, it wins... until it doesn't. Though there are special exemptions, such as 100% success, the chances of getting a natural "crit" from an opposing action would be slim, so in that case, a new roll may be required after so many actions against it.

Yeah, that makes sense. So if Mara is hit, Stonewolf would need to do a new roll for any future attempts to shoot at her but until then she does not. Got it. Thanks!
Yeah, that makes sense. So if Mara is hit, Stonewolf would need to do a new roll for any future attempts to shoot at her but until then she does not. Got it. Thanks!
Yup, saves Stone from having to produce new rolls equal to the amount of those who try to take a shot at her. Only way I could really think of reducing the rolls. X3
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