Character Assistance

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  • Mental Hospital; "Janus" has convinced all the patients they can use magic and are in SMITED.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Big Brother; reality TV where they have to live with each other.

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • Cursed; They are all cursed and turned human.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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At the most basic level, Hestia
Is her name Hestia or AGRIOS, ANDRIANNA?

She has a very amount of pride
more smarter prey
may be advantegeous thing for him, good
Foloi oak forest to the at the current time chief
Some grammar, spelling issues here to correct when you have a chance.

until she got summoned to go as an embassy to SMITED
This is an assumption in behalf of SMITED. Write why she decided to become an agent. Agents are not like jury duty where they are compelled by law to answer a summons, agents seek out the position.
Fable Fable Shit I thought I fixed the name thing, I wanted to name her after a Greek goddess but I thought naming her after a Greek goddess when I was finished was a bit too much so I went to change it.
Hello! I've my eyes set on the Elementals and would like some clarifications in regards to them. Can they socially behave and have the personalities of humans? Or do they rather keep to themselves (if they are capable of communicating with others). Can I forge the personality of a person down into my Elementals character?
Hello! I've my eyes set on the Elementals and would like some clarifications in regards to them. Can they socially behave and have the personalities of humans? Or do they rather keep to themselves (if they are capable of communicating with others). Can I forge the personality of a person down into my Elementals character?
They can have their own personalities, they aren't a hive mind or anything like that. They are capable of communicating with others. They do prefer to stick to their own elemental affinity, mostly because bad things can happen when certain elementals collide. Personality is just personality, it's not really a racial thing such as humans are able to have a personality, but races like demons can't. X3
From reading the Lore section I get the impression that the only benefits from being elvish are increased agility related benefits, and prolonged lifespans. Is this essentially correct?
From reading the Lore section I get the impression that the only benefits from being elvish are increased agility related benefits, and prolonged lifespans. Is this essentially correct?
Pretty much. No magic for the elves, lol. Those ears are mighty helpful too though, better hearing. ;3
Meh. I was hoping for something hidden that I had missed, like a minor ability based on their creators affinity. Ah well.
Meh. I was hoping for something hidden that I had missed, like a minor ability based on their creators affinity. Ah well.
Things may change, who knows~
-throws smokescreen bomb, playful foreshadowing- Will something happen? Who knows? Only the GM knows~
You mention full-dragon Fable Fable ... so technically would a Dragonkin that has the ability to shapeshift into a full-dragon be unacceptable or were you referring to the dragon itself (as in you are a dragon, there is no humanoid form)? Which would mean that I need to stare at mine again (still staring, don't look at it, it is all a lie... it is not the CS you are looking for)
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<chuckle> Not sure that's enough to base creating a character on. Hmm. I'll throw a suggestion thread up and see what happens. Just trying to decide between two character concepts right now.
You mention full-dragon Fable Fable ... so technically would a Dragonkin that has the ability to shapeshift into a full-dragon be unacceptable or were you referring to the dragon itself (as in you are a dragon, there is no humanoid form)? Which would mean that I need to stare at mine again (still staring, don't look at it, it is all a lie... it is not the CS you are looking for)
A Shifter-Kin is a race that can shift between a humanoid form into the form of a 'mythical' creature; such as a dragon.
Beings capable of transforming from human to animal form, or something in between. They can only change into mythical creatures. Examples; Dragonkin, Unicornkin, Pegasuskin

There is actually one accepted Dragonkin character already if you want to see that; Xaira

A full dragon is a creature would be too large to be permitted for a PC.

<chuckle> Not sure that's enough to base creating a character on. Hmm. I'll throw a suggestion thread up and see what happens. Just trying to decide between two character concepts right now.
Go for it. :3 I'm here to be poked.
Despite being long lived and dexterous, there doesn't seem to be any benefit to being elvish. Have you considered the possibility of some minor traits common to each elvish branch? For example :

Sylvan elves - Fae affinity : Generally, Fae see Sylvan elves in a slightly more positive light than other races. While there are always exceptions, in general interactions between Sylvan elves and most Fae will be neutral or slightly friendly. (A racial group would need to be chosen to have a slightly negative reaction to balance this out.)

Navaar elves - Heat tolerance : Navaar elves can tolerate hot conditions better than the average human. This comes at the cost of increased susceptibility to cold.

Vystarian elves - Cold tolerance : Vystarian elves can tolerate cold conditions better than the average human. This comes at the cost of increased sensitivity to hot conditions.

Woodland elves - Animal affinity : Generally, animals react well to Woodland elves. Specially trained animals under control of a handler are immune to this effect. (Maybe were's react poorly?)
Sylvan elves - Fae affinity : Generally, Fae see Sylvan elves in a slightly more positive light than other races. While there are always exceptions, in general interactions between Sylvan elves and most Fae will be neutral or slightly friendly. (A racial group would need to be chosen to have a slightly negative reaction to balance this out.)
Hmm, can you expand on this a bit? Just want to be sure I understand it.

Navaar elves - Heat tolerance : Navaar elves can tolerate hot conditions better than the average human. This comes at the cost of increased susceptibility to cold.

Vystarian elves - Cold tolerance : Vystarian elves can tolerate cold conditions better than the average human. This comes at the cost of increased sensitivity to hot conditions.
These are understandable racial traits, so they will be implemented.

Woodland elves - Animal affinity : Generally, animals react well to Woodland elves. Specially trained animals under control of a handler are immune to this effect. (Maybe were's react poorly?)
I can see Woodlands becoming adept at training wildlife, but not affecting other supernatural races.
Well, Fae affinity was just a shot in the dark based on general existing elf lore. In general, Sylvan elves were considered the most 'otherworldly' of the elves, and as such tended to get along well with beings like fairies, sprites, and their ilk. Since those generally come under the blanket heading of Fae, I thought it might be possible that such beings, all things being equal, would tend to interact positively with Sylvan elves unless given a reason not to do so. There would be exceptions of course, but even the Fae considered mischievous would tend not to molest Sylvan elves. Malicious entities would, of course, not be affected.

I see it kind of like the 'beauty effect'. People tend to trust beautiful people more. Fae would consider most Sylvan elves beautiful. Not guaranteed, just more prone to believe/trust/think positive about.
And the were comment in Woodland elves was intended as a negative. Maybe were races initially distrust Woodland elves because they influence animals, and are afraid, wrongly, that they will try to influence their changed forms.
Well, Fae affinity was just a shot in the dark based on general existing elf lore. In general, Sylvan elves were considered the most 'otherworldly' of the elves, and as such tended to get along well with beings like fairies, sprites, and their ilk. Since those generally come under the blanket heading of Fae, I thought it might be possible that such beings, all things being equal, would tend to interact positively with Sylvan elves unless given a reason not to do so. There would be exceptions of course, but even the Fae considered mischievous would tend not to molest Sylvan elves. Malicious entities would, of course, not be affected.

I see it kind of like the 'beauty effect'. People tend to trust beautiful people more. Fae would consider most Sylvan elves beautiful. Not guaranteed, just more prone to believe/trust/think positive about.
Hmm, I don't really think making a particular race more aesthetically beautiful fits well. Since of the other 3 their's is more of an affinity that can be gained via adaptation over a long period of time or focusing on a specialized skill (animal taming) Sylvan may be focused rather on Flora, specializing in Herbalism would the direction of this race.

And the were comment in Woodland elves was intended as a negative. Maybe were races initially distrust Woodland elves because they influence animals, and are afraid, wrongly, that they will try to influence their changed forms.
This would depend on the individual PC, they can write this stigma into their personal lore should they decide to. :3
Hello there! I'm currently stuck between two ideas and can't decide on which one to use for my character... I settled with Magician, but am still uncertain as to whether I should go with ' Nigh-Light Manipulation' or more science-y abilities - like using his absurd intelligence to create some physics-defying weaponry (not sure if that would even make him qualify as a 'magician) like anti-inertia and friction-neutralising rays and other weaponry of the sort. Whereas the former is pretty straightforward (manipulation of photon and wave-particle duality is all), I think the latter is more fitting as I plan on making my character a strategist-tactician sort of team-player. Just so we can get the most out of that brain of his. Whatta you think?
Of course, there are limitations. He isn't Rick and doesn't have the ability to craft just about anything within minutes. His physics-defying weaponry won't be all that powerful to begin with (sure, it can entirely stop and incoming punch or render an enemy powerless by removing a great amount of their friction ere inertia whilst maintaining their mass, making them slide uncontrollably in random directions, but isn't capable of moving a planet of anythjng like that). My character is a child prodigy with still much to learn despite his immense talents.

Think of him as someone with a knack for inventions. Other pieces of tech that are of a similar calibre to the ones I mentioned earlier would be nigh-zero-point energy manipulation rays (like how the gravity gun from the Half Life series works) and I dunno.. Photokinetic suit..?
Hello there! I'm currently stuck between two ideas and can't decide on which one to use for my character... I settled with Magician, but am still uncertain as to whether I should go with ' Nigh-Light Manipulation' or more science-y abilities - like using his absurd intelligence to create some physics-defying weaponry (not sure if that would even make him qualify as a 'magician) like anti-inertia and friction-neutralising rays and other weaponry of the sort. Whereas the former is pretty straightforward (manipulation of photon and wave-particle duality is all), I think the latter is more fitting as I plan on making my character a strategist-tactician sort of team-player. Just so we can get the most out of that brain of his. Whatta you think?
Currently custom tech isn't permitted, it goes the way of sci-fi really quickly. Also, could you break down what you mean by "Nigh-Light Manipulation" (totally read that as Night Light at first and was like tf?). If I don't know the specifics of a certain power, I can't really determine if it's a yea, nay, or fix it.

sure, it can entirely stop and incoming punch
This could be done if said magician character had a power regarding creating a magical barrier. If you're considering magician, consider magical abilities for the things you want to be able to do, not weaponry.

My character is a child prodigy with still much to learn despite his immense talents.
This is against the RP rules. Characters must be at least physically and mentally the age of 21, any PCs younger than this are not allowed.

I know there is a ton of information, but I would suggest reviewing it all.
Currently custom tech isn't permitted, it goes the way of sci-fi really quickly. Also, could you break down what you mean by "Nigh-Light Manipulation" (totally read that as Night Light at first and was like tf?). If I don't know the specifics of a certain power, I can't really determine if it's a yea, nay, or fix it.

This could be done if said magician character had a power regarding creating a magical barrier. If you're considering magician, consider magical abilities for the things you want to be able to do, not weaponry.

This is against the RP rules. Characters must be at least physically and mentally the age of 21, any PCs younger than this are not allowed.

I know there is a ton of information, but I would suggest reviewing it all.
I meant to say he was a child prodigy rather than is, so my bad. And yes, I did mean nigh light-manipulation, meaning he's able to manipulate photons and its duality feature but only to a limited extent (create simple light constructs, harness and emit photon blasts, photokinetic combat).

I understand if overly sci-fi tech is forbidden, so thanks for the clarification.

I apologise if my bombardment of questions irk you, I don't want to trouble you with having to correct my CS later on is all.

P.S Now that I think about it, the functions of photokinesis/light-manipulation is resemblant to that of lantern rings in the DC universe.
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I meant to say he was a child prodigy rather than is, so my bad. And yes, I did mean nigh light-manipulation, meaning he's able to manipulate photons and its duality feature but only to a limited extent (create simple light constructs, harness and emit photon blasts, photokinetic combat).

I understand if overly sci-fi tech is forbidden, so thanks for the clarification.

I apologise if my bombardment of questions irk you, I don't want to trouble you with having to correct my CS later on is all.
Questions don't irk me, I just mentioned reviewing the information because it seemed like of what you inquired about was included within the information. Though the sci-fi tech stuff is under the custom fae area, so I can make a copy of that in another section. I created this thread to be poked :3

Also, please do be careful with a child prodigy character, they can go mary-sue very quickly. Not sure if you ever watched the Big Bang Theory, but Sheldon is a fairly decent concept for a child prodigy. He is very smart, but socially inept.

P.S Now that I think about it, the functions of photokinesis/light-manipulation is resemblant to that of lantern rings in the DC universe.
So, basically constructs formed via will, along with photokinetic combat. If you want, make a rough CS and I can review it.
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