Character Assistance

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  • Mental Hospital; "Janus" has convinced all the patients they can use magic and are in SMITED.

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  • Big Brother; reality TV where they have to live with each other.

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • Cursed; They are all cursed and turned human.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I would like some feedback on this character. My main concern is that the character power is perhaps too similar to portal-craft skills or that teleportation as listed is too strong.


Rak’sheen, Zuth'tar

Alias: Solomon
Physical Age: 37
True Age: 208
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Physical Characteristics

Height: 6’4”

Weight: 240 lbs

Figure/Build: Bulky, muscular mesomorph with well-defined muscle mass

Hair Color: A very light brown

Eye Color: Red

Skin Tone: Chestnut

Distinguishing Features: Pointed ears, red eyes, horns on his head

Most are quick to assume that a demon has a corrupted sense of morals, a reputation that certain demons don’t help to dissuade. Zuth’tar prefers to use that fear to his advantage, projecting the persona of an enigma or brooding, dangerous demon posed to strike. Those who press beyond the surface find Zuth’tar to be a wise, friendly soul willing to lend a guiding hand.

Life has been a great bestower of wisdom to Zuth’tar. He’s certainly made his fair share of mistakes and has learned plenty of lessons about this thing called life. He is so called Solomon because he has a pension for wise sayings.

As General Patton once said, “A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.” Plans often change. The key is to quickly adapt and become paralyzed with analysis.

Demon’s Call
Although Zuth’tar’s days of scheming and planning how to climb the ladder of demonic society are gone, Zuth’tar will always respect and answer the call of his House and his Emperor.

There are things, actions in Zuth’tar’s past, which he isn’t proud of. Actions he regrets. He is often able to keep the past buried inside, but sometimes it comes swelling up. It can cause him to second-guess his decisions and become lost in his own memories.

Zuth’tar tends to believe he knows more than others, particularly anyone who has lived less than at least a century. Age is a great purifier to Zuth’tar, making someone worthy of respect and authority from their time and experience. This does mean he has a particular wariness of humans as they can’t even live to a century.


Main: Teleportation - Zuth’tar’s main ability is teleportation. One second he’s there, the next he’s not. This teleportation works on short intervals, typically whatever is within eyesight. Given the speed at which he can teleport, some mistake his skill for super speed. In general, if he can physically see the location, he can go there. Longer locations, say teleporting to a location from a helicopter in the sky, requires a longer amount of time to build up the energy for the jump. Short jumps can happen from one second to the next while a longer jump say three miles away can take a minute.

Sub: Remote Locations - While Zuth’tar is typically limited to his ability to teleport to within his eyesight, he can spend enough time at a location to create a visualization of it in his head. These locations serve as his “hubs” of teleportation, allowing him to appear at any one of them no matter where he is. He is limited to a maximum of three of these. Adding a new location typically requires at least a day or two of legwork, walking around and memorizing every aspect of the location. His current remotes are the headquarters of SMITE, the home of his House, and the Lincoln Monument in Washington, DC.

Sub: Flashes - Zuth’tar’s ability can be used to teleport himself very quickly between several locations in close proximity creating what appears to be multiple images or “flashes” of himself. This ability is typically used to appear like a mirage, making his opponent cover multiple angles and try to guess which one Zuth’tar will attack from.

Maximum Mass
The most that Zuth’tar can teleport at a given time is himself and one other humanoid of approximately the same size, any number of objects equivalent to the mass of another humanoid approximately the same size.

Eyes Can See
Zuth’tar can only teleport himself, people or objects to things that are within his eyesight save except for his specific remote locations.

Can’t Go Back
Once Zuth’tar teleports to a remote location, he can’t immediately go back to his previous location unless it is also one of his remoation locations.

No Matter Splitting
It is impossible for Zuth’tar to teleport part of an object. He either teleports the whole thing for none of it. He could not teleport only part of someone’s arm.

No Teleporting Others
Through teleportation, Zuth’tar cannot teleport others while leaving himself in place. He is the conduit through which all transportation happens and must go to wherever the destination is.​


Write at least 2 paragraphs about your character's background. Things you can include can answer questions like:
  • Why did they become an agent of SMITED?
  • How is their relationship with their family?
  • How do they feel about the supernatural world being made public knowledge?
Last edited:
WolfSol WolfSol PanOtterPus PanOtterPus Tarmagon Tarmagon


Tarm, your QR code is wonky and probably doesn't work (yes, these are real QR codes) because the name was so dang long and the reduction of the code was hard to get it correct. :\
Main: Teleportation - Zuth’tar’s main ability is teleportation. One second he’s there, the next he’s not. This teleportation works on short intervals, typically whatever is within eyesight. Given the speed at which he can teleport, some mistake his skill for super speed. In general, if he can physically see the location, he can go there. Longer locations, say teleporting to a location from a helicopter in the sky, requires a longer amount of time to build up the energy for the jump. Short jumps can happen from one second to the next while a longer jump say three miles away can take a minute.
How many jumps can he do before exhausting himself. What is the limit before exhaustion sets in?

Sub: Remote Locations - While Zuth’tar is typically limited to his ability to teleport to within his eyesight, he can spend enough time at a location to create a visualization of it in his head. These locations serve as his “hubs” of teleportation, allowing him to appear at any one of them no matter where he is. He is limited to a maximum of three of these. Adding a new location typically requires at least a day or two of legwork, walking around and memorizing every aspect of the location. His current remotes are the headquarters of SMITE, the home of his House, and the Lincoln Monument in Washington, DC.
This was a concept rejected for another PC. The rule is that a PC may only go as far as from one side of a city to the other side, at most, and unable to use photographs or "visual aids" basically to teleport anywhere they wish. Setting up hubs in the manner, even if limited, won't be permitted.

Sub: Flashes - Zuth’tar’s ability can be used to teleport himself very quickly between several locations in close proximity creating what appears to be multiple images or “flashes” of himself. This ability is typically used to appear like a mirage, making his opponent cover multiple angles and try to guess which one Zuth’tar will attack from.
How long would he be able to keep this up?

except for his specific remote locations.
Can’t Go Back
Once Zuth’tar teleports to a remote location, he can’t immediately go back to his previous location unless it is also one of his remoation locations.
Since this is part of the hub concept, it would need to be removed.
Instant travel to and from HQ was indisputably an incredibly valuable advantage that only he could provide so far. If not to take part in the mission itself, Janus usually remained at the exit portal, standing by for when the team came back for an evac home. Most who knew Janus, and his unique power, would sometimes question how he could bypass his own limitations and keep a permanent portal in HQ at all. His anchor, as he called, would remain even if he were to be knocked unconscious. Should he be fortunate enough to wake up again, it meant he would always have a way home if need be.
This isn't the limit we agreed upon; Character Assistance
There was no agreement about a permanent portal to and from HQ, not to mention the distance at max was the size of a city, so if at HQ, therefore the portal would just be in the mountains of the area. Not to mention you already trying to exceed said limits imposed during this discussion. This needs to be entirely removed from your post.

Edit: I know I said you could toy around, but this is just beyond that.

His kill count was impressive.
I have to address this as well. The goal isn't to kill unless it cannot be avoided. Little easter egg in the IDs, SMITED's motto is "By reason, or by force."
I am going to try and see if any other PCs reply today before having Mara StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 suffer.
This isn't the limit we agreed upon; Character Assistance
There was no agreement about a permanent portal to and from HQ, not to mention the distance at max was the size of a city, so if at HQ, therefore the portal would just be in the mountains of the area. Not to mention you already trying to exceed said limits imposed during this discussion. This needs to be entirely removed from your post.

Edit: I know I said you could toy around, but this is just beyond that.

I have to address this as well. The goal isn't to kill unless it cannot be avoided. Little easter egg in the IDs, SMITED's motto is "By reason, or by force."

My cs was accepted with the "anchor portal" idea in there though?

And we agreed that a portal could not be created outside the city-range, yes, but that doesn't account for moving out of that range and leaving preexisting portals behind. You specifically said that leaving portals around would be interesting if anyone we didn't know would happen to walk through, right?
The way I see it, he keeps a portal constantly open at HQ (which I don't actually know the location of) so we can do the whole "gotta get out quick" idea on missions. Unless I've misinterpreted all of this?

Also I can appreciate the motto, but Janus' personality is very clear in that he usually goes for the kill whenever possible. His past + his messed up morals means he doesn't really do reason. Is this that alright, or do you want me to rework the personality to accommodate the motto?

Sorry for messing up! ^~^;;
My cs was accepted with the "anchor portal" idea in there though?
There was no written allowance of it to HQ.

And we agreed that a portal could not be created outside the city-range, yes, but that doesn't account for moving out of that range and leaving preexisting portals behind. You specifically said that leaving portals around would be interesting if anyone we didn't know would happen to walk through, right?
Interesting, but not approving of it happening. The range was implied with the stability of the portals, such as if range was exceeded, it would vanish. So no, if he opened a portal and left it and then went beyond the range agreed, it would not be sustained.

Within a city sized radius, sure. Along the lines of being unable to sustain a portal once a certain distance it reached.

Also I can appreciate the motto, but Janus' personality is very clear in that he usually goes for the kill whenever possible. His past + his messed up morals means he doesn't really do reason. Is this that alright, or do you want me to rework the personality to accommodate the motto?
You don't need to rework the personality, just the way it's brought up felt like he just indiscriminately kills and doesn't follow orders. :\ You'd be more of a liability than a benefit to the agency in that case. Unless you just want him to be the "finisher" type, just is the last person called to kill off problems that cannot be solved.
There was no written allowance of it to HQ.

Interesting, but not approving of it happening. The range was implied with the stability of the portals, such as if range was exceeded, it would vanish. So no, if he opened a portal and left it and then went beyond the range agreed, it would not be sustained.

You don't need to rework the personality, just the way it's brought up felt like he just indiscriminately kills and doesn't follow orders. :\ You'd be more of a liability than a benefit to the agency in that case. Unless you just want him to be the "finisher" type, just is the last person called to kill off problems that cannot be solved.

Right, I'll change that part then. xP

No, he's more than capable of following orders, even if it goes against his beliefs. However, should his orders not detail how a target should be handled or how other variables, such as new enemies, should be handled, then he'll resort to simply killing them. If that's a liability then it's up to HQ on how to deploy/use him, but he was predominantly an assassin prior to joining SMITED. And he definitely has not gotten therapy for it. :3
Right, I'll change that part then. xP

No, he's more than capable of following orders, even if it goes against his beliefs. However, should his orders not detail how a target should be handled or how other variables, such as new enemies, should be handled, then he'll resort to simply killing them. If that's a liability then it's up to HQ on how to deploy/use him, but he was predominantly an assassin prior to joining SMITED. And he definitely has not gotten therapy for it. :3
My evil GM fingers are tingling.
My evil GM fingers are tingling.

Ah jeez... xD

On the flip side, I just imagined an awesome little anime-esque scene of HQ authorising Janus to do whatever he wants to a bunch of enemies, and he just goes murderously batshit insane on them. XD
Ah jeez... xD

On the flip side, I just imagined an awesome little anime-esque scene of HQ authorising Janus to do whatever he wants to a bunch of enemies, and he just goes murderously batshit insane on them. XD
I mean, that may or may not happen somewhere, huehue. But yes, I am plotting fun things, fun things for me to cackle at as a GM. >:D
How harsh would you say this is going to be? Mara seems nice, I would hate for her to end up at the desk again. ( Also finished with the edits. )
You realize that this is consentual, at least... from an OOC perspective...
You realize that this is consentual, at least... from an OOC perspective...

I know, it just hurts to see Mara suffer. Regardless of whether or not it’s alright from OOC. She’s had an amazing introduced that’s instantly hooked me into rooting for her is all!
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