Character Assistance

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  • Mental Hospital; "Janus" has convinced all the patients they can use magic and are in SMITED.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Big Brother; reality TV where they have to live with each other.

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • Cursed; They are all cursed and turned human.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 I apologize, you barely missed it.
Is this a custom fae race or fae society?
A custom fae race!
Name: What is the name of the race or society?
Fae Type: Dwarf!

Racial Traits:
  • Typically short and stocky. Standing somewhere between 4.5-5 feet tall.
  • Well built. Most if not all dwarves are heavily muscular and strong and can lift up over twice their weight by default.
  • Darkvision. You guessed it. As most dwarves live deep into mountains and cave systems they've grown acustom to their surrounds and can see in the darkest off depths.
  • Alcohol resistence. Alcohol is a large part of their culture and after thousands of years, they've developed a resistance to it's effects. Which is why dwarven ale is some of the strongest stuff you can get your hands on.

List & Explain Deities: (If applicable.)
  • Kugdros, God Of The Mountains and Protection: The god of the mountains is the god who created the mountain ranges with the slam of his mighty hammer giving the dwarves a place to call home. He watches over the dwarves keeping them safe from harm in only the most dire of times.
  • Yqarus, Goddess Of Crafts and Workmanship: The goddess of crafts and workmanship showed the dwarves other useful skills ranging from jewlery making down to cooking. She also taught the dwarves to love their work and to always strive for perfection in the things they make no matter what.
  • Bamjir, The God Of Fire And The Forge: The god of fire and the forge crafted the dwarves by himself in his forge. He then taught them the ways of the forge and metal working, showing them how to craft the finest armor and weapons ever seen.

Dwarven rule is typically a hierarchy where one mountain range or valley is controlled by a single royal family that creates laws that they see are best suited for their people. Each kingdom is typically run and populated by one large clan of dwarves each with their own little quirks and specialties.

Racial or Societal Laws
  • No other races are to see exactly how we create our trade crafts especially elves and humans.
  • Any attempts at the king or queen's life is punishable by death.
  • Don't let the humans drink the ale, they can't handle it.
  • Both men and women must serve at least 20 years in the military starting at the age of 50.
If this is a race, does it have an origin story?
The origins of the dwarves are not well known to most. Not even dwarves themselves know their true origin, although they do get very close. They believe that Bamjir had forged them into life in order to share with the world the teachings of Bamjir and his wife Yqarus.

In reality, it was something more complicated. Bamjir and his wife were unable to bear children and instead of letting his wife be sad, Bamjir took matters into his own hands. From the very core of the planet, he forged the first dwarves in their likeness as a gift for his wife. However, even the god of the forge isn't perfect. His "children" were flawed being much smaller than him and worst of all, mortal. For he could craft the lives of mortal things, immortal beings were much too complicated to forge for him at the time.

He couldn't bring himself to show off his failures to his wife, yet was unable to kill his beloved "children" He kept them in his forge away where his wife would not find them. They started out as basic servants around the forge, getting the necessary supplies ready for Bamjir and what not before he realized that they had the same affinity for crafting as he did. Over time he taught them his ways and it wasn't long until Yqarus caught wind of everything.

Instead of hating the dwarves like Bamjir thought she would, she loved them just the same. Choosing to teach them her crafts as well as showing them to love their work. There came a time however, where both gods decided that they should let their creations free upon the world to wander and explore freely. However the world wasn't too kind to the little dwarves and the gods found that their creations were struggling to survive out in the open. Deciding to combine their power they crafted an immortal soul, the one of Kugdros, to watch over and protect them draining much of their own power in the process. Kugdros then went on to create the first mountain ranges in which the dwarves called home. Now without much power between themselves, Bamjir and Yqarus sat back and and watched their "children" grow and prosper in the intricate cave systems Kugdros carved out before them that they called home.

What is everyday life like?
The average day of a dwarf consists of waking up in the morning and heading straight to work doing whatever their job may be. Whether it be mining, metalworking, stone carving, jewel crafting, trading, etc. You name it, they do it and they make sure to do it well. After a long hard day at work they stop by at one of the many taverns about and have a few drinks with their friends before returning home for the night to their families. It's not the best life, but it's certainly a life worth living to them.

Additional Information
: Thems be tiny miney folks, you know?
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Wendigo's call
Due to the creature being of the paranormal variety it allows her to reach out and track others of its supernatural ilk. Being able to sense the presence of other malevolent entities
Limit this to just other Wendigos. :3

-Wendigo Metamorphosis
In extreme distress situations the Wendigo and Laura will control her body as equals, causing a transformation to occur that further boosts her mental and physical prowess but forces her to shift into the creature's natural form.
A bony muzzle protruding from the lower parts of her face, elongated limbs, forming of claws and a set of twisted antlers coming to adorn her head.
Clarify this as the spirit's power causing this, as Laura is human it would have to be magic from the spirit. She's obviously not a shifter, but the whole transformation thing is just an effect on the host.

It causes her to hunger for mortal flesh and failing to ingest it causes her severe pain and can force her to change into the wendigo's natural form.
This would cause problems regarding being an agent. She'd not be allowed to consume the flesh of mortals, critters and such yes, but eating the flesh of a human or other fantasy race she would be better off being imprisoned. :\ Unless this is just a craving that forces a change and she can be sort of forced to change back without having to consume the flesh.

Unlike other bestial and fae creatures, the Wendigo is always regarded as a malevolent spirit and thus does make it harder for her to gain other's trust
You don't need to include "Unlike other bestial and fae creatures." Just go along with what is pretty much a "Host" character. I would maybe just change this to a different weakness other than gaining trust, so something your character has difficulty or trouble with, such as when in Wendigo form bad eyesight. That is actually part of some lore that they relay more on sound that sight, part of haven their eyes sunken in. There are also mentions of a weakness to silver.
Limit this to just other Wendigos. :3

Clarify this as the spirit's power causing this, as Laura is human it would have to be magic from the spirit. She's obviously not a shifter, but the whole transformation thing is just an effect on the host.

This would cause problems regarding being an agent. She'd not be allowed to consume the flesh of mortals, critters and such yes, but eating the flesh of a human or other fantasy race she would be better off being imprisoned. :\ Unless this is just a craving that forces a change and she can be sort of forced to change back without having to consume the flesh.

You don't need to include "Unlike other bestial and fae creatures." Just go along with what is pretty much a "Host" character. I would maybe just change this to a different weakness other than gaining trust, so something your character has difficulty or trouble with, such as when in Wendigo form bad eyesight. That is actually part of some lore that they relay more on sound that sight, part of haven their eyes sunken in. There are also mentions of a weakness to silver.

I'll edit once my fingers thaw, it's really frigging cold here >_>
I was at a convention and just came back Sunday. Will either catch up and reply tonight or tomorrow as I have an exam tomorrow. Sorry, this weekend was a mess. I'd meant to get on in-between con times, but... yeah...

A d100? XD
I was at a convention and just came back Sunday. Will either catch up and reply tonight or tomorrow as I have an exam tomorrow. Sorry, this weekend was a mess. I'd meant to get on in-between con times, but... yeah...

A d100? XD
Yeah, cause with a d10 may confuse people >_> I was wondering where ya were.
Fable Fable

How long can Nephilim fly for? What's their average and max speed?
Like many larger birds, they'd rely on soaring vs flapping, so catching drafts can influence the duration of a flight, but at most about an hour before the back muscles start to cramp a bit. They aren't designed like birds unfortunately X3 As for speed, max of 50mph on a good draft, 40mph average. She'd not do well in the gym though, big ass wing span, she's smacking someone.
Jesus, so much happened during the period I'm not here. xD
So, supposing I try to block a water shot from hitting Mara, do I roll a defence roll once, or for each individual person's attack? I saw the convo about one defence roll counters however many attacks one person delivers, but I'd be defending someone else from multiple people so...
Jesus, so much happened during the period I'm not here. xD
So, supposing I try to block a water shot from hitting Mara, do I roll a defence roll once, or for each individual person's attack? I saw the convo about one defence roll counters however many attacks one person delivers, but I'd be defending someone else from multiple people so...
You roll one defense and once a hit happens, you have to re-roll defense in your next post. It gives Mara 2 defense rolls basically. She has to direct your character, so if she tells you to block then yes :3 Which y'all can plan OOC StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 if desired.
You roll one defense and once a hit happens, you have to re-roll defense in your next post. It gives Mara 2 defense rolls basically. She has to direct your character, so if she tells you to block then yes :3 Which y'all can plan OOC StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 if desired.

Lol, Janus is likely gonna annoy the crap out of her in that case. He probably won't do a goddamn thing unless Mara does specifically tell him, but super literally. xD
*Mara is being shot to pieces*
Mara: Help!
Janus: How?
Mara: Get me away from them!
Janus: Okay.
*Portals her a couple of feet out of the firing line*

On a side note, I don't particularly see how this really evaluates anything. It's either attack or defend and then we have to rely on luck of the roll to see whether we succeed. Does any amount of individuality from any character affect one's ability to succeed in this test?
On a side note, I don't particularly see how this really evaluates anything. It's either attack or defend and then we have to rely on luck of the roll to see whether we succeed. Does any amount of individuality from any character affect one's ability to succeed in this test?
There is a plan behind this. Don't look at evaluation as shooting at a firing range or running a mile in a certain time. This is just an introduction to the system, it's why this is "mission:training." Your PCs are written with experience, but as a player we've just started this RP. This system may be entirely removed and an honor system put into place, or it may get changed to be more advanced.
This system may be entirely removed and an honor system put into place, or it may get changed to be more advanced.
I feel like this system is quite good for the start but I feel like maybe, later on, we could add percentages to the rolls depending on the character's trait, so if a human with no magical training is trying to cast a spell she would have a -10% to the hitroll while a trained magician would have a +15%.
This is just a suggestion though
I can't reply just yet, so pls don't go too far without me! ^v^;;;;
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