Character Assistance

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  • Mental Hospital; "Janus" has convinced all the patients they can use magic and are in SMITED.

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  • Big Brother; reality TV where they have to live with each other.

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • Cursed; They are all cursed and turned human.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Questions don't irk me, I just mentioned reviewing the information because it seemed like of what you inquired about was included within the information. Though the sci-fi tech stuff is under the custom fae area, so I can make a copy of that in another section. I created this thread to be poked :3

Also, please do be careful with a child prodigy character, they can go mary-sue very quickly. Not sure if you ever watched the Big Bang Theory, but Sheldon is a fairly decent concept for a child prodigy. He is very smart, but socially inept.

So, basically constructs formed via will, along with photokinetic combat. If you want, make a rough CS and I can review it.
Aye. I've yet to really watch the Big Bang Theory, but I've seen an episode or two. I think I'll drop the child prodigy concept - I was planning on making a full tactician-esque character who's got a knack for arguably impractical inventions. Since that'll strive too deep into sci-fi territory, I think I'll just stick to photokinesis.
Aye. I've yet to really watch the Big Bang Theory, but I've seen an episode or two. I think I'll drop the child prodigy concept - I was planning on making a full tactician-esque character who's got a knack for arguably impractical inventions. Since that'll strive too deep into sci-fi territory, I think I'll just stick to photokinesis.
Yeah, I'm a Big Bang Theory fan. Sheldon is pretty much my favorite character, lol. You can still have a character that functions as a tactician, :3 Nothing to say you can't. But yeah, custom tech tends to go the side of sci-fi. If you say... a magically enhanced item, that can be discussed, but anything that is way beyond the current technological advancements of 2017 should be avoided. So, a light saber could be possible, but not like in a science star wars way, more like magical. Such as using a grip that can help a magician focus said photons into a controlled laser blade. ;3
Name: Freyja Bjalkesdottir

Age: 25

Alias: Armor, Frey, Viking

Height: 6'3

Weight:150 lbs

Ethnicity: Icelandic

Appearance: Blonde hair flows from her crown like liquid gold, serving to enhance her ice blue eyes. A singular scar runs through her right eyebrow, over her eyelid, and reaches halfway down her cheek, pulling her lip into a permanent smirk. {In addition to the picture}

Country of Birth: Iceland

Sexuality: Bi-

Religion: Asatru

Personality Report: Freyja, for the most part, is a silent woman, almost always seen smiling. Though that is in part due to her facial scar. Kind and caring despite her outward appearance, she can oft be seen with children, acting as a mother or sister figure, keeping them safe. Though hard to anger, once provoked, she is a force to be reckoned with that many of ill will seek to avoid.
Background: Freyja's background is rather tragic. Born to the leader of a ragtag survival group of Icelandic militia and his wife, Freyja found herself constantly on the guard, and always under attack. Her group were always on the run, hiding from those that sought to take the little that they had, and fighting off those that were persistent. All she ever knew from these conflicts was loss, giving the young girl very little hope for the future. She did not know how very little she had until the day came that she was the sole survivor of the small band, the mutilated corpse of her mother the only protection she had left when the opposing force came to loot.

Not long after the battle had ended, and the body of her mother shifted to be searched, was she found. From that day on, until she found the strength to fight back, and seek her revenge, she was the groups play thing and mode of stress relief. They did not care if she was a child. She was a slave, a young, beautiful slave growing into her prime. Her teenage years were the worst, for thats was when they noticed her build, how she began to tower over the others, her physical attributes more warrior like. That was when the leader had desired to sire children from her, to raise a new generation of fighters that could possibly bring him and his people more.

Life got bettter, but barely. Attacks on the camp she was imprisoned grew as the years passed, and slowly, those in charge of her began to notice that she was not showing any signs of pregnancy, and that her use would be better put towards defending the camp. Wrong decision. Training her to fight, and to survive, Freyja began to plot, using her "relationship" with the leader to exact her vengeance, starting with his number one, removing him from the picture quickly. Then it grew to seducing the arms room guard to gain access to weaponry. After that, all went downhill for her captors when she came into contact with the "alien" technology.

She did not know what had happened next. All she remembered was touching the alien tech, and then nothing. Coming to, with no recollection of time passed or days gone, Freyja found herself outside a city, with some very powerful, and very strange people surrounding her, only blocked off by an odd metallic cage that they had no idea on how to open or remove.

[That is where her story begins, if you choose to use it to pull me into the story.]
Metal Manipulation: For any metals that Freyja comes into physical contact with, she can manipulate into any form she desires, even crafting complicated mechanisms such as fire arms. Her proficiency however is melee weaponry and armors. In some instances, Freyja can use the manipulation to heal or fix broken bones, clot or close open wounds, and even replace limbs temporarily, even on allies, allowing them full use of the new limb by attaching microfiber filaments to their spinal chord.

Electrical kinetic capabilities: For the most part, Freyja can manipulate all forms of electricity, though it is primarily for healing others or imbuing weaponry and armors. But knowing how to heal someone teaches the user how the can destroy an enemy from within. Should she choose to use it, Freyja can target central nerve systems in her opponent, shutting down control of their limbs temporarily, or even permanently. And if given an opportunity, she can even strike with lethal power, stopping hearts or stopping/overloading the bio electrical signals of ones brain. For healing purposes, she is still learning, and does most by combining her metal working with her electrical control. Other assets are nullifying enemy electronics, draining battery cells in equipment, and overloading anything with charge to cause detonations.

Magnetic Polarity: Simple enough once one puts their mind to it, right? Though this is an ability that at its lowest point merely deflects or redirects incoming metallic small arms projectiles, the highest being 7.62 rounds, and that all depends on the distance. Applying more mental thought to her ability, Freyja can give herself, and others that carry dense enough metals, flight. For full effect, and should she have the right defensive measures in place, she can release absolute devastation of enemy forces, reversing the polarity and flinging enemy armor and weaponry, or place around singular allies shields to deflect/redirect rounds. Or when grouped together, a much larger shield that moves with her.

I didnt use the BBC code cuz I dont think my laptop can do it. But I made it using what I know best.
So I've been working on a fire elemental and since I had this idea of, in times of intense emotion and complete loss of composure she'll get a lot hotter and burn blue instead of her usual orangy color. This idea posed a question that I need a little help with. How hot are fire elementals? Can they control their temperature? I researched the temperature of normal fire and this one website is really helping, but it said that orange fire usually burns up to 2,000 degrees fahrenheit. I'm concerned that she'd be too hot to even stand around or something. I don't wan't her to sizzle the skin off of her allies! Fable Fable
So I've been working on a fire elemental and since I had this idea of, in times of intense emotion and complete loss of composure she'll get a lot hotter and burn blue instead of her usual orangy color. This idea posed a question that I need a little help with. How hot are fire elementals? Can they control their temperature? I researched the temperature of normal fire and this one website is really helping, but it said that orange fire usually burns up to 2,000 degrees fahrenheit. I'm concerned that she'd be too hot to even stand around or something. I don't wan't her to sizzle the skin off of her allies! Fable Fable
Yeah, that would be a bit excessive in terms of temperature. You'd pretty much catch quite a bit on fire like that. I will say yes, fire elemental can control their "burn" but at a cost. They wouldn't be able to infinitely stay hot. Temperature also doesn't always play a factor in why a flame can change colors, certain particles can actually do this; Colored fire - Wikipedia

So, your character, in a fit and loss of control could say... combust with a heat of around 2000 degrees fahrenheit, but not sustain said temperature. Hell, I can even see another agent purposefully pissing your PC off in a fight as a makeshift bomb.

I would suggest viewing your character a bit like Te Fiti from Moana in a non-heat killing state. Your core would still be very hot, but the surface not so much that people have to have a 30+ foot radius from you at all times.
Nephalem Nephalem
Oh and I am not gonna throw a fit if you want to make your core a blue color ;3
Te Fiti could cool and harden herself so should that be my character's normal state or something she could cool herself down to? I kind of assumed that her body was made of fire which is really making me burst with questions and I feel so bas but I just gotta ask. Is it right that her body is basically made of fire? If so is she solid? Because Te Fiti was more of a lava monster and Moana was able to touch her after she cooled and hardened herself would my character always look black (basically like a dying fire) or would she just be orange but not hot? Do you think she would change colors when exposed to different chemicals? (that one isn't important I just think it's funny to imagine someone throwing copper chloride at her and her being massively unamused as she turns green)
Fable Fable
Te Fiti could cool and harden herself so should that be my character's normal state or something she could cool herself down to? I kind of assumed that her body was made of fire which is really making me burst with questions and I feel so bas but I just gotta ask. Is it right that her body is basically made of fire? If so is she solid? Because Te Fiti was more of a lava monster and Moana was able to touch her after she cooled and hardened herself would my character always look black (basically like a dying fire) or would she just be orange but not hot? Do you think she would change colors when exposed to different chemicals? (that one isn't important I just think it's funny to imagine someone throwing copper chloride at her and her being massively unamused as she turns green)
Fable Fable
It was just a suggestion as an alternative, think of Te Ka (gotta get them names right, huehue) as a Lava Elemental, which I just sort of put under the section of "Fire." If you want your PC to be a living flame, it's possible, but there isn't a way I can think of where they wouldn't have a clearance requirement. I'll be honest, elementals are going to be the most annoying race to use, for reasons like this. -stares at someone, they know who they are-

But yes, your character could have a hardened form, it just makes it easier overall to have something "solid" for an elemental. So, like a human shaped ember, if not cooled lava. X3 I would say when the flames are going, she's got heat. And yes, I'd be fine if different chemicals changing her color, but also consider that should she encounter say... a pocket of natural gas.... >_>;

I think... I might revamp the elemental lore a bit, make this easier on everyone, lol. Also, here is an elemental image to sort of give an idea of my thoughts, and yes, that is a horribly applied outfit done in less than a minute.
Freyja Freyja

Before I begin, there are certain things I'm going to ignore from your CS, because once you use the CS meant for this RP, they won't have a slot. That would be things like sexuality, ethnicity (different from race), country of birth, and religion. Appearance is simplified in the CS for this RP as well.

Now, I am going to assume your character is pretty much a human with magical (elemental) abilities. That is pretty much a Magician in this setting. So, this wouldn't be a custom race. This would be something along the lines of a custom Magician Tribe.

The personality section is fine, the major issues are in the History and Powers.

Firstly, I am not completely against characters with a dark past, if they are done well. Dark things have happened in history and still happen in modern times, so to give your character a dark past is alright. A remote tribe (not militia) having to fight to survive and being so small they get overpowered by an enemy is fine. The issue is the direction of the history. If a captured girl, who is used for sexual pleasure for a group, then is seen as a source for potential offspring, that's fine. However, it would be insane for a group that killed a character's parents, raped them since childhood, and rape them for forced impregnation to decide "Hey, let's train her to kill!"

If her purpose was to be a baby making machine, the more likely route would have been to dispose of a sterile woman or tossing her back into the role of being there just for physical pleasure.

Now, there is the route of said victim faking accepting her role, her lot in life, within this situation as a means for survival. It's a possibility that those who captured her aren't the brightest crayons and she's able to bluff her way into a position of being trusted and then using that trust to her advantage.

If it's the second scenario, it needs to be written in a better way to relay that. How would she have earned their trust to be put in a position of being trained to fight and given access to weapons? The whole "using her "relationship" with the leader" line alludes to this, but some development of how she got into that position (since she isn't a baby-making machine for whatever reason) with the leader.

Now, onto a major area of the history that doesn't fit and if it is what I think it is, wouldn't be allowed. The moment she defeats her captors and touches what is identified as "alien technology." I am going to assume alien is being used in place of unfamiliar.

She did not know what had happened next. All she remembered was touching the alien tech, and then nothing. Coming to, with no recollection of time passed or days gone, Freyja found herself outside a city, with some very powerful, and very strange people surrounding her, only blocked off by an odd metallic cage that they had no idea on how to open or remove.

As a GM, if you wan to to add mysterious artifacts or objects, I have to know what they are to ensure they aren't story-breaking and fit within the setting. Then, there is the issue of you creating basically an NPC 'race'. I don't have enough information, so I am stuck in a position of assumption. Based upon your character's lack of use of magical abilities in the history section, I have to assume that in order to gain these magical powers you've listed that these 'strange powerful people' are somehow going to give her magical powers or "transform" her in some manner basically.

Creating an NPC race would not be allowed. Players can create NPCs in the form of family, friends, and if creating a custom tribe (for example), tribal leaders and members. Even in this RP, with being allowed to potentially create a custom race, they are not creating something as an NPC race, they are developing it for their character, a race their character is part of, not changed by.

Now then, I'm going to be blunt and just say to scrap everything in this section. If you look at the CS for this RP, characters get one main power/ability and two sub powers/abilities.

Having a blanket power/ability to manipulate a specific element is overpowered. Rather than viewing your power as the ability to control everything of X element, look at it at what can be done with being able to manipulate that within that element. So for example if your character can you use lightning/electricity abilities, look into some powers for that, such as electrostatic levitation. It's a specific power that falls under lightning/electricity, but doesn't give the unlimited access to bend an entire element to their will. Instead, it is a specific power that comes with limitations.

Additionally, it appears that the main power you were trying to go for with this character is healing, to achieve that you don't need to throw it in as a 'kitchen sink' under other powers. Make it your main power and go from there. You don't have to depend on elemental healing, you can just make it straight up healing abilities. To take two elements and make it so you can manipulate them as you see fit is too excessive. There are quite a few powers within an element that could be used without a PC being able to proclaim "I can manipulate all of X!"

I know it's a lot and I might have come off rough, but this is why I encouraged you to make an entirely new character specifically for this RP, as this requires massive editing to be even considered. I implore you to review everything regarding rules, lore, and information. If you have already done this, please go over it again to make sure you are not accidentally breaking a rule or requirement of a PC.
Fable Fable Ello! So I've finished around 75% of my CS and would like to know if there's anything I can do to improve it ere working on the backstory, thanks!
Fable Fable Ello! So I've finished around 75% of my CS and would like to know if there's anything I can do to improve it ere working on the backstory, thanks!
I am having the same problem, except that my character idea is starting to look more and more like a female, motherly Captin America knockoff
I have an idea for my characters primary power. A little thing called Physiology. I have found two that may be acceptable. The first one is called Mythic Physiology, and allows my character to take on the form of any Mythic Beast, like dragons, phoenix's, hydra's, etc. Though my varation and editing of this power is to bring on only the Nordic Germanic Mythology beasts, and just their aspects, not their actual forms.

The other power is known as Angel Physiology, in which I would only grant my character what comes with it, not giving her the actual form. She would obtain Enhanced Condition: Combat, strength, flight, durability and weapon creation. I see it as more like a Shazam type power, rather than becoming some deity or like that.
I have an idea for my characters primary power. A little thing called Physiology. I have found two that may be acceptable. The first one is called Mythic Physiology, and allows my character to take on the form of any Mythic Beast, like dragons, phoenix's, hydra's, etc. Though my varation and editing of this power is to bring on only the Nordic Germanic Mythology beasts, and just their aspects, not their actual forms.

The other power is known as Angel Physiology, in which I would only grant my character what comes with it, not giving her the actual form. She would obtain Enhanced Condition: Combat, strength, flight, durability and weapon creation. I see it as more like a Shazam type power, rather than becoming some deity or like that.
Please, please, please read the information of this RP.

Firstly, being able to transform into any mythic beast is a straight up no. This also means more than one types of mythic beast. There is a specific race, Shifter > Kin, that covers this ability already.
Beings capable of transforming from human to animal form, or something in between. They can only change into mythical creatures. Examples; Dragonkin, Unicornkin, Pegasuskin.

On the subject of Angel Physiology, this is already again another race that already exits.
Nephilim get their racial name due to being capable of flight with magically produced wings making some view them as ‘angelic.’ They are gifted with non-elemental magical ability.

Please read the lore and information entirely. I don't want to sound mean, but I have to put my foot down at some point when I feel like you haven't read the information. If I keep getting these types of things from you, it might be best to view this as an RP you may not fit into.
Fable Fable Ello! So I've finished around 75% of my CS and would like to know if there's anything I can do to improve it ere working on the backstory, thanks!
I'll take a peek when I have a chance. I have to take care of a few other things before I can sit down at my desk for the rest of the evening to do things. X3
Fable Fable I'm making that self detonation thing a sub power but I don't want to make it over powered. Basically I'm thinking of making it her strongest but most unpredictable power. After it happens is when she is the most vulnerable as it takes all the fire that makes her her and exerts it in a single massive explosion. She basically almost dead after she does it. Nothing is set in stone though so feel free to shoot me down.

I just am curious to how powerful I should actually make the explosion? What would be an acceptable blast radius?

this is the right page ;-;
Fable Fable I'm making that self detonation thing a sub power but I don't want to make it over powered. Basically I'm thinking of making it her strongest but most unpredictable power. After it happens is when she is the most vulnerable as it takes all the fire that makes her her and exerts it in a single massive explosion. She basically almost dead after she does it. Nothing is set in stone though so feel free to shoot me down.

I just am curious to how powerful I should actually make the explosion? What would be an acceptable blast radius?

this is the right page ;-;
Hmm sounds alright. As far as blast radius, max 15-20ft. So no;

Say, is there an age limit for the SMITED agents..? How long are they allowed on the field before being asked to retire or whatnot?
Say, is there an age limit for the SMITED agents..? How long are they allowed on the field before being asked to retire or whatnot?
To remain a field agent, they'd have to remain physical capable of missions requiring extreme physical and mental stresses. if they are horribly injured, no longer able to fulfill the role of a field agent, they can get a desk job. At that point, it is up to them when they want to retire. If they continue to help the agency, they can stay as long as they desire. It's only when they are unable to assist that they are retired from the agency fully.

The reason for no set age is because not all races age the same way, and some do not age at all.
Is this a custom fae race or fae society?

Bit of both actually. Leprechaun’s are distant and disliked natural cousins of Fae in general, a common ancestor in the past before diverging evolution took hold.

Society wise, they are generally lumped in with Fae (Elves, Pixies, etc) but dislike being referred to as Fae in person.

Name: What is the name of the race or society?

Leprechaun and they live in Clans or Clades

Fae Type: N/A

Racial Traits:

The idea is a generally more mundane bound supernatural. Besides the obvious lack of stature, Leprechauns are hardy little creatures with natural immunities towards physical hardships and adaptations to living in dens or warrens.

Strong for their size too, they used these natural abilities to harass and lord over other Fae.

List & Explain Deities:

The plan is for Leprechauns to have had a fairly areligous lost empire in the past whose famous figures and leaders are now loosely regarded as gods and saints in current Leprechaun culture.

Between this rudimentary ancestor worship there are also sects of Leprechauns practicing Catholicism showing how much they tend to idolize and involve human culture.


Fractured into loosely aligned family Clans based around communal dens, Leprechaun government is non existent. Leadership falls on strong elder male leadership who secure the position through merit and often physical brawling.

Inter clan issues are solved the same way, with representatives from the families stepping up to engage in a one on one street fight.

Racial or Societal Laws:

Leprechauns do not tend to respect written law or doctrine and instead operate in an honor based system that rewards those with higher standing more freedoms to operate in.

If this is a race, does it have an origin story?

A divergent path of Fae that held dominion eons ego and has devolved into a shadow of what they once were. A martial race of fearless warriors turned into scrabbling clansmen fighting over decades old engine parts and gold fillings.

What is everyday life like?

Generally pleasant, similar to any sort of third class lifestyle with criminal elements scattered in. Chavs, Thugs, Gopnik, that sort of lifestyle.

Additional Information:
with natural immunities towards physical hardships and adaptations to living in dens or warrens.
Please list and explain all these immunities and adaptions.

List & Explain Deities:

The plan is for Leprechauns to have had a fairly areligous lost empire in the past whose famous figures and leaders are now loosely regarded as gods and saints in current Leprechaun culture.

Between this rudimentary ancestor worship there are also sects of Leprechauns practicing Catholicism showing how much they tend to idolize and involve human culture.
I need specifics, who are these that are so ancient they are revered? What is there lore that lead them to this idol status?

Also, I have in place a no real-religion rule, because it's a very... it has the potential to explode into IC and OOC drama. You can say that Leprechauns has perhaps adopted some of the mundane religion(s), but I would prefer no direct reference to a specific one.

Inter clan issues are solved the same way, with representatives from the families stepping up to engage in a one on one street fight.
Honestly, I sorta love this idea because it's humorous. X3

Racial or Societal Laws:

Leprechauns do not tend to respect written law or doctrine and instead operate in an honor based system that rewards those with higher standing more freedoms to operate in.
How is said honor gained/lost?

If this is a race, does it have an origin story?

A divergent path of Fae that held dominion eons ego and has devolved into a shadow of what they once were. A martial race of fearless warriors turned into scrabbling clansmen fighting over decades old engine parts and gold fillings.
Don''t focus so much on the word fae. They can be their own fantasy race, I just use the term fae to group "others" that currently don't fall under already written lore. :3 They wouldn't have dominion over everything though, there are quite a few fantasy races out there, though they could say... have conquered all of a small country at one time, maybe suffered an uprising, and as a result at some point had their civilization fall, which led to this current status.
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 DergTheDergon DergTheDergon Zaltusinel Zaltusinel Kloudy Kloudy Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo WolfSol WolfSol Gilzar Gilzar PanOtterPus PanOtterPus Tarmagon Tarmagon @h o n e s t p r i n c e Nephalem Nephalem

Shortly after this has been posted, you will all be tagged again in the first "Mission." Please remember you need to post at minimum twice a week and at least two paragraphs (4-7 sentences in a paragraph). You do not need to write walls of text or a novel. Please be mindful about BBCode, things like small text or designs that aren't mobile friendly may make it difficult for other to read your posts.

Pleas give other players a chance to respond, wait at least 2 replies after your own before replying again.
How should we handle introductions? Simple observations, interactions with others or should we actually be doing something?
How should we handle introductions? Simple observations, interactions with others or should we actually be doing something?
You can react to what has been said, what your PC thought having to wait for an hour, or introduce yourself to the others at that time before the NPC showed up, or wait for Stone to reply considering he called her out first. You don't have to react just to the end of the events of the post. :3 It has basically given your PC at least an hour in the training center, maybe he showed up first? If you get a post done before others.
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