Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]


"Ok, Shuey," Scorpion says, looking askance at both Ivory and Kwan Shu, "but she's your responsibility. Are we ready?"

Shu shrugged. "I said I'd keep her safe. Let's go."

Shu falls in to step beside the woman, one hand resting on the hillt of his daiklaive.
To all

Time passes as you make your ways over the small rises surrounding the lakeland and through thin lines of trees as the forest creeps up to the lake shore. Little birds sing song in the drizzle. The water sloshes up on the rocks of the shore, the other two ships are loitering out in the lake, well out, circling round, dark dragons on the water. You can't see their jetties, nor can you see much of the northern shore for a time through the rain and the dusk.
Adair smiled, pleased with the fact that his plan was well received. He had wanted to leap at Ivory's defense, but Kwan Shu had already done so, so the eclipse kept quiet. Much like he was trying to do now.

"Well, if that's their ships, they can't be far off." He said quietly, squinting to see in the distance.

Ivory travels in quiet contemplation. What other surprises could the Maidens have in store tonight. If only I had enough time to augur the odds that they will complete their circle before they are beset by enemies from all sides. It will not be long before their natural enemies learn of their deeds and begin marshallig their forces to thwart them while they still can.

She slows her pace once the ships are within sigt, keeping her promise to hang back out of harm's way.

With the ships in sight, Scorpion begins examining the ground, looking for signs of a trail he can follow to the enemy camp.....
To Aindani

Well, those are different. Seems Thorns brought some more of their signature groups... You've never seen this sort of thing before. Out of the main tent will come five eight-foot tall freaks, grotesquely muscled abominations, each dragging a long arm ending with an axe the size of your torso. Their bodies are overflowing with added muscles and powerful looking legs, heads are negotiable. Some of them are leaking copious amounts of blackened blood on the grass.


A number of what have to be living dead (albeit well kept living dead) are patrolling on the inner camp paths. They mix well with the northern mercenaries. Hmm. That's all you can see for now, though you do spot beyond one tent what looks like some sort of artifical cave dug into the side of the rachel, but you can only see the rim of the rachel and what looks like the edge burrowed hole maybe twice the height of a man.

Kwan Shu leans in to Mirri and whispers in Old Realm. <"Your cover would have been easier to maintain if you'd claimed Exaltation. You've cut yourself off from your powers. Or do you think me blasphemous?">

Perception (4) + Survival (3) - Results for 7 dice: 1 success [ 5 5 9 6 2 6 2 ] (TN: 7)

Ivory keeps her frustration from her face and whispers back, "they will be more than capable of handling themselves; and not all of our talents are as obvious as yours, swordman."

I Also rather not admit I didn't see a whole circle coming. My orders were significantly less detailed.

"Uh oh, it looks like waltzing in is right out of the question for now..." he said while putting the spyglass back in his bag. "So many constructs and undead... And the excavation down there... They must have stumbled onto something big. I must get my hands on it, but I can't take on an entire army alone."

He turned to Afa. "We will have to find some place to set up camp. Do you think there is a village close by? I wonder if they only get their supplies by boat, or if they receive caravans..." He scratched his chin. "Naaah, I'm making up stupid plans again. You can bet that if they receive supplies, they will be thoroughly searched."

He sighed. "So I guess I will have to fly there at night, and hope I do not stumble upon a deathknight. May the Fickle Lady be in a mood to veil herself..."

He lied down on the rise, keeping an eye on the camp while he did his thinking, with Afa remaining on the side opposite the camp to prevent his glow from revealing their position.
To Adair and Scorpion

You're drawing along the shore of the lake, across the rocks and the spots of grass and the clear line where forest and field end and rock begin. All you find are deer paths, nothing that leads round, further along the shore. No one's been round here in a while. A long while if the few rusting tackle hooks you find are any indication. The sky being so clouded and overcast, you've actually found yourselves tracking off into the woods in hopes that these paths curve around. Maybe the forest is thick right before it hits the plain. You can't see far beyond the rocky shore and hills.

To the others

You seem to have hit a particularly dense thicket of trees, obscuring the field of view.

Kwan Shu snorts softly, whispering in Old Realm <"Glory be to the mighty Lawgivers, I think we are lost.">
To Aindani

If they had caravan support, they'd be rare, they look well stocked as it is. Though for a sizeable camp, there are sizeable latrines. And the most...charming...amalgam of smells is drifting your way on the wind.

Nostrils flaring, then sheltered beneath a covering hand, the Scavenger lord rose to his feet. "I think we may find a better vantage point... One that would not be downwind of the camp..."

He made way towards his horse, scanning the countryside with his spyglass, ready to go around the camp to another secluded, elevated location where he could survey the camp for the remainder of this gloomy day.

[OOC: incidentally, if that enables me to meet/see the other PCs, more power to us.]
To Aindani

You'll glass the countryside and see a way to slink past around this little cluster of rising hillocks toward the wooded area along the rocky shore of the lake. You do recall a few large outcrops of boulders and such that rise above the trees, more than enough to look down in that rachel...

Ivory chuckles softly, "I am sure they will find their way."

She turns and looks at Rain as they keep walking, "you are too quick to judge them. We must give them time to adjust to their new station.". She turns back to looking at her surroundings.
"Ah, Scorp..." Adair leaned in to speak quietly with the night caste. "We might need to re-group. I think we are far off from wherever the Mask's men might be right now."

"Maybe if we stick to the edge of the forest, we'll find something?" While whispering, he looked back to the others to give them a smile and a thumbs up, as if everything was going just fine.

Scorpion grits his teeth and clenches his fist. "The name is Scorpion. Not Scorp. Despite what you might have heard." He turns and looks at the trees on the forest's edge. "As for finding our way, I aim to get a higher vantage point. See what I can see. See what I can't see down here."

The bounty hunter turns and lopes toward the trees. As he reaches the treeline, he looks for the tallest tree and, without missing a beat, leaps up, grabbing a branch and pulling himself up. Once he has his feet underneath him, he scampers up into the heights. Settling himself near the top of the tree, he turns his gaze toward the surrounding countryside. Knowing the camp would be a sizeable one, he looks for smoke, gathered tents, animals - anything that might indicate where the camp lies....
"I suppose this means Scorpo and Scorpmeister are out of the question then?" Adair grins, watching his more athletic companion climb. "Fair enough, see what you can find up there, I'll watch your back."

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