Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]


"I was just taking a stroll, seeing what's what. And if you call me that word again, there's going to be trouble. I don't care if it's habit. I'm not anathema. As Kwan Shu says, we're something different. Something greater. If you can't accept that, then turn yourself in to your brethren. See what sort of welcome you get."
"Hey, lets not start off on the wrong foot!" Adair smiled warmly, his enthusiasm burning away any resentment he might have for Scorpion's earlier comment. "Its like Ivory said, this is fated. Why not just stick to calling ourselves Solars for now? I think we can all agree on the whole sun motif, it's pretty blatant."

"We may have our differences, but what could it hurt if we gave working together a shot? I'll bet it'd be a lot easier to get to the bottom of this island business as a team."

Shu nods as he cleans his blade, neatly hanging it across his shoulders once he's done. "I've no problem with that. Scorp?"

Scorpion shrugs. "I'm game. Shuey. All depends on Mr. Immaculate there. Up to him."

"When did I become your boss ? You're free to do whatever you want. Since I'm not exactly comfortable with the Mask getting his hands on whatever is on that island I might as well go too."

"Are you really so stupid as to think I in any way think you're my boss? Ok. I'll use real small words so you can understand. I said I was fine working together. If you call me anathema again, we'll see how well your blessed Immaculates trained you. That's all."

Hmm. Antagonism, signs of increased aggression... nothing beyond acceptable Terrestrial behaviour. Scorpion and this Matsu will both need close watching, however.

Kwan Shu watches the discussion dispassionately.

"I can tell we're just going to get on fiiiiiinnnnne."

Boy was that guy touchy. Needed to learn how to keep calm a little.

"Well, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, maybe we can come up with a plan to get on that island," she says. "I would love to be able to study sorcery of this magnitude."

Seems like getting along with each other is not built into their nature. She casts a sidelong glance at Rain. Although it could be the fact that a Sidereal is masquerading as one of them that is throwing everything off. He should not have pretended to be one of them.
"Well, since that island isn't supposively appearing until in three days, we have some time to kill. I suggest spending it preparing gear and contingency plans. I'd say that our chances of going there without encountering serveants of the Mask are about as likely as a civilised conversation with the furry ana... the beast exalted."

Shu scratches his chin. "The island won't appear for about three days, right? We can't do anything about that until then. Until then, however, there's the matter of the Mask's men camped on the other side of the lake. The ones this man was a part of. I suggest we serve their eviction notice on the points of our blades. And it's Lunar Exalted."

He shrugs. "We can take them by surprise or we can fight them on the island, when they've had time to regroup. I vote the former."

"Sounds like a surprisingly good plan to me. Blades part excluded."

Matsu cracked his knuckles a little.

"I favor a more hands on approach."

Kwan Shu grins broadly. "Maybe you and I'll get on after all."

I'll need to take this one down fast if it comes to it.

"Fine. Sounds good. I doubt that those in this camp will be as easily taken as that Dragon Blood, though. We best be prepared for stiffer opposition. When are we going?"

Kwan Shu laughs. "Scorpion, I'm reasonably certain this group could take out a small city. Unless they have more Dragon-Bloods or one of those filthy scumbag Deathknights, we won't break a sweat. And even if we do, working together we should be fine. As for when... why not now? Before word gets back to the camp as to what's happened... well, ok, the boats will be getting back soon, but before they have time to prepare their defenses."

"Well you seem to have some sense at least. That's a good point. Deathlords have been know to employ their own ana... yeah deahtknights. and these guys are know to be on the nasty side of problems."

Matsu has to keep correcting himself mid sentence to avoid unecessery confrontation.

Scorpion scowls. "Overconfidence usually gets you dead. Let's not make that mistake. Going now sounds fine. But it would make sense to get a lay of the land. Once we get close, I can scout the camp. See what we're up against. Knowledge can be a more important weapon than a daiklaive. Shall we leave then?"

"Scorpion's plan seems sensible. I have nothing to get in the village personally. I will however point out that skull and bones probably used some of his sorcery to warn his agents in the camp. After all, he seems to have a grasp on long distance communication."

The Twilight squinted, sighed. "It might prove a hassle to get to those maps... Anything to suggest?" he asked Afa el Adin, his ifrit, knowing the elemental would not miss an opportunity to say his piece.

"If I were in a facetious mood," he continued immediately, "I guess a cloud person could abscond with the maps... I don't like the idea of the Mask of Winters getting his dirty paws on First Age artifacts - especially the contents of my former incarnation's tomb."
Adair was pleased. Not only did his new companions agree to work together, they actually seemed to have a common bond. (He carefully ignored that the bond was an appreciation of violence.)

"I've nothing I need in town either." He chimed in, smiling proudly. "I do agree with Matsu on the mask's men. Chances are, they know about us now. We had best be careful."

"I can't help you guys much up close, but I can offer fairly decent ranged support." Adair added, sticking out a single finger to make his hand resemble a fire wand and making a "bang" noise.

Shu nods approvingly. "Easier to gut a man when he's on fire. Well, except certain Dragon-Blooded, but let's not get technical."
To Aindani

The ifrit peeks over the rise and settles back down. "You realize it may not be so easy? These deathknights...they're a nasty sort, we've seen them in the South somewhat often. Wield powers and magics on par with yours, if you've forgotten. I see lots of mortals, but that doesn't mean there's only mortals in this camp." The ifrit shrugs, pacing around the dirt, snorting smoke.

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