Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]


Ivory listens to the discussion silently while appreciating the speed with which they start working together. She nods at Scorpion's words, gathers herself and follows behind the Solars.
To Rain, Scorpion, Mirri, Matsu and Adair

The rain ends shortly, the skies roiling and overcast, darker clouds moving in from the west like marching soldiers. The rim of the lake will take time to get around, you all can see some of the former rowers still fleeing down the sloping plain toward the old mining road. The lake's huge, it shouldn't take more than, say, four, five hours to get across on foot to where the ground flattens out and opens up with rachel fissures. Finding the camp shouldn't be so hard...should it?
Adair crouched low, trying his best to be quiet. Trailing the more combat oriented exalts, his bow was ready and his mind was at work. He didn't have the brawn that they had, so he had to be clever.

"When we do attack...I think we should set up a pincer of some kind. It'd keep them confused, and it means we could pick out the people we need to worry about quickly." He wanted desperately to contribute to the group's efforts, though he tried to hide his eagerness to do so.

"Of course, we have to find them first. Is anyone good at scouting?"

Scorpion closes his eyes, counts silently to three, and opens them again. "What part of 'Once we get close, I can scout the camp' didn't you understand? Do I have to use small words with you, too?"

Aindani shrugged at the mention of deathknights. "Yes, I've heard that. I also know that they are not so numerous that every damned expedition from Thorns can afford to host one." He scratched his head. "But then, First Age treasure hunting is pretty serious business. And with their ghosts lackeys, they could sniff out my Essence, so trying to get into the camp openly as a traveller or wandering First Age expert is right out, credibility-stretching as it already was. My options are pretty limited right now, since I'm not a sneaky bastard type... I guess I will have to settle for watching them. I'm not so desperate yet that I need to make up stupid-ass plans like digging a tunnel under the camp with a mercury ant."

He would probably start by setting camp somewhere... If there was a village or town nearby, he would try to rent a room of course. Failing that, finding a cave where he could perform summonings unseen would be his priority. Taking a spyglass from his package, he watched the camp some more.
"Oh...Uh, I guess I really didn't hear you." Adair blushed in embarrassment at Scorpion's. He smiled nervously. "I guess you don't have to use small words, you just have to make sure I'm paying attention..."

"What do you think about the pincer idea though? That's the important part."

( Sorry about that, actual player error there. I even double checked!)

"If a pincer is the plan then what are the teams ? I figure Scoprion is going to be one the by behind team, but what about the others."
"Well, I had figured it'd be you and Kwan Shu attacking from the front. You two are the best at that sort of thing." Adair responded softly. "Ivory and Scorpion are both adequately sneaky, so they would come from the rear. All the while, I'd move along the flanks from a distance, trying to soften up or even take out some of the bigger targets while they don't know whats going on."

"I sort of hate coming up with a plan where I'm in the safest position, but I think its a good one. If anyone objects though, I understand."
To Aindani

The Ifrit shrugs, looking back over the rise. "They're not stupid enough to let just mercs do this. No one really knows what the Mask can bring to bear, but he can bring a lot of it. The Realm and the Confederation found that out when he took Thorns. That Red Woman has been sitting on her throne not pleased about that, I'm sure." His tall, strong form leans down, watching over the rise. Incandescent eyes watch, looking at perimeter guards in the far distance.

You, through your glass, see the guards, the tents, the dragon's teeth and punji stick (at least four feet long each, tipped in iron) perimeter. Two ways in: pallisade gates made from a hewn copse of trees a few hundred yards from their western perimeter. Hmm, northern mercs by the look of things, they have the look of icewalkers, built like bears, and a smattering of easterlings, maybe Linowan.

The large tents reveal nothing, just the standard of Thorns--dual masks--laughter and sadness--on a winter white field. The tents are black canvas and tall as two story buildings, just barely peeking out of the rachel.

Perception + Awareness, please.

Shu shakes his head. "No, no, it's tactically sound. You don't throw a ranged combatant into the middle of a melee, it's wasted resources if nothing else. The kid's got a decent head for tactics, I'll give him that. I'm good with that plan if everyone else is."

Ivory nods her consent, “I will stay a way behind Scorpion so that I do not risk revealing him.† She smiles self-deprecatingly, “I am certain your talents at stealth far exceed mine.â€

She pats her waist to assure herself her daggers are in place, wraps her hair back with a silk cord to keep it out of her, and ties her skirt out of the way with two knots at her knees and declares herself ready.

"That's fine, for the sneaking part," the bounty hunter says, "but if we're going to initiate the attack together, it might behoove us to regroup at that point. But yes. The pincer plan sounds good." He turns to face Ivory. "The kid has identified himself and his companion as Solars. What about you? You were decidedly absent from his announcement. Why are you traveling with a pair of Solar Exalts?"

"I have read the signs in the stars entwining my fate with Adair's," Ivory recalls, "since we met my talents have helped us escape the Wyld Hunt's notice on a number of occasions and helped us find Matsu."

She continues, "while my skills pale in comparisson to your awesome potential, I think my ability to read the stars and my esoteric knowledge will be of great use to you as you find your place in the world."

"Yeah, I didn't really get that either when she first told me but it beats being alone against the wyld hunt."

Scorpion's brow knits and he frowns a bit. "Uh huh. So you're not any sort of Exalted?"

Rain cocks an eyebrow and grins at the Secrets Caste.

Somebody hasn't thought their secret identities through...

The bounty hunter pauses for a second, then shakes his head. "Well, if you're not an Exalt, then you'd better stay behind. It's likely we'll be dealing with supernatural opposition out there, and if you have no defenses, it's safer for you to stay here. I'll be far less effective if I have to fight a deathknight and protect you. Gazing at the stars won't do you any good when a grimcleaver is whistling at your head."

Rain is not giggling. He simply shrugs at Mirri, as if to say he's got a point, you know...

Ivory smiles gladly, "You are right, I will stay back. I would rather not have to be face to face with a deathknight."

"But I do insist on being close enough to see what happens. I would rather see what happens first hand, but I will make sure to stay far enough back that no one will see me."

Rain shakes his head. Fun is fun, but this isn't helping anyone.

"Scorp, the lady wants to come. Let her be."

"What is the point of leaving the comforts of civilization if you are going to see everything second hand." Ivory gestures at the Exalts before her, a speaks with a gleam in her eyes, "this is the first battle you will face as a circle of Solars. In a hundred years people may sing of this day. I will not be denied being witness."

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