Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

Spending 4 motes on the First Awareness Excellency.

Perception (4) + Awareness (3) + Excellency (4) + Stunt (1) - Results for 12 dice: 7 successes [ 6 0 8 2 4 5 9 1 1 9 7 7 ] (TN: 7)


The Twilight and ifrit made for the nearest outcropping that was not directly downwind of the camp's charnel emanations.
To Scorpion

From the height you're at in this old oak, you can see along the coast and the opening plains near the lakes. You can see what looks like a number of old jetties and low buildings nestled tight on the shore maybe a mile or two away. The plains are a dark green, mottled with large stretches of damp clay and mud, though split by fissures, much like lepers' skin from the back alleys of Nexus. And out of one of them, a ways in the distance, you spot two things. One, some man coming toward the woods in a roundabout way, keeping the hills between him and what looks like the tips of a few tents popping out of a rather vast looking rachel.

Nodding once in satisfaction, Scorpion scampers down out of the tree and approaches the others. "Saw a couple of things. Most importantly, I saw a few tent tops in a rachel a mile or two away, to the southwest.* Next, I saw an individual making his way away from said camp. Third, I saw what looks to be the remnants of a port on the shore of the lake. About a mile or two away. I would bet a bounty that the tents are what we're looking for. I'm certain I can find a path to that location. Question is: do you want to investigate either the person I saw or the port that's been sighted? Or do you want to case the tents?" Scorpion looks from one face to another, waiting for a response...
"Well, to be honest, as anxious as I am to case the tents, this fellow walking around on his own is a bit odd." Adair frowned. "He might be after the same thing we are, which isn't so bad- but he could also be a danger to us, or someone whose about to get really hurt if someone doesn't watch out for them."

"Either way, I'm concerned about it."

"I'd say someone sneaky goes around and grabs him. We can then ask them who there're working for."
"I was going to suggest diplomacy- but speaking to him outright might be dangerous." Adair thought for a bit. "Well, I could always try and speak with him with Scorpion hiding nearby. That way we give the illusion of trust, but if something goes wrong, back-up will be readily available."

"What do you think, Gentleman and Lady?" He addressed the group, nodding to Ivory as well, noting she had been a bit quiet.
"Just my sharp wits and silver tongue should see me through this." Adair grinned, positively beaming with pride. He was particularly happy with Ivory's praise- but satisfaction could wait.

"Just show me where you found him, Scorpion, and I'll do my part."

Ivory smiles back at Adair and softly squeezes his hand, "be careful out there and keep your sword loose, just incase."
Adair hid a slight blush with a proud laugh. "Don't worry Ivory. I'm ready for anything. When I'm anticipating it, nothing can touch me."

He wasn't quite that confident- but he figured he was in good hands. "We should get moving, Scorpion."

Kwan Shu nods. "I'm not much for sneaking. I'll follow at a distance, intervene if things get hairy."

Let's see what you boys can do...

The bounty hunter just barely stops an eye roll. He turns to Adair. "Ok. I'll lead, until we get close. Then I'll fade into the background and follow you. Let's go."

Scorpion heads out in the direction he saw the figure, allowing for the direction and speed the figure was traveling. With any luck, they would intersect soon....

Winking at Mirri, Shu takes up the rear, keeping pace about 30 paces behind the other two, his hand resting on the hilt of his daiklaive.
To Adair and Scorpion

You'll cross over the ground rather rapidly, some foul stench coming in off the wind from the west, probably from the camp. Egh, what is that? Latrines? Gods can only hope that's what that stench is...

You'll be racing low over a rise when you catch sight of your man, followed by a rather tall gentleman, black skin, lean, partially on fire.

An eyebrow quirks at the sight of the following...being. He didn't see that from the trees. Scorpion turns to Adair. In a low voice, he speaks. "Ok. You're up. I hope you're as good as you think you are. I'll have your back, in case things go poorly. Good luck."

With that, Scorpion glides back, keeping a watch on Adair whilst sneaking around to gain a better vantage point. His eye watches the black skinned being with rapt attention. If this thing is magical, it could have ways to detect him. He must be careful...

Rain stops some way away from the impending meeting, keeping a watchful eye on events.

"Don't worry about me Scorpion. We all have our talents." He grinned, approaching the pair quietly at first, but stepping out in the open with both hands in the air to show he was not armed. His bow hung unstrung on his back.

"Good evening gentlemen." He was still smiling, but speaking as low as he could while making sure they could hear them. "If you don't mind, I'd like to have a word with you. Something tells me that we have a mutual interest here...."

Stopping his horse, Aindani glanced warily at the newcomer, then scanned his surroundings. "A nice evening to you, good sir. I am Jikar Aral," he said, regaining his composure while he gave away a pseudonym to the total stranger approaching him in the middle of nowhere, "and this is sir Adin. Before we speak about mutual interests, may we know your name?" he asked, making sure one of his hands was near the handle of his sword.


OOC: If a Per+Awareness roll is necessary:

Results for 6 dice: 2 successes (TN: 7)

Dex (5) + Stealth (3) - Results for 8 dice: 5 successes [ 4 5 1 4 2 7 0 0 ] (TN: 7)

I'm fairly well hidden.


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