Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]


Rain keeps a safe distance and stays out of sight, keeping an eye on proceedings and ready to intervene at a moment's notice.

Dex+Stealth: Results for 6 dice: 6 successes [ 7 8 1 0 8 8 ] (TN: 7)

Ivory paces back and forth in a small five step pattern while nervously playing wit the trim of he'd cloak. "Hopefully he is just a lost traveller." She looks at Matsu but doesn't say anything as she continues to pace.

"I am Heaven's Righteous Arbiter." Adair had thought of that to be his working title- now would be the time to use it, right? "I know it seems odd that I'd approach you out here in the middle of nowhere, but I feel the need to warn you that a rather fearsome group of fellows is nearby here, and they wouldn't take kindly to strangers."

"But..." He smirked. "Looking at your companion, I'm guessing they happen to be exactly why you are here."

"I said before that I believe we have a mutual interest here." He approached slowly and offered his hand. "And I think if we work together, we will have a much better chance of accomplishing it."

Matsu remained unfazed while waiting for news on the others. He looked at Mirri who was obviously worried:

"Erf don't worry. Adair might have the common sense of a wyld barbarian who has had one too many but he knows how to talk to people a little. If he screws up sneaky will take care of loose ends."

Matsu sat crossed legged on the floor and began meditating as he was waiting for developments. The imacultate philosophy might not be right on every account but they knew how to keep their minds calm.

"You act and speak as if you know a lot, Mr Righteous Arbiter, or is it Mr Heaven?" Aindani said still keeping some distance between him and Adair. "You could also belong to the unsavory individuals you mentionned, though if by that you meant yonder Thorns expedition, well, you don't look exactly the type. Not sickly or rotting enough. Very well, Mr HRA, what would those mutual interests you believe we might have?"

"Just Arbiter is fine for now." Adair kept his serious tone- he felt so cool right now. "If I may speak bluntly, I do not like yon Thorn's expedition very much. In fact, I believe it would benefit most of creation if I were to do my best to disperse, or perhaps even eliminate them."

"Now, I've guessed you are here for the very same thing. If I have judged you wrong, I apologize, and I shall be on my way." He couldn't help by smile in a satisfied way. "But if I do say so myself, I'm a fairly good judge of character."

Aindani nodded at 'Arbiter's' words. "It could indeed be that we do have mutual interests here, then. I am quite interested in the site they are investigating. I doubt they will let me access it, so I would also very much like to have them... gone away. But I doubt that the two of us would suffice for such a risky business. Especially if there is a deathknight present, which seems likely considering the situation... Never mind the mercenaries, necromantic automata and undead troops. You wouldn't happen to have hired a mercenary company, by any chance?"

Ivory nods and smiles - barely - at Matsu's words, "yes, thank you. I am sure they will be fine."

I just can not mention that I am more worried about what Rain will do than the stranger. With as little experience as they have, I am sure they would be defeated handily by a swordsman of his skills.

Scorpion's eyes never stop moving. He watches the trees, the horizon, the grass. He looks not only for shapes, but irregular movements - grass moving against the wind, trees shaking unnaturally, outlines against the horizon. All the while keeping an eye on Adair....

Spending 4 motes on First Perception Excellency

Perception (4) + Awareness (3) + First Awareness Excellency (4) - Results for 11 dice: 9 successes [ 0 3 9 7 7 0 5 7 3 7 6 ] (TN: 7)

9 Successes!


Plus any stunt dice that might be applicable...

Content that Adair and these strangers were not immediately about to come to blows, Rain allows himself to scan his surroundings.

Results for 6 dice: 3 successes [ 0 4 1 6 1 9 ] (TN: 7)

"Glad to hear it!" He smiled broadly. "If you are interested in working together, I can inform you that I do have allies. To say they are formidable is to understate their strength." His words were earnest- he knew how strong his friends were.

"That being said, they are on the shy side." Adair joked. "I can introduce you to them if you want."
To Darktide

There's something moving along the tree branches in the dense woods to your flank. Big somethings. You'll catch the gleam of bare muscle shining in the dull silver sunlight from the overcast skies. Two of them. Almost silently slipping among the limbs, though you can hear the bare shaking of the leaves and the minute scratchings of the leaves.

"Shit," Scorpion whispers, barely audible even to his ears. He looks back to where Kwan Shu is waiting and points behind him. He places his index and middle fingers to his eyes, points the fingers behind him, then holds his fingers up in a "V," indicating the number of beings he's seen. Scorpion then beckons to Kwan Shu to move forward, hoping the Dawn can move surreptitiously....

Scorpion then returns to watching the pair talking, and the slowly moving figures. If those figures make a break on the Eclipse, it's up to him to offer protection....

Oblivious to anything that might be threatening them, the gestured for the Scavenger lord to follow him. "This way, Aral, you too, Afa." He cheerfully spoke to the sorcerer's companion as if it were as mundane seeming as he was.

"By the way, feel free to call me Adair. Heaven's Righteous Arbiter is just my name for business." He spoke casually, heading back towards the others. He wondered if Ivory would like the title...
To Scorpion

A glimmer of eyes in the branches, away from the pair, but watching them intently. Like giant southern apes...

"Very well, Adair," he said, still unsure about disclosing his true identity. He would deal with this later.

He dismounted and, leading his horse by the reins, motioned Adair to lead him to his friends. "I'm eager for more introductions."

Nodding to indicate awareness, Shu approaches slowly and carefully, trying to get close enough to see what Scorpion has noticed.
To Rain

You'll see your companion and the newcomer slowly approaching the group along with his elemental friend. Hmm, an Ifrit. Curious. Kindly out of his environment. But you'll notice the rather large somethings playing around in the treeline, watching the pair move across the open field with great interest.

Kwan Shu gestures to Scorpion to head left, indicating he'll take the right and pincer around. Rain begins creeping around the unsuspecting meeting to flank the strange creatures in the trees.

Scorpion nods and begins moving to the left, on his stomach. He waits for the breeze to blow the grass so he can use that to mask his movement. As he moves, he gathers branches, leaves and grass and weaves them over his clothes, providing extra camouflage. And he mixes dirt with a bit of water from his canteen to create the mud he uses to spread on his face. All the while moving stealthily toward the figures in the trees....

Though he could not claim the skills of the Emerald, Amethyst or even Amber at sneaking, Rain had his moments. This was one of them, and he ghosted in utter silence toward the mysterious beings.

Results for 6 dice: 5 successes [ 0 4 9 3 0 5 ] (TN: 7)
To Rain and Scorpion

You'll see the eyes of the creatures twinkling in the odd sunlight coming through the clouds. They watch the pair...and then casually turn to look straight at you, Rain. You even see the cat-like eyes narrow. The branches bow inward with a great intake of breath you can hear from even a hundred or so feet away.

To All

An ear-piercing shriek lifts into the air, higher and higher like a tea kettle. Ye Gods.

OOC: Results for 9 dice: 9 successes [ 8 6 0 0 8 5 6 0 9 ] (TN: 7)

I swear to God, that was the roll.

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