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Chaos Upon Valysia {Eternal Wanderer x Cinnamon }

Ariana could feel the warrior's evaluating gaze boring into her being even while keeping her senses under such tight constraint, though in her current state she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. She didn't want to know what expression he currently wore while looking at her with such a cynical eye. Did he blame her for what had happened within the village? It was his right. She had been the one that had began making plans to go after the human jackals without first consulting him whether or not he had any intention on offering his assistance. She had spoken as if they were a team, while in all honesty the princess was simply a burden to Vill'Kern that was becoming more and more of a hindrance by the day. Without her, he would be free once more to act only for himself, to forget about Korr and the threat he posed and live in whatever way he saw fit, rather than as a the last defense for all the hopes and lives for the people of Valysia, people that didn't deserve the warrior's help. Had he finally realized just how much of a mistake he had made when he had chosen to act against Korr by saving Ariana from her fate as vessel?

The princess was too afraid of the answer to look upon his face and know the truth.

Ariana hadn't spoken one word she hadn't meant with every fibre of her being, though now that she had said them aloud she wished she could take them back. Had she altered The Punisher's perception of her? There had been nothing but truth in her words when she had said Vill'Kern and Innis were all that mattered to her now. No, she had forgotten something. Revenge. She still craved vengeance for her people, more so now that she understood what type of world had stolen the happiness and innocence of Khorinys from its people. They hadn't been like these... these animals. Khorinians had always prided themselves on helping anyone they could by whatever means they could, no questions asked. No thoughts of what rewards they would reap for their actions, and yet the world couldn't leave them in peace. It had destroyed the last glimmer of purity left on this forsaken planet. To what end? To what end? There would never be an end as long as greed controlled the action of men! What was the point of fighting, to attempt to save a world that would simply find another way to destroy itself in the end?

You could put an end to it right now, the cruelly honest voice that had taunted the princess within the village returned to whisper in the back of her mind, sending a shiver up her spine. How long had this voice been lurking in the corners of her mind? Was it something she had been born with, or was it the result of witnessing the greed and hatred of humans that had given life to the terribly influential voice? Put an end to it to Korr's plan for good. Save the people that couldn't be bothered to do the same for you. Use the sword at your side. It would be beautifully tragic, ironically perfect. Do it, and end this madness once and for all.

The intense longing the princess felt to comply with the words in her mind stole her breath away.

Ariana had been so consumed with her dark thoughts she hadn't noticed Vill'Kern's sudden movement until she was held within the bounds of his embrace. The princess tensed with her hands still pressed tightly over her face, caught off guard by his gentle action in such sharp contrast to the chaotic whirlwind of horrid emotions she had found herself drowning in moments before. Slowly she relaxed into the warrior's grasp as his words penetrated her mind, for the moment banishing the hateful thoughts from her head.

Yes, they would fight for themselves, and only themselves until they were free to disappear without being pursued. Disappear, and forget the world once the deed was done. They could live in peace while the world fell apart around their sanctuary, leaving it to defend itself the next time it was on the verge of destruction. Ariana's arms encircled the warrior's torso as his words became ingrained in her mind, words to lead her forward towards an ideal goal, to support her should she falter again before they reached the end and she could disappear with the one she loved.

Ariana shifted against the warrior, tilting her head back from its position resting against his chest until she could smile genuinely up at her beloved. The princess was startled not by the realization of her feelings, but how long it had taken her to understand her own emotions. For someone who had been able to sense the emotions of others since birth, she was very inept at understanding her own. There would be time to reflect later, now, however, her mind had returned to its usual logical pattern, refusing to ignore the obvious danger around them, no matter how much the princess didn't wish to recall anything about what had happened in the village and simply enjoy the moment held within Vill'Kern's arms.

"Should we keep moving? Those 'human jackals' may be looking for new prey, now that... now that they no longer have a source of food."
As she smiled to him, he couldn't help but stare into her eyes, awestruck. He was indeed lucky. Such a perfect being the princess was, it made him feel truly unworthy of her love. But he didn't mind it. He only thought about how, in not too much time, they will finally settle down and call a place "home", and will remember with a deep nostalgia about the events happening now. Her contagious smile caused him to smile as well, with the same genuinity, his smile and gaze too little to be able to bear the whole torment he felt whenever he had her in his arms. How could she be so addictive?

With a gentle gesture, he placed a cold hand on her cheek, his hand big enough to catch almost half of her head in it. With a tender thumb he brushed her soft skin, continuing to smile silently and gaze into her eyes. He wanted the moment to last longer, for he knew they will not have much time later on for a similar one. Tilting his head, he allowed himself to press a soft kiss upon her lips, relishing in the moment and savoring it, as he truly felt how she gave him power. She was power. She was his source of energy, she moved him forward. And i would do anything for you, he thought as he retracted, continuing to gaze in her eyes for a few seconds, before replying to her question.

"Yes. We will. Don't worry about the jackals. I'll gut them alive before they know it, if they dare approach"

He winked and retracted fully, moving back to cleaning his armor, piece by piece. In their small moment, they didn't notice Innis returning to their surrounding, still chasing a butterfly. The creature was now on the bridge, jumping up and trying its best to reach the butterfly that seemed to be teasing it, rising higher everytime the grom jumped, and lowering enough to make it jump again, but yet out of its reach.

"Come here..." The grom demanded as it struggled with jumping, visibly strained by the whole effort. But the butterfly wouldn't honor the request. The colored, flying insect instead flied closer to the edge of the bridge. Vill'Kern smiled with a sense of anticipation, watching the grom jumping closer and closer until... until a sound of splashing water broke through the air, followed by the grom's irritated mumbles and blabbering.

"Stupid butterfly. Got in water. Cold water"

The warrior watched and couldn't stop the smile that quickly spread across his lips, before he found himself laughing at the little creature that forced its steps out of the water, with its perky green ears flattened nervously. Innis finally sat irritated on the grass, looking at Vill'Kern that still laughed and then at the princess, as if asking her to stop him, just like a child that hides behind his mother's skirt when the father is upset. Finally, the warrior stopped laughing and returned to cleaning the last pieces of his armor, also using his hands to drink some water during the process.

Placing the last piece of armor back into its original spot, he sat back on the grass, taking a few moments to breath and to admire the beautiful and peaceful sight. Standing after a few minutes, he looked to the princess.

"Well, beloved, shall we?"
Ariana barely restrained herself from following after the warrior as he untangled his arms from around her, wishing to there was time to prolong the contact. Not yet, but soon. The princess told herself firmly, the tempting thought bringing another smile to her face as she instead settled herself as close to Vill'kern as she could without hindering his actions. She thought better of offering her assistance in his task to cleanse the blood of the... of the blood from his armour. She wanted neither to be reminded of what had happened, nor to hasten their inevitable exit from the pleasant spot they were currently resting in. The beautiful, familiar trees decorating their surrounds were almost enough to allow the princess to pretend as if nothing existed beyond the reach of their branches. Almost.

Ariana savoured the tranquility of the moment for as long as she could hold on to it. The soft sounds of the living forest and it's inhabitants mixed with the muted rubbing and splashing of water as Vill'Kern continued purifying his armour piece by piece. The princess smiled to herself as she watched his hands work, carefully keeping her gaze from what he was working on, content to sit in silence with the steady presence at her side until a rustling in the underbrush kept her attention.

The princess hoped Vill'Kern hadn't noticed her sigh of relief as her gaze fell upon Innis still attempting to capture his elusive prey. Ariana refused to acknowledge the moment her heart had skipped a beat, thoughts of vengeful spectres plaguing her mind. Because spirits make such a racket, the princess scolded herself with a bitterness she wasn't sure she had possessed that morning. Her eyes followed the grom's path along the bridge, her anxiety all but forgotten the next moment as her mind processed the most likely outcome as the distracted creature's hopping about came closer and closer to the edge of the structure.

Ariana's mouth closed with an audible click that was lost to the sound of the grom breaching the surface of the small spring, the late warning dying on her lips before she had a chance to utter them. The princess bit her inner cheek to keep from joining in on Vill'Kern's infectious laughter at the unfortunate creature's spluttering, the water dripping from its ears like a tea pot that had sprung a leak. The princess took a deep, measured breath as Innis turned to her with a look that clearly asked for assistance, allowing her face settle into a solemn expression, hiding all traces of amusement from her semblance. A well practised trick from her days spent in the presence of politicians.

"I bet Vill'Kern would have fallen too," Ariana stage whispered loudly to Innis, winking conspiratorially at the sulking grom before her mirth filled eyes swept over to the warrior to gauge his reaction. The ludicrous suggestion was almost as amusing as the grom's graceless slip. "With a biiig splash that wouldn't leave any water for the animals."

Ariana attempted to dry Innis's still dripping ears as much as possible with the sleeve of her tunic as Vill'Kern reequipped the last piece of his armour. She was torn between wanting to remain in the small, peaceful patch of woods and moving as far away from the forsaken village possible, though when she heard Vill'Kern's question she didn't hesitate to turn to him with a smile.

Before she had time to answer a howl resounded through the trees, seemingly from all around them while at the same time from no where at all. Ariana felt a chill run down the length of her spine as if droplets of the cold water had managed to find their way down the back of her tunic, but she quickly dismissed the sense of dread the noise brought about. Wolves, the princess told herself firmly, it's already getting late. It's about the time they come out to hunt. Wolves, nothing more.

"Ready." Ariana responded after a moments hesitation, keeping an arm tightly wrapped around the grom's shoulders as they began walking down the path once more.
Her remark about him falling caused Vill'Kern another outburst of laughter, just as the previous laughter, due to Innis' dive, faded away. He couldn't help but imagine the scene. And just then he had discovered it. A sense of... self humour? Usually, people near him got beheaded for less than making a joke. But the princess' joke didn't affect him, moreover, it made him laugh. Because you love her, the voice in his mind rose, causing him to finally stop laughing. Yes, indeed, the voice was right, he loved her, she was the only person in the whole world that he cared for. He felt the demanding urge to just tackle the princess and give her another taste of the last night, the one spent at the inn. No, it's in open field, the voice spoke, pulling him back to the surface that reality was.

As they finally prepared to leave, he had heard it. Them. The jackals. He took a good look at their surroundings, scanning for any hungry eyes that would pierce through the bushes. Nothing. They are probably preparing an ambush, he thought as he, the princess, and the still irrtated Innis finally came to walk, crossing the bridge and continuing down the path. The patch of forest seemed to not end so soon, So the night might as well catch them on the road. As they walked, he looked carefully at their whereabouts, catching the sight of trees and small animals that crittered around, most of them startled by the moving travellers and cowering away.

He also thought about what exact sort of bandits would await at the crossroads? The usual type, just simple thieves that would prey on caravans and carriages? Or a larger band, with maybe a spellcaster or a warlock amongst them? If that was the case, the fight could take a bit longer, spellcasters always gave him a hard time when he needed to slay them. He finally decided to leave those questions for later on, as he heard yet another howl, this time with a note of fury in it. He looked about once more, growing aware of the fact that the jackals were now following them. With a low voice he spoke to the princess.

"They see us. They're preparing an ambush. I can smell them. Stay close to me"

He pulled closer to the princess, as always trying to keep the most focus on her. His auditive senses caught the sounds of ruffling through bushes, mixed with the cries of different species of birds and all kinds of other animals. But he seeked something in particular. The specific sound of paws. He has seen Lyx. And he knew that they were extremely similar to jackals. Same ears, same eyes, same body fur. Only that they stood on two, and they were somewhere about the height of an average human. And they were well versed in sword fighting and bows. With the same low voice he spoke to the princess, as to slightly distract her from her fear, that he could feel emanating from her being as they walked.

"The Lyx are the remains of a whole race. They once had their home. Until the Revolt Of Dragons. Then was when the land known as Arkaryn was completely destroyed, and sunken into the Botomless Abyss. The very few Lyx that remained took refuge on Hyrna, an island somewhere in the south of the Gar Archipelago. I don't really understand how they got here, at all. Maybe some sailors tried bringing them as slaves, or something. Stupid fools. The Lyx are unyielding beasts"

As he spoke, he observed as they descended into an even darker part of the forest, probably towards the middle of it, while the sounds around them intensified. Innis, however, was the first to jump and yelp, pointing to the left side of their surrounding. Vill'Kern followed the direction and caught the sight of an eye dissapearing in the thickness of a bush. It was clear by now. The Lyx were all around them. But how many of them? The warrior tried to count the presences he felt, with no succes at all. He could instead hear soft snarls coming from all direction. There had to be at least ten of them. And their... chymera of a beast. But he didn't attack. Not yet. He first wanted to test the ground.
Ariana could no longer pretend the howls reverberating through the trees were caused be wolves. There had been a pack that called the forests surrounding Khorinys home before the kingdom's destruction. The princess had heard the half a dozen or so beasts on several occasions, more than once too close for comfort. The almost melodic, drawn out cries of the creatures hidden within the trees were like nothing she had ever heard before, leaving the question of what could be the source of the noise painfully obvious.

Ariana looked to the warrior out of the corner of her eye as he confirmed her suspicions, as if he had once again been privy to her thoughts. Human jackals. The name of the beasts almost silently, at least to her senses, keeping pace with the three travellers on either side of the trail. The princess kept Innis pressed tightly to her side as she edged closer to the warrior, overly aware how close the grom was to the trees lining the edge of the path, though weary of alerting the beasts they knew of their company by shifting the grom in between herself and Vill'Kern.

"There's at least a dozen, no more than two." Ariana murmured in response to the warrior's statement. So these were the creatures that had caused the villagers such hardship. Could so few beings compared to so many residents really cause so much havoc? Perhaps not alone, but they still had their trump card at beck and call. The creature that could infect a man with a deadly virus at the drop of a hat. The princess strained her senses in an attempt to detect a presence different than the majority in the surrounding trees, despite knowing in was a lost cause. She hadn't been able to sense the mysterious beast that seemed to be made entirely of smoke when it had been right in front of them, so what made her think she could do it now with so many other presences weighing heavily against her awareness?

Desperation, she realized vaguely, recognizing the now familiar tightening in her stomach that seemed to go hand and hand with apprehension. After what had happened earlier, after the damnable events that had taken place in the village, the princess dreaded anything that served as a reminder of those dark eyes that had looked to her so beseechingly, eyes that had trusted her to help.

Eyes belonging to the innocent ones she had condemned to death.

Vill'Kern continued speaking before the princess could be consumed by the images burned into her mind, a feat she silently vowed to show her gratitude for when the almost extinct hounds weren't hot on their heels. So the jackals were yet another victim of the Revolt of Dragons. She had learned of the Great War during her childhood, a lesson almost every child in Valysia was taught sooner rather than later, lest the countless lives lost during the revolution be forgotten. Their struggle against Korr had several ominous parallels to the Revolt, similarities the princess didn't dare dwell on. If history were to repeat itself there would be no place in Valysia they could disappear to that wouldn't be effected, no sanctuary to fulfill their joint dream. It was a far more unnerving thought than the situation they currently faced.

Ariana could feel impatience and irritation swell to a crescendo within the shadows of the trees as The Punisher explained the history of the foreign beings, as if the jackals were also listening to the warrior's words. Words they did not seem to care very much for. The princess tensed as Innis exclaimed in alarm, half expecting the beasts to pounce as if on cue. Nothing. Everything in the forest seemed to be frozen in the aftermath of the loud cry, the silence suddenly deafening as both parties waited for the other to react first.

The tension in the air was palpable as the three approached a dark expanse of forest, the trees packed so tightly together barely a whisper of light penetrated the eerie shadows. The princess pulled Innis to her other side, between herself and Vill'Kern, wishing there had been time for him to teach her how to properly use the sword at her waist, more of a decoration in her hands than a weapon. She looked up to the warrior, studying his expression for an instant before they breached the oppressive darkness and her eyes were no longer able to discern specific details.

"They're waiting on the path up ahead, maybe four or five. There are others closing the gap behind us. We're surrounded."
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Indeed, she was right. He could easily distinguish sillhouettes on the path up ahead. And without turning he could hear how specific paw steps crossed the path. And the eyes that watched from behind trees and bushes. The differently toned snarls. And those muffled breaths specific to mostly all canine related beings. Should i go off in a rampage? Vill'Kern asked himself as he, the princess and Innis, that now walked between them approached the sillhouetes with perky ears, which awaited for them. The sillhouettes started becoming distinguishable, along with their complete features. Grey fur covered the humanoid embodiments. Canine heads with sharp, pointy ears and long, thin muzzles. Black eyes.

Five of them, the warrior thought as he counted all the Lyx that were now before them, as they came to a stop about 30 feet away from the beasts that stood silent, blocking the road. A small beam of light coming from inbetween the thick tree crowns struck right into a sharp, shiny sword at one of the beasts' hip. The leader. He listened closely to the steps behind them, and with a swift move he turned his head just to take a peek at the Lyx behind them. Two. So far, there were seven, but counting by the different snarls around, there could be twenty, if not more. But just as he thought, something made him forget everything for the moment. The jackals leader stepped up, and, surprisingly enough, spoke out loud, his words accompanied each time by a snarl.

"So... you are the ones who took out our source of food. Not very nice of you, human filths. Now, we have to replace them... with you"

The speech of the being was very fluid. This made Vill'Kern's theory about them being brought by sailors as slaves completely plausible. They learned the human tongue by interacting with humans. It was obvious. But why weren't they attacking yet? They had them in the middle, the three travellers couldn't be more... helpless. Or maybe the jackals weren't as stupid as to try their luck with a man that was taller than even an orc. Could it be that his reputation has reached that far? Did their beast tell them about its fight with him and warned them to be precautios? Or they witnessed the slaughter and decided to act carefully around him? He couldn't tell.

Finally, he decided to answer the chief jackal. Taking his usual posture, he spoke with an impenetrable calm and a tone that, many times, struck fear into his enemies due to how cold it was.

"If I was in your position, I'd step aside. I really don't want anymore blood on my hands, but if you're asking for it, I can't deny your request. Can I?"

He remained in position, striking his gaze right through the jackal's gaze. His height easily allowed him to look down upon the beast and even take a step forth, intimidatingly. He switched and exchanged gazes with each of the other four jackals, that seemed to be the leader's guards. He couldn't sense any particular intent. They acted upon his command, and for now, his command refused to be spoken. But for how long? He sensed the other two jackals close in, he could hear their breathing close behind him, as he rested a hand on the hilt of the Penitence, ready to draw it should anything happen. The jackal leader spoke again.

"It is my territory. I do not take orders from others on my territory. You should learn that, and you should have avoided this place at all costs. But here you are. In my trap. Try and kill me. You will be crying over the girl's corpse in no time"

The jackal spoke as it directed Vill'Kern's gaze to a side. And there it was. The odd, black cloud, that quickly morphed to an animal. To the animal. The warrior watched the being as it padded closer to the jackals before him, and tried making a plan in his mind. He looked to the princess, and in his mind was only one thought. Protect her, no matter what.
Ariana's gaze swept towards the trees as she came to a stop beside Vill'kern, the anticipation of an attack causing the small hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end uncomfortably. Aside from the rustling and sinister snarls that seemed to now be a constant clamor and a flash of colour that could have very well been a figment of her imagination, there was nothing. What were the jackals waiting for? It would have made more sense for the beasts to act while they still had the element of surprise, at least in terms of their numbers if not their presence. Standing at a stalemate did little to put the hybrid creatures at an advantage, if anything it was the opposite. The reprieve gave the travellers time to get their bearings, to assess their opponents. So what were the jackals waiting for? After the meticulous attention to detail they had used to oppress the villagers it seemed highly unlikely the beings didn't have some sort of plan.

The princess returned her attention to the humanoid beasts blocking the path ahead of the encircled trio as she heard the loud growl, startled by the slightly mangled but still comprehensible speech. The creatures could speak Elos's native language? Of course, how else would they have been able to manipulate and control the villagers so completely if they were unable to communicate? Ariana silently cursed her foolishness, trying to process the new information in time to put it to use.

Vill'kern's theory about the human like jackals was more than likely accurate. Had they not been brought over by slave traders than it would have been some other less than charitable assembly of men, but the results were clearly the same. The creatures held no sympathy towards humans in their hearts. And yet the princess had thus far been unable to sense deadly intent from the beasts. Obvious contempt bordering on hatred, yes. Impatience, an odd form of... hunger, irritation, and even a wisp of amusement. Yet nothing Ariana had grown to associate with an impending attack, the almost pressure like impression that had constantly grated against her nerves in the presence of Korr's forces. Was it possible the jackals wanted them for something other than a meal?

Ariana's gaze stilted over her shoulder at the pair of beasts slowly approaching from behind as Vill'Kern answered the hybrid's ominous words with a threat of his own. Her grasp on Innis tightened as her eyes met with the utterly black pair of one of the creatures, a perverse excuse for a grin stretching the flesh of it's muzzle to reveal dangerously sharp teeth. Even in the poor lighting the princess could see a bit of spittle slowly dribbling from one over sized fang to extend towards the dirt below it's strange mix between foot and paw. Despite the obvious show of intimidation there was still no hint of an imminent attack, even Vill'Kern's antagonizing words causing little more than a stir of annoyance and scorn.

It's a show of power, Ariana realized as the jackal once again answered vehemently in return. It must be the leader of the pack, trying to assert its dominance to force Vill'Kern to submit. The jackals might as well back off now if they expected The Punisher to fold from a couple of unpleasant comments. Could that be what was stalling the attack, Vill'Kern's unyielding confidence and stubborn nature? The thought caused a slight smile to tug at her lips, the expression as close to a smirk as the princess had ever come as she continued the staring contest with the beast behind them. The expression was quick to drop from her lips however as her concentration was put to better use forcing herself not to flinch as a whisper of coarse fur brushed against the back of her hand closest to the tree line as if on cue with it's leader's remark.

A brush of fur, not teeth. The jackals were definitely waiting for something.

Ariana had the irrational urge to kick the damned beast still staring her down as it let out a bark like whoop, the odd sound irritatingly close to laughter. The princess finally looked away first as the atmosphere in the dark woods shifted abruptly, her curiosity at as to what could cause even the jackals to feel such unease winning out over her pride. This time there was no mocking bark from behind as she turned back to inspect Vill'Kern and the jackal leader, not that the princess was listening as her eye landed on the shifting cloud quickly giving way to a beast she hadn't known could exist outside of ancient texts and nightmares.

Ariana felt as if she had suddenly fallen into icy waters as she stared in disbelief at the godforsaken monstrosity poised at the smug leader of the jackals side. A nue. The creature the jackals had used to threaten the villagers was a nue. No wonder the princess hadn't been able sense the strange cloud back in the village. It was already dead. A vengeful spirit on the cusp of life and death that cared for nothing other than causing death and suffering to anything it so chose to prey upon without any pattern as to how it picked its victims, or how it decided to carry out the task. Whether it be by changing form to anything it so desired to torment the minds of men before it finally killed them with its razor like fangs and claws, or to mercifully release the pure essence of death contained within its snake of a tail, a poison toxic to anything living.

How is this possible? How can they possibly control such a demon? There had to be something in the jackals' possession that allowed them influence the deadly beast, such a creature would never bend to the will of anything other than its own desires. But how? How? Ariana tore her gaze away from the mythological being as she felt Vill'Kern's eyes upon her, meeting his steady gaze with a drowning dread. He didn't know. He couldn't, if his confidence hadn't even faltered. Not even The Punisher could defeat a beast that was already dead, not without the Oath of Penitence at full strength, with the High Circle offering any and all protection it could against the toxin. Their only chance would be to sever the control the jackals had over the beast, and pray it turned on them long enough to escape the nue's attention. How can I warn him without incurring an attack?

Ariana took several deep breathes to try and steady her breathing as she turned to face the leader of the jackals, attempting to keep her voice from trembling as much as her hands as she spoke, praying Vill'Kern would understand the urgency of her message. "What are your intentions? You clearly aren't after a meal, the toxin from your undead beast will make our flesh deadly to consume. If you've gone to the all the trouble of binding a creature from the afterlife you must have something more than dinner in mind."
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He sensed the princess' terror as soon as the hybrid looking beast emerged from the odd, black cloud. Could she know more about the beast than he assumed she would? It could be possible, it wasn't for the first time that her knowledge was proven to be larger than his, due to her proper education as a royal blood. He looked towards her and saw the glimmer in her eyes. Pure terror. She shook and trembled from every bone joint and she seemed to be trying to tell him something. Why can't i read thought? He asked himself while switching his gaze to the band leader, as Ariana started speaking to it, and questioning its reasons.

Undead? That creature was an undead? Did he hear her well? That beast was undead? So this is why it was so hard for him to fight it. Once something has died, it's hard to kill it once more. Not without the help of magical powers or... or a hammer to crush its spine. Severing it wouldn't work, but crushing it... if only he had a hammer. But now, overthinking was useless. He wanted to firstly hear what exactly the jackals wanted, and maybe, just maybe he could trick them. He had to do something to save his beloved. And had to keep away from any risks involving her.

The Lyx pulled another one of the twisted excuses for a grin as it stared into the princess' eyes, visibly pleased by the fear that was lingering in every of her bones. With the same snarly voice it spoke, beginning with a mocking tone in its voice.

"Smart girl you are. It would be a shame to kill you off right away, wouldn't it, now? Yes, you are right, we don't want only food. We want our own kingdom. Our own dominion. We have been wiped out by the Dragons, and this just because the human filths once asked us to join forces with them to stop the Revolt, then abandoned us in the middle of it all. They betrrrrrrayed us. We've come now to make them pay for our lost home. But we can't do so without a little help now, could we? But look who stands before us. Vill'Kern, the one man known to wipe out villages with a simple sword in hand. We know of your hate for humans. So we ask of you a simple thing. Help us conquer Hierys, or else, the girl will die in pains you'd never imagine possible"

The jackal spoke out the request with the most threatening tone it had since they've met it. The thing really meant it. But if they hated humans so much, why would they rely on a human to help them? Probably because he wasn't an ordinary human. probably because his ascension in the world and his fame was ill. But what could he do? Go out and help them? That would take him away from the course of action, and they would get too late to Nyrathir. No. Helping them was not an option. But what could he do? The princess right now was his weak point, he had to admit it to himself.

But suddenly, an idea came to his mind. It was more a bet on the lucky coin, but he didn't see a reason not to try it. Maybe the Elders were watching. Maybe he could contact them, just as he used to contact Samon, before reaching Hierys. Maybe that was it. Can anyone hear me? He asked in his mind, not having any hope left after he didn't receive an answer right away. Then, the solution was simple. Sacrifice himself. The only way he could see an exit out of the situation was to put himself between the monstruos hybrid beast and the princess. If only he could find a fit moment for it, then it would have been just easy to do so and-

And something yet again broke the coherent line of his thoughts. Was that a stir in the surrounding? It wasn't really long before he found out. Just as he and the jackal chief as well were scanning the visible proximity, an odd energy surrounded, as if in a trap, the undead beast. The jackals were suddenly startled by the change, quick to unsheath their weapons to guard themselves from the mysterious force that has entrapped their ace card in this blackmailing game.

And so, Vill'Kern took a more agressive stance, quick to display a malicious and satisfied grin as he unsheathed the Penitence and in the same move pierced through the two unaware jackals behind him, without even turning. He had to play it as if he knew exactly what was going on, even if he had no idea at all. He stepped between the chief and the princess, once more standing before her as a shield as he spoke to the Lyx in a mocking tone.

"So, stray dog, who do you think should have avoided this place at all costs?"
Ariana couldn't stand the desperate situation Vill'Kern was being forced into because of her. There has to be a way around that damned thing, the princess thought in frustration, anger at the jackals bleeding into her fear enough to force her thoughts into action. They couldn't return to Hierys, even if the High Circle would some how be able to break the hold the humanoid beasts had on the undead creature they would never be able to get to Nyrathir in time to get the seal before Korr reached it. Complying with the infuriating jackals demands was not even worth wasting the time thinking about.

The crystal was another hopeless option, even if Ariana would have been able to influence the nue- a big if that would more than likely result in all of their gruesome deaths- as long as the jackals were in possession of whatever let them control the chimera like being it didn't matter what it wanted to do, it had no choice but to do whatever the jackals ordered. It was too presumptuous too give much thought, it was doubtful the nue was even capable of emotion other than hate and desire to kill. Influencing the jackal leader was out, too much hate and resentment, she wouldn't be able to make it blink so much as cause it to reconsider. There might have been something that could help them within the pages of the Book of Revolt, but there was no time to search its through its extensive content, let alone cast a less than subtle spell she had no way of knowing whether or not would be successful.

That was the extent of the princess's painfully short list of capabilities, a fact that caused her no small amount of grief. Maybe I can lecture them on the difference between flora and herbs until they fell asleep from boredom, Ariana berated herself before she could compose her enough to continue her-rather useless- thinking. Innis's illusions had proven to be effective against the undead beast already, but it wouldn't do them any good while they were clearly visible to the jackals. They needed a way to hold off the nue long enough to sever the beasts' hold on it, a feat easier said then done without knowing what that hold consisted of. It was possible Vill'Kern had some immunity to the undead toxin after his run in with death, but it was a theory the princess rather not learn the answer to.

Ariana barely restrained from gasping as a familiar presence began wafting through the trees, almost strong enough to block out of jackals' vindication and triumphant emotions. No, not one. Six. The High Circle? The princess was sure she must have been imagining things, her wits giving out on her under the stress, until the distinctive force seemed to morph and solidify about the nue, creating a cage of energy about the undead creature. But how?

There was no time to ask questions. Ariana looked to Vill'Kern with wide eyes as he effortlessly disposed of the two beasts standing guard behind them, stealing their lives before they knew what was happening. He certainly looked like he knew what was going on, though it was impossible to tell for certain with the confusion and fear hitting her senses from all sides as the jackals still hidden within the trees stirred, uncertain how the scale of power had suddenly tipped out of their favour and more than a little disbelieving their invincible monstrosity had been incapacitated.

Ariana could hear the pounding of several oversized paws as a few of the jackals abandoned their positions and fled as Vill'Kern taunted their leader. The princess watched the leader's eyes as it glared between The Punisher and its trapped champion, clearly at a lose for what was going on and none too pleased about it. Grasping at the chance to take advantage of the confusion, Ariana spoke with a confidence she did not possess, praying she wasn't disrupting Vill'Kern's plans in the process. Perhaps they should come up with signals for to be able to communicate in situations such as this. They clearly weren't about to stoo anytime soon.

"Your hold on the undead has been severed. Flee now before it is released and turns its sights on you. Nues are not known for their forgiving nature." Ariana held her breath as she felt doubt ripple throughout the trees, closely followed by the pounding of more paws moving quickly in the opposite direction. How long could the Circle hold its binding spell over the chimera? The princess was grateful Vill'Kern was blocking the jackal leader's view of her, certain the expression on her face would have undermined her bluff.

Ariana remained frozen in place, certain her improvised plan had failed miserably, until she heard the leader snarl in frustration. Leaning around the warrior enough to glance passed his form to the jackal he stood separating her from, the princess caught sight of the infuriated leader holding a small ritualistic dagger in its fur covered hand, turning its glare between Vill'Kern and the blade frequently as it inspected the thin piece of steel. Ariana forced herself to breathe, speaking barely in a whisper in an attempt to keep the jackals from overhearing. "That must be what gives them control over the undead beast. Whoever has the dagger has the beast."
A nue? That was the beast? A nue? He only heard once of such a thing, and that was from a drunkard in a tavern, a guy who was known to grab the attention of every patron with his stories, in exchange of a pint of ale. But his stories were known to be big and buffed up lies. So there was no way a nue could exist. Or so he thought. He watched the desperation and indecision in the eyes of the jackal leader, continuing to play his role as if he had the full grip of the situation. But in his mind there was only one question. Who were those helping them? Could it be the High Circle? No, it couldn't. Or it could?

However, he quickly was distracted by the dagger that the jackal was seemingly in vain playing with. The Lyx seemed to be trying to cause the dagger to do something, anything. The princess was right. That dagger was surely the object that was binding the undead to the jackal. The jackal seemed even more nervous now that its companions fleed. The typical canine behavior, attack in pack, and if the situation is unfortunate, flee. He wondered how long would it be until the leader would run off with fire on its heels. Even the four guards that seemed to be standing for their leader to death now started shifting from a leg to another, and as Vill'Kern shot one of them a gaze, the beast forgot of all its duties and fled, quickly followed by another. Only three left.

He looked towards the nue, as Ariana called it, and watched it struggle within the unknown energy prison, trying its best to escape from it, but failing. It was no better time than now to finish off the distressed jackals and its two left companions and grab the dagger. But for what the beast had threatened the warrior with- killing the princess- Vill'Kern thought a harsher death would fit better. With a glance to the guard on the left side, he distracted it, just so he could sink the blade through its fur covered body and listen to its cries as the jackal guard was set free of life, under the terrified gaze of the other.

The chief and its remaining guard tried putting a little distance between themselves and the warrrior by stepping back intimidated, leaving their beast behind to struggle with its cage of energy. Vill'Kern continued stepping forth menacingly, pushing the jackals back even more until the gard finally stepped up with a small axe drawn, trying its luck against the warrior. For all the trouble they have caused, the warrior thought the jackals were some fine battle enemies. But in fact, he faced only two scaredy cats that cowered constantly without their most precious card, the nue. The jackal guard tried desperately to land a blow with the hatchet onto Vill'Kern. The warrior only made a small effort to raise the Penitence and block the strike, before striking back with force, enough to tear the small, weak hatchet away from the thing's paw, and to cause the terrified jackal to stumble back and fall.

The chief now took advantage of the warrior's distraction and turned, quick to run and dissapear from sight. Vill'Kern quickly forgot about the less than weak beast, having already one down which he could torment as much as he would like. He turned around to look at the princess, to be sure of her safety, and his eyes automatically landed on the still trapped nue. The nue! The jackal cheif ran off with the dagger that controlled the creature. It will now probably head to the next village once... if... the creature was set free at a moment, and put terror in the villagers with it. He focused his gaze again on the terrified jackal that was now laying hopeless and helpless before him, and finally brough it an end with a swing of the sword.

He returned to the princess. It wasn't his duty to catch the fleeing jackal. And to save another village. He looked again to the nue as he passed by it, but just before he reached the princess, he heard something stirr in the surrounding. He was ready to strike at any given moment, but instead, he was faced with two friendly presences. White robes was the first thing he saw, followed after by the ones who wore them. A young man, probably not older than 20, and a girl, the same age. Moreover, both of them seemed very... similar. In an odd way. A pair of twins? Another? Standing by the princess, he was quick to question the two young mages that seemed to be the ones who helped them out.

"Who are you?"

The young mage smiled friendly up at Vill'Kern, then to the princess, and introduced himself.

"My name is Sarius. She is Fryia, my twin sister. We're students of the Arcane University. The High Circle sent us to assist you from the shadows. Well, not so shadowy anymore, is it? The nue will be sent to the netherworld as soon as the Elders will arrive"

The two young mages smiled to both Vill'Kern and the princess, before Fryia spoke up.

"We have horses waiting for you in a clearing not far from here. Let's go"

Vill'Kern gazed at both the twins, then to the princess, and finally nodded to her, as to let her know he was approving, before the young mages turned around, starting to lead the way, followed by the warrior, the princess and the grom, leaving the nue alone, trapped in the odd cage.
Ariana watched as Vill'Kern gained the obvious advantage over the remaining jackals, the humanoid creatures having little more chance against the warrior than the animal they resembled without their guardian beast to protect them. The princess glanced between the undead struggling within the spell cast by the High Circle's magic and the quickly diminishing numbers of the jackals, wondering how long the enchantment would hold. The nue seemed completely immobilized, but how long could such a formidable foe be contained? The princess didn't care to remain in the darkened trees long enough to find out.

Three jackals left, then two, quickly leaving only one beast cowering at the warrior's feet. How quick the beings were to abandon one another when the situation no longer favoured them, even the once smug leader turned to flee with his tail between his legs without a backward glance at his fallen comrade. Their pained and terrified howls mixed their matching emotions until Ariana's head felt like it might burst from the pressure. The princess could have pitied the almost extinct race had they not used such despicable means to ensure their survival, but in the end they were no better than the humans they so loathed. Her sympathies would have been better placed with the nue, blood thirsty beast that it may be. At least it didn't try to hide its true nature before striking down its prey.

Like Vill'Kern, Ariana thought distantly, trying to keep the bitterness from her smile as the warrior approached her. The princess didn't have to look at the bloodied remains of the corpses behind him to know he had finished toying with the foul beasts. Even when they weren't dealing with Korr's damned agenda there was never a moments peace. It seemed the wicked truly never rested, as the saying went. Ariana hadn't fully understood the meaning of the words until now. She wondered which of the two legendary beings had the higher body count, The Punisher or the nue. The undead beast had centuries, if not a millennia, to rack up its victims, but Vill'Kern had been haunted by sinister beings until he became one himself. Even with Korr defeated, was there really a place left in this world free of such darkness?

Ariana's brow lowered in concentration as her attention caught on the still confined nue, the magic surrounding it seemingly... off, somehow. Without the suffocating emotions of the jackal pack there was little to distract from the full presence of the spell. It was similar to what she had sensed from the High Circle when they had broken the seal on the Book of Dark Arts, but it wasn't an exact replica. The magic still felt like aura upon aura of pure light stacked one on top of the other, just to a lesser extent. Was there anyone else capable of incapacitating the chimera other than the six Elders? With her limited knowledge of magic it wasn't a question she could answer with any certainty.

The answer to her question was quick to appear however, with a slight rustling in the underbrush that had the princess anticipating another ambush. Ariana blinked at the two young beings dressed in white, taking longer than she would have liked the process their arrival. The pair looked utterly out of place in the dark woods, dressed in pristine robes and friendly smiles, Ariana had to wonder if they weren't spirits of the forest. After a quick interrogation from the warrior revealed the twins to be students of the prestigious magic academy, a claim their auras did nothing to lead her to suspect otherwise, the princess managed to return their smiles to a lesser degree, before glancing to Vill'Kern in a silent inquiry of his assessment of the pair.

The princess accepted the warrior's approval of the twins without question, walking by his side with Innis still tucked securely under her arm as they followed the mages to their destination. Ariana tried not to dwell on their words as she silently inspected the two, fighting to keep from voicing the question burning in her throat. How long had the pair been following them on the High Circle's order? Long enough to have prevented the massacre in the village if they so desired, or had they only arrived moments before their intervention? It wasn't a question she wanted to know the answer to. The princess tried to turn her thoughts to other subjects, such as how to obtain the Seal without bringing the full wrath of Nyrathir down upon their heads, but it was difficult to distract from the painful resemblance the pair bore to the young twins that may or may not have still been weeping over their lost mother.

Ariana kept her eyes on the horses as the majestic animals came into view, finding it easier to keep her mind blank when not looking directly at the mages with the resemblance to those she didn't wish to remember. By the time they stood in front of their transport the princess found she could smile without too much effort, glad her voice was genuinely grateful when she finally spoke. "Thank you for all your help. May Ynarae bless and keep you."
The young twins led Ariana on an offroad path, bestowing light to the otherwise dark surrounding with the help of magic light orbs, which they spread about with ease. Vill'Kern couldn't help but notice how similar they were each to the other. The even walked at the same pace, made the very same movements and gestures and even their patterns of speech -despite Fryia uttering less to no word- was identical. That was a real bond between twins. He felt amused at the thought that twins often fight each other for insignificant things. He could only draw an image in his mind with the two using their magic to hit each at the other. He watched as the darkness turned to light, revealing many life forms that lurked just a foot or two away from them in darkness. But at the same time, he kept his senses perked. Who knows if the jackal chief wouldn't return to attack from behind, as he learned of its cowardice.

"We're sorry for being so late" Sarius spoke as he and his sister led the trio through the woods. "We had to go looking for proper mounts for your journey and it wasn't too easy" Fryia continued. They even completed each other's speech. This was indeed odd, but amazing at the same time. The warrior looked at the princess for a second, before something else caught his attention. He heard odd sounds. Too odd to be horses. The more they approached, the more he started to doubt the two and the more he was ready to draw the sword. The twin student mages finally came to a halt, and Vill'Kern tried looking past them, but couldn't see that much. He awaited, sort of tensed up, for the mounts to be revealed. The twins finally moved out of the way, leading the trio into a small open field surrounded by trees.

The warrior's eyes fell on the horses immediately. He observed the perfect black of their bodies, so black that the light that fell upon them was reflected in small waves, giving them such majestic looks. His eyes traced their gaze on muscular features, legs and bone joints, necks, with glorious nape hair, and finally on the eyes. The eyes were what made him immediately realize the mounts weren't as normal. The eyes were purely white, just as white as the orbs of light the junior mages used to light up the place, and energy seemed to be bursting out of them. Vill'Kern gazed from the horses to the twins, who, probably catching the hint of his confusion by his gaze, quickly explained. Sarius was the one to speak.

"Gi'rith mounts. The best horses you could find in all of Valysia. They're very wild, but as long as you have the controlling stone, they will easily bow to your will. Here, take the stone"

Fryia searched a small pouch that was clasped with a leather belt at her waist, under the white robe, and took out two stones. Both of them glimmered with the same white as the eyes of the horses'. She handed one of the stones to Vill'Kern and one to Ariana, and just as soon as she did so, the horses turned their attention to their new owners, their new masters.

"Their speed is almost double compared to normal horses, so use caution when you ride them, you don't want to end up falling. Also, the stones can be used to call the horses from wherever the horses are. They can take you to Nyrathir in less than a day. Otherwise, they eat just as normal horses and act like them, with the exception of arcane shields, which make them immortal. They can't be hurt. Have a safe travel, and may Ynarae bless your souls and keep you under her guard" Sarius spoke as Vill'Kern and the princess were mounting their rides, and the warrior was testing his horses' bridles. "Oh, and i recommend you travel only at day. A mile or two away from here, there is a village, by the name Tharnbug, halt there and sleep at the inn. Since Korr and his return, at night appear a really big amount of odd beasts and spectres. It would be wiser to avoid them" Sarius spoke yet again.

Not so much later, the warrior, alone on his horse, and Ariana, with Innis at her back, were riding the horses back on the path, having exitted the small patch of forest and going out in the open fields, simple plains with a clear view to the apocalyptic sights that lain in the far north. Vill'Kern was having somewhat fun testing his horse, causing it to run insanely fast for a small amount of time and small distance before slowing it down and falling back in pace with the princess.

"I've really missed riding a horse. Before i became an outlaw i was a stable boy. My first work after i fled my ruined home" The warrior spoke with a slight note of nostalgia as he finally fell in pace with the princess, riding his horse right by hers as the sun was closing in more and more to set.
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Ariana smiled in amusement as Vill'Kern flew passed her and Innis once more, moving at such a speed his sleek mount appeared to be little more than a blur of shadows. Her smile stretched into a full fledged grin as the grom cheered for the warrior's impressive display, rolling her eyes at the living legend turned child as he urged the steed into pace beside her own mount. The princess glanced to Vill'Kern with no small amount of mirth in her gaze, tempted to follow his example to test the limits of the impressive Gi'rith horses that didn't seem the least bit winded despite the distance they had already travelled from the patch of forest.

"Having fun?" Ariana asked teasingly to the warrior, raising her voice a bit to be heard above the slight rush of wind caused by the steady trot at which they travelled and the clattering of hooves against the dirt trail. The tension she had felt around the twins had eased quickly once the pair had been lost from view, leaving her with a slight guilt for acting so coldly to the mages that had gone out of their way to assist them. The thought of the twins, and what they reminded her of in the first place, was quick to slip from her mind however once she was back in the sadle, an experience the princess hadn't realized she had been so dearly missing until now.

"You were a stable boy? In which kingdom? For how long? Did you enjoy your work? Did you try any other work before you became a sellsword?" Ariana bit her lip to keep the rest of her questions from tumbling passed her lips in a torrent, realizing belatedly she was the one now acting like a child asking question after question without leaving the warrior enough time to answer. It was such a rare occurrence for Vill'Kern to speak of personal matters the princess couldn't resist pouncing at the opportunity to learn more about the man she had come to care for deeply for after such a short period of time.

A rare occurrence Ariana may never have the privilege to experience again after reacting so brashly to the slight glimpse into the legend's past. I just want to know everything about him, the princess thought honestly as she flashed the warrior an apologetic grin. There was time, though. The princess needn't act like a starving man faced with his last meal everytime The Punisher revealed a piece of information about himself.

There would be time to learn everything there was to know about each other after Korr was defeated and they were free to act however they pleased. For now, the princess knew everything she needed. They were together, and before long Korr would be a distant memory.Ariana smiled softly at the thought before her expression shifted into something more mischievous, an idea coming to mind that could possibly make up for her over eager actions. Looking to Innis with a wink the princess murmured to the grom to hold on tight.

"I'll make you a deal, I'll race you to the village." Ariana continued with a second wink to the warrior, urging her horse into a gallop. "If I win I get my answers, if you win... well, I guess there is time for you to pick a prize." The princess spurred her mount to break neck speeds without waiting to hear Vill'Kern's reply. Her laughter was lost in the rush of wind that promised to leave her hair an unmanageable mess when they reached their destination, dashing through the darkening plains as the sun disappeared beneath the horizon.
He smiled amused genuinely as the princess assaulted him with rapid rounds of questions, for the first time in long being forced to put his mind to work simultaneously to create an answer for every question. In the time he was thinking of the answers, however, her voice resounded again in that teasing tone he realised he adored about her, challenging him.

And off she was, not even giving him time to think about it and accept or decline it, depending of what he wished. He could only see her, rushing into the distance through the semi darkness, the speed causing the wind to rush through her hair and make it rise behind her gloriously as she was getting lost from his view.

Challenges, as always, were something he would never decline, and the thought of him being able to choose whatever prize he wished by winning the race caused him to grin. He knew exactly what he wanted as prize. Holding tight in the saddle, he commanded his horse into a swift rush off from the spot, the being letting out a ear aching scream that was nowhere near a horse's usual cry as it took speed that was increasing with every second.

His lips curved into a large grin as he drove his mount in an insane run, dirt and dust rising high as the horse took it to full speed, turning into a speedy shadow that was quick to reach close behind the princess and, like a phantasm of the night, the riding warrior rushed by her and quickly past her, with a laughter of joy. He was free, he felt like his being and the unnatural horse were one and the same. That was what Gi'rith horses were, mounts that were able to distort and mix with the spirit of their riders. Riding souls.

The princess was galloping behind him and both of them riding in this insane run were creating a symphony of odd and somewhat crzy sounds. And there it was, right ahead of them, high protection fences made out of wooden logs, placed one close to another, typical characteristic for villages of Elos. Vill'Kern rushed his horse yet more, somewhat afraid of his beloved winning over him. With a grin, he finally tugged at the restraints just as his shadow mount was about to rush into the still open gates of the settlement, causing the horse to stop with the same eerie cry and rise on two legs, as the warrior flashed a victorious grin and a wink to Ariana who was close behind him.
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Ariana grinned wildly as she heard the barely audible shriek of Vill'Kern's distant mount above the roar of the wind rushing passed her, signifying the warrior's acceptance of her spontaneous challenge. The princess leant closer to her unnaturally fast horse to further minimize the resistance of the wind that could possibly rob her of the chance to question her beloved long into the night, so close to the coarse fur of the steed's mane she could feel the brush of the long strands tickling her cheek with keep rushed step. Victory was all but guaranteed.

An array of questions to throw at the warrior as soon as the world had ceased to be little more than a blur of shapes and shades rushing passed the racing pair flashed through Ariana's mind without pause. Serious questions, silly questions, hypothetical questions- the princess would know it all before the sun rose above the horizon once more to usher in the new day. A little sleep deprivation was a small price to pay to know of Vill'Kern The Punisher's, Valysia's most notorious outlaw turned saviour, favourite colour. The princess was so confident in her newly compiled list of inquiries she almost didn't notice the black streak that raced passed her at unimaginable speeds.

Almost. Ariana's grin faltered as her wide eyes followed the progress of Vill'Kern's mount as it settled into the lead, all but impossible to see save for the warrior's golden armour. A flash of competitiveness coursed through her blood as the princess urged her steed faster, eyes narrowing as she lowered herself until her upper body was all but resting against the beast's black fur. She could have sworn she heard the warrior laughing as he over took her with apparent ease. Ariana could feel the grom's arms tighten around her middle in a crushing grip as the Gi'rith horse responded to the princess's will as if it wished to win just as much as she, though they had barely reached the tail end of Vill'Kern's mount before the wooden gates of the designated village were looming before them, signifying the end of the race.

Ariana's disappointed groan was lost to the wind as she sat back up moments before her mount was slowing to a trot with far more ease and grace than an average horse could ever hope to achieve. The princess grumbled a colourful string of curses under her breath in the Khorinian tongue as she dismounted from her horse before the gates of the village. The princess reached up to help Innis down from the tall animal as an excuse to prolong turning to see the gloating expression sure to be plastered on Vill'Kern's face, mourning the loss of the information she so coveted.

No, not lost, the princess told herself firmly, just delayed. Where there is a will there is a way, and void be damned if I don't will it. Ariana released a huffing breath in an attempt to dislodge her windswept hair from her eyes, pouting a moment longer before a grin once again tugged at her drooping lips. The sting of losing at her own game was still fresh in her mind, but as the princess grinned over her shoulder at the warrior she couldn't deny the joy she had felt, the freedom of it, as she had felt the wind biting at her skin as they had travelled at speeds others could only dream of. Emotions she knew Vill'Kern had mirrored. "Next time you definitely won't be so lucky."

Rolling the small stone the twin mages had given her to control her mount, Ariana willed the steed to disappear into the darkness of the now completely fallen night, figuring the horses with unnaturally white eyes would draw unwanted attention if they brought them into the village. The princess smiled as the beast nudged her shoulder gently with its large head before moving away to comply with her silent request, amazed such creatures could really exist. Turning towards the gates of the village once the Gi'rith horse had disappeared from sight, Ariana rolled her eyes at the warrior, feigning indifference despite the nervousness she now felt at being faced with Vill'Kern's unnamed prize.

"Well, Champion, would you like to claim your prize now, or would you prefer to wait until I can find a proper bow in which to present it to you?"
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Unmounting his horse, the warrior smiled more than satisfied with his victory, and felt truly released of the stress of the late events due to the crazy race and to the horse's vital energy that seemed to have been mixed with his own. He found himself so attached to the mount in such a short amount of time, it felt unusually unreal, not that unreal was a rare occurence in Valysia. But this particular type of unreal was actually rare, at least for him. The otherworldly horse was not something to be found at any stable wherever. Gi'rith horses were, as he had been told years before, a breed of undead or spirit horses, he couldn't really make out the perfect definition for them.

The princess' slight pout and groan of dissapointment at her loss was making him feel a bit guilty, but he knew she would be over it right away. He watched her dismount her horse and turned her head to him, he again found her delicious grin with which she always managed to ravage his mind to an extent, in a pleasant manner. She teasingly threatened him with his loss the next time in such a tone it actually made him want to jump in the saddle and challenge her in return. The thought faded as soon as she commanded her mount to dissapear in darkness, the surreal beast of an animal not even trying to oppose her will, turning around and vanishing towards who knew where. He turned to his horse and, with a delicate enough pat to the beast's head, he let it go, and watched it dissapear after its companion in the darkness.

He felt her slight nervousness and listened to her once again teasing voice, smiling as he approached her, and, extending his arms, placed his hands upon her embodiment, pulling her closer to him to look her in the eyes with a playful gaze.

"I've got a princess as lover, what more do you think i could want? But maybe i'll think about a prize later"

He winked to her playfully before leading her and Innis through the open gates of the village, not feeling the slightest unease as the two guardians at the gates were killing him with their despiseful gazes. The village was pretty isolated, no one there probably has heard a word about the warrior's positive deeds. He was now faced again with the few people remaining on the streets rushing their ways in their homes at his sight, as if a giant storm was just closing in. He shrugged it off and continued leading Ariana towards a certain building, the only one made of stone in the village, that had homes made out of wood. Once reaching the building, he took his entrance, first. Despite his lack of education, he knew well that a lady was to be led in this type of places, but behind, as inside could be many drunks and all types of mean patrons who would start speaking profanities adressed to her upon her entrance.

As soon as the trio was inside the tavern, he could see some of the patrons standing and quickly leaving, and the terror of the innkeeper's gaze. This place also had a female as inkeeper, by the looks, young. A raven haired female with fair skin and pitch black eyes. Small, and frail, maybe more frail than the princess. Heading to her desk, he tried faking a smile at the terrorized woman, despite him not really feeling like smiling. He searched his coin purse and placed four gold coins on the counter, the double price for an usual stay at the inn.

"A room for two"

The innkeeper quickly grabbed the gold with a trembling hand and nodded as she handed the key to the warrior, in the same time in which one of the patrons at a table demanded another round of drinks for him and his friends.

"Here's your k-key, have a nice stay. Right away! I'm coming!"

She yelled out to the patrons that seemed to have lost their patience despite being only seconds gone from when they called for the scared lady. She quickly filled four pints and rushed to the table, almost spilling the drinks in the half-run, then, as she placed the drinks on the wooden table and tried to take away the empty pints, Vill'Kern watched how the four males started grabbing at the girl's clothes and tugging her towards them, making it impossible for her to escape their grasps. She struggled in the grips, trying to scratch at the dirty hands that kept grabbing what they could, and continuously tried to evade the males, but unsuccesful. Vill'Kern remained in place, watching the males and remembering how once he used to do the same. Not anymore, he finally concluded to his thoughts as his giant embodiment moved from the spot, stopping just a few feet away. But the males were too distracted with trying to get the female in her full to pay attention to him. They were the only patrons left, and the worst, he thought again as he felt a torrent of rage emerge from his depths, finally solving in a gesture that left everyone mute.

With a simple raise of his right arm, he let it then fall, and in a split second, his metal gloved fist struck with full force into the wooden table, the old wood cracking and breaking under the weight of his hammer of a hand, the drinks from the full pints spilling all over the floor as the patrons remained staring at him, thus giving the young innkeeper to gather her already torn clothes around her form and flee upstairs to the rooms dedicated for the clients that wanted to spend their night at the inn. Vill'Kern towered like a vengeful spirit over the four patrons that now from agressors turned to puppies, gazing at him with silent begs for him to spare their unworthy lives. As he stepped up, they cowered back, but weren't able to do much before his fist connected to one of their's face at full speed and force, boosted by the rage that burnt in the depths of the warrior. The punch became so strong that the former agressor's face was mutilated beyond recognition, with a loud sound of bones cracking, and with a squirt of blood from his eyes. His inert body went flying through the air and fell to the floor with a loud thud, unconscious and on the verge of death.

The others were now fully terrified as Vill'Kern's voice rose in an ominous and condemning, spiritless tone, as he stood and looked at the males.

" I have walked your path. But no more. It is time for you to pay for your acts and to learn the pains of the ones you torment. Befouled souls that you are"

He then remembered something. Ariana. She was there. Her eyes have witnessed enough slaughter to support yet more of it. He turned his head towards her, and spoke, in the same low tone, but this time with a bit of life in it.

"Go upstairs. I will come soon enough"

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