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Chaos Upon Valysia {Eternal Wanderer x Cinnamon }

Ariana cast one last smiling glance at the warrior, trying to convey her regret at believing the entity that had invaded her dreams and caused her to question Vill'Kern's moral, before she followed Innis into the densely populated wooded area of the forest surrounding the clearing they had spent the night. The princess's eyes widened as she caught sight of all the rabbits hopping about the area the tiny creatures had obviously put so much time and effort into creating, biting her lip in guilt as their sudden appearance caused many of the furry beings to scurry back into their dens in the hopes of finding sanctuary.

The princess listened carefully to the little grom- she wasn't exactly sure what a grom was but she remembered Vill'Kern referring to Innis as such when she had suggested going to retrieve the little being the previous night before they had gotten... distracted- as it explained to her the best way to approach one of creatures without attracting its attention. Ariana winced as the green being suddenly pounced upon the unsuspecting prey, using its sharp teeth and surprisingly strong grip to subdue the poor creature until it finally stopped struggling and accepted its fate.

Ariana hid her vaguely disgusted expression as the proud little grom held out its catch to the princess, avoiding looking directly at the recently deceased bunny she had just moments before named Winston in honour of her childhood pet. She smiled kindly as she felt the pride radiating off the little green creature in waves, gently patting Innis's head between its curled horn like ears, as she would a young child that had informed her they had recently learned to tie their shoes.

"That was wonderful, Innis," Ariana praised, her forced grin melting into a truly fond smile as she felt the genuine joy emanating from the creature's aura. Drawing the dagger she had just recently knicked from Vill'Kern, smiling in a mixture of guilt and mischief at the memory, the princess quietly moved behind a rabbit still lingering near by, trying to mimic the grom's posture exactly. After several deep breathes Ariana braced herself to lunge at the unsuspecting animal, trying to picture the adorable little rabbit as one of the spiders that had attacked them the previous day rather than an innocent creature indulging in an early morning snack.

Before the princess had a chance to strike, however, she felt Vill'Kern's aura mixed with a sense of urgency rushing towards them through the trees, turning to the spot she knew the warrior would appear at in alarm an instant before he broke through the over grown bushes, clutching both of the sacred books beneath his arms. Ariana's eyes widened as her gaze fell on the Book of Dark Arts, but as she could sense no ill intent from the text nor the warrior himself, the princess directed her concentration towards the man's almost panicked speech, her eyes widening as her mind processed his words.

"It's too late, by the time we get there..." Ariana spook hesitantly, shaking her head slowly, trying to clear the images of Samon's demise from her mind. After the fate he had so knowingly sent Vill'Kern to face- the memory of the warrior's cold, unmoving body laying on the frigid ground of the Mad Mage's cave, the princess's tears falling on the unresponsive face of her self appointed guardian as Samon confirmed in her mind he knew all along the fate that would befall the former Slayer upon entering that damned lair- Ariana had no trust for the crooked out mage, but she hadn't wish this upon him.

Ariana felt a strange tugging in her chest, for lack of a better word, a moment before the codex originating from Khorinys sprang free from beneath Vill'Kern's arm, to land on the ground open to a intricately detailed illustration of what appeared to be a wizard chanting on one page, only to disappear on the next. The princess sank to her knees to lean over the book as if in a trance, feeling as if she were moving through a dream rather than reality. The Book began supplying Ariana with the information she needed to perform the incantation dictated within its pages, knowing without a doubt she would be able to cast the spell, that the Book wanted her to cast the enchantment. Ariana wanted nothing more than to cast the spell.

"It's a teleportation charm." The princess stated without any knowledge of speaking, turning her gaze completely devoid of emotion towards the warrior. Her lips tilted upwards at the corners as her eyes stared blindly up at Vill'Kern, though it was a perverse excuse of an expression, whether it be happy or sad. The princess's head tilted to the side slightly, her long bangs hiding her hollow eyes for the moment, as she continued to speak in the same lifeless voice.

"The choice is yours, Vill'Kern The Punisher, warrior choosen by the Ancient Nine. Will you risk your life again for the very fools that so thoughtlessly sent their champion to your untimely demise, or will you escape his clutches while you are still able? Tick, tock, the clock draws near."
Just upon his stop he heard her, already denying any chances of reaching Hierys in time to save anything. He felt her trailing into thoughts, all the while Innis looked curious upon both of them. But if Samon and the High Circle were gone, then, how would they exactly find out the content of the Book and what entity they were facing? No, they would have to do another run-around and that, that wasn't an option. The north was almost done conquering Elos, it would be just a matter of time before it conquered other pieces of lands too. And without any knowledge at all, they'd have a hard time defeating the still unknown evil entity in the North.

He suddenly felt the tome of Khorinys shift its weight under his arm, becoming so heavy and finally breaking free, as if it caught like itself, and fell upon the ground with its pages open to a perfect illustration. He observed the princess rush down to read it, and how demeanor changed almost in a moment. He could feel a totally new aura, if he could call it so, emerging from her. That wasn't the princess, clearly, it was no her. And it has been proven to him once she was staring, hollow into his eyes, and questioning him.

His clutches? What even was that supposed to mean? He wasn't in the clutches of anything. Or was he? Was she speaking of Samon? Yes, clearly she was. No, not she... it. It spoke of Samon. And of the High Cirlce. But what exactly was it? He couldn't tell, but it seemed it knew him very well. And what if he refused to go and aid Hierys? They'd all be slaughtered and the evil entity would set one more point on its scoreboard. And it would be even harder for them to travel, with so many eyes watching them. But how could he exactly aid a whole city? Hierys was even bigger than Khorinys, as he knew, and probably the orc troops were bigger, not to mention all the giant monstrosities that they used as tanks and probably catapult carriers.

If he didn't help out Hierys, they'd also lose possibly the only ones who could help them with the Book. There was the High Circle of mages, and the Mages Guild of Elos, that were unique on that piece of land. The only place where they were many mages was extremely far away, at the Mage University, on an island that would take them about two years to travel to. So, the only option was that they saved Samon and the High Circle along with all Hierys until it was too late, but that took a few more risks. What if there was no actual war going on, and Samon just used that to make them hurry up? What if Samon has witnessed them almost making love, and feared for the desecration of the princess?

Vill'Kern, you're being paranoic, he thought to himself as he watched the unknown spirit that took over Ariana's body, uncertain of what his answer should be. Ariana. He had to fight for her, even if that meant putting himself in danger at every step. He had to save her, and he had to keep his vows to her. With a nod, he spoke out.

"Aye, i am ready to put my life in danger, but not for them. For her. We must go there and i must fight, so that it will all end positively for our cause. I am The Punisher, and i shall bring the justice of the Ancients upon the land, and crush the plague of the evil entity"
The princess's body remained frozen in place where she knelt upon the ground above the Khorinian grimoire, her petite form devoid of feeling giving off the impression of a statue rather than an actual living body. The tension in the small forested area increased and stretched until it was a palpable force as Vill'Kern's answer echoed about the warren as if his voice was bouncing back to them off the stone walls of a cave instead of dirt and trees. After several long, drawn out seconds, the princess's lips pulled back in a twisted excuse for a grin, a mocking voice that was not her own tumbling forth from the princess's mouth without resistance.

"Spoken like a true hero. Remember those words when hell is raining down upon your heads, and regret turns your blood to ice."

The codex in the princess's hands began to emit a soft golden glow as if from its very core, the tendrils of light spreading and twirling about the area like a warm fog until it engulfed all three travellers in its warm embrace. The transparent vapor like energy swirling about them condensed into a solid force very much like a wall until it was impossible to move. The warm golden light began to get hotter and hotter as the energy force got smaller and smaller, shrinking about the trio until it engulfed them all like a second skin, blocking out everything but the invasive light.

"Oh, and Punisher? Do try and stay alive. The princess is not the only one that will need you before the end."

Ariana found herself standing in a field of golden pastures, looking around at the seemingly endless expanse of tall grass. The princess smiled to herself to she slowly started to move forward, running her finger tips across the grass that reached just below her waist, laughing softly to herself at the ticklish sensation of the pliable greenery brushing against her bare hands.

Ariana didn't know where she was, nor how in the world she had gotten to such a fantastical place, but such facts meant little to the princess at the moment. She was walking as if she were moving through a dream, knowing where she needed to be without any knowledge of how she could know such a thing when she had never seen this place before. The princess began to hum peacefully to herself as she stepped out of the grass and in to a clearing that looked very much like the small patch of paradise they had spent the previous night, in a reality that felt as if it were a thousand miles away from this world created just for her.

Ariana smiled widely as she approached a figure leaning over a book in the middle of the clearing, a soft laugh escaping her as the figure glanced up from its readings, the princess's own face looking up at her with an identical smile. The princess sitting on the ground ushered Ariana with her hand to come closer, looking back down at the book resting on the ground.

"It's all here, in the Book of Revolt. Every answer your little heart could ever desire, if you would only open your eyes to the truth." The princess that looked very much like Ariana spoke as the girl herself knelt on the ground beside her look alike, glancing down at the book she now recognized as the grimoire from Khorinys. The true Ariana frowned slightly down at the image illustrated on the open pages of the Book, her eyebrows lowering in doubt as she tried to understand what she was seeing.

"Is that... me?" Ariana asked uncertainly, staring at the illustration the bore a striking resemblance to her person. The image that looked so much like herself stood in the center of the pages, her hands raised to cover her eyes. Two strings were attached to either of her wrists, one leading to a dark, shapeless shadow on the left side of the page, the other leading to a human like blur on the right side of the page, the features so undistinguished Ariana couldn't tell if it was an image of a man or a woman.

"For now," The double of the princess answered happily, slowly tracing their finger across the string in the illustration connecting the picture of Ariana to the human like blur. "Soon, however, it will be us. Don't worry though, Dear, I'll be much nicer to you than that blasted shade. I'll even let you keep your little friends!"

Ariana turned to look at her doopelganger, slightly startled at the harsh words such a contradiction to its friendly tone. The double smiled widely back at her, though its eyes narrowed into sly slits. "Tock, tick, princess, the clock draws near. The count down to your birthday has begun. Until then, keep my Book of Revolt safe, won't you?"

Ariana looked back down at the Book in question, her eyes widening as golden eyes slowly began to open on the blurred image at the person at the same time a wide, ominous yellow smirk began to stretch across the dark shadow's illustration. The princess covered her eyes with her hand as the golden light continued to spread, until it was impossible to keep her eyes open in the wake of the blinding light.

"I'll be seeing you soon, Princess."

The all consuming light dispersed in a sudden, blinding flash, all traces of the mysterious energy gone as if it had never existed at all. When the awareness returned to Ariana's eyes and her vision adjusted to the dim lighting of their new surroundings, she found herself staring down at the Book of Revolt, the once old and torn leather cover of the grimoire completely repaired, as if it had only been produced yesterday. The princess stared at the Book radiating with energy for several moments before she became aware of the cold stone floor resting beneath her hands, no longer able to ignore the chill seeping into her skin.

Gathering the Book of Revolt into her arms, Ariana pushed herself to her feet shakily, slowly looking about the area that couldn't have been more different than the forest they had previously been in. The princess felt as if she had just woken from a dream as she inspected the dank, brick walls of the large, mostly empty stone room that had the appearance of a dungeon, vaguely realizing they must have arrived in a basement of some sort.

"Vill'Kern?" The princess questioned quietly as her eyes landed on the warrior standing before her, trying to clear the confusion muddling her mind with a slow shake of her head. "Is... this it? Are we in Hierys?"
Vill'Kern wasn't sure anymore of what exactly he should do. Whatever had taken possesion of the princess' body was not that kind, nor evil. Then, what exactly was it? He could hear the words spoken in that threatening tone, and, for a moment there, he felt the urge to grab the princess' body by the throat, stare into those hollow eyes and return the threat to... whatever possesed her body. But, as long as the thing didn't attack him, it wasn't that needed of him to do such. He just let himself engulfed by the odd tendrils of light, that at the point felt like they were going to squeeze him, the grom and the princess together to death. The weird light supressed even his aura, which forced itself and stretched out desperately trying to set him free of the confines of the weird light.

Everything was stretching out for something that felt like hours. We should have walked to Hierys, we'd have reached it faster than... this. He thought in his mind as he awaited for the light to finally dissapear and drop them off supposedly in Hierys. And so it seemed to happen. Soon the light dispersed, leaving them in the giant stone chamber. He looked to the princess, and sensed it was her this time. And by the sound he could vaguely hear coming from somewhere above, there was a chaos. He could clearly hear the ground thumming, and he could feel the slight vibrations, that could be caused only by some giants, taking steps upon the ground. But where exactly were they? The basement of a house? Of the castle of Hierys?

Innis was just as confused as the princess and Vill'Kern, looking about the stone walls and not managing to understand what exactly was going on. It wasn't long that took them all to get out of the state of dizziness, before a light expanded, out of thin air, right before them. Vill'Kern was quick to unsheath his sword, that didn't give off any glimmer at all, it slept, seemingly, while the light dispersed, leaving before them the very mage that sent them to their demise, Samon. Vill'Kern took a defensive stance, watching the blade and expecting it to glow red at once, but receiving nothing of it instead. He raised an eyebrow towards the old man that seemed to be strained, possibly due to using his magic abilities in the war outside.

"Come with me, quick, children" The old mage spoke as he muttered something under his breath immediately after, a spell. Vill'Kern was ready to strike, should anything happen, but they all were just engulfed in that light again, and set free in a totally new place. Before Vill'Kern could however realize anything, he found himself standing, before 6 old men, each dressed in robes, colored differently. Red, blue, white, black, green... each robe was the color of one element of the nature. They all looked upon him, the princess, the grom, which quickly became entertained at the sight of such a luxurious hall. Thousands and thousands of tomes, arranged on shelves, placed against every wall. Walls full of pictures describing great battles, such as the Rebellion Of Dragons, The Undead Swarm, and so many other battles in the history of Elos. A big, stone round table at the very center of the hall, with six stone thrones all around it. That was where the High Circle gathered to discuss problems.

Samon, standing along with the six Elders, spoke to them about Vill'Kern and the princess, in quick words, while through the windows of the tower they were currently in, entered the sound of war and chaos from the gates of Hierys. Vill'Kern expected the worst to come out, but instead, he was spoken to with calm, patience. One of the Elders took the word.

"Vill'Kern... The Punisher. And Princess of Khorinys. We are glad you could join us. We hope you shall accept our apologies for sending you into that hellish pit of Vorath's. But the truth is, we trusted more into the living legend of Valysia, The Slayer, than in our own selves. We apologize. As you can see, Hierys is under attack. We need a man to command our army, while we help the Princess out with the Book Of The Dark Arts"

Vill'Kern stood, pondering upon the Elder's words. He could sense no reaction from the Penitence, so it meant the words of the old Maester were indeed true. But the old mage could be just manipulating the sword. Or could he? Vill'Kern looked to the princess, to the book, then back to the Elders, and finally nodded.

"Fine. I shall take the lead of your army, but if you dare to even touch Ariana and try to cause her harm, i will find you, and i will skin you alive. She is the only reason i am fighting all this through, and i will not allow anyone to cause her harm."

The Elders and Samon looked to Vill'Kern as he threatened them, with a mix of fear and honesty. They now knew he wasn't a mere human anymore, and that probably not even their forces would keep them safe from his wrath. Vill'Kern turned to the princess, and, placing his hands upon her shoulders in a gentle enough gesture, he looked her in the eyes and spoke.

"Listen to me. I will return for you. I promise you that. I will not die, not now, not tomorrow, not ever. Take care, and, should any sign occur, run outside and look for me. Call my name. Until victory"

He pulled a confident smile, as he approached her to himself, and pressed his lips to her forehead. He did not know exactly what attitude the mages would take should they find out there was a little more between him and the princess. Vill'Kern looked back to the Elders, just to strike some little more fear into their old bones, before stepping away, and exitting the hall, to take the way down and out of the tower. The Elder that spoke earlier approached the princess cautiously, and looked upon the Book, amazement being immediately readable on his face as he saw the odd seal about it.

"You managed to seal it, i see. Have you been trained by a mage, a priest, or anyone with some knowledge in the arcane arts?" The old man asked as he motioned for the princess to follow him and the other five, and Samon, to the other side of the hall, where there lain an Altar dedicated to Ynarae, the main goddess of the people of Hierys, the Goddess of Light and Life itself. "Lay the book on the Altar, and step back. We shall unseal it, and supress its power, so we can read through its pages."

Vill'Kern was outside of the tower now, and watched the armed forces of Hierys doing their best to oppose the invasion of the orc army. The giant, steel gates of the city were being constantly hit into with the giant fists of two stone golems, while through the air, boulders took flight and landed in different parts of the city, launched by the catapults, handled by giant trolls. The situation was getting more and more critical by the second. He finally found a way to reach a point from where he could speak to all the soldiers that could hear him in the general chaos. Standing tall above them, with the sword in his hand, his voice boomed out loud.

"Alright, everyone! I am here on the behalf of The Elders, sent to command you! To take you to..." He was abruptly intrerupted by a lot of voices full of hate. "We don't need you, you scum! Treacherous bastard! Go back under the rocks you crawl!"

He looked at the men that stood still, before the gates, awaiting them to be blasted open so they would attack the invaders. Vill'Kern raised his voice once more, and yelled out loud yet again.

"You do not fight for me! You fight for yourselves! For your families! For everything you love! Step forth and bring demise to your enemies, to see another day! Kill or be killed! Decapitate, or your head will fall off your shoulders! I do not come here to preach! I do not come here to lead! I come here to fight, side by side with you, for the good of this city! For Elos! For Valysia! Do not let it fall down!"

As he was getting more and more fiery in his speech, the aura about him grew and extended as a raging storm, catching in its grasp many of the soldiers and awakening the war spirit in them. The aura engulfed him once more, the odd helmet with deer horns once more shining upon his head as he yelled out loud, just as the steel gates finally gave in to the strong punches, and fell down.

To victory!

The soldiers let out a synchronised battle shout as they rushed forth, pushing back the orc troops that were already forcing their way in, as Vill'Kern stood in the center of the human army, slaughtering orcs left and right, with his rageful Oath Of Penitence. The whole city was full of the sound of battle horns, the thundering growls of the trolls, battle shouts of humans, swords clashing and buildings getting destroyed by the catapult-sent boulders.
Ariana tilted her head back to watch small bits of dust sprinkle down from the ceiling of the strange stone room they had landed in, watching the descent of the fine powder until it dispersed in the air. Her mind began to kick in to gear once more as she listened to the thudding of what sounded to be heavy footsteps above her head, thoughts of what she had seen while under the influence of the Book of Revolt- as she now knew the grimoire to be called- forgotten in the wake of their current situation.

What was happening above them? Had the battle already begun? How long had it taken them to get here, assuming this was indeed Hierys, after Samon had first contacted Vill'Kern to plead for his help? Ariana could sense the trepidation and rising tensions seeping down through the stone ceiling to reach them in their unknown location, mixing with their own confusion and anticipation swirling about the room. That meant they had to be in the right place, didn't it? Or was it possible Hierys was not the only kingdom of Elos currently under attack?

Ariana was distracted from her pressing questions as she heard Vill'Kern draw the Oath of Penitence, sensing the shift in his emotions a moment before she noticed the strange light that was quick to reveal the form of Samon himself. The princess bit her to tongue to keep from snapping at the infuriating mage that had the audacity to order them around, when the first thing out of his mouth should have been a lament of his regret at the trouble he had caused the warrior. Ariana glanced to the blade of the Oath of Penitence, wondering at its reaction to the mage. She had the sense it was simply an impression of the old man before them instead of his true form, unable to sense more than a fleeting glimpse of Samon's aura. It appeared as if Vill'Kern's sword had confirmed her suspicions.

He is afraid of facing Vill'Kern in person, Ariana thought a moment before they were engulfed in the light that had proceeded the mage's arrival, transporting them to a new location before she had time to fully understand what was happening. The princess barely spared the breathtaking room filled to the brim with information a second glance before she focused on the oddly dressed men before them, inferring from the auras radiating from them, each spirit unique to the individual mage though all possessing the same awe spiring strength of will, that these were the scholars Samon had sought out for help regarding the Book of Dark Arts. The High Circle.

Ariana carefully monitored the emotions of the High Circle as they spoke in hushed voices with Samon. It was difficult to determine their calm, almost subdued emotions compared to the havoc and chaotic auras reaching the princess from the men preparing to engage in battle in the streets of Hierys, but even through the miasma of of stress and despair Ariana could sense no ill will emanating from the famed wizards. Quite in the opposite, in fact, much to the princess's surprise- the Elder that first spoke to them seemed to feel genuine remorse as he apologized for the trouble they had caused, and his words rang true when he spoke of his belief in the warrior's skill being superior to their own for such a task.

After all the legends Ariana had heard of Vill'Kern The Slayer, after all she had seen the warrior accomplish, she couldn't exactly blame the wise men for their faith in the living legend. No, she was sure they were right. No one but Vill'Kern would have been capable of defeating the Mad Mage, and even he had lost his life before his inevitable victory. But was it really true, or were they simply telling them what they wanted to hear? If the tales of the High Circle's magical skills were true, was it really so farfetched to believe they could hide their intent? She could sense only honesty and genuine beseechment from the Elders, and a quick glance at the Oath of Penitence informed her it too sensed nothing amiss, but how difficult would it be for the six combined to fool their senses?

Ariana looked to Vill'Kern in surprise as he suddenly agreed to lead Hierys's forces in battle. She knew he would of course, it was the whole point of them venturing here, to keep the city from falling so they could get the information they needed from the Book of Dark Arts, but she had expected negotiations before he informed the Circle of his intent. The princess' s eyes widened as Vill'Kern continued speaking, the mages' surprise mimicking her own as the warrior stated his reasons for fighting closely following a threat to the old men's lives.

The princess felt a slight smile pull at her lips as she sensed the High Circle's fear and shock at Vill'Kern's words, awed the warrior could strike fear into any man, no matter how high his position, with nothing more than his words and reputation. Ariana's smile shifted into something gentler as The Punisher turned his attention to her, wishing she could return his words with a reassurance of her own, but knowing it would be less than wise with their current audience.

"I'll be waiting." Ariana replied simply instead, holding on to the warrior as tightly as she could for the moment he embraced her before he was already striding confidently towards the awaiting battle, not so much as a flicker of uncertainty marring his aura. The princess watched after Vill'Kern until it was no longer possible, following his aura with her senses until she was distracted by the approach of the Elder that had spoken earlier.

Ariana turned to the man as he commented on the Book of Dark Arts, tightening her grasp on it and the Book of Revolt to hold both texts to hold them protectively no her person. She could sense his surprise mixing with the assortment of emotions flooding the room, Ariana's eyes glanced between each mage in turn as she tried to determine which emotion belonged to each individual. Fear was still predominant in the room, but with Vill'Kern's departure the emotion was quickly being over taken by curiousity, distaste, indignity, concern, and even a hint of amusement.

"No, I have no formal training. Only what I have read in the libraries in Khorinys." Ariana answered the question directed at her after carefully considering her words, seeing no harm in answering honestly in this aspect. The princess still did not trust the Wise Men of Hierys, but she knew they needed their help if they were ever to identify the entity pursuing them. Even still, Ariana was careful to keep her mind blank as she followed the members of the High Circle across the room just in case they were attempting to see inside her mind. After all she had seen since leaving Khorinys, Ariana was unwilling to trust anyone other than Vill'Kern without solid evidence, even the grom had yet to obtain her full faith.

Innis! Ariana glanced over her shoulder in search of the little creature as she came to a stop in front of the Altar, her guilt at forgetting the grom's presence in the room once again being pulled from her mind as she was directed to place the Book of Dark Arts on the Altar. The princess hesitated with the text held tightly in her arms, the memory of the dark entity that had tried to coax her into reading from its pages replaying in her mind. Was it truly safe to release the seal on the Book? Did the Circle fully understand what they were going to unleash? Or did they know all too well, and were simply awaiting the opportunity to set their god free?

What good would it do to deny the High Circle their will? Even if she said no, they would simply force the Book from her grasp, and if they did not? If they heeded Ariana's warning and did not dare to look upon the text's corrupt pages? Then everything Vill'Kern had done for her would be for not, and they may never find the answers they needed. There was only one option.

Taking a deep breath, the princess forced her self to step toward the Altar and set the Book of Dark Arts down upon its surface. Slowly she walked back to her place out of the Circle's way, trying to ignore the maddening urge to snatch up the Book and flee as far as she could, a sense of dread seemingly permanently lodged in her chest. Holding the Book of Revolt tightly to her person with one hand, Ariana held out the other for Innis to take. Should anything go awry, and the princess had the terrible premonition it would, she wanted to be certain of the grom's safety.
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The Elders took their steps back as well, out of the magic symbol that was drawn on the floor around the altar that looked like a stone table, above which stood the Goddess herself, a statue of a beautiful female, holding her hands above the table as if in a magic sign, the very sign of life. Samon also took a few steps back, moving closer to the princess, then murmuring something under his breath while looking at the princess and grom. Just as soon as the murmuring was over, the princess and Innis were within a warm field of energy. that shielded them.

"It... is for your own safety, My Lady" Samon spoke as he then turned his attention to the Elders, that were preparing to chant the spell to suppress the evil that was to be coming out once the seal would be taken off the book. They placed themselves around the table in such manner that every element was standing at the opposite side of its opposite, They all awaited a few moments, and took deep breaths, before extending their arms forth, as to cast all their energy upon the table of the Altar. Closing their eyes, their voices started chanting all at once, phrasing the words while their energy started gathering into one single place, the table and the book.

Oh, Ynarae, mother of the world

Creator of nature, of human and animal alike

Mother to the seen, and to the unseen and protector of the mortal kind

You, Goddess of life and Light, hear our word

Thy great power grant upon us, in times of need

Bestow thy wisdom upon us today, and bring us Light

Show us the path through darkness and stop the evil from spreading

So, thine word be heard.

Lalu, efiel isel Ynarae

Theulle attetholl loryl

Asla seil shejalu

Lethe thyet hyr vaar

Horr ly ier na'mees

Shaaila ethishile lief

Yathite vor seey

Ra lythil laish

As the mages chanted, their energy swiftly entwined, engulfing the Altar, which seemed to radiate with an energy of its own. The circle about the Altar was also shining with another type of energy. mixing with the mages' and the Altar's, all of them focusing on the Book. The seal that Ariana has put over it was finally broken, and just as immediately, the darkness tried to spread, being just as soon repressed by the heavy energy coming from the Elders, but fighting fiercely for supremacy. The tension in the hall was growing, while Samon kept chanting under his breath, to keep alive the protection spell for Ariana. Innis hid terrified behind her leg, while a wind like a storm came whirling through all the hall, and an echoing, dark voice, whispered over everyone words in an unknown, cursed tongue.

Ruldur lothor gorgloth duknag

Ghaad irr hryonios ve'eil

Ra'th vre'nhi sa'orth

Loqhi'or rii'r

The Elders started chanting out louder, pushing their energy even more against the darkness that kept trying to spread from the book. The fight between good and evil and the tension were causing the walls and the very structure of the tower to tremble, as if there was a whole earthquake going on.

Outside, the battle raged. Steel clashed against steel between men and orcs. The catapults on the outside of the walls now sent boulders somehow lit up on fire, demolishing structure after structure of the city, and setting it on fire. Giant ogres pushed their way in through the main entrance in the city, smashing any soldier in their way, even some of the orcs, and wiping away with a simple move of their huge hands at least 10 soldiers at one time. The archers on the walls were falling, struck by the orc archers outside them, and the battle was falling more and more in advantage for the North. Dark clouds were gathering above Hierys and the wiping out of the city was iminent.

Vill'Kern's aura was the only distinguishable in the whole chaos, and his red Oath Of Penitence, slashing and stabbing left and right with his usual grace, despite the fact that he was a giant amongst men. While swirling through orc troops and slashing constantly, his mind was only set on the princess. He hoped that the Elders were trying to help her and not hurt her. Especially Samon. HIs train of thoughts was broken by the voice of one of the soldiers fighting side by side with him.

"What the hell do we do? Our men are slaughtered by the hundreds, these bloody bastards have trolls, ogres, golems, what do we have?" Yelled out the soldier while stabbing an orc through the throat, then another through the guts. He was right. The North was well prepared, while they had nothing but.. him?

"Have you called for help from the east?" Vill'Kern asked, while doing pirrouettes and hit death into every orc that was unlucky enough to get in his way.

"Yes, we have, but those hard nosed bloody bastards hate us for some fights in the past, and won't even lift a finger!" The soldier replied before receiving a blade through the head, and falling dead beside Vill'Kern, who was quick to put his blade through the soldier's executor. The odds seemed not to be favoring him, not even with his aura.

The fight was now being taken in two places, outside, where fierce soldiers and Vill'Kern fought for their lives, and in the High Circle's Tower, where the Elders fought to exhaustion with the dark force that the book was pushing against them. While more black clouds gathered above Hierys.
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Ariana stared up at the beautifully carved stone statue of the Goddess Ynarae standing guard above the altar and the cursed text resting on its surface, silently pleading with the deity not to allow the entity lurking within the Book of Dark Arts to be set free. The princess continued to beseech the embodiment of Hierys's guardian as the members of the High Circle took their positions around Her and the altar, the tension in the spacious room of knowledge intensifying until she was sure even the statue of Ynarae herself must have been able to sense it.

Please, Mother of Life and Light, hear me now. Please stand guard over your dedicated disciples, and keep their cause true. Guide their hand so the entity that threatens all of which you stand for may never wreak havoc upon all of Valysia. And please... Please, Mother Ynarae, please watch over Vill'Kern so that no harm may befall the warrior.

Ariana tore her gaze away from the smile engraved upon the statue's kind face as she felt the energy that had transported them into the High Circle's chambers once again encase her. For a terrible, heart wrenching moment the princess was certain she had fallen into a trap, the warmth of the light pressing against her form preparing to remove her from the room now that she had relinquished possession of the Book of Dark Arts. It took several moments for her to comprehend Samon's words, confusing the meaning and the emotions behind them with thoughts of dark shadows and red eyes consuming the land.

Ariana's tensed hands unclenched as nothing happened within the confines of Samon's enchantment, no teleportation spell, constraints, nor thoughts being pushed into her mind, allowing the princess to breathe once more. For your own safety, he had said. But from what, exactly? From the spirit contained within the Book of Dark Arts that the High Circle was so certain they could subdue, or from the Elders themselves? Before she could come to a conclusion as to what to think of the old mage's protection, however, the Wise Men of the High Circle began their chant, invoking the spirit of their Goddess to assist them in their work.

The princess gasped as she felt the power gaining momentum between the forms of the posed Elders, her eyes widening as their magic combined with the innate magic of the altar and the circle of power encasing the stone table to all but consume the Book set upon the stone table. Such power, it was... staggering. The only thing the could compare was Vill'Kern's aura as he had fought the demon Vorath had devolved into after the warrior's resurrection, but even that was too different in form to truly compare. Vill'Kern's strength had been pure, unadulterated power that was unique to his spirit, a force that couldn't be mimicked. This, what Ariana now witnessed was the combination of six individual auras becoming one, drawing even more energy from the altar and its protective symbols to create a power that was magic in its purest form.

Had she truly underestimated the High Circle so severely? In the face of such raw energy, their mingling powers becoming one solid force that enveloped the Book of Dark Arts completely, it seemed impossible to think the entity within the Book would be able to resist their might. Perhaps the Wise Men really did live up to their reputations, but that still left the question of what they would do with the Book of Dark Arts should they be able to control it. Their strength alone did not guarantee their intentions.

The thought had barely passed through the princess's mind before she felt the seal she had placed upon the Book give under the sheer power working against it, the enchantment dissolving to be lost in the overwhelming force of the High Circle's magic. Not even an instant passed before the Book of Dark Arts opened of its own accord where it still sat upon on the altar, the unfortunately familiar, terrible darkness springing force from the pages as it tried to force its way free of the High Circle's restraining magic.

Ariana watched with bated breath as the two forces fought against each other, unable to detect which power was gaining momentum against the other. She could see the High Circle's magic still stood unwavering around the darkness coiling within the confines of their enchantment, but the princess could also detect waves of negative energy straining against the Wise Men's might, seemingly making more and more of a dent against their defenses before the evil force was suppressed once more.

How long could the Elders hold on? What more could they do then to restrain the entity from breaking free? It seemed impossible for them to fully suppress its might. Reading from the pages seemed like an unachievable dream now, as uncertainty and concern plagued the princess's mind. Ariana could sense the men slowly losing strength as they fought tirelessly against the unyielding darkness, with no resolution in sight. What if the entity broke free? Would it simply flee, or would it destroy everything in its path before it took possession of her body?

A shudder ran up the princess's spine as she heard the horrible, dark voice of the entity flood her mind, unable to decipher the words echoing in her head in an endless loop. It's over, Ariana thought in despair, no longer able to watch the High Circle battle with the dark energy, not wishing to see their enchantment break as the entity was finally freed. We've lost. Valysia is lost. Everyone that was sacrificed, everything that was lost, is in vain. I'll... never see Vill'Kern again.

With tears burning the backs of her eyes Ariana dropped to her knees to embrace the grom cowering behind her, allowing the Book of Volt to fall unattended on the ground. With the crystal in her boot heating the flesh of her ankle, the princess quietly began to repeat the words she had heard Samon chanting earlier, attempting to comfort Innis before their inevitable end.
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The fight between the forces seemed to lower down. The energy of the mages and of the Altar was dying, slowly, while the darkness kept spreading tendrils, breaking through the walls of energy at times and snapping at Samon, who immediately pulled back, while struggling to keep the protection spell up. The earthquake like vibrations intensified, as the grim voice of the unknown dark entity echoed even louder, crashing against walls and taking direction to another walls.

The statue of Ynarae started cracking, slightly, with loud enough sounds, while the Altar table also started crumbling, small piece by small piece. The situation was critical, and everything Vill'Kern and the princess have been struggling for seemed lost, in vain and without any hope of restoring. But suddenly, something happened. Samon dropped to his knees. His staff fell out of his hand, and he remained on the floor, on his knees, with his palms open again the cold, hard marmored floor. The protection spell around Ariana and Innis remained still, while Samon seemed to be giving up. But something was heard.

His voice. His voice echoed against the walls, soon catching up a tone louder than the dark entity's voice. His whole being started glowing with a strange energy, that was chanelled to his palms, to the floor, and headed directly to the circle around the Altar. For a moment, silence befell the hall. the energy stream seemed to be intrerupted, for that small second, before a burst of light covered all the hall in its glimmer. The whole vibration picked up, so heavy that the walls seemed to be cracking. The dark energy vanished completely into the light, that, slowly fading now, revealed Her.

A tall, slim figure. White skin contrasting with waves of beautiful black hair, a kind smile caressing her facial features, and golden eyes gazing upon the mortals. Ynarae Herself. The time seemed to have been stopping around the princess, as Ynarae took light steps towards her, Her white dress gracing her figure beautifully. The Goddess bent down before the princess, and carressed her tear drenched cheek, as She spoke with an angelic voice.

"The tears of the pure are worth the attention of Gods. Worry not, my beautiful child. Your path does not end here"

Ynarae's lips pressed against Ariana's forehead, before the light faded away totally, letting the fight between the mages and the dark energy continue. But this time, something was different. The mages' energy. It grew considerably. It became unyielding and severe, sucking in all the dark energy and forcing it to stay closed within it. The dark entity's words were slowly dying down, and finally became unheard, as the ball of light folded the darkness into it before exploding, covering yet again the hall in blinding light for a second, before revealing the outcome of the fight.

The Elders stood still, gazing upon the book that now was freed from the heavy, dark energies, and opened on a random page, the words now fully visible. The bubble of protective energy around Ariana was gone, and at her right, just feet away, lain Samon's corpse. He seemed to be sleeping, peaceful, but he was gone. He gave his very vital energy to summon Ynarae. The Elders turned around, and approached the dead mage, with visible mourning in their facial expressions. The only Elder that has spoken out eversince Ariana and Vill'Kern were there, spoke yet again.

"And so he died. A good mage. Loyal to our cause and always keeping an eye out on everything. He shall receive a place of honor in the Hall Of Maesters. May Ynarae bless his soul"

Outside, the battle seemed to be lost already. The human scatters of army pulled back, while the orcs kept going forth, bringing in the trolls, the ogres and the two giant stone golems, that broke through the walls around the gates. The houses of the city were stormed and crushed under the strong hits of the giants, Vill'Kern kept fighting fiercely, despite the odds that actually seemed to hate him. But he wasn't going to give up. He would fight to the end for the princess, the only person that he cared for in that world.

The Penitence kept hitting left and right, decapitating, maiming and sending souls to the Fields Of The Damned. He felt a sword trying to strike behind him. Turning around on his heels, he skillfully parried with his sword, before stomping his foot against the orc's chest, causing it to step back and merely lose balance. But the orc stood still. Immediately, it assaulted Vill'Kern with sword strikes, engaging in a duel with Vill'Kern. The field around them cleared up, leaving the two forces duel. Vill'Kern took a defensive stance, taunting the wild orc that immediately rushed against him with swords strikes. Vill'Kern spun to the left and blocked a strike, before spinning back and stopping another strike, yet again stomping his foot against the orc's chest, this time managing to make it fall back.

The orc quickly stood, grabbing its sword once more and starting again with a rain of hits against the golden armored warrior that Vill'Kern was.
The despair and desperation in the suddenly too small room was suffocating. Ariana could sense the Wise Men of Hierys's High Circle beginning to lose hope as they realized how gravely they had underestimated the power contained within the Book of Dark Arts, their doubt a palpable force within the chamber. The dread of the six Elders was only a whisper at first, as if an echo of the terrible, unearthly voice of the darkest of entities invading the room, causing the walls to quake and the princess to tremble, until their dread turned to fear. The terror began to blossom within the heart one- which mage the princess could not be certain of through Innis's and her own terror- slowly spreading throughout the other magic welders like an insidious disease, the fall of one leading to the ruin of the rest. Ariana vaguely wondered if it was because of the magic connecting them or if they had all come to the same inevitable conclusion, before she was distracted by a ominous cracking sound that sounded suspiciously like the ceiling about to cave down upon their heads.

No, not the ceiling, Ariana realized with fresh tears in her eyes, tightening her grasp on the grom as her gaze fell upon the crumbling statue of the Goddess Ynarae, something far more terrible. The princess watched, transfixed by the sight, as pieces of the beautiful Goddess's statue fell away from the rest of the stone embodiment, leaving a grotesque image in its place. Unable to look away, the princess watched as a crack formed across one side of the once pristine features of the pure white figure, stretching from beneath Her peacefully closed eye to the bottom of Her cheek, giving the statue the appearance of a weeping priestess.

She mourns for Her disciples, Ariana thought in defeat, acceptance of the end weakening her tensed muscles, She knows what fate is about to befall Her people, and that there is nothing that can be done to prevent it. The princess closed her eyes as the will to fight left her body, trying to block out the misery engulfing the area to find peace her in finally moments of freedom, before everything that was her was forced from her body and the empty shell that was left behind became the host of the entity so close to freedom. She could feel its hunger clawing at her skin as she reminisced about the previous night, the few hours of paradise they had enjoyed, unknowing of what would befall them the next day. As she kneeled awaiting her demise, the princess regretted above all else leaving that clearing. She wished she could have remained there with Vill'Kern forever more, blissful in his protective embrace until the end of their days. How foolish it seemed now to have ever pulled away from his embrace.

Ariana was slowly brought from her nostalgic thoughts as she heard a voice vibrating with power drown out that of the entity's terrible howls, feeling a warmth radiate throughout the room, a sense she almost couldn't recognize after being submerged in the darkness for so long. The miraculous light, whatever the source, had actually managed to suppress the darkness. Completely. Not even a glimmer of the terrible power that had come so close to destroying all of Hierys could be detected by Ariana's high strung senses. Could it really be over? Had she... already been removed from the world of the living?

The princess hesitantly glanced around for some explanation as to what had happened, seeking out the source of the voice. Ariana almost expected to see the warrior her mind had been filled moments before standing before her, despite knowing it couldn't possibly be him by the distinctly absent aura. Her wonderings came to an abrupt halt as her gaze fell upon the breath taking woman slowly approaching the her, the figure in white radiating light appearing as if she were walking across thin air. Ariana recognized the woman from the statue she had been staring at minutes ago, though her mind refused to comprehend what she was seeing.

Ynarae. Ariana could no nothing but stare as the Goddess Herself knelt before the princess, her words penetrating Ariana to her very core. Your path does not end here. She could feel all her fears and doubts leaving her body as the Goddess brushed her lips against the princess's forehead, a sense of utter peace and well being filling her as Ariana's eyes closed with a blissing smile at the unearthly woman. Yes, everything would be okay now. The entity would not prevail, and Hierys would not fall. Not even the dark spirit could stand against the Goddess Herself.

When Ariana once again opened her eyes she found the battle between the High Circle and the Book of Dark Arts had already come to an end. The Book lay opened upon the ruined Altar with not even a hint of the entity that had once lurked within its pages. It was little more than the rest of the books that had lined the walls of the chamber before they had fallen to the ground as the walls had shaken by the sheer force of the battle. The only thing that set it apart now was the promise of the knowledge contained within its pages.

Ariana turned her attention from the Book that had caused them so much trouble as she felt the sadness emitted by the Wise Men, looking round to see what she had missed. It was impossible for the Book of Dark Arts to cause any more harm, so what were they mourning- The princess's eyes widened as her gaze fell upon the prone form of Samon, taking several long seconds to realize what was wrong with the old mage. There was nothing left of him. Not even a whisper of his aura. Then... he was the one? He had invoked Ynarae's spirit, knowing what would happen to his own being? The princess was uncertain how to feel, her mistrust of the old mage fresh in her mind, while the feel of the Goddess's power still thrummed through her being.

"I... am sorry I doubted you, Samon. May you find peace along side the Goddess of Light and Life." Ariana spoke in Khorinys's ancient tongue, bowing her head at the mage's corpse in her final respects. She had been wrong about him. There was no two ways around it. He had led Vill'Kern to his demise, but he had not done so out of ill intent. He had believed in the warrior, as the princess did now. The old mage had given his life in that belief. "You will not be disappointed, Samon." Ariana felt the determination building in her chest, wishing to prove to the deceased mage he had not been mistaken. Your path does not end here.

No, our path will not end until all of Valysia has been saved from this damned darkness.

Gathering the Book of Volt into her arms, Ariana strode away from the mourning Elders gathered around the corpse of their fallen friend, stopping in front of the smiling Statue of Ynarae, the embodiment of the Goddess restored to its former glory as if nothing had ever happened to it. Kneeling before the statue, Ariana set the Book down at the figure's feet, the sense of the Goddess's presence of Her power still flowing throughout the princess's veins. The Book sprang open as if it knew Ariana's intentions, a deep breath passing through her lips before she began to chant. She thought of Vill'Kern's aura as she spoke the words she had never used before, imagining his spirit growing, gaining in strength and volume until it consumed everything that dared to stand against the legendary warrior.

Our path does not end here.
Vill'Kern's duel was far from being over. Carefully and with a sufficient amount of grace in his moves, he dismissed every sword strike coming from the orc rival, but not managing to land a blow on it, his own strikebacks being parried succesfully by the orc, that seemed to be a general of the dark army. The orc's skill really seemed to match Vill'Kern's, as both of them kept attempting to slay each other with an awful lack of success, due to the other's talent. But one thing managed to do difference between the two forces. Vill'Kern's constant aura. It seemed to dominate the battlefield, it spread like tendrills, striking yet again the war spirit in the dissapointed soldiers, not letting them go into depression and let themselves slain. Each soldier fought with all the pride and determination he was capable of, despite the obvious unfair game the army of darkness pulled. But Vill'Kern's aura did not let the hope of any soldier perish.

The orc took a few steps to the side, trying to trick strike Vill'Kern, to make him focus at the blade while it kicked at his legs. But with no success, for Vill'Kern's agility and attention seemed to be focused on all the battlefield. One thing did the former sellsword appreciate about orcs. They played fair fights. They did use their superior strenght to slaughter mere humans, with no training in warfare, but they offered the chance to a fair duel to those they deemed worthy. So, Vill'Kern really did value something in their eyes. It honored him, nonetheless, but he was decided to win that battle, as well as the war. He had to. He remembered the increasing number of beasts he'd never thought of slaying, yet he slain them. A stone golem, a behemoth spider... What would two stone golems, some trolls, some ogres and some orcs be compared to that? Nothing. A warrior with his class should not fear anything. And never lose. Ever.

With that thought, his aura bursted out again, And he started landing heavier blows to the orc, taking it completely by surprise. He pushed the green skinned war beast back with every strike, moving so fast that it barely could keep up with him and parry his strikes. With the Penitence in hand, he drawn a circle in the air with his arm, before a double move of his lower half of the arm sent the blade straight through the orc's chest, where the heart was. Withdrawing the blade, it shimmered with a green liquid, while the orc fell to his knees, giving out the last growl before falling dead. Vill'Kern stood in the middle of the ring, having the other orcs look at him with a mix of fear and confusement, while his aura grew wide, expanding more and more by the second. But the confusement wasn't only on the orc side. Even he was confused. What was going on? He felt his aura burning out, growing from his inside to his outside, and something told him it was not even half of it. He heard it, clearly. Words spoken in a totally unknown tongue, echoing through his mind with Ariana's voice. What was going on?

The Oath Of Penitence in his hand was now glowing with the same energy, an out worldly energy that seemed to scare the orcs, and even the golems that by now have destroyed more than half of the city. The fires rose high out of anywhere, the city was halfway through becoming the same ruin as Khorinys, if it not had become so yet. But his aura continued expanding, reaching so high up in the air and far on the grounds, striking more fear into the savage beasts and so much courage into the remaining soldiers that remained fighting. This wouldn't end there, he knew it.

The voice of Ariana rang louder and louder, obsessive into his mind, while his aura expanded without his will. Empowering and overpowering him, until he no longer could hold it. A beam of energy bursted out, and extended to the skies, before lowering down into a tornado of sheer force, blowing away every of the enemy units and turning them to nothing but dust into seconds. Even the golems fell down under this force, and everything that meant Hierys was blinded for a moment from such power, before it all fell in silence. Dead orcs, humans, corpses everywhere. Maimed soldiers, and soldiers thanking Ynarae for surviving. Vill'Kern stood in the middle of it all, his hair waving in the small storm of energy about him, with the Oath Of Penitence in his hand. Triumph. He had triumphed in the battle, once more. But who helped him out? Ariana? Could she do spells? Could she?

With slow steps, he headed towards the tower of the High Circle, while every standing soldier of Hierys saluted him with his fist against his armor, in the place of the heart, and with their heads high. He walked into the tower, and took thudding steps on the stairs, while sheathing the Penitence, the deer horned helmet having vanished once with his outburst of power. He felt a slight thud in his chest as he touched the door he had to open in order to enter the Hall. He finally made courage, and opened the door, entering, standing tall in the doorway, holding his head high.

"It's over. Hierys is safe now"
"Venez à moi nuage,

Mai ou augmenter comme tempête pure.

Frappez vers le bas sur ceux qui lui souhaitent le mal,

Et massacrez ceux qui souhaitent la même chose,

Sur à nous."

Ariana's voice reverberated throughout the High Circle's chamber as her chant increased in velocity, the resolve behind her words clear as she spoke without pause. The princess could feel the Wise Men of Hierys staring at her as she spoke, but it barely scratched the surface of her awareness as the words flowing freely from her mouth also filled her mind. She could feel the power traveling from her mind to her lips, her intentions reaching her speech before she even spoke.


L'augmenter, élèvent, et mènent la façon,

Dirigez ceux qui sont perdus

à la terre sans la peur,

là où la douleur n'existe plus.

Augmenter, choisi des neuf,

et menez le chemin vers la terre chosi

Ariana's head fell back as she recited the chant she wasn't sure how she knew, but couldn't be bothered to to concerned about at the moment. She could feel her hair swaying freely behind her as the princess gazed up upon the statue of Ynarae, feeling the goddess's strength mingle with her own, guiding her spirit. Was She the source of the incantation, or was She simply expressing Her encouragement? But the words were in the Khorinian tongue. Was the Ynarae's doing, an innate ability of her own, or the influence of the Book of Revolt warming every so slightly beneath her finger tips?

The princess didn't have room in her mind to think so deeply. All she could manage was a whisper of gratitude barely noticable through the magic running through her veins, uncertain were the emotion was directed. Even if she had been able to think clearly, it would have been near impossible to distinguish her emotions from those seeping in to the tower from the battleground outside, and the barely contained auras of the Elders standing behind her. What was the point of thinking about those worrisome things in the first place, with such wonderfully scripted words running through her mind? Ariana's moving lips stretched into a smile at the stone figure as she continued, barely drawing a breath between verses. If she hadn't known better, if she had space in her mind for anything other than thoughts of The Punisher's unfaltering spirit, Ariana would have sworn the statue smiled back.

"Tenez-vous grand avant tous ce qui s'opposent à vous.

Guidez ceux qui suivent pour assortir votre pas.

Frappez la peur dans les coeurs de l'ennemi!

Et espoir dans ceux qui préservent!

Maintenant, chamin de destin,

Apportez une extrémité à tout ce qui est peur,

Protégez tous ce qui sont près!"

The princess could feel the tension rising in her body as her arms slowly rose from her sides to rest elevated before her, her cupped palms facing towards the ceiling as if she were making an offering to the statue of the Goddess before her. Ariana felt as if electricity was thrumming through the length of her small body, dancing across her skin as it spread throughout the chamber until the very air sizzled with unrestrained energy. The princess relished in the sensation as the atmosphere grew thicker and thicker with the unseen force, until it seemed as it if might crush the occupants of the chamber within it's power. At the height of it's tension, when it seemed as if they all might fall beneath it's energy, the princess swept her arms wide as if to embrace Ynarae Herself. The tension dissipated at once, as if it had never existed at all.

"Maintenant, Punniseur!

Finissez ca!"

Ariana's chanting came to an abrupt end as the words in her mind ceased, her voice echoing throughout the chamber. The princess continued to stare up at the smiling face of the statue, her arms spread wide as she returned the expression. It took several long minutes before the energy coursing through her veins faded enough for the princess to return to her senses, her arms slowly lowering to her sides as she became aware of the unnerved auras swirling about widely behind her.

What had she done? What had the chanting caused? Had it caused anything at all, or had she simply been making a fool of herself, kneeling before the inanimate statue of the Goddess. No, something had definitely happened, she had felt the tension, the power, flowing through her body. But what? And how had she known the words? Ariana's mind was racing as if it were making up for lost time as she felt a bead of sweat drip down the back of her neck, aware she was not the only one wondering such things. She could feel the eyes of the High Circle staring at her in judgement like a physical force, making her dread turning around to face them. What would they say? Did they know what had happened to her? Would they lock her away, fearing for the safety of Hierys in her presence?

Ariana was spared from having to discover the answer to such questions by the loud thudding of approaching steps, reminding the princess of when Vill'Kern had pounded his way up the tower of Khorinys when they had first met. And of course it was the warrior, no one else had the such a distinctive aura. The princess stood as she felt the aura pause for a moment in front of the door, already rushing forward to meet him, passed the watching Wise Men six, before the doors had fully opened.
He didn't even get to finish his sentence before he had to unvoluntarily open his arms to receive the princess into them, and hold her tightly to himself. It felt like hours since he last saw her. Since he last touched her. He felt her relief, he felt his relief. He couldn't but smile and embrace the princess, holding her to him as to ensure her he was there, he was safe, he was alive. He let her go gently, however, as soon as he met the Elders' gaze. He trailed off to finally meet the corpse of Samon, lying upon the marmor. So, he paid all this with his life, Vill'Kern thought while looking at the dead body, not being able to feel sorrow or anything else, but understanding that the old mage didn't have any fault in all of this.

He returned his attention to the Elders, only his gaze asking a thousand questions. The grim energy wasn't there. So, they have defeated it? The book was safe to touch? He only looked upon the Altar table, to see the Book laying there, open, with scrawlings visible upon it. So, it worked. The Book was safe to read, was taken off the clutches of the dark entity. What entity was it, however, and how would they manage to imprison it or slay it, however, depended on the knowledge contained in the Book's pages. Hopefully, everything was right about it. His questions were, however, blocked on his lips, by one of the Elders speaking.

"It seems our trust in you, Vill'Kern, was indeed well based. You have dealt with the army alone, of course, with the help of the Princess right here, but how she helped you, it is really something to find out, even for ourselves. You two will really make it into the Halls Of History, i have no doubt about it"

The Elder let out the words with a genuine, kind smile upon his lips.

"That is, however, to be left for another time. Now, we have to find out exactly with what entity we are dealing here. You see, at the Mages University, we haven't been taught really that much about Ancient dark entities, as that is a forbidden branch of Magic, that only Necromancers access, at the risk of being hanged if found by the law"

The old mage continued speaking as he led Vill'Kern and the princess to the Altar, where the Book lain open. The other Elders assisted the main Elder that was speaking, in his searching through the book. When finally landing his gaze on exactly what he was looking for, he stared, somewhat shocked, in the Book, before turning his attention to Vill'Kern and the princess.

"Korr Amarok. This is the entity causing so much trouble... I have heard of it before. It's not its first attempt to take upon Valysia. When i was young, I too helped to eradicate Korr. No, not eradicate it... seal it away. In a special artifact, a coffin. Coffin that was hidden in a temple, far in the mountains. The seal of the coffin, that kept it close, was given to the Council in... Nyrathir... the kingdom of the East. Those bloody fools have probably ruined the seal and opened the coffin without will. Or with will. We cannot know for sure, but you have to go and retrieve the Seal. There is no other way to imprison Korr again if you do not get the Seal"

Vill'Kern sighed at the thought. For how long will they be running about anymore before they will finish that damned... Korr and be over with? For how long will they have to risk their lives before managing to live them quiet, and in peace? Well, that depended on them alone.

"Alright. Then our next route is to Nyrathir. But how exactly do you suggest we take the Seal?" Vill'Kern asked, wanting to know as much as he could before he ventured out into action.

"Steal it. Those hard nosed fools won't give it away, not even if you'd show them the dark clouds. They're way too proud, and they would not admit they made a mistake. Ever. The Seal was given to them because they helped too in the capturing of Korr, and because the odds favored them. No one wanted the Seal handed to them. Steal it, but be careful"
Ariana smiled apologetically up at the warrior she had all but charged at as she stepped away from his loosened embrace, too relieved at Vill'Kern's reappearance to feel too guilty at the abrupt show of affection before the members of the High Circle. He had done it. Yet again, The Punisher had accomplished what no other man could. The princess wasn't surprised at the successful outcome, Vill'Kern had proven time and again he was unstoppable in battle no matter the staggering odds he may face, but she had truly doubted during the mages' battle with the dark spirit in possession of the Book of Dark Arts they would ever meet again. At least while the princess was still in control of her own mind.

Ariana followed the mercenary's gaze to the lifeless body of Samon, barely a flicker of emotion detectable from the man to indictate he had noticed the old mage's fate. There was neither a hint of sadness nor joy in his familiar aura, though she had hardly expected him to fall to his knees and curse the skies in mourning. On the contrary, she had expected some sort of satisfaction or vindication at sight of the deceased mage that had sent him to his doom. But there was nothing, simply acceptance. The Punisher really had changed since the beginning of their journey if he no longer derived pleasure from the death of others.

The princess carefully monitored Vill'Kern's aura as his attention shifted to meet the collective gaze of the Elders steadfastly, trying to gauge his impression of the Wise Men. Did he trust them, now that he knew what they were capable of? Or had the show of power left him even more cautious of the men? It was impossible to tell, his aura too well contained to emit little more than curiosity, presumably about what had occurred within the tower while he had been conquering the enemy army.

The princess had to restrain herself from giving him a questioning prod, seeking some kind of hint as to what was going on inside his mind. After her stubborn grudge against Samon had so drastically biased her opinion of the old scholar, Ariana thought it best to get his view on the Elders before she came to any conclusions, difficult as it was to be patient. Unfortunately now was not the time. She would have to wait until they were alone, out of the watchful gaze of the collective Circle, to discover his impression of current events.

Ariana shifted closer to Vill'Kern in an attempt to appear inconspicuous behind his large form as he was praised by the only Elder that seemed to be willing to speak, glad to keep the focus on the warrior and yet another of his miraculous victories to be added to his collection of legends. The princess would have been unable to answer their questions regarding the unorthodox blessing should they- he- have asked anyway, just as much at a loss for what had happened as the members of the High Circle. Instead she was content to simply listen as the scholarly mage explained the Circle's lack of knowledge in this particular branch of magic, following the Wise Men as they led them to the Altar.

So even the Wise Men of Hierys' High Circle shied away from the horrors lurking within the Ancient Dark Arts. Ariana found it reassuring in a sense, if she ignored the disappointment she felt as she realized the limited information the Elders would be able to provide. The princess was beginning to trust the council of mages a bit more as she felt their discontentment and unease as they searched for the information regarding the unidentified entity. The less they cared for the forbidden Art the less likely they were to abuse it. The warning from her dreams seemed more unlikely with each new revelation.

Ariana looked from the now harmless Book of Dark Arts resting on the Altar between the Circle studying its pages to the talkative Elder as she sensed a ripple of surprise pass through each mage in turn. She would have been fascinated by the Circle's members strange connection had there been time, it truly was a uniquely amusing experience to sense one aura invoke the next like falling dominoes. The High Circle was like one entity broken into six parts, each member a different piece of one whole.

The princess shook the distracting thoughts from her head as she listened to the Elder she had deemed the mouth of the Circle's being, listening carefully to his description of their enemy. Korr Amarok. Finally, they had a name to put to the entity that had caused so much chaos across Valysia. Ariana didn't recognize the title, uncertain was exactly the creature was. How long ago had it first been sealed away? The Wise Man claimed he had been a part of the original resistance against it, but for all she knew that could have been centuries ago. The princess had heard of magic welders being granted longevity based on the strength of their magical capabilities, who was to say the exact age of any member of The High Circle was other than the Wise Men themselves? When was the last time a member of the Circle had been replaced with a new mage? Ariana had never heard of such an occasion.

"What is it, exactly? Korr Amarok." Ariana questioned the mouth of the Circle, unable to withhold her questions when the princess knew she may never get another chance to have them answered. "Is it a spirit, beast, or a demon? Is there nothing but the Seal that can contain it?"

Ariana glanced at Vill'Kern out of the corner of her eye as she felt his slight exasperation at their newly assigned task, pitying the warrior not for the first time his involvement in this entire conspiracy. First he had been poisoned near to death, then came the creatures of nightmares and the legions of undead he had been forced to fight, closely followed by another near death experience at the disgustingly hairy legs of spiders that had to right to exist in such sizes, leading to his actual death and painful parting from his parents once more during his resurrection, only for the man to ultimately be choosen as the only being capable of saving all of Valysia, and all the responsibilities that came with it. Including fighting yet another army of orcs and equally horrendous beings. Surely not what he had been expecting when he had agreed to transport the princess to the wastelands of Northenwald. Not that the princess wished anyone else for the job. Hell, not that there was anyone else for the job.

Now they were to travel to the East and steal from the kingdom of Nyrathir. Not the most daunting of tasks they had faced, but certainly not one that guaranteed any sense of ease. Also a mission that continued to bring them closer and closer to wastelands and Korr Amarok. The princess once again shook her head to clear her thoughts, wishing for nothing more than privacy to discuss the latest developments with Vill'Kern.

"Is there somewhere we can rest for the night?" Ariana enquired once again to the designated mouth piece of the Circle, casting a glance at the warrior to make sure he was prepared to leave the tower and the Wise Men with their never ending requests behind. "Surely the savior of Hierys has earned one night of peace?"

Several minutes later found the warrior, princess, and grom moving through the blood stained streets in search of lodging. Ariana clutched the Book of Revolt tightly to her person, reluctantly relinquishing ownership of the Book of Dark Arts to the High Circle until their departure, as she tried her best to tune out the misery and despair for lost loved ones and destroyed homes, wafting through the air like the thick smoke of the doused fires throughout the city. It reminded the princess a little too much of her fallen home with the bodies littering the streets and homes rendered completely inhospitable, with one major distinction. Life.

There were still survivors roaming the streets, helping those they could and ignoring those they couldn't for the moment. There were still people left to feel misery and despair, but also joy and gratitude. Soldiers rushing to reunite with their awaiting families, mothers weeping in joy over the safe return of their sons. There were buildings that had been almost completely spared from the raging battle, only smoldering roofs or broken windows evidence anything had happened in such areas at all. Had Vill'Kern not been leading the charge, the situation would have been a complete massacre, just as Khorinys had been.

"Living legend," Ariana praised Vill'Kern quietly as a small group of soldiers paused in whatever action they had been performing to salute the passing warrior in respect, holding their closed fists over their hearts until their hero had vanished from their sights.
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The Elder looked to the princess as she questioned him about Amarok. Indeed, it was a good question, but should he have the answer to the inquiry, he would've given her the proper answer. But the burden of answering the question was however taken from him by one of the other Elders. The one dressed in a black robe. He took a step forth, and spoke, his voice soft and with a silk-ish smoothness, his voice not betraying his age, as it wasn't nor old, nor young.

"Korr Amarok is a fallen god. You see, princess, when a god is born, he is assumed a domain. A domain, a kingdom. However, when Korr appeared at the Birthplace Of The Gods, he hasn't been attributed anything. Not a continent, not an island, not a kingdom, not an element. Nothing. Korr grew up watching his brothers and sisters become respected gods, while he... he was useless. All he could do was give life to creatures, but only creatures, not humans. He created the orcs, the trolls, the giants. And at a moment, he bursted out in rage. He revolted against his brothers and sisters, and tried ruining the Birthplace. He has been banned away, and he has been taken away the statute of a god. Eversince he's tried vengeance against his kin for doing so much unjustice to him."

The Elder finished speaking before retreating, taking his position back between the others. The main Elder cleared his voice before answering at the other question of the princess.

"But of course there is. Hopefully, not all inns have been ruined, but you can go out and find one. By the northern part of Hierys there are a lot of inns, and as i can see, that part has somewhat been spared the destruction. Go and rest, and we will meet tomorrow once more so we can prepare you for the incoming journey."

Vill'Kern didn't even lift a finger, nor did he move, while he listened to everything, before nodding. So, there was something big awaiting ahead of them. He only could imagine how they'd be faced with yet another war, or who knows what else Korr was trying to pull on them. But they'd make it through it all, he knew that for sure, as long as they were together, nothing would stand in the way. On their way out of the tower, he thought of how the princess became a motivation to win for him. He felt he needed to thank her for everything that she was, but he let that thought slip for another time.

He looked upon the streets and the so many different scenes going on. Soldiers carrying wounded, soldiers bent over corpses of women and children, their dear families. Women and children cursing at the gods while their tears fell upon the corpses of the soldiers that once were loving fathers and husbands. It was a mix of happiness and tragedy. He nodded to all the soldiers that stopped in their way to salute him, for the first time feeling this type of respect that he was subjected to. He looked upon a few faces, and recognized some of the soldiers that just months ago were chasing him to bring him to the noose. And now they stood, gazing upon him with genuine respect and admiration, and saluting him as if he was the highest military rank. Who would have thought? The most wanted outlaw becoming a hero over the night? It seemed crazy, even for him.

He looked forward, and saw four soldiers carrying a dead orc. The dead orc general that he has slain. What were they doing with the damned thing? He couldn't hold the question to himself, he only found it rolling away from his lips as the soldiers stopped before him.

"We're taking him to the gates, Sir. We will nail him to the wall, as warning for any other orc that dares approach Hierys" One of the soldiers quickly responded. Vill'Kern nodded and dismissed them, their naive behavior causing him a smile. Did they really think orcs were so easily scared? His aura barely managed to strike fear into them, so the corpse of one of their generals nailed to a wall wouldn't even make them flinch. Speaking of his aura, he couldn't feel it anymore. It was gone. Maybe it was strained, and needed time to recover? The explosion earlier was pretty big. He dismissed the thoughts quickly as they were finally faced with the door of an inn.

He opened the door and entered first, as was his usual habit, being faced with people turning heads simultaneously, followed by a rain of voice thanking him and raising their pints of drink to him. I could get used to this, Vill'Kern thought as he moved to the innkeeper's desk. The innkeeper here, however, was not a man. A young enough woman, with fiery red hair and freckles, and blue eyes, almost as blue as his. She gazed in his eyes with a luring smile, before speaking, in a voice matching the smile.

"Say, hero, what would you like me to... serve you with?"

Vill'Kern gazed to the female, with a stern facial expression, but with only a raised eyebrow. He looked to Ariana, knowing what she probably experienced right now. He hoped this would not ruin his bond with the princess, and almost wished to tell the innkeeper to stop with her... whatever she was trying to do. Innis was the only that seemed not even close to concerned by the situation, keeping close to the princess, as if she was some protective force to it. Innis was acting exactly like a child, and treated Ariana like a mother. Vill'Kern turned his attention to the innkeeper, and he could have sworn she just adjusted her corset right before his eyes. He kept his tone low.

"A room would be perfect. A room for two." He motioned with a tilt of his head to the princess, as to make the woman understand he had no plans of having a room of his own. As hard as it was for him to hold back from the temptation and ask for a room of his own, to let the woman go on about her plans, he managed to. The woman seemed fairly dissapointed, but handed him the key to the room, with a wink.

"If there is... anything else i could help with, just call for me. Have a nice stay"

Vill'Kern raised an eyebrow, before shrugging it away and walking up the stairs, after he had motioned for the princess to come with him. Finally reaching the room, he used the key to open it, and invited the princess inside. The room was just like the last inn room they stayed in, but it was comfortable, so he didn't really care for it.
The wails of a young child pierced Ariana's heart as they walked passed a weeping lad clinging the body of a fallen soldier, the corpse obviously devoid of life even from their vantage point steadily moving away from the scene. The princess could feel the desperation and confusion mixed with the first tale tell signs of grief rolling from the little boy in waves as he screamed for the man to awaken, pounding his tiny fists against the former man's bloodied chest. Papa the boy called the corpse, sending another bout of sympathy through her on the child's behalf. Ariana waited for someone, anyone, to come to the to the boy's aid, but by the time they were turning a corner and he was lost from view, the mourning child was still screaming alone into the night.

It isn't the same here, the princess had to continously remind herself as they travelled deeper and deeper into the war ravaged remains of Hierys in the hopes of finding an inn still standing in the northern district. She could feel misery and heartache dominating the small glimmers of relief and hope as the emotions clawed at her mind like an unseen beast, attempting to draw her into the depths of despair as well. An effort that was slowly but surely having the desired effect as Ariana wondered if this was what her people had felt as Khorinys had been desolated by the orc forces.

No, it's not the same. They suffer, but they live. Vill'Kern gave them that chance, to rebuild and start a new. There is no one left alive in Khorinys to feel even a glimpse of hope, or to mourn. There is no one left to grieve.
No one but herself.

Ariana wished they could stop and assist the citizens of Hierys attempt to salavage what was left of their home, but she knew if they stopped now they would never make it to the inn. They would work into the night and into the next day, and perhaps for the days to follow until the unspoken commitment they had entered into was fulfilled. A task they did not have time for if they were to make it to Nyrathir before the fallen god they now knew as their enemy sent his forces to retrieve the Seal before they could acquire it.

Korr Amarok, the recently named entity lurking in the shadows. Ariana's mind replayed the words of the black robed member of the High Circle had used to describe their enemy, testing the phrase in her mind. Fallen god. A once divine being, tainted by greed and resentment. Sent to the mortal realm as punishment for its crimes against the holiest of places. She had been equally startled by the Wise Man's evident ability to speak as she had been by his words. It seemed the princess had been wrong yet again when she had told Vill'Kern in the forests surrounding Khorinys that the entity in control of the Deathless King couldn't possibly be a god. But the Elder had said it could only give life to creatures, not man. That did indeed mean it couldn't bring the dead back to life... didn't it?

Ariana was pulled from her thoughts as she heard a door being opened, focusing on her surroundings in time to witness Vill'Kern's broad shoulders disappear through the entrance of the inn that seemed to have received little damage during the fight. She caught the grom's hand in her own as they followed the warrior into the establishment, trying to reassure the nervous creature as they entered the building filled almost to the brim with soldiers and citizens alike celebrating the victory over the invading army.

The princess never would have guessed by the atmosphere inside the inn that a war had taken place just outside its walls mere hours before. The patrons were filled with good spirits and pride, hailing Vill'Kern as their champion as he passed them by, calling him back to celebrate with them. A smile tugged at Ariana's lips as she felt the warrior's gratification at what she assumed was an unusual welcome for the man, but the fond expression was quick to slip from her features as she heard the inn keeper's greeting to the warrior.

Ariana stared at the admittedly beautiful woman in stunned silence as the inn keeper all but flaunted herself at the hero of Hierys, leaning over just so as she smiled at the man in a way, the princess personally believed, gave the inn keeper the appearance of someone who hadn't slept in a week. Ariana had to bite her tongue to keep from asking the rather irritating woman if she offered her services to all her patrons, of if it was simply the special of the day. The princess wasn't exactly sure what irked her so sharply about the temptress, the aura radiating from the older woman foreign to Ariana, only knowing for certain she would have been all to pleased to sleep on the streets rather than under the roof as this... this... wench.

Ariana couldn't keep the smile from her face as she heard Vill'Kern pointedly ask for a room for two, deriving a bit too much pleasure from the inn keeper's disappointment. The princess hadn't failed to notice the longing emitted by The Punisher's aura, causing another unexplained spike of annoyance throughout her being, but she ignored it for the moment to smile a bit too widely at the disappointed clerk as Vill'Kern accepted the key from her and turned to venture up the stairs.

"Have a lovely evening." Alone. Ariana said in farewell to older woman, following after Vill'Kern at his prompt. The princess was all too pleased to get away from the overly friendly woman and the inexplicable emotions she drew from Ariana. She thanked the warrior as he held the door to their room open for her, slipping passed him into the small space as she sighed in relief at finally having a bit of privacy. The paradise like clearing they had been in only that morning seemed like a half forgotten dream.

"You've pulled off another miracle, and seem to have acquired yourself quite the fan base in the process." Ariana praised him with soft smile, setting the Book of Revolt down on the simple bed side cabinet to free her hands. The smile once again slid from her lips as the princess continued speaking, crossing the room to give in to the urge to rest her forehead again the warrior's chest. "And we've learned the identity of our enemy. What say you, Hero of Hierys? Ready to go galavanting across Elos once more?"
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It was getting dark already. The first thing he did was light up the candles placed nicely on a small table, with the matches found on the very same table. He gazed about the room. White sheets on the bed, a small bedside cabinet, a fireplace, for the winter time, a deer head trophy nailed to the wall above the wooden door. Very warm and cozy place to spend a night in. Innis immediately found itself an occupation by starting yet again to catch the light from the candles against the opener. This little fellow is so easily entertained, Vill'Kern thought as he watched with a slight note of amusement.

He felt the princess' forehead rest against his chest, and he gently placed his arms about her, embracing her with a smile, before lowering his gaze to her. He felt that one type of longing again, but he restrained it. It wasn't the time, yet. Or was it? What exactly would stop it? Oh, yeah, the princess feeling afraid and awkward. He felt her jealousy just minutes earlier, while he was speaking to the incredibly tempting innkeeper. He gently placed a kiss upon her head, as he listened to her question. Ready? Of course he was ready. He would always be ready if it came to ensuring of her safety. He still tried to fully comprehend what exactly was going on to him, what she has been doing to him, that it made him feel so... attached.

"Yes, of course i am ready, but just after we have some sleep. Aren't you hungry? I could go down and get something to eat, if you want." He smiled as he caught her rather small head, however, small compared to the size of his hands, and pulled it back gently so he could gaze into her eyes and eventually place a soft kiss upon her lips. The feeling he got when he did that, it was overwhelming. Her gaze, it was all so beautiful. He gently brushed his thumb against her soft skin, before letting her go, Taking steps to the window, he took a gaze outside. The Northenwald was visible. And the dark clouds constantly gathered above it. Lightning that struck, cutting the sky in two, he could see it very well. And in that light, it was visible. The slight sillhouette of the Rakhmaar castle, with its spike ended walls, visible, ominously. There, inside that very castle, resided the Deathless King, that constantly spoke with Amarok in his head, letting himself controlled by the despicable god.

But for the moment, this was no time to be worrying about such. They first had to reach Nyrathir, steal the Seal, and then run all the way to Rakhmaar to face their last and the biggest enemy. But what lain ahead of them, inbetween those locations? How many beasts would they have to fight until then? Many, he assumed, before turning around to gaze at the princess. So, they were going to share the bed. In his mind popped up the one solution that would spare her of much of the trouble. If she would be desecrated, Korr wouldn't find a fitting vessel in her anymore, and would redirect its ill intentions towards someone else. Hopefully. No, he told himself as he moved to the door, while speaking.

"I'm going down. Gonna get you something to eat, fill my cantines and all. I'll be back right away."

He smiled and exitted the room, thus managing to escape the burning desire to try his luck again at the princess. He knew it wasn't right. Not just yet. Upon stepping down on the stairs, he was faced once more with the innkeeper's playful smile, and a question as indecent as it could.

"What is it, hero, the little girl can't fullfil your desires?"

He looked to the woman and held back from throwing a slap across her face. He contained his emotions very well, and responded her with a stern and dry question... no, order.

"Fill my cantines with ale and give me a plate of food" He spoke as he unstrapped the cantines from his waist and tossed them onto the desk, with a gesture that mimicked a sickened attitude very well. He yet looked the wench in the eyes as she grabbed the cantines, seeming nowhere affected by his harsh behavior, and trying yet more to tempt him with her smile and her movement.

"Here you go, big guy, we could drink together if you want to. I wouldn't mind getting drunk and passing out in your big arms, you know?" she spoke, making Vill'Kern roll his eyes. She really didn't want to get the hint, did she? As much desire as he felt, he didn't want to cause the princess pain with his actions, even if that meant denying his own desires, as he never did before. With a silent sigh, he returned to the room, with his cantines filled and with the plate that contained a bowl with salad, roasted chicken legs and bread, and set it on the beside cabinet, next to the Book Of Revolt.
Ariana smiled blissfully against Vill'Kern's chest as she felt the warrior's lips brush against her head, relaxing into his embrace as she felt the tensions of the day melt away from her body. What an effect he has on me, the princess thought as he answered her question, the feeling of his chest reverberating beneath her ear causing her smile to widen, it's as if nothing else matters when we are together like this. If only it could last for more than a few moments at a time.

"Hungry?" Ariana repeated the question directed at her, taking a moment longer than she normally would have to process Vill'Kern's enquiry. It was difficult to think properly with the man so close. It was a strange phenomenon, as if her thoughts were constantly being pulled back to the warrior by a magnet or spell. No matter how much she tried to concentrate on other subjects her mind always wandered back to Vill'Kern, if only to consider what he would do in such a situation or wonder how he was fairing. It was distracting at times, such as this when she was meant to be answering his question, yet it left the princess with a sense of never being completely alone. "I suppose so, I hadn't noticed."

Someone was distracting me, the princess thought in amusement as she felt his warm hand against her cheek. She tilted her head back to look the warrior in the eye at the hand's gentle prompt, Ariana's heart skipping a beat at the tender expression she was met with. From the warm gaze the Hero of Hierys bestowed upon her, a look the princess returned in kind without effort, she never would have been able to identify the man standing before her as the cold blooded Slayer of legends. It was near impossible to reconcile the man before her holding the princess so gently in his arms, the choosen warrior that had saved all of Hierys from certain doom single handedly, with Valysia's most feared criminal, a mercenary renowned for reducing villages to little more than smoldering ash in a single night.

What has changed? Ariana didn't have long to ponder the thought before she was leaning forward on the tips of her toes to meet the warrior's descending face in a kiss. Everything. Everything has changed. The princess couldn't keep the adoration she felt towards him from her gaze as they seperated, leaning her face into his touch as she smiled up at him in serene peace. How could she feel so calm, as if nothing could go wrong while she was within the folds of Vill'Kern's embrace, after all they had learned about their enemy today? The effect he had on her was truly incredible.

Ariana watched the warrior move towards the window with a slight smile on her face, sensing his aura shift into something more serious. Over in the blink of an eye, the princess thought with an obvious sense of loss, her mind slowly returning to the reality of the situation. A blush gathered the blood in her cheeks as Ariana remembered the presence of Innis in the room, glancing around to see if the little grom had noticed the display of affection. The princess smiled as she caught sight of the pleased little creature attempting to make its envelope opener shinier in the light of the candles. She was surprised she hadn't noticed it before, the grom's joy practically enveloped the room. It was yet another testament to the effect Vill'Kern had on her.

The princess looked to the man in question as he spoke, smiling in return as he stated his intentions. Ariana was on the verge of suggesting he take his time, to go and celebrate with the men that so obviously wished for their Hero's company, when her voice died before it could reach her lips. The memory of another that so desperately sought Vill'Kern's attention claim to mind, her thoughts filling with the image of the red haired inn keeper that may or may not have known how to properly dress herself.

Ariana felt the smile slip from her face as she stared at the closed down, her sense of peace from mere moments before shattered in an instant. That woman was surely to be down there still, was she not? Certainly, unless she had gone off to another man's bed. She was the inn keeper after all, but she had seemed only too ready to abandon her responsibilities if it meant spending a bit of alone time with Vill'Kern. Maybe she had gotten tired of waiting for the Hero of Hierys to return? Perhaps not. She hadn't seemed the least bit put off by the warrior's obvious dismissals. Was it a common occurrence for the woman? Did she know it was only a matter of time before Vill'Kern ventured back downstairs?

The princess slowly walked back to sit upon the bed, trying to shake the maddening thoughts from her mind. Why was she even thinking of such things? Hadn't Vill'Kern just said he would return in a few minutes? When had he ever lied to her? Never. There wasn't a single occasion he hadn't told the princess the truth. But... But she had sensed his longing for the older woman when she had been offering him her services. He hadn't said he wasn't going down there to see the inn keeper again, thus he wouldn't technically be lying. The older woman didn't seem the type that would keep the warrior in her bed the whole night through. A spark of irritation flared to life in Ariana's chest, with a hint of worry flickering about in the back of her mind.

With a slight groan of annoyance the princess fell backwards to lay upon the bed, raising her hands to cover her eyes as if it could block out the images of the temptress- perhaps a little prettier and less... covered in the princess's mind than the inn keeper had been in person- and her advances on the Hero flooding her mind. What is wrong with me? Ariana snapped at herself mentally, running her hands through her hair as if shifting the strands would help clear her thoughts. Nothing has changed since we have arrived here so why am I acting like-

Like I'm jealous,
Ariana realized abruptly, her hands pulling at her hair as her fingers clenched in shock at the sudden epiphany. The princess stared blindly at the ceiling of their room as her mind raced through all of the evidence against herself. Yes, that had to be it. She was jealous, though the princess had never experienced the emotion first hand. Of course she was familiar with the sense of the emotion, it was as common as air in the presence of politicians, yearning for the wealth and prestige the king of Khorinys had acquired rather than working to gain their own. Yes, now that Ariana had identified the emotion wreaking havoc on her mind there was no denying it, but now the question was why?

was Ariana so jealous? The emotion was just so... so... illogical! Obviously it had to do with the inn keeper attempting to sway Vill'Kern into temptation, but why should that bother the princess so much? She knew the warrior had... been with other women before, he had told her as much himself! So why- Ariana shook her head slowly, trying to keep her thoughts from becoming irrational again. Because I hadn't witnessed it for myself, hadn't felt his longing change his aura into something unfamiliar. But it wasn't unfamiliar, was it? She had felt the same shift in the warrior's emotions when he had held her in his arms. Then... what? She wanted to be the only one to evoke such feelings from the man?

Now I'm acting jealous and selfish. When did I become so irrational?
Ariana sighed as her arms fell outstretched onto the bed, feeling as if she had been defeated in some sense. She had no one to blame but herself for Vill'Kern's drifting attentions anyway. If she hadn't turned him away, then... Ariana's cheeks began to heat up again as her thoughts slipped back to the previous night.

had she turned him away? The princess had never felt so strongly for someone else before, it wasn't as if it had been a spur of the moment infatuation. Ariana had never even considered such activities with another. It wasn't as if she hadn't wanted to, she had felt her own longing for the warrior echoed by his for her. The princess had just... panicked. But why?

had she panicked? Was it a sense of decency and responsibility, ingrained into her mind at a young age in the courts of Khorinys? No, such things hardly mattered now that her home was in ruins and everyone that would have been disppointed in her gone. Was it the age difference? No, again it hardly mattered in light of Ariana's feelings for the warrior. Did she... think he would hurt her? The princess recalled all the times Vill'Kern had gone out of his way to protect her, sometimes neglecting his own well being in the process. A slight smile tugging at her lips again. No, no of course not, she knew he would never harm her. Then what? What was holding her back?

Nothing. There was nothing that came to Ariana's mind that could explain why she had acted the way she had, whether it be irrational or rational. The princess frowned at the ceiling as the conclusion settled in her mind, causing another wave of irritation to rush through her veins, this time at herself. All this frustration and deep thinking had resolved nothing. Her time would have been better spent reading through the Book of Revolt. What was she doing, pining after Vill'Kern when there was still work to be done? Ariana sighed as she pushed herself back into a sitting position, blowing a gust of breath at the hair that slid in front of her eyes. You've officially gone mad, Princess.

Ariana's eyes jumped to the door of the room as she sensed the warrior's distinctive aura approaching, jumping up from her perch on the bed to open the door for him. The princess smiled as she closed the door again after Vill'Kern had entered the room, trying not too feel too pleased at the slight annoyance she could sense from him. She hoped the cause of the emotion was the most obvious source.

"It smells delicious, thank you." The princess stated as she followed Vill'Kern across the room to where he set down the platter down on the cabinet. Taking advantage of the warrior's lowered height as he preformed the task, Ariana placed a quick kiss on the corner of his lips, rather pleased with herself for initiating the gesture for the first time. "Welcome back."
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He smiled at the princess, rather taken by surprise by her kiss. It was nothing she's done before, but yet again, what did before mean? Just a night ago they had their first closer touch, followed closely by that attempt. So technically, they were together for only one day. One day that already felt like a whole year, considering all the events. The Book's energy taking control of the grom, the princess sealing the Book, the attempt, the princess sleeping in his arms, the princess having that corruptive nightmare and almost turning against him, the princess being controlled by... whatever unharmful entity, teleporting them to Hierys, the meeting with the Elders, the war, Samon's death... all in one single day.

Moving back, he sat upon the bed, next to the princess that started eating already. After taking his golden gloves off, he started unstrapping the armor, placing the pieces carefully by his side of the bed. Once more, he uncovered his scarred back, and this time, the dragon tail was more visible, but not much more. But as he wasn't going to sleep with the greaves on him, he had to take them off, and so he did, remaining once more dressed in the short, comfortable trousers. He looked to the princess, but he didn't consider her that much, after all, they've seen each other in little more than their bare skin.

After arranging his armor, he searched one small satchel he wore at his waist, and took out a small piece of rag and a vial of a strange colored liquid, with a slightly thick consistency. A special type of polish for swords, to make them slip easier through flesh. Unsheathing the Oath Of Penitence, he impregnated the small rag with a bit of the liquid, and started carefully rubbing it on the steel, steel that was like nothing he ever touched before. What exactly was that material? Enforced steel? Alloy? He never remembered any other sword to morph, to increase its lenght and weight, and width of steel without a forge to heat it first. This sword was unearthly.

Was it also strained? Because he sure as hell didn't feel any energy coming out of it, as he always did. If an enemy would be approaching, would the sword glimmer its red again? Would it be of any help? He didn't know, but nor did he wish to for the moment. Finishing the sword's polishing, he placed the vial of liquid and the rag back in the satchel, and was about lay on the bed, when a knocking fell upon the door. Curious, he stood up and walked silently to the door, exposing himself fully almost to the princess, as he closed in to the door, and prepared to open it, but not before he would firstly inquire about the person on the other side.

"Who is it?" He asked as he closed his ear in to the door, to hear the answer.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Responded the voice on the other side, clarifying it for him. The tone and the way the words were spoken, and that voice. He opened the door, already knowing who it was, but being faced with the inkeeper, standing in the doorway, almost in only her bare skin. She didn't want to give up, did she? He gazed down upon the white skin, that made a bright contrast with the red hair, and looked her in the eyes as she gazed upon his bare chest, biting her lip, and pressing her index finger to one of his scars.

"So, you were expecting me?" The female spoke, trying to push her way in, but being blocked by the male's form, which covered all the doorway. He stood there, trying to mimic his stern behavior, even though on the inside, he now burnt.

"Listen, wench, if you come back once more to bother me, i swear i will rape you to death, then rape your corpse, then give it to the orcs so they can have a little fun as well. I don't want you, and as you probably know, i was just in the middle of some bussines. Get out of my sight."

He turned around and slammed the door in the woman's face making sure she heard the last words he spoke, intentionately, out loud. "Come on, dear, let's continue what we were doing". He winked to the princess as he spoke those words, returning back and laying on the bed, his being a mix of annoyance and also longing. He let himself fall on the bed, heavily, with a sigh.
Ariana barely noticed her stomach grumbling for more sustenance as she absently bit into the piece of bread she had grabbed from the plate of food Vill'Kern had returned with, too preoccupied with watching the man in question to notice her discomfort. It seemed as if he were teasing her as he removed his armour, getting back at the princess for her antics the previous night. She knew it wasn't the case, she couldn't sense any ill intent from the warrior and could only imagine how uncomfortable it must be to lug around the heavy armour all the time, let alone sleep in it, but the princess couldn't shake her suspicion no matter what logic she used to try and contradict it.

Ariana had to forcefully drag her gaze away from the intriguing dragon's tail of the tattoo printed upon the warrior's back that was still oh so conveniently hidden from her sights, looking for the source of the pungent smell that had caused her nose to crinkle. The princess watched curiously as Vill'Kern doused the rag with an obscure liquid before using it to shine The Oath of Penitence. Ariana's enquiry about the foul substance flattered on her lips as she noticed the distinct lack of aura from the weapon she had originally believed to contain a soul of its own, her eyes widening as she focused her attention on the silent sword.

"What happened to it?" Ariana asked, reaching a hand out to touch the blade before she could truly consider the wisdom of the action, uncertain if it was a poison Vill'Kern was applying to his blade. The princess remembered the sheer force of unadulterated power she had sensed while she had been chanting before the statue of Ynarae, recalling the impression of the warrior she had received from the odd, uncontainable energy that had brought an end to the battle. She had known no one else but the Hero himself could be capable of such power, accepting the fact without truly considering the implications. She was been too confused by the sudden incantation that had come unbidden to her mind, too aware of the watchful eyes of the High Circle boring a hole in her back, to think clearly as to what could have occurred. The princess now saw the error in her haste.

Ariana glanced to the door as she heard the knock, but as it appeared Vill'Kern was attending to the unexpected guest the princess returned her concentration to The Oath of Penitence. Slipping to the floor to kneel before the large sword, she was momentarily distracted by the grom that seemed to be watching the sword glimmering in the light of the candles with a fair bit of longing of his own, the envelope opener seemingly forgotten in its hands. She bit her lip in amusement at the potentially problematic sight, imagining the look on the warrior's face if he caught Innis trying to make off with the sword that was obviously too heavy for the tiny creature.

Shaking the rather amusing thoughts from her mind, Ariana placed her fingers tips carefully against the blade of the sword, attempting to locate the aura she associated with the weapon. It couldn't have just disappeared... could it? The princess took several deep breaths to try and quell her raising concern, focusing on nothing but The Oath of Penitence. Ariana could feel the crystal heating against her ankle as she attempted to coax any hint of a presence from the sword, a bead of sweat dripping down her temple as she forced herself to concentrate as she hadn't had need to since long before she had left Khorinys.

There! There was a flicker of life from within the very core of the blade, though it had been so quick Ariana had almost missed it. That had to mean it was alright... didn't it? The princess turned to inform Vill'Kern of the good news when she caught a glimpse of red and quite a bit of exposed skin visible around The Punisher's large form. Ariana's smile slowly slipped from her lips as she heard that dreadfully familiar voice once again attempt to sway the Hero the shameless woman was evidently determined to bed.

What in all of Elos did that wench think she was doing? She had obviously heard when Vill'Kern had requested a room for two, did the sorry excuse for an inn keeper expect him to just throw Ariana from the room? The princess barely had an instant to fear such a possibility, just as aware of the warriors longing as she was his irritation, before he lashed out at the thick headed woman in what would hopefully be her last temptation. If the woman returned after all of that the princess would doubt the state of her sanity.

Ariana bit her lip to keep from chuckling at the warrior's clever dig at the indignant inn keeper she could sense still lurking, apparently stunned, just beyond the door. The princess could feel the slightly too wide grin tugging at her lips as the felt the enraged woman finally move away from the door, Ariana failing as she tried to quell the satisfaction welling within her at Vill'Kern's dismissal, though admittedly her efforts weren't particularly hard fought.

"I'm surprised she didn't ask to speak with Innis after your... polite declination." Ariana bit her lip as she looked to the warrior that had thrown himself onto the bed, pitying him for the undeniable longing he felt, even as the reason for his current suffering left her feeling rather pleased. Standing from the floor the princess knelt on the bed by his upper body, tentatively rubbing his shoulders in an attempt to help ease his tension. "Another legend to add to the collection, this one of your... discipline."
He closed his eyes and barely grunted something under his breath. It wasn't only the fact that Ariana was now his... closer partner, it was also the fact that something irked him about the innkeeper. Something in her eyes, in her attitude, something betrayed the typical behavior of an assasin. And it wasn't only that. He saw it, lurking just beneath a silken veil of material on her gown, at her waist, the shining of a dagger. What female innkeeper would hold a dagger? Well, the type that didn't want her inn to be ravaged by the drunkards that mostly spent their time in the inn's tavern, drinking until they could no longer hold their liquors. But add that up to the fact that she was so eager to get intimate moments with him, him, the one that was the protector and the now lover of the princess, who was wanted by Korr, as vessel, and he had the formula.

The female wanted to bed him so she could kill him during the act. That was it, for sure. Korr tried every possible method to get the princess, but failed miserably with each, so he decided to shoot the ill intents upon Vill'Kern.His thoughts were however disrupted as he felt Ariana's hands upon the muscles of his shoulders, muscles which immediately reacted to her touch by erecting and hardening, before relaxing and dancing slightly under her hands with the intensity of each of her squeezes. He took a deep breath, and opened his eyes, to be faced again with her. He caught the sound of her voice speaking, and smiled slightly, as he let her continue her massaging.

"I don't trust her. She's an assasin, i can be sure of that. And i don't intend to take this as far to prove myself right. My instincts have never failed me"

He spoke as he continuously gazed upon her. Why couldn't he take his eyes off her? With every gaze, he saw her clothes travelling away, and leaving her bare, again, and again. It was almost a struggle for him to keep his hands off her, for he knew that, once he would touch her, h would embrace her once more, and it would all end up just as the other night, with her shying away scared. And she had the most right to do so. But what didn't give him the right to try his luck once more? He really felt it, the pure rush, and the need of her, the desperate to feel her become one and the same entity with him, it was taking over more and more by the second.

Innis finally fell asleep, probably due to the tired eyes that the catching of the light on the opener gave it. Vill'Kern smiled to the princess, and with a gentle hand, reached up to brush a strand of blonde hair from her face, to gaze to her astonishing beauty, even messy as she was. He brushed the thumb against the corner of her lips, his eyes sparking with the desire the more he touched her. Eventually, his other arm coiled about her small form, gently pulling her upper side downwards, so he could press a kiss to her lips, getting control of the kiss as quick. His mind was quickly filled with tens and thousands of thoughts as the kiss picked up. Taking his hand away from her face, he placed it on her outer leg, gently pulling her whole leg across his waist, before landing it on the other side of him, making her kneel over him as if she was sitting on a mount, just bent down so he could continue kissing her.

He let his hands slowly catch her waist, and trail up her back, until they gently grabbed at her shoulders, and he intrerupted the moment, with a smile, and whispered.

" I should take my hands off you now, shouldn't I?"
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Ariana smiled as she felt the warrior's tensely coiled muscles beneath her working hands slowly relax, wishing she could do the same for the tightly wound emotions radiating from the body beneath her hands. The princess truly did feel guilty Vill'Kern was currently in such a state, though she couldn't bring herself to suggest he return to the tavern and have a drink to help ease his mind, just in case the inn keeper hadn't fully grasped the sentiment behind his words. She thought of using the crystal in her boot to attempt to instill a sense of calm within his mind, but it would be a false emotion and she doubted he would appreciate having his mind tampered with, even if her intentions behind the action were pure.

There were... other ways in which the princess could help the warrior ease his tension, suddenly very aware once more of the man's state of dress, or rather the lack there of. Her hands began to kneed and massage a bit harder at the stiff muscles, struggling to keep her eyes on the task at hand rather than exposed flesh. Ariana's mind wandered back to the thoughts that had been racing through her head when Vill'Kern had left the room earlier to get them all dinner, a slight blush gathering on her cheeks again. Yes, there was a very good chance the man was getting back at her for the previous night, with quite a bit of success.

Ariana was startled from her less than productive thoughts by the warrior's words, her eyes widening as her distracted mind processed what he had said. An assassin? Here? Well, to be fair it was an assassin's job to be able to strike unexpectedly at any time, but what kind of inn keeper also worked as a hired killer? The princess thought back to the woman's forward behavior, but that could be explained away by a simple infatuation for the Hero that had saved her home, as well as her own life. Ariana couldn't blame the inn keeper for being so enraptured by the warrior, if the princess was being fair, her eyes once again wandering as if they had a mind of their own, though Vill'Kern seemed confident in his conclusion of the woman. Either she had missed a crucial detail about the woman, or the warrior greatly underestimated the effect he has on those around him.

"I suppose it is for the best she didn't ask after Innis after all, then." Ariana finally murmured, frowning as she continued to massage the taut muscles, casting a glance at the dozing grom inquestion. That also meant were already low odds of being able to ask for a place to bathe were all but null. No, all joking aside, the princess was truly worried. Had she really missed such a danger in plain sight? The woman had been odd, but she hadn't seemed dangerous. Had her jealous really blinded her to such a risk? What if Vill'Kern had agreed to go with the inn keeper to her chambers, would he have made it to the morning?

Ariana blinked as she felt something brush at her hair, smiling in return to the warrior as she noticed his touch. Yes, of course he would be alright. After everything that had happened, after everything Vill'Kern had fought and defeated, a mere woman wouldn't even stand a chance against the man. The princess felt her mind returning to her previous musings as she felt his touch against her lip, needing little prompting at his obvious invitation to lean down to meet his lips. Yes, the warrior definitely underestimated the effect he had.

Ariana gasped softly as she was abruptly lifted onto Vill'Kern's lap, a smile tugging at her lips as she returned them to the set below her own, shivering as she felt his wandering hands glide across her back. The princess had no doubts as she heard the warrior's half teasing, half serious question. She cast a quick glance at the slumbering grom to make sure they didn't have an unexpected audience before she sat back on the Hero's lap to gain enough space to pull her tunic from her form, trying to prove she would not make the same mistake as the night before.

"Why, do you think I have a dagger at the ready?" The princess asked jokingly, leaning forward once more to speak directly into Vill'Kern's ear, and possibly to hide the blush on her features as she spoke more boldly than she had ever dared to before. "Perhaps you should check for yourself."
He watched her as she pulled away from the kiss, already expecting her to get off him and probably go back to read from the Book Of Revolt at the candle light. Big was his surprise as he witnessed her smile so filled with mischief, the type of mischief specific to a woman who was playing with the mind of the one she was to bed. He watched her hands grip at the base of the leather tunic, and watched her arms pulling it off, uncovering more and more skin, as she finally came to be dressed just like the night before. He felt the heat that her body gave off radiate and mix with his own, while his hands reached out to be placed gently upon her sides. His fingers carressed her so soft skin, as he looked her in the eyes. This time it was sure, she was ready.

By the time he felt her breath against his ear, as she whispered oh so seductively to him, he felt chills being sent throughout his whole being. But why exactly was this feeling so... perfect? It was a feeling like none he experienced before, with any of the women he's been with. He felt as if he was about to unpack a gift containing probably something he always wished. A sense of excitement, a sweet psychical torture. He wanted to go in a rush and unpack his gift, but at the same time he wished to savor the moment of doing so, and prolong it for as long as he could. It was probably due to the deep feelings he had for the girl that was now atop him, the one who was soon to become a woman, in all the senses of the word. He closed his eyes and pressed his heated lips against the skin of her neck, kissing it softly and carressing it. Her face though, and her neck as well, they burnt, and he knew exactly why. She probably felt a slight embarrasment, but he wasn't going to let her become so embarrased to shy away, no, he was going to give her a moment to remember for the whole rest of her life.

His lips met hers once more in a kiss, that soon evolved into passionate and burning making out. He let all his desire slip out through his pores, and the heat he radiated was soon embracing the heat she radiated. Two beings, slowly uniting into one. Two entities, two halves becoming a whole. His unyielding strenght was delicately yet savagely embracing her delicacy, her softness, and even with them not having had a proper bath in some time, the smell in the room was distinct and pleasant. His hands touched on her lower spine and his fingers carresed delicately up along it, until they met the thin fabric that was covering her upper torso, and made it come off quickly, but with enough care. He bit her lip gently, with intense breath, as he pulled her head back slightly to gaze in her eyes. His eyes sparked with joy, with bliss and with utter desire, and his lips displayed a teasing, playful smile. With not much effort he rolled over, laying her carefully on her back before placing a soft kiss upon her lips, followed by another on the chin, continuing to the neck, as his hands continued wandering, catching every small portion of her bare skin and feeling the soft, silk like texture of it, while the moments were coming out more and more blurry. He could clearly hear her breath, he could feel her body writhe and move under his and he felt as if he was slipping into a dream. Only the moon was there, to witness, gazing through the window at the two, while on the outside of their room, the drinking celebration continued downstairs.

Vill'Kern opened his eyes, slowly, feeling a slight irritation to his eyes. Was it... light? Indeed it was, as he gazed upon the window, that sparked with the morning light. Has he been dreaming? He had the feeling of Ariana's skin against his lingering all over his body. The images were even now in his mind, blurring out as they passed by his mental eyes, as if he just experienced a heavy night of drinking. He felt his right hand was placed on something. Soft. It was... it was Ariana's bare arm. Her skin was easy to recognize, even if he wasn't looking at it. He turned his gaze, and there she was. Sleeping, peaceful, in his arms. But not only her arm was bare. He watched her sleeping and thought of how, even if she now was a woman, she still had that something of a child. Every image from the previous night yet again ran through his mind, sequence after sequence. With a smile, the warrior placed a kiss upon Ariana's forehead, and let her sleep, taking only care to pull the sheets enough to cover both of them. They never knew when someone could go barging into the room unannounced.

Innis still slept, and it was a wonder for Vill'Kern how the little being was not awakened during the night. But he was grateful for it, the least he'd have wanted to happen was to have a grom with the mind of a kid awaken to him and the princess and start asking questions about what exactly they were doing. His mind now drifted to Korr. How was the fallen god going to deal with Ariana, as a desecrated vessel? Would he turn his gaze away from them, once and for all, or did the entity have a back up plan? He hoped not. And if the entity did not have a back up plan and would leave them alone, would they be able to live in peace? No. For sure not. The previous night wasn't meant to set them free of all the problems, and of everything they had to do to save Valysia. They would still go forth and accomplish their sacred mission. But at least for now, the princess was saved of the danger of becoming the vessel for Korr. For now.
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Ariana's sleep muddled mind vaguely registered something cool brush against the length of her side, the curious sensation gliding across the exposed skin of her leg upwards to her thigh, gently ghosting over her hip and waist to finally settle against her arm. The princess shifted closer to the warmth at her side, radiating from the solid object her bare body was currently pressed against, to burrow her face against the familiar form in an half hearted attempt to avoid the light coming to a rest against her closed eyelids, trying to coax her to open her tired eyes and welcome the day. She nestled closer still to warmth embracing her instead, not yet ready to abandon the last tendrils of sleep urging her to remain where she was for the rest of the foreseeable future.

Ariana was torn between being lulled back into a light doze by the extremely comfortable sensation engulfing her and her curiosity at the source of the incredibly cozy situation. The princess was well aware of just who's arms she current resided in, the warrior's uniquely distinctive presence impossible to confuse, even in her half conscious state, though the circumstances as to their current sleeping arrangements took a few moments longer to return to her slowly awakening mind. Ariana began to lightly brush her fingers of the hand resting against what could only be Vill'Kern's exposed chest, tracing indistinguishable designs against the warm flesh as her mind began to emerge from the thick fog of sleep, supplying the princess with the wonderful answers to her equally magnificent questions.

A smile slowly spead across Ariana's lips as the details of the previous night began to replay themselves vividly in her mind, each perfect moment fighting for a place at the forefront of her attention until the last influences of sleep were ridden from her mind. The princess was left in a state of blissful wonder as she recalled each movement and every reaction it evoked, feeling as if she had awoken into a dream rather than reality. Could the world really be as perfect as it was in that moment, held securely in the arms of the man she cared so deeply for after a night of pure euphoria? Slowly Ariana pried an eye open to peeked through her disheveled hair at the already awake warrior, her smile widening still as her gaze fell upon the one she had given herself so completely to. No, nothing could be as perfect as this moment.

"Good morning, Hero." The princess greeted softly, not wishing to disturb the picturesque moment with her words. She wanted nothing more than to remain the way they were at that very moment forever. Better yet, Ariana wanted nothing more than to experience once more what had occurred between them the previous night, and awake once again in a state of rapture that could only be out done by the act itself. But as rational thought began to make itself known in the princess's mind, as well as the presence of the still slumbering grom not yards away from where they were so intimately embraced, so to did the disappointing realization that it would have to wait for another time.

Settling for what she knew there was time for, Ariana pushed herself up to rest propped on one elbow, attempting to keep her hair from smothering the warrior with the other hand as she leaned down to place a kiss upon his lips. A smile once again made itself known on her face as the princess recalled in great detail the many acts those lips had performed oh so recently and yet seemingly too long ago, causing a slight blush to burn on her cheeks as the princess yearned to experience what else such talented lips were capable of. Leaving a trail of soft kisses from the warrior's lips to across the length of his jaw, Ariana came to a rest with her own lips close to Vill'Kern's ear, unable to resist one last moment of intimacy before it was time to return to reality and move forward in their mission against their recently revealed enemy.

"How much longer do you think Innis will sleep?" The princess asked mischievously into the ear below her lips, drawing back to send the warrior a quick wink before forcing herself to rise from the all too welcoming bed. If they weren't careful, they would find out the answer to Ariana's question all too soon, whether they were prepared to or not. Moving as quietly as she could so as not to disturb the slumbering creature, the princess ignored the ache lingering throughout her body as she gathered her clothing, sliding the garments on as quickly as her sore form would allow. Walking about with nothing to hide herself beneath was still a new experience for the young princess, and if the act still brought a feeling of shyness to her knowing Vill'Kern could see her in such a state, after what they had been through together, she did not want to experience the embarrassment being caught so shamefully by Innis would cause.

"I am going to look for a place to bathe." Ariana informed the warrior quietly after she had finished returning her clothing to its proper place, crossing back to the man to place a final lingering kiss against his lips before she turned to leave the room in the hopes of finding a place to freshen up.
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He felt her. She stirred ever so gently against him, moving her head to try and bury her face within the strong and unyielding muscular structure of his chest. Then he felt the tips of her nails gently scratch against his flesh, making him smile and awaken from the state of semi-slumber he fell into. He felt that relaxed, as if nothing and no one could reach and touch him in that bubble of bliss he was currently into. Her skin was so warm, and so soft, rubbing against the skin on his side. As at a signal, he opened his eyes just as she did, and his ears caught the most crystaline of voices greet him tiredly, yet so sweetly. It took him a long moment to register her voice clearly, as it hardly managed to wrap about the sound of her breath during the past night that still echoed through his head, so ragged, so heavy, so... soundly.

"Morning" He replied in a grunty, morning voice, as his chest vibrated from it, while he cuddled her still against him. Could it be more beautiful than this? She was there, in his arms, and as he gazed upon her, he could see her skin reflecting the light of the morning sun, making her shine as if she was a beam of light herself. Her golden hair so wild about her features, and her bareness. He set her free of his embrace as she moved to support herself in an elbow, revealing more of herself to him. He received her soft kiss with a smile and returned it playfully, before he felt the chills rushing through him as she teased him with more kisses and that whisper. She teased him as she never has done before, only once, before the act that bound them to each other. It caused him a smile and the burning desire to yet again give her another experience, as she seemed to be wishing for it.

His thoughts, however, were disrupted by her wink and departure. He delighted himself with yet another gaze upon the frail and exposed body of the princess, before she covered it, leaving him with a slight dissapointment, but not the bad type of it. They had plenty of time ahead, so it wasn't a problem. He nodded, agreeing with her idea, but he didn't move off his place, he still wanted to relax himself a bit in that comfortable bed, as the road ahead won't be giving him anymore time for this type of comfort. He just delighted himself with the lingering scent of the princess that remained in the sheets. He trailed his gaze down the sheets, and saw it, right there. Blood on the white sheets. He knew exactly where it came from. He remembered that moment when he had to do his best to cause her as less pain as he could. Finally, he decided to stand and start dressing himself.

As the princess exitted the room, and went to inquire about a bathing room, just as she stepped down the stairs to the innkeeper's desk, a door opened. The very door next to the room in which Vill'Kern and Ariana spent the night. The crimson haired female exitted it, then, making sure Ariana left, she entered Vill'Kern's room, finding him dressed in nothing but the black short trousers. She thrown him a luring smile as she closed the door behind her, and tried approaching him, while he stood, and rushed to block her in her way, coming to stand right before her, looking down into her eyes with his cold and unwelcoming gaze.

"What the hell do you want? I thought i told you to dissapear, didn't I?" He spoke, just as stern and dry as he always spoke to her, but receiving no answer from the temptress other than the smile. He gazed upon her, and saw that dagger again, at her waist, shimmering ominously. His big hand came to rest upon the female's jaw, roughly, with enough strenght to make her yelp, then, turning around, he put her against the wall, and lifted her off her feet, looking straightly into her eyes as she writhed in his hand, suddenly scared by the man's behavior. He growled like a infuriated beast, as he held her up high, and spat his words into her face while his other hand ripped off pieces of her gown, slowly but surely undressing her.

"Listen to me, you assasin prostitute. I know who sent you. Do you believe me so fool? Go back and tell your pathetic excuse for a god that his vessel has been tainted. The princess is mine, from now to forever, and Korr can't do anything about it. Tell him i am coming for him, and it will not end kindly to his part."

As he spoke, he already ripped off mostly of her clothing, aside from the boots on her legs. He held her there, gripping so tightly on her jaw that he could see blood pouring down her lip, and finally, the bone of her jaw cracking, as she released a muted scream of pain. He finally released the grip on her jaw, letting her fall with a heavy thud to the floor. Bending down, he picked up her elegant dagger, while she crawled, grabbing the pieces of her torn gown and garments, while bleeding heavily from her mouth, then continued crawling, naked, trying to cover herself and get away as soon as possible from Vill'Kern, until he wouldn't change his mind and brutally kill her.
Where is that damned woman? She has to be the worst innkeeper in all of Elos. Ariana sighed in irritation as she returned from the tavern portion of the inn to the front desk at which their should have been someone to greet the new patrons of the establishment, both areas distinctly void of an annoyingly persistent, and evidently neglectful, red headed innkeeper. Was she always like this, or did the frustrating woman simply choose the inn's busiest time, after a disaster that left many in need of emergency lodging, to play one of the worst rounds of hide and seek the princess had ever participated in. Perhaps she really was an assassin, with the way she disappeared so easily. It didn't help that walking was a fair bit more uncomfortable for the princess than she had been anticipating, the ache in her lower body making itself very well known now that she was moving about. To soak her weary muscles, preferably in something larger than the basin that had been all the last inn had been able to supply, would be heavenly at the moment.

Perhaps she's avoiding me on purpose, spiteful from what Vill'Kern said to her, Ariana considered, smiling slightly at the thought of the warrior and his curt dismissal of the thick skinned temptress. The princess glanced about the immediate area once more as she leaned against the front desk without any real hope of spotting the damned woman, though not quite yet prepared to give up and wander about the rather large building in search of an area in which she could wash when simply standing left her with the rather strong urge to sink to the floor and sleep until it was time to move on to their next destination. It was very much as if she had been mounting a horse's saddle for the past week or so, and now her muscles had to once again get used to supporting themselves. Well, the princess felt her cheeks heating once more as she realized what had just passed through her mind, the events of the previous night once more replaying in her mind's eye. Perhaps it wasn't the best analogy considering the circumstances, but it was possibly one of the most accurate.

Shaking her head to clear her mind of her distracting thoughts, Ariana sighed once more, pushing away from the desk to stand on weak knees. It didn't seem as if the innkeeper or any of her coworkers were going to make an appearance any time soon. Could the woman be avoiding her? It was a possibility, but the older woman didn't seem like the type to hide in the face of defeat. Quite the contrary, she seemed like the kind of woman that would simply move on to the next man, or... The princess frowned as she glanced up the stairs leading to the lodging area, a sense of foreboding coiling in her stomach. Or she would lie in wait for her next opportunity at her original target.

"Oh, you poor dear!" A voice exclaimed in Ariana's ear before she had a chance to take more than a step towards the stairs, a hand gripping the princess about her upper arm rather tightly. Ariana glanced to the side in alarm, startled not only by the rather high pitched voice directly in her ear but also by the sudden contact. She stared in stunned silence at a matronly old woman standing directly beside her, the wrinkled features of the elderly woman's face drawn into an expression of deep concern. The princess looked from the unexpected assailant to the crinkled old hand still holding on to her arm with a grip that was rather impressive for a woman her age, at a loss for what the senior thought she was doing as the old woman inspected the princess with an obvious sense of disapproval.

"You, poor, poor girl! You look positively ghastly!" The old woman cried out again in dramatic sympathy, drawing the attention of several patrons passing by. Ariana's mouth opened and closed wordlessly for several moments before her jaw snapped shut with an audible click, completely at a loss for what was happening. Who was this woman? Did she have her wits about her? Had she confused Ariana for someone else? The princess forced a smile at the seemingly senile woman, attempting to pull her arm free from the elder's strong, bony grasp. Ariana yelped as she was abruptly pulled forward, wincing slightly at the discomfort the jarring motion caused, the surprisingly strong senior tugging her out the door of the inn and into the streets of Hierys before the princess could process what was happening. What in the name of all things Khorinian did this woman think she was doing?

"Don't you worry, Dear, Old Eros will fix you right up," The woman in her later years, Old Eros, apparently, smiled at the princess as she pulled the younger girl into step beside her, patting Ariana's arm as she bestowed the princess with a look that clearly suggested she thought Ariana was the one acting out of sorts. What in the world was going on, and how in all of Valysia had they gotten out of sight of the inn so quickly? "Must have gotten caught in that terrible mess last night, did you? Of course you did, Dear, how else could you have come to look so unkempt? It's alright now, though, Dear, Old Eros will take you to the hot springs and get you looking good as new in no time. Can't have you walking around looking like a vagabond, now can we, Dear? No, of course not, Dear, it's completely unladylike. No need to thank me, Dear, it's what Old Eros does. Takes care of unruly children that have wandered away from home. You're not going to give Old Eros any trouble, now are you, Dear? No of course not, Old Eros is only here to help. It's what Old Eros does, you know, Dear."

Ariana gapped at the old woman talking a mile a minute in complete astonishment, as she continuously failed to free herself of Old Eros's unbelievably strong grip. The princess couldn't even fit in the chance to protest, the senile senior speaking enough for the both of them without pause. All she could do was listen as she stumbled along after the woman, trying to understand what was going on. This woman... Old Eros, she thinks I was caught in the battle yesterday? She seems to be trying to help me... I think. I think she said something about a hot spring? I've never heard of such a thing in Hierys before. Is she out of her wits? I don't feel any ill will from her but... crazy isn't an emotion, is it? She could think she is helping me, simply to lead me off a cliff, for all I can tell. Perhaps if she took a breath I could fit in a question...

Ariana sighed once more as Old Eros continued rambling on about everything under the sky, scarcely taking in enough hair to fuel her endless speech. The princess glanced over her shoulder desperately in the direction they had come from, no longer able to recognize the area around her. Even if she did get away from the woman, would she be able to find her way back? What if she really was leading the princess to a place she could bathe, it would be worth the slight headache forming in her temples and a bruised arm, wouldn't it? Not to mention the slightly injured self esteem. Vagabond? Unkempt? That seemed a little harsh, even if it were the truth. But... but when was the next time she would get a chance to bathe, in the midst of stealing the Seal? Ariana's body was crying out for rest, and what better place than a hot spring to do just that?

Unable to squirm her way free or get in a word of protest, Ariana gave up trying to escape Old Eros's grasp. She didn't seem to wish the princess any ill will, and if she could get used to tuning the excessive ramblings out,the old woman was almost sweet. Like a nanny the princess had had as a child, growing up in Khorinys. What was the alternative, break away and wander around aimlessly until Vill'Kern found her, too tired to walk and in worse shape than when she had left? And if the old woman really did lead the princess to a hot spring...

Ariana cast one last glance over her shoulder at the unfamiliar landscape, hoping Vill'Kern wouldn't be too annoyed at her when she returned, hopefully freshly washed. The princess remembered her concern she had for the man being once again approached by the potential assassin, before Old Eros had abruptly abducted her, but the princess dismissed the thought. Was there ever a situation the warrior couldn't handle? Returning her attention to the woman dragging her through the streets of Hierys, Ariana forced a smile at the woman still speaking for the both of them, nodding along occasionally just in case. She, on the other hand, might have found herself in a spot of trouble.
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