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Chaos Upon Valysia {Eternal Wanderer x Cinnamon }

Vill'Kern stood, silent, cold, watching the unnamed assasin trying to crawl her way out of the room. She was in heavy pain from the crushed jaw he left her with, she bled severely. Reaching down, he grabbed at the thick waves of beautiful, glowing crimson hair, and pulled roughly, lifting the woman up to her knees, then forcedly, to her feet, just so, in the very next moment, to thrust her forward by the back of her head, and throw her into the wall across the small corridor in on which their room was. The female crashed against the wall, forcefully, and fell, unable to move anymore. Should i let her go, or should i kill her? He wondered as he watched the female trying to lift her head but failing to do so. He finally decided to leave her there, for luck to decide her fate. Turning to the room, he placed the elegant dagger on the bed and started putting on the armor, piece by piece, eventually gazing once more to the assasin that seemed to have passed out there, in a pool of blood.

He finished strapping the armor just in time, as Innis finally opened its eyes. He gazed to the grom that awakened slowly, and then turned to the bed, grabbing the dagger and sheathing it in the empty sheath he had at the waist. That would be a great gift for Ariana... Ariana! Where exactly could she be? She went to the innkeeper's desk to inquire about a bathing room. But if the innkeeper was lying there, passed out, and she didn't find her, she would return to him, wouldn't she? Only if... only if she wasn't in danger! The crimson haired assasin couldn't be the only one in Hierys. Or could she? No, she clearly couldn't, and if one of the patrons was a disguised assasin, Ariana was in trouble without him. With swift moves, he grabbed the Book Of Revolt and any other belonging of his and Ariana's that would be in there, and ordered to the grom to follow out. The grom obeyed his order just like a kid, eventually inquiring about the bleeding woman as they exitted the room.

Vill'Kern wished with all of his power that, upon descending the stairs, he would find Ariana there, looking for the innkeeper. His eyes, however, beheld a few patrons, looking for the innkeeper, eventually turning their attention to him as he stepped down the last step of the stair.But Ariana was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she exitted the inn to look around for the innkeeper? It was possible, knowing Ariana. Yet, he decided to ask around, maybe some of the patrons knew something.

"Hey, have you seen my partner?" He threw the inquiry to the men, watching their eyes to see any hint of any of them lying. None of them seemed to let out anything in particular. One of them stepped up and spoke.

"You mean the blonde young one? That old hag Eros took her. Probably mistook her for a stray kid, she always does that. She's witnessed her own and only child die, years ago, and lost her minds. Eversince she drags every child she meets away. She lives in the Western District of Hierys, in an old and decrepit setting of a... house." The man gave the details out, while having Vill'Kern stare into his eyes for any sign of lie. Vill'Kern finally nodded at the man, and looked down to Innis, who seemed now more than concerned.

"Where Aria? Must find. Bad men hurt Aria, bad" The creature spoke to Vill'Kern, seeming awfully distressed by the situation. And it had all the rights to do so. Vill'Kern went out in a hurry, followed by Innis, and cast a gaze over all the visible streets of Hierys. No sign of Ariana. While he was busy thinking whether or not to kill the assasin, the woman probably already took Ariana halfway through the huge city. It shouldn't be hard for him to find the decrepit setting of a house, as the bodily patron named it, should it? He rushed out on the street, wishing he could teleport directly to the place. He was faced yet again with people searching for corpses, or people who have already started rebuilding the structures of their demolished homes. He could hear particular voices hailing him out loud, and others whispering behind his back. But he didn't care for that now.

He walked in a stormy pace through the city, his gaze searching feverishly for any sign of the princess. The small grom was doing its best to keep up with the giant warrior as he never even thought of stopping until he found the girl... the woman he cared for more than for his own existence. The Western District was the one less affected by the war. In fact, it was so clean and peaceful that no one would have guessed that the city has just been going through a war by the looks of it. Everyone was going on about their bussines, the shopkeepers, kids playing out in the street. He thrown his gaze all over the street and the big area, searching for the particular homestead. There it was! Hidden between luxury, a small home, with walls made of stone, and a door that barely held itself up. Finally reaching it, he unsheathed the Penitence, that still seemed to be strained, and preparing himself for any fight should it come, he opened the door.

The door screeched as it opened, and he was faced with a small chamber, poorly mobilated. There was no one inside, so the old hag probably didn't reach there yet. His eyes quickly fell upon a part of the floor, that seemed out of place. Motioning for Innis to follow, he walked to it, and lowered himself. His hand touched the piece of floor. A trap door. Careful, he opened it, and gazed inside, expecting anything to leap out and attack. Instead, he was faced with a set of stairs. Standing once more, he took steps down, gazing about full of curiosity. He was faced with a room. It seemed empty, devoid, that, until his gaze fell upon the corner of it. Made out of wood, there was a huge basin, filled to the brim with something that looked like water, from which emerged slight... steam? Could it be possible that the old woman found a source of hot water emerging from the soil and exploited it to have hot water constantly? At one of the ends of the giant basin, there was a sort of device, made especially to take the excess of water and lead it somewhere outside, in the ground. Innovative.

Innis all but made its way to the basin, and before Vill'Kern could stop the little grom, it sank its little... hand into the water, giggling excited at the sensation.

"Warm. Warm water here!"

Vill'Kern raised an eyebrow. So, that was a basin filled with warm water, a sort of... hot spring, a domestic hot spring. Suddenly, his hearing caught a sound. The door upstairs screeched, and he could hear the voice of the old woman that kept ranting endlessly. He heard, by the thudding on the fragile floor above him, two different pairs of feet roaming it. That must have been Ariana. With a move, he signaled the grom into silence, as he snuck, using the stairs to finally manage to take a peak through the opened trap door. He all could see an old woman, with her back on him, holding Ariana by her arm as if she was a... prisoner. That was it, Ariana was the old, mad hag's prisoner. That was it, it was time for him to come out. Even huge as he was, he managed to move silently behind the old woman.

Suddenly, the senior fell to silence, feeling the cold blade of the Penitence threatening to penetrate through the loose, old skin of her neck, as the warrior towered behind the old female, and snarled in hushed voice.

"Take your hands off her, hag, or say farewell to your life"
The dagger perched on Ariana's waist was becoming an increasingly appealing option to the princess as she stumbled along behind the persistent Old Eros throughout the streets of Hierys, the once endearing babblings of the ancient woman now slowly driving the princess to the end of her wits. As if the assault against her ear drums wasn't enough, with the frequent jabs at Ariana's scruffy appearance thrown it for good measure, the princess found her over exerted body becoming increasingly fatigued while the aged woman only seemed to be gaining momentum. The elderly woman didn't seem the least bit put out, not even seeming to be out of breath from her constant dialog and quick pace, as she hauled the princess into an area of the large city that seemed as if it were completely untouched by the previous night's battle.

Was this where the hot springs were supposed to be? It seemed like the most likely of places, if the place truly existed. The princess was becoming increasingly doubtful of the elder's tale, fairly certain her mind wasn't all there, the evidence against the matured woman all seeming to point to some sign of mental instability. Whether there was truly a hot spring or not- the princess was still holding on to a glimmer of hope despite her logical mind telling her other wise, her aching muscles yearning to be submerged in the relaxing heat- Ariana just wanted to get there already, where ever their destination might be, before her legs gave out completely and she found herself being dragged across the ground by the oblivious Old Eros, not a doubt in her mind the senior wouldn't even notice the extra resistance.

Perhaps it would be for the best if the princess just freed herself from Old Eros's grasp now, instead of trudging the rest of the way to only Ynarae knew where, more than likely only to be left in disappointment and with no choice but to find her way back to the inn. Surely Vill'Kern would have noticed her absence by now. The princess bit her lip in guilt as she thought of the warrior, wondering just how annoyed he would be with her when she finally returned. How long had she already been gone? It felt like hours if Ariana was to judge by her exhausted body, but it couldn't have taken them more than minutes to cross the city at the pace they were going, perhaps a half an hour at the most. Still plenty of time for Vill'Kern to assume she had been abducted by one of Korr Amarok's followers, if he was spotting assassins at every turn.

It really would be for the best if Ariana broke free now, before they reached their destination and she was cut off from the rest of Hierys. Even now there were dozens of people moving around them, carrying out their daily activities as if nothing had ever disrupted their peaceful lives only the night before. A few cast Old Eros dragging the princess behind her looks ranging from sympathy to exasperation, leading Ariana to believe this was not the first time the generous old woman had brought a stray home before. If the princess broke away now she would be able to disappear into the crowd before Old Eros had a chance to reestablish her death grip around Ariana's arm.

The problem was actually getting away from the senior's taut grasp. At this point it seemed as if it would be impossible to break free from the senile old woman without an outside source, whether it be the dagger at her hip or the crystal in her boot. Both options seemed excessive to the princess, as the talkative senior geniunely seemed as if she wished to assist the young girl she was still hauling about by the arm, though her methods of help were rather unorthodox and more than a little insulting. Ariana just couldn't bring herself to harm the wrinkled ancient, though it seemed the old woman wasn't quite as concerned with her comfort, id the loss of feeling in her tingling fingers from the woman's excessive grip was anything to go by.

"Here we go, Dear, this is the place, just like Old Eros said. Cozy, isn't it, Dear? Of course it is, Old Eros cleans it spotless everyday. You should really do the same, Dear, you don't want to be confused for a street dweller, now do you? Of course not Dear, but if you don't brush your hair more often that is exactly what will happen. Don't worry though, Dear, Old Eros will fix that right up. Won't that be nice, Dear? Of course it will, Old Eros is always taking care of unruly children like yourself. No need to thank me, Dear, that's what Old Eros does."

Ariana barely heard the screeching of the ancient looking door, almost completely off its hinges, over Old Eros's endless speech as the old woman hauled the princess into an almost nondescript little stone house tucked away from the main street, the most distinctive thing about the building being its almost complete lack of decorations. Ariana didn't have long to dwell on the slightly depressing, quant little building before she was being pulled further into the small house, the change of location doing little to deter the constant stem of flow from the senior. Ariana had to bite her lip to contain her disappointed expression at the obvious lack of a bathing area, not even a drop of water in sight. Her disappointment was short lived however, before Ariana's jaw almost dropped at the massive form of her warrior emerging from beneath the floor.

I'm dreaming,
Ariana thought in a daze, staring as Vill'Kern silently approached the still yammering old woman from behind, impossible to miss the fury radiating from his aura as he glared down upon the elder still grasping Ariana's arm as if her life depended on it. There was simply no other explanation, there was no way this could really be reality, too strange even after all the things they had seen on their travels so far.

The never ending chatter finally came to an abrupt end as the Oath of Penitence came to rest against the ancient woman's throat. The silence was suddenly deafening in the small room as no one made a sound, leaving the princess to wonder if she had gone deaf from sensory over load. She couldn't even manage to speak in Old Eros's defense in her state of numbing shock, unable to process what the hell was going on and when was she going to wake up.

Old Eros turned her wrinkle heavy features to the side to glance wide eyed at the man behind her, apparently lost for words for the first time in her life. The quiet little reprieve didn't last long, however, as the old woman's slightly glazed eyes slipped passed the warrior currently threatening to end her life to the little grom resting by the opened entrance to a... a trap door? This was getting out of hand now. Perhaps this was another dream instilled in Ariana's mind by Korr Amarok in an attempt to send her into a spiral od insanity. An attempt thag was most certainly working.

"Oh, you poor, poor Dear!" Old Eros suddenly exclaimed, releasing Ariana's arm as suddenly as she had latched on to it, moving passed the warrior with the sword still poised at the old woman's throat as if she didn't even see him to grab a hold of Innis very much in the same way she had attached herself to the princess, dragging the little grom down the apparent stairs beneath the trap door without so much as a second glance at Ariana. "You look positively green, Dear! Don't worry, Old Elos will fix you right up. No need to thank me, Dear. It's what Old Elos does."

Ariana stared with wide eyes after the erratic old woman that had finally released the princess after obsessively dragging her half way across Hierys, for several moments after she disappeared down the hidden staircase with Innis in tow, apparently forgetting all about the princess in wake of a new target to dote after, her endless rambling now directed at the grom drifting up the stairs to echo throughout the small, ruined space.

Ariana slowly turned her stunned gaze to the warrior that had emerged from the damned floor as her lips silently mouthed the words her mind couldn't process, no words able to be put to the situation. Finally the princess gave up trying to understand, shrugging her shoulders in defeat, as she forced her tired form to move towards the man, all but collapsing against Vill'Kern's chest in her haste to make sure he was really there. All she had wanted was a bath. How had it turned out like this? "I don't... I'm not... I have no idea what just happened... Did you just emerge from the floor? The floor?"
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He held the blade against the woman throat, but, not thinking about any outcome that would not favor him, the did not secure the grip on the old woman as he threatened her. He looked to the princess, ensuring her with only one gaze that the situation was under control. Or so he thought. The woman all but halfway turned against the blade, almost helping him slit her throat, but without actually touching the sharp edge of the sword. Innis just emerged from the stairs of the trap door, curious for what exactly was going on above it. Golden eyes glanced about the scene and as Innis took a step forth, its voice came out to speak.

"What do? Aria?"

But those were the last words the little grom managed to speak as Eros all but stormed to it, amazing even Vill'Kern as she passed by him, as if he didn't even hold a blade to her throat just seconds ago. He heard the elder woman blabber continuously as she caught a grip on the grom's arm, and all but dragged it down the stairs, as if she was an instant machine of abduction. Innis squirmed and tried to escape from the elder's grip, yelling out for help from the princess that stared, wordless, to Vill'Kern. Everything was going on so fast, the warrior barely had time to think of anything, of an answer for the princess. All he could do was manage to point out towards the trap door in the floor, before a loud scream pierced through his and the princess' eardrums. The scream was quickly followed by cries and words spat out loud through sobs.

"Foul beast... Eros only wanted to do good... Eros didn't know you are such a foul creature" The elder's voice was heard from under the floor, while Innis all but stepped up again, seeming irritated to say the least. Its sharp teeth and fangs were drenched in some blood, and Vill'Kern connected it immediately. Setting himself away gently from Ariana, taking her for her not to fall, he stepped to the staircase. Going down the stairs, he saw Eros, curled up in a corner of the room, just like a child that endured a beating. She held her arm against her, and he could see it clearly, it bled. Innis, not able to escape from the woman's grip, resorted to biting as a final attempt to set itself free. The situation seemed pity worthy, even for Vill'Kern. It wasn't the woman's fault she had seen her only child die. Slowly, he approached the woman, that seemed to all but pull back as if she tried to bury herself in the corner.

"Hey... let me see your arm" Vill'Kern spoke in low tone as he lowered himself before the elder. He could sense no ill intention coming from the wrinkled woman, he only thought of her as a desperate mother, who saw her child in every child she met. He could only feel slight sympathy for the old one. Finally, the elderly female extended her bleeding arm and placed it in Vill'Kern's hands, remaining speechless as the man started nurturing her. He was well versed in healing wounds by the traditional ways, as he always used to travel alone and nurture himself after every battle. Eros seemed to have slipped in a trance, staring voidly into the floor. His eyes caught the moment the elder's weary eyes let out one more tear, and her voice came out to speak, softly, and this time, with more sense, as if she had a moment of lucidity.

"Do you have any idea how it is to see your child dying? Your only child? To receive him, brought by the city guard, with several bites of wild animals? Not being able to move? To watch him suffer and struggle in agony, with infected wounds, and not having the coin to pay for the proper treatment? To watch him wither before your own eyes and finally, close his eyes after sighing out a word of gratitude? Do you?"

The elder's voice was shaky and hollow, and with every word she let out, more tears rolled down her wrinkled face. Vill'Kern watched her, while he bandaged the wounded arm, and felt a slight emptiness replace his inside. He didn't know the particular feeling of losing a child in this horrible manner, but he did know the feeling of losing every relative. Blood of his blood.

"Nay. I do not know that. But i lost my parents. My family. Anything i ever loved as a child." He spoke, as he finished the bandage, while Eros seemed to remain in that state of trance. He didn't even know if to ask any further about the cozy looking basin of hot water, or if he should take Ariana and take their leave of the woman. However, before he could raise, he heard the elder's voice speak as if she just read his mind.

"You can use the hot spring... i always let children use it. I just wanted to do good. That's all i ever wanted..."

Vill'Kern listened, and stood, returning to Ariana, who by now already was a step or two down the stairs, along with Innis. He nodded to her as to tell her everything was alright now, and asked her silent.

"So, what do we do now, do you want to take that bath or should we take the leave and let the woman alone?"
The princess flinched as the blood curling scream echoed throughout the small stone structure, the pained howl reverberating off the walls slowly fading away to allow sobbing and slightly muffled words spoken in distress to be heard drifting up the stairs from the open trap door. Ariana's head jerked away from where she had been resting it against Vill'kern's armour in alarm, looking around the warrior to stare at the opening the noise was wafting through. A mixture of trepidation and deep seeded worry began to pound through her veins as the princess waited for something to happen further to occur, presumably a horrible something at that, forcing her previously stunned mind into action.

Which one, the ancient looking woman or the grom, had made such a terrible noise? The shriek had been too high pitched, too indistinctive, for Ariana to know for sure without further investigation. The elderly woman had seemed innocent enough while she had been hauling the princess through the streets of Hierys, while Ariana had put up little resistance, but what if the woman had turned violent when the grom had been less than willing to cooperate? If that old woman- Old Eros- had that senile senior done anything to poor little Innis the princess would-

The princess would watch as a very irritated Innis stomped back up the stairs from where ever the passage led to return to the quant little room Ariana and Vill'Kern stood in, appearing very much like a child scorned. The princess moved forward to catch the thoroughly annoyed grom protectively in her arms, half expecting the elderly female to come flying up the stairs after her escaped charge like a bat out of hell, as Vill'Kern moved passed them both to venture down the stairs to presumably check up on Old Eros. After watching the warrior descend down the steps and out of sight, Ariana spotted the blood dribbling down the grom's chin as she pulled back from the embrace to properly look over the unhappy creature, fighting to suppress a smile as the princess realized what must have happened.

"Are you alright, Innis? Did the strange lady hurt you?" The princess asked sympathetically as she dabbed at the grom's bloody lip with her sleeve, already guessing the answer to her question. Innis was truly a clever little creature, knowing better than to go off with strangers. Not that Ariana didn't also know such a fundamental fact, she had just... the princess really was in desperate need of a bath. It was as if Old Eros had known exactly what to say to get Ariana to go with her, not that the princess had had much say in the matter. She couldn't blame Innis for reacting the way it had, faced with the circumstances, though she still felt a hint of pity for the obviously deranged woman.

Ariana glanced over the grom's shoulder as she heard the pathetic wails being replaced with the soft exchange of words, unable to distinguish the meaning from such a distance. Smiling gently at Innis the princess stepped away from the grom, moving quiet to the stairs to better hear what was being said. The princess was surprised by the abrupt change in tone, wondering what could have possibly caused such a change in the woman that had barely paused for breath earlier. It seemed Vill'Kern hadn't deemed Eros a threat if they were simply conversing, actually speaking instead of being spoken to, but what had changed?

Ariana stopped in her descent down the stairs almost as soon as she had started, nearly doubling over as she was struck by an emotion so strong it felt as if she had taken a hit sharply to the chest, leaving her abruptly winded. Anguish. Such pure, uncontainable pain. The princess slowly straightened to look down the rest of the stairs in a daze, unable to move further into such raw sorrow. Ariana saw Vill'Kern kneeling before the strangely quiet old woman cowering in the corner of the basement like chamber, apparently tending to the woman's injury as she spoke in a voice barely audible, her tone making it clear Eros was the source of the painful emotions engulfing the space.

Ariana felt tears gathering in the corner of her eyes as she heard the ancient woman's tragic tale, her heart breaking a bit for the mother robbed of her only child. Never would the princess have guessed what Eros had suffered through by her previous chatter and actions, though Ariana now understood the still mourning elder's erratic actions. All Eros wanted was to protect children, to spare them from the fate her own child had suffered through. Was that really such a crime? It was completely understandable, despite the slightly frownable way the woman carried out such acts. What was the alternative, stay here in the home she had presumably raised her own child in and drown in the memories of the time they had spent here together?

The princess felt the grieving mother's emotions shift as Vill'Kern answered her demanding, heart wrenching question with his own story of loss, a sense of sympathy and almost comradery invading the suffocating miasma of anguish. Ariana barely heard Old Eros once again mention the hot springs she had used to lure the princess to follow her as the warrior finished bandaging the old woman's injury, Ariana's mind flooding with thoughts of what it must have been like for the heart broken mother, to stand by, helpless, as the thing she loved most in this world was ripped away from her. With the image of her father fresh in her mind, standing before the thriving kingdom of Khorinys with that one particular smile he reserved just for the princess, Ariana felt she could understand why the elder had allowed herself to slip into the comforts of insanity.

Ariana was startled from her thoughts as Vill'Kern approached the stair well once more, looking to her in reassurance as he enquired about a bath. So, the woman had been telling the truth after all. Somehow it made Eros seem even more pitiable. Taking another step down the stairs the princess slowly shook her head, knowing her conscience would not allow for her to bathe now under the circumstances. It seemed as if it were simply Ariana's fate to never be completely clean again. Even so, she also couldn't bare to leave the broken woman alone in such a state.

Stopping before the warrior as she continued to descend the stairs, Ariana careful placed her hands about the metal of his tarnished cuirass, trying to coax the limb higher to better inspect the golden metal marred by red. The princess inspected the hand that had so gently tended to the mother robbed of her child, recalling how kind he had been to the frail woman, before touching her lips to a spot against the cool metal devoid of the red substance, touched by how caring the warrior could be in such moments, away from the eyes of the prying world that simply saw him as a man only capable of death and destruction. Ariana's eyes caught on a trace amount of dried blood lingering on Vill'Kern's bare skin at the junction at which his armour connected, making a mental note to enquire about source later, after they had left behind the stone structure housing so much misery.

Releasing the hand in her grasp Ariana stepped around the warrior to descend the rest of the stairs, slowly approaching the ancient woman still sitting motionless in the corner of the room, appearing very much like a marionette that had lost its strings and lay forgotten gathering dust. Kneeling before the broken woman, in every sense of the word, the princess tentatively reached out to the mother drowning in her own suffering, touching her hand to the wrinkle heavy flesh of the woman's face in an attempt to coax the elder into looking at the princess. Eyes almost entirely devoid of life turned to Ariana blindly, seeing right through the girl as if Eros were lost in her own mind.

"This is not what your child would have wanted for you," Ariana told the woman softly yet firmly, keeping her fingers pressed to the woman's face to keep her attention from slipping away. The crystal in her boot began to heat gently against the flesh of her ankle as the princess willed the woman's anguish to seperate from the memory of her child, wishing the mother to be able to think of her child in fond remembrance rather than pained guilt with all her might. "He thanked you not for allowing him to slip away into the next realm, but for everything you had done for him in life. He thanked you for remained by his side until the very end. He did not blame you, nor would he want you to blame yourself. Remember him in life and celebrate what time you had together, or you do not do justice to his memory."

Give your sorrow onto me, Ariana stared the woman in the eye as she felt Eros's mind go blank, though whether for better or worse the princess couldn't tell. And never again remember your kin with pain. Think of your child and smile, knowing he watches over you until the time you can be together once more.

"Thank you, Lady Eros, for the kindness you have shown me." Releasing the woman's cheek from her grasp Ariana stood, smiling at the strange old woman that was truly so different than she had first thought, and turned on her heels to return to the warrior and grom waiting for her.
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Old Eros sat, broken, in her corner, while Vill'Kern and Ariana exchanged hushed words, under the grom's attention. Innis still seemed angry at the old woman who just minutes ago dragged it roughly, but didn't quite understand the sudden gloom that set itself into the chamber. The little creature cast golden eyed glances to Eros, then back again to Vill'Kern and Ariana. The warrior watched the princess trail the bloodstains on his armor, and his gloved hand, and witnessed with awe as she placed a kiss upon the cold metal, wanting to repay the kiss with a kiss to her very lips, but containing himself as the situation wasn't exactly fit and proper for such an act.

He thought for a moment at the princess' gesture, and smiled without control. She kissed his hand. The hand that would kill so many, the hand that brought the horrid end to a lot of innocents and filths as well. And she kissed it, as if he was some kind of wise man, or a saint. He smiled towards her, before retracting his hand as she stepped past him, and went to the aid of the elder woman, with Innis of course following close to her as if it was a sort of attachment to the princess, as if they were tied, and the little princess couldn't walk away without it, as if they were connected by an invisible string. Vill'Kern watched as Ariana comunicated with the broken old woman, no, spoke go her, as if she attempted to try and pull her out of her messed up mental state.

Eros stared hollow into Ariana's eyes, looking as if she was unable to grasp the full meaning of her words. as if the words just struck into her like into a wall, without any effect. Ariana's hand caused the seemingly devoid elder to let her head with its full weight into the touch, as if she longed for such a warm gesture. Her lips parted, and repeated the word "child" continuously, after Ariana stopped speaking and retracted her hand from the elder. Eros looked up at the Ariana that now faced her with her back, and with a shaky voice, she spoke.

"Thank you, my beautiful child... thank you for being so... careful... i'm sorry for the trouble i've caused you." The woman spoke, softly, as she then drifted away in thoughts. Vill'Kern looked to Ariana and the grom, as they returned to him, and motioned for them to follow him outside. He stepped the stairs back up, and looked once more about the lonely chamber. He walked to the simple wooden table in the corner of the room, and searching the coin purse at his waist, he took out a few golden coins, and placed them on the table. This should be enough for her to get food for about a week, he thought as he awaited the princess and the grom. Once they joined him, he led them out of the house, carefully closing the door, and out into the open street, that now was so vivid and full of energy. It was mid-day already. Probably the Elders were awaiting for them.

Nah, the Elders can wait a bit, he thought as he started walking, leading Ariana around through the Western District of the city. He knew exactly where they were going. He knew there was a special place there, a house that offered multiple services and an armory. There was surely a place to bathe in. And they finally reached it. Beautifully outstanding, with a big flower garden in front of it. The house had two levels aside from the ground one. The light of the sun reflected on the white stone the house was made out of was making it look like a pure diamond of the whole city. Two guards were standing at the entrance, but not city guards, more like mercenaries, personal guards. As soon as they saw Vill'Kern and the princess approach with the little grom, they closed in to each other, blocking the way to the door.

"What do you seek?" Asked one of the guards, a tall and buff man, just half a head shorter than Vill'Kern. The other guard seemed rather silent, or not willing to speak. Vill'Kern adjusted his voice and spoke, gazing the man that questioned him in the eyes.

"I wish to go to the armory" Vill'Kern said. The armory was a special one, private, and to get to it there was need to pass through the house first. The men moved out of the way, and Vill'Kern led the princess and the grom inside. Everything looked as a normal inn, only that it was all full of luxury, an inn for richer patrons. Everyone turned heads to look to the newcomers, Vill'Kern and Ariana, and some of them started already cheering. The warrior leaned in to speak in a low tone to a young lady that approached them as soon as they entered. She was the maitre d' , responsible with welcoming the new clients. As soon, the young female, who was probably no older than Ariana but with about 2 or 3 years, approached Ariana with a wide smile and curtsying politely to her, she offered her arm for Ariana, so she could lead her.

"This way, M'Lady" The young woman spoke as she led Ariana away to the bathing chamber, while the grom wanted to follow, but was stopped by Vill'Kern. The warrior took his steps through the inn, and exitted on the other side, heading to the armory. Shiny weapons and pieces of armor were displayed for any client that would take steps in the shop, shiny things which immediately caught Innis' attention, and, bent over an anvil, an orc was working hard on striking into a fiery red steel sword, to shape it correctly before the metal went cold. The orc raised his gaze towards Vill'Kern as he approached. The warrior looked back into the red eyes of the civilized orc armorer, and spoke out.

"I need a sword. Not big, nor too small, a sharp and fine sword for a young lady"

The orc gazed to him, and responded with a heavy and growlish voice, but somewhat friendly.

"Well, i'd clearly not put a sword into a woman's hands, not the wisest thing to do, but as you wish. Let me show you what i have here" The orc spoke as he started to expose out different swords, for Vill'Kern to look at.
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Ariana paused as she heard the fragile voice speak once more, becoming weaker and weaker with each passing word until it was barely audible. The princess glanced back at the broken elder huddled in the corner, feeling her heart drop at the state of the old woman. She could see the senior's previously unseen aura wafting around her like a heavy, black transparent mist, several distinctive hole like voids visible in the dark cloud. Ariana stared at heart breaking shell of a human for another moment before turning her back on the woman, placing a light hand on the grom's shoulder to help usher it up the stairs. There was nothing they could do for someone in such emotional and mental disrepair. All the crystals in Khorinys's mines wouldn't be enough to piece Old Eros back together again.

The princess glanced around the dark and almost empty foyer Eros had first dragged her in to when the situation had been such an utter contrast to what it was now, wishing there was something she could do to ease the woman's suffering. A small smile tugged at Ariana's lips despite the depressing circumstances as she caught sight of the coins sitting on the otherwise empty table in the corner of the room, certain they hadn't been there a moment before. It seemed as if the warrior had had the same urge to help as the princess, though from the state of the elderly woman that still hadn't budged from her position against the wall in the lower level of the building, it seemed Vill'Kern had been more successful in his efforts than Ariana hers. Was there anything else they could do for a person broken beyond repair?

Ariana and Innis followed the warrior out of the stone home and into the bright bustling streets at his prompt, the cheerful and busy atmosphere outside a stark contrast to the hopelessness lurking within the dank structure they had just departed. It was difficult to hold on to the pity and sadness the princess felt for Old Eros as she looked about the packed streets as they moved out further and further away from the decrepit home barely visible from the street, surprised by all the activity she had missed as she had been led through the area the first time. They passed by a variety of makeshift booths and stalls step up in between the stores and homes lining the streets, the merchants manning their small outlets attempting to sell trinkets, foods, and many other assortments of goods and wares to anyone that would listen. Ariana placed her arm around the grom's shoulders as they walked, winking quickly at the curious golden gaze she received in return, careful to make sure the little creature didn't sneak off to inspect a shiny or two without their notice. After all the trouble Vill'Kern had presumably gone through to track her down, the princess doubted he would care very much for a repeat performance with the quick little grom.

Ariana attempted to memorize each twist and turn they had taken as they travelled to the Western district of Hierys, well aware she would have been lost in the large city had Vill'Kern not found her first. The princess inspected each new street carefully as the businesses began to appear more and more scarcely, leaving room for what appeared to be a higher end residential area. Her eyes widened as the warrior led them directly to a large, pristine white building glimmering in the bright afternoon sun, the structure appearing as if it had been all but plucked out of a fairy tale story for children. Ariana swooped down to catch hold of one of the countless flowers lining the walk way up to the entrance of the outstanding building, grinning at Innis as she tucked the large white blossom behind one of its horn like ears. She jumped as she heard the guard suddenly speak to Vill'Kern, biting her lip like a guilty child caught red handed as she hoped they hadn't noticed the less than subtle theft.

The princess smiled apologetically at both the guard that had spoken and his unnerving silent partner as she followed the warrior into the structure, tugging Innis along with her quicker than was absolutely necessary. Ariana stopped in the foyer of the beautiful, intricately decorated interior, inspecting the area in surprised silence as she wondered what Vill'Kern could have been after in such a luxurious looking building. It looked as if it were the type of place he would avoid at all costs, but who knew? Perhaps the warrior secretly enjoyed pampering himself every now and again. The mental image of the infamous Vill'Kern The Slayer meticulously having his nailed scrubbed brought another smile to her face.

Ariana was distracted from her indulgent thoughts by a round of loud applause for The Hero of Hierys, quickly followed by a young woman barely older than the princess herself coming to stand before her. Ariana hastened to replicate the polite show of respect, the manners she had been taught so rigidly as a child coming to her as second nature, causing her knees to bend outward while her ankles crossed, even if her mind hadn't quite caught up to the situation. The princess glanced at Vill'Kern with wide, questioning eyes as she was led away by the formal dressed young woman, once again at a loss for where she was being taken away to.

Does he somehow know what I thought about his nails? Ariana wondered as she glanced back once more to watch Vill'Kern walk off in the opposite direction, ushering Innis to follow after himself rather than the princess. She smiled weakly at the little grom before she was led around a corner and it was lost from site, wishing Vill'Kern had at least allowed the green being to go with her to wherever she was currently being led. Perhaps he was more upset with the princess for allowing herself to be taken away by Old Eros than she had thought. There wasn't much time to ponder the possibility, however, before the young lady at her side was ushering the princess through a pair of beautifully carved wooden doors decorated to appear as if vines and flowers were growing out of the very wood, revealing a wide, spacious corridor.

Ariana was led forward across the white marble floors that stretched the length of the chamber that almost had a hall like quality about it. There were several large, circular wooden basins distributed throughout the room, all with a curtain like seperation hanging above each seperate vat, some of which were currently pulled back to hide whatever currently occupied the basin. Or whoever, the princess thought as she heard the distinct sound of water slashing about behind one such seperation, realizing what this area must be.

A public bathing room of sorts, though with far more privacy then she had been led to believe in the past. The princess had been told stories of public bathing houses where men and women could wash in the same area, some such businesses even allowing for seveal people at a time to share one bathing tub. The wide wooden basins in this facility were by far large enough to fit multiple individuals at the same time, but by the appearance of the building itself, and the standard that seemed to be upheld here, the princess doubted she would be sharing one of the lumps of soap she could see resting on the edge of the basins they passed.

"Here you are, M'lady," The young woman that had shown the princess the way declared, stopping before a basin close to the end of the chamber. Ariana could smell the herb infused water as two young girls dressed similarly to the young lady that had led her to the area, a hostess if the princess were to wager a guess, finished pouring two large buckets into the already quite filled vat, causing a light steam to rise from the surface of the water. Ariana thanked all three as they took their leave so she could have her privacy, returning their curtsies as they went.

A bath. A real bath, complete with hot water and soap. Soap! Ariana couldn't keep the smile from her face as she carefully picked on the slightly misshapen rectangle of herbs and processed lard, acting as if the solid bar might suddenly melt in her grasp and be lost forever, as she deeply inhaled the scent of the blessed cleansing tool. Real soap! Perhaps not of the same quality she had grown accustomed to in Khorinys, but after days of accumulating dirt and grim it seemed like the most priceless of treasures. Could it be more perfect?

A sponge! Ariana could barely contain her excitement as she quickly pulled the curtain seperating her area from the rest of the chamber closed, hardly sparing the thin material a double glance to make sure it was entirely shut before she removed her clothes, throwing the garments haphazardly to the floor in her haste. The princess sighed in blissful contentment as her sore body was submerged in the heated, fragranted water, the taut and coiled muscles relaxing as if the contact with the substance alone was all they had been waiting for to ease their tension. The princess shut her eyes with a wide smile as she tilted her head back to sink as deeply into the revitalizing fluid while still being able to breathe, vowing to never think poorly of Vill'Kern's nails again.
The orc armorer exposed a variety of swords. each looking different from the other. The blades looked somewhat the same, but the hilts were those making the difference. Vill'Kern took every sword in his hand and carefully shifted its weight with the help of his wrist. Hm, the sword must be easy on the blade and heavier at the hilt, for a better control over it, Vill'Kern thought as he twirled the blade in his hand skillfully, watched by the red eyes of the orc. Innis was caught in staring at the daggers exposed, as if the small blades held some hypnotising spell over the little grom, with their shiny aspect.As Vill'Kern was going about checking every sword, the orc spoke to him, with the same grunty voice.

"Hey, listen, I have an offer for you" The orc said as he moved towards a corner of the big room in which his workshop was situated. Vill'Kern watched the civilized battle beast that was searching for something through a lot of piled blades. He caught the glimpse of a fancy looking hilt, and saw the orc return with a medium blade, sheathed in a black leather sheath with the "A" letter made out of gold upon it. The orc placed the sword on the table of display, and as Vill'Kern unsheathed the wonder, the orc spoke.

"The Sword Of Kjarra. The only female in the city guard. They brought it earlier, for me to melt it down. But i could give it to you, if you spar me. I always dreamt of sparring Vill'Kern, the one that has been spoken of all across Valysia. If you spar me, and of course, if you win, A'Kash is yours for free. Its blade is made of Kerolian steel, it's actually the only sword made of such steel. Kjarra earned it for her services, but doesn't need it anymore, she's dead. The hilt is especially made, to guard the hand and to provide with a two sided short blade, in case there is need of an even closer combat, on shorter range than the sword's blade. Say, legend, think you can handle me in a spar?"

Vill'Kern watched the orc explaining him the provenience of the blade. He has heard a lot about Kerolian steel, but never had the chance to hold an actual Kerolian steel blade in his hands. Despite the medium enough lenght of the blade, it seemed lighter than even some of the daggers he's handled. It would be perfect for Ariana, Vill'Kern thought as he twirled the light sword in his hand, and placed it on the table, next to its sheath. So, the orc wanted a friendly spar? Good then.

"Alright then, where shall we spar?" Asked Vill'Kern, before the orc motioned for him to follow. Innis followed closely to Vill'Kern, as it probably understood that, during the time in which Ariana was away, Vill'Kern was the one with the authority in hand, to command the little being. The orc walked out of the armorery, then led Vill'Kern in an open space, a green field. A training field, Vill'Kern concluded in his mind as he saw the orc walk to a special corner in which were arranged different types of swords. The orc picked up two shorter swords, and weighted them. So, dual wielding, eh? Vill'Kern asked himself while watching the orc twirling the swords in his big, green hands. It was quite unusual to see an orc working in a city of men, a civilized orc, and a friendly one, as it seemed. The beast stepped up on the field, constantly twirling the swords and taunting Vill'Kern. The warrior stepped up as well, drawing the Penitence, but, due to its overweight and size, holding it with both hands.

The two forces started side stepping, analysing each other and constantly inviting each other to attack, while their eyes focused on their movements. Vill'Kern was, however, the first to attempt a strike. The blade landed caught as if in a pair of sccissors by the orc's swords, which the beast placed in defensive in the shape of an X. Vill'Kern jumped back just in the moment, knowing a block could also mean an incoming strike. The orc stepped forth, but not into attack. Instead, he kept taunting Vill'Kern. This guy's up to something, the warrior thought as he didn't yet respond to the taunting, studying the orc's stance, trying to find the weakest point of the stance. The being's swords were placed strategically, so that no attack could have succes, no upper or lower attack.

He's good, Vill'Kern thought before launching himself forth, twirling the Penitence in the air once before landing a strike towards the upper torso, strike that was immediately dismissed by one of the orc's swords, and then, the other twirled through the air, aiming to strike the warrior's side. With a quick move, Vill'Kern dismissed the orc's strike and leaped back, taking yet another defensive stance, holding his longsword diagonally, so that most of his body would be covered away from an incoming attack. He awaited the orc to strike for a few moments, while trying to think and figure a way to disarm him of one of the swords. His line of thoughts however was broken by the image of the orc, jumping in the air, twisting a perfect 360 degrees and landing two blows against his block, one after another, the first causing him to step back and the second to lose his balance totally, and, for the first time in long, Vill'Kern stumbled back and fell.

I can't believe this, he thought, as he watched the orc closing in, and he saw the tip of the blade pointed against him. The orc put him down with only one strike? No way. The Penitence was still in his hand, so the game wasn't over, it was only a matter of strategy how he would escape the situation. He finally found a fitting opportunity. The orc pointed only a sword towards him. With a sigh, he mimicked defeat, but before the orc could ask him if he gave in, he let out a loud battle shout. The Penitence went through the air, hitting full-force into the orc's sword. The beast, taken by surprise, couldn't do much before the small sword broke free of his hand, and went flying through the air. While the orc was focusing on his sword falling to the grassy ground of the field, Vill'Kern managed to roll away and stand, taking advantage of the lack of attention the orc payed to start landing agressive strikes, blocked by the orc who now fought back with only one sword, yet managing to keep up with the brutal strikes.

Vill'Kern swirled and twirled, taking up his gracious dance of death around the orc that suddenly, from offensive became extremely defensive, trying to resist every strike that caused him to step back once, then once more, and barely stumble back. So, you're not as good without dual wielding, are you? Vill'Kern asked in his mind as he continued the tornado of furious attacks. Innis was now caught in the fight, watching with its golden eyes as the two forces fought against each other, and cheering each time Vill'Kern managed to push the orc back more and more. The orc seemed lost and disoriented from a point, and Vill'Kern took the most advantage out of it, landing blows without even stopping. He visualised in his mind the orc's strike that sent him to the ground, and with a high leap, he twirled a 360 in the air. The orc's red eyes stared to the move in that second, before Vill'Kern's sword struck into the orc's, with such a force that the small sword of the beast broke in two pieces, the tip flying away through the air and the remains falling down next to the orc that also fell heavily to the ground.

The warrior stood above the orc, that smiled proudly and immediately stood. "Woah, i knew i couldn't stand a chance before you" The orc spoke while Vill'Kern sheathed his sword. The two and Innis headed back to the armory. As they walked, Vill'Kern couldn't but think of how the orc almost defeated him. He smiled to himself thinking how the beast rose to the usual reputation of the orcs, some of the greatest warriors ever to be. If only they wouldn't be in Korr's service. As they returned in the armory, the orc immediately placed the sword of Kjarra in the hands of the warrior, then returned to his anvil, starting to work on another sword while Vill'Kern and Innis departed, heading back to the luxury inn. The two entered the inn, and Vill'Kern was immediately welcome by the waitress. He shook his head in sign he didn't want anything in particular, then, finding an empty table, he sat at it, with Innis, waiting for Ariana to return from her bath, while holding the sword in his lap.

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Sooo comfortable, yet so wrinkled, Ariana thought in amusement as she lifted her foot above the water she was still currently submerged in, wiggling her toes in a childish manner as she inspected the heavily puckered skin on her foot. The princess had long since finished scrubbing the grim from her skin and hair, a hard fought victory she had thought would be impossible to achieve. Now that she had, now that Ariana could see her skin without a layer of dirt obscuring her view, the next battle was prying herself from the magnificent, blissful floral scented water.

Slipping beneath the now luke warm water one final time, running her hands through her gravity defying hair to make sure the last of the residue of the blessedly strong soap had been rinsed from the tresses, Ariana waited until her lungs could last no longer without air before standing. The princess quickly slipped from the wooden basin before she could convince herself to loiter within its comforts for just a few more minutes, trying not to think of the extended wait it would be until the next time she would be able to indulge in such a luxury as she dried the water from her skin with the over sized white wash cloth that had been supplied by the inn staff.

Ariana wished she would have had time to wash her clothing as well as she returned her light armour to its proper place on her person, though she somehow doubted the staff of the luxurious inn would appreciate it if she wandered the halls leaving a trail of dripping water in her wake. Instead she settled for slipping the still damp lump of soap into the folds of her clothing, glancing guiltily at the thin material of the separation as she did so, as if one of the inn staff might appear at any moment.

It wasn't that bad really, a single bar of soap would barely be missed by such a facility. At least that was what the princess attempted to convince herself as she pulled back the curtain surrounding the basin she had been assigned to, hastening to exit the chamber before one of the inn's employees returned and read the guilt on Ariana's face like an open book. The princess began walking back to the entrance of the inn where she had been separated from Vill'Kern and Innis, retracing the path the hostess had originally led her down to reach the bathing area.

Ariana hadn't made it far before she found her way blocked by a crowd of people gathering about the large, wide windows set within the pristine walls of the inn's outter wall, the small gathering of people emitting a mixture of excitement, disapproval, and worry. Before the princess could manage to squeeze her way through, curious as to what was causing such a commotion but deeming it unwise to leave the warrior waiting any longer after she had loitered so long in the bathing room, she caught a few snippets of conversation being exchanged by the crowd that caused her to freeze in her tracks.

"Isn't that Vill'Kern The Slayer down there?"

"Can't be 'im, cannit? What's a barbarian like 'im got to be doin' 'ere?"

"Didn't you hear? He destroyed the whole orc army by himself! They say he beheaded a troll with his bare hands!"

"More likely to have been helping the invaders than fighting them! Just look at the brute!"

Ariana forced her way to a spot in front of the clear glass windows, earning herself several annoyed glances and huffy comments. The princess stared down at the two figures standing on the grassy fields outside of the building, straining her eyes to make out the details of the scene before her. Yes, that was definitely Vill'Kern down there, his golden armour catching in the light of the sun as he clashed weapons with what appeared to be an orc, his aura impossible to miss even from such a distance. What was going on? What was an orc doing here of all places? Had it survived the battle last night and sought the warrior out in revenge? How had it tracked him down? It wasn't as if Vill'Kern could move about with any particular discretion, especially after being labelled the Hero of Hierys, but it had to be twice as difficult for the giant green skinned creature to travel through the streets undisturbed, if not more so. Before the princess had a chance to voice her questions aloud she over heard the words being exchanged again, struggling to pay attention to what was being said as she watched the apparently even battle going on outside.

"That's the orc from the armoury, in't it? What's 'e doin' mess'n with The Slayer?"

"Well, The Hero did slay all of those orcs yesterday. Maybe it wants revenge? Completely uncivilized beasts, those orcs. I'll never understand how its presence is tolerated here."

"Well, 'e be the best smith in Hierys, in't 'e? Course Boss is gonna wan' 'in workin' on our side. What's 'e's doin' fightin' The Slayer though..."

Ariana missed the rest of the exchange as she gasped, pressing her hands to the glass window in shock, as if touching the glass could change what she was seeing. Vill'Kern- The Punisher, chosen of the Ancient Nine, saviour of Hierys, the only man to ever return from the dead, conqueror of everything that had every stood in his way- had been knocked to the ground. The chatter died out completely around her as everyone stopped to stare, the tension in the corridor palpable. The princess couldn't breath as she watched the orc hold one of its blade on the fallen warrior, standing over him like a scene out of a nightmare. Ariana couldn't look away as she saw Vill'Kern glance away from his opponent as if admitting defeat, a soft, indistinguishable noise of disbelief escaping the princess has she waited for the warrior to pull off the impossible. He couldn't lose. Not here. Not like this.

The thoughts had barely passed through Ariana's mind before it became true, the warrior giving a loud yell that could be heard echoing throughout the corridor even at such a distance. The princess saw the small sword being knocked from the orc's hand and fall to the ground, though she had missed the action that had caused such a result, before Vill'Kern was on his feet once more, aggressively attacking his opponent that seemed to be at a severe disadvantage without his second weapon. Ariana cheered for the warrior along with the majority of the crowd as he forced the orc back further and further with each strike, the crowd gasping as a collective as the legendary warrior suddenly leapt into the air.

Ariana sighed heavily in relief as the people gathered about her cheered once more as Vill'Kern stood above his enemy, the Oath of Penitence poised as if to deliver the final strike. The princess smiled with a laugh as she was clapped on the back, barely noticing the large employee of the inn that had been remarking on the battle now comment jokingly on her appearance resembling that of a ghost. She continued to watch through the window as the rest of the crowd slowly dispersed, smiling as the warrior helped the orc to his feet and they returned to the building with Innis following behind, seemingly friendly enough.

The princess watched until they disappeared from view before she turned away from the window, leaning heavily against the wall for a moment to help support her weak knees. He did it, Vill'Kern pulled off another seemingly impossible victory, Ariana thought, sighing in relief. She had felt as if her heart might stop in her chest when she had witnessed the warrior fall to the ground, the memory of the battle between The Punisher and Vorath replaying in her mind. How much longer would he be forced to fight before they would reach the end of their journey? How many more times would Ariana have to fear for his life before they reached their goal?

That's assuming Vill'Kern will stop fighting even after Korr is defeated, the princess thought with a slightly exasperated smile, pushing away from the wall to seek out the warrior. It seemed she didn't have to worry about taking so much time after all, if Vill'Kern had found such a way to keep amused. Ariana retraced her steps without incident until she reached the entrance to the inn, following the warrior's unique aura from there until she found him sitting with Innis at an otherwise unoccupied table. She smiled widely as she approached the seated pair, unable to keep the awe from her expression as she looked the warrior over for injuries. Not even a scratch to show his previous antics barely minutes before. The man really was invincible.

"That was quite the fight, though it seems like you're getting a little rusty. It took you a whole thirty seconds to gain control of the duel." Ariana teased as she came to a stop before their table, smiling fondly at the warrior to show she was joking.
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Vill'Kern immediately spotted Ariana approaching. He also knew she saw him fight, his eyes caught glimpse of the dearest face behind a glass window, watching with the rest of the crowd. It was for the first time, as he recalled, for the first time when more people saw him stumbling back and falling during a battle. A few patrons passed by his table before Ariana would arrive, and some even dared to pat the golden shoulder plates of his armor, smiling to him and congratulating him for the spar's outcome, as if it was for the first time he'd ever won. And there she was, Ariana, moving closer and teasing him with her words. while he gazed on her clean, white skin. She was now cleaner than when he first met her, she sparked just like a precious gem. He smiled in response to her tease, and placed the sword he's gained on the table.

"Well, that orc really knows how to fight. And he surely is older than me. Heard some words about him before, he's the best smith you could find on Elos. His special move did get me surprised. But for the humiliation, i got you this. It's all yours, and soon enough i'll teach you how to fight with it. Vill'Kern smiled as he presented Ariana to her new sword. Grabbing at the sheath with a hand, and at the hilt of the sword with the other hand, he pulled, gently, unsheathing the blade that shone with the light that fell upon it. Innis' eyes were immediately caught by the shiny metal, following the movement of the sword with sparking eyes.

"It's Kerolian steel. It's light as a feather, and it is said to be able to cut through stone. Well, we'll test that theory. But the sword is very light, it won't be a problem for you to handle it. It's elegant enough for a beautiful princess, isn't it?" He smiled and lifted the sword with a hand, then, gently grabbed Ariana's hand with his free one, and placed the sword in it. "My gift for you" Vill'Kern looked up to the princess, before standing. "Come on, i think the Elders are red faced waiting for us" He joked, winking to her with a smile. The attention in the big salloon was suddenly distracted by the sound of the back door opening. Rumour already started going about in hushes, as the orc armorer took steps towards Vill'Kern's table, holding something. Something that looked like more sword sheaths together, and more hilts of swords one next to the other.

Vill'Kern watched the orc approaching, wondering what exactly would the beast be doing far from the anvil, venturing between the humans that didn't seem really approving of his presence there. At least not all of them. The orc stopped a few feet away from Vill'Kern, gazing to the princess, somewhat questioning, before switching his attention to the warrior.

"Hey, listen, could you do me a favor? I have a few swords here, standard crafting. I need them delivered to Nyrathir, but it seems no one can carry out the task. I sent three couriers, but none of them reached past the crossroads. There are some bandits there who keep making troubles. Well, this, of course, if you're headed to Nyrathir. The swords are for the commander of the city guard and his three subordinates. He'll be paying you for your trouble"

The warrior watched the orc speaking, and raised an eyebrow. How exactly did the beast know where or if he was headed there? Probably word reached his ears from one of the clients. The orc seemed trustworthy enough, and, if Vill'Kern and the princess were headed to Nyrathir, he saw no reason at all to decline the orc's request, especially given the fact that it would earn the warrior some extra coins. Finally, after giving a good thought to the offer, he placed a hand on the swords, taking them from the orc while nodding.

"I'll take them to Nyrathir." He spoke while the orc smiled, no, more like grinned, due to the sharp protruding fangs specific to the race. Vill'Kern secured the swords to his back with the leather strap of the sheath, while the orc thrown a hearty salute to the warrior and the princess and departed, exitting through the back door to return to the anvil. Vill'Kern looked to the princess, then motioned for her to follow, along with Innis, that didn't need any other commands, the little being acting as if it was tied to the two, following them everywhere. The warrior searched his coinpurse, and handed a few golden coins to the main waitress, that returned his gesture with a warm and light smile, that was also bestowed upon the princess. Vill'Kern led the princess outside through the main door, passing by the two guards at the entrance that now seemed to try and make the impression of stone statues, not moving one inch.

The walk through the streets of Hierys was once again the same, only that they now were faced with more and more devastated buildings, as they were going towards the Eastern District, the area devastated by the war just a day ago, as they were headed to the tower of the High Circle. Finally reaching the tower, Vill'Kern led the princess up the spiral-like stairs, and finally into the Council hall, where, at the stone round table, the six Elders awaited for them.
Ariana's eyes widened in a particularly skillful imitation of Innis as her gaze fell upon the blade gleaming in the light Vill'Kern revealed from within the confines of its dark sheath, certain she must have misheard the warrior. For her? He had gone to such troubles, locating the building, finding a suitable weapon, and duelling with the ominously large orc, just for her? The princess turned her stunned gaze from what had to be one of the most beautifully crafted weapons she had ever seen to the stunning warrior himself as he took her hand within his own to place the deceptively light sword within her grasp, her fingers closing instinctively around the cool leather of the sheath as the princess stared at the man as if she thought he were about to reveal he had been simply joking about such a generous gift.

When no signs of trickery were made known by the warrior Ariana turned her attention back to the intricate blade, taking several moments to process his words fully. Had this been Vill'Kern's intentions all along in coming here? To arm the princess? She tested the weight of the blade in her hand as if in a daze, surprised it truly was as if there was no weight to the weapon, if anything the sheath seemed to be the only thing weighing the sword down in the slightest. Kerolian steel. Such a rare, precious metal. Ariana had never heard of it being used to craft weapons before, the delicate material too fragile to be able to mold properly without the outcome almost always ending in several pieces. Almost always, but clearly not every time from the precious weapon held tightly within her grasp. This was the reason Vill'Kern had fought with the orc, for such a priceless treasure? My gift for you.

"Thank you." Ariana spoke softly as the warrior stood, placing her free hand over top his own gauntlet covered appendage as she looked up at Vill'Kern with a soft smile filled to the brim with adoration. She could think of no words to properly convey the gratitude she felt in that moment, stunned to silence by the kindness he had shown her. The princess was truly touched by the gesture, not only by the beautiful gift but the sentiment behind it, knowing the sword was meant as a weapon rather than an accessory. He had thought carefully over the best blade for the princess, taking her stature and strength into account while he had been making his careful selection. The warrior was far more considerate than Ariana had thought possible, even going out of his way to find a place for her to be able to bathe, though it seemed such luxuries were less than important to the legendary man himself. The princess wished there was someway she could repay his kindness, some action she could take to show how much it meant to her, but her mind was too filled with tender emotions to think of a proper retribution. Unfortunately, her logical mind refused to allow the princess to act on such thoughts, knowing an embrace would draw too much attention in the busy inn filled with watchful eyes, leaving a kiss also out of the question.

Ariana chuckled, nodding in response to the warrior's joke about the state of the High Circle awaiting them. Hopefully they would have made some head way with The Book of Dark Arts in the time they had to look over its now harmless pages. Before she could comment on the statuesque Wise Men however, the princess felt a wave of surprise and discomfort sweep across the room, causing her to turn in search of the cause. Ariana watched in surprise as the orc Vill'Kern had recently fought crossed the room purposefully towards them, curious as to his intentions as she sensed to ill will from the monstrously large being. The princess offered the giant green creature a slightly startled smile as its gaze briefly rested upon her, noticing its red eyes flicker towards the weapon in her hands for a moment, before the orc turned his full attention onto Vill'Kern once more.

The princess listened carefully at the creature's request, looking to the warrior questioningly as she attempted to judge what might have been running through his mind by the state of his aura. It wasn't a bad idea, really, though Ariana was rather curious how the orc had known their destination. By delivering the weapons they would have an excuse to approach the commander of the guard, the man most likely to know the location of the Seal they sought, other than the king of Nyrathir himself. It would be a perfect opportunity for them to steal their prize, before their presence could be questioned. It would save them having to attempt sneaking through the kingdom without being seen.

Ariana gave a slight curtsy to the orc as he departed, the motion much easier now that her muscles had time to relax and recuperate within the confines of the wonderfully heated water in the bathing chamber. She quickly replaced the beautiful weapon in her grasp in its sheath as the princess caught sight of Vill'Kern's signal to depart, noticing the little grom's disappointed aura as the shiny disappeared from its sight. I'll have to keep an eye on that, the princess thought slightly warily as she followed the warrior out of the building, smiling at the hostess as they passed her by.

Ariana couldn't keep the smile from her face as she watched Vill'Kern's back as he led them back through the streets of Hierys towards the High Circle's tower. The princess wished she could give in to the urge to hold his hand as they returned to the area of the city devastated by the previous night's battle, the warmth of his touch when he had placed his gift to the princess in her hands still lingering on her skin. Instead Ariana distracted herself with thoughts of Vill'Kern's promise to teach her how to properly wield a blade until they reached their destination, barely able to contain her excitement for their first lesson. How many people in all of Valysia could say they had been taught how to fight by a living legend?
The Elders rose to stand as soon as Vill'Kern and the princess appeared through the door. By the looks of it, they've been studying the Book during the morning, and debating on its content. By the look on their faces, it seemed they have discovered a lot more than what they would expect to, or maybe just enough to solve all the problems in order. The Elder that has been speaking since they arrived in Hierys again took the step forth, greeting both, Vill'Kern and the princess to approach. As they did so, the Elder started speaking, while the others remained still, seeming to be listening.

"Welcome. We have been... expecting you. During your rest we've been studying the Book and aside from the endless blabbering about a New World and things of the sorts, we didn't find that much useful information. Mainly, what Korr is attempting to do once it posseses the princess is to break the stream of positive energy sustaining Valysia, thus leaving only the negative one active. You see, these streams are what is connecting gods to the mortal realms. A sort of portal. Once the stream broken, the other gods will not have anymore access to Valysia, thus allowing Korr to do whatever he wants here. To bring our demise"

So, that was how the gods kept connection to their creation, the mortal realm? Through only a stream? Pretty weak, these gods Vill'Kern thought with a smirk as he gazed to the Elder. So, it seemed there was nothing else to do other than steal the Seal and then...? And then face our greatest enemy, he thought, before his line of thoughts was disrupted by the Elder that spoke again.

"The Seal is a small statue. It's shaped as Korr, only without arms. It symbolizes his powerlessness. When we handed it to Nyrathir, they put it in an underground temple. Hopefully, it still is there. However, there is a curse about it, no, a vow. The nyrathirians sworn a sacred vow to protect the Seal, and should they fail, they will turn to undead. That means that, should the Seal be broken, their fate is crushed. Do not let that happen. However, your entrance in the town will sort of be a problem. Nyrathir is a town and kingdom of elves mixed with humans. They are proud and extremely arrogant people, and, Vill'Kern, as i know, you're on bad terms with all the four factions there, even with the lowest, the Thieves Guild. Sadly, i cannot help regarding that problem, but i suppose you have a plan at hand"

The Elder couldn't be wronger. He had no plan at all. What exactly could he do? The swords for the commander? They'd probably believe he was lying. The only way he saw entrance, given the circumstances, was to storm the whole kingdom. But then again, his aura was still inactive. He may be strong, he may have fought big groups of men with bare hands, but could he hold back a whole city guard and probably an army all by himself? With only a sword to rely on? A simple sword? Yes, that was the Oath Of Penitence now, without its distinct aura, a simple sword. It would more than sure fail.

"So, what do we do after we obtain the Seal?" Vill'Kern asked as he dismissed the thoughts on how exactly should they take the Seal.

"You must go North, and lure Korr to the Coffin, then do the ritual to put him to sleep. We will be assisting, but for now, we can't do much, we must do some pre-rites to raise our energy, as in this state, we're not even close to being able to put a god to sleep." The Elder replied before stepping back, taking his place with the others. "We trust that you will be able to achieve victory in the end. Never lose your faith"

Vill'Kern stood, rethinking about it all. They were so close to the end, yet so far. He considered telling the Elder about the... intercourse between him and the princess last night, but he thought it would be quite innaproapriate, moreover, it would probably bring him and the princess a whole bunch of scoldings from the wise men. No, they should just go on about the plan of action and see where it takes. So, they could leave, already, there was nothing anymore that they could possibly clarify. They had to reach Nyrathir before the enemy troops would do.

A half an hour after, the warrior, the princess and Innis were standing outside the destroyed gates of Hierys, looking forward at the seemingly infinite road they had to take to reach Nyrathir. The stables outside the city gates were destroyed, and the horses were all dead, so there was no chance of them finding a horse to ride. They had to take it by foot. Vill'Kern looked down to the princess with a confident gaze, as he thought in his mind that, no matter what, if he was with her, nothing could stop them.

"Ready, beloved?"
Ariana frowned as her eyes traced the flight of a hawk wheeling in the sky high above the path the three unlikely traveling companions were set to embark upon, recognizing the bird as a sign of warning at the beginning of a journey. An omen that was rather late to the soirée in the princess's opinion, if all they had encountered during their expedition from Khorinys to Hierys was anything to go by. The danger would surely only increase the closer they travelled to Korr Amarok and the Deathless King's wastelands, a fact well known to her with or without the bird of prey foreshadowing future events.

Ariana tilted her head to the side as the trio paused on the outskirts of one of the many demolished gates leading out of Hierys, redirecting her gaze from the hawk still circling over head to the warrior as he spoke. The princess felt her drooping lips rise at the corners as she returned his steady glance, unable to keep the amorous smile from her face even if she had wanted to. It was difficult to be too concerned when she could feel the confidence rolling off the man in waves as if in response to her doubt, reassuring the princess without words of his proficiency for conquering the perilous and impossible alike. After all Vill'Kern had overcome in just the few days since he had stormed the remnants of Khorinys with the intent of delivering the princess to the enemy they now worked in tandem to thwart- a short span of time that felt like a life time and a half ago- what trouble could the legendary warrior possible have retrieving a figurine?

Ariana's gaze drifted passed the man practically oozing self assurance to the half destroyed city they were about to leave behind, considering his question before it was too late to realize they had left a crucial commodity behind. The contemplation was quick to slip from her mind however as the princess registered the sight lurking just behind their backs, her soft smile morphing into a full fledged grin as she motioned for the warrior to follow her gaze.

The ruined streets of Hierys in view of the gate were filled with the city's residents, soldiers and civilians alike. Each man, woman, and child present faced towards the three, though nearly all eyes were directed at Vill'Kern, The Hero of Hierys. The crowd stood solemnly with their closed fists resting over their respective hearts, silently saluting the warrior that had saved them from their eminent demise only the night before. The princess was sure even Vill'Kern would have been able to sense the gratitude and respect directed at him from the countless individuals standing together as a collective to show their appreciation for the warrior, the emotions clear on their faces even if he couldn't feel the immaculate cloud of grateful acknowledgement wafting towards him.

Ariana's grin softened once more into a fond smile as she looked to the warrior in question being honoured by the sea of people. It seemed she was not the only one whose impression of the legendary warrior had been so drastically altered after meeting the living legend in person. Had the rumors about Vill'Kern The Slayer been so grossly exaggerated in the past, or had something changed within him since the last legend had been brought into circulation? His strength, at the very least, had been severely underestimated when tales of the man had been exchanged in whispered tones. Perhaps his motives had been as well. Or maybe returning from the dead had taken more of a toll on The Punisher's soul than the princess had originally suspected. Either way, Ariana had no words to expression how grateful she was the warrior had decided to turn against Korr Amarok.

Lightly brushing her fingers across Vill'Kern's armour encased arm, the princess stepped forward onto the wide dirt road stretching endless into the distance that would lead them to Nyrathir. Ariana's smile shifted from enamored to something more teasing as she glanced back at the warrior over her shoulder as she moved forward down the path, Innis falling into step at her side without prompt as she reiterated his previous question.

"Ready, Hero?"

The path winding gently into the distance to disappear into the horizon was wide enough for the three travelers to walk side by side comfortably as they strode down the loose dirt road leading away from Hierys, the uneven trail evidently being used by foot bound travelers and horse drawn carriages alike. There were far fewer trees lining this path as there had been when Vill'Kern and Ariana had exited Khorinys, the thriving broad leafed trees inhabiting almost every inch of the forests replaced with sparsely placed, ancient looking coniferous trees. The land sloped frequently around them, forming grassy hills that did little to hide the ominously looming mountains to the north.

Ariana watched the dark clouds gathering about the peaks of the mountains in the distance, the light hearted mirth she had felt while witnessing the residents of Hierys's gratification towards The Punisher slowly being replaced with a sense of foreboding. Was it her imagination, or had the ominous smog spread closer towards the ground, reaching towards both Hierys and Nyrathir, than it had the previous day?

What were the odds they would reach Nyrathir before Korr's forces? If the fallen god could influence the minds of his disciples, as he had with the Deathless King and the Mad Mage Vorath, how were they to know his influence hadn't already reached Nyrathir? Even if they did reach their destination first, how were they supposed to enter the kingdom without rousing suspicion, let alone breach the underground tunnels the statue was supposedly hidden within? Simple as retrieving the statue might have sounded in theory, little had proven to be so easy when related to Korr. A statue that held the power to decide the fate of Valysia for better or worse would undoubtedly be the most daunting task as of yet. With the egotistical Nyrathirians less than likely to willingly hand over their most valued artifact, especially to the warrior on admittedly bad terms with every faction held within the kingdom's limits, a fight seemed eminent.

Ariana sighed as she unsucessfully tried to think of any other possible outcome, short of Korr making off with the Seal long before they even reached Nyrathir's borders. The sword lessons Vill'Kern had promised her were becoming increasingly appealing with every dashed scheme. Then again, the situation always seemed dire before the warrior managed to pull some miracle out of thin air. Maybe he's gotten bored of conquering everything and anything without hindrance, Ariana thought with a wayward glance at the man in question, failing yet again to keep the smile from her features, maybe he's gained a flair for the dramatics to keep things interesting.

"This area doesn't look like a very ideal place for bandits to lie in wait." The princess said as she glanced about their seemingly peaceful surroundings, attempting to cover her amusement at her rather droll musings before the warrior took notice. She still wasn't entirely convinced Vill'Kern hadn't somehow over heard her thoughts about his finger nails back at the inn. Tempting fate too many times in one day couldn't be good for anyone's health. "Did I mishear the blacksmith when he said that was the cause of the failed deliveries?"
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Vill'Kern watched Ariana turn to him, to answer his question, and witnessed her turn around even more. What could be the cause? Was someone running behind them? Was the assasin at the inn back on her feet and tracking them down? No. One person couldn't do all that rumour that he heard just in that moment. Turning around, he gazed upon the scene behind him, and he remained awestruck by the sight. Tens, hundreds of eyes, gazing at him, some full of tears, some throwing gazes lighter than the Sun itself. He remained in place, not having the slightest idea how to react to such... gesture, as he's never been faced with any similar.

With a nod, he smiled to the people, thanking them silently for such a gesture, before turning around just in time for the princess' question. He watched her walk forth, and grinned as he measured her forms, before falling into step behind her, answering without any words to her question. The path was infinite ahead, but he now didn't fear walking it, as long as the princess was by his side. Stepping up the pace, he soon joined her, and started walking beside her, while Innis walked on the other side of her, currently busying itself with catching small butterflies that were flying about its head.

The warrior looked up towards the northern sky, along with the princess, thinking of the ominous clouds that spread, seemingly swallowing everything in their way. His gaze, which was much like a hawk's, allowing him to see far into the distance, where most average human beings couldn't, caught the glimpses of slight fires. In his mind, he mapped the whole Elos, and came to the conclusion that the fires rose from several northern villages. They were burning. The Northenwald was being crushed under the rising force of Korr, who by now probably sent armies towards Nyrathir. They had to move faster, or they'd get there way too late. He looked back to Hierys, that now became increasingly smaller the more distance they gained, and felt a slight heart change. He really wished they could return and just spend the rest of their lives there. But he knew it all was a distant dream.

He was however distracted by Ariana's words, looking forward again to the empty road. Indeed, it was no place fit for bandits, but the orc specified that the spot with the bandits was at the crossroads, and the crossroads were a long way ahead. He knew that, until the crossroads, they'd have to pass through some villages, at least two of them. He hoped for the best that word of his deeds has reached the villages, else he'd find himself in the position and situation to slaughter guards so he and the princess could pass through safely. Stepping to the side, to close in the small distance between himself and the princess, he placed a gentle hand upon her shoulder, by putting his arm around her back, and patting her on said shoulder.

The road was long, the hours passed by quickly as they caught a fair distance from Hierys, the town merely visible in the distance. And again, the road slowly went higher, a small hill ahead of them. He knew exactly what that meant. They were closing in to a village. But in his innards something was stirring. Something was not quite right. He smelled it in the air, it was a stench, a slight reek. He looked about at their surroundings, but nothing betrayed danger lurking around. But then again, what was it that he felt? Maybe it was his aura returning to him? No, it wasn't, he quickly concluded it by checking his hands. No aura. So there was something else.

As they ascended the small hill, he thought of whatever they would encounter and prepared himself for action. His adrenaline was already rushing through his veins, and his body was all set, should anything attack unexpectedly, his hand would grab the sword or throw the first punch. As soon as they reached the top, however, they beheld a completely calm sight. The small village lain at the base of the hill, on the other side, with everything in place. Everything but... guards? The village had no guards. And by the looks of it, the village was deserted. No rumor in it. No people running about, doing their daily chores. No one attending the small marketplace, with its stands empty. Nothing. Vill'Kern gazed down to the princess, with a raised eyebrow, before signaling for her to fall behind him, so he could stand as a shield for her.

He slowly moved down the path leading into the villaged, to the open gates made of wooden logs. His gaze caught something, as well as his nose. He sniffed the air. What was that smell? It was a heavy reek. It was as if... a corpse was left to rot in the sun. That was it. Just beyond the open gates, on a side of the path, lain the corpse of an old man. Vill'Kern stopped the princess, trying to block her gaze so she would not behold such a sight, not sure she would not feel her stomach turn. The old man was lying in the dirt, probably for a few days now. But there was nothing else. No blood, no wounds on the bloating skin, nothing. It seemed as the man died naturally. Or out of... hunger? The corpse, even bloated, looked very skinny. What could have been going on there?
The terrible stench was increasing in potency with each step they took towards the seemingly abandoned village. Like over ripened fruit that had been forgotten for weeks at a time, the princess thought warily, comparing the unfamiliar odor to the closest thing she had experienced in the past. It was a possibility, it wouldn't have been the first time children had left behind such items after a long day at play. Possible, though highly unlikely. With the distinct lack of common emotions associated with any large group of people emanating from the rapidly approaching village, the obvious void of life in general, the source of the pungent fumes was undoubtedly more sinister.

Shaking her head silently at the warrior's dubious glance, the princess attempted to wordlessly communicate her inability to detect anyone other than themselves within the immediate vicinity as they reached the village's simple wooden gates. Ariana tugged the neck of her tunic over her mouth and nose as a makeshift filter as she fell into step behind The Punisher, attempting to dilute the eye watering reek that was becoming more than a little over whelming the further into the village they ventured.

The princess looked questioningly at Vill'Kern as he abruptly stopped just inside the perimeter of the gates, shifting her gaze to glance beyond the warrior to see if he had located the source of the ungodly smell. Ariana's arm wrapped around the grom's thin shoulders seemingly of its own volition as her mind registered what could only be a pair of human feet, just barely visible behind Vill'Kern's substantial bulk.

He had indeed found the source of the acrid stench.

Ariana scanned the state of the buildings around them, quick to distract herself from the impulse to peer upon the rest of the corpse. If the smell was anything to go by the sight of the decaying remains would do little for her gag reflex. Despite the countless number of dead bodies she had seen in recent days, all in less than pristine condition, the corpses the princess had seen thus far had all been recently deceased. She had read enough about the process the body went through after death to know decomposing remains were in a category unto their own.

The princess frowned behind her tunic as she took in the state of the surrounding homes and the gates they had passed through minutes before, unable to detect a trace of damage. That ruled out an attack by Korr's forces. After the state they had left Hierys in it was obvious the orc army craved destruction just as much as they did blood shed. Ariana's mind once again considered the bandits the blacksmith had mentioned, but that too seemed unlikely without at least some sign of a struggle. A curse then, perhaps? Maybe, but if it was than it would have most likely already effected them as well. A disease? Again it was possible, but what ailment was so fast acting the villagers had been unable to seek aid? Surely if the townsfolk had reached out to Hierys for help the High Circle would have mentioned it.

Ariana's gaze fell on the alleyway between two homes, a thick, black cloud like mist slowly seeping out between the two stuctures. The princess watched as the dense vapors swirled just barely above the ground, thin tendrils of smoke snaking across the dirt eerily. For the first time in her memory, Ariana couldn't tell if the smog was a physical or spiritual phenomenon. It unnerved her more than the presence of the gas like substance itself.

"Vill'Kern," The princess waited until The Punisher met her solemn gaze before she directed his attention in the general area of the unknown miasma. "Do you see that?"
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He walked at pace with the princess, past the decaying corpse. It didn't bother him that much at all, he remembered having to smuggle himself with a pile of corpses during one of his numerous adventures. And not only fresh corpses. So the gut wrenching and stomach revolting smell coming from the bloating cadaver wasn't affecting him, nor was the sight of it. But did this mean all people in that village were dead? All dead in their own homes? Because the streets were purely empty. He turned his attention to the princess, sensing her utter disgust and desire to puke, and somehow wishing he could help her. But as it all seemed, they were to face many more corpses and much more stench from now on, so she would probably need to get used to it.

But in his mind rang a question. What was the culprit for this? A disease? It could be, he knew very well how easy were diseases to spread, it only needed a transporter. But then again, shouldn't the village have a mage, a healer, someone to fight with it from the first signs? It must have had a starting point, it couldn't suddenly appear and kill everyone. Or could it? He rose his gaze just in time with the moment when the princess pointed out what she has seen. His eyes zoomed the gaze so he could grasp a full picture of the scene, while he stood, watching with utter curiosity. The tendrils spread out and then back again, whipping at the air in what he saw as a very ample and slow movement, while the odd cloud advanced, seemingly trying to get away from the newcomers.

Innis, sensing the tension rising in the air, quickly refrained from staring at the corpse laying in the dirt and closed in to the princess, almost hugging her leg just like a child who runs to his mommy. The warrior gazed down to Ariana, with a gaze that spoke without giving him the need for words. Stay here, and stay quiet. His right hand fell on the hilt of the Oath Of Penitence, drawing it with a fluid move as he put himself in guard, and started following the odd, black cloud, that seemed to catch speed as if trying to get away faster. The tendrils extended forth, pulling the rest quicker and faster while Vill'Kern all but ran silently behind it. The shadow took the dirt road to the right, entering through a narrow space between two small barns and dissapearing, leaving Vill'Kern standing in place before the narrow space, obviously not able to pass through the small opening. And suddenly, a sound penetrated the grave like silence, a sharp sound as the cry of a bird, but much sharper and terrible to the ears.

Seeing as he had missed the presence, Vill'Kern returned to the princess with the grom hiding behind her leg, shaking his head as to tell her he had lost the... whatever it was.

"Alright, this place is done for, let's move through and get- "

His words froze upon his lips, as his massive mountain of a body stopped in its way, turning on his heels to locate what he has just heard. Was that a... child wail? Could it? He gazed towards the closed wooden door of a house, then shifted his gaze to a dirty window. Throwing a gaze to the princess once more, he nodded yet again, then, crouching, as much as his beasty form allowed him to, he moved silently under the window, and listened carefully to any sound coming from the inside. In only a second, he could detect not only a muffled child wail, but at least one more whisper, seemingly coming from a feminine persona.

Shhhh... it's okay baby... everything will be...

Mommy, i don't want to die... please...

Momma, i'm hungry...

Vill'Kern listened carefully to all the four distinct voices as they made themselves known, while he gazed to the princess, and signaled for her with his hand so she could understand that there was someone inside. Standing, he moved to the door, and, with slight tension in his body, as to what was he to face when he opened the door, he tried it. The door was shut tight and as he could hear, the mother was trying to silence her children totally.

Keep silent... they won't find us...

With a raised eyebrow, the warrior tried the door yet again, and once more, pushing into it, but it didn't budge. Sighing, he took the next course of action, which he knew it would raise a whole alarm, but in the given situation, it was a must. Stepping away from the door, he took a distance good enough, before his golden metal boot raised to a 90 degree with his pelvian zone, and the sole of the boot planted against the hard wood of the door, with a loud thud. He could hear the children starting to panic and cry, and he could sense more gazes rising from behind windows of houses, as he yet again planted his foot against the wood, as the hard material cracked and finally gave in, the door breaking in two pieces and lots of splinters. But before he could enter, he could see a thin, famined form of a female quickly close in to the door, and forcing the objects placed to block the door from the inside again the brute warrior, as she screamed and cried.

"No! Please, don't come in! Please, just leave, you don't understand, it will kill us all! It will kill you too! Leave!"

Kill him? What could possibly be that big and strong to kill him? He couldn't understand, and as much as he tried to think, his mind drifted back to the cloud of smoke and the... axe? Through the broken wood of the door he saw the skeletal like female now holding an axe threateningly. Just what in the name was going on? She was clearly trying to push him away, but he was decided not to give in to her will. With his arms, he broke the last pieces of the door, and pushed aside the chair and the table that were blocking his way, but as soon as he did so, he could only witness the axe swinging dangerously close to his chest. Taking a step back, he avoided the strike, and out of reflex, his golden gloved hand moved through the air with a deafening sound, landing a backhand slap across the female's face, so heavy that her thin, worn out and starved away body simply went flying through the air and fell to the floor unconscious, while dropping the axe close to him. His gaze fell on the children that now were completely terrified, crying in desperation while the giant warrior stood, still trying to fully comprehend what was going on.
I'll take that as a, "Why yes, Aria, as a matter of fact I can see the living cloud. Wait here while I go gallivanting after what may very well be the cause of this village's current destitution." The princess griped to herself wryly, watching as Vill'Kern disappeared between the buildings in pursuit of the odd patch of fog. Ariana frowned in contemplation, vaguely aware of her hand moving in small circles across the grom's back comfortingly, as she replayed the movements of the vapor like substance she had managed to see before it had fled from the warrior. It was almost as if the cloud was land bound, running across the ground. Had her eyes been playing tricks on her?

When no sign of the warrior nor the strange thing reappeared from between the buildings after a minute or two, Ariana swept her gaze once more around the surrounding homes, scanning with her senses as much as her eyes for some sign of life. Could the entire village really be empty? No, not empty. The princess thought grimly as her eyes fell unbidden on the corpse on the ground no longer hidden behind The Punisher's large form. Dead.

Ariana forced herself to stare at the decaying remains of what was once an elderly man, fighting the temptation to flinch away and empty the contents of her stomach in a preferably corpse free location. The stench certainly wasn't helping her cause. Don't think about the man, the princess scolded herself, just barely catching her thoughts before she could consider the fate of the poor senior's family, only think of the facts. What do you see? She could see bruising on every visible inch of the man's- the body's- skin, giving the corpse the appearance of an over ripe blueberry. He- it- was bloated despite its obviously thin, almost starved build. Ariana's resolve shuddered as she took note of several squirming insects moving about the corpse's flesh, her stomach clenching dangerously in the instant she thought it had been the remains moving about on its own.

Its been here for a while then, Ariana forced herself to breathe shallowly through her mouth, wishing her tunic offered more protection from the terrible reek of decomposition. She looked down at Innis pressed against her leg as the princess attempted to steady herself, wrapping her arms around the grom to comfort herself as much as the small being. More than a few days, no more than a week. Had it really been that long since anyone had passed through these roads, or had the villager's simply left the body out on the street without a second thought? It seemed unlikely in a village this size, where everyone was more than likely to be at least be aware of everyone else residing in the small town, but if he- it, it, it!- had been infected, if it was a carrier...

Ariana forced her eyes to rest once more on the corpse, taking in the way it was lying against the ground. Yes, it had most likely been killed by a disease, one that didn't seem to cause any external injuries, but... The princess glanced around the area once more, suddenly antsy for Vill'Kern's return. The corpse didn't seem as if it had fallen to the ground, clutching at an obvious injury or pain. It almost looked as if it had settled itself down on the ground peacefully, as if it were preparing to take a restful nap rather than a slumber it would never awaken from.

There was something very wrong with this place, far worse than they had originally suspected.

The princess turned in the direction Vill'Kern's aura was approaching from, sighing in relief as the warrior once again came in to view. He seemed a little miffed, but far from incapacitated. It was difficult to remember her concerns for the living legend when he was standing as an invincible force before her, as if daring the world to challenge him with something up to his level, but when he chased so recklessly after danger, despite knowing of everything that hunted them... with the Oath of Penitence almost completely void of its aura at his side...

Ariana quickly disregarded her alarming thoughts as she nodded in agreement with the warrior's assessment of the village, glad to soon be free of the all consuming odor. Her hopes were dashed before Vill'Kern had finished speaking however, her eyes widening as she watched the change of emotion play across his face before it hit her senses. Surprise? Disbelief? At what? What had changed in the course of a few seconds? The princess watched anxiously as he slipped closer towards one of the homes, her arms tightening around Innis as she strained to catch some sign of what the warrior had noticed.

People! Ariana nodded to show she understood the meaning of his gesture, though she could hardly believe it. Had it been anyone other than Vill'Kern claiming there were survivors the princess would have thought the disease had gotten ahold of them, warped their perception. But this was The Punisher, a man no small ailment could touch. Ariana glanced about again as he approached the door, her widening eyes connecting with a gaze peering at them through one of the other buildings. A shop, by the looks of it. Before she could register what she was seeing the eyes slipped from view, leaving only a slightly swaying curtain in its wake to prove the princess hadn't been hallucinating.

Ariana jumped to attention as she heard the wooden door give and splinter, unable to withstand the warrior's brute force. The princess tugged Innis behind her as a disheveled woman lashed out at Vill'Kern, screaming nonsense at him. It? What was it? Obviously the woman didn't recognize The Punisher if she thought whatever she was raving about could bring harm to the warrior, but with the fear and desperation rolling off of her in torrents Ariana wasn't surprised she wasn't thinking straight. Was this an effect of the disease, or was there really something sinister lurking within the village?

The princess shifted to the side a bit to keep the warrior in view as he entering the house he clearly wasn't welcome in, her thoughts drifted to the strange cloud Vill'Kern had chased after before she was torn from the memory by a vicious, resounding slap, closely followed by a thud. Ariana dashed into the house without a second thought, her eyes widening as they landed on the emaciated woman laying unconscious on the floor, a rather heavy looking axe on the floor beside her as if it had been knocked to the ground with her.

Shooting a quick, worried glance at Vill'Kern, Ariana hesitated only long enough to make just he was uninjured before she turned her attention to the children, crying loudly as they cowered together in fear. Forcing herself into a calm state, as calm as she could manage with a thousand thoughts swirling about in her mind, the princess willed the children to emulate the emotion. The crystal burned against her ankle as she knelt before them, her hands held palm up before her to show she meant them no harm.

"It's alright, don't be afraid." Ariana spoke as soothingly as she could manage, looking between the children slowly with a forced smile as she continued to attempt to hold their fear at bay. "Your mother is alright, don't worry. We don't mean you any harm. Can you tell us what happened here, to your village?"
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What in the name of murder is going on here? He thought as he now took his time to glance about the poor looking house. Nothing in particular attracted his attention, maybe only the increasingly loud baby wail coming from the corner where a young and starving looking boy, a girl in the same condition, both seeming of the same age, maybe twins, and the baby, were curled up, almost giving the impression they just wanted to bury themselves in the walls that formed the corner. His gaze fell once more upon the emaciated female that fell victim to his hand, the hand that not only once totally crushed a facial structure with its fist. The woman was lucky, seemingly, her face seemed to be in pretty good shape, aside from it being totally sucked in and dry, the skull structure almost visible through the thin skin. This woman hasn't had a meal in long... he concluded in his mind before turning his attention to Ariana, who, as he saw, was succeeding in calming down the crying children, that now were slowly but surely giving in to her, and calming down.

Both the boy and the girl were dirty, looking like the usual peasant children, aside from the clearly dried out bodies, dried out due to starvation and the lack of water. Pitch black eyes looked into Ariana's eyes as both children seemed to see in her the mother spirit. Innis gazed confused to Ariana, to the kids and to the baby, its golden eyes showing the confusion of the little green skinned being. Ariana was bombarded with gazes from all sides, before the boy spoke to her in a faded out voice.

"You... shouldn't be here. You should leave... They will know. We promised not to invite any strangers. Else we will be doomed. Please, i don't want mommy to die."

Vill'Kern stood behind Ariana now, listening to the kids and gazing to them, trying to find the source of their obvious fear. Was there something residing in that very room? He couldn't tell, especially with the Penitence still dried out. Something was obviously pushing fear into these people's veins. He could sense the gazes of many individuals fall onto him from outside the small and stern settlement of a home, and, upon a further inspection with a gaze, he could see several individuals, just as emaciated as the children and their mother, gathered just outside the door, gazing upon him, the princess and the grom with terror in their eyes. An old man, seeming as old as the senior that fell into the dirt outside, spoke out with a weak voice.

"Please... we don't want harm upon us. Just leave... You are killing us all... What if they see us?"

This was already getting to the brim. Everyone seemed to be speaking of them but no one seemed to wish to reveal the identity of who those were. So, they must've been human? Probably, but what was the danger that no one wanted to speak of?

"Okay, someone better tell me what the hell is going on here" Vill'Kern spoke as he turned, his patience no longer able to stretch. He took two heavy steps to the small crowd outside, almost pushing them back as he gazed to a few individuals in particular while shouting the question in their faces. "What the hell is going on?!"

The people, startled now for good measure, pulled back, watching the warrior step amongst them even heavier, turnng around so he could throw his gaze on certain individuals that were moving back and forth, not posing any threat but seeming ready to try and stop him, or strike, for what he knew. He saw in their eyes the fear, no, terror. It was so obvious, giving off from them in waves that embraced him and left him with even more question marks. A younger individual released his trembling voice.

"P-please... they see us..."

Okay, that was enough, If the people weren't going to speak, Vill'Kern was going to draw the words out of their mouths by force. With a quick turn on his heels, turn wide enough to make the peasants step aside in fear, he swiftly clutched at the young man's torn shirt, and with no big effort, slammed his back against the wall of the house he broke into just minutes ago. The man looking up at Vill'Kern, now horrified fully, while the peasants took distance, not daring to approach the beast-like warrior that has lost his patience with them. Vill'Kern struck the male with his threatening gaze as he raised his free fist.

"I'm out of patience with you. You tell me what's going on here, or i'll crack your skull open with my bare hands. Reasonable enough?"

The stranger male gazed at Vill'Kern with wider eyes, taking in the sight of the fist directed at him. His thin, famine sucked body shook from all the bone joints, and so did his voice as he broke out into a sort of sob, just like a child who is scared of being beaten up by a bigger fellow.

"O-okay... they... the human jackals! They came here m-months ago. They stole our crops, our market food, everything, they do it all the time. They released a beast that will spread a disease upon us should we go and call for help. If they get hurt, the beast will release the disease anyway. We're doomed! You must leave. If they find out we spoke about it, they are going to k-kill us"

Human jackals? There? The human jackals, or "Lyx" as Vill'Kern knew them, were beasts residing on the sandy shores of the Hyrna island, which was way too far away. What were they doing here, on Elos, right in the middle of it? He couldn't very well understand. And what was that mysterious creature that spread disease? So many questions and seemingly no time to answer. Setting the man free from his hand, he watched him all but dash away as if something was on his tail, dissapearing in one of the houses, while the other people thrown accusing gazes onto him, as if he was the very bringer of their doom. He turned his gaze to the princess, for the moment at a loss as of their next plan of action.
Ariana glanced over her shoulder at the warrior after the boy spoke, trying to gauge if he understood any better she what was going on here. By the way he was looking about the room with the eyes of a predator, ready to strike at the slightest sign of trouble, the princess inferred he didn't. Breaking her concentration on the children, allowing their fear to consume them once more, to check the warrior's aura for sure however wasn't an option. Not when they still had questions that needed answering.

Ariana smiled sympathetic at the children as she looked back to them, wishing she could offer them something to eat or drink. Other than the herbs still stuffed in the pockets of her light armour the princess had little to offer. After going so long without a good meal, the feeble plants would only make matters worse, giving the children a taste without substance. It would be the same as taunting the poor souls. Then what were they to do with the young ones? Ariana couldn't leave them here to starve, her conscience would never allow her to forget their gaze upon her. They would haunt her until the end of her days, whether that be near or far. But they were already hours from Hierys, they would lose at least a day if they were to take the children back to the large town. A day they didn't have to spare if they were to reach Nyrathir before Korr's forces did.

"Can you tell us who 'they' are? My friend is known all throughout Valysia for his strength, whoever wants to hurt your mother won't stand a chance against him. Please?" Ariana's reassuring smile faltered as she felt the children's fear trickle into their calmed states once more. Had she made a mistake in mentioning the warrior that had struck their mother down moments before? Perhaps by speaking of The Punisher she had inadvertently given them the hint they needed to realize his identity as the legendary warrior known not for his generous nature.

Ariana followed the gaze of the little boy passed her shoulder, startled he was staring with frightened eyes out the door rather than at the warrior looming above them. For a heart stopping moment the princess thought the figures lurking just outside the door were the 'they' the little boy had referred to, but on closer inspection she could see the new arrivals were in a similar state of malnutrition as the children and their mother. The fear wafting into the small house from the crowd all but confirmed their identities. The villagers had finally left their hiding places to confront the travelers.

Ariana placed one hand on the little girl's shoulder and the other on her brother's as the old man in the doorway spoke of 'them' once again, struggling now to keep their terror at bay. The princess turned back to the children as she heard Vill'Kern's heavy steps exit the building, attempting to use her body to block their view of what was happening outside of their home. Whatever success she had was circumvented by the loud voices pleading with Vill'Kern to leave before whatever was threatening the villagers noticed their presence, causing tears to once again gather in dark eyes.

Vill'Kern's harsh question that sounded more like a demand than an inquiry seemed to be more than the children could take, their fear bursting free of Ariana's restraints like a dam that has finally fallen. The princess watched with a regretful gaze as the two so similar in appearance ducked around her on either side, running to their still fallen mother to cower against the woman's starved form. The children's tears came in earnest once more as the villager Vill'Kern had threatened gave a name to the beings holding the village hostage.

With a final glance at the weeping children, Ariana stepped to the entrance of the home with Innis close behind her. The princess frowned as she met Vill'Kern's gaze, shrugging one shoulder subtly to show she had not heard of such 'human jackals' before. Was the villager being literal, were there actually half human, half beast hybrids lurking somewhere in the village? Or had the terrified man been referring to the threatening party's actions, or the title 'they' were simply referred to?

It didn't matter of the moment, right now they needed a solution. It sounded like the beast that could release a fatal disease at any time was the real problem they would need to get passed, assuming Vill'Kern intended to stay in the village to assist the townsfolk against their blight. Had a crowd of half starved, increasingly upset villagers not been watching them like hawks Ariana would have smiled. Was there really any doubt the warrior was going to stay and save the day again? The state of the Oath of Penitence wouldn't even give him pause.

"Innis," Ariana spoke loud enough that only Vill'Kern and the grom in question could hear her, glancing down at wide golden eyes as an idea came to her mind. "Can you use your illusions to hide our presence from these 'human jackals'?" The princess returned her gaze to The Punisher as she continued, keeping her senses open in case these jackals had already taken notice of them. "If the beast they are referring to is that... cloud we saw earlier I should be able to sense it if we get close enough, but as to how to actually kill it..."

The princess trailed off, leaving the aborted words 'without the Oath of Penitence' lingering in the air between them.
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The villagers watched with even heavier gazes as the three, Vill'Kern, Ariana and Innis, gathered together to discuss. Rumor already started spreading through the individuals, and Vill'Kern could hear clearly a few speaking of "giving the strangers to the jackals to get away alive". He turned his gaze to the spot where he heard the words coming from, and could only see a few men putting their gazes away in fear, probably knowing by now not to try their luck with him. He returned his attention to the small council Ariana called, just to hear Innis speak.

"Yes. Yes can. But must find first. Must find human jackal and must hide somewhere close to them to put in illusion. Can't else"

So, Innis' talent worked only with set targets. But then again, the Lyx weren't the biggest problem, not as big as the unknown being with the disease at hand. He heard the villager well. If they killed the jackals, the beast was set to throw the disease upon the poor cursed people. But why should we waste our time helping them when they're ready to throw us to the jackals? He asked himself, but he couldn't find a certain answer. He looked yet again to Ariana. He knew she wasn't going to leave him ditch the people. She was too kind to do such. Fine, i'll do it for her, he convinced himself as he returned his focus on the situation.

"Innis, listen. We're not going for the jackals. Here's my plan. Put an illusion over the village. Turn it into anything else you see fit. They will see the change and will probably send their beast to check it out. I will ambush it. Then they will surely come, and i will get done with them too."

He spoke, now loud enough so the people of the village could hear. They watched him with a mix of confusion and fear, some of them realising who were they facing. He's never been in that particular village before, so they couldn't know him by face, but as the world travelled, they probably knew him from others' stories, shared at the markets in the big cities or at the seasonal festivals. The peasants couldn't understand very well what he was speaking of regarding Innis, moreover, they looked curious at the little beast that didn't seem to pose any threat.

"Alright, so, everyone, back in their homes. Innis, do your thing. Ariana, go and stay with the children and their mother" The warrior ordered. He didn't want anyone aside him outside, he wanted to trap the unknown beast all by himself. But how exactly, he didn't really know, he only could tell it was going to be a big run, since his aura was gone and his Penitence was only a simple sword as of now. But i got through death, he finally encouraged himself as he watched the peasants slowly head to their homes, but sensing no slight hope coming from them, only that horrid fear. They probably didn't trust him. But it wasn't their fault.

Innis moved away from Ariana, wearing the same innocent sort of grin-smile, and, moving to the main path of the village, it closed its eyes before starting to cover the village slowly with an illusion. Vill'Kern watched as thick green trees started appearing in the places where there were houses, houses that were dissapearing in the illusion. The warrior shifted his attention to Ariana, and saw her gaze. She feared for him, somewhat. In a fluid gesture, he opened his arms, embracing his dearest and gently running a metal gloved hand through her hair before looking down into her eyes.

"Don't worry. We'll pull it through. Go and take care of those kids, they need you"

He smiled confidently before placing a soft kiss upon her lips, keeping it there for a few seconds before breaking apart from her, and approaching Innis, that, by the time, finished covering the whole village in that illusion, perfectly drawn out as if they really stood in a forest. The creature turned to Vill'Kern and smiled proudly, awaiting its reward for the effort, and giggling when the warrior pat it on its head, then motioned for it to hide behind a tree.

The warrior looked about for a fitting tree that would hide his giant embodiment, and, finally finding one, he carefully hid himself away, holding the Penitence in his hand as he peeked from behind the tree, awaiting. The tension was growing, and the minute seemed to be stretching infinitely, making him hope less and less of the unknown creature coming into the forest turned village. But just as he was about to give it up, he saw it. The tendrils of the small smoke-like cloud stretched, pulling after them the rest. Vill'Kern's heart skipped a beat as he watched the mysterious thing deepen itself into the forest, scouting, searching for the homes and the village that were once right there.

Finally, the cloud stationed right in the middle, where Innis stood when it created the illusion, and the smoke started dissipating, or... morphing? He could see weird wolven legs and paws now touching the ground, stretching up around 30 inches above the ground, connected to the torso of a... tiger? Was it a hybrid beast? He couldn't know for sure, he watched amazed by the weird being that revealed itself. The smoke dispersed even more, leaving to sight a bear head, and a tail that looked very similar to a snake.

What in the name of all unholy is this... The warrior asked himself as he watched with wide eyes the beast that now stroded into the forest, sniffing the ground, while the dark tendrils emerging seemingly from its embodiment stretched out, seeming confused. So this was the beast that the villagers spoke of. Indeed, it was worth the fear, even the fierce warrior felt a slight lack of comfort, he had no actual idea what that weird thing was and moreover, how he could beat it. He remained watching and trying to plan out something in his mind.
Ariana could feel the tension in the air as the warrior announced his plan loud enough for everyone to hear, causing a stir of emotion to ripple through the fear that seemed as constant in the village as the stench of death. Indecision along with doubt were now a palpable force emanating from the crowd, with the slightest impression of hope too weak for the princess to know for certain whether or not it was her wishful thinking. She watched the villagers as they alternated between looking to Vill'Kern and quietly discussing their options, the minutes stretching on and on waiting for them to decide between accepting The Punisher's help or foolishly refuse his assistance and sealing their own fates.

As the last of the villagers disappeared back within their respective homes, making the only choice left to them that left them with even an inkling of hope for the future of their village, the princess scanned the surrounding area in an attempt to find where the lingering unease was coming from. It wasn't until her eyes landed on Vill'Kern, his doubt almost completely inconspicuous in his other wise steady aura, that the princess realized it was her own unease prickling at her senses.

I don't want him to do this
, Ariana thought suddenly, surprising herself by the force behind the words echoing in her mind. The apprehension she felt at the prospect of Vill'Kern facing the disease ridden beast alone caused her stomach to clench painfully, once again causing the princess to fight the urge to be sick. Why does it always have to be Vill'Kern? Why can't someone else stand against the danger for a change? Ariana knew it was because the warrior was the only one capable of fighting such terrible entities, though it didn't ease the sting of injustice for it all. She could understand now why he had only sold his services to the highest bidders in the past, if the sellsword had acted in the stead of every unfortunate individual he had come across he would have been as good as digging his own grave.

An action the princess seemed to be doing now in his stead.

Ariana stepped forward into the warrior's embrace as he opened his arms to her, burying her face against his armour as she attempted to smother her fears for what the warrior was about to face. She wanted to tell him they could leave the village behind, that they could send word to Hierys once they reached the next settlement. It was what the villagers wanted after all, wasn't it? Why should Vill'Kern risk himself for these people that clearly didn't want his help? The memory of the children's dark eyes staring up to her in desperation was clear in her mind's eye, though the vision of Vill'Kern's lifeless body lying on the stone floors in the Thraghul caves was quick to nag at the back of her mind just as quickly. The princess would be happy to carry the haunting remembrance of the children she had abandoned if it meant the warrior could avoid another close encounter with death.

Ariana tilted her head back as she felt the cool metal moving through her hair, smiling slightly as she caught the warrior's gaze. For a supposedly selfish man The Punisher certainly had a lack of concern for his own well being. What would be the good of asking him to flee now? The princess had witnessed enough of his actions to know Vill'Kern wasn't one to run from a challenge, no matter the danger to himself. There was no argument she could make that would cause the living legend to back down now. Instead she settled for rising on to her tip toes to meet him for a kiss, lingering for as long as she could before it was time to face the gravity of the situation once more.

Ariana returned the warrior's confident smile with more strength then before, watching him step away from her and towards Innis for a moment before she turned and entered the house they had first entered before the entrance was lost to the grom's incredibly realistic illusions. The princess smiled gently as her gaze fell once more on the children still kneeling beside their unconscious mother, approaching them slowly as not to alarm them as she settled on the floor beside the still terrified youngsters. Ariana spoke to them reassuringly as she carefully rolled the devastatingly thin woman on to her back to check for injuries she had sustained from both the impact from Vill'Kern's gauntlet and the hard wooden floors.

"It's going to be alright now, don't worry about a thing. Vill'Kern The Slayer has decided to act in your village's defense." The princess glanced to the children's wide eyed, identical expressions of surprise with a wink as she careful tested the bones beneath the sunken skin of the woman's cheek for broken bones. It seemed the warrior had held back quite a bit, or else the woman's fragile bones would have been in fractures instead of one solid piece. "Do you know what that means? You have a living legend on your side. One little beast doesn't stand a chance, right? Right, so let's focus on fixing your mother up instead. What are your names?"

Ariana was attempting to reassure the children as much as herself as she spoke, trying to convince herself she believed her own words undoubtedly. The concern lingering in her mind didn't appear as if it wanted to play along, however, as the princess pulled the herbs from her pockets in search of the ones she could combine to reduce the swelling causing the emaciated woman's cheek to appear as if she was having a severe allergic reaction on one side of her face. The princess hoped the plants would still be effective, even in their dried and brittle state.

Before Ariana had a chance to locate the proper herbs, much less combine them into a soothing salve, she was distracted by a soft groan, drawing her attention to the woman now stirring on the floor. The princess backed away slightly, not wanting to be the first thing the defensive mother saw when she opened her eyes, as the woman's eyelids flutter for a moment before peeling back with an obvious effort. The dazed woman smiled weakly as her children expressed their happiness and worry for their mother, crashing down on the still prone woman in a way the princess could only assume was less than comfortable. The slight celebration was short lived however as confusion turned to surprise, closely followed by dread, to ultimately end in fear and anger as the starved mother's gaze landed on the princess kneeling scant feet from the reunited family.
Vill'Kern watched the beast that remained on a spot, as if sensing it was watched. What should he do? He knew absolutely nothing about that thing, to dive head first into a fight would be too reckless, even for himself. But from his point, what could he do other than ambush the beast and hope it wasn't way too strong for him? No, nothing is too strong for me, he encouraged himself as he quickly dashed from behind his tree, like a shadow, to hide behind another tree, closer to the odd hybrid-like beast. He watched with preying eyes, while his hand clutched harder on the hilt of the Penitence, while his blood was pumping heavily through him. He had to defeat the beast, else he wouldn't stand up to his own name and he would put the princess' life in jeopardy.

His body tensed up bit by bit, slowly but surely, until every of his muscles and every fiber in him screamed for release. He had to cover the distance between himself and the odd being before it realised what was going on and ran off, probably spreading the disease at the same time. His being finally exploded due to all the tension. He all but dashed forth in a sprint, reaching the unaware hybrid beast in the blink of an eye, and slashing through the air with the sword without a second thought. The massive amount of adrenaline that pumped through him almost blinded his sight, and he couldn't realise what has happened as an outcome of the attack before he heard the being cry out, but from a completely different spot than the initial.

He stood on the spot where the odd being stood just moments ago, while the being was now to his side, at a considerable distance. Just at the time did image play before his eyes, as if in a memory. As soon as his blade sank in the body of the beast, its structure switched back to the smoke that it was in its initial state and traveled past the blade, reforming back close to him. The second stretched infinitely as he tried to process the full situation, before he found himself needing to dodge an attack.

With the cry, the beast released from its mouth something that resembled very well a fog. A poison, maybe? That could be how the being released disease. With a swift move, he managed to dodge the attack, watching the fog disperse before he needed to dodge yet another attack. A tendril, that up to now seemed to be simple smog, turned out to have the role of whip, and he heard it the sound of whipping just as he jumped back. The creature gave him less to no time to analyse the situation. With a quick gaze, he watched his sword, that was still asleep. The situation was once again critical, as he quickly dodged the whiplashes one after another, moving as swift that it almost seemed that he didn't even touch the ground anymore.

The tendrils! If he was fast enough, he could cut at them, as they whipped at him. Moving away yet again from another strike, he took a rigid stance, looking the beast directly into its red eyes. He still felt the weight of the swords on his back, and he already made a back up plan. Another second stretched out into something that seemed to be an hour, before he saw a tendril spread out to him. He visualised it, he set his focus and just as the black whip reached him, he took a swing of the sword while moving to the left, cutting through the tendril before it retracted and the beast let out a painful scream. I did it! He cheered in his mind, but before he could think, he found himself stumbling in dodges away as several tendrils whipped at his armor, the beast now infuriated that he cut a part off one of its tendrils.

He stepped back several times, remaining in position as the tendrils stretched out but didn't reach him anymore. So, they had a limit. He dashed to the left as another cloud of fog attacked him, then, with a plan set in his mind, he decided to put it in practice. Just before he could do so, however, he could take a glance at Innis, that fell from behind the tree, strained by the vast illusion it created and held for what now were more than several minutes. The forest dissapeared, revealing the village that was there, and the fearful gazes that peeked from behind windows at the revealed battle.

In the house where Ariana was, the struck down mother was finally awake. As soon as she saw the princess, her slight diziness turned to a burning anger, knowing Ariana was a stranger and knowing what strangers would bring her and her children. In that very moment, the fight scene was revealed as the illusion wore off, visible through the doorway without a door, broken down by Vill'Kern. Her anger quickly turned to hate, and losing control was easy. Bending down, she picked up the axe that she recently dropped due to being slapped into sleep by the warrior that now fought the beast outside, and with a high pitched scream, she swung the axe in the air, dangerously close to Ariana's face.

"You brought us our doom! Die!"

The children once more started crying, seeing as the situation was gone out of hand. Outside, Vill'Kern heard the scream, and, locating its source, he quickly concluded. Ariana was in danger. The unknown beast was nothing important now. His set of priorities switched in a second, and his body reacted in accordance, all but dashing through the doorway. The beast, seeing as it was forgotten, quickly turned to smoke and floated away, while Vill'Kern witnessed the emaciated woman, holding the axe and preparing to strike Ariana, who was watching with wide eyes. The children cowered away in a corner, and another second seemed to turn into an eternity. His anger now was turned to full rage, as he saw the dearest being in danger, and without a second thought, he used the sword.

With an odd sound, the sword pierced through the boney back of the woman and came out through her torso, taking her by surprise, as she gasped and dropped the axe with a heavy thud. Blood gushed from her mouth, and her body was lifted off the ground slightly, as the warior all but remained still, with the dead woman now impaled in his sword. His eyes were cold and emotionless as they gazed to Ariana, but in his mind, the only thought was about her safety. Finally, he withdrawn his sword out of the woman, letting her dead body fall to the floor in a pool of blood, while he gazed upon Ariana, searching for any wound that the crazed woman might have caused.

Outside, the same crowd of people gathered, but now they weren't only scared. They were enraged. Enraged that the one that initially wanted to save them brought the demise of one of them, and probably of all of them, as he let the odd creature escape. It would now more than sure return to kill them. Vill'Kern felt the weight of acusing gazes, and could hear the individuals from earlier already speaking of getting him and the princess executed. He couldn't let that happen.

The cold inside him took over, as he all but stormed from inside the house, and started swinging the sword left and right, now totally lost in the frenzy of rage, while the people fell under the blade, their blood staining his golden armor as he mercilessly slaughtered them. In a few minutes, he stood in the middle of a pool of blood and dirt, surrounded by maimed corpses. He was now back to his roots, for the first time. Back from where he started out. His rage was slowly wearing off, but there remained the satisfaction and the taste of bloodshed. With slow moves, he entered the house once more, and looked at the princess, before switching his gaze to the two children that were now crying over their mother's corpse, with the baby beside them. And he suddenly remembered himself.

What have i done? He asked himself as he watched the children, now feeling as if everything was falling onto him. He turned his gaze to Ariana, and quickly knelt before her.

"Are you alright?"
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The half crazed mother was on her feet faster than the princess would have lost possible for a woman in her current malnourished state, let alone one that had been unconscious not thirty seconds earlier. Ariana's lips moved wordlessly in surprise as she desperately attempted to think of some explanation that could defuse the debilitating tension that had abruptly consumed the small home. It was impossible to imagine anything short of magic that could appease the fury and hatred shining in the no longer frail looking woman's overly bright black eyes as she glared down into the wide eyes of the trespasser in her home, visibly seething in a blinding rage.

Run, a small voice that sounded suspiciously like Vill'Kern whispered in the back of Ariana's mind before it was lost in the chaos of the situation. The princess remained crouched on the floor as if rooted to the hard, slightly rotted wood beneath her as her increasingly deperate thoughts sped through possibility after possibility with no peaceful solution making itself known. Ariana thought she could actually see the adrenaline coursing through the emaciated woman's veins as the infuriated mother stepped towards her menacingly. A second, slightly dazed glance proved it to be the woman's muscles visibly straining as the mother pulled back her thin arms as if she intended to strike Ariana the same way she had been hit by Vill'Kern when she had attacked the warrior with the axe.

The axe.

The sharp ache shooting through Ariana's elbows was the first thing to register in her shock muddled mind, closely followed by the realization she was laying flat on her back on the hard wooden floor. It took several precious moments the princess didn't have to spare to come to the conclusion she must have fallen back away from the woman's attack before the strike could find its intended target. A stroke of luck Ariana couldn't afford to bet her life on a second time.

The memory of the glinting blade of the axe catching in the light leaking into the room from the doorless entry way as it travelled precariously close to her face replayed itself in an endless loop in her mind as the princess rolled to the side, trying to put as much distance between herself and the deceptively sharp weapon as she could. Ariana came to her feet in a crouch, flinching as the axe once again caught in the light before she had time to regain her barings. No, not the axe. Hair. Her hair. Several strands of the princess's hair were slowly falling in a weightless descent to the ground between her and her attempted killer.

Ariana's wide eyes jerked away from the surreal view, landing on the seething woman as she screamed with all the indignant outrage contained within her withered body. The princess reached for the sword at her waist as the woman prepared to swing at her with deadly intent once more, aware now as she had been since the mother had awakened in a rage it would be useless to attempt to use the crystal. For the influence of the crystal's magic to be effective there had to already be the seed of emotion within a person's heart to be brought to the surface. There was nothing but blood lust and rage within the crazed woman now, emotions she clearly didn't need Ariana's help to accentuate.

A shrill cry pierced Ariana's awareness as if she had been doused in icy water, causing her hand to falter on the hilt of the sword. The children. How could she have fogotten about the children still cowering in the corner? All of this had been for them. Now she was going to take their mother away from them before their very eyes? No, she wasn't. It was too late now even if she wanted to. The blade of the axe whistled as it raced through the air in a wide arc towards her, leaving no time to defend herself as the princess stared into the black eyes of her murderer glimmering in maniacal triumph.

Ariana didn't understand why there was no pain as a sickeningly warm spray of blood splattered across her face, only vaguely registering the thud of the axe as the weapon hit the floor. The princess watched in fascinated horror as the awareness slowly returned to the dark eyes staring down at her, no longer clouded by hatred. Together they slowly turned their gaze towards the sword penetrating through the woman's chest, the mother's eyes unsucessfully attempting to reach her children one final time before the light faded from them completely.

The princess watched as the body of the woman crumpled to the floor in front of her, freed from the blade that had been all that had kept the corpse up right. As if in a daze Ariana's eyes travelled from the body, up the length of the blood drenched Oath of Penitence until she met the cold eyes of her savior. Like ice, the princess thought numbly as she stared at the so fimilar yet so distance visage of The Slayer, like his aura.

Ariana didn't move as Vill'Kern turned and left the house, simply stared at where he had been standing moments before, trying to process what had happened. Even the screaming of the terrified villagers as they met with the wrath of The Slayer barely registered in her mind. They had been trying to help. Ariana had just wanted to protect the children. Vill'Kern had been prepared to do whatever it took to end the plight the villagers were suffering through, even after they acted so coldly towards him. So why had it turned out like this? Why had their good intentions gone so terribly awry?

Because of you. Ariana reeled back as if she had been struck, shocked by the voice in her mind but unable to argue. If you had left these people in peace none of this ever would have happened. The princess looked out the doorless entrance to see Vill'Kern striking down person after person as they tried futilely to flee, feeling bile beginning to burn the back of her throat. But they were suffering, what kind of life- Ariana tried to argue, only to be cut off mid thought by the cruelly honest voice in her mind. At least they were alive. They told you to go, but you knew what was best for them, didn't you? You forced your ideals on to them, and now they must pay for your mistakes. Guilt and remorse burned through her body as the princess found herself unable to deny the accusations.

What have you forced Vill'Kern to do?

Ariana forced her mind to go blank, unable to handle the guilt with the dead so nearby and the cries of the dying grating against her nerves. The princess forced herself to breathe despite the strong urge to hold her breath until the world went blissfully empty around her, instead turning her attention to the children howling in grief and terror over their mother's body. Her eyes had barely landed on the siblings before their sobbing intensified, making it clear by how they flinched away from her, attempting to hide behind their fallen caregiver they too wanted little to do with her help.

Ariana turned towards the entrance of the house as she heard the heavy steps of the returning warrior. Like ice, the princess thought again as his grim satisfaction washed over her. Ariana's eyes lowered to the blood coating his armour, barely leaving an inch of the once immaculate gold visible, and remembered the rumours of Vill'Kern The Slayer she had heard since she was a child. 'Living legend' no longer seemed like the compliment she had once meant it to be.

Ariana's eyes snapped up to look at the warrior in time to see him kneel before her, caught off guard by the sudden crushing guilt emanating from him. What have you forced Vill'Kern to do? Replayed in her mind, the gravity of what she had caused threatening to crush her at any moment. The princess had caused him to lose control in his effort to protect her, forcing him to take the lives of those he had been trying to save. And yet there he was, asking if she were alright as if she hadn't been the catalyst of a massacre when he should have been taking his own well being into account.

Ariana doubted she would ever be alright again.

Ignoring the trembling in her legs, the princess forced herself to stand. Not trusting herself to speak, Ariana nodded once, trying to signal she had no physical injuries as she caught a hold of Vill'Kern's gauntlet covered hand. She tried not to flinch as her hands slid slightly around the bloodied armour, the bile once again burning the back of her throat. The princess tugged the hand in the direction of the doorless entrance, begging without words to leave the village behind.
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She's not alright, she's terrified, his conscience berated him in his mind. You lost your wits, and look what you've done. Indeed, he lost it. The sight of his beloved one threatened with death caused him to turn totally mad. The scene replayed in his mind, and his being oscilated between rage and a twisted sense of... guilt? You murdered innocents, the voice spoke in his mind. Since when has he got a conscience regarding this type of things? But it was their fault. She would have killed Ariana, and so would they have. It's not my fault, it's theirs. He argued with the voice, while on the outside of him he felt as if he was in a void. He listened to the children that kept crying, on and on, without stopping. What should he do with them? If he let them there, they'd die of disease, but if he took them, he'd have two, no, three persons to take care of. It wasn't his responsibility.

His thoughts were interrupted by the princess' tug, and his eyes fell upon her once more. He rose just after she had, and remained in place, thinking for a moment. They should leave. With a nod, he gently wrapped an arm about the princess taking care not to stain her with the drying blood, as to embrace her protectively, before, after throwing one more gaze to the doomed children, he escorted her outside the house. He turned her head to his armor as he took her through the field now covered with corpses and blood. And slowly, they started leaving the village. On the way out, he picked up Innis, that was still sleeping. I tired the little one enough, he thought as he walked beside the princess. For a part of the road, he didn't even dare to speak. What words could he utter? Apologize? For what, exactly?

While they walked, he looked back at the village, just as empty as when they entered it, but now devoid of life, for good. The path led them uphill once more, and he rushed it slightly, by taking bigger steps. He was eager to get the princess away from that place, and into the patch of forest that followed right after they would go downhill. He looked down at the princess and could see her inner fight. She was depressed, empty, devoid, shocked. And it's only your fault, the voice in his head thundered, before he took his gaze away fom Ariana. As they walked downhill on the path, he sensed a stirr within his arms. Innis. Innis was waking up. He cast a gaze upon the green being that returned a dizzy gaze with its golden eyes, confused as to its whereabouts.

"What gone?" The grom questioned as it finally came to realise that its whereabouts were in the warrior's arms. Vill'Kern stopped, setting the being on its feet before he continued walking, beside the princess, as he answered to the grom.

"We left the village. They wanted to kill us" He knew that was not the truth, not fully, but he couldn't explain it otherwise to the childish being. The path now led them into a small patch of forest, forest much like that one where they spent a night in before getting to Hierys. The warrior tried to perk his auditive senses, to catch any sign of water. He needed to take the blood off his armor, the princess was shocked enough, seeing the blood would only remember her of the previous events. And he finally caught it. The sound of water flowing. He looked forward, in the direction where it came from, and he could see a small bridge that led across a crevice in the ground, crevice through which a small river was flowing.

Soon enough, he stopped before the bridge, he spoke to Ariana, hoping she'd hear him.

"Let's stop here."
Ariana kept her eyes closed as if she were sleep walking as they left the house of the doomed children weeping over their recently deceased mother to step on to the blood stained streets of the nameless village they had only intended to pass through, more than willing to hide her face against bloodied armour at Vill'Kern's prompt. We were only trying to help, repeated endlessly in Ariana's mind as they put more and more distance between themselves and the ill fated village, barely noticing when she was forced to jog to keep up with the warrior's quick strides. We were only trying to help, the princess attempted to convince herself as the ground changed it's angle from upwards to down, a sensation lost to the dazed young woman lost in her own thoughts.

We were only trying to help!

Ariana's eyes opened slowly as the grom's groggy voice registered vaguely in her mind, alarm reviving her dulled senses as she wondered what the innocent creature would make of the massacre. Would it leave now, knowing just what type of people it travelled with? A murderer that could snap at the slightest push and a damned princess cursed to cause the death of all those she sought to help. Was there any better way to describe the pair? It was unfair but undeniably true. Death followed them wherever they went like a lost puppy.

They wanted to kill us. Ariana looked around at the trees encompassing the three travellers on both sides as the continued walking, taking in their surroundings for the first time since they had left the village. That was true, wasn't it? They had only been trying to help, and the villagers had responded to their kindness with violence. Vill'Kern had attempted to defeat the unknown beast at great personal risk to himself, and the villagers had still lashed out at him. Why? Because one of their own had attacked the princess without stopping to think before giving in to her primitive emotions. It didn't make any sense. Where was the logic behind these actions? Where was the fundamental consideration for human life? Ariana was suddenly acutely aware of how much she hated this place, these people that attacked first and asked questioned after the damnable deed was done.

I want to go home, the princess thought childishly while unshed tears burned in her eyes. She nodded in consent to the warrior's decision to stop at their currently location, though she ducked out from underneath his arm to continue towards the running water without a backward glance. She still hadn't decided whether she wanted to drown herself in the small spring of water or simply allow herself to be swept away in the current when she reached the thin creak of yielding mud to kneel beside the stream, so she settled for cleansing her face of the blood that had dried on her skin until it made her flesh tighten and pull uncomfortably, a constant reminder of what they had left behind. The cold water was like a slap against her face, though it did little to pull the princess from her righteous thoughts.

"I hate this world," Ariana groused quietly in between throwing handfuls of water against her face, beyond caring whether anyone was in hearing distance but speaking nonetheless. She was unwilling to use her ability- her damned, hateful curse that had caused everyone she had loved to die a horrible death- to sense what her travelling companions were feeling, for the moment allowing herself to selfishly wallow in her own emotions. It was the way of this world, wasn't it? It was about time she got used to living in it. It was only a matter of time before she died in it, after all. "Nothing has been same since Khorinys fell. Nothing makes sense here. The people don't make sense here. Killing each other for trying to help? Trying to help! It's a wonder they've survived for so long. Maybe Korr is right, maybe this world deserves to be destroyed. It's already lost."

Ariana paused after a particularly sharp splash of cold water, keeping her hands pressed over her face as the tears burning her eyes slid down her cheeks unbidden, her sense of outrage giving way to an all consuming sense of defeat. "Nothing but you," The princess continued barely above a whisper, referring to the warrior though she continued to speak only for herself. "Nothing makes sense but you. You and Innis. What's the point of fighting for people that will just end up killing each other one way or another in the end anyway?"
The warrior watched the princess that all but rushed to the flowing water, sensing a sort of ill intent coming from her, at a point. But it wasn't ill intent directed towards him. He knew exactly what it was. He felt it too. He felt the same way after doing his first human kill. Technically, she hasn't done anything, but given the fact that he and her were bound each to the other... He watched her with awareness as she knelt by the river and started washing her face, seeing the anger and zeal with which she thrown water on her face, soaking her hair as well, and he saw how drops of blood mixed with water fell into the river, being swiftly taken away.

Innis was the only one who seemed to not have a care in the world, acting as always, starting to chase butterflies as soon as one of them landed on the creature's perky nose. The grom was quick to dissapear from view, chasing a butterfly. He'll come back, Vill'Kern told himself as he approached, joining the princess that was still furiously washing her face. Standing beside her, he started removing pieces of his armor, and using a rag from the small pouch from which he took out the rag with which he polished the Penitence back at the inn, and started carefully cleaning every piece, placing it back on its spot when he was done restoring its golden shine. He was just in the middle of the process of cleaning the large breast plate when Ariana's voice made itself heard, making him turn his gaze towards her, and watch her, as she continued speaking, seeming still lost.

Has his course of action provoked her an irreversible madness? The shock? Did her wits leave her? No, it didn't seem so. She was very clear and coherent, and moreover, she seemed to have fully grasp the understanding of the world. It was clear by now. She was slowly but surely transforming, just as he did back in the age when he was at the start of his misdeeds. By hard means, he had learned that humans were the most unworthy beings, capable only of destruction. Willing only to kill each another to no end. That was the main reason he turned to... what he used to do. If he was to help out a bunch of filths, at least he should do it by payment. But then again, wasn't the princess a human? No. She is way better than them.

Her words rang in his mind, and it took him a while to fully grasp the sentence. It was more than hard for him to understand how did she still remain beside him after what she has just witnessed. A mass murder of... doomed people. That was what the villagers were. It was beyond him and the princess to put them to safety. It wasn't his fault, nor hers. In an instant gesture, he all but extended his arms, catching the princess into their trap quickly and embracing her with all his will, wishing nothing more than to be able to keep her there for eternity. His empty, clean hands now gently tugged at her hair as he gently ran them on her head, and down her back, whispering just enough for her to hear.

"I don't care about the humans. I don't care about this world. I only want to make it through so then we can retreat to a safe haven, and forget them all. I'd give half of my life only to find a place in which i can spend my life in peace, only with you. And we will make it"

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