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Fandom Chaos in Hoenn

Man, I sense that the Undertaker, if given time, could end up being a nice person...

you know... if Nyx doesn't gut him and use his intestines for jumprope first.

Max vs Nyx, who will get to him first?!

In other news, I heard many loud, catlike screeches outside my window as if the cat was in battle. I then found my cat outside, in a bush, darting her head around wildly whilst also staring at the fence's gate. So both of us are very spooked.
Assailant said:
Man, I sense that the Undertaker, if given time, could end up being a nice person...
you know... if Nyx doesn't gut him and use his intestines for jumprope first.

Max vs Nyx, who will get to him first?!

In other news, I heard many loud, catlike screeches outside my window as if the cat was in battle. I then found my cat outside, in a bush, darting her head around wildly whilst also staring at the fence's gate. So both of us are very spooked.
Get. The. Salt.
I think my cat took on the mantle of "Guardian of the House," which is weird given I have two Mastiffs.
Assailant said:
I think my cat took on the mantle of "Guardian of the House," which is weird given I have two Mastiffs.
In my professional experience (ha) in homes with multiple animals, it's usually the smallest one that because the boss.

But, I don't like cats, we don't mix. So I feel every cat is weird.
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]In my professional experience (ha) in homes with multiple animals, it's usually the smallest one that because the boss.
But, I don't like cats, we don't mix. So I feel every cat is weird.

I have two half Siamese cats, and a German Shepherd, and a Shitzu. Both dogs and the male cat are house guards. The cat has essentially become the neighborhood alpha and has beaten the tar out of any cat to come near my house.
My oldest Mastiff is a guard dog, and my cat is apparently a guard cat (she seems to be doing a good job, as she scares off other cats and raccoons.) My youngest mastiff is just a dick to the other animals though.
Crap. I wanna move with the herd to Fortree, but Zak beat that gym already. There's no reason as of right now to go back. Mossdeep has the next gym he needs to beat, but if something goes down, I don't wanna be left out haha. Hmmm.....decisions decisions
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I have no pets, but I love dogs! Siberian Husky is my favorite breed. Well it's a tie between Pit Bulls and Huskies, I really love those breeds.
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[QUOTE="Jose Prime]Crap. I wanna move with the herd to Fortree, but Zak beat that gym already. There's no reason as of right now to go back. Mossdeep has the next gym he needs to beat, but if something goes down, I don't wanna be left out haha. Hmmm.....decisions decisions

Could always bump into the Director of the WPF... Just saying xD
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Could always bump into the Director of the WPF... Just saying xD

True, but he really has his hands filled at the moment. Dante hasn't even reached the pokecenter right? Haha I wouldn't want to occupy him even more. I've reached an in pass
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]True, but he really has his hands filled at the moment. Dante hasn't even reached the pokecenter right? Haha I wouldn't want to occupy him even more. I've reached an in pass

What makes you say that? Just because he's carrying a young teacher and leading a schoolfull of students and a zoo full of pokemon? xD

Zak could always help out. Not to mention there's a menagerie of pokemon and eggs with him.
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Zak could always help out. Not to mention there's a menagerie of pokemon and eggs with him.

Hmm good point. However, Zak is going to have to work for his next pokemon. Hmmm I guess I'll have to sleep on it. You know, cause being responsible SUCKS! Lol
Max: I bet those children are really traumatized and scared.

Jolteon: *mewles*

Max: I have a plan.
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]Hmm good point. However, Zak is going to have to work for his next pokemon. Hmmm I guess I'll have to sleep on it. You know, cause being responsible SUCKS! Lol

Are you implying that caring for an egg is easy? That is very much work! Not to mention the work that comes from raising baby pokemon at first.....
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Are you implying that caring for an egg is easy? That is very much work! Not to mention the work that comes from raising baby pokemon at first.....

Oh no, I'm talking about the fact that basically another pokemon was practically handed to him.
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]What I really want to know is how Dante and Ravyn got all those kids across the ocean .

Like a boss, that's how.

In all seriousness though, I completely forgot Mount Pyre was surrounded by water, even still though, there's ways. Most notably, Shino used Ice beam to create a crossable bridge from Mount Pyre to the mainland.
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]Makes sense.

I'm glad it does. I'm not even going to pretend I didn't pull that out of my ass when I realized that there was a water hazard... ^^;;
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Like a boss, that's how.
In all seriousness though, I completely forgot Mount Pyre was surrounded by water, even still though, there's ways. Most notably, Shino used Ice beam to create a crossable bridge from Mount Pyre to the mainland.

Basically Elsa

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