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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

InsaneKiller19 said:
(Well Lana is outside in the gardens with the luxray, luke, Adrian, then vlad joined them...forgot to mention that in the rp)
(And I'll respond anyways..if you want)
(Fixed his post slightly)
Lucas rolled his eyes seeing Vlad just vanished out of nowhere, "What kind of a teacher is a Darkrai? Probably scare the students.." Lana looks at him and places a hand on her hip, "And what does that suppose to mean? He seems like a great guy for a teacher, but you wouldn't understand that.." Luke stands and faces her, "Look here Lana, I know a bad guy when I see one..and I can clearly tell he doesn't look like a teacher type.." Lana smacks him on the arm, "Don't you dare say that about someone you haven't even got a chance to get to know! You don't know him at all to judge him." she huffs irritated and then walks off, Luxray stared wide eye like Adrian before the two followed after her leaving Luke behind. He smirks muttering to himself, "You just mess with the wrong gijinka girl, now you will pay the price.." he walks off a different way plotting a plan to get back at her. Luxray stopped though and ran back to the person who was saying hi, he decided to let the marowak come along since luxray was a bit interested in the marowak


DarachiNiernen said:
(I don't know)
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InsaneKiller19 said:
Lucas rolled his eyes seeing Vlad just vanished out of nowhere, "What kind of a teacher is a Darkrai? Probably scare the students.." Lana looks at him and places a hand on her hip, "And what does that suppose to mean? He seems like a great guy for a teacher, but you wouldn't understand that.." Luke stands and faces her, "Look here Lana, I know a bad guy when I see one..and I can clearly tell he doesn't look like a teacher type.." Lana smacks him on the arm, "Don't you dare say that about someone you haven't even got a chance to get to know! You don't know him at all to judge him." she huffs irritated and then walks off, Luxray stared wide eye like Adrian before the two followed after her leaving Luke behind. He smirks muttering to himself, "You just mess with the wrong gijinka girl, now you will pay the price.." he walks off a different way plotting a plan to get back at her

My marowak still messed with the Luxray btw
[QUOTE="Jayden Kisubo]My marowak still messed with the Luxray btw

(I fixed it to include the marowak)
Lyra frowned. "Humans are soft and squishy. Not worried about them." She looked to the others, then shook her head. "I might change my mind. We should go in before I do." She spoke softly, burying her nerves as well as she could.


Angel looked over at Aeryn. Go to the dance together? "Sure. I enjoy your company." She tilted her head to the side. "Like you said, we should spend time together, right?" She asked, feeling a fluttery lightness but not really understanding what it was.


Katrina grinned. If there was one thing she was good at, other than transforming, it was numbers. She was oddly proud of that, becuase it was the only thing she could claim as truly hers. People dismissed her seamless transformations due to the fact that she was a ditto. But when she solved a math problem the size of a chalkboard, they couldn't say anything about it. "Well, if they're not, they'll just have to deal with us."


Alanna smiled at a teen-aged boy that walked up. "Yes, I am. I'm Alanna Stone, nice to meet you."
Lucas went into his and Adrian's dorm room (Is it okay if they share a dorm?) and lay on his bed, when he heard about the dance he thought about the last time he danced...he was with a group of wild pokemon when he first danced, before he completely changed into his mischievous ways.....He was sitting on a rock watching pokemon dance. He never thought of it then when he was observing before one of them ran up to him and dragged him basically to dance with them. He didn't know what to do at first, since he wasn't the dancing type before trying it out and the whole group, plus him were dancing away having a good time. Until they to...got taken away from him and he escaped, barely..He snapped out of it as Adrian walks in and sits on his bed looking over at Luke. "Are you okay?" he asks..Luke turns facing the wall so he wouldn't look at him.."Why do you care now adrian?" He said in an angry tone. Adrian sighs, "I just wanted to check up on my friend.." he said neutrally. Lucas got up and stands so he is looking at him, "Care? Care?! First of all, you didn't give a damn but now you care?! Why don't you just go with her and the luxray and just leave me the hell alone......better off that way since you will always be a cold hearted freak." Adrian got up and slapped Lucas across the face, "Look here mister know it all.....don't act like a tough guy and be the way you are. You will never be loved and liked if you keep acting like a complete jerk. I bet you should take these words into thought before doing something stupid."Adrian then exits the dorm slamming it closed behind him and went over to Lana's dorm. Luke stayed standing there shocked as he lay a hand on his burning cheek, he then goes into a corner and falls onto his knees sitting on the ground. He stayed in the dorm crying into his legs

( I think I over did it...eheheh..)
@Alanna Trebond

@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey watched as the other female in brown began to talk to the Mew quietly, and he wondered what they were talking about. He really hoped it wasn't about him, because the entire ordeal was all his fault. He frowned and trained his dark eyes onto the floor and tightened his hands on the fabric of his sweater, balling up the material between his fingers nervously. He soon looked up when the talking stopped, only to the see other female smiling at him and asking him a question. Kasey fumbled his fingers around at the fabric, until finally speaking up. "Uhmm...-" he stopped off there, not sure really how to respond. He wanted the Mew there, someone who he at least trusted a little, but not the Terrakion really... And he only barely wanted the nurse in the room, because he just wasn't comfortable, even though that this was the Audino's job.

But when the Mew spoke up in their whispering conversation, Kasey really wanted to know about what he was saying. Then the Mew was talking to the Shedinja, telling him in a soft voice that he would be leaving, and he was going to stay right there outside. He lightly touched him shoulder in reassurance, lightening up Kasey's frown a little. While he was leaving, the male had to force himself not to not let him go. The Terrakion female left as well, and he was left with just the nurse. Once he was sure that he was just there with the Audino nurse, he still hesitantly stood there. Only soon with some coaxing, he began to pull off his sweater and then his shirt. What was strange was that he was still floating. Kasey never really seemed to be touching the ground at any moment.

The nurse then examined him and all his bruises, soon just telling him that he was fine and that such injuries were common to Shedinja. He was nineteen; he already knew this from many years of experience. She then told Kasey that he would need to take a cold shower later and ice the wounds several times later and for a half week or so until they healed. Kasey muttered a thanks and then pulled his clothing back on. Then the nurse let him leave. He did so graciously, then making his way out of the room. He opened the door of the nurses' office and closed it behind him, then forcing out a small and fake smile to the Terrakion and Mew.

(Nice >,.....,< )


Pantera followed the girl to her room, hand in hand with her. She hoped that going into the room with Lily wasn't going to be a bother. She then told the Hydreigon her room number and informed her that it was on the top floor. That sounded like torture to do to such a girl. Once they walked back onto the hallway, the Leafeon's entire composure changed. She seemed to turn more reserved and to herself. When she asked if it was going to be hard to do the stairs, Pantera couldn't help but feel mass sympathy for her. "I think the rooms have landlines, so if you ever need help with stairs, just call my room, okay? I can help you if it's too much of a trouble, dear." Pantera said, squeezing Lily's hand as they approached the staircase.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Lana was taking her inhaler as she was drawing in her room, sitting on her bed as the luxray was asleep next the the bed. Adrian tapped on the door softly and looked around before entering when he heard her say "Come in!" He closes the door behind him and sits down besides Lana staring at the ground, his weapon back in his and Luke's dorm. Lana stops, placing her things to the side and looks at him. "Adrian, what's wrong?" she asks in concern, by the tell of his expression he was about to cry. He stuttered on his words, "I...me and lucas.....I slapped him and" he started to tear up shaking his head shamely, she sighs and rubs his back soothing as he cries into his hands shaking, "I didn't mean to.." he softly said while crying. When the crying subdued, he was hiccuping as the luxray sat beside the distressed absol and stayed next Adrian to comfort him. She gets an idea and pulls out her leaf whistle, she then starts to play 'Oracion' helping Adrian calm down
The marowak followed the group up into the dorms but then only followed the absol back to the place where he stayed. Gareth witnessed the fight between him and the other male. He also watched the other male sit in the corner and make water run down his face. The marowak knew the boy was sad and couldn't think of much to do, so he began to poke him with his bone.


Cam smiled at the woman and held out a hand. "My name is Cameron Anderson. Its nice to meet you miss. I'm actually kind of lost on what to do here. I haven't been to a real school in ages." He shut his mouth and looked away for a second. "Sorry. I'm rambling. What do you teach here?"



Ann nodded at Lyra's words. "Yea. they're pretty squishy, but not all of their pokemon are. I met a man with a blazekin once. He kicked my butt and then proceeded to do it again and again. I never did beat him...." Ann put her hand on Lyra's shoulder. "It'll be okay. Trust me. School isn't that bad from what I remember. Just learn to study." She grinned and began to walk towards the buildings.


Lue nodded while grinning evilly. Her mind was currently running a mile a minute with all the people and pranks she was thinking of. "First we need to meet everyone... " She used a sketch book to draw out any potential targets. that way she always knew her illusions were life like. "So what do you wanna do first?" She turned to Kat, who she noticed was already looking alot better than earlier.


Aeryn smiles at her when she agrees. "Thank you. It means alot to me." Aeryn was just happy she didn't flip. Or ask why. But she probably also didn't realize the significance of this either.


Nahar waited outside impatiently. He hoped Kasey was alright, it wouldn't be right for anything else to happen. He spent the entire waiting time pacing. He didn't want to just stand out here! He wanted to help. When the Shedinja came out Nahar was right there next to him quickly. "Are you okay?" He spoke softly to him and smiled slightly. He hoped he was okay. Nahar once again blinked back blackness and began to think that maybe he'd hit his head during the fall.


Lily smiled weakly as they began the trek up the stairs. She paused every few seconds to rest before going up a few more stairs. "Its hard either way really but going up is the hardest." She sighed and then leaned against the rail near the top before she started coughing. "I don't mind being up there though. It was the only way I could have my own room so I didn't have to worry about another person's things on the floor." She smiled slightly.



Arrietta was currently walking around the gardens humming to herself. She had been out here since before the students started arriving this morning. It was peaceful and most others didn't come this way. She smiled at her Torterra as she ate on some grass. "Its such a pretty day today..."
"It's no problem." Alanna reassured the student with a smile when she shook his hand. "I teach human-gijinka relations. It's important for us to understand each other and get along."


Lyra snorted. "Squishy creatures using no-squishy ones. Don't know why." She frowned and nodded at the other girl's words. She seemed to know what she was talking about. "I've learned before, but at home... 'home-schooled' is what they called it." She said hesitantly, not wanting the other girl to think that she was completely ignorant. "Never been to a place like this.... not for learning, anyway."


"Hmmm...." Katrina toyed with some of her own hair, twirling it around her finger as she walked. "So many options... but I guess we should drop off our things at the room first."


Angel looked up at him with a small smile. "Of course." She wanted to ask why it 'meant a lot' to him, but the fluttery feeling in her stomach wasn't going away, and it was quite distracting.


Aellas leaned on a wall nearby, watching Nahar pace silently. When the shedinja came out, he was on him like white on rice, making sure that he was okay. It was cute, really. Although it was looking like Nahar wasn't okay at all. He probably won't let the nurse look at him until the boy is gone, though.
(Yay! xD )

Luke tearfully looked up at the Marowak, wiping his tears away "what do you want?" he sighed wiping the rest of the tears away and leaned back against the wall not in the mood for anything. Adrian exited out of Lana's dorm and walked over to his and Luke's dorm. He walked in side and stopped when he saw Luke and the marowak
Lana woke up stretching before looking around, "Huh…I guess Adrian is going back. That's good, they need some time to talk" she said looking over to her friend who just woke up, he nodded after seeing it to. She got ready before walking out of the dorm with luxray beside her as the two walked down the halls, "They need it anyway..after they're little fight. Should we go visit them later?" she asks glancing towards the luxray who was yawning, he looks up at her and nods. She smiles, "Alright…when the time is right, then we go check up on the two" the two continued walking


Rabbid said:
(Nah, I'm retiring Mike.)
( xD Alright)
Gareth nudged Luke again and watched as he leaned against the wall. Then he walked closer and gave him, surprisingly, a hug. The warowak had seen his trainer do it when one of the other pokemon lost or a human was sad and lost in their desert. He wanted to make the boy feel better. "Hmmmm." Was really the only sound that Gareth made and it almost sounded like a purr or rumble sound.
(I'm lonely once again and the conversation on super hero/villian has two new posts! xD )

Luke tensed on the hug before hugging back, he opened an eye looking up at the surprised Adrian and sighed. He gets up and rubs his arm uncomfortably, "Uh…hey..adrian.." he avoided his gaze at the guy looking anywhere but where Adrian was. Adrian sighed, "Luke I'm sorry for slapping you and getting mad, you were right…I am a cold hearted freak" he looked at the ground. Luke looked at him, "Well..your not a cold hearted freak, sure you may act like it bu…your a cool dude." Adrian looks up at him and they both smile at each other. Adrian then looked at Gareth and raised an eyebrow, "Who's your little friend here?" @Jayden Kisubo
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Lana and Luxray went over to the garden and walked around, "This is a peaceful day, hmm I could play another song on the leaf whistle if you want" she suggest looking at her friend. He nodded as they stopped near a tree and the two sat down. She pulled out her leaf whistle and started to play, Lux calmly watches her play as he enjoyed the sound of the music
Vlad heard the sound of music again. He needed to talk to the girl that was playing it. Vlad got up and headed toward Lana near the tree. He sat next to Lux and listened.

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