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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

"Ask away. I'm sorry for my hostility earlier. I still have nightmares of humans." Vlad closed his eyes. "Anyway, go ahead."

(A dark wanderer with a mysterious past. Aren't I so original? xD )
"Hold on." Alanna looked around- they were kind of in the walkway. "We should probably move first." She indicated a bench that was nearby where they could both be comfortably seated.
Vlad sat down next to Alanna and got ready to answer her questions. "I'm ready, doctor."
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Lucas and Adrian walked around together talking away, they both didn't have nothing in common but they became friends right away. Luke looked around with a sneer, "So this is school huh? I thought it would be more entertaining.." Adrian sighed with a neutral expression, "Its not suppose to be entertaining dimwit, its school..you learn." He caught an eye on Lana as she was playing with luxray, he elbowed Lucas and motioned to her "Hey check it out, humans are here and she is with a luxray....should we go say hi?" He asks curiously. Luke rolled his eyes but then smirked mischievously, "How about we pull a pran-....you know what sure, I got a ton of things to say to her anyways." The two walked up to her and the luxray as they stopped and looked at the two approaching gijinkas. "H-i...th-ere" she said shyly as she stayed close to her friend. Adrian nodded and elbowed luke to say something. He growls a bit towards the absol but then looks at her, "hey....the name's luke and this is Adrian. Who are you?" he eyes her suspiciously in a untrustworthy way. Lana held her hands together, "La-na..and this is my fri-end Luxray..or lux for sho-rt." she stutters on her words. Adrian looked at the luxray and growled back as he saw the pokemon growl at him, luxray whimpered walking backwards. He stopped and then started to walk off, Luke stared blankly at him before bidding her a goodbye and running after him. "Hey Adrian! What was that all about?" he asks walking beside him again. He just ignored the guy and kept walking
"Okay. If I ask something that you don't want to answer, just say so." Alanna said, thinking. She pulled out a small pocket-sized notebook and a pen, flipping to the first blank page. She was a little excited- there was new knowledge to be gained here! "Well, I've read about Darkrai before. They say that you cause nightmares on others when they sleep. Can you control that, or is it something that just happens?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. It always surprised gijinka that this was how she started her learning process on gijinka- by asking questions. She was always careful to make sure that the gijinka were comfortable.
"I can sort of control it. If I concentrate enough, the nightmares don't happen." Vlad nodded at her. "So the answer is yes, I can control it at times."
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Lana blankly watched as they walked off before looking at her friend, "Do you know what's that all about?" He shook his head, still a bit tense from meeting them. She sighs and pats his head softly, "I'm sure they were just not the conversationalists..but I have a bad feeling about them." she murmurs watching them more before walking in a random direction, her friend following glancing back at the two every know and then until they were out of sight. He stopped and looked up at her, she nodded understanding by the way he looked at her and he then ran off to follow them. She smiles and softly chuckles shaking her head, "Hopefully he knows what he is doing this time.." she continued to walk off, putting earphones on and listening to her favorite band softly singing to they're songs
"I see." Alanna nodded to herself, writing this information down really quickly. "I've also heard that Darkrai can... ah, how do I phrase this? I've heard that they can you move through shadows. Is that true?"
Lucas and Adrian walked down the halls, luke looked around boredly before seeing the luxray from before. He smirks before pulling out an egg and throws it at the pokemon. Luxray growls as it lands on him and then he starts chasing after Luke not to happy. Luke ran laughing from the pissed off luxray as Adrian sighed watching the two, "Bunch of children...." he shook his head heading towards his locker not thinking about helping the guy. The two ran around the halls, the luxray picked up the pace and started to catch up to Luke but then slides down one of the halls missing and letting Lucas get away. Lux catches his step growling angrily as he was covered in egg, he walked past the halls and nurses office upset and growling angrily as he goes to find Lana so she could help him take the egg off
Lucas was laughing as he stands next to Adrian's locker as Adrian switchings things over, "Oh man..you should have SEEN the look on his face, it was hilarious. Hey, I know..you and me could pull pranks together! I need a partner in crime, are you with me?" he asks the silent guy. Adrian glances over to Luke before going back to what he was doing. "how about....no" he closes the locker and walks off, Lucas follows him with a dumbstruck expression, "But I thought you cared about me?!" he exclaims. Adrian rolls his eyes, "I don't.....but maybe if its almost getting captured then I would." Luke sighed, "You have a cold heart my friend...a very cold heart."
Alanna smiled. "That's good to know." She said, writing that down as well. Suddenly, she frowned, having a thought. "Now that I think about it, if you are aggressive around humans, you haven't been around them much.... in a friendly way, anyway. Do you have questions?"
Lana covered her mouth looking at him, "Ohhh poor Luxray, you okay?" she tries not to laugh looking at him but stopped as he was giving her the 'I don't wanna talk about it' look. She nods and the two heads towards her dorm, when there she gets a wash cloth, rinse it in water squeezing out most of the water and started to clean off the egg. "It looks like he got you good.." she mumbled as he huffs not very happy
Vlad's eyes shot open. "Actually, yes. Why do humans try to use me as an experiment? I don't understand what torturing me does for the greater good." He frowned and looked pleadingly at Alanna.
When she was finished, the two exited the dorm only to be greeted by the two. The luxray growls at Luke still angry at him, he smirks having two more eggs in his hands. Lux attacks the gijinka, but Luke didn't dodge quick enough as he gets shocked and screams in pain. Lana gasps, "Oh my gosh..I am so sorry.." she exclaims, feeling guilty for what Luxray did. Luke twitches, paralyzed for the time being so Adrian sighed picking him up. And carries him straight to the nurses office as lana and luxray follow, they all enter only to see there were two people already there. Adrian clears his throat a bit, "Uh..we came here because a friend is paralyzed.." he glances towards the luxray as it puts his head down in shame
Alanna sighed, closing her notebook and returning it. She's gotten this question before on the small island she once worked on. "Have you ever heard the phrase 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'?" She asked. "Sometimes, people are so focused on the big picture that they fail to look at the little ones. They might have thought that by doing this, they would discover a cure for... I don't know, nightmares or something." She scowled. "Don't get me wrong- I am not saying that it's okay. It's not the way I'd go about doing things." She said, tapping her fingers in a fast pace on her leg. People like that gave scientists and doctors a bad name. "But I can promise you that it won't happen again." She told him, looking over and meeting his eyes with her own determined expression.
"I don't hold the cure to anything." Vlad felt a sharp pain in his chest and he put his hand up to his heart. "I get nightmares myself, you know. Bet the scientists didn't know that."
The Audino walks over to the paralyzed Luke and motioned for Absol to place him on a bed, he did so as then the audino tells them to leave so they left. (so bad at nurse gijinkas xD ) Lana pats her friend's head in a caring way, "Its okay Lux..he will be back..not..paralyzed" she tries to reassure him as Adrian went on his own way leaving the two on they're own. Lana then remembers something and runs towards her locker, he was confused at first before the luxray follows after her curious as to why she was heading towards her locker. She pulls out a leaf whistle that she hasn't used since she was 6. He jumped up happily and said, "Lux! Luxray!" She laughs and then the two starts to walk down the halls as she played 'Oracion' on her leaf whistle

(Is it okay if I used two things from the pokemon movie Rise of darkrai? like the leaf whistle and Oracion song idea xD )
(@Jauden Kisubo)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way


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