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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

Lana glances over to Vlad but didn't stop what she was doing, when she did however she smiled at him petting Luxray softly. "Hello again Mr. Vlad" Luxray snuggled up next to Lana before looking over at him as well
"Hello, Lana. I never really liked humans, you know." Vlad's eyes turned deep black. "And the students here always think I'm evil or something. As you guessed before, I am a Darkrai."
Slightly startled when the boy got up, he turned around and saw the boy from earlier. Gareth watched the two of them interact and noticed that something between them changed. Then the other boy looked at him and Gareth waved him bone club and grinned slightly showing teeth. "Maro"
Adrain waved and smiled, "Hello Maro…thanks for cheering up Luke" Luke nodded looking at Gareth. He hugs the marowak out of gratitude before pulling away. Luke thought for a moment before looking at him, "Hey Maro…do you like pranks?" he asks curiously. Adrian just sighed smiling in amusement

Lana shrugs hugging herself softly, as she took her inhaler "I can understand that..I really think there is good in everyone, even if they believe they are bad or evil. " she nodded, "This is my first meeting a darkrai….I like to help pokemon who are enslaved. They don't deserve to have a life like that, only to be free.." Luxray smiled a bit
"I was enslaved by scientists." Vlad frowned and looked over at Lux. "You saved that Luxray, didn't you? I can tell."
The pokemon blinked at the both of them wondering what they were asking before he saw the familiar glint in Luke's eyes. It was the same one that his trainer's Whiscash got before their trainer was pushed into some water. Gareth nodded quickly and raised his club again "Marowak!" He wanted to have fun too!
Lana glanced over to Lux before looking at him, nodding "Yes I did..just when he was a shinx and I was three" she smiled a bit before frowning slightly looking at him. "That's terrible…."
"I'm so old, I don't even remember my age. I like your style, Lana." Vlad pet Lux's head with a gentle motion. "Keep up your work. And remember, if anybody says anything negative about me, it's probably true. I've done some bad stuff in my day..."
Luke smiled and laughs happily, "Yes! A partner in crime!" he smiled before pulling something out of his bag, it was confetti and a box of eggs. Adrian decided to leave not wanting to be apart of it, he went walking but was curious as to what the guy was planning. Luke smiled showing them to Gareth. "Okay here's the plan…..I know we said our sorry but its just for fun. Don't worry, he won't hurt us while I am around." chuckles "You throw an egg at him and I pull this string to let the confetti stick to the egg yolk. got it? But if he does get angry, run as fast as you can " he hands the marowak and egg as he places the box on the bed and motioned for him to follow as he exits out of the dorm

Lana sighed, "Maybe…but they should get to know the real you, not as some evil monster." the luxray smiled leaning into the touch happily. "Seems that luxray likes you" chuckles
Vlad shook his head. "I give people nightmares and then feed off of them." He handed Lana a chesto berry. "You might want to use this in a second. This berry cures sleep." Vlad touched Luxray's forehead and put him to sleep. Vlad consumed the energy and looked up at Lana. "Use it, now"
Lana nods and feeds it to her friend, even in his sleep he eats the berry. She smiled as he wakes up stretching and shaking out some leafs that got attached to him. He looks at the two confused before remembering and sighs. Lana pets him softly, as he smiles up at her before she looks at him. "Is there going to be a dance?" she asks curiously
"Why yes, there is." Vlad nodded. "It's coming up, but I'm not exactly sure when." He starts to hover while sitting.
Lana nods, "Alright….probably not gonna go anyways." she leans back against the tree petting her friend in a carrying way still. Luxray looked up at her confused on why she wouldn't but shrugged it off enjoying her soft touch
"I think you should. Enjoy being young so you don't end up like an old pessimist like me." Vlad gave a small smile. "It's been a while since I've talked this much."
Lana smiles and laughs, "Well I would…..but I would just end up making a fool out of myself. No use really" shrugs
"Well, that's your decision." Vlad gave a bigger smile. "I remember when I went to school. It was long before people knew gijinkas were a thing."
Vlad nodded and smiled. "I had a girlfriend then. It was a good time, until they found out that I was a Darkrai, of course."
Gareth nodded his skull covered head and took the eggs in a gentle grip. He followed Luke out the door and saw the Absol from earlier. Throwing the eggs he raised his club with his other hand.


Arrietta went back to her thoughts after watching Terra for a few minutes. She didn't noticed the torterra had wondered off towards two figures off in the distance. Terra just kept munching on grass as she walked until she bit something white that was definitely not grass. Arri looked up to the sound of Terra moving farther away. She blinked and then followed her. After a few minutes she saw what was going to happen and began to run."Terra! No... oh dang it. I'm so sorry about that. Terra here is a little glutton..."

"Actually, she did. It turns out she was a gijinka as well." Vlad grinned in remembrance. "You might have heard of her. She was a Cresselia."
Adrian stopped and growls but then Luke fired the confetti at him. The look on Adrian's face was pure horror..luke gulps mumbling to Gareth, "Run!" he then starts running as Adrian chases them yelling out, "GET BACK HERE!!"
Lana nods, "I have heard of her once…" she then looked at Arrietta and smiles, "Hel-lo there.." she shyly spoke out, stuttering on her words as usual. Luxray looked at her and tilted his head to the side

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