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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

(Listening to the song as we speak btw)


AlannaTrebond said:
(Augh, I feel old now. D: )
Alanna looked at him and shook her head. "I'm sorry. I know it was terrible for you."
The two ended back to her locker, she puts takes the picture of her family out of it and then closes the locker. Lana sits on the hall floor staring at her family picture for long periods of time, Luxray sitting beside her looking at it as well. "Luxray...." he sighed. She smiled sadly patting his head, "Its okay Luxray...we got through this far, we are almost there okay?" she says in a saddened tone, he nods looking at her before the two went back to staring at the picture


AlannaTrebond said:
(I was a teenager when it first came out.)
"I don't need pity, I'm a teacher here now." Vlad put his hand on Alanna's shoulder. "Teach the humans here to not hate me. Teach the gijinkas not to hate the humans. I've seen a lot of bullying here lately."
Lana wipes a tear that was coming down her face, she puts the picture away and stands up stumbling a bit, "Huh..looks like my foot fell asleep" she chuckles as the luxray nods standing as well, the two started walking again as she plays 'Oracion' yet again with feeling. Putting her soul into it as it sounded more beautiful than before, calming the two down from any grief, guiltiness, and sadness they experience
Aria yawns, putting her map in her backpack and walking back to the girls dorms to take a nap. She walks to her dorm room, forgetting that the door was still locked, and tries to turn the doorknob again. "And it's still locked, great..." She mumbles, sighing angrily.
"It's not pity, it's empathy." Alanna told him, but then nodded. "And of course. I wouldn't do anything else. If I disliked gijinka, I wouldn't be here."
AlannaTrebond said:
(I was a teenager when it first came out.)
(I was like 6 or 7 xD )

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

AlannaTrebond said:
(I was a teenager when it first came out.)
(I was like 6 or 7 xD )

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

"Thank you, Alanna." Vlad went into the shadows of passing gijinka and went to the source of the music, Lana. Vlade appeared behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.

The two walk outside into the open where they usually meet, sitting under the tree she continues to play as Luxray lays besides her quietly listening to the song. Luke and Adrian were doing what they usually do but they both stop hearing the sound of music, they follow the source seeing Lana playing on her leaf whistle as Luxray was asleep peacefully. (Yes luke is back xD ) They listened from a distance, both enjoying the sound as they walk over to the two and sit down wanting to listen to it as she plays not stopping for a moment before Lana stops and looks up at Vlad, "U-m..sor-ry..do you need something?" she asks holding the leaf whistle close to her just in case

( *randomly plays Lugia's song* xP )
"Human, I just wanted to say that you're good at playing that instrument." Vlad gives her a small smile. "I'll be happy to have you in my class."

(Speaking of class, when does my class start? xD )
( xD )

Lana smiles shyly, standing up as her friend awakes and looks up at the two. She nods, "Wel-l sir....I beli-eve I do have you as a tea-cher" she pats her friends head in a way of saying good morning sleeping head, she puts her leaf whistle away before looking at him. "I'm La-na..and tha-nks, I mostly let Lux hear it inst-ead of anyone else .." she motions to the half asleep Luxray
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( Alright, Lucas would probably be causing a scene by pranking a lot of people during the dance xD While Adrian would just stay in a corner watching everyone else having a good time)
The Luxray leans into the touch, she smiles letting out a giggle before looking at him and nods. "Are you a darkrai?" she asks curiously, yet nervously

Nahar waved Aellas away when she came up to him. "I'm fine, just a little sore. I scared him and I guess he didn't realize about what ghost energies do to me." He was lying about being find but Kasey needed to be seen to first. He stood up straight and watched the Shedinja closes. He seemed to be upset.... Then Nahar realized that the guy was being shy. It was almost cute if it wasn't for the situation. He really needed to talk to him at some point but that still wasn't now. When Aellas offered to leave Kasey with the nurse, Nahar nodded. It was the easiest solution. That way he wouldn't have to be seen by all of them. The nurse was so clinical that she wouldn't even blink at anything she saw.

"Yeah. If you want us to leave we will. I'll be right outside the door though, okay?" Nahar still tried to speak softly and just lightly touched Kasey's shoulder before walking to the door. He was worried about leaving the boy alone. What if he ended up back on the ceiling or something. He turned back to the Nurse before he left. "Please take care of him, This was my fault so if anything is needed just let me know."



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@PlaguedWithInsanity[/URL] And look, I got better on my posts :P


Lily was a little nervous about letting Pantera come to her room. She hoped she made sure all of her medicine was put up in the cabinet. Of course Lily was in a room by herself since she could trip over anything if a roommate forgot to pick up on their side. She was relieve for it though. It made it easier to hide just how weak she was some days. She also had room for all of the plants she liked to grow. "Umm... It was 300. On the top floor." It was also the only floor with single rooms. She felt trapped when they walked back inside. She grabbed Pantera's hand again as they walked. "Please tell me when we have to walk up stairs. Its easier to walk down them..." The going up took more energy for her and worked more muscles.


Ann raised an eyebrow as the other girl's scowl as she looked out at the groups of students. She must not be use to crowds. Ann couldn't blame her. She had rarely been in crowds since she got infected. It was hard to move through them with her sword. "Hmmmm..... Almost want to consider just sleeping in the woods, huh?" She grinned at Lyra as she joked. "Itll be okay. Most of these kids haven't had to actually fight most likely. Although its weird that there are humans here...." Ann frowned as she noticed a few. The invitation didn't say anything about them. Ann's past interactions with humans had been bad since she had left home. They didn't trust her at all.


Lue blinked at Kat when she just rambled off her room number. "Arceus, I wish I was that good with numbers.... And that sounds familiar...." She dug through her Kimono and found her info page. "Ah! We're roomies!!!!" She hugged Kat and grinned. It was even more time for them to plot together. THey were going to have too much fun. "Lets hope the school can handle this!!!" She began to snicker.


Aeryn followed Angel down the hall and nodded at her statement. "Yes, it will be interesting. Especially with the introduction of Humans." He watched her as they walked. "Oh, Angel. I have been meaning to ask..." He took a steadying breath and smiled at her. "Would you care to go to the dance with me tomorrow?" It was bold on his part and he hoped she didn't try to hit him. Although Aellas would probably be proud that he had even asked. It only took three years. He put his own hands behind his back as he waited for her answer.


Cameron looked around at the school. He had just arrived and was already lost. He really just wanted to find the library.... Feeling out of place he really began to look around for an adult. It was weird being one of the few humans here. There were gijinka glaring at him already and he hadn't even done anything! He sighed and turned to his marowak. "Well Lance, think you can help me?" Lancelot saluted with the bone he carried and looked around quickly. The marowak grabbed Cam and drug him over to a table where a human woman was talking to a dark male. "Oh, thanks Lance. You wanna go explore?" Lance nodded frantically and then ran off. He eventually ran into a girl with a luxray and hopped around the luxray, saying hi. Cam meanwhile, turned to the duo at the table after laughing. "Oh, Hello. Are you teachers here by any chance?"


(Vlad is with lana now and rabbid went to bed xD )
[QUOTE="Jayden Kisubo](noticed but it also includes you and Alanna)

(Well Lana is outside in the gardens with the luxray, luke, Adrian, then vlad joined them...forgot to mention that in the rp)

(And I'll respond anyways..if you want)

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