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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

Nahar kept running frantically to the school. "Hey stay with me..... I don't know what to do...... " He looked around and ran into the school. He yelled at the first person he saw, Aellas. "Aellas! Aellas! I need help. He got hurt!" Nahar almost sounded like a child with his panic. He'd never been in any situation like this and just couldn't think.


Lily looked away in embarassment at being called cute. "Um... thanks. I like Pantera better though. Much more unique...." She started to drag the girl by their linked hands as she walked to a small group of flowers nearby. "I've been trying to perfect this... sense since I was a child. I can sense the weight of things on the plants and the roots of them all. Its very weird, not like sight I'm told. Of course I wouldn't know. Its the closest thing for me." Lily had never really spoken this much to anyone else save Drae and her parents. Most were freaked out by her "Sight". She thought this Pantera was really nice and didn't seem weirded out at all.
"Yeah I'll totally help! Show me the steps and I will learn." Madoka said grabbing Nicolas's hand to hold it.
Aellas had sense wandered away from the students, returning to the inside of the school, when she heard someone shouting her name. She spun to see Nahar running up with a student in his arms. "What the hey?" She closed the distance between them, giving him a quick once-over before looking back at the mew. "Nurse's office." She wondered briefly why he didn't just teleport there, but now wasn't the time to ask. She opened the door for him. "Let's have a look now."

@Jayden Kisubo

(Not much I can type here, seeing as that Kasey's kind of passed out...

Note for nurse and stuff: quite a bit of bodily bruises of a variety of colors, sore muscles and shiz.)


Pantera was probably as red as she could get. Cool it. Just because she can't see you doesn't mean you have to get like this. she thought to herself, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "Aww thanks." she said with a smile. She was surprised in the slightest as Lily began to pull her along, showing her a patch of flowers. She told the Hydreigon that she had this ability to be able to sense the weight of things on nature, which made sense on really why she wanted to be out of the school halls, because she wasn't able to 'see' that way. My Arceus, this girl is so fascinating, Pantera thought, thinking for a moment. With their two hands still intertwined, she found herself stepping a bit closer to Lily, closing some space so that they could be closer, their hips nearly touching at this point.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

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"Can you put the sea salt and black peppercorn on the boneless chicken breast, while I combine the ketchup, sriracha, brown sugar and honey?
Aeryn began walking again and chuckled. "I believe you say that every year." He teased Angel as they made it to room.


Lue pouted at Kat. "Its not fair. He IS scary....." She got up and grinned. "You haven't had him catch you doing something stupid"


Nahar rushed into the office while nodding. "What do I need to do?" Was really all he could ask as he set him down on the exam table gently.


Draco kept walking across the campus until he saw a blue head of hair. "Lori?"


Anita frowned at the girl's words. "Huh. Illegal fighting ring. Never actually met someone from one of those." She threw her hands behind her head in a nonchalant gesture. "Yea. I caught the gijinka gene my first time touching a pokemon. I went to the hospital and when I woke up, my parents had ditched me. I went to the house and they told me they had no daughter. My brother came with me when I left. He gave me this before I came here. " She pulled out her mega stone and held it out.


Lily hummed as she touched the flowers. She was very happy out here and carefree. She looked up when Pantera got closer. "Hmmm?" She suddenly put her fand on Pantera's cheek and then her forehead, standing on her tippy toes to reach. "You feel warm. are you okay?"
Angel huffed a little. "I will. Eventually. Probably." She put a hand on her doorknob and looked back at him. "Well, I have to change, but if you want, you could wait. I'll be out in a moment." That was as close as she normally went to admitting that she wanted someone around and she felt her face heat up. She rushed into her room and shut the door before he could respond. Maybe he didn't notice. She frowned. Why was it that whenever he was around she started acting all.... jittery? She shook her head, clearing her mind as she walked to the closet for a dry change of clothes.


Katrina laughed at her. "That's because I'm too smart to be caught." She tilted her head to the side. "Usually, anyway."



"I wouldn't worry about that. There are name plates on each door, so that you can't forget your room number. See?" Lorelei pointed at the nearest door, which had two names on it. "Most dorms hold two people, except for those that need to be separate for serious reasons, apparently." She looked over at the sound of her voice. "Hey, I didn't know that you were here this year. Checking on your sister, I guess?"


Lyra's face scrunched up, trying to fully make sense of what the other girl said. She understood most of it. "Where is your brother now?"


Aellas sighed at the kid's bruising. "Well, I'm not an actual doctor myself. Good thing this doesn't look that serious." She commented, rubbing the back of her neck. She went to the cabinets, retrieved some potions, and went to work applying them onto the students body. Maybe it'd work. Just then, a pink-haired woman, an Audino gijinka walked in. "Hey, what took you so long? You're late." Aellas snapped a little, then shook her head. "Sorry. Care to help?"

(Audino is just some random nurse NPC. Feel free to use her if you want.)
(( @Jayden Kisubo

Pantera's not that tall lol. Probably about 5'6 or 5'7.))

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

@Jayden Kisubo


Again did the Shedinja feel touching on his body, cool fingers inching at his flesh, as well as some sticky liquid. Kasey's eyes peeled open slowly, the bright lights off the nurses' office permeating his eyelids. Being a ghost type, he wasn't a fan of intense lighting, but he could hardly move at the moment to change that. His purple pupils contracted as he opened his eyes halfway, and had attempted to make sense of the situation as well as all the blurry figures around him. First was the person closest to him. A woman in predominantly darker colors. Her hands were cold, and an inching feeling urged him to move away. Kasey did as such, forcing his side away from her touch, revealing to everyone that he was now conscious.

He sucked in breath at the motion, a sharp pain fabricating in ribs once moving. He noticed that he was on some sort of bed in the room, which made sense since he couldn't float when unconscious. But, he tried to do so anyways, despite being injured, because being surrounded by random strangers when you were passed out isn't the most pleasant situation. So, Kasey began to float up, up and away from both of the two individuals. Despite the piercing pains jabbing everywhere, he floated up to the ceiling and curled himself up into a fetal position, up and above every one else. But then he saw the Mew from before, and secretly hoped that he was too injured to float up to get him. Kasey whimpered, many negative thoughts such as anxiety, worry, and nervousness, scared that something could happen in this situation.


Pantera tried to keep her breathing rather mellow to ease her flustered nerves. She watched Lily with the flowers, smiling at her innocence to the situation. As she has gotten closer to the grass type, she had looked over and placed a hand on the Hydreigon's forehead. Pantera noticed that she was standing on her toes to do so. As Lily asked if she was okay, the dragon type froze up and couldn't speak, so instead did she lean forward, pull the Leafeon in by her waist with her spare hand, and place an enamored yet delicate kiss on the girl's lips. Pantera pulled away slowly, forcing the feeling of her lips on the other girl's to linger. She then thought to herself, what if that was the wrong thing to do? Once she pulled back fully, she tore her hand away quickly from Lily's waist as well as the one intertwined with hers. "I-I-I-" Pantera still couldn't make out any words.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Nahar watched worried until the boy woke up. He floated to the ceiling and stared down at them all. Nahar called up to him. "Hey, we won't hurt you. You got hurt earlier, remember? the lady just wants to help...."


Lily was surprised when the other girl grabbed her but didn't protest the kiss. She was shocked, sure. She'd never been kissed before and just put her fingers against her lips as she stood there reeling. "Oh...." She stayed silent before realizing that being silent might send the wrong message. Instead she poked Pantera in the stomach and smiled. "You know, I always heard its polite to ask before kissing someone...." She said it teasingly.
AlannaTrebond said:
"I wouldn't worry about that. There are name plates on each door, so that you can't forget your room number. See?" Lorelei pointed at the nearest door, which had two names on it. "Most dorms hold two people, except for those that need to be separate for serious reasons, apparently."
Aria smiles. "Thanks for helping me out Lori, I'm going to go find my room now." She says, deciding that she was probably bothering Lori and that she should find her room. "I'll see you around Lori." She says, walking away and checking the name plates on each door to find out which room she was in.
Draco blinked and looked around. He was I the girls dorms oops was all he could think after he noticed. Looking at Lori, he shrugged. "Just wandering really. Getting the feel for the place, you know?" He glanced at the other girl. "So who's your friend?"

Nixie said:
"Um I just wanted to come over and say hi. I didn't really introduce myself. I'm Madoka the Sylveon. And I couldn't help but notice that you're so pretty! And so is your Luxray." Madoka said trying to make a new friend. "I don't really talk to humans so if you think I'm weird I totally understand."
Lana smiles a bit, fumbling with her fidgety hands "Th-anks...I..know yo-u do-n't trust me all that well. Si-nce m-y parents enslave po-kemon of-r a liv-ing. Bu-t all my life, I freed the pokemon who are enslaved. I mean, I love pokemon!" she exclaimed smiling "Bu-t its not weird at all, I could understand your reasoning" she said with a kind smile as Luxray nodded with a light blush on the little comment. When nicolas came over she said, "Well...i got to go, see ya around Madoka!" she waved as she ran off with luxray beside her
@Jayden Kisubo


Kasey remained where he was, curled up near the ceiling and away from everyone to touch him. His arms kept wrapped around his body in a protective manner, fists clenched, as every movement felt like a knife's blade consistently jabbing at all parts of his abdomen. When the Mew from before began to speak to him, he looked worried and sounded somewhat concerned. Kasey didn't understand this, and wasn't sure why everyone was so concerned. Injuries like this happen to him all the time. "I-I don't need h-help!" he exclaimed, although his words came out more like a strained and not-so-loud cry.

"This h-happens all the t-time!" The floating Shedinja continued, implying that he was used to being hurt, that meaning both mentally and physically. Kasey didn't like random people touching him, even though, for some strange reason, the presence of the Mew from before was a comforting in the most miniscule way, which was better than nothing compared to the other strangers.


Pantera looked away from the Leafeon, concerned as to if she had done he right thing or not. But, come to think of it, Lily hadn't been of protest to it, and hadn't even let out any sort of exclamation. Both stayed silent until Lily muttered an 'oh' and suddenly poked at the Hydreigon's stomach. Pantera let out a small squeak when Lily did as such, but then laughed at when the other girl teased her on that she should have asked before the kiss. "Nah, too much work." she muttered with a smile. "It's easier to just go for it." Pantera said, the pressure in her chest relieving with the laughter as well as reassurance that what she did was right. She then took the girl's hand that in which she had been holding before, and pulled Lily in for an embrace.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way


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