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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

"Yeah..." Alex looked over. "Considering he's probably scared of gijinka or something, I wonder why he came here, or all places." She noticed the looks and glared right back. "What, you want to start something?" A few backed off, many not moving however. She rolled her eyes. "Idiots." As she entered the nurse's office, she frowned. Where-? She then noticed the Gallade trying to wake the kid up. "Hey, I don't think that's a good idea."
"Because he might have a worse panic attack?" Alex suggested, raising an eyebrow. "You do know that when someone faints, they'll normally wake up on their own, right?" She shook her head. "At least don't wake him up by yelling. That'll just freak someone out."
Madoka was walking to school eager to meet people and make some friends. "I can't wait to see what this school has in store for me." Madoka thought out loud
"No..." He moaned in the paranoid haze, fidgeting. "...Not like you..." He flips around a bit more, and you see a Id and a picture slip out...
Mike picks up the I.D. card and sees his name. Jameson Franciss. Mike's eyes opened wide. "Um, this isn't good. Not at all."
The picture was of of a loving family. His mom, Him as a boy, and His father, or who would be. His side seemed to be torn apart and blacked out.
"What?" Alex looked over to see the ID. "Soo.... what's wrong, exactly?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. She didn't know who this kid was, but apparently the other guy did.
"He's related to the who tried to enslave us, I think." Mike frowned. "I think that's why he was so scared. He wants us as slaves."
Alex raised an eyebrow. "Huh. Right." She looked at the kid, then back at the Gallade. "Maybe it's true that he's related, but it doesn't mean that he wants to enslave us himself. Come on, not everyone is like their family." She shoved her hands into her pockets. "Besides, I've met the headmistress of the school. If she thought that he was a danger, she wouldn't let him within a hundred feet of this place." She was determined to at least hear what the kid- Jameson- had to say before she started judging.
"That may be true, but humans aren't really supposed to be here anyway." He sighed and looked at the boy. "If I see one Pokeball on him, I'll take him in. I'm not the one to be violent, but I'm not ending up belonging to a trainer."

He seems to go back to normal breathing, and his eyes flutter open.... slowly at first. His vision was still a bit blurry...
Aeryn walked down the hallway from his classroom to the nurse's office. He'd heard the commotion and peaked in. He saw the ID in a student's hand. Looking to the human boy he narrowed his eyes in recognition before walking into the room. He took the ID from the student and went to a cabinet. Taking a vial of smelling salts from there he turned to the two in the room that were awake. "You will not mention who this boy is to anyone. At this school we start new beginnings and treat everyone equally. Him included. Is that understood?"
"Yeah, I'll treat him as an equal as long as he doesn't try to get me captured." Mike saw the boy was waking up. "Human, do you mind telling me your name? For real this time."
Aeryn shook his head and shoved the vial under the boys nose then yanked it away. "Humans are here for the first time this year, but they are allowed their pokemon. It is only fair since we have powers. They cannot carry empty pokeballs however."
Alex crossed her arms. "I know how it works." She said, almost insulted. She gave the gallade an odd look. "Did you really just call him by his species?" Her tone revealed her disapproval.
He looks at you for a second and tried to run, but his body was not responsive enough to do so. Instead, he fell to the ground with a thud, and he pants and still tried. He needed to escape... this place was not safe.... nowhere was safe... he...was not...
Mike ran over to the human. "We're not going to hurt you. I must regain my honor as a Gallade." He looked into his eyes. "Please, tell me if you're anything like that monster."
Aeryn watched the boy fall to the floor. "Child, you're okay. You are at Changes School. You were invited her by the headmistress to be given a chance to be something besides your father's son. Calm down." He didn't speak very loudly but was still head.
"No...I'm not." He kept repeating the phrase in a state of shock, and kept shivering. He felt cold now... Should have taken his medication...always take meds...
Alex raised an eyebrow. Lost honor? Well, that's a bit over-dramatic. She said nothing, knowing that she wasn't good at reassuring others. Instead, she observed the scene before her. "Hey." She pushed past the Gallade, putting a hand on the kid's shoulder. "I believe you." She said in the calmest voice that she could manage.
Mike went up to the kid as well. "I'm sorry, young sir." He frowned. "I am your guardian Pokemon from now on."

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