Chains!! Teen Resort Roleplay? O///A

Simon realised something, "Hey, what's your name?" he questioned. They hadn't talked since she called him a perv.

"I'm not telling you," she replied, a look of disgust on her face. She tugged on the chain. "Hurry up. I want to find food so we don't die..."

"Oh hey, my name's Simon and I've got survival skills, it's best not to hurry up because wh-" he got cut off.

"Shut it... Seriously. I don't care how attracted I am to you right now, just stop talking..." she covered her mouth with her free hand and blushed as he smirked.

"So... I think I deserve to know your name now..." he winked playfully.

Primrose rolled her eyes, not facing Simon. "My name is Primrose... some people call me Primmy, but I really hate that nick name."

He nodded, "Well Primmy, we'd better get going." she glared.
Daniel groaned and sat up. He looked away while she changed, making modifications to his own clothes. He liked what he was wearing, so he just ripped off his jeans below the knee. He also slid off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.
Amelia put on her tanktop and shorts, she hoped Daniel didn't take advantage and stare at her bottom!

She saw Daniel making modifications to his clothes. "Don't you wanna save that for winter?" she asked.
Primrose dragged Simon along, she didn't expect him to fall asleep or be so heavy. She kicked him. "Wake up!!"

Simon rubbed his eyes, "Mum, really I don't wanna go to school..." he shot awake and our faces were inches apart again. "How come we always end up in this conundrum?" Primrose blushed and moved away slightly.
Daniel shrugged. "I'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Though in hindsight, you are probably right. Oh well."
Daniel heard voices at the entrance of the cave. He walked over, pulling Amelia with him. "Oh, hey. So you guys are in this mess too?"
"Daniel, your hurting me!" said Amelia as Daniel dragged her."You just got me a- ow!"
"Only some apples. But hold on a moment. First of all, who are you? And second of all you can't just come barging in demanding food."
"Thanks for picking me up after you gashed my leg" she muttered. But then, she had her usual 'mood swings'."How can I ever stay mad at you Daniel? After all, you're everything that I want! Your a complete package!" she said snuggling up to his chained arm. "Did I just say that? Wow, now you know my secret."
Daniel looked at Amelia in surprise. "You're everything I want too," he whispered. "But can we talk later? We kind of have company now.."
"I realized." she said and facepalmed. "We have food, but Daniel here is right, you can't barge in asking for food."
Primrose glared at Simon, "So sorry, I don't know why I got chained to this primitive thing, but he's annoying, I'm Primrose and he-" she got cut off.

"I can introduce myself. I'm Simon, sorry, I just haven't had any food in a day or two..."
"Yeah, we'll give you some food, but you'll have to get your own soon." While talking, Daniel began to hold Amelia's hand.
Primrose smiled. "So you two are in love eh?" she smiled, so sweet.

"Yeah Primrose loves me too," she kicked him in the shins.

"Thanks for the apples..."
Amelia squeezed Daniel's hand hard. This man was the total package, for her atleast.

"Sure no problem, I think there's a suit case by the boat we got off of waiting for you."
Daniel smiles at Primrose. "Yeah, we are."

He turns to Simon. "You better knock it off before you really piss me off."

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