Chains!! Teen Resort Roleplay? O///A

Daniel shifted her so he was carrying her piggyback style. He then breaks into a jog towards the cave, stopping only to pick ten apples.
"You know, I feel like that Twilight movie." laughed Amelia. She hopped off Daniel's back and opened the suit case.

"Daniel look! Water purifers, food, containers, clothes, also flint and steel!" she said excitedly...

"A note!"

Hello welcome to the Teen Resort,

You may have survived that long but we are here to test your will to live.

You will stay here for long as it takes to prove you are able to survive.

You may not make it.

She wheeled the suitcase into the cave and took some bushes to cover the cave. She used the flint and steel to make a nice cozy fire.
Shivers went up Amelia's spine.

What if Daniel died? I would have to mourn everyday while lugging him everywhere!

In the future, remember that a thread in the signup section, is intended as a signup only. In the future, please keep roleplaying to the roleplay section, it makes everyone's life a little easier.



Primrose awoke, dazed and still partially drugged. "God, what the hell did I do last night?" she rubbed her eyes with her right hand. When she went to get up, she felt a tug on her wrist. "What the?" she looked beside her and saw a body, it didn't move. "Holy crap..." she screamed quietly. She grabbed the nearest pointy thing and poked the body, she couldn't tell whether it was a dude or a chick. "Wakie wakie?" she jabbed it again. The body rubbed it's eyes and she held her hat up, well what she knew; it was a dude.

Simon groaned, "What dude? Waddya want?" he's always in a crappy mood when he first gets up. "For god sake, what the hell do you want?" she stayed silent while he opened his eyes slightly and saw Primrose. He tried to clenched his fist in the air when he was pulled down. He saw a cuff. "I don't know you, but you must like it rough!!" Simon smirked.

Primrose was mortified, "YOU SICK SON OF A BIATCH! I JUST WOKE UP HERE AND THERE YOU WERE YOU BASTARD!" she pouted like a five-year-old and turned away. She could feel him smiling. What the hell is he smiling about? she thought. It was kind of creepy. "I can feel you smile, why are you smiling?" she turned back and saw he had moved closer, she frantically tried to move back. when she was tugged back.

Simon pulled her into him, their faces inches away, "You realise what we'll have to do now, right?" he saw the worried look in her eyes, "You have a sick mind, we'll have to find food, shelter, warm/clean clothes, et cetera..." he saw the red come up in her cheeks.

Simon smirked, "Of course if you want to do something before we do that..."

Primrose slapped him and face palmed, "This is great, now I have to get dressed in fronta you, because even though YOUR clothes were left on the boat, I was smart enough to pack a secret bag!!" Simon's eyes widened, which basically means in a dude mind, I don't care if you have to get undressed in front of me, I don't mind!"

Simon's eyes widened, "I'll look away don't worry, I'm not a HUGE pervert..." he blushed and turned around.

It was Primrose's turn to blush now, she quickly turned around and changed her top, Maybe I misunderstood the guy... she thought to herself feeling bad,
Amelia shook Daniel to get up so they could change ito warmer clothes... it was getting hotter by the minute!
We got into normal clothes and ran. "Hurry up dude!!"

"Shuddup! I'm goin' as fast as I can, maybe I shoulda looked when you were changing" he smirked.


Daniel woke up to feel Amelia shaking him. The first thing he noticed was the heat. "Is it just me or..?"
"Yeah it's getting hot!" she said.

"Get up so I can change into t-shirts and shorts!"

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