Chains!! Teen Resort Roleplay? O///A

Amelia shivered, it was cold, she only wore a dress!

"Darn! I bet that ship has left us here for good now... but I still want food so I am still going outside for fruit!" she said strongly. "You can pick up sticks for a fire!" suggested Amelia.
"I think we should check the beach first, to see if the boat is still there. I bet we'll find some fruits on the way."
"Oh okay, whatever you say. But you'll have to carry me!" giggled Amelia. "It's a long way!"
Daniel grinned. "No problem. Do you want to go piggy back, across the shoulder, or baby style?"
"Oh fine whatever." Amelia said grumpy. "You're strong enough." she kissed Daniel on the lips softly and leaned her head on his shoulder.

(I GTG I'll be back on @ 8:30 EASTERN, USA
Amelia let herself be carried. She soon discovered that she loved Daniel. He probaly did too, after all he kissed her first.

If I'm going to be stuck on this island, atleast I'm stuck with him!​ Amelia thought.
Daniel was walking and out of nowhere, he just thought, I love Amelia. It had come from absolutely nowhere, but it was true. He was in love with a woman he had met yesterday.
Amelia peacefully watched Daniel carry herself. "Are you sure you know where we're going?" asked Amelia a bit uneasy.
"No...but there's a pile of something over there." Daniel points to a stack of something in the distance.
"Put me down so we can see!" said Amelia excitedly " Maybe it's food and clothes!"
Daniel sets Amelia down gently and leads her over to the stack. It contains six suitcases. They each have a letter attached and two people's names on them. Daniel finds the one that says "Amelia Worth & Daniel Crayson"
"I hope you can carry that and me!" giggled Amelia. "We also need food! Don't forget!"
Daniel grinned. "Now you asked for it." picks her up and flips her over his shoulder. He starts rolling the suitcase, whistling to himself.

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