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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Mikuru frowned and looked at Aaron, she didn't buy it. If that was the case, why kidnap them.. She would of happily gone if they would just of ask. Mikuru shivered thinking about punishment, she shivered. "Cool.. I get to leave school.. For more school! Greaaaat.." she thought, and listened to the other students asking questions. She turned and saw Adam she smiled and thought of him getting shot yesterday. She turned back to see Aaron. "Do you buy anything he's saying..?" She whispered to him. Once he answered he just waited, she wanted to go to her dorm, just so she wouldn't have to wait. "Thiiis is borinnggg I don't wannna just stand." 

@Caffeine Freak
Being rudely nudged awake by one of the guards, Lucas sleepily followed the other students, mumbling "Is it lunch time already Jeff?" As he dragged his feet along, still dizzy from the abrupt awakening.

Wiping some of the remaining drowsiness from his eyes, Lucas glanced around to recall the strangers he met before he went to sleep, as he scratched the back of his neck with a yawn.

"I'm not a breakfast guy...but it feels like I haven't eaten anything in...years.."

Mumbled Lucas to noone in particular, as he glanced around.

"Where are we, anyway?"

Asked Lucas in surprise, now more alert thanks to the loud chattering.
"What is the date, Headmaster?..." The tall, black haired dude, Adam - Aaron recognised, asked.

"Interesting question, Mr Mukti, but before I tell you, I must insist that tranquilizers are not to be used for recreational purposes." Headmaster Mason shook his head slightly before returning to Adam's question. "The date may surprise you all, as you were all taken in at different times. My science team informs me that subjects must spend a minimum of one year in cryostasis, the freezing process must be slow in order to preserve living cells, but since we decided to release you all at once -  recently selected students have spent a single year in cryostasis, while older ones could have spent up to ten years. I digress, the date today is the 28th of August, 2026.

"Do you buy anything he's saying..?" Mikuru whispered.

"About his plans? No. But this nutjob seems serious about schooling us down here anyway." Aaron answered, then waited.

"Thiiis is borinnggg I don't wannna just stand." 

"Really? I love standing around." After it was clear that his sarcasm wasn't well received, he added: "Alright, alright, I'll ask when we get our dorm rooms."

"Where are we, anyway?"

Aaron could hear Luke mutter, barely perceptible, but Headmaster Mason seemed to hear it just fine.

"This is Starlight Academy, young Smith, a facility underneath the Atlantic ocean. A safe haven, for all gifted students."

"Uh, yo! Headmaster!" Aaron briefly paused to cringe, but continued. "We get dorm rooms or something in this tub?"

Headmaster Mason's eye twitched a little.

"Traditionally, dorm rooms are separated by gender. However, here I will allow you to share rooms with students of the opposite gender, should you wish."

The hall suddenly got a little bit more excited. Maybe this place isn't completely terrible afterall.. Aaron admitted silently.


The room was silent again.

"I should add that every dormitory is under 24/7 surveillance. Should we discover any misconduct, however slight, I will have you disciplined personally in my office.

Is that understood?"


"My staff will have you escorted to the dormitories. Schedules, fresh clothes as well as food and beverages are provided inside. I will see you all very shortly."

The Headmaster smiled. "Goodnight."

With that, the Headmaster ambled down a newly appeared set of steps and left the room. Upon his exit, several guards began forming lines out of the students and leading them down yet another corridor.

Minutes later, The students were standing in what looked more like a small city than a block of dormitories. "A maximum of three people to each room!" A guard exclaimed, handing out keycards to groups of students filing past him. Aaron was pretty sure that meant that one student out of the one thousand was just going to have to sleep outside, but he decided to leave the logic for later.






"Really? I love standing around."  Mikuru groaned, "Try living with superspeed.. Everything just seems so slow.." Mikuru started hopping in place, just so she could not be standing there. She listened back and forth with all the questions. Then heard the date, and that she was in that tube for a year. Her eyes widened, still hopping. "Traditionally, dorm rooms are separated by gender. However, here I will allow you to share rooms with students of the opposite gender, should you wish." Mikuru smiled, so she could share with anyone she wanted to, so that helped alot. "BUT" "OH COME ON... Sorry.." She screamed. "There's always a catch.."  She muttered. Mikuru just followed, staying behind Aaron. "Hey bud, You wanna share a dorm with someone?" She asked, "We could probably get Aki or someone else to share with us too." Mikuru put the card in her pocket, and just waited for an answer.






@Caffeine Freak
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Aki says groggily still a little slow "sure I don't mind." Their Aki thinks then shouts to the principal "Can I now have my knives back?!?" Still upset.
Adam stays silent, following the lines of people. He says to himself, "A year...". Looking around at the area, he notices some usable materials. "Great, at least I wont get bored that easily. I still need to find a dorm, though, so, to it..." Now looking for an empty dorm, Adam stays silent to not draw any more attention from the guards. 
"What a nutcase...."

Mumbled Lucas as he received his card, gripping it tightly in between his palms.

"Better come with wifi or there are going to be some problems." 

Complained the boy ad he started walking in a random direction, stopping just a couple of steps ahead to ponder.

"Would that even work? Underwater wifi? Eh...at least one company must of thought of that while we were in the freezer..."
"Who knows, eh?" says Adam to Lucas, approaching him from behind. "You wanna take this empty room with me?" he asks, pointing at a room at the end of the hall. "I bet there's wifi..." he says laughing softly to himself.
Mikuru smiled when Aki said she join her. "Sweet! We got a trio now!" She said and started spinning. "But we do have school.. Why.. Seriously.. Can I just.. do anything other than school?" She asked looking around.
"I don't know about these guys are starting to really piss me off so if they can't seem to answer one of my questions" Aki's eye twitches she sounds totally  pissed off "For crying out loud if they're going to make us stay here they they might as well test our abilities"
"Hey, why not?"

Shrugged Lucas with a chuckle.

"Better to grab it while it's still here, am I right? Never know with this wacky place."

Lucas started inspecting the card as he fiddled around with it.

"Even if we had wifi, not like we've got anything to use them with....unless..."

Lucas' eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hey, at this point in time, wouldn't you think teaching would be with electronics now? Y'know, smart learning and all of that junk! If so, that'd be so cool..."
"Yea.. but hey if they're testing you they might give you your knives back! Um.. Quick question, why do you need those so bad..?" She asked, Mikuru was kinda scared of this Aki, not sure of what she would do. "I don't buy what the Headmaster was sellin', a year in whatever that was called, and being kidnapped, it doesn't seem right.. You know, for all we know this could all just be a dream, or a trap depending on how you look at it." She trailed off. Mikuru groaned, "We're going to slow again!" She said and almost tripped, she didn't care and just started running back and forth again. 
"They were representations of my family there are also made by them" Aki explained with slight sadness. "Their really important to me..."

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"Oh.. I'm.. Sorry about that.. You'll find them." She said, trying to cheer Aki up. "I'll help you, hell we'll go to the headmaster if we need to!" Mikuru said with a smile forming. She wasn't sure if this was the time to smile, but she thought it could at least lighten up the mood somewhat, which didn't sound to hard. Mikuru started to run again, running by all the other students before taking her place back by all the students.

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Aki give a small smile for Mikuru's attempt at making her feel better. "Well we should probably claim a room before they're all taken" Aki said, trying to figure out which one would be the best

"I'll go scope them out!" She said, and ran off, and came back in a matter of seconds, "Found an empty room!" She said, "I'll lead you, and I'll walk this time." She joked. "Unless you already found one..?" Mikuru tilted her head, and looked at Aki. with a soft smile. She looked over and saw Lucas, and started waving. "Hi Lucas!!!" She shouted. Then started looking around for Azlyn. 


Lucas looked back at the mention of his name, studying his surroundings until he spotted who was waving at him, the cheerful flash from earlier.

"Uh...hey? Scouting for rooms I suppose? Or have you already decided on one?"

Asked Lucas with a nervous chuckle.

"Adam and I were just taking care of that now that I bring it up..."

Mumbled Lucas with a hand behind his head.


"I was just about to show my friends one~ Heya Adam." She said and waved. "Are you getting your powers controlled? Who else are you gonna room with? What do you-" She cut herself off and slapped herself. "Sorry.. I was going to fast again.. I'll slow down.." Mikuru said, fixing her hair. "I go to fast sometimes.. I'm really sorry.." She shook her head, and laughed awkwardly. 


Azlyn wakes up being prodded by the end of a gun... "wh-what's going on? where am i?" she rolls over and stands up, following the guard yelling at her to follow him. She gets lead into a large room with many other kids, and begins listening to an older man gathering everyone's attention. He tells everyone that they are students, resources for his plan. He mentions something about how they are gifted and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He continues answering questions until he sends everyone to find their dorms. Azlyn, confused beyond belief decided to just follow along and head towards the dorms with everyone else. After all, the headmaster did mention food. 

Azlyn headed down a corridor and peaked her head through a door, there was a basket of muffins. She licked her lips, she felt starving, taking a quick look to see if anyone was watching she quickly grabbed two muffins out of the basket and continued to walk down, biting almost half the muffin off in one motion. She hears someone shout a hello to someone named Lucas and she turned to look, bumping into a fast-talking girl. 

Azlyn looks up with a mouth full of food, "sorry, my bad," she mumbles, crumbs dripping onto the floor. She swallows and smiles at Mikuru, "hi, my name's Azlyn," she says, holding out a hand to shake but giggles when she realizing it's still holding a muffin. She moves it to her other hand and wipes the crumbs off onto her prison jumper, then proceeds to hold out her hand again.

Mikuru shook Azlyn's hand. "I thought we met yesterday..? Where's-" She slapped herself again. "I'm gonna overwhelm you.." She trailed off. "Um.. I'm Mikuru.. Nice to meet you again. W-Where did you get the muffin?" She asked and stared at the muffin. Her stomach growled, then she shook her head. "Um.. So how are you..? Guards woke you up too?" She asked then started picking up speed, and her talking became inaudible. Then slapped herself harder, and laughed awkwardly. "S-Sorry.. I kinda.. just went way too fast.. I'll let you talk now." Mikuru said, and just went dead silent.

"Oh crap, sorry, i apparently haven't logged you in my camera yet," she laughed. "Oh, and i found these in one of the rooms, i didn't know if i was supposed to take them or not," Azlyn said scratching her neck, "here," she smiled, handing the muffin to Mikuru. Her head spun as the girl continued to talk faster and faster until she went silent.. Azlyn laughed awkwardly. "Eh, yeah, i'm great, who doesn't love being woken by a gun in your side in a random strange place. Oh! did you hear the speech? We are apparently some kind of gifted resource." She paused, "do you happen to know if i have a gift by any chance? Apparently we all do.. how weird." she rambled at Mikuru who was staring silently at her. 

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"Erm...you sure you're supposed to slap yourself that often...?"

Mumbled Lucas quietly, noticing another girl with a muffin.

"Oh, hello there! Didn't notice you!"

Exclaimed Lucas with a sheepish smile as he greeted the new girl with a wave.

Meanwhile, instead of a growling stomach, stood a hole shaped as a stomach where Lucas' real thing was located.

"Oh...is this kinda gross?"


Azlyn looks over to Lucas, "Hi! My name is Azlyn, i don't know if we met yet, but hello anyway," she laughs. She let out a squeal and points when she looks down and notices a hole in Lucas's body. She thinks for a moment.... "um... can i just... uh..." she laughs at her idea and pokes her finger at him quickly, her finger stopping and poking him right in the stomach. "Oh my god, sorry, i didn't think i would poke you still" she laughs and her face turns red, she shuffles behind Mikuru and whispers another 'sorry' to Lucas. 


Lucas replied with a smile as the hole disappered and his body returned to mormal.

"It's fine, imagine how trippy it would have been if there was an actual hole there...ew..Anyway! I'm Lucas! Pleasure meeting you...Azlyn!"

Rubbing the once invisible area on his body in a circular motion, Lucas started mumbling something along the lines of

"Normal bodies make noises...seems like it's gonna take a while to figure this out."


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Mikuru took the muffin and smiled. "T-Thanks." She said, and ate about half of it in one bite. "I saw the speech, the Headmaster is weird.. Not in the good way." She said with her mouth full. Once she swallowed, she took another bite to finish the muffin. "You two are cute together~" She said and spun. "Oh.. Azlyn to answer your question! You have perfect recall.. I guess it doesn't work well with names.." Mikuru said and smiled. "Your both pretty shy.. Maybe if you hangout with me you'll be not as shy!" She said, then started to speak quickly again, then slapped herself. "Oh Lucas! That's like my break, so it stops me to answer your question!" She said, and turned to face Lucas. "So.. How are you two?"



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