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Fandom [Casual] Starlight Academy OOC and CS chatroom

Name:Ella "Vampiress" Black and Kitty Black

Age: (between 14 and 21) 17 both 

Appearance: Ella and her basic outfits) View attachment 176461(Ella)View attachment 176459(Ella's fire outfit) View attachment 176460(Ella's Earth outfit)

View attachment 176465(Kitty) View attachment 176463(Kitty water outfit)View attachment 176464(Kitty air outfit minus the arrow)

Power/Skill:Ella had the ability to control her own dark side to the point of making Kitty have her own appearance different from her own.. The problem is that both her and Kitty have elemental powers Ella's however are controlled by her mood. Her elements are fire and Earth her dark side's (Kitty's) is Water and Air Kitty's is controlled strictly by her violence as in anger... The angrier Kitty gets the more easier she cause a flood or tornado. Another thing that makes them able to control their powers is if they are separated as they both can monitor each other's emotions and mood simply through aura reading... Ella's is a fiery green and Kitty's is a wave looking white.

Bio:Ella was a nice, beautiful, smart girl with a passion for singing and dancing the problem is that in school she was constantly bullied and blamed for stupid things and home wasn't much safer. At home she was treated like a modern day Cinderella minus the ugly stepsisters and the happily ever after. As time went on Ella developed a dark side and at first was unable to control it when her parents found out they tried everything in their power to get rid of Kitty but little did they know that the shock therapy did worse for them then better. Shock therapy some how made it possible for Ella to gain control of kitty a little to much control one day her parents pushed her to far and the control over Kitty turned to wanting her to be out and the control slipped to far and Kitty came out with a different look then Ella her eyes were a light red and her hair was brunette but her's was in pigtails and she and Ella stared right at Ella's parents and Kitty nodded to Ella and Ella blasted her mother with fire and laughed as her mother burned to death then she threw an Earth brick and her fathers head and watched him bleed out then she and kitty ran having forgotten that their were cameras in the house soon Ella and Kitty were surrounded by cop cars they tried to resist but were apprehended and brought to jail they were just 16 at the time. A year later on their 17th birthday they were tested to be out in public and they passed or at least they thought they did. "You two are getting put in an all girls home." The cop said grabbing them both and walking outside the cop smirked as a black van appeared and the girls panicked. "Don't worry you'll be safe." He said but they had no belief in that and ran. "Get them!" The driver of the van yelled and soon the girls were followed by guards they ran and ran until they hit a dead end. "That was very naughty." One of the guards said. Three guards grabbed Kitty and placed a cloth over her mouth and as Kitty struggled the main guard injected Kitty with a sedative and as the sedative kicked in so did the chloroform Ella watched in horror as Kitty dropped to the ground out cold a mask placed over her to ensure she wwould stay asleep. "Your turn." The main guard says and the other three guards grabbed Ella and placed a cloth over her as well but Ella fought just like Kitty so the main guard injected Ella with a sedative as well just as the chloroform kicked in and Ella dropped a mask was placed over her as well and the two were brought to starlight with no memory of them being apprehended and brought there.

Theme Song:Ella's is Darkside by Kelly Clarkson and Kitty's is Angel of Darkness

Found it, it got buried under the previous page before I had a chance to notice it, sorry 'bout that.

Anyway, you're still missing one detail from the rules section. Tag me once you've found it.
Full Name: Rue Smith

Age: 18


Power/Skill: Technomancer she is basically an AI she can process and react to information faster than machines , she can manipulate software and hardware on machines to bend to her needs such as creating viruses whipping out hard drives and sending information to the many cellphones she carries, she can project what she sees onto screens using her brains electronic signals and bouncing outwards to the screen's , she is highly intelligent but lacks fighting skills and is extremely lazy but is a pretty adapt at stealing 

Bio: Rue was born to a brilliant robotics engineer of a father a mother who love her very dear , at the age of ten she took a interest at what her father was doing and decided to study and learn what she could following him reading his research reports, but at the age of 13 , her father died due to a malfunctioning robot that went haywire and burst into flames burning the lab down , her father sacrificed himself to make sure everyone in the burning lab got out safely and thus left her in a state of depression which led her to start stealing to fill the hole in heart , at the age of 15 she had met her best friend Ano on accident trying to steal his phone. Ever since they met she, he has taught her to follow her dreams and since then they have become best friends she always helped Ano in any way she could but still indulges in stealing when he is not paying attention. After years of being best friends , Ano went missing and she was hot on the trail to discover what had happened to him , she was about to discover what really went on the day Ano went missing before she knew it everything went dark and she awoke leagues under the sea.

Misc details: She loves cellphones and hordes them in her backpack, despite being intelligent she is quite lazy and loves to sleep



@Caffeine Freak

Full Name:

Artemis Cadmus





Glyphs- These are markings Artemis can create to apply a effect to area. These effects include gravity manipulation that can enhance someone's speed or stop them in thier tracks , create mid air plateforms to launch off of or stand and with extreme control summon a ice clone of foe's he once defeated though he needs to be outside away from starlight to do it.

Bio: (What your character's life was like before being captured, can include how they were captured)


Theme Song:

Misc details:
[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Name:[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Ella "Vampiress" Black and Kitty Black[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Age: (between 14 and 21) [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]17 both [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Appearance: [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]Ella and her basic outfits) [/SIZE]View attachment 176461(Ella)View attachment 176459(Ella's fire outfit) View attachment 176460(Ella's Earth outfit)

View attachment 176465(Kitty) View attachment 176463(Kitty water outfit)View attachment 176464(Kitty air outfit minus the arrow)

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Power/Skill:[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]Ella had the ability to control her own dark side to the point of making Kitty have her own appearance different from her own.. The problem is that both her and Kitty have elemental powers Ella's however are controlled by her mood. Her elements are fire and Earth her dark side's (Kitty's) is Water and Air Kitty's is controlled strictly by her violence as in anger... The angrier Kitty gets the more easier she cause a flood or tornado. Another thing that makes them able to control their powers is if they are separated as they both can monitor each other's emotions and mood simply through aura reading... Ella's is a fiery green and Kitty's is a wave looking white.[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Bio:[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]Ella was a nice, beautiful, smart girl with a passion for singing and dancing the problem is that in school she was constantly bullied and blamed for stupid things and home wasn't much safer. At home she was treated like a modern day Cinderella minus the ugly stepsisters and the happily ever after. As time went on Ella developed a dark side and at first was unable to control it when her parents found out they tried everything in their power to get rid of Kitty but little did they know that the shock therapy did worse for them then better. Shock therapy some how made it possible for Ella to gain control of kitty a little to much control one day her parents pushed her to far and the control over Kitty turned to wanting her to be out and the control slipped to far and Kitty came out with a different look then Ella her eyes were a light red and her hair was brunette but her's was in pigtails and she and Ella stared right at Ella's parents and Kitty nodded to Ella and Ella blasted her mother with fire and laughed as her mother burned to death then she threw an Earth brick and her fathers head and watched him bleed out then she and kitty ran having forgotten that their were cameras in the house soon Ella and Kitty were surrounded by cop cars they tried to resist but were apprehended and brought to jail they were just 16 at the time. A year later on their 17th birthday they were tested to be out in public and they passed or at least they thought they did. "You two are getting put in an all girls home." The cop said grabbing them both and walking outside the cop smirked as a black van appeared and the girls panicked. "Don't worry you'll be safe." He said but they had no belief in that and ran. "Get them!" The driver of the van yelled and soon the girls were followed by guards they ran and ran until they hit a dead end. "That was very naughty." One of the guards said. Three guards grabbed Kitty and placed a cloth over her mouth and as Kitty struggled the main guard injected Kitty with a sedative and as the sedative kicked in so did the chloroform Ella watched in horror as Kitty dropped to the ground out cold a mask placed over her to ensure she wwould stay asleep. "Your turn." The main guard says and the other three guards grabbed Ella and placed a cloth over her as well but Ella fought just like Kitty so the main guard injected Ella with a sedative as well just as the chloroform kicked in and Ella dropped a mask was placed over her as well and the two were brought to starlight with no memory of them being apprehended and brought there.[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Theme Song:[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]Ella's is Darkside by Kelly Clarkson and Kitty's is Angel of Darkness[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(230, 230, 250)]this right? @Caffeine Freak[/COLOR]

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