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Fandom [Casual] Starlight Academy OOC and CS chatroom

Full Name:

Derek Andrew Cave






Hair colour specified


[SIZE= 26px]Super Spoopy Ghost Text BOOooo[/SIZE]


Sound/Vibration Manipulation

(Sounds come from vibrations and all that)

  • Create/generate, move, and modify the loudness, pitch, and tone of sounds, even to destructive levels.
  • Voice Manipulation
  • Enhanced Hearing (about 1.5 x the amount a normal person can hear)
  • Sound Detection (Can work from very far away. It is different than Enhanced Hearing because this power does not allow him to hear the sound. It allows him to know that there is A sound from a much further distance.)
  • Protected Senses of hearing and equilibrium from the effects of sound.
  • Soundwave Perception - The power to see sound.
  • Sleep Inducement (not like you instantly fall asleep. It's more like an amplified lullaby that will only affect people in a already relatively calm or tired state.)
  • Vertigo Inducement
  • Enhanced Echoic Memory - Derek can remember any sounds(including entire conversations) he has heard before permanently and then can later produce it exactly with his powers. However, memories such as where or when the sound had come from still fade away at a normal rate.
  • Enhanced Musicianship - Derek has supernatural mastery of any instrument after a couple minutes of playing even though he doesn't need them.
  • Musical Empathic Projection - The power to project emotions based on the music one plays.
  • Air Dashing by releasing sound waves as propulsion force. (He isn't very skilled at this.)
  • Song Augmentation - The ability to enhance the powers of others through song.(Doesn't know he can do this yet.)
  • Rhythmic Fighting Style -  Whenever Derek is in a fight he will have a song in his head. He will always follow the beat or melody of this song in the way he fights. This helps him really focus but also can be a weakness of his. This is because if his opponent figured out the beat he was following, possibly by changing eye colours if he forgot to turn it off or just the timing of his attacks, they could easily predict the timing of his attacks.



Derek had a pretty good childhood and grew up in a big city. His parents were good people and did hard work to get to where they were while still taking care of three kids. Derek was the youngest and had a brother and a sister named Thomas and Abigail. Thomas was the middle child and Abigail the oldest. At the young age of 13 he was extremely bored of his lifestyle to the point of nihilism and depression. He didn't want to grow up get a job, pay bills, make relationships, and maybe have a family. To then just grow old and die and make none of that really matter. He wanted something more. He wanted a real reason to live. 


 A year later he was still stuck in this mindset and putting on a facade so nobody would know what really going on inside his head. Then his powers decided to manifest. This really helped his mental state as he felt he was different now and that his life wouldn't be normal and boring anymore. However this happiness soon got consumed by paranoia, he couldn't use his powers could he? As far as he knew he was the only person in the world with powers. So if the government  found out he would probably be tested on and dissected. Because of this paranoia he became extremely cynical and trusted no one, even his own family. He wanted to use his powers to be different but figured that he would have to be on his own. So he ran away at the age of 16. He made a living making music purposely not using his talent to its full ability so he could easily remain anonymous. Even then his music became fairly popular.


Derek then began doing a very different line of work on the side to keep him entertained. He became a info broker who did lots of dirty work for criminals. His name was popular among various unsavoury organisations and he made a lot of money because of the fast and thorough work. He obviously had an advantage with his powers but also learned a lot of skills he used regularly. These skills include pick locking, stealth, combat, parkour, marksmanship, and even fencing. Derek really flexed his muscles towards the gangs in the city and got really good protection. After a while this protection made Derek less paranoid about his powers and began using them no matter where he was or who he was with. This was a big mistake for him as only a week later when Derek was finally comfortable in his new life they arrived. Busting down the door to his home and office killing all of Derek's guards and quickly capturing him who panicked and only relied on his powers. He used so much power that all of the windows on the near by high rises shattered and many people were injured from hearing loss and falling glass. The guards wearing Starlight weren't affected at all. After that Derek collapsed from exhaustion basically letting the academy capture him . 



Theme Song(s):


Misc details:

Self Eye Color Manipulation - He can control his eye colour usually making them switch to the beat. When not listening to music he usually sets them to a certain colour for the day. (He has this power mostly to just push the idea that he is like a personification of music or that everything about him follows a rhythm as if his soul and mind were a song in itself. Sounds cheesy I know)
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@Corrupted Data Just have a few issues with your CS,

•Some of your powers either conflict or full under the same category. For example, 'echolocation' and 'advanced hearing' is more or less the same thing - give or take.

Others don't quite fit, like 'sound immunity', or 'Self Eye Color Manipulation' (the second should probably be under misc details). I hope you see where I'm coming from on this.

•Your bio is extraordinarily lacking, although I have a feeling you knew this already. It should ideally include detailed motivations and a backstory for your character.

I should add that I'm not exactly sure what 'TBR' stands for.

•You've missed a detail from the rules section. Read them all carefully. If I'm mistaken, and you've already done it - I'd like you to make it a little more clear.

That's it! Once you think you've got it, tag me and I'll take a gander.
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@Caffeine Freak

Hiya. I'm looking to join but I wanna cover a few personal questions.

1: can the individual have more than one power?

If yes, are there any forbidden combinations?

2: are there any fobbiden powers in general?

3: Can you explain the four line rule? I'm kinda new to most types of roleplay.

4: is there anything I should know in general?
@Caffeine Freak Hello thanks taking a look!

  • I totally agree that having Echolocation is redundant because it is a technique from Enhanced hearing right? So I removed that.
  • I knew that Self Eye Color Manipulation was not really part of Sound Manipulation but I felt that since it was so small and would add a lot to his personality so I put it in. I moved it to the Misc section like you said. (I mean maybe the worst he could do with is give someone a seizure or headache I guess?)
  • I don't understand how Sound Immunity wouldn't be a part of Sound Manipulation. Like how someone with the power to shoot fire from their hands would need Fire Immunity so their hands wouldn't burn every time they use their power, Derek would need Sound Immunity to not have internal Damage when he uses extremely low frequencies in a battle. 
  • TBR stands for To be Revealed. I know you might think this is a dumb excuse for not writing out a bio but let me explain. I find it much more engaging to tell a character's backstory from their own mouths because then their feelings and mindset really show. I also think that it shows a lot of their personality by seeing if they are totally making something up about their past because they don't want to talk about it, over exaggerating, leaving parts out etc. So basically if someone wants to know what life was like before Derek's capture or how he was captured just ask! Then that character can decide if they believe what they heard or what they think about it. 
  • I made the detail more clear :D

If you don't agree with anything that I said, I'm totally okay with editing it again and making those changes.
@Caffeine Freak

Hiya. I'm looking to join but I wanna cover a few personal questions.

1: can the individual have more than one power?

If yes, are there any forbidden combinations?

2: are there any fobbiden powers in general?

3: Can you explain the four line rule? I'm kinda new to most types of roleplay.

4: is there anything I should know in general?

Heya, sorry @Caffeine Freak ain't here, i can give you the basics and run downs on your questions,

1. Yes, and no, but be reasonable with your powers, nothing like, "Sets all the guards on fire and wins"

2. No, but again, be reasonable.

3. I think this rule is to keep your characters active and alive, it also (( i would think )) allows all the RP'ers to be able to interact, not one person interacting with 50 people and no-one interacting with everyone else.

4. That should really be all, if their is anything that needs more explaining or i am stuffing this up, @Caffeine Freak will explain it more.
Full Name: Alex Parker

Nickname: Dragon

Age: 20

Appearance: image.jpeg



  • Shape, compress, and/or otherwise manipulate all metallic substances that are not immune to supernatural powers.
  • Ferrokinetic Constructs including/but not limited to: weapons, makeshift walls, basic armors, and jewelry.
  • Move/lift metal at remarkable speed whether in/on a surface, air or water. One could even do this in a vacuum of space if one has a way to survive the experience. Physical weight of the object determines speed, distance, and effort. Example: A 3 pound combat knife could be moved, speed up, stopped in mid flight, or simply picked up relatively easy. As where a 1 ton truck would require a more effort to manipulate.
  • Metal detention: Can feel the presents of metallic objects around him. Where the metal is in a gun or a vein in the ground. 

Bio: Alex grew up in a horrible home with a drunken father. His dad always blamed him for his mothers death; who  died during child birth. As he got old he began to realize that he could feel metallic objects and soon after learned that he could control the metal as well. Three days after alex turned 18, his father threw him into the streets. Over the course of that year. Alex became cold, passionless, and full of hate. He moved from place to placelooking for somewhere he could be happy for once but to no avail.  About a month before his 19th birth day he notice people following him everywhere he when. Wether it was his home or just a dark ally; they were always there. He became worried and decided to move again. But that never happened. The last thing Alex remembers of his old life was a stinging in his next, and the feeling of the cold hard concrete.

Misc details:

Alex maybe cold and full of hate, but he doesn't have a temper. He's actually hard to anger.

Alex likes Heavy metal Music, cats, and making jewelry from steel and iron. 

Somewhat white random text for proof of rule reading.
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@Caffeine Freak Hello thanks taking a look!

  • I totally agree that having Echolocation is redundant because it is a technique from Enhanced hearing right? So I removed that.
  • I knew that Self Eye Color Manipulation was not really part of Sound Manipulation but I felt that since it was so small and would add a lot to his personality so I put it in. I moved it to the Misc section like you said. (I mean maybe the worst he could do with is give someone a seizure or headache I guess?)
  • I don't understand how Sound Immunity wouldn't be a part of Sound Manipulation. Like how someone with the power to shoot fire from their hands would need Fire Immunity so their hands wouldn't burn every time they use their power, Derek would need Sound Immunity to not have internal Damage when he uses extremely low frequencies in a battle. 
  • TBR stands for To be Revealed. I know you might think this is a dumb excuse for not writing out a bio but let me explain. I find it much more engaging to tell a character's backstory from their own mouths because then their feelings and mindset really show. I also think that it shows a lot of their personality by seeing if they are totally making something up about their past because they don't want to talk about it, over exaggerating, leaving parts out etc. So basically if someone wants to know what life was like before Derek's capture or how he was captured just ask! Then that character can decide if they believe what they heard or what they think about it. 
  • I made the detail more clear :D

If you don't agree with anything that I said, I'm totally okay with editing it again and making those changes.

Sorry for takin' so long to get back to ya, here's my response:

Your first two bullet points check out, thanks for amending that, it's the third one that got me a little confused. I see now what you were trying to say with Sound Immunity, but I was partly convinced that having it by default would be common sense, unless it is contradicted as a character flaw.

The fourth is where I draw the line.

I see what you're saying about personality, characters should adapt to the situations rather than have a cardboard cutout persona - but not having a backstory opens a particular issue, not one which I'm speculating on, but one that has caused my prior roleplays to crash and burn into the ground.

I am of course talking about the dreaded 'multitool character'. Its when characters can become a little too adaptive, say a situation pops up that demands players to work together - but why bother? When you can just 'reveal' that your character so happens to had the exact skill to solve the presented issue all along. 'Course I'm not saying this is something I'd assume you'd do anyway, but it's something I gotta keep tight for future players. By all means leave parts of your bio TBR, but there should still be a clear frame of how your character fits into the story, if that makes sense.

Just tag me once you've made amends, and I'll get back to you within the next like, ten years or so when I actually have spare time.

Seriously though, thanks for your patience, spare time is more of a luxury nowadays.



I'm confiscating that OJ.


Congrats on managing to get the CS right on your first draft, there's really not much I can nitpick at. Post IC at your own convenience!
Full Name: Theudoric von Heidrich

Age: 16

Appearance: male, blond hair, blue eyes, stern-looking and masculine facial features, 6' 1" tall and average build

Power/Skill: Mind Control - can bend others to his will using mental fortitude and willpower.  Immense concentration is required to entirely dominate another and a break in this concentration can totally disrupt the process.  Success on controlling another is dependent on the matching of the assailant's willpower to that of the victim, so stronger opponents will be more likely to resist.

Bio: Theudoric von Heidrich was born to a prominent Prussian noble family and was groomed to be the heir; excelling in arts, literature, mathematics, and military history.  At age 14 he was on his way to earning an officer commission in the military.  His parents continued to hold him to the highest of standards so that he would inherit the family legacy and bring glory to their name.  When he was 15, Theudoric graduated from the military academy as a junior officer in the Prussian military(the youngest to do so) and showed a remarkable talent for leadership.  When his superior officer(jealous of Theudoric's unorthodox achievements) insulted the young man and implied that his commission was a result of bribery, Theudoric demanded that he retract the insult.  The officer obeyed this command and apologized to the perplexed Theudoric, who was surprised at such an anomaly.  Theudoric then ordered the officer to leave his presence which he subsequently did, without a single outburst.  This was very uncharacteristic of a commanding officer and Theudoric began to test the limits of his newfound power on others to get what he wanted.  He found that the some resisted more than others and when he eventually tried to control the Feldmarschall a year later(who was in charge of the entire military), he was met with utter failure to assert his will.  The Feldmarschall must have felt the clashing of forces and ordered Theudoric to leave while sending a detachment of guards to escort him out.  The next night, Theudoric was taken from his home and robbed of his family and his future.  He woke up the next day only remembering that something had been taken from him - something that he wanted back. 

I have read and agreed to abide by the rules.
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Full Name: Sampson Krol

Age: 17



Power/Skill: Sampson's bones, muscles, and skin are greatly compacted and uniquely structured, allowing him to reach points of intense strength, durability, and regeneration. At his peak he can lift three tons with relative ease and take the impact of a speeding bullet train, getting intensely dazed from the hit. A chemical imbalance in his brain allows him to tap into this immense strength. The downside to the imbalance is a constant aggression and lack of advanced social reasoning (You can try to charm or convince him all you want but in the end his thick skull makes the decisions)

Bio: Sampson was born into a large family and grew up to be a very rambunctious and dysfunctional child. His parents sent him to counselors, put him on medication, and used many forms of therapy to no avail. Years passed by and Sampson seemed only to get worse and worse as he began getting into fights constantly. When he became a teenager his older brothers convinced him to join their gang promising him fights and chances to vandalize and destroy things. only wanting to use him as a scapegoat if things ever got bad. Sampson mindlessly agreed and spent the next few years going along with all their plans. Word started getting out of Sampson and his exploits to the point where the very sight of Sampson made many run in fear. At the age of sixteen Sampson got into a fight with a rival gang leader and wound up killing him in a fury fueled frenzy. When he turned seventeen Sampson learned that his older brothers' planned the death of the rival gang leader, knowing it would make Sampson wanted for murder. He vowed to kill his brothers but was captured by the starlight academy before he could follow through on his promise. In the struggle of the kidnap Sampson was able to beat one of the guards with the body of another for a few seconds before being subdued.

Theme Song:

Misc details: He loves crocodiles and has his own fighting style inspired by them. If he knows he can't win a fight he will at least get in one satisfying hit before backing off. He will make peace with just about anyone who offers him really good food.

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@Caffeine Freak Take your time! I'm in no rush  ^_^

Bio is complete! I kind of surprised myself going down a more chaotic neutral or neutral evil path then what I thought for him at the beginning. Because of this, I made replaced one of his theme songs with a more chaotic/devilish one :P

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