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Fandom [Casual] Starlight Academy OOC and CS chatroom

Is it too late to join this?

@Caffeine Freak Yes, we are still open, here's the Character sheet:

Full Name:

Age: (between 14 and 21)



Bio: (What your character's life was like before being captured, can include how they were captured)


Theme Song:

Misc details:

Rules here:

2) Starlight Security guards are situated occasionally around the academy. They cannot be 'defeated' in a fight (see 'rules'). It's also worth noting Security Guards are equipped with Starlight, making them immune to supernatural powers (see 'things to keep in mind').

3) All posts should be four full lines long minimum, with less-than-occasional spelling and grammar mistakes. If it is obvious posts/CSs are lacking in detail, I will ask for them to be expanded upon.

4) You can have a maximum of two characters at a time.

5) No god modding, insulting other players, etc, etc. (basically, use common sense)

6) To prove that you've read and agree to the rules, please add a line of white invisible text (the text can be whatever you want, really) underneath your character sheet.

Some things to keep in mind:

• Starlight Security guards are intimidating, handpicked professionals, and are very good at what they do. A fight can be started with one, but it'll usually end with your character being dragged back to their dorm. (Guards are 'free characters' and you may control them in your post as you wish, so long as it doesn't break rule 2)

• Your character will have no recollection between their capture and waking up at Starlight. The method of entering/exiting the Academy is a well kept secret.

• Starlight, (the element the school is constructed with, and what staff use to protect themselves) is sort of like kryptonite for supernatural powers. It's not as much an important plot device as it is a barrier against god-modding.

• Headmaster Mason is the only non-free 'staff' character, and such can only be controlled by myself.

• Day/night timeskips still exist, even though we're underwater.


(This segment is updated frequently, so it pays to check back from time to time.)

Q: Can my character's power be that they're immune to Starlight?

A: Nah.

Q: Can my character have a backstory that involves Starlight Academy and they know all the entire layout of the facility and-

A: Nah.

Q: How come X has broken rule Y and they get away with it?

A: Chances are it's under reasonable conditions thus I have allowed it. If you suspect someone's broken a rule, please message me about it before openly accusing them.

Q: Can my character be an animal?

A: Nah.

Q: Can my character evenly match a security guard?

A: Nah.

Q: Aren't Security Guards kinda god-modded characters?

A: Yep.

Q: Do security guards have supernatural powers?

A: Nope. They rely solely on wit to overcome supernaturals. (that and their Starlight armor, naturally)

Q: What's the character power limit?

A: The limit of common sense. If your character's an OP human multi tool, probably not going to be accepted.

If in doubt, message me.

Q: How come you haven't replied to my CS yet?

A: Cuz I'm lazy. Message me if you suspect I've missed a post.

Q: How long have characters been in cryostasis?

A: Characters have been plucked from different times. Maximum fifty years (start of the Starlight program), minimum six months (end of the kidnapping phase). It's your choice how long your character has been frozen with the peas.

Q: Where is everything?

A: The dorms resemble a minuscule city - like blocks of flats - surrounding the canteen, which resembles a sort of town square. Classes are connected the the dorm hub via corridors. Confused? I'm not surprised. Message me if you're still unclear.

 @LumaThePhoenix Can't wait to see and RP with you!
Full Name: Tyson Kaiser

Age: 17

Appearance: See Below

Power/Skill: Tyson has been gifted with the power of wind. He can use this to levitate, balance himself, and combat among other things. His power supply also depends on the conditions he's in. If there's no wind, he must draw from a finite pool of wind energy. The more wind that's blowing around him, the greater amount of energy he has. So if there's something like a tornado or a hurricane, he could have an infinite supply to draw on. However, it does not mean he can catch a tornado and throw it. It just means that he can do something like sync with the rotation while in it and then launch himself out of it like a discus throw.

Bio: "This kid can jump out of the stadium!" This was one of the last statements Tyson heard prior to his capture. Since the age of five, Tyson has always loved football and even aspired to be a pro. Unaware that he even had powers, he spent a lot of time working on his athletic abilities. It showed when he would frequently jump over defenders. Though he was using his wind abilities to gain extra height, it was a natural reaction to avoid being hit, so it just appeared to him and everyone else that he was a gifted athlete. His family wasn't really rich, so he saw this as an opportunity to turn pro and provide for those that provided for him. It wasn't until the summer before his 16th birthday that he first realized what he was capable of. He was climbing up a tree to get a punted football that got stuck in the higher branches. As he knocks the ball safely out of the clutches of the tower of wood, the branch brakes, causing him to plummet to the ground. While his friends turn their heads away in horror, Tyson pushes his hands out in front of him. Just before he hits the ground a blast of wind shoots from his hands, breaking his fall enough to keep him from suffering any significant damage. It was written off as him getting miraculously lucky, but he knew it was something different. He spent months getting accustomed to his abilities. He would put them to the test in his high school football games. On his 16th birthday, he had a game where he literally jumped over two defenders to catch a pass. This led the announcer to shout "This kid can jump out of the stadium!". A sweet sixteen it was. Unfortunately, it was about to turn sour. Just a month later, he was involved in a horrific car accident. He was pronounced dead at the scene. However, the body there was just a look alike. The real Tyson Kaiser was kidnapped by the driver of the car that caused the crash.


Theme Song: I'm not sure what these are for, but I'd say "Friction" by Imagine Dragons

Misc details:

I'm not sure if this is invisible or not.

Sorry I'm late to respond! Between work and school I've had little time on my PC. Hope I'm not too late to pop in. 
Full Name: Theudoric von Heidrich

Age: 16

Appearance: male, blond hair, blue eyes, stern-looking and masculine facial features, 6' 1" tall and average build

Power/Skill: Mind Control - can bend others to his will using mental fortitude and willpower.  Immense concentration is required to entirely dominate another and a break in this concentration can totally disrupt the process.  Success on controlling another is dependent on the matching of the assailant's willpower to that of the victim, so stronger opponents will be more likely to resist.

Bio: Theudoric von Heidrich was born to a prominent Prussian noble family and was groomed to be the heir; excelling in arts, literature, mathematics, and military history.  At age 14 he was on his way to earning an officer commission in the military.  His parents continued to hold him to the highest of standards so that he would inherit the family legacy and bring glory to their name.  When he was 15, Theudoric graduated from the military academy as a junior officer in the Prussian military(the youngest to do so) and showed a remarkable talent for leadership.  When his superior officer(jealous of Theudoric's unorthodox achievements) insulted the young man and implied that his commission was a result of bribery, Theudoric demanded that he retract the insult.  The officer obeyed this command and apologized to the perplexed Theudoric, who was surprised at such an anomaly.  Theudoric then ordered the officer to leave his presence which he subsequently did, without a single outburst.  This was very uncharacteristic of a commanding officer and Theudoric began to test the limits of his newfound power on others to get what he wanted.  He found that the some resisted more than others and when he eventually tried to control the Feldmarschall a year later(who was in charge of the entire military), he was met with utter failure to assert his will.  The Feldmarschall must have felt the clashing of forces and ordered Theudoric to leave while sending a detachment of guards to escort him out.  The next night, Theudoric was taken from his home and robbed of his family and his future.  He woke up the next day only remembering that something had been taken from him - something that he wanted back. 

I have read and agreed to abide by the rules.
(( How long? ))

Just until the next morning at 7:30 (about six hours)

You're accepted! Just start with a paragraph about waking up from cryostasis, your character finding themself in the school etc and I'll have a guard escort you to the dorms where you can interact with other players.
((K um give me an hour... I'll respond before my next class fully starts and then I'll reply during lunch.))

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