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Fandom [Casual] Starlight Academy OOC and CS chatroom

@JPawesome I notice you've used GIFs of different martial arts takedowns, which I highly discourage. Using images IC in general, to me, is a rather cheap way of avoiding actual well written imagery (which you've written perfectly already before you even added in the gif!). I understand why you've done it, really, but for future reference I'd like you to stick purely to text.

Thanks, yo.
@JPawesome I notice you've used GIFs of different martial arts takedowns, which I highly discourage. Using images IC in general, to me, is a rather cheap way of avoiding actual well written imagery (which you've written perfectly already before you even added in the gif!). I understand why you've done it, really, but for future reference I'd like you to stick purely to text.

Thanks, yo.

No problem, will do.
 @Caffeine Freak where do we post Cs? I'm very confused seeing as the two pages are separated have you ever thought of changing it to a group Rp so it is easier to navigate? 

Yeah, note i am trying to get him too... Harder said than done... grrr, but this is where we post the CS, what you use:

Full Name:

Age: (between 14 and 21)



Bio: (What your character's life was like before being captured, can include how they were captured)


Theme Song:

Misc details:

Tag him as well!

And the rules... For now... As well as little helpful hints.

2) Starlight Security guards are situated occasionally around the academy. They cannot be 'defeated' in a fight (see 'rules'). It's also worth noting Security Guards are equipped with Starlight, making them immune to supernatural powers (see 'things to keep in mind').

3) All posts should be four full lines long minimum, with less-than-occasional spelling and grammar mistakes. If it is obvious posts/CSs are lacking in detail, I will ask for them to be expanded upon.

4) You can have a maximum of two characters at a time.

5) No god modding, insulting other players, etc, etc. (basically, use common sense)

6) To prove that you've read and agree to the rules, please add a line of white invisible text (the text can be whatever you want, really) underneath your character sheet.

Some things to keep in mind:

• Starlight Security guards are intimidating, handpicked professionals, and are very good at what they do. A fight can be started with one, but it'll usually end with your character being dragged back to their dorm. (Guards are 'free characters' and you may control them in your post as you wish, so long as it doesn't break rule 2)

• Your character will have no recollection between their capture and waking up at Starlight. The method of entering/exiting the Academy is a well kept secret.

• Starlight, (the element the school is constructed with, and what staff use to protect themselves) is sort of like kryptonite for supernatural powers. It's not as much an important plot device as it is a barrier against god-modding.

• Headmaster Mason is the only non-free 'staff' character, and such can only be controlled by myself.

• Day/night timeskips still exist, even though we're underwater.


(This segment is updated frequently, so it pays to check back from time to time.)

Q: Can my character's power be that they're immune to Starlight?

A: Nah.

Q: Can my character have a backstory that involves Starlight Academy and they know all the entire layout of the facility and-

A: Nah.

Q: How come X has broken rule Y and they get away with it?

A: Chances are it's under reasonable conditions thus I have allowed it. If you suspect someone's broken a rule, please message me about it before openly accusing them.

Q: Can my character be an animal?

A: Nah.

Q: Can my character evenly match a security guard?

A: Nah.

Q: Aren't Security Guards kinda god-modded characters?

A: Yep.

Q: Do security guards have supernatural powers?

A: Nope. They rely solely on wit to overcome supernaturals. (that and their Starlight armor, naturally)

Q: What's the character power limit?

A: The limit of common sense. If your character's an OP human multi tool, probably not going to be accepted.

If in doubt, message me.

Q: How come you haven't replied to my CS yet?

A: Cuz I'm lazy. Message me if you suspect I've missed a post.

Q: How long have characters been in cryostasis?

A: Characters have been plucked from different times. Maximum fifty years (start of the Starlight program), minimum six months (end of the kidnapping phase). It's your choice how long your character has been frozen with the peas.

Q: Where is everything?

A: The dorms resemble a minuscule city - like blocks of flats - surrounding the canteen, which resembles a sort of town square. Classes are connected the the dorm hub via corridors. Confused? I'm not surprised. Message me if you're still unclear.
 @Caffeine Freak where do we post Cs? I'm very confused seeing as the two pages are separated have you ever thought of changing it to a group Rp so it is easier to navigate? 

I thought it was obvious, considering this page is called "OOC and CS chatroom", even if my approach is somewhat ambiguous. That aside, I actually have no idea how to change it to a 'group RP' - the site update has destroyed any understanding of functionality I had beforehand. If you could offer any insight, though, I'd appreciate it.
[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Full Name: Micky "Zombie" Rodriguez[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Age: 19[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Appearance: [/COLOR][/SIZE]


[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Power/Skill: [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Adrenaline: Micky's adrenal glands generate a powerful serum that Greatly amplifies his physical attributes. Strength, speed, durability, senses, and reflexes. This can increase up to 3000% a normal human level but at the level of strain out on his body also increases. This is triggered by damage or emotional distress. [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Regeneration: Micky will repair damage to his body naturally and very quickly. Starting off this can heal lacerations and set broken bones in seconds, destroyed organs or missing limbs take minutes, and recovering from a fatal wound can take up to 3 days. His Adrenaline ability at maximum output will override his healing factor by dealing damage to his body faster than he can heal it. This can result in a "Breakdown" which causes his heart to explode, his muscles to tear and his bones to snap. This usually kills him for a few days. [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Mindless: Micky seems to have lack some brainwaves that naturally occur. This protects him from most mental manipulations, but it's primary function makes him unable to feel pain. This is both a plus and a minus, as he will not hesitate out of fear of injury but at the same time he isn't aware when something is wrong with his body, he could have acid eating away at his flesh and not even realize it until something fell off. [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Bio: Micky was born with his abilities but he wasn't aware of their presence until much later. He was quite the athlete, finding most sports to be easy once his blood started pumping. He was popular and well received in his highschool. [/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Apparently not by everyone however. Micky had some trouble with ladies, they seemed to always be his weakness, no matter how much he tried to be a "one woman man" it just never could stick.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]it all caught up to him one day when he had cheated on the wrong girl. She organized the other ladies he had "done wrong" and they came up with a plot to humiliate him. Together they pulled a variety of pranks on him from threatening prank calls, to actually planting drugs in his locker. The last one is what did it however. [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]The girls planted several bags of cocaine in his locker and when the Police were called and they found it Micky ran. He knew that they wouldn't believe him. Unfourtunatly his chase took him into a busy intersection where he was struck by a car and killed. The girls felt horrible but none spoke up. The worst part is he would've woken up a few days later, but they embalmed him, and buried him. It took him three weeks to recover from the embalming process, and another week of dying repetitively as he dig himself from his grave. Once he realized he was actually in possession of superpowers he decided to get a little payback. He stalked and terrified the girls who had caused his death. Unlike him however they immediately went for help. At first the rumors of the ghost of Micky were laughed off, but more sightings and even a few videos changed the opinion of the public. [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Thats when the academy found him. He was living in the streets, he tried to go home but his grief stricken mother simply couldn't believe he was alive again. He put up a bit of a scuffle with those who came to capture him, but they knew his capabilities better than he himself did. A bullet to the head ended killed him, and when he woke up he was in the facility. That was two years ago, since then he has gone about his life in much the same as his previous manner, being a bit of a horndog, and generally not Caring about much of anything. Though he has managed to avoid getting into to much trouble he has had several run ins with the guards, getting caught trying to sneak into the girls dorms and sneaking out of his own room late at night in an attempt to find cigarettes and booze. Most guards know him by first name basis and all are wise to his antics. [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Theme Song: Futuristic "Why not" [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Misc details: His power has actually served to make him lazy, why fight back when people can't hurt you? [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]hey there, how are you doing ladies." (Brace for epic failure) [/SIZE]



This is becoming a bit of a meme at this point, but I'm very sure that I can't make this any more clear if I tried.

Please, for the love of Cory, do not put pure OOC posts in the IC chat. It's gone from 'post I've quoted is just a few posts up' to

'post I've quoted is on the previous page'

It's not even like it's a rule specific to Starlight Academy, but a pretty much standard rule across every RP on the internet.

I'd like you to hide these messages so other players don't have to scrape through them just to find their last post. Thank you.
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This is becoming a bit of a meme at this point, but I'm very sure that I can't make this any more clear if I tried.

Please, for the love of Cory, do not put pure OOC posts in the IC chat. It's gone from 'post I've quoted is just a few posts up' to

'post I've quoted is on the previous page'

It's not even like it's a rule specific to Starlight Academy, but a pretty much standard rule across every RP on the internet.

I'd like you to hide these messages so other players don't have to scrape through them just to find their last post. Thank you.

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Name:[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Ella "Vampiress" Black and Kitty Black[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Age: (between 14 and 21) [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]17 both [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Appearance: [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]Ella and her basic outfits) [/SIZE]image.jpeg(Ella)image.jpeg(Ella's fire outfit) image.jpeg(Ella's Earth outfit)

image.jpeg(Kitty) image.jpeg(Kitty water outfit)image.jpeg(Kitty air outfit minus the arrow)

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Power/Skill:[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]Ella had the ability to control her own dark side to the point of making Kitty have her own appearance different from her own.. The problem is that both her and Kitty have elemental powers Ella's however are controlled by her mood. Her elements are fire and Earth her dark side's (Kitty's) is Water and Air Kitty's is controlled strictly by her violence as in anger... The angrier Kitty gets the more easier she cause a flood or tornado. Another thing that makes them able to control their powers is if they are separated as they both can monitor each other's emotions and mood simply through aura reading... Ella's is a fiery green and Kitty's is a wave looking white.[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Bio:[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]Ella was a nice, beautiful, smart girl with a passion for singing and dancing the problem is that in school she was constantly bullied and blamed for stupid things and home wasn't much safer. At home she was treated like a modern day Cinderella minus the ugly stepsisters and the happily ever after. As time went on Ella developed a dark side and at first was unable to control it when her parents found out they tried everything in their power to get rid of Kitty but little did they know that the shock therapy did worse for them then better. Shock therapy some how made it possible for Ella to gain control of kitty a little to much control one day her parents pushed her to far and the control over Kitty turned to wanting her to be out and the control slipped to far and Kitty came out with a different look then Ella her eyes were a light red and her hair was brunette but her's was in pigtails and she and Ella stared right at Ella's parents and Kitty nodded to Ella and Ella blasted her mother with fire and laughed as her mother burned to death then she threw an Earth brick and her fathers head and watched him bleed out then she and kitty ran having forgotten that their were cameras in the house soon Ella and Kitty were surrounded by cop cars they tried to resist but were apprehended and brought to jail they were just 16 at the time. A year later on their 17th birthday they were tested to be out in public and they passed or at least they thought they did. "You two are getting put in an all girls home." The cop said grabbing them both and walking outside the cop smirked as a black van appeared and the girls panicked. "Don't worry you'll be safe." He said but they had no belief in that and ran. "Get them!" The driver of the van yelled and soon the girls were followed by guards they ran and ran until they hit a dead end. "That was very naughty." One of the guards said. Three guards grabbed Kitty and placed a cloth over her mouth and as Kitty struggled the main guard injected Kitty with a sedative and as the sedative kicked in so did the chloroform Ella watched in horror as Kitty dropped to the ground out cold a mask placed over her to ensure she wwould stay asleep. "Your turn." The main guard says and the other three guards grabbed Ella and placed a cloth over her as well but Ella fought just like Kitty so the main guard injected Ella with a sedative as well just as the chloroform kicked in and Ella dropped a mask was placed over her as well and the two were brought to starlight with no memory of them being apprehended and brought there.[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(64, 224, 208)][SIZE= 20px]Theme Song:[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]Ella's is Darkside by Kelly Clarkson and Kitty's is Angel of Darkness[/SIZE]

this right? @Caffeine Freak
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