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Fandom [Casual] Starlight Academy OOC and CS chatroom

@Caffeine Freak @Nicholas Waldorth You know the Flash is the fastest man alive?
That's maybe why he can never keep a girl friend.

(( Note, wonder woman said this to the flash in the *Insert the name of the Tv show with the people...* No joke, on a kids TV SHow. Friend told me this... ))
I'm dead for next 12-24 hours, just drag Aaron along until I'm back. Hopefully by then I'll be able to start the next 'lesson'.



@arcaneSentinel Not sure if anyone's at the canteen right now actually. If nothing's happening there then feel free to stumble across me, Runic and Venom in the hallway.
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Tommy-Lee had played dead for a few minutes  watching the boy as he exited the room. 'So they kidnapped us... They're the good guys right? This must be jail.' Tommy-lee thought. He moved up quietly from his laying position in the cot, stretching his arms wide he looked to the Russian guard, moving slightly so he couldn't see him. 'Just follow that one kid... Easy enough.' He thought. He zoomed out of the room, knocking the cots in his area to the side as well as sending a gust of wind to the guard, Yuri. He skid to a stop as he looked into the cafeteria, leaning by the door. "Odd place to eat huh?" He said aloud, directed to the other boy in the room. It just seemed as if Tommy-lee appeared there like a teleporter, the soles of his shoes smoking as he stood. 

Just FYI, they have been in cryo sleep for the max of either 6 months - 50 years, just a little bit of help, not saying the post is bad but my character Elisa is just walking around? Just say you accidentally bump her while your running and we can start an interaction, tho it's your pick.

 @JPawesome Heya, currently @Caffeine Freak is doing IRL stuff and can't be here at the current moment, but make a character using this:

Full Name:

Age: (between 14 and 21)



Bio: (What your character's life was like before being captured, can include how they were captured)


Theme Song:

Misc details:

Follow these rules here:

2) Starlight Security guards are situated occasionally around the academy. They cannot be 'defeated' in a fight (see 'rules'). It's also worth noting Security Guards are equipped with Starlight, making them immune to supernatural powers (see 'things to keep in mind').

3) All posts should be four full lines long minimum, with less-than-occasional spelling and grammar mistakes. If it is obvious posts/CSs are lacking in detail, I will ask for them to be expanded upon.

4) You can have a maximum of two characters at a time.

5) No god modding, insulting other players, etc, etc. (basically, use common sense)

6) To prove that you've read and agree to the rules, please add a line of white invisible text (the text can be whatever you want, really) underneath your character sheet.

Some things to keep in mind:

• Starlight Security guards are intimidating, handpicked professionals, and are very good at what they do. A fight can be started with one, but it'll usually end with your character being dragged back to their dorm. (Guards are 'free characters' and you may control them in your post as you wish, so long as it doesn't break rule 2)

• Your character will have no recollection between their capture and waking up at Starlight. The method of entering/exiting the Academy is a well kept secret.

• Starlight, (the element the school is constructed with, and what staff use to protect themselves) is sort of like kryptonite for supernatural powers. It's not as much an important plot device as it is a barrier against god-modding.

• Headmaster Mason is the only non-free 'staff' character, and such can only be controlled by myself.

• Day/night timeskips still exist, even though we're underwater.


(This segment is updated frequently, so it pays to check back from time to time.)

Q: Can my character's power be that they're immune to Starlight?

A: Nah.

Q: Can my character have a backstory that involves Starlight Academy and they know all the entire layout of the facility and-

A: Nah.

Q: How come X has broken rule Y and they get away with it?

A: Chances are it's under reasonable conditions thus I have allowed it. If you suspect someone's broken a rule, please message me about it before openly accusing them.

Q: Can my character be an animal?

A: Nah.

Q: Can my character evenly match a security guard?

A: Nah.

Q: Aren't Security Guards kinda god-modded characters?

A: Yep.

Q: Do security guards have supernatural powers?

A: Nope. They rely solely on wit to overcome supernaturals. (that and their Starlight armor, naturally)

Q: What's the character power limit?

A: The limit of common sense. If your character's an OP human multi tool, probably not going to be accepted.

If in doubt, message me.

Q: How come you haven't replied to my CS yet?

A: Cuz I'm lazy. Message me if you suspect I've missed a post.

Q: How long have characters been in cryostasis?

A: Characters have been plucked from different times. Maximum fifty years (start of the Starlight program), minimum six months (end of the kidnapping phase). It's your choice how long your character has been frozen with the peas.

Q: Where is everything?

A: The dorms resemble a minuscule city - like blocks of flats - surrounding the canteen, which resembles a sort of town square. Classes are connected the the dorm hub via corridors. Confused? I'm not surprised. Message me if you're still unclear.

And tag him in your character post, this should do it, until he accepted your character, i hope to see you in the RP!
(Sure, void that post.) Tommy-Lee arose from the cot, six months of sleeping wasn't easy. His body ached, his back was sore, he was tired. He looked around the large room, a couple other cots filled by other people. 'Just be a prison.' He thought. 'BuT how'd I get captured?' He looked to the left of himself, someone was there. Someone was walking. It was weird. He managed to push himself out of the cot, dropping to the floor like a sardine. His legs were so tired, he must've ran a lot. He struggled up, a few drops later, standing up he was face to face to the big Russian guard. "Howdy." He said obviously exhausted. "You are falling, are you sure you are the okay?" The guard replied. "Where am I? That's what's important." "You are deep in Atlantic Ocean, this is school for super kids." The guard explained. Hmmm.. 'Super kids.' He thought for a moment. "Where's the hall? Never seen a school like this." He added. "Come closer to me, the door on my left is leading to the hall." Replied the guard. Tommy-Lee frowned. He crept over to the door, still thinking it was a prison, he had a short burst of speed speed as he left, tripping he fell into Elisa. Oh no. 'How, no, I tripped, it was an accident! ' Many thoughts went through his head as he sent Elisa to the floor, same with himself. He was on her(?).
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(Sure, void that post.) Tommy-Lee arose from the cot, six months of sleeping wasn't easy. His body ached, his back was sore, he was tired. He looked around the large room, a couple other cots filled by other people. 'Just be a prison.' He thought. 'BuT how'd I get captured?' He looked to the left of himself, someone was there. Someone was walking. It was weird. He managed to push himself out of the cot, dropping to the floor like a sardine. His legs were so tired, he must've ran a lot. He struggled up, a few drops later, standing up he was face to face to the big Russian guard. "Howdy." He said obviously exhausted. "You are falling, are you sure you are the okay?" The guard replied. "Where am I? That's what's important." "You are deep in Atlantic Ocean, this is school for super kids." The guard explained. Hmmm.. 'Super kids.' He thought for a moment. "Where's the hall? Never seen a school like this." He added. "Come closer to me, the door on my left is leading to the hall." Replied the guard. Tommy-Lee frowned. He crept over to the door, still thinking it was a prison, he had a short burst of speed speed as he left, tripping he fell into Elisa. Oh no. 'How, no, I tripped, it was an accident! ' Many thoughts went through his head as he sent Elisa to the floor, same with himself. He was on her(?).

Wrong chat brother
Full Name: Seryth Kelar

Age: 16



Power/Skill: Slow down and speed up the perception of time for herself

Bio: In the blinding light from inside the helicopter Seryth, code-name: Scythe, sat in silence thinking about her plan of attack. Suddenly the doors of the helicopter opened to her and she sat on the edge and buckled in. Once the helicopter reached the LZ she unbuckled herself and dropped out. She was in Central Africa equipped with the Brennan LRS-46 sniper rifle, the Uragan-5 pistol, and 3 flashbangs. She made her way towards her designated sniping point on foot. Her mission was simple, Get to the sniping point, eliminate the CFA officer, extract. But something was off, nobody was contacting her through radio communication during the mission. Once she reached the sniping point in the hills with plenty of grass for cover, she settled down and waited for her target to arrive for a meeting with Soviet officials. Why were Soviets making contact with the CFA? She didn't know, but she followed her orders. Her target arrived in a jeep with 3 other CFA soldiers wielding a variation of weapons, but mostly assault rifles. She looked through her scope and held her breath. She put pressure on the trigger, had her crosshairs on the target's head, she slowed down time, it was all in place.She just had to pull the trigger and get out. But she couldn't, her body wouldn't let her. Time sped up again, she felt her eyelids getting heavy, her limbs weak. She couldn't grasp her rifle anymore and it dropped to the ground. She felt something sharp in her arm, as she pulled it out, she looked behind her. Someone shot a tranquilizer dart in her arm, wearing a bandana and equipped with rescue equipment. She pulled out her pistol and right as she was about to shoot... she fell over and started to snore. 


Theme Song:


Misc details: Knows hand-to-hand combat including 3 variations of judo throws and counter CQC, knows how to use a variety of guns, follows through with any orders

I have read the rules of RPNation and will abide by them

@Caffeine Freak
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Full Name: Seryth Kelar

Age: 16


View attachment 174416

Power/Skill: Slow down and speed up the perception of time for herself

Bio: In the blinding light from inside the helicopter Seryth, code-name: Scythe, sat in silence thinking about her plan of attack. Suddenly the doors of the helicopter opened to her and she sat on the edge and buckled in. Once the helicopter reached the LZ she unbuckled herself and dropped out. She was in Central Africa equipped with the Brennan LRS-46 sniper rifle, the Uragan-5 pistol, and 3 flashbangs. She made her way towards her designated sniping point on foot. Her mission was simple, Get to the sniping point, eliminate the CFA officer, extract. But something was off, nobody was contacting her through radio communication during the mission. Once she reached the sniping point in the hills with plenty of grass for cover, she settled down and waited for her target to arrive for a meeting with Soviet officials. Why were Soviets making contact with the CFA? She didn't know, but she followed her orders. Her target arrived in a jeep with 3 other CFA soldiers wielding a variation of weapons, but mostly assault rifles. She looked through her scope and held her breath. She put pressure on the trigger, had her crosshairs on the target's head, she slowed down time, it was all in place.She just had to pull the trigger and get out. But she couldn't, her body wouldn't let her. Time sped up again, she felt her eyelids getting heavy, her limbs weak. She couldn't grasp her rifle anymore and it dropped to the ground. She felt something sharp in her arm, as she pulled it out, she looked behind her. Someone shot a tranquilizer dart in her arm, wearing a bandana and equipped with rescue equipment. She pulled out her pistol and right as she was about to shoot... she fell over and started to snore. 


Theme Song:


Misc details: Knows hand-to-hand combat including 3 variations of judo throws and counter CQC, knows how to use a variety of guns, follows through with any orders

I have read the rules of RPNation and will abide by them

@Caffeine Freak

@Caffeine Freak Poke
@JPawesome I'm back! And I'm pleased your CS avoids pretty much all nitpicks that come to mind.

Anyway, you're accepted - start posting at your own convenience!
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@Nicholas Waldorth

Quick OCD snap, I'd appreciate it if y'all would keep purely OOC posts in this page and just tag/quote the player instead of in the live roleplay. I know both the messages are like one line long but it would just help me sleep at night (maybe not that far) knowing everything's in order. Thanks!
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