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Fandom [Casual] Starlight Academy OOC and CS chatroom

[SIZE=11.5pt]Full Name: [/SIZE]Aurelion Huang Ani

[SIZE=11.5pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]Appearance:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]A young, immature boy with neck-length dark purple[SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]hair, golden eyes with reptilian irises, cream-colored skin, has pointy black ears and a long dragon tail[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]with glimmering stars attached on it[SIZE=11.5pt], has s[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]harp fangs and teeth[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]. He wears a baggy pants with a purple sash; a set of dark, hooded robes that reveals his abdomen, [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]the left part[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]of his torso and [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]both [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]his arms[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]are wrapped in bandages[SIZE=11.5pt]; wears a small, tattered short cape and a piece of long cloth wrapping around his waist; [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]more [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]bandages wrapping his feet and ankles; on his left shoulder there was a grey fur padding. His left arm and his feet have features of a dragon, with long black claws[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]bluish scales and blue energy veins coursing through them.  

[SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Breathes purple-colored fire, has special body mechanism that can generate extreme energy when enraged and chemistry elements. Stardust is one prime example. Can no longer create stars like he used to do.[/SIZE]

+ Can live in environments with no oxygen.

+ Unnatural fearlessness that gives him "supernatural courage".

+ Immunity to magic and high temperature.

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Supernatural strength, supernatural speed, supernatural reaction time, senses… Supernatural conditions in overall, but terribly weakened as of now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Unaided flight, levitation.[/SIZE]

+ Can light up himself at night.

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Prehensile tail capable of lifting many times more than his weight.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Supernatural martial artist with deadly kicks that could leave every bone in mortals’ body shattered. [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Ani himself utilizes a vicious style of martial arts, proposing best uses of his beastly strength and uncanny speed, with clawing moves and aerial take-downs to support his kicks. His natural ability to fly and levitate at will makes him extremely unpredictable in his moves as he could easily perform unbelievable feats that deny even the very laws of gravity with his fighting styles, such as a five-combo spinning kick in mid-air before landing gracefully. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]Bio: [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Born to dragons, Aurelion Huang Ani was a wanderer that traveled from places to places, that seek to improve his abilities to fight by challenging gifted creatures, strong opponents and martial artists. His actions were noticeable to the world because of the wreckage he left EVERY SINGLE TIME he finished challenging someone. He drank a little bit too much one day, and accidentally overslept. Then, he found himself inside an underwater facility, with no ideas of how to get out or why he ended up there. Additionally, the amount of alcohol he absorbed significantly weakened him for an undefined amount of time, so he got literally no chances to escape with his power nearly gone for all. [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]Theme Song:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]Chosen by the Moon

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]Misc details:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Ani likes to meditate, and usually practices to keep his skills sharp and his instincts honed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Ani is hot tempered, and could easily give in to his rage. He possesses unnatural courage, and would definitely take a risk without a second thought. He is also very prideful and possesses high self-esteem.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Ani likes to drink alcohol despite the fact that he was only 15. He also swears quite a lot.[/SIZE]

+ Ani dislikes the use of weapons, and states that "Weapon is for the weak". He occasionally overpowers most of his foes with brute strength. Despite this, he does have some sort of "strategic sense", crafting counter-measures to fight frequently. 

@Caffeine Freak

[SIZE=11.5pt]Full Name: [/SIZE]Aurelion Huang Ani

[SIZE=11.5pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]Appearance:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]A young, immature boy with neck-length dark purple[SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]hair, golden eyes with reptilian irises, cream-colored skin, has pointy black ears and a long dragon tail[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]with glimmering stars attached on it[SIZE=11.5pt], has s[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]harp fangs and teeth[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]. He wears a baggy pants with a purple sash; a set of dark, hooded robes that reveals his abdomen, [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]the left part[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]of his torso and [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]both [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]his arms[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]are wrapped in bandages[SIZE=11.5pt]; wears a small, tattered short cape and a piece of long cloth wrapping around his waist; [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]more [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]bandages wrapping his feet and ankles; on his left shoulder there was a grey fur padding. His left arm and his feet have features of a dragon, with long black claws[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]bluish scales and blue energy veins coursing through them.  

[SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Breathes purple-colored fire, has special body mechanism that can generate extreme energy when enraged and chemistry elements. Stardust is one prime example. Can no longer create stars like he used to do.[/SIZE]

+ Can live in environments with no oxygen.

+ Unnatural fearlessness that gives him "supernatural courage".

+ Immunity to magic and high temperature.

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Supernatural strength, supernatural speed, supernatural reaction time, senses… Supernatural conditions in overall, but terribly weakened as of now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Unaided flight, levitation.[/SIZE]

+ Can light up himself at night.

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Prehensile tail capable of lifting many times more than his weight.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Supernatural martial artist with deadly kicks that could leave every bone in mortals’ body shattered. [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Ani himself utilizes a vicious style of martial arts, proposing best uses of his beastly strength and uncanny speed, with clawing moves and aerial take-downs to support his kicks. His natural ability to fly and levitate at will makes him extremely unpredictable in his moves as he could easily perform unbelievable feats that deny even the very laws of gravity with his fighting styles, such as a five-combo spinning kick in mid-air before landing gracefully. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]Bio: [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Born to dragons, Aurelion Huang Ani was a wanderer that traveled from places to places, that seek to improve his abilities to fight by challenging gifted creatures, strong opponents and martial artists. His actions were noticeable to the world because of the wreckage he left EVERY SINGLE TIME he finished challenging someone. He drank a little bit too much one day, and accidentally overslept. Then, he found himself inside an underwater facility, with no ideas of how to get out or why he ended up there. Additionally, the amount of alcohol he absorbed significantly weakened him for an undefined amount of time, so he got literally no chances to escape with his power nearly gone for all. [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]Theme Song:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] [/SIZE]Chosen by the Moon

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]Misc details:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Ani likes to meditate, and usually practices to keep his skills sharp and his instincts honed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Ani is hot tempered, and could easily give in to his rage. He possesses unnatural courage, and would definitely take a risk without a second thought. He is also very prideful and possesses high self-esteem.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]+ Ani likes to drink alcohol despite the fact that he was only 15. He also swears quite a lot.[/SIZE]

+ Ani dislikes the use of weapons, and states that "Weapon is for the weak". He occasionally overpowers most of his foes with brute strength. Despite this, he does have some sort of "strategic sense", crafting counter-measures to fight frequently. 

@Caffeine Freak


Can see why it took a long time to get back to you...
[SIZE= 20px]Full Name: Nathan White[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Age: 17[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Appearance: 

[SIZE= 20px]Power/Skill: Nathan is able to see as well as commune with all lost spirits in this earthly realm. Although most spirits have been able to pass on to the "Other Side", the spirits that Nathan communicates with are those who have been unable to pass on. Due to these spirits' being stuck in the realm of the living, they are able to have different kinds of influences on the physical world. The influences can sometimes range from minor things such causing static to electronic devices to more major things like manipulating objects and even other people. Communing with these spirits can sometimes have negative effects on Nathan's health though. If he is communing with a more far gone spirit who has begun to lose a grip on the physical realm, it could cause ailments like migraines, bloody noses, and physical weakness. Nathan can also tie his own spirit with a lost spirit that he has been closely bonded with. By doing this, he shares the sense of the spirit which he has been bonded with. He hardly ever does this due to the strain it causes his mind and spirit, feeling both his own senses and those of the bonded spirit. Sometimes the bombardment of senses can be too much for Nathan to handle and if his spirit is bonded with another for too long, it could do as much as permanently damage both his mind and his soul.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Bio: Nathan has been an introverted individual ever since he was just a little kid. The only true friend that he has ever had is an older boy named Alexander. Alexander would always listen to Nathan and speak to him, even helping him with various things suck as homework when he was younger and even helping him through situations involving moral dilemmas. Alexander was Nathan's very best friend for years and years to come. Over the years, Nathan's parents began to be concerned with his well being and his obsession with Alexander. He was taken to a psychologist for a mental evaluation and found that there was nothing wrong with him. Afterward, his parents Decided that the best course of action would to let the "imaginary friend" phase pass on. Years later, Nathan still stood by Alexander day in and day out. Over time, Nathan had become the target of bullying in school. He didn't mind it very much as all it consisted of was mainly name-calling in the halls or in class. Eventually though, physical violence came into things. When a fight finally did preach out, Alexander took action to defend his friend. At this point, it became clear that Alexander was not just an imaginary friend. Without a second thought on the matter, the school and his parents contacted the Starlight Academy. Within the day, Nathan was taken away from his life to an unknown world.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Theme Song: [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Misc details: Nathan loves to play the guitar[/SIZE][SIZE= 20px] and Alexander always likes to listen[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]He also has a lucky pick that Alexander made him get from a store in the past[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Nathan tends not to socialize with others[/SIZE]

Well... Have you seen everyone else? We/They have human like characters, pure and true... Not fantasy dragons as you depict, but... "Human" As it would, i would change it to fit what the RP is going for, since we are in the 20 first century... Not 300 million years ago, but hey, i'm not you. And it's your creation, just someone saying stuff.
Well... Have you seen everyone else? We/They have human like characters, pure and true... Not fantasy dragons as you depict, but... "Human" As it would, i would change it to fit what the RP is going for, since we are in the 20 first century... Not 300 million years ago, but hey, i'm not you. And it's your creation, just someone saying stuff.

Hmm... I guess you have a point about that. How about a star dragon - human hybrid that traveled to this Earth from another Earth in the form of a comet? Sounds legit, huh?
Tag yourself: I'm Applejack.

It would've been much better if it had Ben a gif with a rumble effect.
Hmm... I guess you have a point about that. How about a star dragon - human hybrid that traveled to this Earth from another Earth in the form of a comet? Sounds legit, huh?

*Cough* Not really, i mean... You could have say a power which allows you to summon a dragon in the form of an element, say, a Fire hydra, i have a character in Fantasy Highschool which does said thing.

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