Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Rikarah's observations of the day have given her a good bit of insight into the others she will be staying with, she believes, at least on the parts of Castiel, Shira, and Terabithia. Natalia remains an enigma, but even she has revealed a softness and tolerance towards the child Terabithia that has been informative, as well as an intelligent and cunning mind in her hiding, her following of the woman with the purse, and other actions. It will certainly not be dull from the appearance of things.

When Shira goes off alone, after having encountered the odd young man that Rikarah had in her own mind labeled sardonically as Prince, she is somewhat concerned for her. The younger girl is clearly an innocent, thought not simple-minded, and her brother seems in no hurry to follow after her. Rikarah follows in the direction that she had last seen her take, coming up behind her near enough to see her retreating back after a few minutes. Because Shira is the least suspicious of those she has followed today, Rikarah decides to call out to her; moreover, if the girl does need protection, she will not have need to explain herself in retrospect.

"Shira," she calls, waving. "Hello."


It has been a few hours by now and Julian has made a little over fifteen dollars. Not great, but not terrible either, and the day is not over. Still, Julian decides to take a break, as much for his mind as for his fingers. Standing and placing his guitar in his case, the money inside his sock, he slings it over his shoulder and begins to circle around the park, his eyes averted from others's gazes.

His fourth turn leads him into an area which he quickly realizes is splattered with bullets and blood...clearly, someone has been killed here, and recently. Gangs? Cult sacrifice? No, they wouldn't use bullets, would they? Mass suicide, maybe...murder? ...Madison...

His grip on his guitar case loosening, Julian's face begins to drain of color, and his knees weaken, and he stumbles, just before dropping to the ground. Only about twenty feet from where he was standing his eyes saw but did not register two boys, one of them Asian in race, and a girl, but Julian was not consciously aware of them. He was on the verge of passing out.

Through his mind images flickered...his small hand, wrapped around the knife...the blade, glinting in the sunlight, as it lowered down...the toddler's scream, almost an infant's cry...his own face, distorted in the reflection of his eye...and Madison, Madison's smile, Madison's blue eyes shining...


Katarina is relieved when her sister begins to visibly calm herself, but her faltering voice, referring to the fire, is enough for her to need to step back, to look away again. She waits until she is fairly sure her voice will be steady before she answers her, unconsciously echoing Chris's swallow.

"Yeah...I guess...we should go back to the motel...check and see if Kyle is there yet."

But even as she goes to stand just behind Chris, glancing at Xander as they begin to walk to make sure he's coming, but looking away before he can analyze her eyes, she is thinking again of Cas, rejecting her, of the multiple times today she had failed to make money or come up with a decent idea of how to make money. It eats at her so badly, twisting and gnawing her insides with her sense of shame and failure, that she cannot wait until Chris is not around, as she had intended, to say it to Xander.

Leaning in close to him as they walked, her voice low but unable to conceal her upset, Katarina whispered, "I didn't get anything, not one f*cking dollar, Xander. I'm sorry...I'll go out again later, I'll do better. I swear."

She has to. She can't allow herself any other option, not with three other people depending on her.
Xander, as they begin to walk back to the motel, keeps an eye on Chris, walking in the middle of both of his sisters.

His mind wanders to Kyle, wondering how he did money wise today. He knew his little brother worked for a drug dealer, but as long as he was safe and didn't get directly involved, that was all that mattered. Plus, Kyle wouldn't listen to him if he told him to get a safer job.

When Katarina leans over, distress clearly in her tone as she quietens her voice, he frowns at her words. He reaches over and squeezes her hand reassuringly, "Kat, don't worry. You don't have to go out later." He could only imagine her way of making money later. If it was the same way she tried to get money earlier; he would rather she'd stay at the motel. To prove his point, he pulled the two fifty dollar notes out of his pocket and showed them to Katarina, whispering back to her, "Look, I got a hundred bucks today, some rich girl gave me a tip." And her number. He added afterwards in his head, no point in telling Kat that, he couldn't even think of having a relationship right now, let alone with a normal, un-homeless girl. "You can take fifty of it if you want."

He didn't show her the extra 50 bucks he got from other people. Xander had been secretly taking a third of his tips each day and hiding them away from his family. It wasn't that he was planning to keep it all for himself, he was infact trying to save up for a flat or a place for all of them to live, maybe even saving it incase another accident happened and they needed some money.
Katarina looked at the money in Xander's hand, then shoved his hand back down out of view, shaking her head. What was he thinking, pulling money out on the street like that? Was he TRYING to get mugged?

"Put that away, don't flash it around like that!" she said with some worry, glancing around them quickly to make sure no one was watching before she went on, still lowering her voice. It was a mark of how much this was bothering her that she would risk speaking in front of Chris, knowing that she had very good hearing and could very well be listening to every word.

"No, I'm not taking that, I didn't earn that, YOU did. She gave it to YOU. Nobody gives me shit, Xander, you saw that, I can't even get people to-" she cuts herself off, glancing at Chris again and biting her lip. The last thing she wants her little sister to know is the details of what she's been up to over the past couple of weeks. She tries again, amending her words.

"I can't get people to give me anything half the time. Xander, I have to make money too, you're not supposed to be providing for ME, I'm supposed to be providing for all of YOU. Even Kyle and Chris make more, and they're younger and Chris is..."

She glances at Chris and again swallows her words, faltering, "I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I try every day but I'm just not GOOD at anything, I just SUCK."

The words are almost angry, but carrying a despairing note as well that she cannot suppress. Katarina speeds up her pace, swallowing frequently as the motel comes into view in the distance. It is not until she had drawn closer that she sees the car parked in the weathered parking lot. Stopping, thoughts of her own failure are pushed back as she quickly turns back to Xander and Chris, calling out to them in a hushed voice.

"There's someone there."
Lionel walked with his friend. He enjoyed spending time with Jillian when the other wasn't working. Jillian reminded him of his sister in a way and although that hurt at times, it also made Lionel happy. He wanted to have someone he could depend on and Jillian seemed willing from the start. If Lionel was honest he had a bit of a crush on Jillian, but it was nothing more than a harmless one. Jillian was too old for him for one thing.

As they talked, the conversation went to where Lionel knew it would go. Lionel shrugged, not sure what he was going to do. He did want to finish his education and make something of himself, but he was afraid still.

"I promise you Jillian that I will talk to one of the adults about it, okay?"

With that taken care of they continued to walk. Eventually Lionel saw that they walked onto what must of been quite a scene. All Lionel saw at first was blood, but that was enough to cause him to jump backwards and turn away. He could almost here his sister's scream, see the blood pour out of her body, out of his dad's after he hurt him. A noise caused him to look over. Bullets were on the ground, shaking and moving and Lionel tried to calm down. He didn't want to hurt anyone.

He saw that they were not alone either. Another boy must of been here, but another seemed to have stumble upon the scene as well. Lionel rushed over to him, knowing that Jillian was going to yell at him later. He rushed over to the one on the ground and took him by the shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Surely he was not, but Lionel felt he had to say something.
Cas looked up to see two people head toward him. A boy and a . . . girl? No wait, it was faint but there was an adam's apple, so this was a boy. Still, if Cas hadn't been looking for one, he probably wouldn't have seen it at all. Going by clothing and hair color alone, most would've assumed this was a girl. But Cas had been trained by his father to look for tiny details back when he was still Adrian. He was no where as good as his father who could tell the minute details of someone's day by looking at their appearance, but he knew a little bit. The other boy was fairly young, probably the same age as Shira. His roundish face gave him a cute appeal and Cas had an urge to hug him like he did Terabithia but he swallowed it down.

The androgynous boy had called out to him, asking if he was okay. Cas wondered why for a second and then remembered that he was in the remains of a gang fight. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just looking for my sister." He watched as the younger boy ran in his direction, only to pass him and run to another boy that Cas hadn't even noticed until now. He could easily see why the kid was worried. By the looks of it, this new kid was obviously uncomfortable. The face he was making was somewhat familiar. It looked a little like Shira's when she had her chronic headaches. A bit curious and a bit concerned, Cas walked up to the boy as well.

Shira looked up at the sound of a familiar voice. It was Rikarah. She was a bit conflicted as to whether she should answer. Cas had told her to avoid Rikarah and Natalia but she didn't see anything wrong with them. After thinking about what to do for a minute, Shira decided that Rikarah didn't trigger any flags. "Hi." She waved back. Shira noted that the girl was still in her waitress uniform. "You just got off work?" She couldn't think of much else to say.
*Steven starting to feel the weight of the day catching up with him, turns to Kyle*

Steven: Look kid I'm beat and need some sleep so it's time for you to go inside. *Steven cringes a little as if he's in pain*

Kyle: Ok, I guess I should go..are you gonna come around again like you said and maybe help me? *Opens his door and gets out, at the same time Steven gets out and sees a group of people walking towards the motel*

Steven: Sure kid, I'll help you but first I have some unfinished business to take care of. *Finally able to make out a few of the faces coming towards us* I hope they're here for you.
Rikarah nods in reply to Shira's question, noting that she seems a bit more guarded than usual before addressing her. Maybe because she was alone, or because Castiel was not present; maybe because he had warned her not to speak with her when alone. Perhaps a combination of the three. Rikarah kept her expression light and friendly as she answered her.

"Yes, for today. I will go in again tomorrow. But this evening I have off. I was thinking of exploring my new home in the theater, perhaps sketching or painting if I find a subject of interest." She tilts her head slightly. "Is Castiel not with you?"


The words addressing Julian seem to come from a far off distance, not quite understandable, and he looks up slowly, his vision blurring and doubling before clearing out. There is a boy about his age gripping his shoulder, another approaching...the same boys he had noticed earlier. The girl is drawing closer as well, and as Julian becomes aware of what has just happened, that he has nearly fainted in full view of them all, he forgets his anxiety momentarily, embarrassment taking over instead. His formerly ashen face floods with color as he flinches away from the touch, shaking his head.

"I...yeah, I'm...okay."

He tries not to look down at the ground, at the bullets and blood...he tries not to remember them at all. He should be getting out of here...he should be leaving...but when Julian tries to stand again, he stumbles.


Katarina remains tense as she and her siblings slowly approach the motel, her eyes never wavering from the car in the distance, where she can make out the outline of two people inside. Automatically she steps in front of Chris, as though to protect her, as she looks at Xander again, seeking his opinion as to their next action to take.

"Chris, maybe you should stay back," she said finally. "Just in case..."

But after a few more seconds she recognizes Kyle and relaxes slightly, relieved, a small, fleeting smile twitching over her lips before she calls out to him.

"'s Kyle...Kyle!"

Turning her head back towards her siblings, she says with some obvious relief, "It's just Kyle."

With some guy, though...who's the other person? Katarina can't tell from a distance and smooths one sleeve down flatter over her wrist, tugging at its hem.
*Kyle reluctantly waves back at his sister and walks around the car and stands next to Steven who's now leaning against his car clutching his ribs*

Kyle: That's my sisters and my brother I wonder where they've been all this time, their usually home much eariler, come on you said you wanted to meet them before you would leave me here.

Steven: You know what I think I'll wait here till they get closer. *Can just barely make out a girl I'm hoping is Kat, cause she's the one I'd probably remember and she was pretty damn cute back in highschool for an underclassman.*
Cas was a bit relieved to see that the boy was okay or at least said he was okay. Still he was in disbelief. With the amount of pain he had on his face before, it wasn't likely that he was fine so quickly. Shira needed a few hours of rest each time she got one of her migraines. But he didn't want to say anything. As he studied this new boy's face, he wondered whether or not this kid was friend material. This kid was young, and like the other was probably the same age as Shira. He seemed harmless enough but then again Cas apparently wasn't the best at pinpointing characters. The fiasco with Katarina was more than enough proof of that. Still, he shouldn't give up just like that.

He looked at the kid's guitar. Cas had always wanted to play guitar but after trying to learn as a kid, it was revealed that he had no talent for it, or any musical instrument. Thank God he had barely enough rhythm to be able to dance. Shira was a good performer, but she had an unfair advantage. She was trained to perform since she was young.

Cas tried to catch the kid as he stumbles again. "You are obviously not okay." Shira could wait a bit longer. This kid needed help now. He looked around to spot a nearby park bench. "Kid, do you want to sit down?"

Shira shook her head at Rikarah's last question. "I don't know where Cas is." Her eyes were now downcast and a bit empty. "The theater has a lot of interesting places to explore. There's the catwalk and the area under the stage . . ." Shira was a bit interested by the fact that Rikarah could draw. She herself was more of a musical artist rather than a visual one. And Cas couldn't do much at all. She refrained from saying this because Cas probably didn't want people to know too much about him. She tried to think of something else to say but couldn't. It was as if her mind was blank. The air around her seemed to get colder as she tried harder to think of something to say.
At the second bit of physical contact from Cas catching him, Julian's eyes open wide, and he shivers involuntarily, his muscles tensing up. He is very much unused to being touched now, his skin overreacting to the feeling of another person voluntarily laying their hands on him. He cannot remember the last time that he touched someone, or that he let someone touch him, and today he has been touched twice.

He should pull away...he knows that. He shouldn't let people touch him, shouldn't let them be so close, for their sake as much as his own. But his legs feel weak, and as the boy tries to guide him to sit, Julian can't gain the strength to let him do anything else. Eyes downcast, he tries to control his breaths, saying slowly, "The-there's blood."


Rikarah frowned faintly as she studied Shira, hearing the odd flat quality to her voice, seeing the lack of life in her eyes that had been there only momentarily. It appeared to her that the lively younger girl had changed suddenly after having come in contact with the prince-like man...did Shira know him? Was she afraid of him?

Taking a step towards her, she slowly touched her shoulder, making sure that she could see the movement before she went through with it, and looked her in the eye. "Shira? Are you all right?"

If the girl continued to act oddly, Rikarah would see if she could enter her thoughts.


As they draw closer, Katarina squints her eyes. Something about the guy next to Kyle looks though she already knows him. It takes her a few moments before it clicks in her mind...Steven, Steven Aaron. He had gone to their high school, been a year or two ahead of her and Xander...and Katarina had always thought he was kind of attractive, in a semi bad boy sort of way.

Once she made the connection, she stopped short, spots of color coming into her cheeks with her sudden embarrassment and dismay. Grabbing Xander's wrist, she couldn't stop from whispering "Shit," under her breath. What else could possibly happen to add to her humiliation today?

How was she supposed to handle this little semi-reunion? It didn't matter that she didn't know Steven well, that they had never dated or hung out. It didn't matter that it had been a couple of years since she saw him. The point was, he had graduated high school, she had dropped out. He no doubt had an apartment or something similar, she was living in a motel with her siblings that didn't even have running water or electricity. He could do whatever he wanted with his life, and she was hiding from detection by social workers and her parents. He probably had a great job by now, and she couldn't even sell HERSELF.

Not to mention, she realized with a sudden shock, if Kyle had already run his mouth over what they were doing at the motel and why, Steven could get concerned and turn them in to the police and social services...and then what would happen to them? They'd be split up, they'd end up in people's foster homes that didn't know or care about them, and what about Kyle and his powers? How would Chris be okay without them? God, how would KATARINA be okay without them?

She just hopes as they come close enough to hold a conversation that Steven doesn't remember her or Xander.
The day has moved, a little quicker than he expected. Duck wasn't ready for making any money or talking to people, still. He looks at the sky and sighs, wondering if this really was the better choice. His arm starts to shiver a bit, not much from the cold, but from the thought of possibly staying at that place again he gives one hard blink and immediately starts setting up for his performance by sipply throwing a small box on the floor.

There weren't a lot of people in his area, usually it was a little bit more crowded, but he needed to start already. He does a quick singing excersise, and started on his first song: I'd Rather go Blind by Etta James, alterated into a male perspective of course. Duck was beginning to go through is performance high; this was when he started seeing everyone as a shadow, as if he were on stage, and would make him less nervous. It was hard for him to reach some notes in this weather, but Duck had altered a lot of songs to his range anyways.

He mostly attracted a crowd of older people, as usual, with the crowd of slighly younger adults. As he was finishing up, he saw at least two dollars and some change, and the usually the older crowd was slightly more generous. As he was getting ready to sing his next song, someone interupted with a request by this small old woman. He'd feel guilty if he declined, so he accepted since he knew the song-- Be my Baby by The Ronettes. This one was unaltered, though, since he hasn't sung it enough times.

After many songs and few requests, Duck was becoming exhausted. He took his bow and smiled, thanked everyone for their time, picked up his box, and retreated. Duck sat in a mildly secluded area counting the amount of money he made. He made a little over 24 dollars in a matter of a few hours. He was thankful for the older crowd at this time of day. Usually he'd barely make 15 dollars and even though today was a quieter day, the older people and requests helped him a bunch this time around.

Duck sat and contemplated what he would spend his money on today. He decided he'd save the 14 dollars for another day, and 10 dollars were more than enough for today. He was ready to set off towards either a cheap snack cart or McDonalds. He decided on the latter, since it was a bit meatier. His stomach started growling, but it wasn't for hunger. "Oh boy, why is this happening. The bathroom, the bathroom." He thought outloud, which helped him hold it in a little bit. The toilet was almost in the other side of the park, so Duck bolted, clenching his bottom.

When he finally made it and finished going to the bathroom, he went for a drink at the water fountain. He began to wonder why it felt like the park was starting to get more empty. Maybe something happened; toxic waste? zombies? trolls? He laughed at himself for how these things could possibly happen. Then he thought, what if the police were involved? He hated the thought of police arresting him, since he was warned once before. He took the quickest route to the street from his location.

On his way he managed to catch a glimse of Julian, who seemed to be crowded by a few people. Duck wasn't one to go up to people and insert himself into conversation, so he avoided Julian and company. He missed the scene around them, but something seemed off. His imagination went wild, and he was reminded of the hell-hole he was in before. He'd been bullied and taunted, and this made Duck stop in his tracks. So he went back to see if Julian was ok, except he'd be hiding behind a tree, so it wouldn't be obvious that he's sort of worried.

Once he arrived to the right spot, the area looked like a huge murder scene, which is something he's only heard of, and seen in movies. For some reason he didn't react like he should, but he sure felt afraid. His attention went to Julian and the those around him.
What did you get yourself involved with, idiot?! Duck thought, what is the use in saving the boy now, if people find him, he'd automatically be involved. So he bolted to the side, but tripped over a tiny fence that surrounded a bush that would've ran up to his waist.
Xander, is still thinking about Katarina's words earlier as they approach the motel. She's obviously not happy about not earning any money today, and she probably will try to get some money later in a way Xander will not appreciate. He didn't want to think of his twin sister selling herself.

He opened his mouth to reply to the whole money making problem, but then her hushed sentence made him tense up and his eyes darted to the car. He stepped forward, stopping Kat and Chris from moving forward as Kat talks more about Chris staying back. He nods to agree, "Yeah, just in case it's---" But then Kat is declaring it's Kyle, Kyle is with some other guy and his fists clench, speaking Katarina's thoughts, "Who's the other person?"

Then, he is finally able to make out the guy's face, and after a moment, his eyes widen.
"Is that Steven?" He asks his twin, looking to her and guessing by her face that it is. Steven had hung out with him and Kat a few times back in school, he could always tell the older guy felt something for his sister, but Xander hadn't disliked him, so it was alright.

"What is Kyle doing with Steven?" His eyes widen, "Sh*t, did he tell him anything?" Before Kat or Chris can answer this question - which of course they couldn't anyway - Xander has run up over to the two guys, "Hey Kyle!" He calls out just before he reaches them, allowing himself to glance at Steven before he looks back to Kyle, you can tell by his tense body language that he is feeling protective right now. Even though Kat was his twin and considered the same age as him, Xander still saw himself as the oldest of the siblings, he had to protect them. "You okay?" He asks his little brother, concern in his eyes.

He, like Katarina, is hoping that Steven won't recognize him. But of course if Steven recognizes Katarina, he'll recognize Xander too.
*Kyle looks up at Steven and tries to copy the way he's leaning so that he can appear cool*

Kyle: Oh hey Xander, what's up with you guys being out so late, I thought you would be back hours ago.

*He's only been back for 20 minutes himself but he's not gonna say that out loud. Steven is getting the feeling that Kyle isn't gonna tell anyone what happened tonight so he speaks up*

Steven: Look I don't have a lot of time here so I'm gonna cut to the chase, your brother almost got his ass shot off tonight, I suggest you keep a better eye on him, being out in a dangerous neighborhood at this time of night is not very smart!

*He doesn't know that Kyle was a spotter for Calico*

Kyle: I was gonna tell them in the morning, I just wanted everyone to get some sleep first, but I was gonna tell them.

*Steven now getting a good look at Kat and the memories start flooding his mind, once that happens he even remembers Xander*

Steven: Wait are you all living here? What happened to you?
Katarina's eyes widen at Steven's abrupt statement, and she moves to stand closer to him, taking him by the shoulder and giving him a slight shaking as she looks him straight on in the face. "Are you serious? Kyle, where were you, what were you doing?"

Just the thought of Kyle almost being hurt, maybe even almost killed, is enough to really shake her up...what would she do if he was hurt too, like Chris? What would she do if he got killed, if one day he never came home, and she never even knew what would happen to him?

"Kyle, maybe you shouldn't go out alone anymore," she started, glancing back towards Xander and Chris as though to seek their opinions. "Maybe..."

But when Steven speaks up Katarina's eyes shift to him quickly, and she half turns towards him, biting the inside of her cheeks. Shit, he DID recognize them...and had already guessed they were living what?! God, this was humiliating...not to mention possibly dangerous. What if they had to give this place up...where would they find another place where they could all stay with BEDS?

"Nothing," she said sharply, her eyes narrowed. "Why are you hanging out with a fourteen-year-old?"
*Kyle starting to feel guilty for being there in the first place, after all he hated working for Calico but he needed to get money for them, he had no clue they would shoot in his direction and not care if they hit and killed him.*

Kyle: Kat no it's not like that he saved my life, he blocked the bullets from hitting me and Calico and his gang were shooting. *shit why did he say that part out loud*

Steven: First of all I don't hang out with fourteen-year old boys, he was in trouble I stepped in then gave him a ride home and no need to get snappy with me about living here. I'm pretty sure you're better off then I am, so no worries ok, seems like shit is bad all over. Katarina DeSanto, damn it's been 2 years, you look good..ummm despite your current situation, which must mean you're Xander, two bad you didn't get your sister's looks. *Grins at Xander*
"Blocked the bullets from hitting you...what?" Katarina's head swivelled towards Steven again, blinking, before she looks back at Kyle, uncomprehending. "Someone was shooting at...CALICO shot at you?! But, don't you work for him?! Don't-"

She stopped herself abruptly, glancing again towards Steven, and immediately was sorry for what she had started to say. Shit, couldn't she keep her big mouth shut for one second? How could she start to say anything at all about their personal lives, the things they were into now, with a guy she barely knew anymore standing there?

She closed one hand tight around her wrist, squeezing subtly as she rephrased.

"How did he block the bullets? What are you talking about...Kyle, are you okay?"

But then Steven's words, or rather, his flattery, distract her, and she finds herself looking up at him more closely, not to assess his thoughts or attitude this time, but rather his physical appearance. he thinks she looks good...really?

Katarina is flattered in spite of herself and tries not to smile. After the rejection from Cas earlier, and her inability to earn money today, having someone affirm that she is attractive is something she very much feels she needs.
(Rikarah can try but Shira under hypnosis is pretty much only shallow thoughts and complete silence.)

Cas looked at the blood stains on the ground. They were fairly small stains compared to the puddles he had witnessed before, but to a kid who wasn't a police officer's kid it was probably a lot. He turned back to the kid. "It's only another gang shooting. I don't think anyone's dead so you don't have to worry." He felt bad for the boy. Judging by his appearance and the fact that he was here instead of school made Cas guess that he had to be homeless. If he had been simply skipping school, he wouldn't have just come to the park, at least not alone. There should be a few friends with him. Still, this was only a guess. And right now this kid was scared or at least appeared to be.

Putting on the biggest smile he could, Cas beamed at the boy. "Look, there's nothing to be scared of now. This was just the product of a bunch of idiots playing cowboys and indians." To help calm him down, Cas picked up a few small rocks off theground. He stepped back and began to juggle them, a skill he was still improving on. It went flawlessly for a while as the stones danced through the air. But after a minute, one of the rocks hit Cas' forehead and he dropped them all. "Ow," he said while rubbing his head. "Hopefully that won't leave a scar. I need this face to survive." He then began laughing. He needed a lot more practice.

Shira subconsciously slapped Rikarah's hand away as it neared. She looked up and quietly muttered an apology. She continued to sit there and think for a bit. Her mind didn't have many locks or walls. It didn't need any. She didn't have any secrets worth keeping, though that didn't mean that she didn't like to keep any. It was only small things like her "job" and the money jar under the bed. But neither of these came to mind. At the time, her mind seemed completely blank. She only replayed the happenings of the day in her head. She thought of meeting her new "family" that morning, of the dirty streets of New York, of the girl who apparently tried to get with her princess of a brother, and of the guy she bumped into earlier. He seemed nice.

As she tried to dig deeper for something to say to Rikarah but found that when she tried, she started to getting a headache. The pain subsided when she simply gave up trying. As she sat there thinking of nothing in particular, Cas' voice suddenly appeared in her mind. She stood up. "I should probably go home," she said in a monotone voice.
*The moment of kindness is brief, when Steven hears Kyle works for Calico, turning to face him with fury in his voice*


*Kyle who was starting to relax and even start to consider Steven someone to look up to is stunned and scared, just like before his powers start to surface*

Kyle: I'm sorry don't hurt me, I don't do anything I just stand around and look for police, don't be mad at me I'm sorry!

*Steven seeing what he's doing to Kyle, his eyes glowing red his hands becoming hot as flames begin to flicker off them. Steven quickly grabs Kyle's hands and kneels down so that they're eye to eye*

Steven: Kyle calm yourself, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you, just breath with me and calm yourself, come on look at my eyes and breath, push all that back down and relax, come on kid I'm here with you and we can control this.

*Strangely enough Kyle reacts to Steven's words and follows his instructions slowly his powers start to shut down, he looks down at his hands and for the first time in a long time smiles and laughs freely*

Kyle: I did it! I controlled it like you said and I was able to control it! KAT, XANDER! DID YOU SEE ME I CONTROLLED IT!

Steven: Yeah see it was easy once you just take a minute and breath...Look kid I'm sorry I yelled but you have to know Calico is an evil man you saw that tonight for yourself if you promise not to go around him again I'll help you with your power. *Looks up at Kat and Xander* I'm sorry that was wrong of me yelling like that, you just don't know what Calico took from me but I don't need to take that out on a 14 year old kid.
Only another gang shooting...only? Was that supposed to make him feel reassured?

Julian watched the Asian boy with some apprehension, his brow creased in confusion at his almost jolly manner as the boy joked and laughed, then began to juggle. Clearly he was trying to distract him, to make him smile...but why? Why did the boy care?

His lips twitched when the rock hit the boy's head, and he ducked his face slightly, trying not to laugh or smile, afraid of what the others would think. Just then he heard the sound of something crashing nearby and the rustle of branches, and as he looked up, his heart leaping to his throat, he saw a boy sprawled out over a bush, having tripped several feet away. Clearing his throat, he called out hesitantly, "Are...are you okay?"


Rikarah blinks as Shira slaps her away, not having expected that. Had she misread the girl's personality, or was she currently experiencing something more serious than Rikarah had thought?

Frowning faintly, she attempted to enter the girl's mind, gently prying at the outer membrane, then putting forth more effort when it did not yield. But she is perplexed to see nothing beyond surface thoughts that seem to be shallow memories of her day, and then nothing more...what is going on? Something is definitely up, because it does not seem that Shira is shielding her mind consciously.

When Shira speaks up at last, Rikarah withdraws her efforts, taking in a deep breath and rubbing at her forehead before standing with her. She will have to think on this, try her. Something seems very wrong about this.

"I will walk you," she says, leaving no room for argument. "We will be safer this way."


Katarina is startled when Steven begins to yell at Kyle, actually taking a step back and letting her eyes flick between them both at their rapid exchange. Steven knows about Calico...and knows who Calico is? Steven knows about powers like Does that mean...

She gasps when Kyle's hands begin to blaze, immediately starting forward to try to help him, but then Steven is there, showing no alarm or fear, or even surprise...and as she watches, Steven actually succeeds in what none of the rest of them have been able to do...helping Kyle control his power. Katarina blinks, disbelieving, then glances back at Xander and Chris, eyes wide...had he really just done that?

"Wow, Kyle, that's great...good job," she says to him, giving him a quick but genuine smile, but then it is only Kyle she has eyes for as she takes a step forward, nearly brushing herself against him. If he can help Kyle...and he thinks she's pretty...

She can't screw this one up...she has to make him like her. She has to keep him around, keep him wanting to come back. This one is too important to let go.
Xander's eyes widened as Steven says Kyle almost got shot. "What? By who?" But then Calico's name is mentioned, and the next few moments seem to rush into a few seconds.

Steven freaks out, Kyle starts to blaze, then Steven has stopped him. STEVEN. Xander felt an unfamilar emotion come over him at the thought that STEVEN, Steven who Kyle barely knew! Was able to stop his powers, and yet Xander, his own big brother. Can't.

He falls silent as they carry on talking, as Katarina talks, then she moves a bit closer to Steven and his guard instantly shoots up. She's going to try and sell herself again. He keeps half an eye on Steven and Katarina as he looks to Kyle, genuinely happy, "Well done Kyle!" He steps a bit closer to his little brother, feeling overprotective now.

"Yeah Steven, I guess you should be going now though, unless you want to help Kyle." He says this a bit more snappily than he should, feeling protective of his three siblings and slightly threatened by Steven's clear superiority.

(Oooooo, I think someone's feeling threatenedddd xD )
If Jillian was one who got angry easily, he might have yelled at Lionel for just running over to a stranger when they came upon this. He was glad though that both boys seemed to be okay and not dangerous. Or at least didn't appear to be involved in whatever might have happened here.

Gang fight? That didn't sound good at all and Jillian walked over to Lionel, giving him a look. "Be careful. Who knows if any of them are still around," he warned. He looked at Cas and Julian and shifted a bit, then walked over to them.

"Hey, relax. Whatever happened, it's done now. You'll be okay." He looked at Julian frowning. What was he doing out at this time? He was tempted to ask, but then what about Lionel? He was a kid too and Jillian was seen walking over with him. Maybe some questions could wait until later.

"It sucks we all stumbled upon this scene though."


Chris was silent again as they walked, trying not to listen to her siblings, even though she could hear them perfectly fine. Without her sight, her hearing opened right up to compensate for her lost. Besides her power, her hearing was just a lot better like most blind people. Her other senses heighten a little, but hearing was the biggest change. Well her powers did go off the sense of touch mostly, so maybe that was the biggest change after all.

She heard things going wrong. Steven? The name sounded familiar but she couldn't be sure without a face or him confirming he knew her. He certainly knew her siblings, but he said nothing about her and Chris was fine with that. She'd rather be ignore. But it sounded like trouble. Chris moved a little ahead as if she might go and try and defend or comfort Kyle after what had happened today, but when she felt the warmth of the fire, she immediately moved backwards, choking down any sound that might escape her mouth.

When she heard and felt it go out, she felt better. She was actually happy for her younger brother. His power was not easy to have and the better control he had over it, the better it would be for him - and everyone else.

Chris felt ashamed by her fear though. No matter how long it had been, the presence of fire unnerved her. She felt it would probably be that way for some time, though she worried if she was now afraid of fire in general. She didn't know.
What the heck!? How?! I'm screwed! Duck tried to recover, but it seemed so awkward with people watching. "I-I'm fine. I didn't see any--thing!" He said finally out of the grasps of that sneaky bush. "Uh-- Julian?" He felt a bit awkward saying because he rarely called people by their proper first name. "What are you... doing?" He kept his eyes to the trees, opposite of where Julian was, since he felt that boy was sort of dangerous, now, and the guy with him was unfamiliar and the other... person, he couldn't really recognize them either. The other kid was worried for, what sort of mixture could this have been. It was as though his entire life was just a comedy act, leading towards this frightening situation.

Many scenerios went through Duck's mind as he was standing there. Initiation, incarceration, torture, death. What could these people do to him, but he took a look around, and looked away once more. How could he have done any of this...? Or those two. I don't know about the older asian guy. Ahh, we just got caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Duck heard a lot of stories of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lots of dead people, or people getting shot or beat up. When he was with robert, he was with the wrong person, so he ended up here. Shoot, I can't die right now! Duck started shaking, tears whelling up, he felt himself ready to grovel for his life.
Katarina notices the strange look on Xander's face out the corner of her eye and turns her head slightly towards him, just to check what he was thinking. He didn't think Steven was a danger, did he? STEVEN? Not when he had just helped Kyle?

No, it looks almost like jealousy in Xander's expression, which Katarina, not being able to explain to herself, shrugs off. Maybe she's reading it wrong...what would he possibly have to be jealous about?

She takes a step closer to Steven, now actually brushing him as she smiles up at him, laying a hand on his upper arm. "That was really cool what you just did for Kyle...we've all been trying for weeks and none of us could do that for him. You must have learned QUITE a lot since high've definitely shaped up on the outside."

She looks him up and down obviously, just in case he doesn't get it. Screw Xander and the others watching...


Despite the reassuring words from the other boys- and the girl, too, of course- Julian is no less shaken. He takes in a slow breath, briefly closing his eyes, his stomach roiling as he tries to force back the visualizations of blood still strongly present in his mind. They could be in danger....he might have to move to somewhere else tonight, somewhere he could be safe.

But where would that be? Did such a place exist in all the world?

"M-maybe we should go..." he started, just before the boy who had tripped stood again, calling Julian's name. Julian blinked, his head jerking up, but then relaxed very slightly when he recognized him...Duck. And Duck, based on his trembling frame, the tears standing in his eyes, looked very frightened.

"I'm n-not...Duck,'s okay," he attempted to reassure him, though his own voice shook. "Let's just...l-let's just go, okay? I'm going to go."

He stood then, relieved when his legs held him steady.
Cas looked in the same direction as the Julian. He saw another boy who had fallen over a small fence. He simply looked at him. The other boy had already asked if the one on the ground was all right so there was no need to raise his voice as well. How did he not hear anything though? The boy couldn't have fallen silently. Maybe it happened when the rock had hit Cas.

He raised an eyebrow at the latest boy's comment. He didn't see anything? Then he started laughing. "Kid, you act as if you walked in on parents doing it." He was tearing up at the eye and his stomach started hurting. "Don't worry. We're not having a forbidden love fest here." He covered his mouth to stifle the laughter. "I'd at least choose somewhere more . . . romantic." Cas stopped as he heard Julian talking about leaving. "Kid, the name's Cas. And you should be more careful in this city. As you can see, even a trip to the park isn't as innocent as it used to be." He motioned to the bullets and blood.

Shira looked at Rikarah and thought about what option she should take. "Okay." It couldn't hurt to just walk home with her. She began walking in the direction of the old theater, her steps slow but steady. She memorized the way home about half a year ago. These filthy streets were already something she had become used to, boring and routine. As she passed by an alleyway, a hand reached out and grabbed her.

A small knife was pressed to her neck and her wrists were held tightly behind her back. Still, she didn't scream nor did she show any sign of fear on her face. There seemed to be no life or emotion on her face. The assaulter was a man, maybe in his late twenties. His face showed fatigue: dark circles under his eyes and stubble on his chin. His hand was firm and he had an evil glint in his eye. "If you want to keep that face of yours, I suggest you give me all your money." He took another look at Shira and Rikarah and a creepy smile formed on his face. "Or you could help me with . . . other things." He chuckled to himself. Shira noticed how putrid his breath was. There was a strong alcohol scent.
Jillian was quiet as he saw that they had run across someone else. It seemed that two of them knew each other - Julian and Duck were apparently their names, though Duck was a weird one - and that made Jillian feel a little better.

He hit Cas over the head at his comment.

"Hey there are kids with us. Watch your mouth," he said with a frown, but then he turned back to Julian and Duck. "Hey like I said, it happened before you got here. It'll be okay. And I do think we should all go. This probably isn't a good place to be at this moment."

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