Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Liselle looked around as if she expected someone to come by. She almost stopped a few people but then she looked back at the boy.

"Well I hope you do well. I got some time. Do you have a watch?" Liselle doubted that but she had to ask. She felt a bit weird talking to him, but it was weirder to just not talk to any of the others. She felt a bit lonely too if she was being honest with herself. She missed her family, her parents though they fought a lot and Lys too. Lys... Was she talking to Julian because she missed him? The boy couldn't replace her brother, no one could, but still.

"But I might listen to you for a while," she admitted. "I like listening to you play."


Chris shook her head at her brother's first words but then listened silently as he spoke on about his plans. He was right. They had been through a lot of shit, more than most kids could have handle. Chris knew she handled it badly and she was still doing it, but she didn't want to think on that. It would only make her feel worse and Xander was trying to make her feel better.

She wasn't sure about his plans. The jobs part didn't sound too impossible. She thought it might be possible for him to get a good job, especially once over eighteen. Maybe Kat would get one too or something. But Chris was unsure of what her own future held. She didn't think anyone would hire her. Finding a job being blind would not be easy. Schooling would be hard too. And Chris doubted anyone would want her. Her beauty was marred and she was difficult to be around.

"I know," she said to Xander's last words and this time she hugged him tighter, meaning it. Her walls slipped down and she let herself be comforted in that moment. She needed it sometimes.
*I start to calm down, not wanting to appear to be a complete crybaby but failing at that* I just wish I had someone to teach me how to control this, maybe then we could go home if I could do that. I just don't know what to do. *Suddenly my phone rings, I know right away who it is cause he's the only person with this number, Calico is what he wants everyone to call him, he's the drug dealer I work as a lookout for. I take out the phone and answer it* Hello..yes I'm on my way. *Hangs up* I have to go to work. *everyone can hear the disgust in my voice when I say that, but we need the money, looking up at Kat* Don't worry I'll be ok, I have to meet Calico downtown before he gets mad.
As Julian continues to tune his guitar, his hands callused and chapped from the daily exposure to the cold, he continued to avoid looking at Liselle for more than a second or two at a time. After another minute or two he determines that this is as good as it will get today and begins to warm up, still avoiding her eyes. Only a few others are out an about Central Park this hour, mostly early morning joggers and a few people walking dogs, and none pay attention to him. But this is just something for him to do, not an expectation of money at this hour. For now, he is just trying to keep his thoughts on something other than the cold, the growling in his stomach, and any memories beyond the next note.

He blushes at her compliment, his head jerking up, and bites his lip, his hand stumbling along the strings. No matter how sincere someone sounds, he always has a difficult time accepting compliments, accepting that someone might see him as okay, even good, at anything.

“Th-thanks,” he stutters, then shakes his head. “No, I…no watch.”


Rikarah smiles back at the child, reaching out to lightly touch a lock of her hair.

"Your mother was correct, Terabithia, your hair is special, very lovely. My hair is boring, I would enjoy having hair like yours."

She notes Natalia's discomfort with the younger girl's prattle, her attempt to deter her, and is pleased in spite of herself when the child denies Natalia's request in favor of spending time with Rikarah. Already the child seems to trust her, though it appears that her trust is nothing needing to be earned- she talks easily and openly enough with no prodding. But if Terabithia were to trust Rikarah, perhaps she could entice the others to as well.

Not that Rikarah truly needs anyone to trust her. It is not as if she plans to get close to any of them. But that does not mean they will not be useful to her, or that she can't enjoy their company.

"My name is Rikarah...Ri-kare-uh," she tells Terabithia with a smile. "But you can call me Rika. Terabithia, Natalia is right, why don't you pick your room with her? I have to be leaving for work soon, but I will see you this evening."


When the phone rings and Kyle pulls away, Katarina listens, crossing her arms, as he has a brief conversation with the person on the other line. When he turns and addresses her, she looks him over quickly. He looks a little better- not outright bawling, anyway- but she is still concerned. Is he REALLY okay...what if the second he's out of sight, he really does do something to hurt himself?

Kind of like what she's itching to do right this second?

"Be careful, Kyle," she says finally, exhaling, and though her forehead is creased, a part of her is relieved he's going, that maybe he'll have something to take his mind off things...maybe. Not to mention, it gives her a chance to get away herself, to be able to get away from the suffocating misery of this room, of everyone's emotions.

Sometimes that helped...sometimes it didn't.

"We'll meet at Papa John's around 4, okay?"

She doesn't wait for an answer. Instead she gives Kyle a quick half hug again, then heads for the door even before he can hug her back, beating him to it. She has to get out of this place. With every second the air seems too much, too thick, her own suppressed feelings and concerns too heavy...if she doesn't get out of here, out where she can breathe, she could cry, she could choke, she could do something that she never wants any of them to see.

Seeing Xander and Christina a distance from her as she exits, Katarina quickly turns to the opposite way and loops around behind the motel, taking in shallow breaths as she leans against the brick wall, her eyes turned up. It's beyond stupid...what is her problem, anyway? It's Kyle who's having it hard right now, Kyle and Christina....Alice. For god's sake, her little brother wants to kill himself, her sister will never be the same, never even be able to have a normal life...and Alice had no life at all...none of them could. And nothing she did could make it better for them, not really. Shit, she was lucky if she could come up with twenty dollars a day.

How she had gone from worrying over Kyle and Christina to feeling inadequate for her own self was always a mystery to Katarina, but somehow, she always seemed to manage. Then came the familiar cycle of self-loathing for somehow turning this back around to herself...what the HELL was her problem?

It was always at this point that the her limbs began to itch to the point of almost burning, nearly a physical pain, until she could stand it no longer. She knew it was crazy. She knew it was selfish and stupid, that it solved nothing. But still, Katarina could rarely resist it when it got that far along without a distraction.

Rolling up one sleeve, she quickly rubbed her outer arm rapidly against the roughened brick edge of the motel's corner windowsill, until the skin was scraped raw. Only then did she begin to refocus, to feel that she could breathe.

How could something this stupid be what made her feel in control?
Terabithia beams up at Rikarah, "Okay, I'll call you Rika then." At the mention of work, Terabithia glances to Natalia then Rikarah again, "You work too? What's your job? Me and Natalia are act...actresses." She seems pleased when she gets the big word out correctly, but Natalia seems less than pleased at the moment.

Natalia glares lightly at Terabithia, did she know how to keep ANYTHING a secret? "Seriously Abi. Let's go now." She gives Rikarah a skeptical look, not trusting the girl in the slightest. Although she's being nice to Terabithia, just the way she speaks and looks at her seems a bit off. Natalia doesn't like it one bit. She's looking at Terabithia more like she's just there to amuse her, entertain her, and she speaks so formally despite Terabithia's young age.

Terabithia frowned up at Natalia, "Fine..." She then ran off around the corner with the excited yell of, "I'm picking the room!!!" Natalia looked to Rikarah, her eyes narrowed slightly before she moves forward to go after Terabithia.

(She can stop her if she wishes to)

Xander smiled lightly as he felt Chris fully accept the hug, even returning it tightly. They hugged like that for a while, until they both finally pulled out of the hug, he still looked at her though, "I'm gonna go to the park and see if I can get some guitar money for lunch, do you wanna come with me?" He asked carefully, hoping she wouldn't be sensitive because of her scars, he still thought she looked as pretty as ever.
(why would she? Lol)

"I am a waitress and an artist," Rikarah tells Terabithia, not mentioning that she's also a vigilante on the side. That actually made her the majority of her money, stealing from those she killed, but there was no reason for the girl to know that, obviously. "Perhaps if you come in where I work sometimes, I could give you hot chocolate for free. But you would not be able to tell I did so. And perhaps one day you can pose for a painting for me. You would be an interesting subject."

As Terabithia tears down the hall, Rikarah watches her briefly, mentally noting the motions of her small body, the way her long hair streams behind her. She is certain that she could capture the vividness of the child if she were given the chance, and perhaps she could get a decent price for it.

She sees that Natalia is still watching her, her expression more suspicious than ever, and speaks to her lightly before she goes. "You do not trust me, Natalia. That is wise. I do not trust you either. But that does not mean we cannot be civil, and I am open to the possibility of trust in the future. I am also aware that it is earned, however."

Turning back towards her room, Rikarah begins to make space for her belongings, removing some from her backpack and hiding them as she sees fit before changing into her waitress uniform. It is almost a mile's walk to her workplace, but she is used to that. As she walks outside of the theater, she happens to look up, spying Shira on the roof. She smiles and waves briefly before continuing on her way.


Inspecting her arm carefully, rubbing one thumb lightly over the skin, Katarina begins to think about her plan for the day. She knows she sucks at stealing, she knows she sucks at spanging, and as much as she's tried, she can't get a job. Today will be another day of dumpster diving and trying to ask for odd jobs, wishing she had some kind of talent, ANY talent. Today will be trying to meet the eyes of any men who even glance her way, of going into bars hoping someone will notice her, someone who might be willing to give her money, or someone she could try to take money off of. Someone who might even decide they like her.

Fat chance when she kept doing stuff like she'd done less than two minutes ago. What guy would find THAT attractive?

Why was it that it had been a few months now and she still couldn't see to find her place, her talent, even just a steady sort of job. Chris spanged, Kyle did something with some drug circle, Xander did whatever it was he did...and they all made more than her. Granted, they didn't make much, but they made money. Katarina sometimes made less than ten dollars a day.

She had to get her act together. She was the freakin' oldest, other than was she supposed to expect anyone else to be better if she was worst than them all?

Shoving down her sleeve, hiding her hands in her pockets, she began to walk away, head lowered, eyeing where Xander and Chris remained in the distance. Where was she going for today?
The night was long, the hours dragged, and even though Violet had been working through the bitter cold instead of attempting to sleep in it for awhile now, it was still a shift her head hadn't quite gotten used to. But if anything, Violet was a survivor and she did her damnest to push through her own groggy thoughts and to act as if she could keep doing this forever. Hell, if she didn't she could lose this job, and there weren't many places willing to hire someone so young, even with the fake ID that dark haired boy had one day literally thrown into her hands with a working of not saying where it came from, even if that precious card said she was seventeen, she was still a minor. Which is why she got it in good at this place, being paid under the table, and hell managing to get the late night shift. It kept her warm and fed during the night. It kept her alive. Perhaps that was why she felt too guilty to steal food from the place, her own code of honor and not wanting to hurt the ones that helped her in ways that she would never tell them.

A coat two sizes too big was wrapped around her slender frame as she made way outside into the morning, even now in the starting daylight the wind had a way of cutting through your skin, chilling to your bone. And to think last night would have been worse. The thought sent a shudder down Violet's spine and she found herself wrapping the coat around her person tighter, as if that could keep the cold at bay. Violet would make way downtown, it was quite a walk to the place where she stuck up 'residence' but she figured the further away, the easier to keep her secret. Reaching central park her ears would take notice of a guitar. Was Julian playing this early? Or perhaps... her eyes widened, there were new people in her hideaway? Sure the park wasn't exactly the best place to be, but if you could climb a tree and stay out of sight, it wouldn't be all that odd being caught, and not like you could get arrested for breaking in and entering. Soon enough she would see him and another... Lisa, no but her name was a variation of that. Either way she wasn't about to say her name and get scolded for saying it wrong. So she would approach with a yawn and smile and sit on the edge of the bench, giving a small wave in hello, always admiring the abilities and skills of others, guitar was no exception.
(Sorry for my really bad typing! trying to get this all out through my tablet, since I can't use my laptop atm. ><)

Laying on the grimy concrete, his body bare and the feeling of lonliness and betrayl sinking, Duck finally decided to sit up and pull on his clothes. Tears were welling up in his eyes. He wasn't going back, and it was better that Robert was gone now, the one who manipulated him to this faraway place. He stood up pulling up his pants, everything about him suddenly lacked expression. "Robert..." He cursed his name. His life was already falling apart, and he didn't want to live in a home where there were demons like that around him. The tears rained down and he began walking, though it hurt to do such.

The first few people he ran into didn't pay him any mind, and somehow he ended up in a crowd of people. He felt his heart clench up, and tried moved out as soon as possible, then he got squeezed in front of what would be his new home. He wouldn't decide this until after a few nights pass, and that there was the only place he could sleep-- which he did for those past nights.


The large stone hills that are as cold as ice, but inconspicous enough to lay on. Duck wasn't one to be very picky when it came to sleeping or eating, but this was still something that was hard to get used to. Squirrels and mice seem to roam around the bushes sometimes during the night, rustling through the surrounding brush constantly waking him up. Crickets were the worst, but it was getting colder, so they were gone weeks ago. Though Duck managed to have both a jacket and coat, the rest of his body still felt the cold nights of (upcoming?) autumn.

He kept waking up during the night, but decided this time he wasn't going back to sleep. It was too much of hassle at the moment, and he'll find a better sleeping spot later in the day. Duck decided this was a good time for a walk; maybe a good time for him to talk to his mother, though she is not alive today. He looked at the pre-lit sky and tried his best to find the moon. The park was always so bright, being in the middle of the city that it was sometime hard to find the moon, but it was overhead tonight, visible enough.

It's a little cold, tonight, mom. Life feels a little bit better though, I'm not as scared as I should be. Not as scared as when I first got taken away... Sorry, you probably didn't want to hear that.

Julian's guitar strumming finally caught his attention, thought it was very faint through everything else, it was still recognizable. Sometimes Duck forgot that there were other kids around, rather he didn't want to be around anyone else really. He didn't feel too bad about Julian, though. He was easy on the ears, but Duck still didn't want to get to close to the boy. The other two girls seemed nice, but hard to talk to, or maybe Duck was one that was hard to talk to.

He just remembered he was 'talking' to his mom. "Mom! Sorry!" He'd forgotten to use his inside voice. He felt a little embarassed about it, yet barely anyone was around. He felt his face heat up, and his body get tense, then began to hum. He'd hum whenever his nerves got the best of him. It would usually be old soulful songs that came to mind, such as Etta James, The Temptations, or even Lauryn Hill. These were songs he and his mom would often spend time listening to while they prepared meals. For the moment, The Temptations won the song selection. His nerves subsided.

Once he got to the middle of the song, someone who seemed to be walking their dog sang the one part everyone knew, "My girl, my girl, my girl~" and Duck came to an abrubt stop. He wasn't ready for any interaction at the moment, dashed away from the person.
As Violet approaches, sitting on the edge of a nearby bench and giving him a small wave, Julian's semi-embarrassment at the attention grows. It was fairly rare for people, other than Liselle, Violet, and Duck, of course, to stop and listen to him play for more than a few minutes at a time, and he always felt added pressure if someone did, as though he were expected to measure up to their standards of expectation. He knew that he had some skill, that he could play a song by ear as well as read music properly, but Julian had a low opinion of his own abilities, and played only because he could think of nothing better for himself to do.

He could still vividly remember Madison's face, back when he was first teaching himself to play, the way her rosebud lips had twisted into a sneer as she mocked him. "Going to play us a little showtune, Julie? How about "When You're Good to Mama?"

Somehow, even at ten years old, even before Julian himself was sure, Madison had always known he was gay. And often she had taken the opportunity to mock him mercilessly. It was rare for her to call him Julian when alone or around only other children, not when the nickname Julie would so much more ripe with humiliating possibility.

Thinking of Madison, picturing her small face drawn into a leer, Julian's fingers stumble on the strings, and he quickly finishes the song less smoothly than before. One thing about having the others watch him, they weren't paying customers, and yet it made him look good to have them watch, like he was better than he actually was...drawing a crowd. It had helped before for others to notice and pay.

"Hey," he muttered to Violet, giving her a quick smile that was more of a twitch of the lips. "Um, how, how are you?"


Katarina wonders vaguely as she walks away if any of her siblings will come after her, but she doubts it. Xander has enough to deal with, between Chris and Kyle, and with Kyle heading out now for his job- the job Katarina doesn't have- they'll probably get moving soon too. It's time for her to be looking for a job herself, but what? To wash cars, you have to have work anything with a legitimate paycheck, you have to have an ID and parental permission, as well as legitimate permanent address and phone number. Doing odd jobs got her by sometimes, but not too many people were eager to hire a teenage girl for that kind of thing. Of course, she could always sell drugs, or herself, and she was willing to do so, if it came down to that...but if there was another way, any other way, she preferred to take it. Sometimes she wondered if that was part of her problem, that she was just looking around so much for a different kind of job that she was refusing to accept that those were the only two she was good for on a regular basis.

As she turned towards Central Park, intending to see if there was anyone around who might hire her for something, she saw out the corner of her eye a boy around her age, a hoodie pulled up over his head, slouched on a bench. There was a flatness to his expression, a deadness to his eyes that drew her interest towards him automatically...she herself, however she might wish for it, could never bring that lack of feeling into her life. Katarina finds herself glancing towards him as she starts to pass him, slowing her steps...should she approach?
*I walk towards Calico who's leaning against one of his cars with a bunch of his soldiers as I step up to him my hands into my pockets with my hood over my head*

Calico: Hey there he is and as usual on time. I like you little man I like people that take pride in their work and show up on time. See see being the dependable will get you far in this world.

Kyle: Umm yeah, so what do you need me to do this time?

Calico: And straight to business to I swear little man if you where Chinese I'd jump you in right now, make you a Triad yeah yeah you be one of us, you be my family and nobody ever mess with my family yeah yeah..But you ain't Chinese you to white bread but hey maybe in your next life. *He and his gang start laughing, this being a running joke with them teasing with the idea of us white boys becoming one of them knowing we could never do that* So listen we gonna go send those MS King fools a lesson down at the park tonight around 2 am, they like to go there and party thinking they running shit, so we gonna roll on them fools and plant some of them. I need you and the other white meat to watch 5th street and Marcus street for cops since those are the only to streets leading to the park, that way we can take our time and get all them fools. And I tell you what if this goes well I'll slip you and extra 20 into your pocket.

Kyle: 2am? I don't know Calico if I can be out there that late.

*Calico jumps up and looks at me very pissed*

Calico: WHAT YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T BE OUT THAT LATE? YOU GOT A BED TIME OR SOMETHING? Look you be there and do your job or I'll come find that pretty sister of yours...What's her name again Kat isn't that what you call her, yeah I'll come and get my time and money that I put in you out of her fine ass!

Kyle: No no! I mean I'll be there don't worry, just don't hurt my sister I'll be there.

Calico: Good now get your white bread ass out of my sight!

*I back away then once I'm a few feet away I leave and head home*
Raekel woke up and stared up at the ceiling. She blinked as the sun broke through the broken window, sighing deeply.

She looked around and saw that she had rolled off the bed. It didn't really matter though to her. The bed wasn't really that comfortable and sometimes it kept her up. The floor wasn't that bad. A bit comfortable than the bed at time. But she was pretty cold on the floor. Shivering she sat up and stretched, resisting a yawn.

The young thief slowly got up and stretched some more. She threw the blanket that she was previous wrapped in onto the bed. She would probably sleep on the floor again tonight. Maybe if she got enough money a new mattress was in order. She scoffed at the idea though. Like she would be able to get enough. Well she possibly could. She hadn't stolen something nice in a while and while it was not easy selling some of the items, especially the nicer, more expensive items, she thought she could find someone.

Raekel finished dressing, looking at herself in the mirror frowning. She looked like crap. She grabbed her cigarettes off the nightstand and lit one, breathing deeply. As she blew the smoke out, Raekel felt a little better. She knew she was slowly killing herself with the smokes, but Raekel was at a point in her life she no longer cared. No one cared about her anymore and she was slowly beginning to not care either. And a slow death by cigarette? Well it was better than nothing. Besides with the way she lived, the young girl felt she was going to get herself killed eventually anyways.

With that lovely positive thought, Raekel slipped out of the house. It was an abandoned house, falling down, but not that bad, that Raekel had luckily run across. It was in a poor part of the town and so few people cared to do anything about it. It was not the best place but it was home to her. Still she made sure no one saw her come and go. She didn't want to deal with questions or someone checking it out.

Raekel made her way down the street, smoking still and ignoring most of the people. She wasn't sure where she was headed at the moment, but she thought to check out some of the places she looked at before. Maybe stop by her usual convenience store stop to grab some breakfast. She passed by the park, hearing someone playing the guitar. She looked over to see some teens and scoffed again, moving on.

After a while she came to the store and went inside.
Shira, upon seeing Rikarah, gave a small wave and watched the waitress leave. She probably had a job, not many people would walk around in a waitress outfit without having to. She sat on the roof with her knees brought up to her chest. Cas was always the one who brought home the money they needed to survive. Sometimes Shira played violin or sung for tips, but it wasn't often. Still, she did okay. She was able to hide the money away in a jar under her bed where Cas couldn't see it. She had about forty something dollars saved up for a rainy day. She'd probably would've had more but Shira always had a weakness for sweets. The pale haired girl sighed. It was boring to just wait for Cas to come back home. And it was safe to leave the theater in the hands of Blue and Terabithia, right? What sort of trouble could they get in on the first day? (This is not a challenge.)

Extremely bored, Shira jumped off the roof and began heading toward downtown, hoping for a bit of excitement to come her way. It was a bit hard for her to believe that Cas and her had been in New York for a year and a half now, but she had yet to see all the violence and action she thought were part of everyday life in this city. At the very least, she should've made at least one friend in this place. She was pretty enough for a friend at least. But then again, she had been told that her personality left much to be desired . . . Screw this! And she continued her way down the street.

Cas walked out of the pawn shop pocketing a fistful of cash. He had been able to pawn off a digital camera he stole from a department store on the far side of town. he thought about how much easier this had gotten for him since he had first started. At first, it seemed near impossible for him to catch all the security cameras in the store, or predict the shop keeper's gaze, or even hide it on his body without it falling out as he stepped through the exit. Now, his skill wasn't perfect but it worked more times than not. And it gave im just enough money to get Shira and him the necessities. Cas chuckled to himself. If only his father, the police chief, could see him now. A thief now harboring a murderer.

As he strolled downtown, he passed by a shop window. In the display was an amazing jacket. Cas' very soul seemed to crave it. But alas, there wasn't enough money in the budget for it. Maybe "Adrian" could ask his dad to buy it for him, but Cas didn't have that luxury. He stopped admiring the design when he noticed a girl right behind it. She was staring at him with a flushed face and her hand over her mouth. She then went away giggling. From her perspective, it looked like Cas was staring at her. He took a look at his reflection in the glass and smiled. Of course he was handsome, with a pretty Asian face courtesy of his Chinese father. Still he couldn't help but laugh at the girl's reaction. Lately, he didn't feel that hot and today was a well needed confidence booster. He walked down to who knows where with a light skip to his step. He had a few hours to waste until he had to go back to the theater.
Liselle nodded and moved a little on her heels, not sure what to say next. She looked around trying to locate someone she could get the time from. She knew it was still early, but she didn't want to be late. Again. That would not be pleasant.

She looked at Julian and opened her mouth to say something when she noticed more people arriving. She shifted and shrugged. She didn't want to go but she moved a little away from the growing group.

"I am sure you'll do well Julian," she told him, nodding at the other two park residents. "Probably have a better day than me."


Jillian looked at the young boy and smiled at him.

"You best eat all your oatmeal," he told the younger boy with a smile. "You're a growing boy." Jillian finished his own and looked at Lionel as if waiting for him to get done as well. He had time before work and he thought to spend some time with him. He knew Lionel needed a friend here, he was young, and he had put himself in that position.

"So how are things? Do you plan to go back to school or find some way to learn?"


Chris thought about it. She rarely went out expect to beg for money or food. But maybe it would do her some good. She felt like she needed some air.

"Sure," she said. She touched her burns and nodded. "That sounds like a good idea."

Lionel stared down at the floor and then up to Jillian's face. No he really didn't want to eat the oatmeal. He was hungry and it wasn't that bad, but he just wished for...something else.

Lionel choked down the breakfast knowing he might not be able to get something better for a good chunk of the day. He looked back at Jillian and shrugged.

"I don't want to go back to my school and it'd be difficult to go to another school. My family..." Lionel trailed off not sure what to say. He was afraid if he went back to school somehow his parents would be able to find him. They weren't dead and he knew that if he reappeared it would only cause problems. How he was able to do well now without being hunted down amazed him enough. He wouldn't let himself think that maybe his parents didn't want to find him.

"Maybe someone here at the shelter can help me out," Lionel said. It sounded like a good back-up plan. Lionel finished and nodded at Jillian. "Let's go for a walk."
Cas continued walking until he hit Central Park. He looked up at the colored leaves in the trees. The reds and golds made them look as if they were on fire. He shivered as he remembered the colors reminded him of the warmth that wasn't present. Still, it was beautiful. Shira's favorite season was winter, with the falling snow covering the land like lace. But Cas had always loved fall the best. The colors that painted a sunset all around the clock had always mesmerized him. Of course, it was prettier in New England but it was still nice here. He couldn't remove the smile from his face.

He shoved his hands into his pockets and began strolling through the park. Up ahead, he spotted a few people. Not many would come to a park when it was so cold but there were some, like him, who'd come anyway. His eyes fell upon a girl who was walking as well. She was near another boy sitting on a bench. Perhaps she was meeting him? The girl seemed a bit hesitant to approach the boy. Cas continued to get lost in his thoughts as he walked forward. And unable to watch where he was going, he bumped into someone or something and fell flat on his face. After his nose impacted the ground, he sat back up and checked whether or not his nose was injured. It wasn't. He looked around to see if he had tripped over a tree or a person.
"I don't know," Julian said, his voice quiet, his cheeks still slightly flushed, and he hoped that people would think this was due to the cold chill of the air rather than embarrassment on his part. Every time he received even a implication of a compliment, he felt almost as if it were wrong, as if he were somehow stealing something from someone more deserving, or perhaps as if he were somehow lying about who he was.

Each day when Violet or Duck or Liselle or any one of the others spoke to him with courtesy, looking him in the eye and being friendly towards him, treating him as if he deserved respect, as if he had some talent and skill, Julian squirmed inside, torn between two conflicting but equally strong forerunning emotions. On one hand, he felt a need for this approval, for someone to indicate that he was worth existing, that maybe it was okay that he continued to live and breathe and take up space in the world. He liked that he was liked, however generically. But on the other hand…what if they knew the truth about him and what he had done? What if they knew that his own family couldn’t accept him, even before they knew the worst of who he was and what they had done…when they never knew at all? What if they knew that he was a coward, that he was so weak he had let a younger child, a female child, have control of him?

What if they ever found out that he was a murderer?

Just thinking about it made Julian’s hands start to shake, and he ended the song quickly, taking in a slow breath, avoiding the eyes of the small crowd gathered about him. It was ironic that given how badly he felt when in the spotlight, when receiving praise, that performance was his main way of earning money.


Katarina was still walking very slowly, frequently glancing back at the boy on the park bench. She hoped that he would notice her, that he would approach her, or make some gesture of being interested. He was attractive enough, in a dark, brooding sort of way...maybe…

Just then there was a fast movement to her left, slightly behind her, and Katarina turned, half expecting it to be the boy. But no, there is another boy, a small Asian whose age she cannot determine- mainly because he has just faceplanted and is lying in the dirt. Her eyes widening slightly, Katarina turns back to him and goes to him, squatting beside him with some concern.

“Jeez, you okay?” she asks, and after a moment’s hesitation, puts a hand on his arm.

He looks young, and he wouldn’t normally be her first choice…but someone practically falling at her feet might be a sign.


Rikarah clocks in at the diner exactly thirty seconds before her shift is to begin. She has developed a rhythm of sorts for this, not arriving any later or earlier than she absolutely has to. It is the morning shift, and only moderately busy as she begins the small daily tasks of making coffee, sweeping and wiping counters and table tops, making sure that napkin dispensers, ketchup and syrup bottles, and the like are full and ready for the busier times of the day.

There are only two others working at this hour with her, and they are mostly silent. Rikarah allows her thoughts to wander, thinking briefly about her new housemates. They all seem so interesting to her, and she wishes to unravel their mystery, though Terabithia will clearly have no mystery about her, and likely will not allow for Natalia to have mystery either before the day is out. Castiel and Shira though…

As Rikarah continues her small tasks, she finds herself hoping that something or someone interesting will come into the diner today as well.

(was thinking, any villains (Dreams’s, or Calico) or any other more “bad” or “twisted” of the characters, feel free to come around Rikarah or drop by, or even encounter her after work, could get interesting)
Once Terabithia and Natalia had agreed on a room - ending up picking the other dressing room of course - they headed for Downtown. Natalia thinking Shira was still at the theatre as she grabbed Terabithia's coat.

They didn't walk together, Natalia far enough behind Terabithia for it to look as if they were both alone, not together. Natalia's eyes scanning the crowd for potential suckers while Terabithia skipped innocently infront of her, looking down at the ground as she went, looking for any pretty flowers or insects. Natalia spotted the perfect victim walking past a local diner. (^.^) They were a middle-aged lady with their purse sticking out of their backpack, they looked pretty rich - which was a good sign for Natalia. Natalia walked a little faster, bumping past Abi, she looked back and they caught eyes before Natalia looked to the lady and back at Abi, a look so quick that it wasn't even noticed by others. She then hurried away over to the magazine stall.

Terabithia paused, looking around the crowd as if she had lost something before her eyes turned big and watery, pouting slightly as she called out, "Sissy!? Sissy where are you?!?" She then looked at the woman who Natalia had shown her, before running over and grabbing the sleeve of the lady, tugging on it as she looked up at her with tearful innocent eyes, "Excuse me miss, but I can't find my sister! Have you seen her?" Abi spoke with a slight lisp. The woman looked down at her, slightly startled before she instantly fell for the baby blue eyes and became entranced by the innocence of Abi. "Aww darling, I'll help you find her, what does she look like?" Abi sniffled slightly, rubbing her nose with her sleeve, "Sh-She has blue ey-eyes like me. And, and she has brown hair and---" Abi carried on talking to the woman, adding in a sniffle here and a bit of a sob there.

Meanwhile, Natalia had grabbed a magazine from stand nearby and looked over at the pair, she 'focused' on reading the magazine, seeming engrossed in it as she walked past the two chattering people, her hand sneaking out from underneath Abi's coat - which she was still holding - and grabbing the woman's purse before she slipped it underneath the coat and hid it in the pocket. She bumped into the woman when doing so and looked up distractedly as the woman turned to her, "Oh sorry--" "SISSY!!" Terabithia stopped her crying and flung herself at Natalia, hugging her legs, "I found you!" Natalia looked down as Terabithia looked back at the woman, "Thank you!!! You helped me find my sister!" Natalia sighed, hugging her back, "Thia, I told you to stay with Mum!" "But she was looking at boring stuff!" Natalia rolled her eyes and looked up at the woman, "Thank you." She then lead Abi away, leaving behind the unsuspecting purse-less woman.

"How much did we get Blue?" They were sitting side by side in a cut off, isolated alleyway, Abi swinging her legs as she munched on the chips they had brought. "Woh. This lady was loaded. She's got four hundred bucks in here." Abi's eyes widened, "Is that enough money to buy a house Blue?" Natalia chuckled, "Nope, not yet Abi."
(Too bad Shira doesn't get twisted until Christmas or whenever that hypnotism wears off. I still need someone to play with Shira. And as for Max, I was hoping tohold on his appearance until Thanksgiving.)

Cas stood up and brushed the dirt off his clothes. He then looked at the owner of the voice that had asked him if he was okay. It was a girl, possibly only a year or two older than him. He smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks. I didn't trip you as well, did I?"

He checked the ground to make sure he didn't drop any money. He was safe. It would suck to lose the money Shira and him needed to get by. His eyes went back to the girl. She seemed nice. Well of course she was nice if she asked if he was okay, duh. He studied her. She wasn't breathtakingly beautiful, at least not to Cas. Her blue eyes were nice. But the piercings were kind of turning him off. Still, she was pretty.

Though it'd be nice to have a friend in this city, and she did seem like a normal girl. But then again, Cas knew better than anyone that looks were deceiving. His mind was in a conflict as to whether he should try to befriend this girl. In the end, the side that wanted another friend won. He smiled and held out his hand to her. "Hi. My name is Cas." He'd still need to be wary though, as he did with pretty much everyone.
(No Xander, Jo? lol)

Katarina smiles to herself, her heart squeezing slightly with hope as the boy- Cas, he had called himself- offers her hand. Now that he's standing up she can see that he is indeed approximately her age, as she had thought at first glance, and he looks friendly enough. It's a little strange that he's in the park, at this time in the morning, when he's so young...obviously he either dropped out of school or is play hooky, but then who is she to judge? When is the last time she went to school, or even cared about going? Katarina had been seriously considering dropping out even before the fire.

She flinched inwardly as her thoughts turned once more to that, and her lips thinned briefly before she returned Cas's smile, then took his hand, shaking it but then holding it afterwards without releasing it, squeezing lightly. She shifted herself a step closer to him, almost brushing her body with his.

"I'm Katarina. Kat, mostly," she said in response. "I'm klutzy like that too, you wouldn't believe the bruises I give myself all the time."

The statement is entirely true, but not at all in the way that she is implying. Of course, there's no reason for him to know that...THAT would definitely not endear herself towards him.

(sorry, Jo, somehow I missed the part about it being in front of the diner...)

A movement outside caught Rikarah's notice, and she looked up, then moved closer to fiddle with items on a table near the window. The two girls she had met earlier, Natalia and Terabithia, are walking past the diner, a middle-aged woman with a backpack and purse several feet ahead of them. They seem to be focused on her, watching her...perhaps even following her.

Rikarah watches them until they pass, wondering what they were doing. Following her, of course...but for a reason personal to her, or simply to steal? Stealing, would be her guess. Rikarah is hardly against stealing, but she does wonder if the woman has done something to deserve it.

She frowns thoughtfully as she goes to refresh a customer's coffee. Perhaps she will later do a little spying of her own.
(Didn't see Legendless's post xD Sorry If I skip a bit, just wanna get to the park)

Xander grinned as she accepted his offer, "Yay! To the park!" He was worried there for a moment that she would say no, not wanting to go out because of her burns, but since she had said yes, Xander grabbed her by the hand and they left for the park, Xander made sure to grab his guitar before they left.

Once they got there, Xander looked around, noticing the boy who was always here with HIS guitar. He gave him a nod before carrying on, heading over to the opposite area in order to give the boy some space. Just because he needed to survive doesn't mean Xander was a lime-light hogging Jerk.

Checking Chris was still with him, he sat down in his usual spot, looking up at her as he got his guitar out, "Feel free to wander if you want." He began to tune his guitar, strumming it lightly as he set the case down, open for people to throw tips into.

( Aw, did Rikarah not see Abi and Natalia's performance? D: )
Cas' smile lessened a bit at Katarina. She . . . wasn't letting go of his hand. And she was getting a bit too close for comfort. But it was probably his imagination. After all, he's been away from people for a while now so he's probably misjudging the distance. Plus, she seemed really friendly. Creepy people can't be friendly, right?

"That isn't good, Katarina. A girl should always be careful to preserve her beauty. What if you get scarred when you trip and hit a rock or something?" He thought of the brand on Shira's leg. It was a permanent reminder of who she really was or rather who she used to be. It was something he wished just disappeared. He turned his attention back to Katarina and smiled. "You should really work harder to protect yourself. What are you going to do when you bruise that pretty face of yours?"
Preserve her beauty...her pretty face? Did he really think that she was pretty, even beautiful...HER?

In spite of her incredulity, Katarina is pleased, and she smiles before she can stop herself, her eyes brightening. Suddenly Cas looks even more attractive, and she is that much more determined and hopeful that she can win him over. The issue of money or other material goods from him is still a possibility in the back of her mind, but even more prominently is the possibility that he might actually like her...that he might find her attractive.

She can't screw this one up.

"Some of us have our scars on the outside, some of them have them on the inside, some of them have both...what's the difference?" she asks, and she does lean her shoulder into his now, still holding his hand, her index finger now lightly stroking over the back of his hand as she meets Cas's eyes. "Scars tell an interesting story...I think they're sexy."

She lets her eyes drift over him briefly before adding, "I bet you have some stories to tell."
Cas felt a shiver up his spine as Katarina stroked his hand. This was getting a bit awkward. But he was probably paranoid over nothing. He'd seen friends hug as a greeting before. This was probably the same thing. Nothing to be worried about. Still, he had this growing fear in the pit of his stomach.

He thought about what Katarina said about scars. "Both are very bad and very permanent, but with scars only on the inside, you have a chance to move on. You can try to forget as will the people around you. But with a physical scar, it's a constant reminder of things you do not wish to remember." He then raised an eyebrow. "On a man, a scar could be seen as attractive, maybe even sexy. But I'm not so sure it works the same way on a girl. It's kind of like the difference between a barbie doll and a GI Joe."

He stiffened as Katarina mentioned stories. He certainly did have quite a tale but not one he wanted to tell. "I-I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have any scars or interesting stories to tell. Just a boring one I'm afraid."

(One more strike and she's out. xD )
Physical scars, a reminder of things people don't wish to remember? Well, that was definitely true most of the time...Katarina could barely stand to look at Christina and the scars on her face, to know where they had come from and what they symbolized. She hated to see any of the scars her siblings bore, to remember them in connection to her parents' fists or household items, used as makeshift weapons. And yet, somehow her own scars seemed different to her...a battle she had won, proof of control she had for herself...almost punishment earned for herself.

But Cas said that scars were not sexy on girls...did that mean he would think she wasn't attractive any more, if he saw hers?

Instinctively she pushed her free wrist against her waist, making sure her jacket was lowered over her arm all the way before she tried again, not yet moving away from Cas.

"Barbie doll and GI Joe, huh?" she asked, still smiling, though slightly more strained now. "I can't say that I look much like a Barbie, if that's your preference, but I probably have qualities that can make up for that....and I bet you're wrong. I find you pretty fascinating,myself."

Just to make sure he gets the hint, she leans closer, wrapping an arm around his waist, and lets her hand slowly stroke up his side.
Violet would watch on some as Julian played, but her eyes would end up closing as he played. She was envious of his skill and ability, just that he had something he could turn to, but at least she didn’t let that stop her from enjoying the smooth notes, abiet she couldn’t help but notice there was something a bit off to them this time. Perhaps she might have asked him of it if they were friends, if there had been something on his mind. But Violet was anything but a forward person, and refused to say something that may insult or anger someone if she could help it or stop her mouth from speaking before her mind thought it out.

The song would end and Violet would open her eyes some, sure her body was worn but with her mind racing sleep would not come any time soon, no matter how much she may need it. A simple word would come from Julian’s lips and she would look up in surprise, he was talking to her? She could feel anxiety build up some in her gut but did her best to push it away, Julian was a nice boy from what she could tell, he wouldn’t try to mess with her. At seeing his attempted smile and knowing full well how often she made such smiles of her own, the girl couldn’t help but to think he was somewhat like her, and on top of that reaching out to her, of all people.

A wide grin would spread across her face, only to realize how foolish she must look at such a reaction and try to tone it down, but unable to make her face lie unless in dire situations the foolish grin would remain. “Sore and tired some from my… job” she would reply nervously, and hesitantly, it could be bad if someone discovered she was working, they could threaten her employment if they so desired. If the diner found out she was a homeless youth with a fake ID, they would be most inclined to fire her. Then it was back to barely getting by and having to spend all nights out in the cold. So it was best to not speak much of it, even to one she thought was kind. “W-what about you?” she would ask, her nerves as always getting the best of her.
*As he was told Kyle reported to the corner he was assigned to watch out for the cops, he leaned against a stop sign and waited but it wasn't long till he saw the headlights of Calico's cars zooming by him and moving into the park. In the distance he can see a bunch of people sitting on the picnic tables blasting loud music, drinking and doing what he assumes is drugs. As Calico and his gang pull up behind them and leave their cars, Kyle watches what happens there was no warning not a word said they just open fire on all 30 members of the rival gang mowing them down while Calico stands there and laughs, mocking them as they try to run from the gun fire.

When they're done shooting Calico takes his time inspecting the carnage he even takes a moment to pick up a beer from their cooler and drink it. As he brings the bottle to his lips it's suddenly shattered, Kyle ducks as he hears the crack of a rifle firing from the roof above him, then quickly followed by 7 more shots which hit 7 of Calico's gang dropping them instantly, somehow the remaining gang members figure out what direction the shots came from and open fire on the entire area ignoring the fact that Kyle is there curled up in a ball hoping that he won't get hit, when he's suddenly grabbed and covered up he can hear the thunk of bullets hitting whatever is covering him, slowly he uncovers his head and looks up to see what has him in his grips and see the face cringes as the bullets hit him in the back.*

Steven: Hey, kid don't you know it's pass your bedtime? Now cover your ears this is gonna be loud. *Steven spins still covering Kyle with one hand while in the other he throws a flashbang grenade the flash and bang distracts Calico and his gang just long enough for Steven to take off down the alley with Kyle, they cut through to a fire escape still with Kyle on his shoulder go up to the roof and use it to get further away from the park, finally putting Kyle down, Steven finally realizes he knows who Kyle is* Kyle right, what the hell are you doing out here, you should be at home in bed.

*It's now that Kyle gets a good look at Steven he's dressed in a black military outfit with guns, he looks like a cop or a swat team member, this sets off Kyle's code of silence mode*

Kyle: You can arrest me if you want but I'm not gonna talk to you, I was just out for a walk, I don't know nothing!

*Steven rolls his eyes at Kyle, still in pain from the looks of it, never occurred to Kyle that Steven probably just took about 70 bullets in the back for him*

Steven: Whatever kid, I don't need you to talk, I'm taking you home right now I bet if your parents knew you were out here they'd be pissed, now follow me.

*As they move to yet another fire escape down into the alley to a parked car, Steven moves to the back of the car and pops the trunk, pulling off his shirt, Kyle can see he's wearing a bulletproof vest but from behind it's shredded to bits, when Steven takes it off to reveal his bare back there is only a few marks that look like they're fading fast. Steven grabs a new shirt and pulls it on then closes the trunk*

Steven: Get in, I'll take you home, I think I remember where your house is.

Kyle: NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE ME THERE! *Kyle is pretty amp up his hands and eyes start glowing red, smoke starts to come off of stuff around him, Steven in shock at first but then realizes his car is smoking jumps over the hood and grabs Kyle moving him away from it.* I CAN'T GO BACK THERE YOU CAN'T TAKE ME BACK THERE I'LL STOP YOU IF YOU TRY!

Steven: OK KID CALM DOWN! *Neither realize that Kyle is touching Steven and has burned his fresh shirt off of him and should be burning his flesh but isn't* Just breath kid and tell me where you want to go.

*Kyle is shocked that Steven isn't burning he's completely unharmed except for his shirt*

Kyle: How are you not hurt? *Sighs* I can't go home but you can take me to my sister. *Kyle tells Steven where to go and they both get into the car after Steven grabs another shirt. After a bit of driving they pull up to the motel, get out Steven is concern that Kyle and his siblings are living here* This is it, umm thanks for the ride you can go now.

Steven: I can't just leave you at an abandon motel without a second thought, I'll leave once I know you're safe, now which one is your sister's room, once I see her I'll drop you and leave.

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