Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Alicia didn't bother to join Anthony in forcing Steven into submission. It seemed he was doing a perfectly good job of it himself, and far be it for her to thwart him actually being useful for a change. In fact, it looked like very little work on her part was needed other than to sharply turn towards Alice and her protective shield, taking up her knife and slashing out at it, trying to weaken its physical force to break through to it even. For now it was holding firm, but she could see that Rikarah was weak inside it, that Katarina and Alice appeared frightened simply by her efforts, and this was somewhat satisfying itself.

"You can kill the extra, Anthony," she said about Steven, dismissing him and his importance. Their boss might be upset about that, but he was an actual physical threat that she was unsure of her ability to physically overpower, and this could not be forgotten as a factor. "What are you waiting for? Finish him!"

Xander hears his brother speaking to them; even Rikarah's faint voices catches his notice, and his eyes slowly avert from Kyle to his sisters' and Rikarah's protected state near Madison. He looks at Chris's body, slightly apart from the others, and sharp regret, pain, and guilt for her death, for his inability to save her, fills his chest, making it difficult for him to even continue to draw breath. He can hardly continue to hold up the gun in his hand as he hears Kyle's words.

His brother needed him. What was he doing, when his brother needed him? When his sister did, his baby sister, and his twin?

Alicia's voice was still sharply commanding, but now Xander slowly swung the gun around to point to her, and sparks began to fly from his free hand as he lifted it high to point towards her.


His hands both jerked as he pulled the trigger and simultaneously released a stream of electricity, aimed in her direction.
*Anthony is stunned when Xander attacked Alicia, he didn't think the kid would shoot anyone. This gives Steven a chance to get free from Anthony's grip, rolling away from him then making it to his feet and attacks Anthony with a couple of kicks, the last one lands solidly to the back of his head sending him flying off his feet. Steven quickly back peddles out of any reach Anthony has before he can grab him again. Steven's foot hurts like hell the old man is built like a tank despite his looks Anthony was a very solid man.

Anthony barely getting his bearings again when out of nowhere Kyle spins around and attacks him with both hands firing two fireballs at Anthony engulfing him in flames the smell of burnt flesh filling the air, Anthony looks down but far from out. Kyle and Steven both steady themselves for a second attack. Steven pulls back his fist and lands a solid punch to Anthony's jaw he can hear it crack. Kyle reels back his right hand building up the flames around it for a more powerful shot. He pauses and looks around him he can see Kat, Alice..Xander and Steven and finally he sees his dead sister...He knows he should fire and kill Anthony for he's done but he keeps thinking about how Xander, Kat and Steven kept saying how much they don't want him to be a killer and if he fires this shot he will kill him..What should he do??? He needs to pay for killing Chris. He takes his eyes off Anthony and looks at his brother and sisters* What should I do? He deserves to die but can I do that?
Xander had not aimed very well; his hands had jerked and shook so badly that instead of hitting Alicia in the chest, as he had aimed, the bullet veered left, catching her in the shoulder. As Alicia jerked, her legs buckling, she fell to her knees, blood blossoming over her shoulder as she cried out more in rage than in pain, one hand immediately grabbing her wound to staunch the flow of blood. Her eyes narrowed then, almost blackening with hate as she screamed aloud to Xander, not even bothering to keep her mental commands silent any longer, “SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE HEAD, XANDER!”

Kyle and Steven have been coping with Anthony, and when Xander’s eyes shift to them, seeing that Kyle is holding fire in his hands, prepared to throw it in Anthony’s direction, Xander pauses, distantly hearing his brother’s pleading words, seeing the pain and confusion standing in his eyes. Alicia is still screaming, and his hand holding the gun shakes, beginning to drift towards his own head as Alicia repeats for him to kill himself.

Rikarah, still drooping against Katarina’s tightly grasping arm, lifts her head, her eyes now on Alicia as she states quite clearly, despite her weakness, “Shut up and die.” And she must have extended quite a lot of effort for this, because Alicia did in fact then seem to choke, unable to form any further words. She gasped for breath, the hand not on her shoulder rising to clutch her throat, and began to cough and gag, her face reddening. Struggling to her feet, still holding her badly bleeding shoulder in one hand, she ran to the front door and fled the building; once outside she was able to breathe normally, but she was still in need of medical attention and knew it. Outside the apartment building, she struggled, hating to do what she knew she had to, knowing it might have dire consequences for herself, but in the end, she dialed the number of her boss, Mr. Kennedy.

“The children are out of control, Anthony’s probably dead, and I’m injured. I need backup of some kind.”

Even as she spoke she tried with weakened ability to mind-control him through the line: “Do not be angry with me. Do not fire me. Reinstate me. Give me another chance.”

Back in the apartment building, Rikarah had fainted, Katarina struggling to hold her up and to keep Alice calm, praying that the shield the little girl was able to enact around them would continue to function. Katarina herself was barely holding together as she begged Kyle, “Don’t do it…Xander! Steven…don’t…”

She wasn’t sure who she meant or what she was asking, exactly. She just wanted it all to stop, all of it.

Xander’s hand was still badly shaking as he slowly lowered the gun…then in one sharp movement swung it back around, pointed it at Anthony, and pulled the trigger. As he let his hand fall heavily to his side, his chest heaving, he said to Kyle quietly, “You can’t. I can.”
*Anthony is shocked at first when he felt the bullet strike him, he didn't think the kid had it in him to actually shoot, he tries to say something but he just gasp because the bullet hit him and tumbled into his lung collapsing it. He falls down to one knee and then struggles to get back up moving towards Xander and Kyle, His hand moves to his belt and he grabs another knife lifting it overhead he locks eyes with Kyle who froze when he heard the gunshot from before, Anthony a mere foot from him starts to yell as he's bringing the knife down on Kyle's head but suddenly an explosion from his chest. Anthony drops the knife and reaches down and touches his chest where he's bleeding again he looks at Kyle confused to what just happen but he doesn't get a chance to find out when 4 more wounds appear spraying some blood on Kyle's face. As Anthony falls to the floor dead Kyle wiping the blood from his face and eyes can see clearly Steven standing behind Anthony holding a gun, the barrel still smoking. He wastes no time with an explanation.* Quickly, everyone we have to get out of here..The police will be here soon.My car is in the lot we can use it. *He spins around to Kat and Alice* Kat we have to go, what do you want to do with Chris.?*Meaning should they leave or take her dead body.*
Xander feels numb as he steps back from Anthony's body, his eyes shifting from Kyle and Steven, registering when Steven shoots Anthony too. When he looks to the girls, seeing that Madison is getting to her feet behind Alice's shield, her blue eyes huge and shining vividly, he thinks she is simply terrified; what he doesn't realize is that she is so excited she is actually sexually aroused.

Seeing that Rikarah has fainted and that Katarina is struggling to keep her from falling to the floor, that Alice is still shivering and crying, her shield up around them, Xander speaks flatly, hearing himself as though from a great distance. "Alice, you can let them out of there now...whatever that is you put around them. Thank you. It...we have to go. Let them out, Alice."

Looking down at Madison, then over at Steven and Kyle, he asked, "No one's hurt, right?"

Once Alice's shield was down he went to Katarina and took Rikarah from her, lifting her to carry her. Her weight was slight, but though he normally would have noticed very much that he was holding her and how she felt in his arms, with his attraction to her, it didn't seem to matter how. His sister was dead. He had killed a man, the man he thought was his father. Nothing in the world could impress or excite him in this moment.

Katarina was holding Alice's hand in both of hers, her breathing rapid, on the verge of tears again, but she answers Steven's question. "Please...take her. Don't leave her here like this."

Going to Kyle, she hugs him tightly for a moment, then takes his hand with her free one before they all start out the door.
Theodore Kennedy had been in his office when his secretary alerted him of an incoming call from Alicia. After dismissing the young redhead, he reluctantly picked up the black receiver on his desk. He had honestly been growing tired of the DeSantos couple, having had no real successes with them. Not only did the two fail to awaken any abilities in over half of their "children" but they had even allowed one of them, a young pyrokinetic (Kyle), to lose control of his ability, ultimately "killing" one of potentials while allowing the others to escape.

In any other situation, Theo would've quickly terminated the two of them long ago. However, they had told him that they had gotten a lead on the whereabouts of their children and were already enacting a plan to recapture them. For both their sakes, this call better be news of their success.

It wasn't news of success. On the contrary, it seemed that Anthony was dead and Alicia was in trouble . . . at the hands of a bunch of children. "That's not what I want to hear, Alicia. You're telling me that you and your 'husband', a pair of well trained dominoes, were bested by a rag tag group of children who've yet to even begin to comprehend what they are capable of? That you need back up to deal with your own kids?"

Feeling the slight tugs from Alicia's attempts to control him only serve to anger him more. How dare she think that she could control him, her employer? He took a deep breath to calm down his voice before addressing the woman again. "I'm not angry with you. But I do believe I have been quite patient with you, Alicia. It's nothing personal, just business. What sort of businessman would I be if I continued to employ such incompetent workers? However, I am feeling quite generous today. I'll allow you to disappear on your own. You have two weeks to 'kill' Alicia DeSantos. Your final paycheck will be deposited in your account by Thursday."

After hanging up on his ex-employee, Theo began thinking about what to do about what to do about the children. They were apparently stronger than he had anticipated. Perhaps the girls had come into their powers as well. If that was the case, he shouldn't overlook this. He'd have to send someone after all. He picked up his phone again and dialed his son.


Max had just finished showing the Disraeli siblings around the facilities, making sure to avoid letting them know about the true purpose behind the training Shira would be undergoing, when his cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Max. This is your father. I need you to check up on a situation for me. The two I assigned on this case have failed me." The blond excused himself to talk to his father. He didn't need Shira or Cas overhearing anything that may tip them off to something. "What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to find some dominoes for me. They've managed to kill one of my agents and defeat another. Both well trained dominoes. Now there will probably be police at the battle scene soon but see if you can find some clues as to where these kids went after the authorities leave. I'll send you the address later." "Okay. I'll see what I can do. What are their names?" "They're a family of four kids but there are at least two dominoes among them. Their last name is DeSantos."

Max's heart seemed to skip a beat when his dad named the people he was to go after. The DeSantos? It had to be the ones he knew. They were in a fight? His father was after them? There were so many questions that arose in his mind. Should he tell his dad that he already knew these people? No. He and his dad had the same goals but their methods were different. Only God knew what he'd do to them if he got his hands on the DeSantos. "Okay, father. I'll get on it." "Don't disappoint me, Max."

Max returned to Cas and Shira when his call was over. "Well, our tour is over. I . . . was thinking about visiting Steven's dojo to get an estimate on what sort of equipment I should buy. Do you guys want to come? I can drop you off at the theater afterwards."

"Who's Steven?" "You know, Steven. Big guy from yesterday?" "Who?" "Steven." "Who?" "The zombie." "Oh, you mean the zombie poser. Yeah. We should go and when I get super strong, I can shove my foot up that meanie's a**!" "Shira, language!" "I shall propel my pedis into the posterior of that brute." " . . . Better?"

Cas looked to Max while muffling Shira with his hand to prevent her from spouting out more nonsense. "That would be very nice of you, Max. We'd love to go. Especially since it's not exactly walking distance back to the theatre."

The three piled into Max's car and drove to the address that Steven had given Max when Shira had first proclaimed the ex-marine a zombie. There seemed to be no one home so Max turned up the radio and parked the car on the curb out front. He hoped he wouldn't be left waiting too long.

(Sorry if I wasn't supposed to fire Alicia. I just though it'd be more interesting if she came back as a third party villain. Maybe wanting revenge on Theodore or something. I can change it if necessary. Also, to make sense of what Theo says, he assumes that Chris is alive, Alice is dead and doesn't know about Steven or Rikarah.)
Incompetent...Alicia had to admit that Theodore was absolutely right with this proclamation. She was incompetent, she and Anthony both. She could not hide behind the excuse of Anthony failing her and bringing her down, valid as it might be; he was dead now and could be a reason for failure no longer. She could have struck out on her own long ago, and probably should have; no doubt it could have given her more success, even without his brute power of body as an aid. She could not blame Theodore for wanting her fired; would she not fire anyone else who had had such a massive setback, over and over, in performing the assigned task?

It was ridiculous to have let those children win out over her, not a one of them over 21 years old. One as young as SEVEN! With another child helping her in the form of Madison, and her and Anthony's own powers...she had managed still to let them best her, even to harm her. Theodore was right, she deserved to be let go immediately.

"That's fair," she said in response, even as her nails dug holes into her skin and she barely managed to speak through her clinched jaw. "That's...very fair. But I promise you this, Mr. Kennedy. I will not give up, even if I am unemployed."

As she hung up the phone, dialing 911 and explaining her whereabouts so she could be taken to the ER to treat her wounded shoulder, she was already busy thinking, planning out her next moves. In the hospital, as "Alicia DeSanto," she would "commit suicide" and end that identity...she would take on the identity of another patient, or perhaps a nurse instead, and go from there. And whatever it took, she would find and kill every single one of those children, the new little pixie-looking girl and the strong older boy as well. They had ruined her life; she would end theirs in return.
*Kyle wrapped his arms around Kat and tries not to cry, in shock as to what he did so far and just how much further he was ready to go, the urge to kill Anthony wasn't as easy to put behind him as it was to just say he didn't want to do it. In his heart he really thought he should have killed him for what he did to Chris but thanks to Xander and Steven the choice was thankfully taken away from him.* Kat I want to go home, back to the dojo I don't want to stay here anymore.

*Steven gave Kat a nod and went over to Chris's body and gently picked her up and carried her outside. As sad as it was he had no choice but to pop his trunk and lay her down on some blankets so she wouldn't bleed onto this trunk. He closes it and moved to the driver's seat, the keys were still there so he started the car as the others got in.* I know someplace we can take her..they'll treat her right promise.
Hugging Kyle tightly, Katarina ran her fingers through his hair, aware that they were trembling. She wanted to sink down to the ground and simply let herself fall apart, but she knew she couldn't do that. Not with Chris's body there, not with the police coming, not with little Alice needing to be comforted and cared for and Rikarah ill as she was...they had to go, they had no time for her to be so self-indulgent, no matter how badly she needed comfort herself.

As they made their way to Steven's car Katarina ended up picking Alice up and carrying her, to speed things along as much as to provide comfort for her. She let Madison get up in the front seat with Steven, sliding into the backseat with Xander and Kyle, with Xander holding Rikarah in his lap, lightly rubbing her cheeks as though to try to revive her. Katarina took Alice onto her lap, absently stroking her arms and hair as she answered Kyle.

"We...I guess we will..." to Steven, her voice choked, she says, "Okay...just...okay."

She can't bring herself to ask anymore, or even to think of Chris's body, left alone somewhere unfamiliar to be tended to. She lowers her head into Alice's hair, hugging her harder, and lets her shoulder lean against Xander's as he continues to gently try to awaken the limp Rikarah. Up front, Madison is sitting up straight, her face vivid as she says to Steven, "That was all so crazy...two people dying like that...are you criminals? Are the cops going to arrest you now? What about me? I didn't do anything."

She pauses, then says more softly, "That was really scary...I don't really feel safe going anywhere alone. Can I...hang out with you a while? I can call my parents and say I'm staying with a friend."
Alice wrapped her arms tightly around Kat's neck, her body seeming to move on its own. Even though she'd been told it was okay to put down the shield, and even though she had, she still wanted to open it back up to everyone because she just knew that they would be back. What if Anthony wasn't dead? What if he was just pretending and he and Alicia were going to follow them?!

But still... everyone was okay for the most part. As Kat situated her on her lap, Alice tried to get comfortable, but couldn't seem to stop fidgeting, picking at her fingers anxiously as the car revved up.

"Where... Kat?" Her voice is still watery and slow as she turned her head to looked at her older sister. "Where are we going?"


Aleka's smile is not insincere when Julian accepts his invitation to join her. Of course, she'd thought about it while they talked, noting to herself how... nice it was to not be alone, to have some sort of noise to fill the silence, something to stifle the constant overstimulation. It might be great. It might also be a nightmare, but she'd cross that bridge when she got to it.

When the waitress arrived with the check, Aleka stuck her fingers into her bra, now too large to adequately support her breasts, which had shrunken a great deal since she'd fled home, and withdrew the bundle of money she'd managed to pick off of other people. Silently, she counted out enough money on the bill, alongside an extra three dollars for the waitress's tip.

"It'll be fun," She told Julian, still smiling a little and rose to her feet to pay. "At the very least, we can be boring together, which is nice." She paid at the counter, the man who had taken her order not even bothering to meet her eyes as he handed over the change and Aleka left the diner. "Where do you usually go? I mean, do you have a normal place or is it just the park?"
It takes Katarina some time to trust her voice enough to respond to Alice, and even then she can hear it shaking, can feel her hands shaking against her sister's arms. She wants to dig her nails deeply into her skin, to hit her wrist against the door handle, to do something to ease the high level of stress coursing through her body, the pain tightening around her heart, but she makes herself remain still, even as she leans slightly more heavily against her twin's shoulder.

"Steven has a place we can stay...I guess...that's...that's the boy who's driving."

"We may need a doctor," Xander says as she looks down at Rikarah. Extracting one hand from her, he reaches out to squeeze first his twin's hand, then Alice's, biting down hard on his lower lip. "We...Alice, we'll be okay. Rina.'s...we'll..."

It's clear that even he doesn't believe himself as his eyes tear, and he looks out the window, the conspicuous absence of Chris's name hanging in the air. Katarina's eyes tear too, and she closes them, biting the inside of her cheeks. Madison twists around to watch, repeating her question in seeming innocence even as she soaks in the sight of their pain.

"Is it okay if I stay the night?"


Julian blinks, surprised when Aleka's hand goes into her bra. He thinks at first that she is fondling herself and reddens, hurriedly looking down; he hadn't thought she was one of the types to publicly play with herself, like some of the older and crazier homeless, but then again, he was known to misjudge. He is relieved when she withdraws money and surprised that she actually pays, let alone tips. Somehow he had half feared she would be the type to cut and run.

As the left the diner, he tried to have her optimism, cautiously forcing a smile, though it was barely a twitch of his lips. "I...I j-just go around. Anywhere...w-where are you going?"
*Steven drove for awhile, he was quiet, he didn't want to say something at the moment about anything that happened, he was sure everyone would still be in shock over what just happened. Kyle kept turning his head looking at the back of the seat as if he could see through it into the trunk so he could see his sister's body wrapped up and still, he started to cry as he thought about the sound of Chris's voice trying to hold onto the memory of how she sounded. It's not long before Steven pulls the car into an alley and parks at the backdoor of a building, after he shuts off the engine he looks back at everyone.* This is the place, we can have Chris taken care of here, the people here they....they take care of people after they die, everything is off the books here, you know cause sometimes immigrants can't afford to pay for stuff or they don't have the proper paperwork filled cause it will draw attention to their illegal status living here. I'm afraid we won't be able to bury here though, they can only cremate her. But it's the best we can do right now. *He looks at Xander* Do you want to carry her in or do you want me too?
No one was answering Madison about being able to spend the night, so she assumed that this was a yes by default. Without bothering to further confirm this, she flipped out her cell phone and texted her mother's phone number, telling her that she was at a friend's house and asking if she could spend the night. When she got the confirming text that this was okay, she told the car at large, "I'm staying with you...I mean, if there's room, and it's okay. I don't want to be a bother."

She didn't care if she was a bother or not, of course, but the way everyone was ignoring her so far, it seemed very likely that they would continue for the rest of the night. It was fine with her; it would give her more ability to truly be a voyeur to their grief without them even noticing.

Katarina was rocking Alice slightly back and forth in her seat, tears now trickling down her cheek as she fiercely bit the inside of her cheeks in an effort not to sob aloud. Alice's heart was still racing against her hands as she rested her chin on the child's head. Noting Kyle's tears, she leaned into him, wanting to hug him too. Xander didn't look at either of them. His jaw set, eyes fixed grimly ahead, he said nothing, his arms loosely around the still unconscious Rikarah as Steven drove.

As Steven pulled up to the building, explaining about their need to dispose of Chris's body, Xander's jaw clinched further, and he slowly shook his head, replying gruffly.

"I'll do it. If someone...someone stay out here and watch out for Rikarah."

He got out of the car awkwardly, shifting her to Steven to hold, then looked behind him, seeing that Katarina was slowly getting out of the car, holding Alice. Xander reached for her hand, then for Kyle's, connecting all of them as he took a deep breath. Squeezing, he released them, then went to the trunk of the car, taking out Chris's body and holding it as carefully and gently as he might have an infant. A lump rose to his throat as he tried not to think of her when she was really a baby, when she was a little girl, back before their lives had become so completely twisted beyond control. He had thought it bad then...what wouldn't he give, to have it all turn back.

"Show me where," he said to Steven quietly, aware of Katarina shifting closer to the other boy as he spoke to him, still holding Kyle's hand.

(Primal will be without internet for some time,so work around Aleka and Alice, I suppose)
*Kyle wants to follow his brother inside but he can't seem to bring himself to move from his seat, not just because Madison is sitting on his lap again, it's like all his muscles have decided they didn't want to work right now, he never even considers the fact that his body is exhausted because he's never used his powers with so much focus or force before, it's not long till he eventually starts to doze off even tho he keeps trying to fight off sleep but he's losing that battle quickly.*

*Steven does go inside with Xander, when the owner of the shop looks up and remembers Steven from around the neighbor he looks up at him and smiles but that smile fades when he sees Xander and the body and quickly moves to get a table cleared for him to lay Chris on. Steven then pulls the man to the side and speaks to him.* We need you to take good care of her. *He pulls out a business card and hands it to the man. The man looks at the card and nods to Steven before walking to Xander and telling him he's sorry for his lost. Then asks both Xander and Steven to return in a day, Which Steven nods and places his hand on Xander's shoulder and nudges him out the door. But stops short of reaching the car with him and steps in front of him.* Xander, I'm sorry about Chris but I have to ask you something before we reach the others and please don't get mad at me for this..Who the hell are you guys? What did that guy back there mean he wasn't your father and that woman wasn't your mother? How is that possible I grew up near you guys and..*He stops himself and looks away.* I'm sorry this isn't the time or place, we should go and let everyone get some rest.
Madison notices when Kyle goes to sleep and leans back into him more fully, taking the opportunity to observe Alice, Katarina, and Rikarah more closely. Rikarah is just beginning to stir, her eyes moving beneath their lids, though she is still unconscious, her face very pale. Katarina is starting to get out, but when she sees Steven is going to go too and that this would leave the younger children and the unconscious Rikarah alone, she and Xander meet eyes, and she steps back into the car, swallowing. Taking Alice on her lap again and slipping an arm around Rikarah's shoulders, propping her up, she chews on the inside of her cheeks as she speaks to both her and Rikarah at once in a shaking voice.

"It will be okay. It will be okay."

Xander lets Steven handle most of the transaction for dealing with Chris's body; he has no knowledge of how these things should go and so lets Steven make most of the choices. He is silent, lost within his own darkened thoughts until Steven speaks to him. It takes him a moment to realize what he is asking, and then he shakes his head slowly.

"I don't know. I mean...maybe they were lying, or...I don't know, okay? I thought...of course we're all related to them...they were probably lying. I can't think about it right now."
*When Steven gets back in the car he looks around to check on everyone before pulling off, it's not long he pulls back in front of the dojo and parks, he gets out and starts to help Kat and Alice out of the car before nudging Kyle to wake him.* Come on buddy you head upstairs and get some sleep, For right now Kat you and Alice have to share a bed, you two can stay in my room, Rikarah and Madison can take your room and I'll sleep on the couch in the living room. *He gave Kat and Alice his room because it's on a different floor from the others and he's sure Kat will have her hands full with Alice, the poor girl just saw two people killed in front of her.*

*Kyle's legs were a little numb since Madison had been sitting on his lap for so long, he rubbed his eyes and stretched when Steven nudge him, in his mind he was for a second hoping that he just dreamed all of that happened that day but the grim reality is it wasn't a dream. Today he gained a one sister and lost another, as happy as he is to have Alice back, losing Chris is a high price to pay. He pulls himself out of the car and goes inside dragging his feet up the stairs and falls face first into his bed.* Today sucked, it really really did.
Katarina carries Alice out of the car, biting the inside of her cheeks frequently as she totes her up the stairs to the dojo front door. Alice's arms are around her neck, her face buried in Katarina's shoulder, and she is limp and heavy, not helping Katarina support her weight. As Katarina settles her into the bed Steven had offered, she cuddles close to her, rubbing her back and holding her close as Alice clings to her, crying quietly. Katarina manages to control her own feelings by continuing to chew her cheeks until the child has fallen asleep, and then she rolls over, letting herself cry as well.

She doesn't know how she's going to go on without Chris. Chris, who she had never been quite as close to as she would have liked. Chris, who she was supposed to be protecting, Chris, who had been so unhappy...Chris had just been beginning to open up, to maybe even start to like someone through Max. Chris was fifteen years old, it was so very unfair that she could hardly comprehend. She could not remember the last time she had slept without Chris would she ever sleep again without knowing she was just across the room?

Xander, seeing how disoriented Rikarah still seems, goes to get her from Katarina as they are getting out of the car, helping her out and then outright lifting her, but he too is too distracted by his grief and his self-anger to really notice her now. He checks her pulse and asks her questions to see how alert she is, and satisfied, carries her to the bedroom she is to share with Madison with Madison on his heels.

"She's not dying, is she?" Madison asked, even as she thought to herself how interesting it would be to simply smother the weakened girl in her sleep. Surely Madison had the strength to do that...but perhaps if she wanted to continue hanging out with these people, it wouldn't be the best idea. But the girl was obviously weak and who would believe she would kill her, what reason would they think she would have? "She looks awful...does she need to stay up all night?"

"I am fine, I am just tired," Rikarah protested as Xander lay her down on the bed, again searching her face. She was pale but did seem more alert, so he shook his head at Madison.

"Leave her be, if she changes, come get me. Let her sleep if she needs to."

As he leaves the room, Rikarah turns her eyes to Madison, narrowed slightly. "Why are you still here? You are not homeless. None of this is your business."

As Xander goes slowly to the bedroom he is to share with Xander, sitting down beside him, he buries his face briefly in his hands, one sob escaping before he lifts his head again, laying his hand on his brother's back. "I'm sorry, Kyle. Sorry for everything. For Chris, for...for everything. And...I don't care what they said, you're my brother. Always. That's what you are to me and I don't care what she or anyone else're my brother."

(trying to think how to bring Alicia back in, amdreams are you going to post or do you have any ideas? I think I'll post for her when it's morning in this)
(. . . Since everyone's tired, I suppose Max will find them in the morning.)

Eventually, Max had gotten tired of waiting for Steven and the DeSantos to come home. Well, it was more of Cas who was complaining about how he and Shira couldn't just wait all night in the car and blah blah brother stuff. So, as it started to get dark, Max decided to leave and investigate the location his father gave him. Pulling over to the curb, he looked at the Disreali siblings in his rear view mirror. Both seemed to be rather sound asleep, so he supposed it was safe to just pop in for a quick look around before either woke up.

Making sure to lock the door this time, he stepped out of the car and slipped through the police tape. He took the mini flashlight from his keys out and began looking around the room. Police had taken the body away already, as well as any major pieces of evidence but there was still the condition of the room to consider. There was blood. A lot of it. The occasional burn as well, but these weren't in the kitchen or electrical outlets. Something certainly went down here, didn't it? Wasn't there a pyrokinetic with the DeSantos? The younger brother, right?

"Whatcha doing?" The sudden voice made Max jump a bit, dropping his flashlight. Was it the landlord? Or maybe the police? God, this wasn't going to be easy to lie through. Luckily when he turned around, he only found Shira. Wait, Shira? "Shira, what are you doing here? I thought you were asleep."

"Well, I wasn't. And when I saw you come in, it seemed like fun. Max, are you a detective?" The blonde girl began looking around excitedly. Were they looking for a murderer? It seemed exciting. Max sighed and opened his mouth to tell her to go back to the car but looking into her eyes, wide with curiosity, he wasn't sure if she'd do as he'd say. In fact, he was positive she wouldn't. So what could he tell her to at least get her out of the way?

"No, Shira. I'm not a detective, but . . . can you keep a secret?" Shira nodded her head enthusiastically. "Well, I'm secretly working for the BSAA and there has been rumors of a bioterrorism attack in New York. I was supposed to meet a friend here who had information on NeoUmbrella. But it seems they have found him first."

A wide grin formed on the girl's face as she jumped around. "I knew it! The zombies! They're coming to get us! What can I do?" "You can go to the car and keep look out. I'll be out in a sec but keep the watch out for anyone who might be working for NeoUmbrella, okay?" "Yes, sir!" And with that, Shira saluted him and rushed out of the apartment.

Thank God, she was an idiot. Taking one last look around the apartment, Max assumed that the DeSantos would be tired after what happened in here, so he should probably find them tomorrow. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and texted Steven, assuming that the guy even had texting. "I need to talk to you tomorrow. All of you." And send.

After that, he exited the apartment and got into his car. He had first considered dropping the siblings off at the theatre before heading off to his own penthouse. But since it was getting late already, he opted to just let the two spend the night at his penthouse again. Cas hadn't approved of it at first, but with a little pleading from Shira, he eventually agreed, just for that night.

In the comfort of his own bed, Max stared at the ceiling for a good hour or two. What was he going to say to the DeSantos? He couldn't exactly tell them that his father was hunting them down. That certainly wasn't going to get them to allow him to research him, was it? He'd probably think of something after a good night's sleep.

But things were getting more and more confusing. First the whole situation with Shira/Lucy or whoever she was. Then the murder connected to the DeSantos. And somehow his father in the middle of all this. What was going on? How were they all connected?
*Steven had went into the bathroom for some asprin, his head was killing him, when his phone buzzed, he took it out of his pocket and looked at the text, it was from Max, he wanted to meet tomorrow..He text back.* You can come to the dojo but I don't know if anyone will be in the mood to talk after today. *He pressed send, then put his phone back into his pocket. He almost forgot about his headache for a moment but the sharp pain in his temples reminded him to pop 2 asprin, he was about to put them up when he remembered the condition Rikarah was in and took the bottle and a glass of water with him, lucky for him on his way there he saw Xander this is good, he can deal with Rikarah so he can just go to bed.* Hey Xander, could you give these to Rikarah I'm sure her head is pounding and when you're done can you meet me in the dojo for a few minutes? *handing the bottle and glass off he walks away, on his way downstairs he stops and peeks in on Kyle who thankfully is sleeping, not wanting to wake him Steven continues downstairs to the Dojo, kicking off his shoes before he steps on the mat and lays down on it, he'll try to stay awake until Xander comes down to talk to him.*
Madison opened her mouth to try to form a response, but she was saved by Xander's knock on the door. Before Rikarah could say otherwise, she quickly turned her head, calling out to him, "Come in!"

As Xander entered, handing Rikarah the pills and water, he explained, "Steven figured you would need are you feeling?"

"I will be okay. I always am," she replied, accepting the water and pills and taking them with a faint smile. "Thank you."

Madison observed with keen interest as Xander briefly stroked his knuckles over the back of Rikarah's cheek, noting a possible attraction or connection there to exploit at a later time. She said nothing, however, as Xander left the room and went to check on Kyle. After speaking to him, and watching him fall asleep, he reluctantly went to meet Steven, dreading whatever it was he had to say. Seeing Steven lying down, he stops, raising his eyebrows.

" all right there?"
*Steven sits up onto his elbows and looks up at Xander.* Yeah, just a headache, I'm pretty lucky considering your old man is...was a bit of a beast in combat, first time I've had my ass handed to me since the days I used to train with my father. *He rolls to his feet and steps in front of Xander and sighs.* Look, we need to make some changes because again we got really lucky today, not to mention us constantly at each other's throats is doing no one any good, I mean I know you can see the pain we're causing Kat and Kyle, so I'm gonna start with this, I am a complete and total screw up, I'm damaged in ways that would take a shrink decades to examine, I have many many faults and I tend to let my ego and my thirst for revenge rule me. Xander I'm gonna change, not because I'm trying to be a great human being but because today, your parents or whoever they are are on a whole higher level then us, your mother is powerful and to be honest I have no clue what we can do if we face her again. So we need to and you we need to decide do we learn to work together to protect Kyle, Kat and Alice? Or do we keep doing this shit half-ass and lose someone else? I have something to show you and tell you but first I need your answer do we work together or do we continue to be assholes to each other?
Xander hadn't known what he expected, but it wasn't this. Maybe he had thought that Steven would express sympathy for Chris at best, tell him his mistakes in not saving her at worst, but this straight forward sort of talk, admitting of his shortcomings while also asking that Xander step up and move past his own as well, was not anywhere on his list of expectations. But as Xander listened to him, shoulders slumped, arms loosely resting on his legs, he nodded, slowly at first, then more firmly.

Steven was right. They couldn't do this anymore. It was partly his own pride that had hurt Chris and his other siblings in the past, and Steven's too. It was his job now to protect his brother and his sisters, and if that meant being a team with Steven, that was what it would take.

"We have to work together," he said quietly. "You're right. I don't...I can't lose them."

He exhaled, waiting, but didn't ask what Steven wanted to show him.
*Steven didn't smile or anything when Xander agreed with him, he just moved further into the back of the dojo to where his his office is, moving to the very back wall and pushed the shelf until it gave way and flipped over, revealing a weapons rack of different kinds of guns under them is another shelf with multiple cell phones. First Steven gives Xander a phone.* Keep this on you at all times, it has an off the market battery so it doesn't need to be charged for about a month, it's linked to mine so you will always be able to find me, it's also a secure line, it can't be intercepted..Some real James Bond shit right! *Next he gestures to the guns* You're gonna have to learn how to use these, not just pull the trigger but you have to become skilled with one cause you're powers at the moment are like a chainsaw and you need to make it into a scalpel, until then you should become a marksman with a gun so you can protect them. If you want we can go to the range and practice. Now the thing I need to tell you. *He pauses* You remember what happened at the zoo, how all those soldiers swooped in and by all rights I should have been arrested..Well I called them I knew there was no way you and your family would get out of there without Calico and his gang chasing you without some help and the local cops are far from dependable around here..Anyway long story short, the reason I'm not in prison is I made a deal with the NSA to work for them and I'm a free man. *Looks down at the bracelet on his wrist* Well sort of free, they put this thing on me, it injects me with poison when they want me to do a mission for them, only when I complete it do they give me the cure for the poison. If I try to take it off it will kill me on the spot..That's the bad news, the good news is they give me the resources I need to keep this place running and cash for us to buy what we need, so no more hustling for cash..Xander I'm telling you this because if I ever leave and don't come back, it will be up to you to take care of everyone on your own, I'm adding your name to the title for this place so if something happens to me you won't be back on the streets, I'm putting away money for Kyle to go to school or whatever he wants..So yeah for now on you and I are partners we'll protect them together.
Xander still had no real expectations when Steven got up, but when he opened the back wall of the office, revealing the array of weapons, his eyes widened, and he could think of no words to say even as questions flooded his mind. Was he supposed to use all that? To hurt or kill people? To hurt or kill his mom? Xander had been willing to do that, when she and his father- for no matter what they said, it was still hard to think of them as anything but his parents- had been about to hurt him and his siblings, but to actively seek them out to hurt them, when they weren't already coming at him?

He didn't know if he could do that. But if that was what was needed, the only way to protect them...

Taking in what Steven was telling him, what he expected, he hardly knew what to think or how to respond. Steven working for NASA, wearing a poison bracelet...his name on Steven's deed?! It was a lot to take in and he settled for, "Wow, Steven...thanks. This is...crazy."

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