Castouts (Accepting new characters)

(Sorry for not waiting for a reply, but I don't want Xander to miss out on 'protecting' Katarina.)

Xander - regardless of whether Chris decided to stay with him or not - begun strumming a tune on his guitar. He was very skilled, even perhaps enough potential to be spotted. Soon enough, he had drawn a crowd as he began to sing Sam Cooke - Wonderful World, his voice matching the skill level of his guitar, if not better.

"Don't know much about history

Don't know much biology

Don't know much about a science book

Don't know much about the french I took"

He had defiently drawn a crowd by now, and already had gained a few tips, strumming his guitar and tapping his head to the music he was making, his boyish charm rubbing off on the girls who had gathered. One in particular gave him a flirty smile, her hair obviously bleached blonde, and - not that Xander recognized this - but she was wearing the latest designer labels. Xander smiled back at her and focused on her as he sung his next lines, thinking she was quite pretty with her light green eyes.

"But I do know that I love you

And I know that if you love me too

What a wonderful world this would be"

The girl blushed a rosy pink and he knew he had got her. As he carried on with the song, looking around as he sung but always directing the romantic bits at her, she slowly began to cool, still smiling at him cheekily as she folded her arms.

Once Xander had finished his song, he got an appreciative round of applause before people began chucking money in his case and walking away. The last to go was the blonde girl, and as she walked up to him she smiled at him, her green eyes twinkling, "That's a beautiful song." He could tell by her dialect she was obviously well educated, not a street kid like him, "Sung for a beautiful girl." She flushed red again and chucked two notes in the case along with a piece of paper, "Call me" She winked at him before walking away, he frowned lightly, picking up the paper to see that it had a number written on it. He sighed, looking back up to watch her go. He wished he could call her, but firstly, he didn't have a phone. And it would never work. She was a pretty rich kid; he was a runaway street kid.

So, he scrunched up the paper and pocketed it, having the decency to not throw her number on the floor where everyone could get it. He looked down at his tips, and his widened. The girl had chucked two fifty dollar bills in his case. He picked them up, to check they were real, yup, the rich kid had chucked 100 dollars away on his guitar playing. He pocketed the money, then looked up to check if it was worth playing another song or not.

Then he saw Katarina. His eyes narrowed. What the fu*k was she doing? Was she....? His eyes widened again as he watched the intimateness between her and the guy. Fu*k she was selling herself?!? Unless that was her secret boyfriend, which didn't seem very likely in their situation. He shoved his guitar in the case, picking it up as he moved a bit closer and ducked behind a tree to watch. Overprotective brother mode switched on.
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Cas was really scared now. There was no denying that this girl wasn't looking for simply a friend. He was trembling now as he tried to pull away from Katarina. She seemed like a nice girl and she wasn't ugly but Cas had more of an affinity for men. Still he didn't want to hurt her feelings. As he tried to think of the right words to say, he heard a familiar voice shout out.

my brother!" Shira came running down the path and tackled Cas to the ground. She looked at Katarina as if labeling the girl as an enemy. "What were you doing to my brother? Were you robbing him?" She stood up with her feet apart to steady herself. From the looks of it, she was trying to shield him from the girl.

Cas had hit his head on the way down and was rubbing it as he sat up. "She wasn't mugging me, Shira. She was . . . " His face became a bit flushed. He didn't feel like explaining to his little sister that a girl was trying to bed him. And truth be told, he was glad she had come along. He still couldn't find the right words to use that would get him free without hurting Katarina.

Shira knew what Cas was talking about when she saw the slight red in his cheeks. She raised an eyebrow. "But you're a gay princess. What girl would want that?"
Xander watched as the boy obviously struggled, glad HE wasn't the one inflicting the close contact. But then the girl came speeding over and tackled the Asian boy to the ground, he saw no face relation at all, but shrugged it off. When the girl turned to Katarina, giving her the evil eyes and demanding to know what she was doing, Xander saw it as time to step up. He stepped out from behind the tree and made his way over to three, "Yeah well she's my sister!" He grinned slightly, obviously not being seriously mean to the girl, just taking her words and reversing them, he then looked to Katarina, his tone a bit challenging, daring her to admit what she had been doing or about to do. "And she wasn't doing anything, right Rina?" He had his guitar case slung around his shoulder.

(Loved that drawing by the way xD )
Katarina had been aware of Cas tensing up, but she had persisted, hoping that he was just shy. Maybe when he really felt her under his hands...maybe if she kissed him...

But then seemingly out of nowhere, a girl had tackled Cas off of her, catching Katarina completely by shock. As the girl turned and stared at her, demanding to know if she was trying to rob the boy that was apparently her brother, Katarina's cheeks paled, and she bit down hard on her lower lip, barely missing biting her lip ring at the mortification heating her entire body.

Not only had she just been stopped by a girl that looked all of fourteen...not only had she been rejected...but the person she had latched onto was apparently gay. Shit, she failed...what the hell was wrong with her that she couldn't even do THIS to get some f*cking cash?!

And then to make matters worse, to make them ten THOUSAND times worse, all of a sudden Xander was there too, his arm slung around her shoulders, a heavy and very protective weight, keeping her from simply fleeing the scene. She could hear in his tone, despite his cheerful expression, his protectiveness, and though she refused to look at him, she knew the questions that would be in his eyes...questions she did not want to answer.

Katarina was beginning to shake and knew that he would be able to feel it. It was all she could do to force out, "Yeah, I was...nothing."

(They aren't home yet, Macal, guess they'll have to wait...and Chris is here too, right?)


Julian smiled back very quickly at Violet at her question, amazed, as always, that someone cared enough to ask. He had paused playing the guitar for now and swallowed several times before meeting her eyes, answering her question.

"I'm, I'm just...cold. A little."

Violet seemed very nice, sweet, even...Violet seemed shy, like him, and self-conscious. Violet seemed like someone who had been hurt, someone who needed protection...someone damaged. Maybe someone like him.

But Madison could seem the same, when she had wanted...hadn't she fooled the grown ups? Hadn't she fooled him, for a while?

(lmao yeah to the drawing)
(I think Xander let Chris run free in the park . . . )

"I'm bi," Cas shouted at Shira. "There's a difference."

Shira shrugged. "All my life I've only seen you pine after guys. I'm starting to think you made up the part about you also liking girls." She then turned her attention to a tree and climbed it.

Cas stood up and looked at Xander. "She and I weren't doing anything." He then looked at Katarina. "We just introduced ourselves to each other and she helped me when I tripped." He walked over to Katarina and smiled. "I'm sorry if I led you on somehow but I'm not looking for a relationship now. I've got my hands full already trying to take care of my baby sis over there." He pointed to Shira who was now already up in a tree swinging her legs back and forth. "But you seem nice and I'd like to have at least one friend in this city. Is that okay with you?"
*Kyle sat there in the car not making eye contact with Steven or saying a word. It's Steven that breaks the silence*

Steven: I almost forgot to check, are you hurt at all I'm pretty sure none of the bullets hit you but I did drag you around a bit. *Looking Kyle over being careful not to make it seem like he's taking advantage of the young boy, cause his taste don't swing in that direction.* Hey do you know who I am? I haven't seen you for a few years but I used to go to school with your sister Kat..Does she live here. *pauses as he looks around* Kat lives here? How is that possible, this place looks closed there's no power. So kid if you don't want me to take you to your actual home that's fine but don't waste my time.

Kyle: I'm not...this is where we live now and no I don't remember you, why should I?

*Steven isn't surprised that he didn't remember him he had to be like 11 or 12 the last time he saw him and that was only for a few minutes at the mall by the dojo*

Steven: Listen I noticed your ability back in the alley, you know I could help you with that.

*Kyle hates talking about his power and quickly cuts Steven off*


Steven: Ok we don't have to but if you ever do I'll listen, just remember this the power isn't bad but using it wrong is and having it doesn't make you bad, you're just different and believe it or not you're not the only one that is different. *Reaches into his pocket and pulls out a knife, pushing the button and a 7 inch blade pops out, at first Kyle is afraid and reaches for the door handle but when Steven place his hand on the dash and without a second thought tries to drive the knife into his hand but instead of stabbing himself the blade bends leaving barely a scratch on his hand* At first I thought I was just dreaming or something, my father used to tell me it was just my training and until I joined the Marines I believed him but when doctors tried to give me shots and the needles bent they and I knew something was off about me, so I decided to let them test me, seems I have an extra chromosome attached to my DNA, they even tried to copy it but for some reason it can't survive outside my body.

So since they couldn't copy me they decided to just use me..Anyway Kyle..right? I kind of know what you're going through so like I said we can talk if you want.

*Kyle leans forward and examines Steven's hand and the knife, it's not the exact same as his power but Steven is different like him, this explains why he wasn't burnt when Kyle touched him in the alley, finally someone that can't be hurt by his curse, but Kyle is far from convince to trust Steven*

Kyle: Look can we just sit here for awhile and listen to the radio, I don't want to go inside just yet. Besides I doubt anyone in there misses me.

*Steven looks at Kyle wondering what hurt this kid so bad that he's so screwed up, then reaches for the radio and turns it on, lowering the tinted windows of his car to let the cool night air flow through them.*

Steven: Sure we can chill for a bit but eventually I'm gonna take you inside cause I'm pretty sure if they knew you were out this late, they'd be worried.
Friend...this Cas guy, the guy who had one moment talked about her beauty, the next showed almost repulsion at her failed attempt at seduction...he wanted now to be her friend? Her friend, when he had seemed so uncomfortable, even disgusted...her friend, after she had made such a fool of herself?

Katarina had no friends. She rarely had even before...the accident. She could not seem to identify with other girls, to feel that their lives had any similarity to her own, that she herself fit in with them. It wasn't like she fit in so well with guys either, but at least with guys, Katarina had a sense of what they wanted from or thought about her.

Or so she had thought. But each time a rejection like this happens, she is less sure that she can even do what is supposed to be natural, a total no brainer, for any normal girl. Well, maybe not normal...but any girl with half a brain should be able to accomplish what Kat so often failed at.

She barely hears the words Cas addresses towards her, cannot meet his eyes to see his friendly expression. She is feeling such disgust and near loathing towards herself now that she can focus on little else.

Katarina attempts to shrug away from Xander, not answering Cas's question, because she hasn't heard it. "I'm...I'm going home. Kyle's probably....I'm going home."

Shit, she can't even think up even a LAME full sentence about why she has to get herself out of here?!


Rikarah's shift is very short today, only four hours long- hardly worth the pay, but then, it is under the table, no taxes removed, and she supposes she cannot complain too much. When she has clocked out and finished up her cleaning, walking out the door, she finds herself simply walking, telling herself that she is looking for nothing and no one in particular, but truly her eyes are peeled for any signs of Natalia and Terabithia. She would certainly not mind the opportunity to observe further, preferably without them realizing her presence.

And of course, she is open to any other persons of interest...particularly those that might seem worth further notation for action.
Violet would glance at Julian and wonder if she had said something wrong with the way he looked at her. Looking down she pondered but couldn’t see how anything she said could be odd or wrong, she only returned his question, didn’t she? At his answer a shiver would run down her back, Violet knew well enough how that felt. She would bashfully stand and step towards him.

Perhaps if she had guts she would grab the hat from atop her head and just place it on top of his. But that was much too rash and confident for the bashful girl. Instead she would take her hat and hand it to him, pulling her hood up over her head in its stead. Sure she didn’t really like hoods, but she would make due if it helped another. That was just Violet’s nature. There would be a small smile on her face while doing this, not quite sure what one might say when offering a comfort that to others would be seen as so small.
Chris almost ripped her hand out of Xander's at first, but then allowed herself to be almost dragged to the park. She could feel the change as the sun hit her skin. She smiled a little at the feeling. She did feel a little better to be outside. She was glad as well that she could not see people's face. Sure she could see their bodies with her power, but faces were too detailed for her. She saw shapes not details. So maybe she could see people's head turning, but she couldn't see the expression that came with seeing her.

But Chris could imagine and her imagination was not kind to her. She grimace, wishing she could change her mind and go back inside and hide forever. She could beg just fine, but that took time as well. This was different. She willingly placed herself in the view of many people. She tried to ignore all the chatter and movement on the streets as they headed to the park.

Once there she felt a bit better. She felt that there was less people her. Liselle saw her as she passed by and couldn't help herself but stare. She shook her head and stopped a person.

"Hey guys I have to go. See you later." Liselle headed out of the park, glancing back at Chris.

Chris sat on the bench, distracted with her own thoughts. She felt Xander leave, but she did not follow like she probably should have. Instead she curled up on the bench and just rested. It felt nice to be outside. Maybe she would be lucky enough to be ignored as well.
Xander still kept his arm around his sister protectively, even as Shira and Cas seemed to calm down and Shira vanished up into a tree. He glanced up at her for a moment, smiling lightly with awe in his eyes before Cas was talking again and he looked back at him, at the words about having his hands full looking after his baby sister Xander grinned in agreement, "Try having two of them to look after." He got that niggling in the back of his mind as he spoke, he had three sisters. But he couldn't look after one of them, so now he only had two.

As Katarina tried to move away, Xander looked at her with worry. Oh no, she wasn't going to go home and hurt herself again was she? Or worse....what if she didn't go home, what if she went to go find another guy, one who would gladly accept what she offered...what if she didn't come back? You had all kinds of psycho's on the streets these days. So as she moved away Xander reached out and gripped her wrist lightly, stopping her from leaving, "Rina. Just wait a minute. I'll grab Chris and we can go together, alright?" He didn't feel comfortable leaving Katarina by herself now, she looked ashamed enough to hurt herself again. Xander then looked to Cas, giving him an apologetic smile, looking back before Katarina could see.

Natalia and Abi were walking hand in hand down the street now, Natalia was pleased they had managed to bag 400 dollars and had treated the younger girl to McDonalds and then brought her a box of Willy Wonka's everlasting gobstoppers, so Abi was skipping happily beside Natalia now, sucking on a gobstopper. Even though Rikarah was clearly in sight, they didn't spot her as Terabithia begun chattering, the gobstopper giving her a lisp. "Blue, do you really think these gobstoppers last forever?" Terabithia asked, shaking the packet, Natalia rolled her eyes, "Of course not Abi, nothing lasts forever." Terabithia looked up at the girl, silent for a moment before she spoke, "You need to be more...more...optimistic Blue." Seeming pleased with the big word, but all Natalia did is grunt in response, "There's not much to be optimistic about Abi." Terabithia turned to her now, stopping as she glared up at the older girl, speaking in a scolding tone, "You be quiet missy! We got some moneys and we got a place to stay! There's lots to be op...optimistic about!" Natalia looked back down at Terabithia, challenging her as they both stared each other down.

Natalia glanced over at the house she had checked out earlier, knowing the only inhabitant was a female in her mid thirties. "Want me to be optimistic Abi?" Terabithia looked at the house, sighed and put her hands on her hips as she looked back at Blue, "You promise to be nice afterwards?" Natalia nodded and Terabithia rolled her eyes, "Okay then." She then frowned at Natalia, "Sissy! I need to go to the toilet!" Natalia sighed, beginning to lead Terabithia to the house, "Thia, I told you to go before we left." "But I didn't need to go then!" She whined, fidgeting so perfectly that it looked like she actually had to pee. Natalia sighed and rapped on the door lightly, "Be patient." She muttered to Terabithia, the woman opened the door and offered the two girls a smile, "Hello, can I help you?" Natalia smiled apologetically at the lady, "Sorry 'mam, my little sister here really needs to go to the toilet and she really can't hold it until we get home." The woman looked at the fidgeting child and nodded, "Oh it's fine, come in."

The woman pointed Terabithia in the direction of the upstairs toilet and as the young girl realistically bolted up the stairs, she heard Natalia beginning to keep the woman talking. She slammed the toilet door shut, then snuck into the woman's room, raiding a few items of unnoticeable yet expensive jewellery and spotting the woman's handbag by the floor, she dropped down, rifled through and found her purse, opening it up and taking out a twenty pound note. Once she was sure Natalia would be satisfied, she snuck back, opened the bathroom door and ran inside, flushing the toilet.

She bolted back downstairs, smiling at the woman and Natalia charmingly, "Thank you! I feel a ton better now!" Natalia and the Woman stood up, "It's quite alright dear." Natalia smiled at her, "Thanks so much, I guess we'll be on our way now." The woman nodded and showed the two out, "I hope things go well with your daughter" Natalia smiled at the lady, looking like an average, happy teenage girl. "Thank you, I hope you get home safely, these streets are dangerous." Natalia smiled and nodded as they left, once they were a good distance away Natalia murmured, "You have no idea."

Terabithia turned to Natalia, eyes wide with surprise, "Blue!" Natalia looked to the alarmed younger girl, worry for the first time seeping into her eyes, "What Abi? Are you alright?" "This gobstopper isn't everlasting! It just finished! Willy Wonka lied to me!" Natalia facepalmed, "Seriously Abi? You had me wo---" "Worried?" Terabithia grinned, popping another gobstopper into her mouth, Natalia 'pffted' at Abi, "Of course not. You had me wo..ndering what was wrong."

Terabithia shook her head, as she grabbed Natalia's hand, "You're hopeless Blue." Natalia rolled her eyes, muttering to herself, "I know."
When Xander grabs her wrist, Katarina stiffens, her cheeks heating further. She knows he knows what lies under the sleeve, and shame flares through her still more strongly. She knows he must know what she's thinking, what she wants, what she was badly she feels in this moment. And here he is trying to stop her, trying to protect can he stand her? Doesn't he see how weak she is, how much she hates it?

But it would be even more embarrassing to run away, because she knows very well that Xander would simply chase her down, and everyone in the entire park would be staring by then. So she remains silent as her brother takes her wrist, and merely grits her teeth, not looking in the direction of Cas or Shira. Her arms itch so badly then that she can barely stand it.


Julian almost jumps when Violet hands him her hat without a word, having at first expected from her sudden movement for her to touch him, either in an attack...or maybe a kiss. When she retreats again, giving him a bashful smile, Julian blinks, staring down at the hat, then looking up at her quickly, his blush darkening.

She had given him a hat...why? Did she...did she actually like THAT? Or was this some sort of payment, for his song?

He stared at it for a few more moments before putting it on his head, giving her a brief smile back. It will help him keep warmer, covering his ears...he had needed this.

"Th-thank you..." he added, and then, before he could stop himself, "Why? D-don't you need it...for you?"


It is after several minutes that Rikarah, still walking along unhurriedly, comes into a neighborhood perhaps ten minutes from her home. From a distance she can see two children exiting a home- a teenage girl and a younger child. It is with some surprise that seh realizes that the two are Natalia and Terabithia. Drawing closer, pleased in spite of herself, she determines that she will follow them. Why are they leaving a home now, if they were currently living in a theater? Did they actually have a home after all?

From a distance she approaches them in such a manner that she is facing them, inconspicuous, but if they were to notice her, she could simply pass it off as her approaching them to make certain of their identity. It definitely appeared that something was up with them.
Neither Terabithia or Natalia notice Rikarah, for Terabithia is chattering to Natalia about Willy Wonka being a lier and he said that his gobstoppers last forever but she has already ran out of TWO gobstoppers. As they walk past Rikarah, Natalia too focused on where they are going, Terabithia is telling Natalia how she is defiently going to sue Willy Wonka, even if he does have cute little oompa loompa's.

Natalia rolls her eyes, "Sure thing Abi." She then leads the girl down twists and turns of alleyways, before they come to their 'spot'. It's a dead end, but it has a climbable wall behind them and a small passage to escape in. Suiting both girls because Abi can go through the small passage - which she is just able to get through so no grown-ups could - and Natalia could simply climb the wall and run - both which she is good at.

They sit side by side, and Natalia checks no-one is around before turning to Abi, "What did you get kiddo?" Abi rolls her eyes, and opens her backpack, shoving Natalia the jewellery and pulling out the 20 bucks, handing them to her. "So now we gots lots of money Blue?" Natalia nods, "Enough to get a house?" Natalia actually lets out a light laugh at this, the first time Abi has heard her laugh in a while, "Not yet Abi, plus, we'll have to wait two years before I can get us a place of our own, I'm not eighteen just yet." Terabithia pouted, "But two years is AGES away! I'll be....I'll be like...eight years old!" Natalia rolled her eyes, "Oh how I wished I was still eight, that's really young still Abi."

Terabithia looked up at Natalia, "Did you have a nice life when you was eight years old Blue?" Natalia looked down at the girl, suddenly becoming cold, "That's none of your business Terabithia." Terabithia looked down at Natalia's sharp words, fiddling with her packet of gobstoppers, she didn't like it when Natalia called her by her whole name, "Sorry Natalia..." She murmured, Natalia looked at the girl, conflicted. She sighed, her voice becoming softer yet she didn't reach out and hug the girl, "It's fine Abi, you know I don't talk about the past, 'cause it's in the past, there's no point." Terabithia looked up at the older girl once more, "I know, but are you ever gonna tell me? I told you about my mummy and daddy." Natalia glared slightly at Terabithia, "Abi, leave it. I might not ever tell you and if you don't like that when you can go." Terabithia sighed and leant her head on Natalia's arm, "I'm not going anywhere Blue, I like spending time with you." She closed her eyes, murmuring, "Wanna gobstopper?" Natalia shook her head, "You tired? We can head back to the theatre if you want?" Terabithia spoke stubbornly, eyes still closed, "I'm not tired...." She yawned right after the sentence and Natalia chuckled, "You sure? We were walking all night to get here." "I'm sure!"

They sat in silence for a few moments before Terabithia spoke, her voice light like she was falling asleep, "Blue?" "Yeah?" "Do you trust those three new people?" "Of course not." "Why not?" "'Cause trusting people is a stupid thing." "But you trust me, right?" Natalia sighed, "Yeah, I guess I do." Terabithia smiled lightly, but then her breathing steadied and she fell asleep against Natalia. The older girl looked at her, wondering what to do. "Aw sh*t." She murmured, "This kid is way too attached to me."
"If we're going, let's go," Katarina says finally, her words almost snapping, but even in her irritable state her throat feels dry and choked, and she is still shaking slightly. She prays that the others will think it is because of the cold as she attempts to ease her wrist from Xander's grasp. "Go get Chris and let's go home already...forget everything, let's f*cking go."

She has to, and now. Because if she has to stay here much longer with those other kids being friendly, maybe even pitying her, if she has to stand here with Xander smiling and making nice, with Xander doing what he thinks of as SAVING her, he'll lose her every potential person she could have gone up to in this park. She'll always be recognized here...and if she can't stop the urge to hurt herself, or to cry, then what the hell would happen?

"Let's go," she repeats, her voice rising slightly, but holding an edge that almost seems near panic .


Rikarah stops following the girls as they come to the alley entrance, merely standing back and watching from its edge as the girls disappear into their spot. She cannot see them any longer, and walks no closer, but instead merely listens closely. She can hear only snatches of their conversation, but enough to understand that they had stolen. This was hardly unusual or unexpected, especially given the woman with the purse they had followed.

It is then that Rikarah's curiosity drives her to concentrate intently, attempting to probe their thoughts. She tries Terabithia's first, since she is younger and appears much less guarded. She is careful to keep her presence at the first outer shield of Terabithia's mind shielded from the child's probable ability to detect her; at most she might feel "Funny." Rikarah is not sure what she might find there, or whether she will be able to see anything at all, but she is now interested enough to try. Natalia, she will attempt only if Terabithia yields little of what she is looking for. What that is, she is not sure of, but she suspects she will know when she sees.
(Uh, Terabithia is asleep, so feel free to 'probe' She won't find any information on Natalia though, Natalia has told Terabithia nothing about herself. She may see her dream if you wish, Terabithia had a happy life with her parents, though she was raised by two hippies, so her childhood may seem 'odd')

Terabithia was peacefully asleep on Natalia's shoulder. Having a dream about her last day with her parents.

Terabithia's dream started - as usual - with her waking up. She looked around her rainbow coloured room, each object a colour of the rainbow. She pushed aside her favourite teddy bear - a rabbit - and clambered out of bed, running into her parents' room. Rainbow and Zan Smith's room was obviously hippie-oriented, dream catchers and crystal balls littering the oddly decorated room. "Mummy! Daddy!" Terabithia clambered onto the bed inbetween the two, Rainbow woke up first, her hair was the same colour as Terabithia's but it was curled tightly, she smiled at the little girl, "Good morning darling" Terabithia was then grabbed from behind and pulled onto her Dad's lap, she grinned up at him and he ruffled her hair, "Hello there munchkin, someone's up early?" "Daddy stop it!" Terabithia giggled, squirming out of his grasp only to turn around and beginning tickling him. He grinned, pretending to squirm away aswell, "Ah stop it! Please! I give up! Rainbow! Stop the tickle monster please!" Rainbow laughed at the pair of them, tapping each of their heads', "You silly daffodils, how about I make us all some pancakes for breakfast?" Terabithia stopped tickling her dad to bounce off of the bed and follow her Mum, "YAY! Can I have lots of syrup on mine?" Rainbow grinned and swept the child up onto her hip, "Alright, but you need to have some fruit on the side, it's good for your soul" Terabithia nodded eagerly, "Just no blackberries please Mummy! They're reallly yucky!"

We then skip later on to the day, Terabithia is playing at nursey, although she was happy and not picked on, Terabithia didn't really have any friends at nursery, always content with playing by herself. She looked up as she overheard the nursery lady on the phone, she heard her name and crept over, surprisingly sneaky for such a young one.
"Yes, yes. Terabithia is here. Why?" She heard murmuring on the other end of the line and the lady's voice became shocked, "Both of them? Killed in a shooting? Oh no, poor Terabithia, what should I tell her?" More murmuring. "Yes, alright. See you soon." Then she hung up. Terabithia snuck back to her spot and only a moment later the nursery lady came over, sitting beside the child. "Terabithia?" The blue eyed child looks at the woman, "Yes?" "Some people are coming to see you soon, you see.." The nursery lady trailed off, finding it hard to tell a five year old that her parents had been killed in a hospital shooting. "They need to talk to you about mummy and daddy." Innocent Terabithia looked up at the lady, "What about them? Did Mummy forget my lunch again? She only did that once and she brought it to me as soon as she realized." "No honey, why don't we wait until the people get here."

Her dream then skipped to the funeral, watching silently as the people all spoke about her parents, how loving and caring they were. Terabithia wasn't supposed to be there, but she had snuck away from the social service lady who was keeping an eye on her. A lone tear trickled down Terabithia's cheek before she saw the social service woman pull up, she then fled the scene and the dream ended with Terabithia looking back to see everyone searching for her as she ran.

Natalia looks down at the younger sleeping girl, sighing as she picks her up in a princess carry, slinging the bag over her own shoulder after stuffing the coat into it. "Since when did I turn into a big sister." She muttered to herself, beginning to head back.
Violet would find comfort in sitting back at her bench and pulling her legs up against her body, her arms wrapping around her form as she rested her head over her crossing wrists. Peering in Julian’s general direction was more than enough, looking at him or in the eye would be more than embarrassing after she had done such a thing, her face felt flushed already as her mind caught up to her actions.

At his thanks said out loud Violet would feel her cheeks redden, she hated how her body always seemed to react so honestly, unable to hide any emotion. Why did she have to be so embarrassed about giving the guy a hat? It shouldn’t be a big deal, alas trying to convince your head something when it was partial to otherwise never really worked out well. “No problem” she would mumble, her words rushed and barely audible. At his question she would shake her head and point to her hood. She was ok without it, though the fact remained that she was the type to give even if she wouldn’t be, but he didn’t need to know that.

Violet would cast her gaze across the park, not really looking at anything or taking in the scenery in, but it helped to not look at him, extended eye contact aside from a few passing phrases seemed too intimate for her, yet she couldn’t keep but to glance at a person on and off anyway. So taking in the scenery or pretending to, yeah that was much easier for her overaware mind to handle than the other options that came to mind.
Xander, hearing the urgency in his sister's tone nodded. "Sure, Chris is over here." He then looked to Shira and Cas, "Nice to meet you." He gave them a polite nod before leading Katarina to the spot where Chris was curled up in the sun. He stopped, seeing a small smile on her face. She must like it outside.

Xander looked to Rina, then Chris, then Rina. He sighed and went and sat beside Chris, murmuring lightly, "Hey Chris? You awake?"
There are a few more "regular" people passing by now, some occasionally glancing toward Julian where he sat with Violet nearby. Swallowing, he positions his styrofoam cup so it stands out a little more obviously, hoping that someone will tip him, and yet still embarrassed should they do so. Violet is saying nothing further, and in fact not meeting his eyes, and as he takes up playing again, he finds himself thinking about her frequently.

What is her story, that she would find him each day here, that she would sit and listen to him, sometimes for long periods of time? He knows little more about her than her name. At the time he met her, he thought even this seemed too much knowledge, but now, Julian has seen enough of her that his interest is piqued in spite of his reservations. If he were only like everyone else, he might find Violet attractive. She was proportional in her features and figure...why was it that he couldn't be like everyone else, like everyone wanted and expected him to be anyway?

Sometimes he wondered if his parents were right, and he was unnatural for his attraction to other boys...what if Madison had simply made him so afraid of girls that he had no other choice?


Katarina was only faintly relieved when Xander lead her to where their sister lay sleeping, her arms crossed protectively over her chest, her face slightly lowered, although she knew Chris would not be able to see her expression. Compulsively she tapped the fingers of her left arm against her right wrist, trying to slow her breathing, despising herself for her continued overreaction. Now Xander might tell Chris too, or Chris might ask questions, and then what would she do? How was she supposed to explain this to her younger sister?


As Rikarah watches the images that play before her eyes, it is easy for her to follow and understand their meaning; because Terabithia is already an unguarded person, and because her defenses are further lowered in her sleep, she is able to see very clearly the majority of thoughts and dreams tumbling through her mind. She finds her brow creasing as she observes the child's history, for it appears that most of it is true.

Rikarah cannot imagine having parents that appeared to be so naturally loving and appropriate as Terabithia's did, nor can she imagine feeling any emotion beyond triumph at a parent's death. Somehow observing this in Terabithia's dream made her feel not only reflective of herself, but vaguely angry. This was how it should be, and it was not fair that Terabithia's nice life should be marred without need.

When she hears movement that sounds as though Natalia were beginning to emerge from her hideout, Rikarah immediately backs into the street and begins to walk away unhurriedly, then disappears into the second alley over. She does not wish for them to see her.
(*looks around* I need someone to play with again . . . oh well.)

Cas smiled at Xander's comment. Two sisters did sound rough, but Shira was more than enough trouble to make up for the numbers. As the siblings left, Cas waved good bye. "It was nice to meet you as well." His eyes followed them as they left. And when they were out of earshot, he gave a heavy sigh. He had completely blown his chance at making his first friend in this busy city. Not only that but his resistance to her advances seemed to hurt her a great deal. Cas wasn't fond of being the cause of pain, any pain. To him, that made him one of the bad guys. He had come to face with a true bad guy before and the memory still haunted him to that day. He started to feel guilty.

Cas looked up to see Shira still in the tree, swinging from the branch as if it was a trapeze. He sighed again. Did that boy from before have to deal wit this? "Get down from there before you break your neck." Shira stuck her tongue out before jumping out of the tree and landing on her feet. As she straightened herself out, Cas noted two boys walking past, eying Shira or rather her legs. He immediately stripped off his jacket and tried to use it to cover her bare legs. "Shira, you've got to cover up more. New York is just crawling with creeps."

Shira pushed him and his jacket away. "Cas, it's too hot to wear a jacket. God. Just looking at you makes me feel like sweating." She then proceeded to walk down one of the pathways of the park. She still wanted a bit of excitement. This was the city that never sleeps after all, how could it be so boring? While walking, Shira bumped into someone but this person was bigger than her and just pushed her aside. As she glared at him, the boy turned back to look at her.

He was rather tall, just a couple inches shy of six feet. With his tan and golden hair, he seemed to glow against the grayish background. He looked like what girls pictured when the term "Prince Charming" was mentioned. He smiled at Shira. "I'm so sorry. I didn't hurt you, did I? I can be so out of it sometimes."

Shira looked at this man with a puzzling look. His words seemed so . . . flat. But maybe he was tired or something. Still, she was taught not to talk to strangers so she shook her head and left. Only looking forward, she didn't see the expression the man had when she left. If she had turned back for even a second, she might've seen the smirk on his face.

Cas watched Shira leave as he put his coat back on. He walked over to a nearby park bench and decided to rest on it. Head back, he looked at the sky. This was getting too tiring.
Chris did fall asleep curled up on that bench and much more deeper than she usually did. In her sleep she dreamed as well.

"Christina! Christina!"

Chris turned around to see an ex-friend of her, Maria Ross. She blinked, confused. Why was Maria talking to her? They had just had a spat over Chris kissing Maria's boyfriend last week which ended in a fistfight and a suspension for Chris. Maria didn't seem angry or vengeful. In fact she seemed happy and pleased as well.

"Maria? No one calls me Christina besides my parents or teachers," Chris said, choosing that to address than what she thought she should. It seemed important to her though. Image and how she presented herself was almost everything to the girl.

"Come on now. You love the name Christina. So much more girly than Chris. I mean really girl? Chris? Couldn't have choosen a more masculine nickname."

"I like my nickname," Chris said defensively. Maria just laughed as if Chris had said something completely hilarious. Chris moved a little away from her "friend". Something did not seem right, but the girl could not put her finger on it.

"Oh come on. So have you heard...." Suddenly it was like someone had hit the mute button. Maria kept on talking, Chris could tell that by her mouth as it was still moving. But no matter what, Chris could not hear her. She frowned and began to panic. What was wrong with her?

"Maria? Maria I think I'm deaf."

Maria kept on going. She looked concern so Chris assumed she heard her, but she couldn't tell. This was not right! She couldn't be deaf. She began to move away but as she turned the scene shifted and she suddenly felt incredibly hot.

"Chris... Chris please don't leave me?"


"I...I don't want to go."

Alice don't worry. I'll protect you.

"No. No....NO!"


Chris moved forward looking for her younger sibling as the fire licked against her body. Somehow she was able to ignore it, but as she got closer to the sound of someone crying - Alice? Kyle? - she felt like something bad was going to happen.

She saw a small figure suddenly, their back turned to her and Chris frowned, knowing suddenly what came next. She moved towards her younger brother, ready to help, to make it stop. She placed a hand on his shoulder and he turned and then everything went back as she screamed in pain.

Back on the bench, Chris jolted upright, crying out as if she was in pain still, her scars burning. She curled into herself, making noises as if she was crying, but she began to calm down. She took deep breaths, suddenly remembering where she was.

"Xander? ....Kat?"
As she and Xander come up on Chris, Katarina is still lost in her upset emotions, avoiding looking at her sister, or anywhere other than the ground. She lags behind Xander, letting him lead her to their sister without actually seeing where it was they were going.

It is not until they are standing before her sister that some of the noises she is making break into Katarina's consciousness, and she finally looks up at her, experiencing dawning concern. When she sees that Chris is sleeping, making noise as if she is crying, she is able to shove down some of her own feelings with her dawning concern for Chris.

"Chris?" she says, starting forward, one hand extended without quite touching her, but just then her sister sits up suddenly, and Katarina jerks back behind Xander again, startled. She can see Chris curling up, sounding as though she is sobbing...obviously she is upset and afraid. Chris, who Kat has so rarely seen cry.

Katarina stares at her, biting her lip, suddenly aware of everyone in the park about them, convinced that they are staring at them, at Chris and her scars, and at herself as well. She finds herself slipping back into memories of her own nightmares, of Kyle's dead weight on her back, of how she had struggled to drag out the boy who outweighed her...Xander screaming Alice's name, her coughing, gasping to breathe as the smoke fogged her lungs and irritated her eyes...Chris silent. Chris...

When Chris speaks her name Katarina is shaken out of it, and she swallows, taking a deep breath herself before looking straight at her sister, making herself continue to do so. Still, she feels shaky as she nods.

"We...we're going, Chris."

And they needed to, for her as much as Chris.
As Chris shifted in her sleep, a frown etched onto her features, Xander moved closer to her, concern in his eyes. "Chris?" He was about to reach out and try to wake her up when she jolted upright, seeming to be in pain and crying, or trying to cry at least.

His eyes widened and he moved forward, instantly wrapping an arm around her in a hug as he pulled her closer to him, "Chris, are..are you okay? It was just a nightmare, don't worry, we're here." He looked down at his little sister, worry radiating from him. He guessed she had had a nightmare about the fire.

Natalia was on her way back to the theatre, carrying a sleeping Terabithia in her arms. She spotted Shira up ahead, and still being cautious of the girl, said nothing. But then the snobbiest boy EVER bumped purposely into her and smirked about it afterwards. Her eyes narrowed and she froze on spot, glaring at the boy. What an asshole.

(Just updated Natalia with the power to absorb other people's powers, but it only works if she has met the person and she can only absorb one power at a time, once she absorbs a new power she loses the one she previously absorbed.)
Several feet ahead of Natalia with Terabithia, Rikarah has already drawn near to Shira and Castiel, though she has not yet addressed them or actively approached them. She watches with a slight frown as the tall, strangely princely man knocks into Shira, and she backs away, watching Shira and Castiel walk away before turning her gaze to the man.

There is something not right about him...something almost not quite human. Rikarah is generally good at being able to detect when others are also skilled beyond the manner that more "ordinary" people are, as she herself is, and she is fairly certain, even without speaking to the man or probing his thoughts, that he is one of them.

He has done nothing overtly suspicious yet, and yet Rikarah continues to watch him, up until Natalia and Terabithia appear and he nearly knocks into them. Rikarah stays where she is, watching.


As Katarina watches her twin move to comfort their younger sister, Katarina watched him, continued discomfort mingled with concern twisting itself in her heart before she psyches herself up to approach. Taking a deep breath, she steps forward, then lays a hand on the top of Chris's head, lightly stroking her hair. Touching Chris in any way has always been rare between them, even before the fire, but as odd as it is for her, it feels like something she should, as the older sister, be doing.

Even as she expresses comfort the best she can, she feels miserable. It seems that nothing will ever be okay, nothing will ever go right for matter what they try, Chris will always be blind, Katarina will always struggle to earn money, Xander will always have to worry and take care of them, Kyle will always have his guilt, and all of them, every single one will never be able to forget the fire...and Alice will always be dead.

How can anything they try make any of this better, when all of this was true?
(But he is human . . . And Jo, what do you mean by "absorb"? Is it more like a "mimic" where the victim can still keep their power? If not, I know who I'll never be touching. Also, as for now, I'm going to keep Max out of trouble so he's going to be pretty boring at first.)

Shira continued to walk for a bit and then abruptly stopped. She had no idea what she should do or where she should go now. She sat down on the edge of the sidewalk, making sure to keep out of way. Normally, she would wait at the theater for Cas to come home. Or if she had gone to make money, she would go home straight after. But she didn't want to do that now. She wanted to . . . to . . . she had no idea what she wanted to do. Closing her eyes, she pulled her knees up to her chest and waited for someone or something to come by and give her something to do.

Max stared off at the direction that the girl he had bumped into went. The smirk was still present on this face. "Interesting . . . " Normally girls seemed to fawn over Max's good looks. This girl didn't notice at all, as if she had no taste in the matter. Of course this only piqued his interest. What won him over was what he felt when he bumped into her. His arm had gotten cold, even through his coat. That girl was probably one of the dominoes he was looking for. "Domino" was the term he used to call humans with supernatural powers, just like the man who had mugged him last year. It came from the latin word dominus or lord. It was a suiting title. After all, when you have a power few others have, you become their lords. And that was Max's goal, to become lord of all. He'd have to keep tabs on that girl.

Turning back, he smiled brightly at a few other girls who had been looking at him. It was the same faked smile that he used to fool everyone. He had a reputation of being a prince, the perfect man. It still made him laugh at how easy it was to fool people. He waved to the girls before heading to a car that was waiting for him. His driver let him into the car and then drove off.

Cas calmed down a bit on the bench. He stood up and looked around. He had lost track of Shira. Swearing under his breath, he began looking for her. Shira's hypnosis was unstable and incomplete. Cas' skills could only go so far. Not only could it break at anytime and with any stressor, but Shira wasn't a complete person. She had no preferences, personal thoughts, or defenses other than basic instinct. Without Cas or someone to "guide" her along, she was little more than a doll. Not only that but almost anyone could control her to do what they wanted, especially if they were subtle enough to avoid the basic defense mechanisms he had planted into her mind: don't talk to or follow strangers, avoid white vans, keep away from people in trench coats, and if someone hurts you hurt him back.

As he walked through the park, he noticed what seemed to be the aftermath of a gang fight. Stray bullets littered the ground. He was starting to worry. Shira didn't get caught up in this, did she? (FYI: He's going the wrong way.) It was probably unlikely because this fight wasn't too fresh. If it was, then there'd be at least some of the people involved still here. And the blood on the ground would still be bright red instead of the dark color that indicated dried blood. Still he went forward, still searching.
(Ah no, I meant mimic. The person would still keep their powers, nothing about the power would change either, Natalia would just be able to use it aswell, and with a bit more control aswell)
Chris felt the comfort of her older sister and brother and felt a mix of feelings. She wanted to allow them to comfort her. So rarely did she let her troule shine through and let someone be there for her. She'd rather bottle it all up inside. But the nightmare scared her in a familiar way, it being both a memory and a dream mixed together. She began to calm down more and moved a little away from her siblings and said nothing. She swallowed hard and tried to keep herself calm.

"It felt so real. Like I was back there and..." Chris stopped not able to talk about it. She recalled her state again, the shock he was in after the fire. Some days she missed it. It was easy just floating along, but she knew she could never go back to that state. She uncurled herself and stood. Even if she could not see she could still feel the stare of people and it made her feel uncomfortable. She turned to where she heard her siblings voices.

"I'll be okay. It was just a dream. Nothing more. Let's...let's just go. I don't want to be outside any longer."


Jillian walked with Lionel for a short bit. They headed into the park. For a while they were mostly alone and they talked about random things. Jillian kept on pushing Lionel to find someone to teach him. Lionel was smart and Jillian wanted the best for the young boy. He didn't want him to become too uneducated and not be able to find himself a decent job. Jillian thought about his own life and he didn't want Lionel to fall into it.

"Just think about talking to the people at the shelter Lionel. It's what is best. You should learn things so when you get to be my age you'll be able to do much more than I can." Jillian knew it wasn't just that he didn't graduate high school though they kept him from living a completely normal life. His gender identity issue and his sexuality would play a part. No one wanted to hire the gay trannie, even if Jillian didn't label himself as transgender. People would put that label on him regardless.

Jillian was about to go on a different topic when he came to a point in the park where something had happened. Jillian saw a boy walking towards them and though he seemed both unharmed and unarmed, Jillian pushed the young boy behind him. He knew nothing of Lionel's powers but even if he did, he still felt protected over his young friend. Lionel was like a younger brother to him after all. He wanted him to be safe.

"Are you okay," Jillian heard himself call out. Of course he looked okay to the boy but he was here admist what looked to have been a serious fight so Jllian assumed nothing.

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