Castouts (Accepting new characters)

*Steven snaps awake when Kat touches him with the damped cloth, grabbing her by the wrist due to shear reflex, he eyes quickly scanning the room, he stands not realizing he's still holding onto the Kat*

Steven: Where the hell am I?

*Kyle who refused to leave the room was sitting in the corner watching Steven and Kat*


*Steven finally looks down at his hand wrapped around Kat's wrist and releases her, kneeling down in front of her he looks into her eyes*

Steven: Shit Kat, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to grab you like that did I hurt you?
Despite Duck's assurance that he was kidding Julian about being a "loverboy," Julian cannot rid himself of the blush staining his cheeks; he is fairly sure there is actually a rash breaking out over his face. He keeps his head down for several moments, praying no one notices his hand shake as he brings his hamburger to his mouth, then immediately praying afterward that he will not choke on it and bring himself further embarrassment. He just can't seem to do ANYTHING smoothly today.

He doesn't love Jillian...he CAN'T love Jillian. He doesn't even know her. She's a GIRL...she's a GIRL.

But he does want to keep looking at her. And that bothers him more than he could put into words even in his thoughts.

As Duck starts to talk about park security, Julian finally looks up, happy to have something to focus on, even though the topic itself is anxiety-inducing. They did need to have security somehow. Julian had no weapons, and no plans of getting one, ever- he didn't trust himself with a weapon in his hand, not because he didn't think he could use it, but because he knew with certainty he could. And that was the last thing he wanted, ever again.

"I don't know...maybe...I d-don't know," he muttered, then looked around at the others. "Do you think we're s-safe?"

Even as he said it he knew it was a stupid question. They were never safe...who was, when it came down to it?


When Katarina had left her and Christina's bedroom, Kyle had jumped up, following her back to Steven and Xander in the spare room. She had not bothered to argue with him to stay with Chris, too worried about Steven to care at that point, as long as Kyle stayed out of the way. When Kyle's eyes shot open and he grabbed her wrist, Katarina gasped, her heart briefly seizing, and her whole body tenses up, bracing itself to be struck. She even closes her eyes, as though in preparation for a fist to her face...this is something she is very used to, something she had experienced so often first with her parents, then later with men and boys, as to almost find it uneventful.

But then Kyle is shouting, Steven is releasing her wrist, even apologizing. Steven is looking her in the face, and slowly her pulse returns to an approximation of normal, even as her already bruised wrist throbs. She pulls her sleeve down as far as it will got, covering part of her palm, and cups her wrist unconsciously.

"It''s ok. Are you okay?"
Jillian moved to the table, wondering if he was going to get fired again. He had probably missed work, but the place he was currently at was a little leinent. Maybe if he lied? Jillian didn't like the thought of lying about where he was today, but he didn't want to lose another job. At least this one paid pretty well. He thought maybe of going out to look again. Maybe find a better job. Find a way to get into college. If he could manage that then he could finally leave the shelter.

He looked at Lionel, wondering what he would do when that day came. Take Lionel with him? Help him find a place? Jillian wasn't sure at this point, but he refuse to just abandon the boy. Maybe when that day came, Lionel would be having a better life as well. There was a lot Jillian thought would be a better place for him besides the shelter, but Jillian knew he couldn't interfere too much with his friend's life. It was his choice as well what he wanted to do. Jillian had to stop trying to care take of him so much, but he felt it would not be easy.

Jillian finally noticed that something was going on with Julian and he frowned, concerned. He reached across the table, laying a hand on his head. "Are you okay Julian? You feel a little hot? You aren't getting sick are you?"

*Kyle studying Steven's back as he walks around him and Kat*

Kyle: What happened to you last night why did your back last night it looked like it was melting off.

*Steven looking for his shirt that is pretty much destroyed so now he has to go shirtless at least till he gets back to his car.*

Steven: I wish you didn't see that kid, it's not very pleasant so I try to not be around people when it happens..I just call it the cost of my power, it hurts like hell and usually puts me in a very dangerous position cause even tho my skin repaired itself I can't use my powers for a few hours.

Kyle: Cost of your power? What is the cost of my power?

*Kyle looks at his sister and Steven hoping one of them would have an answer for him*

Steven: I don't know kid, but if I can rest here for a day or two I'll help you figure it out...What do you say Kat can I crash here for a bit, I even have some cash to pay for food.

*He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a wad of 20s that he took off of a few of Calico's dealers over the past few days*
Julian had hardly been expecting anyone to touch him, let alone Jillian. It had been enough of a shock to his system when Castiel touched him earlier, after he had fallen; now, with Jillian's cool fingers on his head, Jillian close to him, looking at him with concern, the heated embarrassment and shame in Julian's face grew even more vivid, and he jumped, pulling back from her touch. Almost immediately he wished that Jillian's fingers were still on his face, and this desire only shamed him further.

What was WRONG with him?

"N-no I'm n-not...sick...I'm not...I'm fine. I'm not...just n-not hungry," he stammered before shooting a pleading look in Duck's direction, begging him for an out. His heart is pounding so fast and hard he can hear it, and he is terrified that perhaps Jillian can too.

Someone like Jillian should never be touching someone like him. She wouldn't, if she knew.


The cost of was something that Katarina had thought of often, daily. But never in the manner that Steven seemed to be exhibiting.

The cost of power was the cost of a normal life, a life without fear, guilt, and shame over a lack of normality, a lack of control. The cost of power was the knowledge that no matter how desperate their lives got, they could never return home, that they had no home to return to. The cost of power was knowing that powers could hurt...that powers could kill. That powers had killed.

The cost of Kyle's power was their lives, their comfort, Chris's eyes, their mental health, it felt like...and Alice. Kyle's power had cost them Alice. And how could Katarina ever tell him that to his face?

What was the cost of Xander's power, of Chris's? What was it costing Katarina, to not have a power as well?

When Steven asks to stay, pulling out money and showing it to them as if proof that he would earn his keep, Katarina is drawn out of her darker thoughts. She stares at the money, then blinks; it is the most she's seen in some time, definitely more than she could make herself. More than she DESERVED to make herself.

With that money, she wouldn't have to ask him to do anything with her...he could just have this room. With that money...and he was good with Kyle, he had helped Kyle...

"Yeah, sure, you can stay a while if you need," she said quickly, looking at Xander for confirmation. "Right, Xander?"
Duck looked back at Julian reassured that he was semi-focused on what he wanted to talk about. He still felt he shouldn't care about it right now, it wasn't something care about around here. He shrugged. Suddenly Jillian reacts to the boy who had fallen for her. Duck couldn't help but snicker, and shook his head. The boy was stammering, no, he wasn't just doing that, he looked like he was about the wet his pants. Suddenly attention drew to him, once more, and he only smiled. He enjoyed the sight, but Julian wanted out now, as Duck did once before. Though the situation was much more light hearted, and he took the boy's plea.

"Ah... Well since we're both full... Lets go back to work. It's getting late." he admitted that more cash was not a bad thing, and he wasted enough time with people. Still, somehow he enjoyed it; even though this wasn't his typical thing. He Scooched out past the person next to him (...missed this detail). "C'mon, Juls." he blurted unconciously, growing tiresome of the full first name. "See you later." He said to the group at the table, and made his way out. He did not expect to ever see them later. Though deep down.. he probably did.

He walked to the door, waving to Julian to follow.
*Steven places the money in Kat's hand, holding onto her hand a little longer then he should and staring at her*

Steven: It's only a couple of hundred but it should make my stay a bit more bearable, I have to work a Rave tonight so I should be able to get more, so why don't you used that and treat everyone to some treats and stuff.

Kyle: Whoa that's so much money are you rich? Xander look at all this! We can get some good meat with all that money and maybe some soda or ice cream!

Steven: Kyle do me a favor take my keys and get me a shirt from my backseat.

*Steven hands Kyle his car keys and Kyle grins and runs out the room to Steven's car. Once there Kyle unlocks the door and peeks in the backseat for the shirt Steven mention but doesn't see one, oh well maybe he put it in the trunk Kyle thinks looking about the front seat for the trunk release and opens it, then runs around to get the shirt. Kyle's jaw drops when he reaches the trunk and see's it's full of guns, assault rifles, a case with a sniper rifle and a small case marked explosive that was covered by Steven's shredded bulletproof vest from last night, Kyle being curious sees a shotgun and picks it up and starts examining it.*

(Someone might want to see Kyle outside, Steven is a bit distracted by Kat. LOL)
Jillian wasn't so sure that Julian was alright, but he wasn't going to argue. When he saw Duck get up and motion for Julian to go as well, Jillian felt a little disappointed. He was just getting to know these strangers. But he guessed he might see them again, maybe?

"Well it was nice meeting you both," Jillian said, smiling at them. 'You two take care. Maybe we'll run into each other again. This time somewhere less bloody." He hoped so. Despite not knowing them really, Jillian did want to see them again. They seemed okay to him. But maybe they didn't like him which would be okay.

Jillian sipped his coffee, looking at the remaining two, Cas and Lionel. He knew Lionel would leave with him, but he didn't know if Cas would go as well.

"So are you going as well," he asked the asian boy.


Chris didn't want to be left in the room all by herself, but she really didn't want to get involved either. Still it was boring all by herself and she was a little worried. She move silently from her bed to where Steven was. She could feel the presence of her siblings and the man and stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Maybe she should just go back.

But then she felt Kyle leave the room and she moved to follow him. She wasn't sure why. Maybe she was just worried about him. It made sense. She could hear him unlocking somthing - a car? - and then heard another noise she couldn't quite identify. Her powers were useless on the car as she couldn't see the inside all too well, just the outside shape, but she could see what Kyle was holding.

She moved to him and takes the gun.

"Kyle, don't touch these," she said. She turned slowly, using her free hand to feel for the trunk and slowly place the gun down.

Julian gathers the remnants of his food, for even if he can't eat it now, Julian knows better than to waste anything when he never knows if he'll have enough to eat the next day. Just the act of standing up to go helps him to calm down, his color returning nearly to a normal hue as he nods to the others, his stutter almost gone now that he's under less internal pressure.

"Um, okay. N-nice to meet you, everyone."

He should probably try to earn some more money before dark, find somewhere to settle for the night...but even as he heads out the door, he can't help but look back one last time at Jillian.


Katarina can almost forget everything else when Steven smiles at her, holding her hand. She can almost block from her memory the sight of his peeling skin, his scream of anguish, the way he had grabbed her so hard when he awakened, the flash of fear it had invoked in her. She could block out the vague knowledge that her wrist was swelling even more than it already had been, that if he were to happen to check it, he would be horrified at what he would of course think he had done, when really, it was mostly her own doings. She can almost forget the humiliation of her earlier efforts in the day, in favor of remembering that he thought she was looking favor of the way it felt now for him to hold her hand.

If he wanted her, she wasn't at all opposed.

As she finally looked down at the money, properly noticing its amount, her eyes widened, and her first thought was a rapid run through in her head of all the things they could do with so much money. Clothes, laundromat instead of washing things in a bucket by hand, real food, warmer coats and blankets...god they needed the things that money could bring...

But could he afford to be giving them that? Was it fair to accept it?

"That's a lot of money, Steven," she said reluctantly. "Don't you need some of that for yourself?"
Kyle: What? I wasn't doing nothing wrong I just wanted to touch it. I wonder why he has so many of them? Maybe he's a spy and this is his spy car, hey lets see if it can fly!

*The curiosity is gone now, Kyle remembers that Steven was shooting at Calico last night, if they had a tv they would have seen on the news that last night there was the bloodiest gang shooting last night at least 20 gang members dead*

Hey Chris do you think Kat and Xander will sent Steven away if they knew he was shooting at Calico and his gang last night? Do you think I should tell them?

*While Kyle is waiting for his sister to answer him he spots a clean shirt in the back of the trunk and grabs it*

We better put that back and close this.

*Steven finally lets go of her hand and steps back*

Steven: Oh don't worry about me, I'll be ok, like I said I have a job tonight and they pay me in cash once the rave is done, it will be plenty for me to get by, although it looks like I need to be some more shirts, I've gone through 3 so far in one day.

*Steven looks towards Xander wondering why he's so silent, if feels like he's stabbing him with his eye, but then he looks at Kat and for the first time since he's been home he feels relaxed*

So did I give you those bruises when I grabbed you? Again I'm sorry, that's not exactly the way I thought I would ever be holding you.
"It's a gun Kyle. You shouldn't be touching it," Chris said, her tone warning. Chris didn't like the thought of her younger brother holding a gun. He was already a living weapon, but what happened with his powers was always an accident and he was showing he could control it. To let him hold a gun? It made Chris feel nasuous. It was also a weapon as well and Kyle did not need any more of that. Chris also thought that if Kyle accidentally used his power, he could sent the gun off without having to pull the trigger. Fire and ammo did not go well together. Even if she was uncomfortable with Kyle sometimes, she did feel bad for her brother. Was this how it felt for her older siblings? To look out for the younger one? Maybe.

"And...I don't think so Kyle. Let's just forget the guns." She thought about the second question and shrugged. 'I don't know. Probably. They look out for us and they wouldn't want to invite danger," Chris said. "But I think....tell them if you wish."

She motioned for them to return inside, having put the gun back inside the trunk.
(I find it a bit funny that Macal suggested for someone to "see" Kyle but Chris was the one to find him.)

Cas watched as Julian as his face flushed. With the cold weather, he wasn't surprised that Julian might have a cold. He spent his day out in the park exposed to the cold air. He then watched the red faced boy and Duck leave the restaurant. They seemed normal. He'd like to become friends if possible later on. He turned to Jillian who had asked Cas if he had to go as well.

He initially opened his mouth to say yes but stopped for a second to think. He had enjoyed spending time with other people besides Shira. In fact, he had missed this feeling. Just hanging around friends, or acquaintances in this situation, was a luxury he had long given up when he first chose this life. He didn't want it to end or at least not now. Shira could wait a few more minutes or maybe even an hour. She was probably already home. "N-no," he ended up saying. "I don't have to go just yet."

He wanted to make some friends in this city. Cas' eyes fell to Jillian. He was tempted to ask the boy about his clothing choice but then decided it'd be a bit rude to blurt out that topic so early. Still, he wanted to get to know the boy and maybe befriend him. Jillian probably, no definitely, knew more about girl issues than Cas did. And it's be nice to have someone help him with Shira. He smiled at the pink haired boy.
Katarina is somewhat disappointed when Steven lets go of her hand, more so when he steps back, though one glance at Xander gives her a pretty good idea of why he might have done so. She knows how her twin is about her with guys, and she can pretty much bet that especially after what he interrupted this afternoon, he won't want her anywhere near a guy- even a guy who's giving them over a hundred dollars.

When Steven apologizes, Katarina frowns slightly, not understanding at first how he even knew. Glancing down at her wrist, she sees that her sleeve is pushed up just slightly, enough to see the beginnings of the bruise and swelling. When Steven had taken her hand, he must have pushed down the sleeve, which had been secured up to her palm, without her noticing. Dammit, was she going to have to GLUE her sleeves in place to keep from being confronted every five minutes?

She closed her other hand around her sleeve to keep it down as she shrugged, not directly answering his question. "I've been hurt a lot worse than anything you could have done just now." The statement is flippant, but serious and meaningful on many levels.

And then the second part of his statement dawns on her...hold her? He's already imagining HOLDING her?

She can't stop herself from smiling.


Finishing the amount of cereal she wants and the rest of her soda, Rikarah stands up on the theater's stage abruptly, walking around with some restless energy to her steps for a few minutes before exiting the central performance area entirely, making her way back to the pantry. Returning the box of cereal to the shelf carefully, making sure to roll down the bag, she decides on impulse to leave the building, unsure yet of where her feet will take her, but not content just then to check in for the day. As she exits through the same broken window in which she had entered earlier, she looks up, hands in her pockets, to see Shira on the roof. She smiles up at her, waves slightly, and then continues to walk, though she has decided now that she will stay within eyesight of the younger girl. After what happened earlier,she does not want to risk leaving her alone.
Steven: Had worst? Listen Kat don't ever let anyone especially a man ever hurt you, you're deserve better then that, I was wrong to do it, even tho it was a reflex it was still wrong, and for now on if someone ever hurts you, call me and I will deal with them. It's the least I can do after you're taking me in. *takes her hand again, ignoring Xander being there* I'm not gonna let you ever get hurt again or you Xander or any of you.
As he guided the boy outside, he looked at Julian. He reached out his hand, over the boy's forehead. "Are you ok? You're hot." He tried to make his best Jillian impression. It wasn't trying to mock the girl, but rather tease Julian's obvious infatuation with the girl. Then he realized what he was doing, and it seemed so out of character. He retracted his hand, covering up with a laugh. "Sorry. Sorry." It was dumb of him to take advantage of the boy like that. Duck didn't want to be mean to the boy, heck he really avoided Julian because he'd be to comfortable, or maybe he'd come off like that boy who betrayed him.

He began to wonder once more, taking an alternate route to the park, avoiding the crime scene they previously witnessed, "So what are you going to do...? Tonight?" The words came out quiet, but he tried to keep eye contact. "Like... I'm not ready to go anywhere else now... Or get taken back... I mean, away from the park." He didn't want to reveal his past to Julian, so he knew he quickly had to add something to avoid THAT question. " Because we make good money." He nodded at his words, though they were far from honest. We don't make good money.. We ain't even got a roof. We can barely order off the dollar menu.
Lionel was more than happy to let Jillian choose what he should have, happy to have something filling to eat. He sat down and busied himself with his food, but he kept an eye on the people at the table and listened to their conversation.

He looked at Julian at one point, raising an eyebrow slightly. Something was up with him, it seemed. He seemed nervous. Maybe Jillian was right and he was sick. Lionel wasn't sure. He opened his toy after Duck and Julian left, still not finish with his own food. He looked from Cas to Jillian and then moved it with his powers, smiling a bit as it responsed. He looked back up to make sure neither saw him, but it was such a small movement, he doubted. Well at least Jillian probably didn't and as for Cas? Who knew what he might think. Lionel decided to go back to his food.

"You don't have to stay with us," Lionel said to Castiel. "Me and Jillian will be fine by ourselves." Lionel wasn't sure what would have happened if Castiel had actually asked Jillian about his clothes, him having no idea about Jillian's questioning gender identity and his habit of cross-dressing. "But thank you."


Raekel was pissed. Oh was she pissed. There she was walking, making looking for a mark, someone to steal from or maybe just to go and rig a game at the arcade or do something, when Liselle had walked into her.

She was pushed backwards by the crash of them, her soda spilling forward. She scowled and glared at Liselle, tempted to just throw the rest on her.

"WHAT THE HELL? Walk much?"

Raekel scoffed and threw the can on the ground, looking at Liselle as if she might throw her as well. "Is it really that hard to see me? I'm sure my red hair makes me kind of hard to miss?"

Raekel said nothing about not seeing Liselle walking, taking out her anger at losing her soda at the girl.
Xander wants to punch Steven. SO Hard.

First he had HURT Kat. He had grabbed her so hard that he had HURT her! Then she says it's nothing. Then, of ALL the things to do, he frickin' holds her hand when giving her the money. He holds Xander's sister's hand with Xander standing right in view! Not the way he thought he'd ever be holding her?!? Oh no! He's not gonna be holding her AT ALL!

When he lets go, stepping back, Xander slightly untenses, and watches them speak some more. Stay with them? Katarina wanted him to stay with them? It would be good, yet bad. Yeah sure, it would bring money in and Steven could help Kyle with his power. But Xander would be replaced. He could already imagine it. Steven would become Kyle's role model - instead of Xander. Katarina would always want to spend time with Steven and she'd glorify him for bringing home money - instead of Xander. Heck! Maybe Steven would somehow magically heal Chris and she'd idolize him - instead of Xander.

So, when Steven takes Katarina's hand, on purpose this time, INFRONT of Xander again! That's it. Within seconds he has placed himself inbetween the pair, pushing his twin slightly behind him as he glares at Steven, alpha-dog style. "You mind laying off on touching my sister Steven? What, it's been like 5 seconds and you're already at hand-holding?"

He doesn't care if the bast*rd can heal unnaturally fast. He'd take him on in a heartbeat if he kept on messing with Kat.

(Oooooo, I think Xander's getting antsy xD )

Natalia, after responding with a short no to Rikarah earlier, left to go to carry on looking around. By the point that Rikarah enters the theatre, Natalia has managed to get up to the high balcony that looks down upon the stage. She is now currently sitting on the fence bit, swinging her legs over the edge. One slip and she'd plummet to the floor below. She closes her eyes before opening them, swinging her body around and laying down on the fence. One leg up and one leg flat across the wood as she closes her eyes and soaks in the nice, peaceful silence. No matter how tough things got, no matter where she was living, life now was much better than it had ever been.
(lmao...oh Xander...then again, this is Kat we're talking about, he likely has a reason to worry about her...And Jo? Rikarah left the theater already, she's outside)

Katarina's smile grows a little wider, and she looks at Steven with her eyes almost glowing, lowering her head a little as she looked up at him through her eyelashes. He thought she deserved better...he wanted to protect her from other guys, guys who might hit her or hurt her. He said he wouldn't let anyone hurt her or Xander or Kyle...and he was holding her hand, he was looking at her like he thought she was worth he liked her. Maybe like he could even love her.

Steven was perfect. She had to make sure that she didn't do ANYTHING to screw this one up, because he was perfect.

So when Xander shoves between them, forcing Katarina to drop his hand, she blinks, startled by the force of his reaction, and then stands a little taller, her eyes widening. He couldn't scare him away...he didn't know what he was doing!

"Xander, stop, it's HAND HOLDING," she protested, shaking her head. "What's your problem?"


Julian's cheeks burn brighter as Duck imitates Jillian, and he looks away, hugging his elbows to his chest. He doesn't respond to the teasing, biting his lip. Even Duck knows how silly it is, how STUPID it is to be looking at Jillian, let alone thinking and staring at her like he's been doing. He is still shame-stricken as Duck changes the subject, and it takes him some time to focus enough to answer.

"I-I don't know...maybe...maybe we should go somewhere else. I just...I don't know where."

He's always slept at the park, since the streets, and this city, became his home. He could not go to a shelter- what if someone recognized him there? Then again, what if someone recognized him out here? It would not be impossible.

Looking over at Duck a little longer than before, he asks, "D-do you know where they stay? Cas, and Lionel, and...and J-Jillian?"

He hopes the boy doesn't notice how his voice shook saying Jillian's name.

(Rikarah is outside. Feel free to see her, anyone)
(Ah sorry. I'll edit that, though I do want either Natalia or Terabithia to bump into Rikarah ^^)

Terabithia blinks open her eyes to look around and see she is in the room her and Natalia picked to stay in. She sits up, rubbing her tired eyes as she pushes the blanket off and yawns. Her ginger hair is slightly ruffled from sleeping rough and she stretches, standing up as she grabs her packet of 'everlasting' gobstoppers.

Stumbling out of the room, still a bit tired, she goes to find Natalia but ends up walking right outside in her search. After a few minutes of walking, she spots a figure and her eyes light up, "Blue!" She shouts, then runs over to the person. When closer, she realizes it is infact Rikarah, not Natalia and she stops for a moment, blinking with confusion for a moment before she smiles lightly, "Hey Rika!" She yawns, the perfect image of innocence with her tired blue eyes, ruffled ginger hair and packet of sweets, "Have you seen Blue?" She frowns then, "I hope she hasn't run off again, she's always running off. She used to do it all the time when I first meeted her, because she didn't like me and told me she didn't want a stupid kid hanging around her. But then I kept on following her and now she's just used to me. I even think she likes me, but if you ask her then she'll say no, because Blue isn't very good at being sen...senti....sentimen...tal. Sentimental!" She smiles a bit wider once she gets that last word out, rubbing her eyes a bit tiredly as she still clutches the box of gobstopper sweets. "I think it's because she has a REALLY big scar on her arm." She points to demostrate, "It goes from here.." She points to her tiny wrist, "To here." She points to her inner elbow. "It's white rather than red though, because she said it stopped bleeding a while ago."

Xander doesn't seem to hear his twin as he glares down Steven, waiting for an answer from the older guy. What did he think he was doing? Showing up and acting like he was dating Katarina. And Katarina!! Why did she just accept it! Then again, he did see her trying to sell her body earlier. So who knows what goes through her head.
Xander isn't backing down; if anything, he seems more tensed and angry than before, not even blinking. He's actually trying to stare Steven down. Katarina's heart starts to pound, anxiety beginning to flare through her chest and half choke her throat. What if he does intimidate Steven into not staying, into not being interested in her? What if he tells Steven things about her to make him scared off...what if he tells him about earlier today? What if he shoves up her sleeves and makes her tell the whole story about her arms? What if he makes Steven leave for good, just when she thought that maybe someone good, someone who could help them, someone who might really like her, was actually here?

"Xander, don't," she blurted, grabbing one of his arms and squeezing. "Just...please."


Rikarah hears Terabithia's shout and the sound of her little quick footsteps running up to her on the sidewalk, and she half turns, expecting, from the name she has called, to see Natalia somewhere in their path as well. But it is only the child, her hair flyaway and wild down her back. Nevertheless the little girl seems as cheerful as ever, though tired, as she rambles on about the older girl. She listens to her carefully, for it seems that it will be through Terabithia's uninhibited thoughts and Terabithia's frequent monologues that she will be able to learn the most about the reticent Natalia.

So that was how the two had come to be together...Terabithia had simply latched onto Natalia and refused to let her go. Rikarah could certainly see that scenario occurring. But it is the comment about the scar on Natalia's wrist that interests her most. It sounds as though Natalia has tried to kill herself, and in a fairly serious attempt, if she cut herself vertically rather than horizontally.

She smiles down at the child gently, reaching to gently touch the top of her head with affection. "Oh, does she? Why do you think she is not sentimental because of her scar, Terabithia? I do not understand."

(I swear, Terabithia, Liza, and Lillie would be SO CUTE together, lol...and such a handful)
(Aww! They so would :3 Though they'd need like, so many grown-ups around to keep them from getting into major trouble xD )

Terabithia smiles at Rikarah, not understanding why Natalia said she doesn't trust her, Rikarah seems really, really nice to Terabithia, so maybe Natalia wouldn't mind her telling her something? It is this thought, and the pride at explaining something to an older person that causes Terabithia's idea to flow from her mouth freely now, "Well, I think, because I asked Blue once about the scar when I saw it. And, she told me it was none of my business, but then I asked her if she hurt herself, and she told me not to be stupid, so that must mean that somebody ELSE hurt Blue." She frowns at that thought, "So I was thinking maybe because Blue got hurt by somebody, that she doesn't want to get hurt again. So she's not sentimental otherwise she could get hurt."

She smiles up at Rikarah, "Do you understand now? Did I explained it ok?"

Even though Katarina is becoming obviously more distressed now, Xander still needs to hear a response from Steven. He won't back down. Infact, Katarina getting so worked up upsets him more, she obviously likes Steven better, because she wants to protect him. Instead of Xander.

This, this annoys Xander so much, that when Katarina grips his arm, skin on skin contact, he accidently sends a shock right through his twin, a shock large enough to drop her to the floor but not large enough to do any serious damage. He doesn't know he has shocked her of course.

(Oh dear, Xander get's shock-y when he gets mad O.o )
Someone hurting Natalia...yes, that does seem more likely, from what Rikarah has observed of the girl. Natalia does not seem the type to be a dark brooder, nor one to turn anger and despair into self-punishment. Natalia seems the type to strike out at others instead, to safeguard herself from harm in every meaning of the word, including that of her own makings. If Natalia were to decide to kill herself, Rikarah would think she would choose a method in which her death would be a certainty.

She smiles down at the little girl, smoothing her hair back from her face for her as she nods. "Yes, Terabithia, you explained very well. You are a very smart girl, has anyone ever told you that? And very articulate. That means that you are able to speak well."

She extends a hand towards her, still smiling as she leaves it for her to decide whether to take it or not. "I was going for a walk now. Perhaps you would join me? It would be nice to have company."


When Katarina made physical contact with Xander's arm, the shock that jolted through her was sharp and strong enough to weaken her muscles, collapsing her to the floor. As she fell in a heap at his feet, the hair on her skin raised up, the hair on her head standing slightly on end, her muscles twitch. She can feel the electric current lingering in her, and she is dazed, not yet able to stand or speak. She looks up at him, eyes wide, mouth open.

Why was it that none of them, not a single one of them, seemed to have control...why was it that no matter their intentions, all they could do was hurt each other and themselves?
Terabithia's face lights up as Rikarah calls her clever, and she likes that she has learnt a new word. "My mummy used to teach me big words sometimes before she got killed." She says this with a smile, and then, as Rikarah offers a hand, Terabithia takes it without hesitation and begins to skip beside her as they start to walk.

"Yeah! I like going for walks sometimes, like when the sky looks really pretty like it does right now." She then looks down at her other hand which has the everlasting willy wonka gobstoppers she offers the packet to Rikarah, "Do you want an everlasting gobstopper Rika? They lied about it being everlasting, because I already had a few and none of them lasted forever. But they still taste good, so you can some if you want."

Xander, as Katarina goes down, is broken out of his overprotective mode and he drops to the floor, putting an arm out so that her head doesn't hit the floor and instead is stopped by his arm holding her. "Kat? Rina?" His eyes are widened and as she twitches, he mutters a swear under his breath. "Oh sh*t Rina, I'm sorry, are you okay? Can you speak? Please speak Rina!" He uses his private nickname for her, holding her up a little bit so that she is almost cradled to him.

"Danggit. Rina, you're not hurt are you?" The concern in his voice and eyes is so clear, and he momentarily puts two fingers on her neck, checking her pulse just in case before he mutters again, "Fu*k sake, why the heck can't we control our freakin' powers?" He obviously isn't asking this to anyone, but he still wonders. Of course he isn't anywhere as bad as Kyle, this is infact the first time this has happened.
Rikarah smiles, holding Terabithia's hand lightly but securely in hers and allowing the child to swing it a little as they walk. She enjoys her company in a manner that she does not ordinarily with people. The child is open in a manner that most are not, without guards or false fronts, and she seems to be genuinely innocent in a way that most have lost long ago. One day, Terabithia may lose this innocence, this authenticity of being, but for now, Rikarah sincerely likes her.

"I can teach you many words, Terabithia, if you would like. I suppose you have heard of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, so we will have to try something new," she says. "There is always would certainly impress others if you could say and define that one. I could also tell you the story of your name, if you have not heard it already. Terabithia is a very famous imaginary kingdom, you know."

Accepting a gobstopper, she takes it into her mouth. "Thank you. I do not mind if it does not last forever. Some things are good for a few minutes, yes?"


Katarina can feel Xander's hands holding her up, supporting her head, and his anxiety and guilt is so strong it seems to throb through her skin as a part of her as well. She shakes her head very slightly, trying to convey to him that she's okay, but it is still taking a little time to regain control of her mouth and motor skills. Finally she manages to sit up, attempting to pull away from him.

"I'm...I"m okay. It's okay."

It's not, not really. After the initial near paralysis, her heartbeat had sped up in its beats again, and she wanted nothing more than to retreat to her room, to barricade herself from everyone and just lock herself into the bathroom. She was done with this day...just done.
Shira raised an eyebrow at Rikarah before waving back. She knew that they had a door, right? Her eyes followed Rikarah and Terabithia as the two left. Once both girls were out of sight, she sighed and lied down on the roof and stared at the sky. It was cloudy and gray. She covered her mouth as she yawned.

She had been waiting for at least an hour before she sat up and brought her knees to her chest. Cas still wasn't home. It was quiet. Shira felt . . . lonely. She didn't like being around most people but she also didn't like being alone. It was a bit of a contradiction but that was the way she worked. Bored of waiting for Cas to come home, she jumped off the roof and landed on her feet below. She decided to go for a little walk as well.

Cas looked at Lionel with a bit of surprise. He seemed like he wanted Cas to leave. He couldn't blame the kid though. Cas was a stranger. Still, it would've been nice to stay for a while. But he wasn't wanted. He smiled at the two and scratched the back of his head. "Y-yeah. I guess you two are perfectly fine by yourselves. I-I'm sorry. I'll just go." He then grabbed his to go bag and headed for the door. He had no idea where he went wrong but maybe he just got so rusty from taking care of Shira for the past two years that he couldn't notice. He felt like an idiot.

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